Tom Daley Snuck His Number Into Dustin’s Diary | The Jonathan Ross Show

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[Applause] well let's deal with this the big revelation this week yes who would have fully laden German splash has a second series well the thing to have to announce I know we're gonna talk about this a bit first before we talk about other issues because let's talk about it so let's get the TV stuff out the way because there is another series of splash after Christmas the last one was a huge success will you supply us to how popular it was well I mean it started off a little bit shaky people had mixed opinions about it but I had so much fun and if someone was to tell me like 10 years ago when I started diving there was gonna be a Saturday night TV show how'd I do not have been like Yeah right but I mean it's it kind of took off the ratings kind of spoke from themselves more and more so yeah it was great and we have to Natalia now you can't say which celebrities are taking part the suits but though I believe there's someone close to my my life involved yes I believe your brother is taking part my brother years ago he did there was a celebrity kind of a charity singing thing of on BBC and for comic relief and he did that and I was washing at home with my daughter and she turned to me quite seriously she was about I usually said he's brought shame on the whole family how's he doing the house is he got is he brave he's doing really well I mean obviously when you think that you're gonna be okay going up onto a ten meter board and people think yeah yeah you'll be fine and when they get up there they soon change their mind but I mean he's he's doing really well and he's working on a little something special but I mean yeah it's gonna be good on the last news of course you had Joey Essex yes who is currently out in the jungle yeah doing great and winning new fans anybody's kind of people like him because he sometimes says let you know silly unsophisticated things yes he had someone will be dude in the last on the on the last show yeah when I took him up on to ten meter for example I said ah welcome to like my second home this is where I do most it was like what you live here and he leave [Music] I can't wait the CNE starts when does it start January 4th is the first episode so yeah ok and then early next year of course you're gonna start training in earnest again I guess you've got the Commonwealth Games come up there's something else before that in there yeah well I'm training a full-time now I mean it's it's always tough the year after the Olympics with motivation because you mean it's like you have that massive high of wearing an Olympic medal in front of a home crowd it was the Olympics last year was just insane so training this year's it's been tough because you've got another four years to go but I'm working hard and making sure that I can get to the come off games next year in the best shape I possibly can you've got the national championships in February so just working so at the moment you said you know the hung crowd for the Olympics here in London was incredible yeah obviously everyone was so excited and you did fabulous I you know you you want a medal for us I know it wasn't necessarily the one you were after yeah you've got an Olympic medal that's incredible you're hoping the support we will be there for you in 2016 I suspect you'll find more than ever before to the announcement you made this week to film you put on YouTube which was to tell us about the the thought process leading up to there why on YouTube why now well to be honest it was a terrifying decision to make I didn't know what the reaction was gonna be like I didn't know how it was gonna go but I just felt like I needed to say something I I mean there was rumors or speculation and all that kind of stuff and I just wanted to be able to say something in my own words from my heart because I I didn't know what else to do and I didn't want to be like caught on the back foot like of anything I wanted to be able to be honest and open about my life and obviously some parts of my life are private not very many I'll give you that but I mean it I felt like I had to say something and I right now I couldn't be happy I mean the support and the reaction has just been amazing and it's because I hadn't thought they could go one of two ways I mean but everyone's been so supportive and like might just have to like thank everyone for being so supportive [Applause] I thought there was anyone whose opinion you would respect who didn't see what you were talking about and the way in which you you did that without feeling just nothing but warmth and support for you and admiring your honesty as well to an extent I suppose you were cornered into it though well you're not in that the papers were speculating and they were asking your questions and that when you try to be kind of not vague so much but not specific about it yeah and of course you have every right to be private about yeah that could have been interpreted as you being ashamed or you lying and I guess you had to make sure that wasn't the case yeah exactly I was because people always say well why did like he have a girlfriend last year I was like oh because I had a girlfriend last year and it wasn't until spring this year like I say in the video it kind of came upon I was like okay wow I didn't I didn't expect it and it happened and I was just like okay everything just kind of clicked everything felt right he really doesn't make me feel safe happy and to be honest right now I couldn't be happier you said you were surprised in the film you said you were surprised were you surprised by the fact that this was a guy you were falling for or were you surprised by the depth of the feeling or the strength of the feeling you felt what was it the supply sure it was the fact that I was falling for a guy and it happened so quickly I'd never I mean I thought I'd really like someone before but I'd never felt the feeling of love and it happened and how it like completely overwhelmed by it like to the point where I just I like can't get out of my head all the time and it's I mean it's and I've never had it before where like I love someone and they love me just as much as I love them because I'm used to believe it or not I'm always used to rejection when it comes to girls and data honestly I don't know if I believe you yeah I've never been in a position before where I felt so happy and yeah and this is really the first time you've you fall in love yeah this definitely is the first I mean I thought I'd felt feelings like it before but I mean this kind of way surpasses all of it and it's yeah even compares nothing compares wasn't that lovely let it double we must feel degree of relief I would have thought