GalaxyCon Live featuring The Big 3 from My Hero Academia

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[Music] hi welcome was it felt like I was at a con you guys right now we're a digital con hi everyone this is a galaxy kinda live and producer Steve can you put me in super Casey at the bottom I want to look at us who wants it the other day we did virtual handshakes oh that's awesome we have the big three from my hero academia hey guys so Casey you wanna this is Rico he's playing a million yeah playing sun-eater and Lindsey over here is playing is it nagira is that how you say nejireme all right there you go hey don't you watch all this stuff you know what Japanese is hard what about the dumb okay yep so they're playing the big three right now we're gonna try to stay away from some spoilers because things have been really crazy with your guys's characters this season yeah so what we kind of like to do is we like to jump in we like to talk about your con experiences how you guys got started going to cons I'd love to hear about how you got started with my hero academia family since you guys came in a little bit um you know after everything was going so when we start with you Rico and talk about how you kind of what was your first conics perience and when did you get started going to cons oh holy it's been a long time I think the first con I've ever been to like so I play a lot of video games and like I would go up I'm gonna start with that and say that the first con I went to like Convention was like Blizzcon strike blizzard you know I mean a lot of world warcraft and and these kinds of games we were just talking about that meeting people online because the irony is I haven't met you guys in person this yes am i meeting you digitally so this feels very apropos for me right sorry I was told these guys a minute ago this is the first show that we've done where we actually haven't met the guests now they're all supposed to zero all coming to a rolly show at the end of July early August and we're gonna meet in person there fingers crossed that the world is a better place but yeah so this is uh this is new for us yeah well ball had to say I my first convention as just a to an anime convention I went to a con not as a as a guest but just as a as a patron man that was wild hack I did not watching anime since I was a kid I've never been to an anime convention it's the energy and especially starting to go to more of them now I'm getting used to it but I gotta say at first I was like holy crap there's so much awesome art and cool people to talk to and just really friendly good vibes um okay first convention this is a treat for you I was probably I was probably 14 oh it would have been it would have no the first convention I won see was was for fun because I was about to go to I just been booked for a convention called Ana zona I don't know if it exists anymore but to prepare for that I went to a con I think and yeah I just went for fun and there are all these people in costumes that were really like cool and also there was a video game room I wasn't allowed to have video games at home when I was a kid and so that video game room was like the promise I want to know ya know and I did learn so much legal legends right under the bus yeah had a good time and then I started going to them as sort of a on a professional basis and that was really fun and what ended up striking me about that was that it was just this like really cool non-judgmental community where a whole lot of people from different fringe backgrounds could get together over like their mutual love for fringe things I don't know I really liked that and I was watching the anime too so yeah Esther Hiro um I remember auditioning whenever the first season was about to come out and I foolishly decided to try try out for baka go first and that did not go well I did not have the raw aggression or the vocal strength for it and after that I felt like I was just off my groove it sounds like oh well you're not gonna be in the show it's okay it's fine and then I don't know two three years later I guess Colleen remembered the nervous energy I had she was like hey why don't you audition for this guy and she let me audition for it from home which was awesome because I got to take my time and not worry about what another person was thinking and be very demure and quiet like Tamaki like yeah I felt like initially I always feel slight nerves during auditions but like with Tamaki I could just lean into it so yeah I felt pretty good by the time I was submitting that one guess it's my turn yeah it's all year on me so the first convention I went to I believe was back in I want to say it was 2013 maybe 2014 but it was MCM London and I was a guest there not for anime stuff actually but for an on-camera project that I was a part of a web series called the Morganville vampires and so that was a pretty crazy experience for my first con experience because it's such a big convention was that a thief yes it was yeah but yeah it was it was so much fun lots of crazy energy it was it was an amazing experience so for people who don't know yeah the Excel center that buildings gigantic like that's like second shows like San Diego comic-con they were probably what 50,000 60,000 people at that thing right now more so it's like a massive show in this giant building which is like an hour outside of London so it's almost it's far but so many people go to that thing yes that's its first time yeah so it was very intense it was it was overwhelming but it was a lot of fun and everybody was lovely everyone was super nice everyone I got to meet there