Tom and Lance talking about each other

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[Music] Tom Daley is here good morning good morning Matty Healy is here co-hosting the show today your shoutout yeah what Lance is actually listening in LA right now he stayed up until like 1:00 a.m. that's why blue slime that's why you got marry her yeah exactly stay that until 1:00 a.m. dedication yeah I'm wrong he claims that you made the first move true yeah that's true no yeah yeah there's no that's no you turned up at a dinner with girls and he was confused as to oh okay is he isn't he yeah because I went but basically I went to I was over there in LA for Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards and I was doing some bits with them and I went over there with like my team and we just went to have dinner with a mutual friend and it turned out that he was there and you know confident conversation started and then by the end of the night when my move was putting my number in his phone with a wink face yeah would you sort of regretted a little bit the wing of face yeah cuz I was like oh I was like why did I just do that and just hand it back like what an idiot like it's gonna like yeah but that happened yeah American screenwriter director film TV producer we're Oscar winner for milk yeah so yeah you probably felt a bit silly at that point I could get that yeah I mean the whole conversation it was really weird like you know they caught you know you make conversation about anything when you like someone and we were talking about making like some kind of movie about the goings-on inside the Olympic Village and you know what goes on and how he can make it so yeah we were just talking about loads of you know rubbish just to be able to have a conversation but it was a it was sorry a huge deal for you though wasn't it to meet him and fall in love with him it was totally life-changing for you describe the ways in which it was yeah I mean massively life-changing like I thought it was normal to like be slightly attracted to both sexes but then as soon as I met Lance well I didn't realize that I would be able to fall in love with a guy and they're meeting Lance you know shift in my perspective and like was like whoa what is going on and yeah and then ever say mean we've been together coming up for four years now would you in Lance feel comfortable holding hands in public in the towns and cities of this country yeah I mean we do and you know and that's one thing living in London is when it's you know one of those things but outside of London you know it can be quite intimidating walking walking around and feeling like you can be completely comfortable with who you are and you know it's sad to think that that's the case but you know more and more in that like years to come I think things people's minds are changing perfect pretty rapidly really but it's still like a big issue for lots of people I mentioned the age gap simply because it's there and because people made a big thing of it at the start of it and people were very very quick to judge as they always are in these scenarios but also I think it would do some people a disservice as well because I think some people are very protective of you and when you appear that I think everybody just fell in love with you and I think people you know genuinely just just had your best interests at heart there are obviously haters always but there are some people that were just worried about you do they ever even cross your mind the thing is I had no idea how old Lance was and the fact that if you were to ever well he looked me right never tell you would never know and if you speak it that's the thing if you speak to Lance you think that I was that old or hunted because you know in certain situations like for example he's he's scared to make phone calls to like restaurants to make reservations because he you know is scared of talking to strangers on the phone and things like that so in certain ways I'm definitely the more and more grown-up amateur one but do you worry about something I do think about it's just the narcissism of it that you end up becoming defined by I mean it's lucky for you because you're defined by your athletic prowess but defined by the likes and the follows and the shares again a like it's something that I don't think about like I do it about answers you take the mickey out of him I mean Lance does I mean Lance last because whenever he posts a photo of us two together he always gets more more like are you inconsolable to the point where you have to be alone or did you want Lance around you how did you react to that I mean it was one of the lucky like I said it was one of the most difficult things and at the time it was like shock at first because like you going into that competition knowing that you like that was the first time that I've ever not made a final in any major competition of the year which was quite shocking to me at first and then you know then going and seeing the the rest of the diving team and the fact that there was about 60 people in the audience that stayed behind just to see me come out and just tell me tell me that they loved me and the fact that they thought that I did really only know that was really touching but you know the first person that I wanted to see was my mom and Lance because it was you know Lance just the fact that he doesn't know that much about diving and it's just someone that can just you know listen to it and just you know I just wanted to vent about everything and it was I mean it was a tough time but having my family there made a big difference mm-hmm I mean yes what what advice do you give when you're a Hollywood script writer he's an Olympic diver after they've just had the worst kind of performance your life other than think that make a good scene yeah well you know that that's the funny thing like what he did say was he was like you like to make it dramatic don't you yeah I