Tokyo’s Kachidoki Bridge and Neighborhood | Insider View

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greetings everybody and welcome to Tokyo right here on my right is ski G market which is completely gone now except for the docks that are right there that's kind of a skeleton of the old fish market and then right in front of your screen right now is the catchy dokie bridge a very historic bridge in the city of Tokyo and under construction as you can clearly see because of the 2020 Olympics I'm sure they're trying to beautify it as they are with all of the bridges and we're going to be this way this way checking out the kachi doki neighborhood which is a new island lots of history not really but I will bring you as much of it as I can how you doing everybody I'm John Dobbs this is the only do I go channel do subscribe so you get the notifications watch is live it's a lot more fun with it's live and we'll bring you some exciting stuff with the city of Tokyo it's getting more exciting with the Olympics coming and everybody that is this sumeet Ogawa river that you see in front of us and the space boat just went by so those who like the space boat or the sweet jewel bus just missed it it's on its way to die ba it's a peaceful place that's Tokyo Tower you see it just up there on the top over the building 333 meters I believe and this here is the the only draw a bridge in Tokyo on the Sumida River the drawbridge hey Mike how you doing from Latvia it's nice to see this is a live stream everybody the iPhone 11 pro now this drawbridge was built in the 1940s and it connected this island of Kachidoki with the mainland which is ski G and Ginza you can check this way in the center of it which you can't see because of the construction you have to go on a bicycle and bicycles should go on the road hugging the shoulder and not on the sidewalk just so you know there are laws but very few people follow it including the police times they don't stay they don't hug the curb in the middle of it as a drawbridge as a metal guard in the middle of it it would take 70 seconds to open I was told but 20 minutes for the boats to cross through it the last time that this bridge opened up was in the 1970s the reason why is because a lot of the highway traffic into the island just didn't need to open the drawbridge anymore so things to get around by car a lot easier because the infrastructure in Japan was so much better than it was in the 1940s every World War two by 1970 this drawbridge was finished and now it is kind of a bridge but it's still a pretty bridge and a historic bridge they built this in 1940 in the 40s to celebrate the victory of the Japan and Russian war and it's still here today I don't know if a lot of people know why they built it but it was the only way to get on here before the only way to get on to Kachidoki island was by boat we'd have to take a ferry across and scoota island which is the original rock is still over there and there's a lot of high-rise buildings but before they built Suki Shima and country Doki by the way there's a map in the description if you want to find out what I'm talking about this island was just settling land now catchy doki I'm gonna point forward cachito key was they started building this back in the Meiji era which started in 1868 and went on until 1912 and then the Taisho era from 1912 to 1926 and they finished it in the Taisho era and there really wasn't a lot of stuff here but before World War two some factories and warehouses came into this area because it was still kind of soft land but it was it was wide and open enough where you could do business factories it's right off of the water so lots of shipping lots of warehouses were here and then gradually this place became this high-rise mansion towers that are surrounding us all over the place it's a really nice location to live in if you do live in Kachidoki and this is your address it's really nice place because it's so close to Ginza just walk across this bridge for 15-20 minutes you're in the center of Giza which is incredible and if you keep on going straight from there you're in your nacho and you eventually get to the Imperial Palace it's like 15 it's like a 10-minute bicycle ride it's crazy close so living here is great and over the last over the last ten years a lot of families have moved in here so you'll see a lot of strollers a lot of a lot of mothers a lot of young families here lots of schools have opened up this area this neighborhood which was once just warehouses has turned into a really thriving neighborhood in Tokyo you see a lot of trucks coming through here Ski G market closed this direction across the bridge and this way you can get to toyou suit fish market which is the new ski G market you know in toyosu and you can get there through here so you see a lot of trucks and a lot of Industry going through here this way is a secret bakery I'm not gonna take you there but if you walk for about 200 meters you're gonna get to one of my favourite bakeries and I'll ride my bicycle to get some bread some mornings so you might find me there like 