Tom Holland on the "Spider-Bros" and Uncharted

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[Music] fair warning this interview does contain spoilers for spider-man no way home you have been warned can i just say before we get started are we recording now we're on yeah you are my favorite person to interview with i have you you do the best interviews we're all talking about it on the way here thanks you're welcome i just had to say that i was excited to tell you that's really that's very nice tom you're one of my no you are my favorite come on let's be honest if i could hug you a wood i know but we gotta be safe let me put my headphones on so i can hear how crisp our voices sound hello both you turn your keys clockwise at the same time thanks a lot you almost got me killed clockwise sully oh it was 50 50 so i made a guess clearly now obviously tom after that we are here to talk about uncharted there's a sign behind it to prove it yeah but before we begin properly i just want to say something because there's there's an elephant in the room what's happening they're starting to come through and i can't stop them i don't think i can trust you anymore okay because you're a brazen big fat liar sure yeah obviously one day sharing the screen with them would be a delight um but you know no one believes me but unfortunately it's not in this movie you've lied not only to my face but straight down the camera but i will say that is essentially what i am paid to do i didn't find the treasure what it's all make-believe and i lie for a living and i'm so sorry that you have fallen into my lying wake i'm sorry kid yeah me too i'll try to i'll try to forgive you so in order to you know reaffirm our friendship sure can you like kind of prove something to me could you tell me what the name of the spider-man whatsapp group is because my bet was web chat that's so much better than what it is i think it's just called the spidey bros i don't even think it has a name spider-man if you don't have the kind of spider-man meme of them pointing at each other as the picture you were missing out it's just team mcgee and andrew all right for me change it to web chat i'm doing it i'm doing it now anyway anyway as discussed briefly talk about our treasure hunt movie i'd love to you have been spider-man and billy elliot and many others we've discussed that at length but now your playstation's iconic hero won nathan drake how the heck did that happen it's actually quite an interesting story everything in here why the map this path for magellan took the sail around the world you know your history i was shooting spider-man homecoming sony were kind enough to gift me a playstation during the shooting of that movie and my best friend and i harrison we were playing uncharted 4 while waiting for lighting setups or stunt setups and stuff tough and yeah tough life and uh i'd never played the games before and while playing that game it's so cinematic and has such a wonderful story for those who prove worthy paradise awaits i couldn't help but think wow this would make an incredible movie took a long time for him to get out of this game he's meant for this life but that's as far as my kind of intrigue went i actually went to tom rothman and pitched him an idea for an origin story for james bond which was essentially the idea that you would meet this kid in the in in the sas he exceeds in every category does really well goes on this mission and at the end of the mission is assigned the status of double 07 which is in turn james bond but obviously from a marketing point of view you can't make a james bond film and then reveal at the end of the film that he's james bond it doesn't make sense it's just no one's ever gonna do that but i think from that idea tom rossman kind of you know the genius producer that he is came up with the idea that we could do an origin story to nathan drake a film that they had previously been trying to make for 10 15 years you know mark wahlberg was attached to it at one point davido russell was going to direct it robert de niro was going to play sully and he had this idea that maybe we could tell an origin story maybe that's why we've been kind of hitting this this wall every time we've put this film into development your brother believed that there was a final piece well you know my brother said you have no idea who you partnered with and i guess that was the key to kind of give the audiences something they haven't seen yet this fresh take on nathan drake uh which thankfully for me uh was me was you right after an incredible amount in the gym yeah i'd trade my ass off for that film it was mental i just honestly respect thank you i saw a couple of months ago this video that went viral about you manifesting your own life sure have you seen it this is where you say you know what i'd love to play spider-man in 10 years yeah maybe spiderman in like 10 years time and then you say oh you know i really like zendaya who was your first ever celebrity crush and then you say um you know what my favorite game ever has to be uncharted right my favorite video game is this little game called uncharted that's my favorite game so how does that feel to have been you're literally living the dream i am living the dream i actually genuinely think i am the luckiest person alive i genuinely think you know i've got a great group of friends i have a wonderful family i have a career that i'm incredibly proud of and i get to do what i love for a living every day and now you're hanging out with mark wahlberg with a dodgy tash yeah hey put them down boys what more could you want what is that thing on your face yeah puberty's right around the corner kids you can grow your own he actually looks good in natash you know i wouldn't tell him that i wouldn't no i wouldn't i wouldn't i bring it i know he's tired from his routine he's got to get up at half past midnight to do everything i mean have you seen him it's interesting he had a gym built while we were making the film in berlin so that he could train to the capacity in which he trains which i can say from someone who has has seen him it's legit he's not the kind of person that's like i get up at four in the morning and gets up at 10 in the morning um but i trained in the evenings after work and he trained in the mornings just because his in his regime is too intense too intense and also we have different regimes like i was trying to put on size because he's so big and i came to the set and i was quite skinny so it's like i need to not look like just one of your biceps i need to put some weight on uh so we had a different regime so it worked out really well and it is part of the nathan drake thing he's one of those casually attractive this isn't me sucking up built guys he's got witty one-liners a little young for a bartender aren't you a little old for prom aren't you what would you say are the things about the character that millions of people love so much i think it's his sense of adventure there are places out there you can't find on any map there's constant need to find the unknown they're not gone they're just lost this film is about looking for magellan's lost treasure which theoretically is a real thing like you could potentially go out there one day and find five billion dollars worth of treasure biggest treasure that's never been found five billion easy but it's just a story i beg to differ mark and i are secretly hoping that someone will find it and because we made that film we will be entitled to a certain