Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen Panel

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good afternoon everybody thank you all for coming I hope you've had a nice weekend I certainly have and a slightly unusual thing we have for you this afternoon is I'm going to be asking the questions sort of leisurely Sunday afternoon fireside chat and my fireside chat companion is an actor I've worked with before but never even though we share a place in the Marvel Universe in the Marvel Universe you some of you have probably taken your picture with her already she's been in so many movies you love including the Marvel once ladies and gentlemen it's my great pleasure to introduce Elizabeth Olsen wander Maxima yeah got a lot of Loki horns and audience hats off to everybody that some of the cosplayers this weekend have been extraordinary including the woman who came as in a costume dress like this someone dressed like you blue jumper blue jeans gray boots glasses it's kind of amazing it was a bear dress like this all kinds of things anyway listen I gotta do my job now hi Lizzie hi Tom so we made a film together which we've we shot it well how long ago now four years ago almost almost exactly to the day yeah in the autumn of 2014 called I saw the light we got to work in Shreveport Louisiana anyone from Louisiana cool cool three that's great that's great and we had a great time working with each other and I had just finished doing age of Ultron and was about to do Civil War and I was asking you all about your experience for the last five years playing Loki so this was I was doing my homework for this chat and what's amazing is obviously we played Hank Williams and Audra Mae Shepherd in I saw the light we played husband and wife they had a very tempestuous relationship but Lizzie and I have never actually spent a single day on set of a Marvel movie together and you'd think there were no there aren't that many points of connection between Loki and Wanda but I realized so so Loki it correct me if I'm wrong Loki is indirectly responsible or in some roundabout way for the enhancement of Wanda that's correct because of the scepter yes and the mine stone the mine stone the mine stone being that gave me power and my brother Quicksilver too bad that was sad we lost him to you guys so so that basically the scepter which Loki wields in Avengers 1 which contains the mine stone and with which Loki controls the minds of Erik Selvig and Clint Barton is the very same mine stone that gives Wanda her power connection point one very cool very cool and my second point was a slightly more logical one yeah it is that they're both connected by a trauma yes and loss yes but they both feel alone in the universe yes and they both have a brother yes well had had and I thought that was really interesting because in a way they're both sorcerers or that their powers aren't with both Loki and with Wanda there's no vibranium there's no iron suit there's no celestial hammer of any kind it's powered by a lot of rage and emotion yeah which we get to do we get a lot of rage and emotion and as an acting thing and that actually these are two people who have very complex minds and that of all the Infinity stones the Infinity stone that they are interested in is the mind stone that's a great connection Tom I was already thinking about this and then and so and then I was thinking of the journey I kind of did I went back and watched so your first appearance is the end of the Winter Soldier all right yes we appeared at the tag scene at the end yeah and we were being experimented on by Hydra by Strucker ice trucker that's right yes with the mine stone yes I feel like I'm taking an exam he's writing a thesis and it's a good one at least traumatized siblings of different points anyway that's really was my point I was thinking how do I connect these two characters apart from the fact that it's Hank and Audrey but actually they have this um you know here we are at the we're at the same place as you are which is having seen infinity war and and these six Infinity stones and actually the the mine stone is the thing that connects these two and also I sense of I think sacrifice because I think the thing you have to do at the end of infinity war is a kind of sacrifice I would agree and arguably Loki makes a similar one it's only gonna get worse so here's what I was wondering process wise we made a film and it was about two people in very much in a human reality and whenever we were in a scene together we were in the same room in a set that had been built by a production designer and dressed in costumes it all was the the sense of reality was given to us by the crew and your making of thought you're making a Marvel movie and so much of it is not real the space you're in the thing you're looking at and how do you find that as an actor I want to ask you that after but for me I I it's a fun game again of like being on the playground and getting to be a child and be imaginative but trying to figure out whatever stakes those actually could be in your own life and replacing them in a way and then I learned at a certain point along the way that squinting your eyes is very powerful regardless of how you actually feel a stunt person told me that but like if you just squint your eyes will look very very strong I was like okay I'll just start doing this then but what I wanted to ask you because you created Loki and in the in the comics he is a mischievous character