9:00 am doing a bread run something's going on up there hey Ben avail Food & Drink fun thank you I hope you find something good around there I'm gonna look for something we'll definitely had a convenience store or a vending machine [Music] it comes a fire-engine going through there usually followed by more fire engines took your fire department crossing the country toki bridge citement hope everybody's okay wherever that's going yeah and John em is in the house hey John thank you so much so join me for the next 30 minutes probably an hour as we walk from here to the new shopping mall and then possibly a little a little bit further cachito keys where you're gonna find the subway station closest to the Olympic Village as well and I'll tell you more about that as we get closer to it there's a police box right there so if you ever get lost and you need directions you can just stop in there they have a map and the police officers they might not speak that much English but they will help you get to where you want to go police officers jobs and duties in Japan is - one of them helped her find a destination in like most countries police officers would I don't know you wouldn't go to a police officer for information on if you get lost so much because they're usually busy but in Japan maybe because crime is not as high what crooks get caught they're happy to help out tourists all right this right here now we're on top of catchy dokie station catchy dokie station was is on the oh wait oh line which is the Tokyo's purple purple and lat light not lavender I think it's like like the purple line and there's two circle lines in the city of Tokyo one of them is the Yamanote day line which is run by Japan Rail the second one is the Alita line and that's on the on the subway line the Toei subway line there's two subway lines the other one is metro and you can't use a Metro pass on toe and a toe a pass on Metro unless you buy the dual pass which allows you both so some information we'll do another live stream on that later there's also a lot of hospitals here so you there's a lot of ambulances I don't know I guess the people before they moved in some of them might not have known it can get a little loud there's a lot of trucks a lot of a lot of ambulances going to the hospitals but Kachidoki station comes out right about here you can see across the street cachito key station and there's some history on the naming of catchy dokie it has hit Agana in it which is unusual right catchy dokie that's because the the kanji for catchy dokie the second one doki is not something that's used very often it just maybe it's a new land it just made sense to put it in cut the kana and i got that information from wikipedia Thank You Wikipedia there's catchy dokie written in Japanese above it in English the Toei subway this will help you remember should you come out here I don't know I think this is a great place to get a slice of everyday life in Tokyo to see what the new lands are this is on top of a landfill from the Meiji era 100 years ago over a hundred years ago so it's kind of neat there's a park right here there's more bakeries a lot of historical historical shops some good yakitori down here and that high-rise building that you see right there is not that far away from the Olympic Village so yeah that's if you're an Olympian watching that's where you're gonna be staying over there you're gonna need a bus because there's no subway station beyond this this one was built in the year 2000 three years after I got here I've been here that long this is an elevator that comes up it's a convenience station it's it's undergone a renovation over the last a couple of years because of the increasing population there's now I believe 27 or 28 thousand people living here which is actually pretty significant considering this was like nothing just a waste barren land about 15 20 years ago none of these high-rise apartments existed at that time sadly the iPhone pro 1111 Pro can't do super wide yet on the YouTube app but if you did you'd be able to get an amazing view of this area and if you lived here this is very nostalgic for you I think because a lot of expats live in this neighborhood it's a little bit pricey but companies and usually have a little bit of a budget to pay for pay for it we're walking to a brand new shopping mall that's just off of Hachi dokie and that could be another reason for you to come out here this way besides his taxi if you go straight this way towards the sea you will hit Toyo su and tell us who fish market so if you want to just stroll that way through this neighborhood it's kind of neat because the bridge here is also pretty cool from teams us straight through Kachidoki and get the Toyo sooo it's a really nice one our walk through urban Tokyo and you get a feeling of what the Newlands is like so once again this was they start building it in the Meiji era and they completed it in the Taisho era the years are kind of sketchy it's hard to pinpoint when everything was completed but it wasn't very long ago that down this way these buildings did not exist I think