Tom Holland - Full Panel/Q&A - FanX 2019

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Jesusfuckingchrist Disney, make the god damned deal already.

Jesusfuckingchrist Sony, make the god damned deal already.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/VRtoons 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a pretty amazing job thank you for having me this has been so fun he says the first time I'm signed a motorbike [Applause] you can sit right there you want to slam you're pretty fine [Applause] all right guys get this kid with that Tom if you can stand right up here and turn this way [Music] [Applause] we missed over here all right guys [Applause] Oh [Applause] so take it everybody knows who you are [Applause] how are you finding small lake city I think they like you Salt Lake City's been amazing so far it's been Sun fun I think yesterday was the busiest day I've ever had a Tacoma park but the most fun as well you guys like money time enough it was really fun like everyone happened really cool poses to do for the camera and stuff and I never spun it was really cool no one would people come up in the end they do the meet and greet kind of agreement when they just beat human in general not even at a calm do they have misconceptions like oh I thought you need I get to learn oh my god I thought you'd be taller Thanks what a way to start the conversation now I get American a lot and I always play with people though I put on a much stronger English accent than I do actually have like this Hyogo and they go what and I've had people like think that I'm trying to be English to not be Tom Holland you're such a dick man like why are you lying to me I'm not watch the Queen that one that we're all here because we love the shadow we love you know Comics Star Wars and Star Trek things like that if you were to put together a fan con and you programmed it what wouldn't be there well who would you want to have a peer who would maybe maybe inspire knows a football or what is it I was doing a coma company would I have any kind of con you're a fan of Solway see I said I don't be boring and do like a Gulf one I [Applause] tried to fill the Gophers to show up and give me a golf lesson I can be irate yeah that's probably what I would do that's probably something I would do yeah god I'm obsessed with gold from like an old man in the 23 year olds body but I recently I play ghost this is such a boring story I've been playing golf so much recently almost every day with lendl brother Harry [Applause] I haven't and I've been playing so much recently and then I went away after two weeks worker came back and it's like I've never played golf before it's like I forgot the ability to play golf how long have you been fighting I'm playing golf like 10 years I played in the match the other day and I just had to go home I was like you know do I got too much going on right now I have this sort of stress so I just went home to go back to the beginning because I mean your life has changed so much in the past five years let's go back to the beginning your father doesn't show business still is it was it always Tom's gonna be in show business or was there something else like being an architect or something I don't know definitely you're clever enough to be an architect no it wasn't always for me I was always gonna do show business I when I was like really young that are used to dancers Johnny Jackson saw when I was like 2 and when mum just thought oh he has good rhythm and stuff I'll send him to like a dance class so every Saturday I would go to this like street dance class and when I say Street nods it was like and how I got started at the dance school to audition for a show called Billy Elliot [Applause] that's where I learned to dance my teacher really excited technology and ballet and hip-hop and singing and acting all sorts and it just opened up my world to this possibility that I could become an actor and it's never something I wanted to do and even now like I love the film industry and I'm I'm starting to explore like different avenues of where I can sort of you know make a future in the film industry that doesn't necessarily have to be acting so it wasn't until I started working with Naomi Watts that I really decided that this is what I wanted to do it wasn't until then I was like I can do this for a living this is way better than paying at school I get so many kids like I'm ready just like you man I want to not go to school and do films and then I see that parents in the back like well did your father have any advice oh of course I mean my dad's been such a huge huge huge help and asset to my career and my life more importantly he is like a young man well those are my dad as far as a very famous comedian he's pretty funny I was talking to the other day about like had the idea for a TV show where he would teach me to be a comedian but like thrill like it would be like Dom Holland his teaching Tom Holland to do like a stand-up show and he was like oh sorry you don't want to do that I'd had a few beers but I was I think that would be really fun but it's so funny these Comic Cons some different to doing a stand-up show like I come on here and I leave the stage I'm like I'm really funny the funniest guy in the room but it's not the case well I'm glad your father gave you is giving you some advices and some tough love occasionally it sounds like but then you know I watch I watched the movies and Tony and Peter that's Robert Downey jr. he has the business been around a long time did you get anything from him some advice or just by watching him even that helped you yeah absolutely there's so many times like sometimes you don't need to ask for advice you could just take a step back and watch people you admire and the amazing thing about our DJ is then he's probably the most famous movie star on the planet all the biggest movie star on the planet you know but he's always early he knows every crew member's name he never he always knows his lines he's professional he's kind he's caring I mean I was sitting on set one day I just know the guy he's like come on my trailer and I'll make you feel better there's only