but when you were starting to create him like then I know you're also by working with you you're very detailed with everything that goes into a character physically and also emotionally were you thinking at all about what it could become iconic Lee or were you leaving that to like costume designers and makeup because you became an iconic character within the last 10 years and I think that's very cool honestly it was the mote that coming at the character for the first time I just found him so interesting in that first of all he is an archetype that's been around for - going on three millennia I don't know how far back exactly the Norse myths go but the Scandinavian folklore has been around for you know for as long as almost the greco-roman folklore so loki is a figure in in the collective unconscious do you mean literally like in Norse something named Loki Loki he's a god and he's the god of mischief I just thought it was a comic you learn something new every day did you follow up on your Norse mythology I did I read some yeah what was really interesting for me was reading the Norse myths and and figuring out who Loki was and Odin and Frigg er you'll probably know the days of the week are named some three days of the week are named out Thursday is Thursday Wed Wednesday is Odin's day and Friday is Frigg is day you're gonna change everyone's calendar right now everyone's gonna go home I wanna Thor themed calendar but it's o in the Norse myths actually there's a really tremendous and I know I've some of you have asked me to sign it this weekend Neil Gaiman has done has written a new anthology of the Norse myths and there's lots of stories about about Loki and Thor and and Loki who always was somebody in the company of the gods they didn't trust him but in particular you like him but they knew he was necessary and when they were really up against it and they couldn't think of his solution to a problem hand would go up from the end of the table they go okay Loki what have you got what's your plan and it will be completely out of left field very strange illogical irrational and chaotic but he would win the day and as God would be preserved and I thought that was an amazing the idea that chaos is something that we sometimes need that we like things to be ordered and actually there's this character that we've invented to exist in our minds who represents chaos and mischief and then what Stanley did in Jack Kirby and all the people who've Illustrated for Marvel as they took that sort of kernel and they grew and he developed it into his place in the Marvel Universe which is mischievous anarchic and initially more two-dimensional but as the comics go on since the 60s into the 70s 80s and especially the 90s and the naughties he's a deeply damaged character there's so much emotion in it and also ambiguous is he's not even gendered really he can be a man or a woman yeah there's a lady Loki there's a kid Loki there's he's he's pansexual in some in some extraordinary way will you be doing any of the if you are the rock what are you asking exactly are you going to do a Loki that's not archetypal male I think if anyone wants to tell that story I'm not the guy okay okay I think I think that needs to be a woman or someone who I'd never answered your question so yes iconic yeah so so kenneth branagh when he was asked by kevin feige to make the first door film and it all kind of the whole full universe in a way we owe to Canberra no he he what he recognized was obviously the storytelling tradition he grew up in was this dynastic drama a powerful narrative about kings and princes and fathers and sons and Canada pan has done so much Shakespeare of course Shakespeare is the he was you know that the the best and the first that kind of thing and so we decided to make Thor in the mold of those great dynastic plays by Shakespeare like Henry the fourth or King Lear all played and I played very very talented so this so the first film really is meant to be that the things we drew from the comics were [Music] the key relationships between brothers and between fathers and sons because anyone doesn't matter where you're from you can relate to being misunderstood within your own family and that was really where I thought well I'll try and do my best in terms of the shape-shifting and the the magic and the sorcery and the mischief and the kind of chaos but also to realize that behind all that was a broken heart and to me that that's just a great character and then it was really fun working with Alexandra Byrne who designed the costumes for the first or film and she comes from an amazing background in in very theatrical stylized costumes she think won an Oscar for her costumes for Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett and so she designed is this royal family to look like a royal family but she also knew we had to fight and Chris had to be able to move and he had to wield the hammer and in the comics he got black hair so I dyed my hair black and I didn't have a beard then and now and he's become something I mean I should say like I think Loki has become what he's become because of the audience the only reason he's been around for 10 years is because of you guys so thank you did you did you think you're going to be doing this for a decade of your life nope did not I really didn't does it get more fun to you or does it become harder because you feel like the stakes keep needing to need a different level or is it the same process each time