know and he was but then it was like you know what Tom you've been right you've been writing this story you're like as a director as a movie maker you've been writing this story like your whole life going from competition to competition and maybe this just wasn't your time so maybe Tokyo 2020 is their ending of the story who knows [Music] what brings you to our shores ah well love first and foremost he just showed up from an award show to come here and visit me how'd you be all those and to be with you he wanted to see you but you know first and foremost it's that you'd be never present at Tom side in the night of competition it must have been a fantastic way to experience the games my goodness I have Union Jack Sox I've got a Union Jack shirt I've got Union Jack underwear as you people call it pants I'm like Union Jack tout for Tom have you been surprised by all the attention on the the media focus that Tom gets he's an adrenaline junkie he likes the challenge I know it means a lot to him to have the support of his country he absolutely enjoys you know the love from the fans I think that most of the folks in England seem to really cheer him on and that's you know so much encouragement from folks there it's really special what goes through your mind when you see Tom on that diving board well I don't know how he has the courage to get up there and this is even at practice not just a competition it's it's awe-inspiring he does things that almost no one else in the world can do and he does it was such beauty and precision I'll say he knows how to make a moment dramatic doesn't me the Tom's final dive is coming up on Saturday what words of encouragement have you been giving him I'm already incredibly proud of him no matter the outcome but I know he will have given it his all Paul it's like anyone when they get married the best their lives it's benign it goes so fast I like that so did you take any time out you just stand and watching them this is our day yeah lots of like contacts you did make that deal in the beginning they said we would take moments to remember with each other [Music] you've said that after that the highs of 2012 you hit a low and you just wanted to find out what it was to be an 18 year old and yes fun yeah I was I turned 18 in May of May 21st so last week I then it was a turn 18 in May the Olympics were in August so when you turn 18 and you've got the Olympics coming up you don't really go out and do the usual 18 year old thing so I remember after the Olympics my mum was up in London and a few of my friends were in London and they're like let's go out and I thought what you mean go out I can't go I don't do any of that you know I'm just Tom the diver I don't go and do any of the stuff that look I'm on yeah so I'm up there like we're gonna take you to a club and I was like no I can't go to a club felt like really like it was like a really naughty thing to go to a club because I need to be training or doing whatever and I was on time off because obviously I'd finished the Olympics by then and I remember thinking wow that was fun on do that again and then a fir like that what period like after the Olympics I was just like you know what maybe I should just be an 18 year old go and have fun and do what everyone else is doing all my friends have turned 18 now and they're going out on the weekends and having fun why can't I do that so I started like you know having the experience of being an eighteen year old and going out on the weekends and then realizing ours is diving really what I want to do is it like the struggle with the back twist and wanting to like be normal and be with my friends am I really gonna be able to get through this and actually get the same passion that I had before and it wasn't really until I met Lance that that kind of changed because meeting Lance gave me that I don't know extra motivation to want to be good at what I did because that's something that I feel like you know diving isn't what I'm about like this I'm I feel like there's so many different things other than diving that I try to you know make part of my life that I thought it's diving really what I want to do but and I took I did take I'm off in the March of 2013 because I was so it get the got to a point where I was so overwhelmed with everything of what I was thinking how I was feeling and all the diving issues that I was having so I just like you know what I need to step away I don't think I can do it anymore remember taking a week off and in that week I met Lance and I came back with a whole different perspective on everything and was able to get back into training and get to a point where I wanted to dive again I [Music] mentioned at the top you're a social media superstar and you have kind of lived your life through YouTube and talking very directly to the world and that's what you did when you met Lance and we did you have a great reaction you have any negative reaction did you I think that I think with social media for anyone that is around my age my generation younger and older I think social media became such a thing that everything that you do when you wake up I don't know anyone else in the room the first thing you do is you wake up you check Twitter Instagram Facebook and have a little look what have I missed while I've been asleep and then YouTube kind of came about in a way that was I was able to speak to people fans friends whoever you like about what I was actually feeling all this like was like a bit of a it's like a diary outlet for me being able to document things that I'm feeling doing leading into the Olympics leading into competitions and giving people an insight into what it's like to be an athlete and I think that's why there were so many different ways that I could have told the world about Lance and all that kind of stuff you know my like team well why don't you go on a TV show why don't you like do an interview here why don't you do that and I was just a bit