and it was fine as we got to premiere the first two episodes of the web series there so yeah that was a lot of fun then my first experience going to a convention as a guest for anime stuff was I think it was anime fest in Dallas in 2016 2015 something like that they blend em and then I kind of had like a gap there where I didn't go to any conventions for a while up until I got back into it in 2000 last year 2019 I was really when I started like actually going to conventions more regularly and it's been so fun I love it I love meeting everybody I love seeing all the cosplayers seeing the panels being apart of panels all of it so much fun and then yes you were you a vampire in that vampire series no I was it was a human the vampires are the bad guy were you a buff yeah that's what I will so it's this webseries still online where can I find it it is I believe it's on the geek and sundry YouTube channel okay and to clarify you do kill vampires I don't kill any vampires ah so I'm on this tonight against vampires so maybe like an early will antagonist Oh willow okay alright so Rico Aaron we're gonna have a watch party later hell yeah you know so when you guys first started going to shows for the anime stuff did you have anybody who kind of like held your hand so to speak like were there any of the old vets that kind of showed you how to walk you through it and how to how to do the thing for me was the director of my year academia calling Clinkenbeard she was the one who shipped me the ropes and kind of was the one who told me how the whole thing works cuz they had no idea um yeah so she's she's always been a great source of information yeah Colleen's great what about you Aaron they just throw you in as a 14 year old kid insane my my mom had a work friend whose daughter was super into anime and they talked about it before I went to my first con and that girl actually met me at a con and also she wrote me a letter explaining what the con was gonna be like it was like a page long letter preparing it with terms like clumping yeah explain what is poppin can we talk about that yeah we can you know what once upon a time in the wild wild west of anime conventions oh and off the toe I mean this is all you know Aaron started young with that with FMA Aaron once you tell him about clomping clomping is when you are very aggressively hugged [Laughter] [Music] cute oh yeah and but it's non-consensual [Laughter] right so we used to have to convention runners because I've been doing this since 2006 we would have to put in the rules no clumping we'd have to make signs no clumping because what co-opting was was anime kids would go find somebody they thought was cute and just go up and hug them whether they were receptive or not and you know it was before the me to era and yeah there there there were some issues so like so I'm not a big pun guy but I know what portmanteaus when you take two words and you smash them together what what is glomp is it grabbing and like glob I'm pretty sure I got lumps once but then like I didn't real like I I didn't know it was coming and then my handler was like oh my god oh my god put him down like read my kidney from his from his grasp I I felt better but yeah it's usually receptive to things when it's communicated Kaminsky yeah yes well I mean Aaron will remember the days of the free hug signs mm-hmm they were getting people walking around with signs that said free hugs yeah but I want to see someone who charges for hugs these are these are better hugs better hugs $5 I've seen the free hugs for girls oh yeah it's galloped hug galloped huh I see possible pumping which I'm just I'm just say I don't know I don't know I don't know I'm not familiar with clapping it's been phased out but I'm just wanted to say that chat brought that up not me it's a lot you guys missed the Naruto years the my hair are than the hetalia wars the holistic I was there for the the Wars of the hidden leaf were you at the show with all the Hetalia fans in the Nazi reggae Leah oh no oh no and no and that was nuts you were Galya Casey event Helsing I mean Homestuck with huge we're all that they were doing like the the gray paint and everything they touch to have great paint on it would touch everything and everyone and they get great paint all over you yeah I don't know the it's so much it's a much different world now I don't want to look up I'm stuck it looks it looked interesting anytime somebody started to explain it it got real complicated real fast but I kind of like that in stories that's just me what about you Rico did you have anybody that showed you the ropes um gosh I pulled everyone when I first got my first like convention invited and I'd I don't think since I've been to many conventions I hadn't been to any no one really knew who I was except for some diehard fans there's a show that I'm tagging this thing called grimgar a fantasy Nash or grimgar bashes and illusions or Justin Briner who plays deku in my hair academia was like my healer I was the DPS in the in the show and it was one of the first shows I worked on but that was like kind of I guess my bigger show at the time that I worked on and I had a person come up and show up in cosplay and I was so touched I mean relay this to Kristen McGuire who was helping me she helped me get like a banner and all these things kind of the essentials and she was like isn't it awesome when people come up cosplay it's like character you hoisin like I was thoroughly touched because I come from you know theatrical background like you do a play usually people don't show up in them you know autograph like really dress this year