you go back in the wig now wig it's it's just been such an extraordinary journey with so many different chapters I found that it got easier because I was so overwhelmed yeah being a small piece of this really big big puzzle and I wanted to just focus on my piece and I was intimidated by everyone and and then eventually I started to feel more comfortable and then there's a sense of freedom even with like the last one we just did just even freedom with movement and adapting and changing and growing and adjusting and there it almost becomes like you have more ownership each each step of the way and so I've loved that experience I think it's also isn't understanding the process behind making these films and as I think everybody Marvel I think they had they take huge confidence with every new leap Kevin Feige has told me that the fact that people enjoyed the first Thor film gave him the confidence to dream guardians of the galaxy into existence he thought okay people accept that superheroes are going to leave Earth and go into space and and then when guardians worked it was like he knew he could start cooking infinity war and I think so as Marvel have grown in in in their extraordinary and unprecedented creative confidence I think I felt more confident in their processes I mean it's it's so it's so easy to rewrite your own history I remember being terrified making the first Avengers film because it wasn't a given that it was going to work it was it was it only worked based on how hard we worked to make it work if that makes everyone here that's why it worked that's right yeah continue to show up I mean we make we truly make these movies only thinking of fans and that's what Kevin Feige cares about first and foremost is he just once to keep you guys on your toes and and entertain you and bring the stories that you love and it's really truly always comes back to the fans there's it's it's the most amazing thing because I feel like sometimes some people get a little ahead of themselves and they think more about their ego but if you can put what other people really want and love and desire at the at the forefront of making something and you do it with a lot of soul and a lot of care yeah and that's what we've been trying to do specifically with the Marvel franchise I think it's also to do with your curiosity and I think it's given us the confidence to I mean what's amazing to me is that making the first Avengers I I asked joss whedon lots of questions that we know who are these aliens and where they come from and what do they look like what do they look yeah and what's the deal that's been made so Loki's been given this scepter by whom and for what purpose and I think I was one of the first people to ask him that question and he said fan oz so I go who tell me about him and and then you know Kevin is on set and they tell me about fan ice and I go ah so that so so there's a thing in the tesseract and there's one in the scepter okay but I don't know at this point that you know Ultron is coming around and that they're gonna be new characters based on what's inside Loki's scepter I mean the thing is after the dark world I went off on a sabbatical and I wasn't in the Marvel Universe for a while and I went to watch all the new films as they came out and they was always talking about Loki's scepter and I was like still in there somewhere whereas only lovers left alive during that sabbatical yes yes yeah did you find a lot of comparisons or not at all they're completely separate I just think the way they look at just some like oh there's Tom as the vampire and there's Tom I mean apart from a long black wig I think they're sort of deviate after that did that worry you that you could image of an iconic character that has paler skin and dark hair and now you're making this really amazing Jarmusch film that ends up being super super special and getting to work with Tilda Swinton who's also in our universe now I I just I I would be curious like are these different enough j-jim was was concerned about it in one way but only because he had written that film ten years beforehand before before I'd played Loki and he was quite careful to distinguish the two I mean the the most consistent note that Jim Jarmusch gave me in that film was you know Tom maybe smile less and because Loki smiles all the time because he's having a great time he's the god of mischief and Adam is is is heavy and in interior and introverted and and and quiet but yeah I was I was aware when when making it that they should be very different characters and they feel like I just think when you just look at them yeah I was just curious if that was something that because of the timing and the placement of when you did them yeah so in so in in the comics I don't know if I don't know this side I genuinely don't how does one day become the Scarlet Witch Wanda is the child of magneto so she was raised by a different family right so that she wasn't aware of her own her own powers yeah and then when she finds out the magneto is her father he tries to take her in and that's how that begins she's all she's born a mutant right yeah so she's not actually witch so so Jos because x-men was not our property yeah Jos had to create a world his Scarlet Witch does go in between the comic books between x-men and Avengers and so Joss was trying to create an origin story for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch that would be based in our world right and so that's where it