like two years ago it was just warehouses and if you keep going past those those two really tall buildings you'll get to just wear houses and then you get to the point where you can look at Tokyo Bay so I used to run I want to say used to I still run this way sometimes I'll go down to the end of the point and it's a nice 10-15 K run for me but here's a Pizza Hut delivery truck what's he carrying [Music] what's the top speed on this thing really good suspension unit on this thing huh [Music] do they deliver 30 minutes or less wonder William March fetching stay hydrated absolutely we can go this way to get to the shopping mall but I'm gonna take you around another way this way this way another exit for Kachidoki station but there's a famous you don't shop sorry sukhiya man shop that I'm gonna walk by with you we're not gonna go in because we don't have permission to film and I'm not hungry at all but I will show it to you and if you do come to this neighborhood I highly recommend that you make a pit stop here if you're looking for some Sookie men which is ramen that you dip into the soup they kind of separated and the soup is is thicker and has usually really good pieces of chashu steak and the noodles are a little bit thicker like you John but they're made of I think they're a little bit different but it's so good the noodles are cold which means that when you dip it into the hot soup the flavors come out I like that a lot what is this this looks like a little like a little preschool a little preschool unit or something with lockers outside never seen anything like that or they got in this vending machine here oh look at that they set it up with with a mugie cha and a nice team you get shot iced tea looks pretty cool your little decorate whoa Conan has its own drink Conan white soda that's called now Cornyn is a famous there's a town in Tottori prefecture with Conan which is this Detective Conan O'Brien and went down there comedian it's like wow we got the same name I tried this before melons cream soda rancid well pick something up on the way this is it here soo-ji top that sign right there says Sookie man you see that and then this one says sugita Fujita Austin say my son this is sugita Sagitta is a very famous Sookie man shop and they have a vending machine that you can pick tickets out of and we're gonna take a look at the menu but this is really cool to keep the kids safe preschools will will will cart the kids and like there's seven or eight kids in these carts it's really cute when you see a basket of kids being pushed by an adult so I just want to show you really quickly that's tsuki men they separate the noodles with the soup this is 1,100 yen or about $10 and look at this Josh's steak with a Hangzhou Gotama gall and mushrooms it's so good it's very good you don't have to you can get it with everything together as a ramen for a little bit less but it's so much better and there are the all the ingredients down there Negi you can get lime I'm sorry that's not line that's sudachi which is a citrus fruit famous down in Shikoku and Kyushu and it really brings out and brings out that little it has a little bit of taste to it I wouldn't say it brings it out and there's an aji Tama which is these beautiful hundred Gotama goes I love it like the congealed egg inside of it so you got a stop for this you just get the get the ticket and then you can go inside and then have us have a bowl of really delicious equipment yeah I'm really hungry like thinking about yes Kanaya is making dinner and it's about 4:15 it's on the border so kill me if I eat something she totally will kill me if I eat something Sookie Minh is awesome Kelvin foo foo rights in nosh Google probably better answer that than John absolutely if you do have questions you're like Google probably answers quicker than if I check out all of the comments actually nosh made a suggestion our moderator that maybe we should have the power to be able to highlight some of the comments because I do move pretty fast and I will miss them on the screen I'm kind of looking left and right so I don't get hit by cars so that was a neat neat addition possibly so I think YouTube is always like fixing up the app so when they do we're gonna have unlocked some pretty cool features I think and then in the near future live streaming has changed so much over the last two years two and a half years I've been doing this the quality has increased from 480p to 720p people still complain about that but I'm sure we're gonna get HD soon as 5g rolls out and there's lots of reasons why these aren't 1080p one of them is if this starts as a 720p signal and then if it starts at a 1080p signal and the signal drops a little bit the quality drops so much so much so it's better it's safer that it's a 720p which is still pretty good or 1440p I know Ozymandias I totally understand I wish this is in in 4k because these cameras can do 4k but pretty it's still a pretty picture it's still a pretty picture alright that's catchy dokie this is the main walkway up here is where I'm going to take you is that try ten or Trenton