yeah I mean sometimes maybe like for Hamilton or something people do that but like ah typically you know Beetlejuice people aren't just rolling up looking like sand worm whatever you know no me boy yeah yeah I see Chris McGuire help me a cliff Chapin who plays Bach ago help me Afiya my Kassala sod all I'd like asked everybody because they were artists and they were the ones to help help me Commission some art for some of my characters so yeah I probably everyone sorry if I missed anyone in that I have to say that like I think that you guys all kind of represent your characters like you guys have that energy of your characters do you guys feel that way I mean do you feel like a connection to your characters that you play on my hero right now I mean I mean you talk and it's just like you know Aaron's sitting there and he's like real comb and Rico's over there like video game Lindsay is so sweet I mean I feel like you guys are your characters do you well we have the benefit I think and Lizzie I don't feel feel this one like with Colleen and casting and everything when we found out we're all like oh that's yeah I wasn't like how am I gonna do this yeah this loves to joke and make people laugh I know for me Rio the one line that Jerry Juhl says you plays principal mezu he's like um whenever muirios around you hear laughter in the halls or something like that and like Colleen would literally pop out of like a mighty recession and be like stop laughing cuz I'm laughing like right outside the door they're dumping like just being a pan or you know making jokes I do have to say I've been in before recording for whatever she'll and we'll have to stop because the directors like up I hear Rico outside hold on sorry for busting the take I'm not even in the show and I'm busting to take those powerful lungs [Laughter] nobody got back to well to what we were talking about yeah I definitely the first time I stepped in the bids to record for Neji ray and Colleen played you know the first clip of her in Japanese for me I was like oh yeah yeah I know her we're really close I know her okay and you have adorable shirt you're sure is amazing everyone is complementing it actually it's like a shirt dress but I'm also wearing sweat pants but it's a requirement of quarantine it's like oh good times yeah for you you know we're all doing our part for the war I'm not shaving all the denim so I I just found Morganville vampires Hamazon prime we can watch it tonight yes it's it's 15 minutes it's okay one hour is the episode they have up and it's got I'm wondering then they might have put all the oceans together into one wait I don't know because I've never watched it on Amazon Prime but it looks like they put into one like movie it's 56 minutes and Lindsey stars with amber Benson and Robert Picardo yeah and I think we're gonna have Robert Picardo on the show next week we're gonna watch sonic tonight but instead of watching sonic I think it's time to watch the Lindsay's I'm gonna have something to talk to our Picardo other than Star Trek in China Beach there you go nobody old enough to remember China Beach but I'm gonna watch this I was you know I can I gotta get it together for Robert it's it's an adaptation of a series of books actually um called the Morganville vampires and it's like a you know young adult sure vampire book series uh yeah look we all have a lot of free time in the corner there's only so many times we can all watch Tiger King that's true you watched it I have watched it no way I refuse to watch it PS game Bowser in the chat y'all what's up Bowser seek any any here he's in the chat yeah Kenny and I were hanging out over at pensacon we'd uh yeah yeah anyway yeah great guy Kenny so you were future king no dude I like keep wandering in when they play people were watching in the house and I could just see the looks in the eyes of everyone like the glazed-over look of like disgust but also interest and oh my god man Lindsay loves it we're like the lady totally didn't murder her husband yeah it feels super acted like it feels like acting all of it feels like just one big reality show and I'm like to be late stars you want to be a star but it's um I mean I don't know Lindsay you've seen it it's it's you've got sex cults meth turning out straight guys to be gay and then back straight and they turn back straight a lot of crazy stuff for meth I'm just saying it has I mean it might be the focus it might be the first documentary I've watched where the the Latino drug dealer from Miami who may or may not have helped influence Scarface the movie is the most why a couple character out of everyone oh wow because he's got a he's got a reserve a zoo in Miami with a bunch of like big cats and it's these four big cat the zoo preserves and he's probably the scene as to one of them all and he admits it propping up while being in the room and his partner chopped up a calf ed like Tony Montaigne yeah yes you have to watch it at least for all of the haircuts oh my god my hand I might I might watch it hold on let me get my hand to your size come on come touch my hand and then I'll watch Tiger King I swear if you touch it and I'm not sorry sorry sorry Rico I can't dude I can't Aaron what about you reality TV isn't really my thing I'll look up a couple clips on YouTube for ya but I think that's the extent I can go to I can't admit to it hang on why not try the first 15 minutes of the first episode yeah like a myth it's like meth I hear try it once and then if you don't like it you walk away it feels like you're telling me like imagine if I was very I'm tired in my life right and you were like you just