like you know you want to be able to communicate directly with the people that your generation is my generation in the way that I didn't want any words to be twisted I didn't want to be asked any questions I didn't want to be asked and I was able to just say what I was feeling what I was thinking and just post it like I had been posting if I was announcing if I was going to a con tition or announcing going to training or whatever it may have been that's just how I was talking to my fans and friends before so why would I change it's brilliant [Music] now as you've touched on you've found great happiness in your personal life yes congratulations on the wedding Lance has got a stellar career himself he's an award-winning Academy award-winning screenwriter yeah how do you balance those workloads as a couple I mean we both understand each other's passion for what we do and making sure that we're working as hard as we possibly can so it's not there's not many people to understand how much effort and time and sacrifice goes into doing that being the best that you can be so it's nice to have someone that understands that although the one thing I've got a trophy cabinet with things like medals and all that kind of stuff whereas he keeps his Oscar in the upstairs loo so apparently it's bad luck to have it anywhere other than in the toilet apparently he suggested any diving movie oh no no it's funny the foot the way that we first actually got talking was around a mutual friends dinner and the only way that we knew to talk to each other it was like you know it's always a little bit daunting at first and then I he said that he was a he was a filmmaker and I was like okay cause I imagine the I don't know film about the goings-on inside the Olympic Village because I could tell you so and then we still got talking like that but we've never talked about making anything together I think I'd be better as a producer I quite like quite like the camera I find it fun to organize things I'm a bit of a yeah organising freak and he's anything that can be done around the house I'm like yeah I like things to be neat and tidy and where they should be [Music] good afternoon tom thanks fairness who made the first move you along funnily enough we went out afterwards there's a big group and he was leaving and he got his assistant to come over to me with his phone and I put my number in it with a winged face and you know then we had to show a picture and congratulate you on one month of marriage yesterday was your one-month anniversary of getting married to you your husband Tom Daley's now I got married it was it was truly I a lot of us fought for marriage equality for a long time in this country I certainly did I put filmmaking aside for a good four or five years and and we won that right and then I run off and get married to a Brit yeah in the UK but it has been I have to say marriage is more meaningful than I ever imagined it was when I was fighting for it I am I'm so grateful for the people that fought alongside me and us in that battle because now I know what it means and it doesn't mean something the word means something when you accepted your Oscar in 2009 you said that you learned of Harvey Milk when you were 13 years old and that he gave you hope that someday you could grow up and get married and fall in love yeah I just didn't think it would be to like the most handsome charming man in the face of the planet and I and I got into a point I think where I didn't think he was going to apply to me I thought I had missed it so this has been a really charmed period since then [Music] I hope it's okay to bring this up I noticed a little hardware on your finger yeah ovulations yeah thank you so it's gonna Harry got married I didn't I got hitched and this was literally one month ago one month ago yesterday and you know I I fought for marriage equality in this country for about half a decade I put filmmaking on hold there was no movies or TV shows coming out we were working on a Supreme Court case and and as much as I knew we deserved the right I didn't quite know what it meant until I sat there I stood there across from my now husband and we said our vows in front of all the people we love and for the first time in my life I understood the deep meaning of that word marriage personally and so I'm so grateful for all the people who have fought alongside us for marriage equality all these mouths after fighting the whole time all right so what gets what gets the mantle in the in the house and then your Academy Award or his Olympic medal no he gets he's got a trophy cabinet it's got all those Olympic medals and his World Championship medals I put the Oscar in the toilet come on that is the tradition in the UK is that right yeah it's supposed to be bad luck so everyone I know who has an Oscar in the United Kingdom it's no disrespect it's what you do you put it in there and the fun part is is then after you have a big party you just go on Instagram or your friends Instagram and there they are but every single one of them is locked holding it in the bathroom so you get some like toilet paper and an Oscar and your best friends [Music] final personal thought you've talked a lot about what drives your filmmaking drives your activism but you also said earlier in this interview that you're you can't deny your mormon roots and you want a big family yeah you're married you're happily married yes so children is definitely something you want to embrace aleut Lee yeah soon because I'm just wondering how you're gonna fit all this in well you know I mean the wonderful thing about writing in particular production is difficult because your way but the wonderful thing about writing is you're always looking for distraction and I'm sure the children will provide plenty of that but it's also a thing that you do for a few hours a day before that party a brain is a bit exhausted and you need to open your eyes to the world and know better