Tom Holland & Jake Gyllenhaal at ACE Comic Con Midwest 2019

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[Applause] I have lots of puns about one of these guys being mysterious and the other one just swaying in from autographs but you know what I'd like to bring to the stage Jake Gyllenhaal and [Applause] I got the black pants memo but I definitely missed the brown boots memo here it's like you planned it or something oh we did well done all I can think about now is the far from home premiere when you guys showed up in your dashing suits and looks so well together we were wearing the same shoes we were with no socks ya know when you're that close oh yes not one alright so we're gonna jump right into this one of the most asked fan questions Tom and honestly I'd like to know myself are you planning on following up to your umbrella performance on lip sync battle can it be a lizzo song is it is it possible to follow up the performance that's probably one of the best things I've ever seen sure you would have to do better than the best thing that's ever been done ever I feel like we in there and I got the first one pretty good you nailed it you know maybe we weren't a man who knows I don't know probably not if I'm honest it was the most stressful week of my life yeah that was the most stressful week of your life without question well maybe maybe the whole Disney Sony thing when that happened that was it bit of a stressful way well Syd you better wear a corset that week to ya know whole week I danced in the rain that's how it all happened you just dance in the rain and then I yeah and then I sort of fixed itself a lot of fans have been congratulating you because they feel like it's it was you who did it I'm sure there's some contractual oblige thing where I can't say anything about anything so we're just going to move well you know if he doesn't or maybe if he does do another lip-sync battle another fan question was for you Jake would you join him then I would do it then I would do it if we did it together that would be so funny give it like why just lip sync why not sing and dance at the same time we could do a musical together we do good way sure we do that together what would we do an original written by Tom and Jay to two men one corset yes I think I saw that costume today they're all children in the audience I'm sure someone was wearing that costume so I had an opportunity interview you Tom with your co-stars zendaya and Jacob you know the cast is such a big family you all have obviously incredible senses of humor it is very seldom that I am up here cracking up and trying to remember my questions you know it makes me wonder and we had a fan question a question for me one did it make it difficult to stay in character and to whom Oh who broke the most on set and I feel like it was tough I think I think I probably broke the most on set but made people laugh the least I'm not the funny one on set who is the funny one I'm the funny one because I do stupid stuff yeah not because I make good jokes but I think what would happen is that tom was working so hard that he was tired and then when he was tired he got to that level where some big giggle fades and so he'd be running from doing once done and coming in and do a scene and and every time you wouldn't be an interesting story you know in the scene where Mysterio and Spiderman meet for the first time and we shake hands my giggling actually saved that scene because it used to be that we would shake hands and then my spidey sense would go off and I'd be like what was that and it was my Peter tingle and then it was meant to be kind of like a glimpse into the future that Jake was a bad guy it still feels weird saying that on stage taking something away spoiler alert for those who haven't seen the movie 12 times so yes sir my giggling actually ruined the scene on the day but saved it in the Edit room so every cloud has a silver lining so so Jake you have had an incredibly successful career as a performer including multiple Foreman cies in genre I know the first time I really fell in love your performance was the day after tomorrow everyone and ran away from wolves it was great you're one of the newer members of the MCU and the Spidey crew so what was it like joining like what was it like coming on board - Tom like take you out for like crew drinks whoa yeah but I mean he's got thrown into the into the world in a lot of ways and in interesting thing is our friendship in the movie it was reflected our real friendship and in real life I I met him and he was as kind as he is in in the movie to my character and we did a lot of the earlier scenes first so we started to kind of become friends in that same way I was totally overwhelmed I mean it's huge I mean walking on set the first scene I did was when I literally land on Earth as Mysterio when I see Nick Fury that is the first moment first scene I shot I just jumped off of a platform and landed into the MCU and that was a little bit intense but tom was just so supportive through all of it I was like what's going on what's going on is this normal he's like it's normal it's fine don't worry about it I'm like who's sure he's like yes don't worry about it's totally fine and he really did for about a month and a half really talked me through the whole thing to me being like Judas what's going on what's this and I was going like idiots all this I said and then I would go to Harrison and be like to Jake Gyllenhaal keeps asking me what to do I was I was definitely overwhelmed it was it was an honor and then also because the world is so big and you're jumping in and I also had but I had a particular type of intention which was that I was for a long time playing the hero with him and I knew there was gonna be a turn and we were figuring it out while we a lot of times as we went in certain spaces and so that was always on my mind and I was always trying to figure out how I was gonna turn it kind of hurt my heart a little bit that I was gonna have to do some bad things to this dude and then I didn't care well you did a good job thank you so much well I think think that's one of the things that's so great about the Marvel Universe is that that twist caught a lot of people off-guard but it wasn't the only twist in the movie that caught people off guard how hard was it keeping the secret of all of the incredible plot twists at the end of Spider Man far from home did you both know about Nick Fury or were you actually surprised what did we know about Nick Fury although the end oh I was like I knew he was in the movie of