have to try one whopper man it's delicious one chicken no convenient would would you feel good about corrupting me if I did like the whopper you're like just try three bites and if you don't like it then stuff is not recommend the whopper those unhealthy media it's really about yourself it makes you feel really a which makes you feel really moral because everyone in the show everybody they're all like their ethics are you know last person and it brings to light it's like remember the dolphin documentary what was the thing about the dolphins where you find out like all the abuse about the dolphins reveals like whack water oh maybe yeah this is that for black fish yes you would Aaron yes you're totally into like animal rates right who isn't if this doesn't make you but you can also look at it as like raising awareness for animal rights you like the people depicted in this documentary probably were paid for their time which means that by supporting the documentary I'm supporting them and what they do I don't know they want you to think they're all smoking the meth the mountains of money they want got coronavirus in jail isolation right now in a federal penitentiary with coronavirus and like his his new husband did an interview last week where he was like oh yeah they put him in isolation we think he might have corona and then this week it came out he's got corona out of context this is really hard to like context clues is hard to mine right now Mike and his husband bomb like it keeps getting married some died right what but there were people not gonna watch it it was symbolic but there are ceremonies and there were more husband for those husbands to go back are you intrigued at some point it's like why don't you just call them boyfriend's like why didn't one live in sin he was an area no problem we all there are politics in the show because the dude runs for governor of Oklahoma and gets 90% vote that's an accomplishment was he rich no no he's the tiger King money honestly from like an intellectual standpoint that this show really gives you like a nice overview of like what's wrong with our country right now oh my god and by watching this you can see how certain people get elected just places and horns me myself from this you understand that 19 percent of all the voters in Oklahoma voted for Joe exotic you can understand how certain other people could become oh I don't know president yeah it's true I think of my favorite was I think this is okay to say because it was an official election but you guys remember when Deez Nuts ran for president no actually this is a real people god it was like yeah something something small but God like 25 percent of the vote and it was like a kid is a 16 year old kid who just filled it out like ha ha ha and got hella votes because people thought it was funny [Music] country and Tiger king yeah it's you know it's an almighty overview of the human condition you could say look and then you can come back on and you could talk to us about it yeah and in fact we should come on after each episode I disagree that it's reality TV it's more like a documentary okay it is eight the docu-series it's not really reality TV there actually was a reality TV thing happening while the documentary was happening so there was a guy filming a reality TV show where I think they got some footage from him that they used but this is a documentary and the guy the Joe exotic I basically blew up all the reality show guys footage alleged alleged shoutout to T'Pol this is straight peer pressure we're gonna have words Paul Casey it's fired Oh Paul Paul WA is our is is the guy who basically decides who gets into the green room or not just go so you don't want to mess with at all are you gonna leave I'm into the electronic green room which is my own kitchen III pine for the days when we have a green room again although we won't let John Cusack anywhere near the the lunch meats you missed we talked about it last week on the a Cusack might it like to take the sandwiches the Panera sandwiches all the meat out put it on his plate put the bread and sandwich in the lettuce and things back in there to co-mingle with the other food commingle yes yes yeah he just takes the meats out and then he talked to him about it like touching the food bro does he say if you call him out on that we're not bringing him back hahaha there's not a lot of people we don't bring back we're not bringing it back there are so much concern you can't do not that is very I've always been a germaphobe so that's I mean imagine doing that like you've just taken the meat out of the bread and now you're putting it back and then you make eye contact with the person next to you right and you keep on doing it so set it down and you get out the next sandwich wait this story what what does he do with the meat does he make stuff like what yeah he just eats the meat by itself with no pride selfish mr. Cusack but at least just take the bro sandwich yeah drop the bread nobody wants to eat your bread no I mean maybe someone in it someone out there will seat that bread bring it to your autograph want some bread that I manhandled okay so uh so I don't know so doing these shows is there anyone you guys have met that you were like oh this is really cool like I really I'm like hype to meet this person I met I met Christopher Lee years ago the actor Christopher Lee yeah really that's amazing it was amazing and he was a really nice guy I heard I had heard that he had arthritis and so like like I I wanted to shake his hand but I also didn't want to put him in a position where he has to like entrust his like health to