shopping mall straight ahead and it's a really scenic place we're gonna be there in about 15 minutes so stay tuned here's a little park and I'm gonna walk up here and then take a little look at some of the boats Tokyo is very much like I don't wanna say Amsterdam but it there's a lot of canals here and a lot of people forget about that history before everything used to be carried everything used to be carried by hand like Porter's would carry it across Nihon Bashi like 150 years ago but for really heavy loads they would use the canals of tokyo to get from one place to the other and you still see some of that history you'll see some of the old boats floating around this is one of the small canals and it's kind of was built in the Meiji era but it's not really in use anymore except as a parking lot for boats that carry people or tugboats and things like that yeah this playground just tons of these playgrounds too for kids little places for communities to enjoy life for those of our viewers in Saudi Arabia we have we have I've been reading a couple of them lately - we have camels which is pretty unusual but it's pretty cool considering this looks like a desert no grass here she move oh this one this one oscillates just back and forth there's most big spring like they have in some of the other ones why do you need a sandbox if it's all a big sandbox keep the sand in Anna can I swing we got to come back here we got to come back here I like a good swing swings in that made just bike heads they should totally have more adult swings because it's like a couple of minutes where you your sister we totally forget about everything else and you're just swinging back and forth like a amusement park ride I like that alright we're walking over towards Trenton right now and then we're gonna cross this bridge somebody wrote in why do I talk so much and the answer is this is a live stream and if you're watching this in a playback it probably doesn't make a lot of sense but you have to understand something like if I'm not talking and somebody joins a live stream or there's no voice they don't really understand what's going on so I have to kind of you know keep explaining stuff and it doesn't make a lot of sense to people and playback but I think it still has a lot of value so I in here it's so quiet we're doing it live right look how quiet the neighborhood is I love this I'm gonna walk up this bridge and then we're gonna go around and I'm gonna show you the other bridge cuz I love bridges I love trains I love infrastructure I love the personality in the buildings and architecture I'm a very detailed person on city walks I like boats OCD Stegosaurus and I love boats totally love boat oh that's a given I love the space boat I heard right it's been a while while we do have a typhoon coming and I hope that we've been able to recover a little bit more in the countryside because last night check out my Instagram I showed you what the Rugby World Cup did is we we paused for a moment in silence to remember those that lost their lives and and the damage that happened during the Rugby World Cup so go check out that moment of silence which it really moved me that the entire stadium just stopped for a moment to remember because I I mean we live I don't say I lived I survived that storm it was pretty tough but I kid under after seeing the videos you understand what happened to a lot of people out in the countryside to see the flooding all these natural disasters happen all over the world but when it happens close to home it's hard it was nice in the Rugby World Cup last night and we went with Dan from what's inside meet Kani and Dan and he was visiting for day we went to the Rugby World Cup we got tickets and that was an amazing experience to check out on Instagram that moment of silence and kind of was a really good thing that there is the Trenton Plaza Trenton shopping mall which is brand new I remember when I first came here like what is this building doing here shopping mall right on this little canal it's so quiet between the buildings and on the other side is this space looking tunnel that we're gonna walk through next yeah I'm taking you through this in like two minutes well however long it takes to get there and then we're gonna walk around into the trench the plaza Trenton shopping mall and I'll show you from there a little bit of the area that's pretty cool watching this and playback you'd probably like gonna skip along to get straight to the tunnel space tunnel Japan's awesome like that right it's like it's like we've developed a city of the future in space you could just dig up with this massive space shovel take Tokyo put a dome on it just put it on the moon we have a like a colony call it the first colony of the moon would be Tokyo we have to first you know have a vote on it the Tokyoites would have to say yes to something like this but think about the view earth rising I can't imagine anybody from the city of Tokyo would be against moving to the moon you have to get your family in on this too I mean you have to they'd have to be Tokyo citizens before we get