eyes to help open your own than kids so I'm I'm really looking forward to putting my attention into raising children to be able to look through their eyes to make those mistakes and try and correct them to learn more and more and more and you know it's it's why I've been in this fight for so long it's it's about for me it's about family now of course we have to say congratulations you got married this year there's the ring I can say it's catching my eye the bling did you have a wonderful day oh yeah it was it was such a beautiful day I mean the best part of the day beyond just saying I do and making that promise in front of all of our loved ones which that design that simple design is so powerful was saying my family from Texas Texarkana Texas Dallas Austin San Antonio flowing out at meeting all Tom's family from Plymouth and watching them bond and really bond and really get along I mean I we were the first to go to bed they all stayed up all night long drinkin it was you you feel like you're now 50% Plymouth do you feel like you'll kind of part of the family oh yeah no no I felt like part of that family for a long time now but I'm not sure I'm 50% Plymouth yet I haven't earned that and who took the longest to get ready was it you or Tom really my long way No couple of years ago you wouldn't have been able to get married in this country how proud did you feel as a gay man standing there with the man you loved I I got quite tearful that day when I was able to join in that great tradition and understand it fully and theirs and come to understand a bit more than I ever knew even when I was fighting for it it's been the loveliest two months since we were married it's two months today and I'm understanding every day just how deep that tradition in that word goes finally as a gay couple how important is it for you to be out and proud how important is visibility we're just really open about who we are I and I don't think it's even a gay thing I think we just don't hide our relationship if we're gonna do something together we're husband's were each other's life partners we love each other so we don't hide it [Music] I think the idea this year the theme we've got is love happens here I mean how important is that to you guys love happens here you can interpret that in many many different ways but I think in general I think it's a great way of living our lives I agree right now so what happens here we love you guys having fun no really Wow okay well you guys it's great to have you here it's great to see you here enjoy yourselves have some fun let's get some glitter on this game a towel he's sweating yeah and maybe a drink he's very very well disciplined and it means I have to keep up so he wakes up very very early has a very consistent diet which means I've begun waking up very very early and have more consistent diet I mean I might end up being one of the healthiest riders ever if I keep up with this what is it's it's inspiring to see that dedication and to start to learn the benefits of the benefits of consistency we're both trying very hard to do our very best at what it is we do two very very different fields and I don't think it's about compromise I mean there that we have to compromise on it's like any relationship but it's more about how we inspire each other and certainly watching him and works so hard to achieve what he wants to achieve to be the best of what he's doing is is really motivating to me so if anything it's not changed me because of compromise changed me because I I understand I can do better and I can go further and I hope in some way what I'm doing is the same for him and and you know some of its fortunate because even though we're in very very different fields we both have to travel a lot we're on the road a lot and there's similar pressures so in some ways it's not compromise it's it's support it's understanding I'm always curious what he's doing I always want to know what he's up to he's curious about what I'm doing and I feel like that renews a relationship so you know I if I don't understand I ask and he doesn't say I tried to travel when I can to where he's competing I am when I can't I cook so that there's dinner on the table when he gets home from a later practice and then in other ways you just listen you know there's whenever you're doing anything at a high level there's going to be some stress and I don't think we operate best when we have that stress so to just be a set of ears to listen to be there for him I think that sometimes the best thing you can be for somebody who you love if Tom's are in a certain mood I let him be in that mood you know he's when he's competing like any competitor I mean look around this is a this is a building filled with competitors and they get into a certain state of mind to compete I'm not gonna get in the way of that you know I don't always understand what it is he needs to do emotionally and mentally to prepare and so I just get out of the way and I listen and I don't take it personally I know it's meant personally he right now is here to compete he has his warrior hat on and I love that about it you know the cuddles will come later he's not here to do that he's here to compete [Music] what is that thing in your hand so you get drug tested afterwards and they give you like a little prize it's almost like when you guys are dentists and you get like a sticker when you go to a drug test apparent you get one of these so yeah it's gonna go for my husband and I think ants what was the forfeit from yesterday because you could got to do something now well I guess two days before I was I went to visit Tom where the team is staying and and he was there with his diving partner dan good fellow and and just really I didn't think much of it but I said to me if you ever get gold on the world stage that would get me to jump off the 10-meter and then he put his hand out and turned that into a deal and he said deal you he wins the gold on