course I'm trying to think if I did know that no way I probably didn't know there were pieces of it that we kind of knew I didn't really really know until about a month before the movie was released yeah because there was those reshoots wasn't there yeah and I was I was invited there yeah because I got it right the first humblebrag I see you I think you know I don't think I didn't know about that you're talking about the scene with the scrolls yeah no I don't think I did well I do love that scene so great see yeah it's very touching that's what he says sorry so it's very evident both of you have amazing chemistry on and off screen by this panel alone if you could play in any kind of movie together what genre would you choose and which roles would you like to play I think I heard Romeo and Juliet yeah we could do like a romantic comedy yeah I don't know where we know we're taking requests I mean let's sing Barrow the movie I mean I would love to I would love to take you know some of the stuff that we were exploring when we were working together and take it even even farther and and maybe in a space that maybe I know you are interested in doing some more very dramatic stuff and I'd love to do that but I also really think he I mean he's such an incredible dancer such an incredible performer and so I would I would love to be on stage with this guy or maybe a musical or something like that speaking of musicals you just finished a Broadway run Sewall alive and will be returning to musical theater next year in London in the West End and Sunday in the park with George lots of people are very excited whole fans be seeing more stage performances from you because I feel like this is something you really want to integrate just into your normal routine yeah I mean definitely I've been on returning back to Broadway a number of times over the past decade or so more and more it's something that I love a lot and it's something that I intend to do being on stage is one of my favorite places to be in fact that's what I loved about being marvel universe was that there's something very dramatic about it and that really is similar in a lot of ways and I got to stretch that muscle and I love that so much so the internet questions absolutely and I can't wait to be in London this summer on the West End and Sunday the part where George is gonna be fun we did it on Broadway and now I bring it to London and while Jake has hinted it Tom is there any hope that you'll be swinging back into theater anytime soon I would love to I would absolutely love to I mean I started my career on stage in a very big way and I loved it and I it will forever be one of the greatest experiences of my life and being able to do that again if we were ever able to do something I would it will be a dream come true I would absolutely love to get back on stage yeah so we've kind of talked about potential projects you'd like to do but y'all have some full sleeps coming up you haven't will be coming out December or spies and disguise alongside Will Smith who was basically a pigeon it's fine what can you tell fans about this upcoming project because I know there are a lot of fan questions about some other upcoming projects we'll be getting into yeah that that one as far as discards is really cool it's a it's an action-adventure film it's funny it's emotional and at the heart of this film are these two characters who are polar opposites and through the course of the film they realized that they're exactly what each other need to a get the job done and also be be happier in life and it was so interesting working on this film with Will Smith who I've only ever met once like you do do lines and stuff and and then you'd finish your session and then you'd go away for six weeks and then we'll would do one while you're away and so we made a film together but we've never really been in the same room it's a really interesting process but as a film goes it's seriously funny and and it's the perfect Christmas movie I can't wait to go with my family and sit down Christmas Day and watch it that is awesome yeah so you're also working with the Russo brothers on Cherry the devil all the time is coming to Netflix in 2011 which Jake is producing as well as unchartered which just secured a new director yes what are you most looking forward to fans seeing in this new chapter of your career oh I mean different all the time for me is a very very different film we had a really interesting conversation when we were doing press in Brazil well I was telling Jake I was like I'm doing this film it's called this and and it's about this and so and so and so and so and he was like yeah I'm producing the movie I mean that for me is really exciting one cherry we start shooting on Monday [Music] it's an incredible roll the book is amazing the script is even better and I can't wait to dive into it and sort of give it everything I've got and and it's so different for me I mean I shaved my head people have a lot of feelings about this shaved head I mean already like him I don't know about you but I really it's so much easier to manage I feel you it's so much that I'm trying you're done I have no moose in here nothing but yeah I'm really excited for cherry it's gonna be a really tough job I've been on this weight-loss diet for the last month and then since I've been here in Chicago I've been really bad but oh yeah so I think cherry and Devon all the time of the two things I'm really really pumped for people to see do you feel like there's been anything or what do you feel has been the biggest challenge because these are all very diverse roles as well I yeah and they are very different from Peter Parker that's a big question I mean I think sometimes the hardest thing for me is first finding how you relate to your character and sometimes you find things out about yourself that you don't necessarily like and coming to terms with stuff like that can sometimes be quite difficult but then also this film you know I'm playing a drug addict I've never done drugs in my life drugs kids so it's just as a stretch it's different it's something I've never done before and it's and it's gonna be a tough job and I hope that I can do justice and Harry and I my little brother we've been going to the VA every day yeah we've been going to the VA every day in Cleveland and meeting with veterans and making sure that we do the research and pay respects to them and tell their story through our medium of entertainment so Jake you've been quoted in saying in a perfect world I would love to do one play for every three