"Marvel don't know that yet!": Kids Ask Tom Holland Difficult Questions

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[Music] why you lowlife that's not low that's clever we have the most precocious overconfident kids the UK have to offer okay so I'll see you the type of questions we wouldn't be allowed to it's gonna look at my publicist finalists or I were to ask any of these it would get shut down immediate okay but their kids they're allowed to ask these kind of questions and just remind you if you do refuse any of these questions it means you hate children and my question for you is have you ever stolen anything from anybody about it yes I have on every job I do my house is littered with props from films Holland Museum honestly I've got a set of web-shooters from the spider-man suit which Marvel don't know about what they do now valuable I would imagine very Forks from catering or something like that so no no these are big ones I've got Tony Stark's glasses I tried to take a suit once but it's a little bit difficult to walk out of the set in a spider-man suit they're like you know I came in this this is just my pajamas yeah could you get in trouble for it I mean I haven't so far your body language completely I mean it happened so far and they always make loads of them because they break all the short the Tony Stark glasses and like you what now they're on my mantelpiece let's see who's next hi Tom it's Oliver from Stafford I love your films but I've always wondered when Spiderman brushes his teeth does where but get stuck to his toothbrush Yorkshire or somewhere isn't it he's effort Stafford always did say that you seen that video of that little kids who's like I was do me wet this morning cool miss me have you seen that video I was like he's about 60 about you've got to see this video it is so funny of this little kid talking about his teacher thank you Matt anyway the question was do I get Webb stuck in my teeth does it initiate weapon interesting question I think depending on whether he was wearing the web-shooters not then yes he would get Webb stuck on his toothbrush which in turn would get stuck in his mouth and it takes three hours for the web to dissolve so to answer your question about it take spider-man nine hours to brush his teeth a day yeah it's pretty crazy but you know brushing your teeth is important kids even the spider-man takes all right let's see who's next I like playing chess with my family so Tom Holland my question to you is what do you regret the most in your life I regret most saying yes to this answer you know I regret most in life is when I was in Billy Elliot when I was a kid I was dancing every day for six hours for about three years and I got to such a high level and then I just gave up and I quit dancing so I danced if I'm in a club but I don't really go to dance classes anymore so my biggest regret is giving up dancing can you do da club style dancing or do you do kind of ballet I just do bar work my favourite type of dance in the club not in the here it would unite men mom we might have to postpone that night out you're right hi it's dad 8:00 and I got a brother called Tom my question for you is when was the last time you got told off and why I'm lucky enough to live in a world where everyone will just say yes so my people that tell me off far my parents and they tell me off a lot my dad always tells off when I'm playing golf I get really angry on the golf course and he always tells me off but I got a video the other day of him smashing his club into a tree without him knowing so I can use that against in the next time I get upset it's so so so fun and then he realizes I'm filming him so you can't be angry anymore so he bursts out laughing is so good my name is Nathan and I have ten ways to Avengers cast members would you like to be stuck on a desert island with desert island would be Chris Hemsworth because he lives in Australia and he seems like he could handle desert island stuff shelters yes Shinx he'd be able to do all that sorts done and I wouldn't have to do any of it because he could do just be bringing you great yeah no and then number two would be who would number two be because you were so quick with Hemsworth this is gonna be offensive when you pick number two I know I don't know who to pick because Hemsworth would just take all the boxes would you need anybody else no one else yeah would you need anybody else the one-stop shops j'en give me dave bautista he's just a great guy what's he bring into the equation though he's Dave Bautista yeah two beasts worst habit he's pretty flawless you know I'm the best it's never late always knows his lines knows everyone's name he's like a real gentleman himself perfect he his per all he's incredibly intimidating and Tom can't say anything I'm actually yeah let me read the statement that whole no in everybody's name thing is amazing I think he must have an earwig and someone else learns everybody's names and he's like Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte oh you think that he's always getting it right he's like surely how are the kids Mike what's going on that's not their names yeah and they're just [Music] one more eight years old who's the biggest disappointment you met in Hollywood Wow Logan is straight for the jugular see this is the point we would be getting wrapped up this question but Logan absolutely fine I know I'm not gonna say it on the radio can you tell us why they were just a boy into it nope no time a question tough question I can't on-site get the ball rolling a little bit I once met Michael Winslow first thing you said to me I'm not doing any sound effects today so is your answer Michael yeah that's exactly make so much for that you can't copy someone else's homework because they do happen that's what I used to do with my best friend Harrison I used to be like mate can I copy your homework because I've been working I didn't have time to do it and I would just make sure I'd hand it in before him you didn't even eat you're in trouble because the teacher was like tom is working so hard outside of school and you're copying his homework how can you be doing this and yeah you lowlife that's not low that's clever I think if you can get away with cheating on tests as the former head girl I would have dogged you in and actually the statute of limitations for cheating on homework is 25 years so we can still get you for it actually see you in court no I'd be terribly cool have we ever had somebody refused to answer a question I think you did really well Tom it's just very clear that you hate you you hate children yeah I do a bead of sweat yeah stress if you enjoyed this like and subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date for more great audio and video from the BBC listen on sounds watch on iPlayer that's gonna be your thumbnail is it Tom Holland hates children thanks guys cancelled he's cancelled
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 3,466,907
Rating: 4.9724479 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Tom Holland, Sony, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Disney, BBC, Radio 1, Dev, Alice, Kids, Ask, Difficult, Questions, Chris Pratt, Pixar, Onward, Movie, Interview, Avengers, Infinity War, Endgame
Id: cX3Hx5eqsg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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