another person so I just waved but uh he like had helpers with him and they're like this is errand is mute he's an actor in a show called Full Metal Alchemist and he was like Full Metal Alchemist looked at me he didn't like say hi nice to meet you but he repeated the name of the show where what you a cha all the way you looked up me he's very tall he went nice to meet you yeah and I'm pretty tall like I I don't know 20% of the people I meet standing are like you're tall it like comes out they can't help but say it so I avoided saying that to him haha so you I know in courtesy yes where what show is it at I I think it was I think it was in England as well okay yeah exactly cuz I've never seen him at a show yeah well it was also years ago I think he may have passed since then yeah by them yeah he yes press the power yes 2015 but that was super cool what about you Rico um Sean Astin was backstage and wait camp and I were chilling out Chris we can't play sighs ah Who am I here academia and I play me Rio we were just chillin we just met we were already nerding out because both of us love the original Batman the Animated Series and uh oh my god why am I like Kevin Connolly thank you mr. Conroy was there and he was just hanging out and uh wait camp and I was like oh man so cool and so we Wang said hi and he was very kind and uh but Sean Astin was chilling out and you could tell that he had kind of a long day because we were back in the green room just kind of chillin and I was picking the meat out of sandwiches you know do you and Sean Astin was this hanging out I'm like ah cuz I think this was just leaves an Oklahoman we just saw where they just finished stranger things no spoilers but stuff happens with Sean's character yeah and I wanted to talk to him about that and he was just super like actor like I mean when I what I mean when I say that is a he loved talking shop about acting and performance and storytelling and the second we started going down that road it it was like we talked for like 30 minutes but it was a it felt like just maybe 30 seconds but we like went down the rabbit hole and it was super fun and super I don't know I don't know probably it's strange because I've seen him so much and you know like I bet the last thing he wants to talk about is lower than rings oh my god beautiful moments but um you know cuz gotta be like the nine billion this time he's heard it but so I thought I wanted tactically I want to bring up something more recent in his work which was strange of things and then he talked about like oh yeah we tried to I proposed this idea to the director of the writer and you know maybe this maybe that like oh that's cool you can do that so yeah anyway yeah it was it was a really sweet moment it was really nice to know and I know Sean's been acting like a long long long long time but uh you know still always nice to confirm that there you know about shark Sean's a really good guy and then and Kevin Conroy is a gentleman I mean dude Kevin did first show Kevin did with me was in 2007 oh cool and I think I told Casey to contact his people today about something and Kevin is just wonderful he's just a wonderful guy and of yet when you see him at a show I think he's coming to Raleigh yeah you should talk to him he's he's great he's just a really great guy the lure he was talking about Batman animated series and how all the music he's liked it was such a special show because of the casting the music everything about it I was like I knew it because I when I was a kid watching this show I knew this was good stuff dude and like I cope I have it I have a DVD somewhere of uh the enemies I don't buy a lot zvd I don't buy a lot Zebedee's guys okay I'm streaming kind of dude but like I own the physical copy of like wall-e and like that many animated series what about you when Z I think the first time you met Aaron was that I don't even know it for all it's all well Aaron was actually at the show that I'm going to talk about which was a Montreal ComicCon last year and Elijah Wood was a guest there so that was pretty cool I didn't actually talk to him but we waited for the bathroom together and we made eye contact during that experience amazing you just want to talk about Wilfred right what's that see Wilfred no I actually never seen a little bit as much I highly suggest we have a lot of free time what do you recommend it okay Wilfred it's it's that's a great show oh he's also he voice accident over the garden wall yes which is fantastic little cartoon it's like it also has timber in it it's got lots of it's like it's like a horror comedy a horror themes comedy yeah I haven't seen it it's really cute I recommend in every episodes like I think 10 minutes long so yeah Aaron I got a funny story for you as it pertains to our show even though you've never been a guest your ear your spirit has been felt well were you there when this was happening with Woodard Kacie was it last year was it the year before with the banner might have been before your time maybe a guest canceled just before the show and Woodard pitched you as a replacement like a last-minute replacement and I said okay great okay get him get him and and so he thought that you could do it and we made a banner like and when we make banners we make because we have to print them early yeah I know it's like it's 90% it's gonna happen it's 90% it's gonna happen they cost like 40 bucks it's not a big deal but they're these foam-core banners that are really you know yeah tough and they're really great and so you couldn't do it something you had something going on I don't know what it was but you were busy