movies and in 2020 it seems you are pushing towards that goal but you also do a lot of production are we gonna see you in more production and what do you feel like as you're continuing your role as a performer this evolution looks like for you going into the future well one of the best things about doing this for a good long time and having the opportunity to do that is that you know you start to venture into other parts of it and one of the best things is being able to support talent that you believe in deeply and to me I love watching other actors like I mean I I cannot wait for you guys to see what he does and devil all the time it is so different from from what he does in spider-man and in the other movies that he's going to do and to me yeah I mean I I love being a part of the whole and I think as you get a bit older and everything that's that's been a goal of mine and I can't we continue to do that not only in the movies in the company that I have but also on the stage we have an amazing play that just opened on Broadway called slay play which is amazing and a number of other shows that are coming actually in the new year and so it's just so exciting I feel so proud to sit in the audience sometimes and watch that incredible talent and that is something that I really do get off on and I just I cannot wait for you guys to see the devil all the time he's pretty badass so for you what are some of the major considerations when you decide to produce a project to me there are a lot of different things I mean for me oh whatever like the way I've chosen projects that I've acted in certain things that you and some of them are a little bit more obscure the best part of today and meeting so many different people is hearing all the movies and different movies that have influenced them and that they love and are inspired by outside of far from home and you know I've worked for a number of years there you go and and to me that's what I try and do is find the things that really speak to me and a lot of things come to me and then help now it's just a process of this speaks to me but how can I help other people tell their stories it's not very different it's just falling in love with a filmmaker and then maybe helping them make that particular film or fall in love with the film they've made and say hey I'd love to be a part of it help you make it next time if I can if you need anything and that's basically it's a lot more complicated than that but that's as simple as I can put it I love it so a number of fans have asked me to create space for you to speak about a non-profit you and your brothers create a tongue the brothers trust for those who don't know can you talk a little bit about this organization its creation and mission yeah of course thank you for bringing it up the brothers Trust is a foundation that my family and I set up it is a fundraising vehicle which we promote in various different ways and we have different events throughout the year whether it be come and hang out with me on the red carpet of spider-man far from home or let's do a private screening and we can do a private Q&A and everyone can ask me questions and stuff and we raise money and we support a whole load of different charities that we've done a lot of research into to make sure we know where the money's going and we know that the money is making a difference here and now and we're just really proud that we're able to help people help themselves and you guys have been so instrumental in allowing us to do that so thank you so much it's been a real amazing journey so far and one of the cool things we did we just set up this thing called the the daughters the drivers the brothers trust dogs Club which is really cool and basically we have ladies in in Kenya making these dog collars and then they send them to us and we're selling them all around the world and the money goes right back to them and and you get to be a part of this really cool dogs Club and we had today there was a dog here today we had the collar on yeah so it's been an amazing journey so far and one that is going to continue going on for a very long time and and it's a family so please be a part of our family and unless help make a difference thank you so much it's really great I would say that's pretty heroic and so we had one final fan question that I want to add which was what is your definition of a superhero Jake Gyllenhaal he flies he really does my definition of I think someone who does something selflessly for someone else you know whether it's a schoolteacher who stays behind after class to help a kid struggling or or you know a nurse who puts in an extra shift or a soldier or someone who really really looks out for other people without asking for anything in return I think that's for me what defines a song you could just say Tom Holland it's fine he's yeah he's a super to me bromance is real y'all I think I think I think it's a to me it's about you know there there's what there's sort of like the idea of the group and what a group thinks and if you believe something different that you believe something good and you use in your heart you know that like Tom said I think something that is selfless but potentially actually is going against a larger idea but you know it is for good to fight and to work hard to get to that goal and even the little moments I mean today was such a wonderful day because there are these little moments of kindness everywhere and I feel like that's where superheroes lie in all those little moments of kindness and where people feel good connected with each other I felt that pretty powerful you today and I feel like that's just a piece of what a superhero is but what do I know I'm I play a villain so don't ask me well do any of y'all do either one of you want to have a closing word before we finish the panel I guess just a massive thank you this our second day here it's been really really great it's been so fun meeting you all today was it was awesome there's so much there to share this is and we love you 3,000 thank you so much I got to tell you since this is the first movie I done in the Marvel Universe I have never experienced such an overwhelmingly incredible group of fans it's the most incredible group of fans you are all part of a family and I have been around the world with Tom meeting every single one of you as best we can and it is so inspiring so thank you so much always it's been an honor
Channel: ACE Universe
Views: 263,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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