shoveled and launched but I'm sure that'll happen in your future lots of little alleyways with houses also in here some of them are really old Suki Shima which is another landfill area built off of Ceuta in the map which you can see in the description has a ton of houses wooden houses is called Nagaya built during the Meiji era when they first built the islands people lived here and a lot of them are still in existence here they're massive fire hazards so the city's not many of them down or refurbishing and making sure that they're not so much hazards anymore which is hard to do you can see some more not yet let's walk this a little bit a little bit through here [Music] can I hold mailbox well I thought that was a real cab I thought that was a real cab Ben avail rights and how about getting a nice dessert to share for after dinner maybe a citrus sorbet or lemon tart I like that idea I like what you're thinking I'll find I'll see if I can find something at the shopping mall up here but we're walking down through a little alley in Kachidoki it's so quiet and then there are even smaller alleys look it's a place where bicycles are parked on air so a little bit spooky isn't it Palli afraid to go down there but these buildings look like look like Shaq's right but I love them because they had so much personality the rust on the on the metal the wires the electrical wires above you can't put it underground because of earthquakes so it gives it a lot of personality but I love how residents will add nature into it you'll see these trees jutting out into the path and it gives it kind of this forest strange urban forest look to it I like that there's another one that goes over to the main road all right we're gonna take a left here and we're going towards the space tunnel hey you know you add space to anything it just makes it ten times cooler tunnel no no no space tunnel yeah here's another alley these buildings could bite the dust I just don't know some of them might not be here in a couple of years but it's nice to I don't know capture them and put them in the record they're not a part of the record of this channel series it's a parking garage whoa check this out this is a walkway this here's it looks like it this is a parking garage that anybody can use it's now full mancha let's watch through here this is this is amazing look at this piece of broken wood people live down here this has been a nice place to live some more alleys so quiet I love the trees I mean if someone said yeah you're gonna live down in an alley probably it doesn't seem such an attractive place but when you have all of these trees and all the nature down here look at that it's not such a bad place to live ohoo cg secret accent too many trees what is that too many trees how could you have too many trees if you live in Shibuya there's like one tree in front of the station and that's it and I filmed that it's a cherry blossom tree there are too many trees it should be a OCD stig that might be your neighborhood that might be the place to go we're gonna hang a left and go through space tunnel I hope you're looking forward to this space tunnel has been one of my favorite tunnels I don't like a lot of tunnels usually the dark and creepy and this cars going by and there's very limited shoulder - oh hey how you doing menu one tsuki man Kachidoki is like sue Kim in town Dondon dip noodles tsuki man I guess is translated as dip noodles it's a pretty good menu to this that place is by space tunnel that is not the official name just so if you like you on the map don't dump Google's space tunnel I made that up just just for you you might Mike Chen loves to give an eye here we are it's the entrance to space tunnel it says here tori tom bridgie trenton bridge taurine taurine 20 ton bridge is what it says up there so Google that don't Google good luck writing it if you're not into Japanese alright let's look at this map real quick cross this border here some rules to Trent triton bridge this is where we are let's just just to go back real quickly here's coach Edo key bridge and we started from right here and Dean's us just right here right that's Akashi Ginza he's just a straight walk across the bridge caught you Doki station and then we went past the tsuki min restaurant here and we walked through through here through some of the wooded areas and now we walk back to the Main Street and now at Triton bridge or Treat on bridge or a space bridge which sounds so much cooler we're gonna walk across here to the Plaza here it's a very cool looking bridge under 1 1 3 5 rights in here am I the only one that looks up the kanji he walks up walks by I on google translate hi John hope you're doing well doing well doing very well and oh yes I think you might be one of the few who are actually searching it shall we enter space tunnel and go to another dimension space tunnel also has a bad feature possibly we might not have signal in space tunnel so I'm gonna I'm gonna get a nice view of the space tunnel from here and then we're gonna walk and give this lady a little head start and we could totally track her