percentage as kind of like you know what you know what i mean i think we should be i mean not a finder's fee but sort of uh just a little thanks for the idea kind of thing a little something yeah so yeah i think it's his sense of adventure and and he has the ability to do what so many can't do which is drop everything and travel the world you know so many of us after you've got to work you've got to go to work you've got to clock in you clock out you go home you get up you do the same thing nathan drake just seems to have unlimited funds and can just go wherever he wants whenever he wants and swim through caves yeah of course he loves it i mean he just genuinely loves it that and making bad jokes well well well that sort of thing all right ready well well well it's cute what because it's a well i will say one thing about this movie there aren't enough chest-high walls yeah oh god and there was no scene where you accidentally blow yourself up with a grenade no no which was a big part of my experience yes playing the game but anyway look a note for the sequel and if we could have jason statham as charlie cutter okay typical bloody yank or talk and helen mirren hello victor kate still wallowing in the gutter with your protege i see him just a couple of pages i can do i can i can i can do my best thanks man and i really appreciate how much climbing you do in this movie yep that was a big thing for us you do this jackie chan thing tell me it was on purpose but it's like um please story will you jump onto this light fitting oh this is gonna suck oh yeah yeah yeah and then slide down yeah oh that was something was that in any way you because i was worried okay so the jumping off of the banister onto the lampshade is me right the swinging back and forth is me apart from one shot okay and then the banging into the table and doing the incredible side somersault full twisting thing to the back of your head is greg yeah uh there's also a great bit where you start fighting people as a cocktail mixologist yes have you got any terms for uh using some sort of negroni mixer to smack it in someone's face that was a lot of fun to design that fight scene uh i had been to a cocktail making school before we started shooting in preparation for the film i had also sort of done a few under the radar shifts at the chilton firehouse i would sort of go there and take a white blazer and go behind the bar and make people cocktails whether they were actually very nice or not i don't know but as far as the fight scene goes it was really fun it was very frustrating because you know a fight scene is difficult enough as it is but then throw in the element of juggling glass bottles it uh it makes everything that much more complicated but it's a sequence i'm very proud of and i haven't seen a fight scene quite like it since the sort of jackie chan era of fight scenes you know like him using his surroundings and and almost doing far too much but far too much feels like just the right amount you know uh so it was a lot of fun developing that sequence that's part of the national great thing he's making it up as he goes along he's just kind of winging it the skin of his teeth sort of thing i love the idea that you are recreating moments from the game because we see the cargo plane and we see the crates but you've also got nolan north in this movie he's yes himself tweeted about it did you take a ton of selfies we actually did it was interesting we were shooting in barcelona no actually we're in benidorm nice and what was so funny was all of these americans who obviously producers on the show directors all that sort of stuff we're like isn't benidorm just amazing we're like ah it's got a bit of a better dorm's okay you want megaloof that's what you really want exactly um but no so it was a lovely it was lovely and you know for me taking on this character it was very daunting there's a lot of love out there for nathan drake but from day one i had nolan's support neil druckmann was very supportive everyone from naughty dog from sony to tom rossman to my director and producers everyone was really supportive so i felt good about taking on this character absolutely and also the theme comes up like the original like game theme yeah and my little nerdy heart i was like oh i'm so happy don't cry that's so good that's excellent to hear because we were nervous about that you know we want to we want to service the fans in every way we can but we can't just do a direct copy of the games because then you would just go and play the games yeah well we would and probably will uh look uh i've got loads of other things i just want to talk about timothy shalom very briefly okay when i spoke to him a while ago he said that he gets mistaken for you really oh you're you're you're the you're the spider-man you're the tom holly around no it's not me who do you get mistaken for i don't really get mistaken for anyone all you have to do is say timothy chalamet he's too handsome come on he's double handsome the only reason he's getting mistaken for me is because he's had a rough night and he's woken up the next morning and he's a bit puffy-faced with his hair all over the place they go go that must be tom holland poor guy he's too handsome i don't know about that i mean look don't get me wrong he's handsome but you're on a part it's fine thank you me i'm actually speaking to andrew garfield huhi tomorrow yes what tips do you have for me to keep him on his toes andrew garfield andrew garfield he's honestly one of the nicest people i've ever worked with i was so nervous about working with those two boys but they could not have been more gracious and welcoming and just kind about the whole thing you know it's an interesting dynamic we all have a certain sense of ownership over spider-man and you know one of the worries would be that someone wants to overpower the other in certain ways but we all were so happy to share the responsibility of telling the story i know that's not what you asked me no i like it but it was amazing but andrew's a lovely guy he's very funny i didn't think he would be so funny it's annoying isn't it yeah he's double handsome and then he's double funny yeah he's a bit of a timothy yeah all right one last thing do you have a sink harvest magna ring i do yeah i've got it no it's actually not as we had to get a uh rubber one made because during all the fight scenes it kept because i when i fight four times i do this and it kept whacking me in the teeth so i had to say to the props master can you make me a rubber one god he's a real hero he's a real tough guy bruce willis it really hurt like stop taking the mick it would like i'd turn around and punch someone and it would bounce up and just crack me straight in the teeth i'm lucky i've got teeth tom it's been emotional thank you so much thank you pleasure thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and tv podcast screen time on bbc sounds and you can find these interviews in full on bbc iplayer by searching movies with ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 841,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom holland, uncharted, ali plumb, nathan drake, playstation, radio 1, bbc, radio one, movies with ali plumb, spider-man, spiderman, marvel, sully, mark wahlberg, iplayer, timothee chalamet, timothy chalamet, zendaya, no way home, ali plumb interview, tom holland interview
Id: ykpPygy5ozY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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