morning with that fight [Music] but he was used to be in any and the very kind of talk to me took me under his wing a little bit because you know entering the Marvel Universe is daunting it's a big process I mean sitting in front of 5,000 people this is something you normally do that's on a regular day occurrence and so the thing to me is the thing I've learnt emerged of him and I learned it for him so I was in heavens and Scala and everyone really is that just because you're at the top doesn't mean you could be a dick ask you how you keep it real and it sounds like the Avengers hell they say don't look it helps me keep it real to them in London yes I actually forgot I was coming in the morning Oh Murray um behind agent was like hey man are you ready I thought this was the next week so I had to get up pack my bags get ready run to the air I didn't run to the NY drove to the air and so I literally have the clothes on my back at my class ball somebody help him I know I'm a t-shirt yeah it's it's your life has you know I mean you're internationally famous that's got to be tough in a way I mean there's not just you can't just you know pop out of your flat and run to that those anymore you know you do how have you had to adjust your life to this international thing it's it's not easy it's really no nice what makes it easy as if our fans are so kind [Applause] it's tough it's not easiest thing in the world and it's a lot to adjust to and you have to realize that you know you become a role model for so many young people and you have a duty to make sure that you live up to the expectations of what being spider-man means and so yeah I mean it's been the easiest thing in the world and then you have to make some life changes and you have to really take a look at yourself what kind of person do I want to be and I decided and that's the nice person voted me yes it's been fun and you know like everyone always talks about how difficult famous but it comes with its own set of amazing things and you know I would never have dreamed of being here in Salt Lake City talking to you guys and this amazing job as brought me here so while there are things are tough and it is sometimes quite scary and there's way more bad sides to it than there are bad sides so yeah talk about how this character is is a role model um Peter really is I mean I've been reading these comics and so there was eight and it was always kind of what would Peter Parker is there somebody in your life that whether in real life or movie TV who is kind of [Music] by Oh No I was going to congratulate Anderson he got an amazing job I don't know if I can tell you what the job is a role model in my life to do so many good models in my life and my dad is one of the biggest ones you know he's been a great dad he's been a great husband he's he's a fantastic guy he works hard you know he puts people first he's a very selfless man and so I'd say my dad is probably one of my biggest role models right now yes I like one I got on you too but I see these videos of you visiting children's hospitals and I tear up every time I just think that's not good I guess it's back to the not being a dick we were in Atlanta shooting spider-man homecoming and you know remember the sequence we're on spider-man is being tracked behind the back of it or they chase it and the vulture picks in like that but it was one night shoots to see and when you do a night shoot you finish at four o'clock in the morning you go to bed and then you wake up but water pumping they have to do and you have six hours before you need to go to work and I just had seen people do I think I saw Chris Pratt do it and I would you know that's something that I should do I think that would be a really good thing to do so I asked certainly if I could borrow sue they said of course we took the suit we went to the Children's Hospital we visited the kids and from the first time I did it I saw what an immediate impact it had on these kids and their parents as well and I just I was like if I was not doing anything then that's something I should so I just something I just do every now and then I just I enjoy it it's it's it's a it's a nice time to go meet new people and also it's a nice way to do something impactful there it's pretty easy I mean I just go into London and someone brings the suit I put it on and then walk around to say a lot of people I mean it's not everyone's always like oh my god you're so amazing but excuse me I should have said that so yeah I just enjoy doing it and I think it's a really nice way to sort of make a difference in a very small way it was Michael Caine they said they don't pay me to act they pay me to wait and you brought it you brought it all the time they have a down time on the set because when you're making a movie you do spend a lot of time waiting what do you do to kill the time I'm gonna make a video this and send it to my boss hanging he's gonna love this okay what I've been doing recently in my town so I'm making films is researching for this movie that I'm gonna do I play these games called uncharted someone's gonna love that this so funny and you know I just play video games I like to pretend that I read books by it done I'm reading the cherry bucket in the head which I'm you know going through again and making notes and taking stuff for inspiration to the film which is which is preferring because it's a totally different role that we have never sort of played a role in that before my downtime I have a little bit in green in my trailer that's fine I'm really boring yeah so I play I play near charter games and Harry's playing them now and he's on the fourth one and they're amazing they're so funny what you're talking about sometimes the spider-man suits can be uncomfortable sometimes I say that was an understatement is that the hardest part of playing this role is knowing that when you walk on set what you do today is gonna be seen by millions of people that's quite a rare thing in the film industry nobody you walk up second you go I don't know if anyone's gonna see this film I don't know if this one's gonna be successful but when you move on to a long term Sony said playing