down all right let's add your space tunnel space tunnels gonna walk a later we I'm not even walking I'm not walking this is the smoothest pan ever really I'm not walking check it out does anyone not believe me do you not believe me look now we're looking back at tsukishima that direction gravity is bowling johnny is it bouncy actually it is a little bouncy listen there's a good bounce to it it's soft and you can it kind of feels like a massage under my legs as we go over the rollers - there's advantage advantages sometimes to not walking hey sisal hi Jonna can't wait just under two weeks and they'll be in Japan I know this is like an appetizer for you Cecil it's gonna be pretty amazing and as we get closer to November the middle of November the leaves are gonna start to change and it's just gonna be like a firework show it starts up in Hokkaido until Hoku and it just it's so pretty coming down here believe it or not this is sort of a high season for domestic travel although that a lot of Tours come in the summer in the spring for cherry blossoms fall is is one of the biggest times the travel in Japan - it's the last chance to really be outside before the long winter I say long it's not even close to what Canada has but it's all pretty long winter done that doesn't mean a winter stinks the onsen or hot springs are awesome we have now crossed space tunnel welcome to another dimension dan dan dan dan dan heavy metal transition did not work dennah internet a dad and dad print Trenton square let's see what we got here so you can see the man-made island this is right here it stood up this area right here is the original rock this island has existed for thousands of years okay in the middle of the Sumida River which is right here all this is man-made this is man-made and this was a landfill um until the Meiji and Taisho era when they started to build this Taisho era means it this finished around 1925 and it was warehouses and now it's a lot of homes and shopping malls just caught you Doki station you can see it turns right there good little orientation we're gonna walk a little right here I don't know if I cause a river this is where they can come out I took my bicycle on the other side there before we started let's go this I could I know sample Michi sample means this kanji right here these two sample means a walk or a stroll and then Michi or is Road so like a sample like walking route it's called Sakura no walking route suck I don't know sample Michi kanji LS can I some time some point go let's go for a walk and then we'll go for a walk around the neighborhood sound Pony eco high tomboy gave us all saying hi from Kumamoto first time watching one of your live videos while in Japan myself Todd welcome to Japan Todd cool I'm going to Mount Fuji and staying in Shinjuku Adam riots in very cool this is the bridge that we could have gone over but we decided to walk there space bridge and I think we were better for it alright we can go inside the shopping mall let's walk right inside a little bit and just take a look at some of the shops in here this is how to me Dottie how do we do tea is the one that leads towards toyosu how do me Dottie Dottie means Street Dottie happy Halloween I'm starting to feel it because they put skeleton a cat new window it's creepy it's cute creepy all right welcome to Triton square where everything flickers because of the frequency here it's hard to turn it down so we got some steak that looks like Americans say oh that's the tooth - blinky - blinky one film too much in here because you should have permission to film but we're gonna walk through here to get to second floor is the hall fashion ATM so let's see if we can get to the second floor we also have waka leaders here in the Philippines it's not new here John we got waka leaders in Japan on that same waka leaders are new I'm just saying luckily ders are cool it's a difference dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dan dan Denton what what why I can't go upstairs you think that little gates gonna stop us it will all right so there's a beautiful little oasis here we can't really get around so why don't I see if I can sneak sneak in through the shopping mall really quickly and take it to the other side quickly let's do this I like I like to say that you know like I go like this like I'm using Jedi powers at automatic doors go like this these aren't the droids you're looking for and the door will open just kind of shows you some of the powers of it I have it's pretty neat little shopping mall there's lots of restaurants on the third floor and a food court on the first floor I think we'll be able to see the food court that was nice it's very nice benches I can see I could see a date happening here what do you think a little restaurant outside restaurant or on the trees there brick there's some chairs tables check this out a beautiful red bridge over a purple tiled waterfall Wow isn't it romantic we've got the canals over here some more chairs I can pick any table that I want what nobody here just like a brick sofa how cool is that I've never seen anything