Dustin Lance Black on His Mum's Acceptance of His Sexuality and Meeting Husband Tom Daley | Lorraine

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Dustin Lance Black is an American oscar-winning screen racer he also happens to be married to Olympic diver Tom Daley and last year the pair of them welcomed their baby boy Robbie into the world gorgeous but as well as being a dad he's also written his memoir well it's mama's boy he talks about his upbringing in Texas and the amazing story of his late mother Anne doesn't it's great to see you I read this at one setting and it's kind of like a loss it's your mom's story yeah it's my you are myself in my memoir I know it's about your mom it's called mama's boy and it's about her story your mom is amazing she was told she never walk sure she never get married and she's never have children she was paralyzed from polio from two years old on and born into the poorest city in the United States Lake Providence Louisiana on the south side of the river being raised by a single mom nine kids I mean I always say I'm the luckiest man alive to have inherited Who I am from my grandmother Cokie who I never met who taught my mom not to listen to the doctors and nurses who were saying certain things were impossible that she would never have children I proof that she beat that one did and then my mother proved all of that wrong she got married she fell in love she had children she had an amazing career and then she passed that stubbornness along to me that anything is possible attitude on to me and I'm so bright you've achieved so much I'm sure I be there sometimes saying to you come on let's get on with it oh yeah no especially when I get down on myself or I get a little depressed and don't want to do the work that I know I need to do to make things great I can hear her voice saying if it's worth doing it's worth doing right get out there but when you have to commit to her you have to tell her that you ready it wasn't an easy conversation was it absent my mother was incredibly conservative night she was Mormon she worked in the military we were raised in Texas she was taught her entire life that being a gay person was wrong you'd go to hell there was something mentally wrong with you you were a criminal so well not when she found out I was gay I didn't tell her I was too afraid to lose her my mom was my foundation mmm we were each other's foundations she raised us as a single parent my little brother was two I was six my big brother was 10 we had to raise her as much as she was raising us we needed each other so although I'm this kid who went off to ha and fought for gay rights and she's this conservative we always had to figure it out mm-hmm we had to figure out where are the bridges between us how do we get along how do we have those tough conversations how do we hear the things we don't necessarily want to hear from each other and still maintain a close and loving relationship that's the reason I wrote the book because I feel like people aren't doing that right now no that's true that's true and not and that is remarkable because you know you could have you could have painted this as if oh everything was fine and it was lovely but it's so honest and that's why I had to read the whole thing when when sitting also the story about your brother as well was just which is tragic you know brother it's it's so so sad and affect that heart in your mom as well well it defied all the stereotypes my big brother not to ruin too much of the book but my mother had a tough enough time understanding who I was and she did the hard work and showed the courage and curiosity to learn about gay people and that started to change things and then to challenge that my big tough hunting watching race cars go around in circles big brother came out I mean he didn't fit a single stereotype and it did become tragic because unlike me where I've been able to live in my life he came out so late because of the fears around it that he didn't get to live his because he sadly lost his life shortly after it came out so suicide is no markable remarkable study she dead loved your talk didn't she she did you know she was she was sort of looking him up wasn't she Google ah I think you know she he was smart enough to come out to our family home in Virginia for Christmas and to do all the Christmas cookies and do all the traditions and I wondered if my mom liked him or not because she didn't like my boyfriend's before and I found her in bed on her iPad one night and I just looked at what she had been searching and it was pictures of Tom in his speedos well she knows when it does that really like mother like son no I hire you to house baby house things there's life baby is great I mean he's almost one years old can you believe that it's nearly wooden it's insane isn't it so I think it's he's up to 8 teeth he's starting to stay and III just you know he just it blows your mind I have these new set of eyes that I get to see the world through and things like curiosity returning to me I mean it's so wonderful maybe do you think you'll have more yes yeah I would love to I mean I I listen I was raised Mormon by my Mormon mom right you can take me out of the church but you can't take the church out of me like happy to have a dozen yeah we'll see we'll start maybe with number two the Chokey because obviously he's got to be training course and looking ahead to the Olympics next year you know that's all happening do you just let it you know we don't we well because he needs his rest in order to be safe at practice so the sick he and he works out six days a week which is insane huge commitment I know I guess that's what you need to do to get those abs so I do the night sort of whatever if he wakes up or needs to be fed I'll do that six days a week and then those blessed Saturday nights because he doesn't have practice on Sunday so then I get to sleep throughout the night great and then you need that case make time for one another this whale because you know kids babies of course take up all your time and that's quite right do you think cuz I know and the book does deal with it it's a brilliant weed by the way and or thank you see it's very cinematic I could almost see it there's no there's a reason you wanna know well because it would be wonderful wouldn't it what apparent that would be for any actress to play your mum do you think we're getting better do you think would you think we'd get in somewhere do you think it's far as gay rights cause as far as human rate school is but everybody did well I like that you say as far as human rights go because it's not just gay people who are seeing the pendulum of progress swinging back right now we are in a back swing when it comes to progress on civil rights on equality for people who've been treated differently historically under the law in society it's up to us as people concerned with the treatment of our neighbors to lock arms and to push back and to make sure that this swing back of the pendulum of progress goes forward again it's the nature of civil rights we always have to defend our our gains and continue to push forward right now undoubtedly we all need to push for it again I say this when people say well this is a minority thing I say you know think about it every single one of the people on the planet the people watching right now is a minority in one way or another it just depends on how you slice the pie everybody is very different that's what's spectacular about life we love those differences now rila take your difference in lock arms with someone else who's a little bit different and let's move forward together understand that their rights and your rights are connected oh you know wise man you want to be Prime Minister [Laughter] you
Channel: Lorraine
Views: 316,544
Rating: 4.9534035 out of 5
Keywords: lorraine, lorraine kelly, lorraine itv, lorraine interview, interview on lorraine, chat show, talk show, dustin lance black, dustin lance black husband, tom daley baby, tom daley, tom daley dustin lance black, dustin lance black baby, dustin lance black mama's boy, mama's boy: a memoir
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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