and then Woodard it's like after we had already sent them to print you could be good and there was no big deal we didn't put you on the schedule early to make a program guy you weren't in is nothing else you never were on the website it was just we just said his face and so we show her the show and I've got this banner of you around the show and that's awesome you know Chris is very sensitive so Chris was the whole time thought that I hated him and I got this banner where's my goddamn yes look what you did so good next time you talk to Chris ask him about the banner ask about the banner so Chris Chris there he is hey I already make fun of the people I love Casey can attest to that yeah Chris we want this banner forty dollars cranking out banners Chris the banner we're gonna use when we do come oh no I destroyed that banner I saw Chris Ahrens immolating face the branding I think is different now yeah so we we would have to have made a new banner anyway destroyed instead of threw away oh no no no you don't you don't throw it away you you make a scene out of it screamed your name so what are you guys doing to to pass the time during this the quarantine I've been playing a bunch of video games I started like a hit my twitch channel really hard finally catching up on all these music music projects that require a bunch of lonely studying YouTube times to get better at engineering do you know and all the things that you just kind of put on the shelf I've just been one by one knocking them out it's been really good got a really cool community online hanging out that's pretty much what I've been up to got the home studio set up so now we got a like source connect so what are you playing what kind of video games just beat resident evil 3 remake last night or in the blind forest night night before that fallout 4 doing God of War tonight we're just plowing through games just like when Iowa and games Aaron and I Aaron and I played a dying light which is a zombie zombie slaying game which are you running with yet with parkour which I study parkour so was I was very excited about that and yeah Aaron we had a fret like a fan slash friend join the game and just give us a ton of opie weapons so we're just like I started using them mercilessly this is actually a testament to our character if it's kind of like my hero I got this sword that I could just decapitate everything like this is awesome it was like no that's not fair let's let's use the pipe that takes like fifty five strikes and so Aaron's in the corner like wailing on one zombie I'm like come on let's go cutting swaths I want to replay the game and do it do it the right way and I'm like crystal just three or twitch up into the comments so anybody that Wow follow his twitch Thanks what about Animal Crossing yes I plan to I was pleased morning okay nice yeah Carol crossing no I did I saw somebody talking about sturdy valley and I hear they're similar and I played a lot of sturdy Valley I have caught all the fish Lindsay got most of the fish and I haven't been spending most of my time well actually I'll show you is there a Doge trimming a flop reveal the fluff to us gotta be yeah so we've been going on lots of nice long walks and I brush him every day and I have been getting caught up on TV shows my husband is trying to convince me to start playing some video games with him because he is a total gamer and I am not just his I didn't grow up with it and I just I don't know a lot of animal crossing and so he keeps every day being like let's make a character for you and I'm like okay yeah yeah we will we will but we still haven't done it yet but maybe we can make a trade Rico maybe if you watch some tiger king oh you can see plays dirty deal kind of The Devil's play some video stream she was already gonna I provides a decline trying to get me to start her like weeks now yeah she hasn't started yet Rico you could be the one to get her over the top okay you do it first and I don't feel that motivated so do you wanna play some jack box I did some jack box with the Tia Ballard vent Phillips we did like a chair yeah I'll sweep okay yeah do you want to try Lesley we should try yeah not like now but you know later totally right now alright I'll go get it right so Casey what do you want to know what burning questions you have we gotta be burning though like Aaron's face also I was talking before the show your face poster you don't know is that Rico's character is Casey's favorite on the show what but her favorite anime is Aaron's you know f MA blown up your spot so I didn't want either one of the boys to feel like they had one over on the other but I mean we learned them today but Aaron started doing things at 14 years old which is crazy to me like just nuts he's like well actually my first voice acting role was when I was 9 years old and that was fruits basket and then in the new season of the new fruits basket I'm now a different character and I guess his like first episode just de beauté something excited about that that's really like full-service a little bit people with oh man there's like an awkward span no it wasn't even a span I mean like I don't know about 10 years from age 15 to yesterday when people will come up to be a convention know that can you still do the voice I'm like metal alchemist brotherhood That's not me yeah so my voice hasn't do change my mom jokes about putting me on birth control so that we can I don't know cuz luckily we descend mom's like listen we got to keep that golden boys don't do some hormone therapy treatments quits it's why they get that's why they get growth is the voice is a little boys yeah