like that it's not as comfortable as a sofa it looks like a sofa [Music] it's a Lexus shop and then what of you looking back at the streets that we came across and this here ladies and gentlemen is kind of where the thumbnail of this video represents this is the catchy dokie neighborhood right here in front of you and it's really it's really pretty cool I mean it's it's not gonna be better than Shibuya and Shinjuku in these kinds of places but if you want a really diverse view of Tokyo you cannot dismiss this this island this area it's Suki Shima scooter and Kachidoki and that's all on that side and you can see the canals and the pretty bridges across it and how quiet it is here even despite me talking all the time because there's a live stream it's pretty quiet here and people live here and there's a reason why it's a very peaceful place to bring your dog for a walk stroll with your wife have lunch then stroll back if you'd like to see the food court we need to get to 400 likes this is so weak guys 206 likes I gotta remind you every time I took it straight to you through this camera phone to you little bit of love like like I see the numbers I see it we're live I see it I'm walking down down towards the food court and then maybe I gave you a glimpse inside or they probably have security cameras on me the guy walking around with the camera it does look really nice this is just a pipe that goes across they made a little bridge for that hit look like a little train bridge which is pretty cool and be funny if dogs could cross it but humans couldn't I'd love something like that like a dog bridge thank you Dan Donald Marshall writes in me likes all your videos Donald me likes your comment Christine liked the like it's a double like that means you canceled your light Christine just saying all right everybody this here this here is the first floor and they had a bakery here and I went out of business and maybe it's back if it's back that'd be pretty cool because I'm always looking for for new good bakeries to try and all of the neighborhoods are on Chuo cou this is Chu award Tokyo has 23 wards geo is the one right in the center Chuo in itself means central center it looks like the bakeries back I guess it was under renovation before right there but at this time of day there's not that many items left we're a hundred likes short of a food court tour oh my what do you think of this purple I don't know it's kind of very the opposite of subtle mind mind blowing I don't know there's a Yoshi no you in there and we can't go in because we don't have enough likes oh that's awful it's awful flamboyant Dingle got it flamboyant is correct all right guys I got about 10 minutes left in his livestream I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna answer some of your questions about Japan can i and I have some trips that are coming up that's nice so can I and I have some trips that are coming up we are planning to do more content together the last episode was Hello Kitty in Awaji Island and we'd love to take you all around different areas of Japan in the live streams and on the main channel the main channel is pretty special because we have a very very good formula which means a lot of ending a really good story so the frequency is not as much but these live streams kind of fill in the blank for those that are fans of the show yeah and there's a bunch of other bunch of other ideas that I have so we're gonna try to schedule these live streams more to give you behind-the-scenes looks at restaurants and locations and try to get permission to take you like I would with the main channel but to do it with the live streams so I think that's gonna be pretty neat and that's gonna start to take place around the end of this month and in in November we might do several live streams where I've kind of organized with with like a museum or something to take you on a dedicated tour and I think that's the power of the live stream you get to be there with me and answer questions and see it and when you see it live without the cuts it's different that's what I like about this format our East scooters allowed in Japan I don't know I think I had this discussion with with somebody was it what I think was Simon and Martina just a couple of days ago the east scooters are getting all over all over this urban centers of the world but people just kind of drop them in awful places and litter the streets with them I don't know if we're gonna get them because it just looks bad Tokyo already has a bicycle problem but people it's not really a problem because people will park their bicycles very responsibly or they they're not allowed to park them here they'll Park them in dedicated areas you see a couple of bicycles over there it's usually short-term parking like very short term before the ticket man comes but I'm sure that they're gonna come up with some solution with battery-powered they already have battery pal of bikes that you can rent it's the process to get those bikes or nuts is not so simple but DoCoMo the mobile phone company is the one that's rich of that right now and