became Hydra yeah human experimentation because of anger from their family being bombed repeatedly in segovia but also it gives you so much I think yeah as opposed to just like I'm a mutant which is which means a lot to I'm not saying that but I'm really not saying that but because those movies are also beautiful in so many ways of how odd we all feel and and separate and yet there's a home for all of us and that's what I think so beautiful about x-men but anyway why don't remember what I was saying I'm really articulate what was I saying I can't remember you talking about you know you just see you answer the question I did I answered my question yeah you have another question so we asked the audience for questions yeah what how are we doing for time does quickly I don't know one thing I do one thing I wanted to ask you yes I don't know if any of you have seen how wisely in slow they stumble that run fast has anyone seen sorry for your loss Lizzie is in a new series that's streaming on Facebook and it's called sorry for your loss how many episodes 10 episodes of 30 minutes I'm I've only seen the first two but it's essentially well how would you green yeah it's a story about a young widow a newly newly widowed woman who's dealing with the loss of her husband and it's more of a reflection of the monotony and isolation of grief less than the dramatics I feel like a lot of times we see grief and it's dramatized to a place that's almost unrelatable or you can just put someone over there and you can judge them as an outsider but we try and bring the audience and put themselves in the situation that we all have to go through or have already gone through multiple times of what it means for your life to completely change with the loss of the most important person to you and it's kind of it's a it's a quieter reflection on that as opposed to throwing a lot of crazy turns it's Lizzie is amazing in it it's really honest authentic work so if you can't like seek it out I recommend it thank you there's no yodeling in that one sadly there is should we take some questions hi I love you both so much Elizabeth who could you say you've gotten closest with on set and who'd you see yourself like being friends with 20 years from now that's a good question I it depends on what which which movie it was Erin's already a good close friend who played Quicksilver but he's gone so then I'm like well and then I forgot yeah you're still friends yeah very close and then Renner and I made a couple movies together Wind River and and he kind of became my surrogate brother in Captain America Civil War so I got very close with him and he anoints you as an Avenger he does in Ultron yes yeah it's like if you go out there you're an Avenger yeah and they have this amazing continuation of like a big brother relations yeah and so I feel like I've worked with Renner and also we were that we were the first ones to work on that and Italy who's the only actor I worked with I worked with him before I worked with Aaron and then that made Paul Bettany my vision I just love that guy so much and so yeah that's those are my answers friendship is Tom wait is Loki really dead yes because he did go to the back for a little while say again is Loki really dead because he went to the back of this year and then came back oh he went to the back of the ship I see listen I've heard some amazing theories about this I was in a park in London a couple of weeks ago and some guys like come and say hi and they asked me the same question and they said listen they said hey listen I don't know we need an answer to this question all the other times Loki's died they've been a few he he stabs with his right hand and now he's stabbing with his left hand I was like that's incredible attention to detail was that were you aware of that detail No [Music] I mean I was what's your name sir Jacob your guess is as good as mine charming so what kind of student do you think he will be in high school I think he'd be really annoying as a high school student it's sort of he be throwing pencils at everybody else and you know probably finish his test 10 minutes early and sit there really smugly but you know looking everyone else going he's still going you know but I think ultimately I think he would have enjoyed it I think he's we used to Craig Kyle who produced Thor and Thor the dark world used to very early on he he would say to me and Chris Hemsworth that the relationship between the four and Loki was the quarterback and the artist that like Thor as a kid was you know out there on he was an athlete he was physical he was an outdoorsy but Loki was always in the library reading or you know becoming a magician so I reckon he liked high school along I love you both thank you so much for coming here Congrats on your solo TV shows [Music] you were just a thing so my question is for Elizabeth since civil war-era your character has been in a relationship with vision and it's really cute what's your favorite part about it scarlet and scarlet witch's and my favorite part has something to do with with out their source of power that we were just talking about because the vision and Scarlet Witch share this same origin of how or parts of it and I think it's an amazing it's it's an amazing metaphor for what it feels like to be like a kindred spirit with someone or to feel like you've known someone forever that they actually literally have this thing that physically binds them forever and so I think that's my favorite