spider-man you know that whatever you do today is gonna go a long way but wearing the suits the hardest thing is wearing the full suit because you just you can't talk to people you'll be sitting there won't be having a chat and then I'll ask you a question and you'll just be like and you won't be able to hear me because my mouth is muffled so yeah it's pretty muffled and I can't see anything and I remember one issue in the first film do you remember the Washington Monument sequence so the same betweens and there and I at the bottom where she's like oh my god my friends were up there remember we were on set and I was in the full sewage you survived so hard I'm roasting yes uncomfortable you know like we're all fans and earrin and I'm wearing the spider-man suit it's a dream come true I mean it's like crazy so you know yes you have pinch me moment imagine all right it's uncomfortable but you son [Applause] [Music] this weird idea but you've got heart spider-man that that you were like shipped off to this secret Marvel HQ that was kind of like the Avengers building or something and Kevin Feige to send it down the staircase and a white road and then said hello Tom here's some comic books to read and there's something that's not yeah I like to think that absolutely the end cut is it really it was interesting because I was in Atlanta auditioning I did my first screen test was with Downey and we did like a scene that's in the film the scene where I'm meeting for the first time we did that scene which suit the one where we meet him for the first time and talked to her at school [Music] yeah I just remember I'm doing my auditions and I got to know all the crew really well because we were there for a couple days and you know I like to introduce myself to everyone and get to know everyone and so by the time I came back to actually start shooting if I already felt like I was part of the family which is what model have done so well I mean it really is a family I mean when you said when we were on what was it was d23 for infinity war and all of us were on stage and we all sat down on the floor and watched the trailer I'm the only one who has admitted that they cried there was so many people crying because it was just an amazing moment where all of these amazing people had come together and we kind of form this like strange family and we're making these crazy movies and going through it all together so yeah so as soon as I got there I kind of felt like I was home he looks at all these huge stars incredibly talented actors all in one place at one time I can't help them think about that that last shot in endgame Tony's funeral he said true you mean the wedding is it true everybody was there on today yeah that's a me hell I remember talking to Kevin Feige actually and we were there we were at that bar or whatever it was like that lake house no thank you Tommy Tim I wouldn't wait a minute is that Michelle Pfeiffer was she doing here I have no idea she was just fat man I don't think they'd even shop at another woofster at that point where if they had it hadn't come out yet so I don't know she was in the film so Michael Douglas was there and Michelle v it was crazy it was the craziest day ever and then I was there me and Harrison was sitting in the green room like we don't know what to do but it was an amazing day I mean that taking forever go down as one day my career and finding out that it was a funeral was a bit of a shock to the system but but yeah it was fun it was a really fun day and also that's the first time I saw Chris with his body suit on I don't know who I was like but it was obviously you know it's his suit he's like every man's dream like he took the shirt off and he you have the big body suit on and then you just unzip the back and it falls off he becomes a god again amazing I'm in the store and Captain Kirk's dad I need you follow end with social media your Bureau or Instagram we know all over the place it's gotta be kind of tricky as well because we're talking backstage I said you know I can I can get on there and I can say things to famous people just just like that have you been handling that because I'm sure that we all know the Internet is weird nice way to put it they won't let me use the rail words how do you how do you handle that kind of a situation I mean my Instagram I often find people whose experiment you look at there is room and then you meet them ago what are you totally different to you Instagram so I really try hard to just make sure that my Instagram is like a little Clemson's in my life and into what's going on and I try and include every one of the inclusive rather than like just look at me and look what I'm doing Thanks he's not about here is a terrible golfer oh thank you so much it was I really do the whole fashion thing is not really my thing but you know the opportunity came in and there's GQ shows like you know what yeah I'll do that that sounds really fun it's the full line it's the cold one it's the winter one so I'm wearing big fluffy coats jumpy is elusive stuff we shot back on the hottest day in English history and I'm sitting there sweating obviously trying to be sexy this is not going well right I'm not really well I'm sure fiber shot was used on every single one of those new texts feel being in the film industry you've traveled to a lot of places I only bring this up because when I was in London I talked to the concierge at our hotel and I said I want to meet what you guys need I want to some of the guy from London would be eating he's no mag dump this Indian place right down Indian food in London is amazing so now you have traveled everywhere it is there have you found a regional delicacy or food or do you just miss standing food back home what'd I miss old food right now cherry and I'm trying to like look really skinny it's not fun that's what it's like but my favorite sort of I guess what they perform cuisine I love Japanese food like sushi my favorite cities I've ever been to outside of my own country and I love Japanese oh it's the best yeah sushi sushi for me is is is one of my favorites and love sushi they're so bougie I love sushi [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah we can are you sure are you ready again I think no you don't need my pants okay here we go [Applause] I have a friend in London recently how long did that take to learn light that actually took us like five minutes we again me and Jacob not being organized as oh we can't decide and John was I swear you guys inter for the handshake what a shame yet handshake right and we came up with one earlier we didn't so we make that up it's actually kind of half of it is my handshake that I have in my mouth Fox when we were like kids so he was very upset that he didn't get credit for it well I'm I'm a fan in London really you came over and he said hey mate nice to meet you and without thinking we both just did that handshake like obviously knew it it wasn't just like just talking about I didn't want to bring up your charity I've been so lucky in my life I've been able to do some amazing things and go to amazing places but the most rewarding part of my entire career has been working on the brothers dress it's like we are really really trying hard to make differences now you know like making practical differences to people's lives and really help them here and now and we don't believe in raising money and giving it to these big charities that you know you don't really know where the money goes up so it we are so focused on working with smaller charities where we could really help them help other people and it's been amazing and you guys have been so wonderful with how you've supported us supported supported supported so it's it's just been it's been amazing and we support I think 17 charities now Harry shot a documentary about one of the charities that we sponsor it's the first charity is kind of where the brothers trust have started and I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but I'll just say it's going to be on the DVD extras of the Spider Man far from home they can't take it off now yes it's it's a it's a nine-minute little documentary about one of the challenges we support some of the other work that we do and yeah it's been amazing it my wonderful mum she like she runs the charity she she's amazing I mean you can donate or you can wait for an event that we do I mean we do events all throughout the year I think we did fall this year we obviously do like come and visit me on set come to the premiere where we do screenings and you can come to the screening and it's a little less formal than the types of screenings of the big studios do and we'll just go over we have dinner and it's fun it's really fun [Music] [Applause] that's awesome all right now I host a radio show here in town and I asked my listeners to see a few questions so here we go who's your favorite Chris my favorite Chris we honestly is the more big brother but I can't answer that question because I'm seeing them all soon I guess what does a copper coin I guess that we're all doing I guess I don't know if they're going [Music] [Applause] here's another one they wanted to know who's the bigger spoiler you're Mark Ruffalo it's mark I've spoiled a few things but Mark Ruffalo said that everybody dies at the end of infinity war - people literally slap John's face is so priceless but the thing is is no one took him seriously like if I had said that everyone plug yeah probably happens yeah but I mean Mark live-streamed the first 20 minutes of Thor by accident [Music] so I have to say mark is because Allah see my challenge to journalists is the other day to come up with I said the next time I see you connects we might do the next question to you I went on to any of your questions unless you make it document of all the things I've spoiled I haven't seen him yeah I don't know how many seats you never see yes so that was on purpose that was a big thing take a marketing class yeah I was a little big truffula city can I will they turn on you absolutely yes play goes here's another one has anyone ever said anything really mean to you that's I know it's my yeah I guess so but it's too rude to say on stage right now there are kids in you I'm a person stands man thank you is there experimental I spy there's loads I'm obsessed I honestly I've been reading The Ultimates again that's so I I'm not gonna talk about what I wanted to see happen just in case it does happen and then this is technically a spoiler talk about the the version or the story that I would like to tell mix yeah I'm gonna keep that to myself because the chances are they're not don't listen to me it's not going to happen but I'm but we'll have to anything you don't think you we call them or someone say what's let's do it I guess I can I can go seat y'all watch you like do what we doing and but you know it's early stages yet all right here's another one if you could choose one fictional character to bring to life and be your real-life best friend who would you choose spider-man Peter Parker is like the nicest guy that's funny like you took my role models earlier like Peter Parker's been a massive role model for me in the last five years of my life you know because he's someone who's dealing with his life being flipped upside down which kind of happened to me I didn't get bitten by a radioactive spider again superpowers bike you know became famous and this whole thing happens to me so people I have kind of parrot hosts in our lives and he's been amazing for model for me but if I could bring a needle it was so good to have right now it's part of I could do so many amazing things [Applause] Salt Lake City Bank Tom Hollander [Applause] amazing I'm coming to meet you today [Applause] really fun day to remember [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ammaross Danan
Views: 204,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fan Experience, Salt Lake Comic Con, comic con, AmmarossDanan, AmmarossDanan494,, panel, SLComicCon, FanX19, SLCC19, tom holland, tom holland spiderman, spiderman interview, tom holland interview, spiderman comic con, spiderman panel, spiderman far from home, peter parker, spider man, spider-man
Id: wxS-5k9yWkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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