the world stage he becomes a world champion I'll Drive off that 10 meter and I am so afraid of heights I'm sweating I'm literally you can see it on me can't you know I'm sweating thinking about it I've gone up to the 5 meter and I off the 5-meter I have perfected quite an original dive it's called the screaming 5 meter so all the way down pointy toed screaming all the way into the water so I don't I don't know if we get to do that in the London pool I might blow those windows out if I jump off the tin screaming all the way down that way but I've made a deal deals been made got to be a man of my word what I think needs to happen if we're really going to make something good of it is that I should jump off hand-in-hand with Debbie Daley you've never dived at all from that well you've never have you been up to the 10-meter I have been on to the 10-meter but I do tend to hold on to the sides and not get too close to the edge okay so we need a proper tutor will be no:1 you're married to him you're the mother of him he can he can teach you but maybe do this for charity try and try and advantage your room I never do I say whatever's left over after medical bills charity but have you got a time limit do you know when you got to do this well I mean to be honest we're heading off to our honeymoon finally so we got married and then we put our honeymoon on hold because he needed to stay focused keep training you know he and I are driven individuals and and and his priority was was making sure that he could show himself I think first that he was the best in the world that he is the best in the world and so he's dedicated the time since our marriage since our wedding to that so now we're gonna now we're gonna take some time and head off to a honeymoon I hope there's a pool wherever you're going practice but but when I get back I've asked Jane I'm not asking Tom because Tom will want me to do flips and go in headfirst and you know he'll make it he'll make it as frightening as humanly possible for his own enjoyment I'm hoping Jane will go easy on me she'll be my coach [Music] and now I'm really excited to be able to finally go on a honeymoon my husband so he grew up in Texas so if I say I'm a Dolphins fan and he's a Cowboys fan that could be pretty intense break up any relationships Lance has played a massive part in my success I mean he's always there to support me no matter what like in my bad days the good days and also it's also just nice to have someone that understands the amount of hard work and it goes into doing something at a high level as obviously he's a very high level filmmaker so it's nice to have someone that understands that [Music] how important was it to have lunch there like how much should he help you through that I mean having Lance there he can't he's very good at making my brain rational when I go into a little bit of a downward spiral of oh my goodness I did this or what I did that or like I can't believe this happened he's very good at making me feel so much calmer about everything and making me feel like I I can come back and I can do it and I can get to the point where I'm training really well and I can get to the point where I'm competing my very best again so he helped me through a lot yeah sometimes it's it's great just to have we can be our own worst enemy yeah as athletes like I find is particularly the the psychology of it all really really interesting and but you know we do have very limited time so I did want to I know you probably everybody talks to you about you know your relationship because it has been so public like what's it like having a famous partner and being in the spotlight all the time and being under so much scrutiny all the time I mean you kind of have to learn to not tell anyone else things yeah like I know me and my husband Lance we just do what we do we you know I'm so I feel so lucky to have been able to find someone that understands what it's like to be in a spotlight understands what it's like to have to work really hard to be the best at something and having that understanding is really good for me supporting him and him supporting me and because we're in completely different fields as well we can be a little bit more rational for each other and be able to help each other when people you know but especially because Lance is a creative week and especially as if anyone has a a writer as a girlfriend boyfriend a husband wife whatever it is they're will understand that you know they go ups and downs and their emotions and get very much inside their head so being able to speak to me come out of it that is also 5x9 do you see similarities between Europe both of your careers there's a lot of similarities that's one way how we actually connected in the first place is that after 2012 I had a massive like down like I was so you know I didn't know what to do after 2012 it was all I was thinking about so thinking about afterwards I said why on earth am I going to do and then going for Lance after he won his Oscar in 2009 he either had the same thing you had this big lull where he was like what now like it's it was just that weird thing that it's hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been in that situation because you know if you weren't advised to go talk to one of my friends like oh I want an Olympic medal and now I'm really sad about it it looks really ungrateful yeah but it's just this thing that just all of a sudden you end up like down in the dumps and you're like what I'm what can I do to get out of this and you know sometimes it either takes a bit of a bad performance or something to like you know give you a kick up the backside but you know lance and I were able to really understand each other and then be there for each other when we get to that moment
Channel: lele
Views: 292,372
Rating: 4.9390068 out of 5
Id: XSR0ingNoT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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