that's right you know Brittany Brittany did a voice on that show right Garbowsky surely we she sort of pride Oh case yeah right was early or Erika name pride mmm-hmm so that was I think Brittany's character okay I don't actually watch anime I just know the actors and I know I almost so I have known Brittany since she did a show she started you chose with me in 2007 and uh good friend never watched any of her stuff but I know she was in the show just from writing her bio over and over and over and over years you know I appreciate I appreciate you for writing the BIOS for us constant well I guess before I had an agent it cons would be like okay can you send a bio and I'd be like a PDA it's the unhype ER link things you gotta keep it short and simple Aaron just mute is the voice of blah blah blah blah blah that's a yeah because they don't people that are going if they if they're 50 or fans of you they know who you are right like they know what's going on so you just have to make the connection like this is what he's known for you know this is why you come to the show and if you want to learn more you can go look up as Wikipedia you don't need to find out you know where he had his 14th birthday party on our convention you know guest page but I do not change Lindsey's bio to include the vampire show I got the car go to the show with you so we can just have a panel on that and can it be just us asking questions about this I don't think the webseries you turn out to be very popular I can change that Casey they tell you let's that go down a rabbit hole there's no stopping the opener this way the books are still much much much more popular than the webseries and it makes sense I understand so I'm not watching anime yeah buffering no we just popped up crystal on the thing said that there we go we'll watch Tiger King Lindsey we'll play video games if Mike watches anime that's like a three what is it Mexican standoff we're all sitting there with our different I don't want to watch it I think we have to pick an anime that's really but then what game well Lindsey yeah if it's if I'm doing Tiger King what's Lindsay gonna play and what anime is Mike gonna watch we need something like see deeply inaccessible for Mike so that like his idea of anime is forever just like super work like fully coolly like fortunately okay no it's it's brutal so I have seen some anime I'm just not an anime fan like i don't watch new stuff as it comes out somebody said in the comments that he has to watch all of one piece even if we're stuck in our homes for 18 months i don't have enough time like we talked about Naruto earlier there will be a quiz and you know have it in the background while you're doing your laundry right or chopping Ave to be invested basically is a great anime here that's an even show yeah I love being in that right but I know it's a in show so I could tell you who the stars of all the more that's good you got that knowledge do that so alright so how do people find you guys online what do you got that we need to promote oh Rico we showed your twitch yeah everything's just my name I've been producing more content online Aaron and I have been doing some writing projects hopefully somebody's will come to fruition during the pandemic but for me it's just for Twitter at Rico for hardo Instagram Rico for heart oh yeah pretty easy to find it's just my name Aaron yeah same except I'm pretty much only responsive on Twitter and I'm not I'd like to be more responsible he'd like to work on it I would like to be better Lindsay and on Instagram it's just my name Lindsay Seidel just remember Lindsay is spelled with an A not an E and then on twitter my handle is severely Lindsay and that's those are the only two anything like that I'm on Cameo people been telling me I should get on tick tock tick tock I'm absolutely beyond it I making videos that already and I see it like ooh Peter there's so many like dancers that are on tik-tok now cuz the pandemic like doing amazing dance work and apparently it's like pissing off all the old tic-tock community it's like who are all these talented people just can we replace our board and this is the only Africa Rica the world needs you on tick tock I agree Tiger King and tick tock everything with T I'm out of here so so Rico you're on yeah I am okay Aaron no I'm not no cuz think they they keep wanting you to do the voice you did when you were 9 and you try Aaron does it sound like if you had to try oh is it head voice is it like right there is it like like Barry I can sounds like I'm young just not like you're resonating like a like a barrel-chested man alright thank you I just wanted to try alright alright guys I think we're gonna we're gonna wrap this up um thank you for for joining us so much fun hope upon hope upon hope that we will see you joy xxx fingers cross at the world you know allows us to to congregate hang it if you hang on a second we can finish up backstage and Steve take us out [Music] check out the galaxy con store online you can find items like t-shirts signed in certified Funko pops magnets keychains and pins exclusive comic book variants and so much more make sure to check out our collectibles page which features autographs for every fandom from Star Trek so my hero academia and everything in between so what are you waiting for check out galaxy con stop my Shopify com [Music]
Channel: GalaxyCon
Views: 12,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ONgV2Qu1smo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 52sec (3292 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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