Taking my Husband Diving! *OUCH* I Tom Daley

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because the international diving community all of your friends decided to reply to my little Instagram story with all of the possible scenarios of what might go wrong today hi guys welcome back to my channel as you can see we are at the London Aquatic Centre pretty much my second home and that is because last year two days before the World Championships Lance made a bet with me and said if I ever win the world championships ever again he would jump off the 10-meter platform all the way up there and guess what I did this [Music] today is the day that Lance is gonna jump off that board my my family is here as well supporting in the audience that wasn't part of the deal I'm just saying that was not part of the deal because I know your family well and it'd be one thing if they were there saying come on lads good job you can do it instead they're waiting every single one of them are waiting for me to fall flat on my ass but we jump off in that we need to get you into appropriate diving and tire none of this was agreed on someone sent help come on let's get your bag off shall we you still got as england' toenails from the Commonwealth Games okay so I'm not just gonna let them go right up onto Tamia and jump up and get it over with because that would be dangerous so for safety reasons we're gonna start all the way on the one metre platform nice and easy work out to 3 meter then 5 and 7 that's not easy so we're just going which one for 10 that was it turn the top one so I agreed in the bet to jump off the one no no there you've added as in another line as zeros come in but you need to get UK up and get ready here's the matter so I went to bed last night in a nice early hour thinking I gotta have my wits about me so that I don't whatever hurt myself and I posted a little something saying I'm about to you know today there's my last sleep before I die and what happened didn't say no you know why because the international diving community all of your friends decided to reply to my little Instagram story with all of the possible scenarios of what might go wrong today that's what I read so as I'm asleep or trying to sleep I'm dude they're coming in from Australia from Canada from the United States you're gonna smack this you're gonna smack that you'll be fine they're usually like a good smack but not here you see that our privacy of our own home can we stop because you want to get this over and done with don't you know I don't want to get it over we're done with I wanted to not ever be over or done but it's not happen they kill me make you a family go away thanks eh then just kidding yeah no and I convinced him to we're sure on girl shut your mouth everything in the right place everything from the right place or in the right yes you could wear your chamois what are you doing it me where my family sure he'll know it's not some kind of weird locker room thing got lots of chamois you go in fact you have that one we're not we're not we're not doing this this is done because Tom's had a horrible accident tom tom has had a bad accident he can't and can't possibly teach me if you can't if you can't control yourself next to the pool I don't might I don't know what you'll like to do though because if you'll doing that I'm not gonna go easy on you okay I'm right okay let's start awamiya you know there's a direct proportion to I think it's a post marriage things it didn't used to be like this maybe it's part of the marriage maybe it was in the contract and I didn't see it when I signed but that that your joy is in direct proportion to my humiliation right we need to let's go off on so long ago so I take this now just wrap that you could take it up and chuck it down look at professional [Music] it's only one meter tuck it down you just gonna go from here jump for cheating nine more times and I've done 10 meters right no I'm afraid that doesn't count we're going up to 3 meter now come on that weekend you hold your breath what do you mean hold your pride you hold your breath when you hit the water yeah I'm gonna doing my impression of you yeah yeah just the quick ready you'll be fine just exactly the same as before three-two-one no party big one don't just do this over again keep your eyes open jump use your arms to balance and then put your arms either danboy side or up by your ears when you land just don't have them out but if it's the out they're gonna smack your arms yeah drop it off I say we just get a mic on five million he's way worse than a forty was given I don't think he's gonna be safe to go up ten next level up to five feet smack fun they let all that support no that's just you kind of did this and then you let back a little bit and then you were started rotating backwards so just jump don't think about the height don't think about the height you have like this whole flailing thing with your arms and legs going on just try right control and center your body will be different James Gordon when the news go straight to the 10:00 no he went up it took it it took him three hours so you're gonna took James put in three hours together standing there they actually took him 40 minutes to get off that one so you're doing better than James had James Gordon get over the beer well he was doing it for sport relief when we did a synchro dive off ten year yeah but how like it took in three hours what got him to the place where he was able to jump I just said the other day you just have to do it when is the end of the day because it feels kinda like mornings we've got 15 minutes 15 minutes that's it that's it you'll be fine just don't don't think about it hang off that time again mr. practice like yep come back up you're going down not the right direction stop don't worry about them be in the moment focus on what you're doing this has literally truly the worst case scenario you can't do it Hewlett has no control of his body whatsoever do you feel in control no I'm having another issue that hurts yeah well if you lounge verts going correctly you'll be fine finally he uses armed had ballad five do we have you have to get out Oh we got to go off ten meter and we got to do it so and we're about to be kicked out the pool so up to ten we go so welcome to my home this is the 10-meter platform we're gonna do it synchro we're gonna go together [Music] - on the day like how cuddly that is a 10-meter platform everyone down in the swimming pool that's very small but I think you just have to do it [Music] I know but [Music] right I mean for safety sake but a weekend we can do it another time we can do it another time so but obviously now down on full-size and we were up there we've run out of time try to fish Lance off the 10-meter board and unfortunately didn't goes down so well so we're gonna have to try this again some other time bless them all right what what just happened to me help me make sense of this you did really well okay you are definitely a mom because that isn't true we all know that's true you did really well I gave me like what did I have I was in there for like 30 minutes at the most about my boy beds yeah the baby-making bits yeah I gotta tell you I tell you GJ that my bits hurt right now yeah no they hurt yeah would you would you rub my bits you can always count on family then spend how did I do I was what wait I think you actually say just say what you feel because I think what you feel is what I feel right now I'm a failure to the family but I didn't make it up to the top you're sweet we're gonna keep you around so as you can see we're now no longer in the London Aquatic Centre we are just outside of it if we can see how long did you give James for it it like three hours 15 minutes like 15 minutes so you hear about James Corden's health and well-being what about me it's okay we're gonna we're gonna come back another day there's a good training it was a training session it was a training session while you were gone we had a little discussion that technically I went off the one-meter once in the 5-meter twice I'm giving you 11 you owe me a meter no that doesn't count unfortunately we will be back and we will get you up there and you will have more time more training and it will be safe this bet is not over yet I'm afraid mr. black ah so make sure that you'll subscribe to not miss out on part 2 of lunch jumping up to 10 meter diving board and hopefully will be slightly more successful this man bitter irony but anyway [Music] we still understand
Channel: Tom Daley
Views: 5,266,265
Rating: 4.9122958 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Daley, Tom, Daley, Tom Daley TV, Diver, Diving, World Champion Diver, Olympics, Food, Recipe, Recipes, Fitness, Health, Healthy food, travel, d day, d-day, taking my husband diving, ouch, tom daley takes husband diving, husband, tom and lance, dustin lance black, platform, tom and lance diving, 10m jump, 10m, shirtless, abs, topless, lance 10m jump, james corden, james corden diving
Id: WU0ZV2dYwG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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