part of the relationship is it's this larger idea of when we find someone that we love so much and we feel like we've known them our whole lives and that's and that's what I love most about their relationship thank you I have a question I have a question about that here's what I wanted to know the nightmare that Tony Stark has yeah so you you go around and give everyone a nightmare it's the it's the decimation that's the Avengers yes so I wondered is that connected to what happens in infinity war is that did did Tony see it coming in his mind and you connected him to that I I don't know I don't know if that's what could have happened if Ultron took over I see I'm not sure yeah I think it's up to interpretation cuz I don't it wasn't something that I remember someone was saying that we're gonna go full circle yeah any war there wasn't an infinity war at that time but I think I always thought of it as it being what would happen if Ultron one yeah but I think it's more interesting whoa you're thinking about it well maybe Tony has got the long view yeah yeah cool good talk good job I'm Kayli first I just want to say a quote from Tom the sky's limit your sky your limit has just resonated with me I really appreciate that influence in life for adversity but Elizabeth I would like to know if you could tell your 22 year old self which is how old I am what would you say just influence or any advice to just really not sweat this small things that create an obscene amount of anxiety and anxiety is horrible and to know that you're enough the way you are did Loki sit on the grandmasters chair [Music] no he didn't he says in the movie says I didn't get a chair or says when they see each other for the first time this is in ragnarök loki is sipping a Sakaki and cocktail and seems his entry into saqar seems to have been remarkably smooth and Thor says where's your chair and Loki from the beginning I think so yeah I think but the way with the way Tyco saw it was the shoutout for Tiger YTV taiko taiko said that Loki gets beamed up to Sekar you know three or four days before Thor does and you know he's so smooth talking he just kind of gets around the contest of Champions it doesn't have to fight he just gets in the elevator straight up to the top of the tree and this has a really easy ride I don't know why he does so there we go no chair hi Tom I'm Christine from China and first of all thank you for being here and I love you both especially you tell me and my question my question is is there any chance for us to see Loki and scholar which finds each other or cooperate with each other I know there still remains a later hoping Marvel Cinematic Universe because what about the TV series that declare about these two characters and well this is the thing if when I always do my homework about Wanda I was like that's so interesting that the scepter is the thing that makes Wanda Scarlet Witch and when we were doing press for I saw the light people would ask us who would win in a fight between loci in Wanda I always said me yeah but it made me think like I wonder who would because you probably would though because we have in the comics Loki wins at the front I wipe out half a universe I mean what's interesting is because because you've got all of the powers that the mine Stone has given you yes but she notoriously has a hard time controlling them and emotion is her most powerful tool I can't control your fear only my own voting scarlet wet but yeah that's really interesting so I was just thinking about how it would be I don't think we're I don't know if we're fighting anytime soon my point is that that Scarlet Witch has one of this Infinity stones almost as part of her being and Loki's only ever wielded an infinity stone but he is a god hello I'm Nika my question is for both of you is there any movie or TV show a moment that always makes you cry I just want to say bridget jones's diary as a whole but I know there's something else hold on hold please I'll get there I'm gonna get there do we come back to this one and let it percolate it's a really good question and I could think of something so many actually Oh Gone with the Wind oh that's what just came to me when he says frankly my dear I don't give a damn and it's that there's that part but then there's the part where she loses the baby and she's pregnant and I just can't handle that I think I cry and then there's another when she decides I'll never go hungry again there's that part a Gone with the Wind has me now well now I didn't know now that I'm older it's it's like when there's a like Paddington made me cry like I just lost her Addington made me cry as well and clay was leaving yeah inside out just wet Toy Story when when when it's like you know there's this reconciliation of sadness and happiness and that those two things are part of life I think I cried when the new Star Wars came out the first one just because I was so excited for there to be another one that reminded me of the old movies Lian did you see lion with with Deb Patel and Nicole Kidman oof couldn't start to sort of pause it and have a break in that one yeah yeah Moana the ending of Moana you guys I listen to that music while I exercise and I'm not joking it's on my playlist when I workout Milan is the most powerful thing out there right now are you happy with that answer cool you take 20 minutes to answer the next one Kayleigh and Tom your portrayal of loquacious it speaks to me so much and my question for you is what is