Tom Holland and Zendaya Argue Over The Internets Biggest Debates | Agree To Disagree | @LADbible TV

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i like american football i just don't understand why it's called football because they don't use their feet yeah it should be causally different maybe throw ball whatever you want to call it throw it you don't kick it you do kick it yeah once yeah we like like a face off i know we're supposed to be a team right i hope we agree on everything okay pineapple on pizza is delicious i don't understand why people get so scared of pineapple on paper no that's unnatural although pineapple pizza is called hawaiian pizza it was actually invented in canada yeah no little general knowledge for you though thank you it was but i like it i would never normally order it but if someone presented to me pineapple pizza on set and i was hungry so you strongly agree with it i'll go here i'll go here yeah i was like because you're acting like you just i love loving i can't remember the last time i had pineapple on pizza to be fair that is true yeah i've never in my life ordered a pineapple pizza i don't even think i've eaten a few like i don't think i've even had a piece of with pineapple on it i thought you could say a piece of pineapple i was like no i love pineapple but i don't like it on my pizza i'll tell you that next one before we have a fight yeah american football is better than soccer three two one yeah i disagree too i don't think i mean i like american football i just will never remember dangerous why it's called football because they don't use their feet i just don't understand why it's called football yeah it should be causally different maybe throw ball whatever you want to call it don't kick i like american football and i can respect the athleticism and the strategic aspects of the sport but football is the greatest sport of all time i mean it is it is the world sport and you know we went to the band all the other day and we met messi and it was crazy it was crazy and we met ambape i actually asked them buffet i said hey nice to meet you he was really friendly i said mate you have to come to tottenham and he just burst out laughing i don't really know what any of that means but for sure food is better than british food i don't really i don't know i haven't had enough of y'all's food i think that you know i like the food we got but i don't know if anything like we do american food what is that what is american food though like hot dogs american chocolate oh it's got to be british chocolate really i don't know trust me but like not enough to like really like well and you actually have some here jaffa cakes can't go wrong with a japa cake wow that was really good never had a jaffa cake would you like one sure it's uh like an orange no i don't like orange flavored things i actually don't don't know darnell try it though it's not orange flavored it's actually got orange in it yeah orange chocolate not for me try try try try it it's double tasty that don't smell right smell it smell it just make it give it in my mouth give it a smell i can smell it because it's in my mouth that doesn't smell very good you haven't got to the orange bit yet though oh that's going to be the worst no no no no you're done it's not it's not my style this is not my vibe it's like if you can make something that you don't want make how would make this okay okay okay it's got orange filling okay so what would you say would be your american inside what's the inside of this orange jelly no no no no absolutely and i take these last time would you like mine sure okay london best city in the world three well i know what you're gonna say one i think that london is a beautiful place yes and i love it here um but there's also other beautiful places in the world i'm sitting right now oh are you not i'm actually going to go with agree because i haven't been to all the cities in the world and you know lots of places have assets that london doesn't have like you go to barcelona you have the beach you know yeah um and that's it so maybe it's just possible he's trying to sound like i'm really cultured i'm like madrid is also in spain right guys this hasn't been anywhere um no i love london london is my home i've grown up here whenever i come back it feels like i'm a part of the city it's a great city great food lovely people can you tell that he's english just from this interview can you tell uh your favorite place in london i can't tell you that because then people will go there and try and find it is the best spider-man three i'm not getting in trouble yeah i'm not getting in trouble i'm leaving it right there part of me wanted to just flip the table then but i was worried the legs might bang your feet um just right there just leave it up to the people yeah it's not for us son tell us home best quality is a spider best quality spot sorry best colonies i know yeah um best quality is a spider-man um i would say handsome i would say um i mean there's a lot of great things i think that make you spider-man i think one of them is that you actually love being spider-man yeah like and you embrace it so much i think anyone who's ever seen him you know deal with kids especially when he's in the out the the whole get up you know the suit it's really special to watch you know he does the accent and does the web thing because i was like can you shoot a web he's like i've used all my web cartridges getting here you know it's it's really really sweet you know um so that i would also say that you have the annoying capability of doing everything very well thank you um thank you i don't know if anybody ever saw the thing battle i'm still feeling the respect of that should still hurt he told me that he was just gonna we were just gonna keep it chill and then there was rain ah the rain came in quite late though there was rain and there was a wardrobe change so i didn't see that coming this time to play i thought we were you know i thought we were working together but it's whatever um he has this annoying capability of being able to do everything really well so it's like when you're when you're watching him flip and then land and then fight and then do all these things you know you're you're great at it and you do it with such ease chairs okay i like it when you have like a gangster come on yeah well that's a very different vibe today what's it like when you interview that gangster there terrifying yeah i bet it people said call me a gang so i didn't like it one guy called me gangster stuff stuck a gun in his mouth and educated him that i weren't a gangster and i said that i'm a businessman and my business is crime someone sent me you know do you want to come on an armed robbery i went yeah all right i'm only sort of like 16 17.
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 11,164,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, funny, comedy, funny videos, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, Tom holland and Zendaya interview, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Tom Holland and Zendaya together, Zendaya on Tom Hollands best qualities, Lionel Messi at the Ballon d'Or, Tom Holland invited Kylian Mbappé to tottenham, Is Tom Holland the best spider-man?, Should pineapple be on pizza?, Zendaya trying Jaffa Cakes, Is London the best city in the world?
Id: yEmgU9oX7ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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