the fact that you don't have to even think about people asking you anymore exactly this this all it was all the time like when aren't seeing interviews with sport worth doing interviews with whatever interview I was doing always the inner relationship who you dating you've got a girlfriend all that kind of stuff and it it felt like it was my dirty little secret I mean it was one of those things that it felt like I was I had chains wrapped around me I couldn't say anything I couldn't be who I wanted to be I felt so alone and trapped in who I was and just telling one person made me feel like so much better I'm like the first person I told was my friend Sophie and just telling one person was just it just took such a weight off my shoulders to be able to talk about it with someone you know you mentioned the thing as well you mentioned your father and people say to you what would your father have made of this and I guess that you know we talked about this when you were on my show last on a very tragic loss of your father so young in your life it would have been nice man at Elliot's of course but he seemed like he was a very chilled guy anyway I got the feeling from you I mean my dad was always a joker without a doubt it's quite funny all my family on my dad's side they're kind of like the practical joking type and I mean they've got bouncer scene as I like literally the first thing I did when I went into my uncle Jamie's house I walked in and the first thing he said to me so would you like a cup of tea so I was like yeah sure let's have a cup of tea it was like how'd you take it he hadn't seen the clip and this is a day before like because I had to tell everyone on the Sunday before like before I recorded the clip and I was just like okay Wow okay now gonna have to go say so the bye he always are they my family have always got that sense of humor and they're also supportive of me and I can I couldn't ask for anything more I mean credible thing is it's very unusual for someone who is a sports person in the prime of their career to have the courage to come out I mean normally you know there are people butts and this is not me in any way being that's kind of dismissive of them or trying to undermine them but sometimes it's normally near the end of it career that people say okay by the way I need to say this about myself as well but for you to say at the very beginning really or the early stage of clear I think that's what's impressive like I say in the video I've always wanted to be honest about everything I mean I may have been vague because I I wasn't necessarily comfortable like talking about that kind of I guess you weren't this early certainly like when you when you're growing up you may always have those kind of thoughts but you think no it can't be right I felt like I was they were something wrong with me I didn't know I didn't know other people out there felt that way I didn't know it was something that people like do I just literally thought I felt so alone and I felt so like locked away I felt like I couldn't say anything I can't be who I wanted to be and like from Monday I felt like I could just be myself there'll be many young people young men and women watching who maybe are in that situation in the situation you were in before you what would you say to them just even if you're just able to tell one person if you were able to tell your story and say how you feel then I've had people that have sent me messages on Facebook and on Twitter and they said that they've they've actually managed to be able to tell their parents today because they felt like they could and they felt like they had some hope and it wasn't like everyone had to kind of hide away from it and no one has to kind of be ashamed of it and to be honest like I couldn't be happier I mean it shouldn't matter who I'm dating but in this day and age but people want to know and I feel like if you've got something to say about something then you can tell someone and just be who you want to be that's inspirational and that is why I think you've become I mean you already worked an extent when you become very much a role model away and you whether you're aware of this or not I think you will find that you have become a very important figure to a lot of people let me ask you one thing that you know you were talking about you know the shock you felt the surprise at falling in love connacher was it a love at first sight sort of thing it really was a love at first sight I mean I'd never felt anything like it before I hadn't even talked to him and I was just like okay Wow okay sizzle yeah I didn't know I was like okay I didn't know what to do I didn't know if he if he was gay or whatever I was just like okay and so who made the first move actually lei was at the end of the night I we hadn't even talked and I don't normally do this but I wrote in his notes with my number and I split call me with a wink face and then I had a text in the morning and I was like I can't believe I just did that you know I didn't really have done it twice was you saying more than just hey joy check my game yeah are you interested because I'm interested yeah it was one of those and yeah ever since its kind of gone from there and now yeah I guess some people might say oh well he's in love with now and maybe you won't focus as much on diving but you're saying really that in a way it's going to enable you to focus even more it is made it he was what saved me from not one thing to dive anymore so you were thinking about stopping after the Olympics everyone had if you asked any athlete everyone feels down in the dumps about it because it's such a hard way to get back into it but meeting someone he just he just gave her extra motivation and made me think there's like yeah and he just made me work so hard and is it like it was yeah he's just exactly what I need I think we've all just fallen in love with him to be honest he sounds great he really is and I hope everyone can I hope everyone is so like as supportive once again I I think I speak more or less for everyone here when I say how proud we are view which might sound weird I hope it does and we'll get with proud of you thank you [Applause]
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 252,744
Rating: 4.9515352 out of 5
Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, ITV, Jonathan Ross, Wossy, Rossy, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, live, hollywood, celebrity, music, british, UK, Joey Essex, Splash, Olympics, Marriage, Boyfriend, Pride, Pride Month, Coming Out, Tom Daley, Diving, Dustin Lance Black, Rejection, Love, Husband, Secret, First Love, Babies, Adoption, Kids, 2020 Olympics
Id: mmKxDgpsOfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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