your take on well we kind of get to see Loki have a beginning of a Redemption arc that kind of gets cut short in infinity war and I was just kind of wondering your thoughts on that well the thing is that he is redeemed and I found it very touching there because Loki as a character has been so broken for so long and I think the center of him has been very fragile and very isolated after those traumatic events in the first film when he finds out he was adopted but not only Weig he was adopted that his parents or his father had left him to die so he has internalized that shame of being abandoned and being alone and and in all of that shame is turned into something harder and angrier which is why he becomes the villain he becomes he becomes down to earth he tries to subjugate it he becomes a villain in every sense of the word he's motivated by hatred and anger and then he loses his mother and he's still kind of unselfish and it's only the event it's only losing his father who calls him one of his sons Odeon includes him says are my sons at the beginning of Ragnarok and the chaos of another sibling it ain't no hella turning up insulting Thor and Loki after join forces and and for really gets through to Loki in that way and so to have it all come full circle and for Loki to call himself an odin son to really identify with that to identify with the strength of his father's love before saving his brother I found really touching so this question is for both of you if you and your character ever met how do you think you would get along it's so strange because I feel like I am she's like I am a part of her and she's a part of me so that's it's kind of there's so much of your own like life experience that goes into creating characters I think and things that have nothing to do with you that are all make-believe and that you are reaching towards but it seems it's just it's a it's a hard question to answer I would enroll Loki in a three year course of therapy and and I also asked him to teach me how to make duplicates of myself so I mean honestly it'd be so useful wouldn't it send your double to work send your double out shopping you know get some groceries yeah but I do think he'd be slightly disappointed Loki with me he would like so my representative on earth has been you first of all your hair is the wrong color secondly your British we got out from anyway sorry I'm messing around now my name is Carol I'm from Charlotte North Carolina and my question is about fan mail how often do you read your mail and how often do you respond because I haven't gotten a letter back yet is that to me I try and read as much as I can sometimes there's also a lot going on in life too I'm so sorry that you haven't gone I mean honestly that's why I love coming to these events because I actually get to meet everybody and it's a face-to-face connection as opposed to a remote one I'm sorry that you haven't thank you I my name is wayyy and my question is for both of you so as you mentioned you've been together in I saw the light like where you both of you play characters that are very different from what you've done before you know like the accent and also a lot of singing the music just wandering how do prepare for that row in a movie thank you Tom was put through the ringer preparing for that movie it was really intense yeah so I was not unaware that Hank Williams is a legend of American music and it was my duty to represent the impact he made on the cultural landscape I mean it really is profound that people like Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen and Keith Richards and Leonard Cohen and all the people who've almost make up our sense of what contemporary music has become they all look to Hank as one of the first guys who was doing what they were doing so I went to stay with Rodney Crowell musician in Nashville Tennessee he was amazing and I stayed at his house for five weeks and we just sang and played every single day it was I found it very difficult because so much of Hanks musical soul was kind of formed in him when he was a child he was taught to play B blues and he's been singing it and playing it since he was four or five and I was trying to do what he'd done in 20 years in five weeks so it was an interesting time but it was so much fun though to just be holed up in his house and singing and playing and his little dog mono was a good moral support yeah and then when it came to making the film I'd actually recorded half of the music with before we started and then I did some of the songs live yeah okay my name is avery and i come all the way from canada saskatchewan which is very far but my question is like what was your reaction when watching the scene where the hulk was throwing you around you know that the most satisfying response i ever saw was Avengers were screened in late April of 2012 for an audience of first responders to the scene at 9/11 so these were like firefighters police officers people who worked in medical services ambulance workers soldiers and they at the end of the Tribeca Film Festival Robert DeNiro screened Avengers for these heroes and I had forgotten that at the end of the film there's like a battle for New York and of course like it's all Loki's fault and the first responders screamed so loudly and jumped up in their seats and whooped and cheered but I couldn't actually hear their squealing that I had done in the movie on the floor and that's what I thought I think the moment kind of works I think both of you for coming my name is Irene my friends and I came all the way from Houston Texas to here my question is I saw you doing a lot of impressions of your co-stars in talk shows and if both of you don't mind can you do one if you don't mind I mean I definitely don't mind that's a Tom question I'd be curious to watch that's my impression of myself the thing is I never meant to be I'm not an impressionist I really am NOT I'm an actor and and and the thing about the impressions is that it started to become something that people wanted to be expected more than the acting so I'm conscious about their they've quite divisive these impressions so I don't really do them anymore yeah so and I couldn't do an impression of Lizzy she's right here so I can do that sorry thanks though I just wanted to say thank you for being here not many people that I look up to come to Chicago and I have been fascinating fascinated with your work for such a long time Coriolanus was fantastic and what you said to me when I spoke to you during the autograph session when I want to ask you about acting you made me feel valid and I didn't know I needed that so thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will never forget it thank you very much hi oh wow loud hi I'm a little nervous I'm Ida I'm from Turkey I quickly say you guys are amazing and my friend Audra wanted me to say hi to you Elizabeth she's incredible and my question is what is your favorite improvised scene that made it into the movie any movie the ones you filmed the Marvel movies I think anything that any time I've been in a scene with Mark Ruffalo he's making everything up he except for the science part the technical stuff he just flubs all the time he can't remember it but everything else every time he has like a funny line or he's like tripping or he's like he's making everything up as he goes and that that gives me such joy all the time I think that the one that's that's kind of had its own life after the film is get help that was amazing just we literally just came up with it on the day it's something which would this idea that this is a trick that Thor and Loki used to you know they used to use it as a as a game when they were kids and they stopped doing it a long time ago but it used to work and it might just work this time you know they got one last ace up their sleeve and the idea that Loki hey I don't want to do it it's humiliating and bigbrother way and and then it works just it in that moment I always loved the fact it it wasn't just a funny moment but it actually you understand something deeper about them as brothers and I think those moments are kind of really special so yeah thank you so much thank you for being here I think we have time for oh well you don't we do got time for one more question and then with ya I'm gonna ask the same question I asked for Chris and Lee and Karen which really affected everybody when I said this I had an anxiety attack last week this week well actually last week and it kind of affected me being up here and coming to the con but for some apparent reason I came and I asked Chris about his anxiety and everybody around here just went bananas for me and I was going to ask the exact same thing if you have anxiety how do you I'm shaking right now um how do you guys handle it how do you handle I had chronic panic attacks I don't know it it was 2011 or 12 so crossing the street was an issue anything that seems like a mundane activity became an issue and it's because your mind is spinning it's because your mind you you're not controlling it you're allowing all these thoughts to to just circle and it it's poisonous basically to our and you have actual sweaty palms and your heart races I think I'm gonna faint every time I stand on a stage in front of people so I usually I'm holding on to someone during a QA it's very I totally get it the only thing you can do is be present the only thing you can do is say those are some brown shoes those are blue jeans that's a blue sweater those are brown glasses and you're you stop your mind the moment you're able to do that and that's literally just like a skill that the bigger picture is a much deeper one and and I think it's it's based in fear and that's a shitty feeling panic attacks anxiety I think everyone really goes through at some point in their life and it's so normal and I think the best thing to say also is to tell someone having Anna panic attack right now I'm just letting you know that in case something bad happens to me I need you to know that but usually nothing Bad's gonna happen because it's all in our in our mind but I I feel you and also I just say um know that you're not alone and life isn't easy it's not easy for anyone and we all have moments of doubt and feeling destabilized and uncertain but actually that's the case for everyone and if we just hold each other in the uncertainty then we'll get through it so know that you're not alone and we're all in it together okay guys I think that's all we've got time for Lizzy it's been a pleasure thank you to all of you
Channel: ACE Universe
Views: 105,514
Rating: 4.9520311 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Loki, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff, MCU, Comics, Comic Con, Comic-Con, ACE, ACE Comic Con, ACE Universe, Panel, Avengers, Avengers Infinity War, Infinity War, Avengers: Infinity War
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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