it's pretty cool you can pick up a bike from a zone and then drop it off at another zone and you don't have to write it back to the place of origin so it gives tourists a really good chance to see the city by bicycle a bicycle can be a little bit dangerous because it's not a very well set up city for bicycling although just recently I showed you in the beginning of this livestream there were bike paths on the sides of the walk of the road bicycles illegally are not allowed to ride on the sidewalks this is an important point even though a lot of people do it legally you're not supposed to that's why the city has marked on the sides of the highways asides of the roads a bike path but there's always cars same problem in New York City same problem in New York City I love your channel and Japan Muhammed thank you please dump a scooter in the US - yeah people just do that they leave it there and they don't Park it right and I don't know I think they'll eventually get it but they'll have a better plan than everybody else that's Tokyo right the planet yeah the main channels would that go awesome John cool cherry blossoms cycling is beautiful to go through a cherry blossom tunnel where the bicycle is amazing and this this has very young cherry blossoms because it's new but if you go out to the countryside guys it's amazing places where there no tourists at all you can find these kinds of areas with a little bit of Google research stay away from the cities on your second trip and you have to have a second trip my favorite color changes on my mood Steven all right sometimes it's blue but I don't like I don't like Michigan blue because we don't like Michigan from Ohio State so I'm not a big blue lover but I will tell you this I do like blue from time to time like this cholera blooms nice green trees I love trees I like the blue of the ocean the sea blue and blue of blue Raman was pretty neat I like neon Yun's pretty cool color Sadat oh why why you're nice to me but this has nothing to do with Japan come on guys stay on target stay on target Luke country side absolutely agree we're so far from the like threshold guys this is ridiculous do you know much about 3d animation I do a little bit there was a company that I interviewed was it called live 3d live or something live it was one of the first videos that I did back in 20 2013 when I launched the channel not too much oh gosh out of blue is awesome really is these questions they're like what's my favorite color what's my favorite food what's my favorite number Daikanyama that's a great black tangu excellent suggestion Daikanyama would be an amazing livestream for a neighborhood Wong I've done too many of these recently that's not a bad thing but I'm gonna see if I can find some more diversity with the live streams other than just the walks Kevin's doing great thanks for asking about him I'm gonna try to meet him in the beginning of November I'm gonna make a trip down to a sock I believe and get a chance to hang out with Kevin it's been a long time we talked on the phone like once every couple of weeks just to catch up Kevin's doing good he has a new job he's keeping busy Kevin's Kevin you know he's the king of Osaka so I imagine he's yeah we got to go we got to go catch up with Kevin for sure Kevin Reilly Kuma's kitchen is his channel if you haven't checked it out he cooks some of the best-looking food on YouTube and it's the most underrated channel because he should have like 15,000 a hundred thousand subscribers he's got like 3,000 or 4,000 subscribers so totally under under watched his show but he just keeps at it the thing that I love about Kevin is he's always so positive and so like he'll oping and he's like one of the best friends you could possibly have ever he's just positive and he's always there for you and I want to try to be that same kind of friend for him you know love Kevin John needs more food right I know I just tired and food runs in Tokyo I got to do them in different cities we did it in coal Bay I tried to do it in Hiroshima but the city was dead by 10 p.m. because it was a Sunday night I didn't want in where else they do it I should do someone else akka with Kevin some midnight snack runs will add some diversity in the next couple of months I think well John go on Kevin's channel if absolutely I'm not I'm up I'm down for that I'm down for that good miss kitchen you know any good talent agency jobs no I don't like talent agencies and I try to avoid them and the ones that I did belong to I asked him to take me off I just don't I like to get directly to people I'm not into the talent agencies telling agencies here's do like a different structure basically I don't know there's good ones and bad ones I can't recommend one or over another one but it just depends on what you want to do I can't I'm not in any talent agencies why not try something new for Thanksgiving that's a good idea I always wanted to go to the u.s. embassy or hang out with a bunch of Americans for Thanksgiving or go to the base if you're watching this and you're at like Yokosuka or at the Air Force Base hit me up so I'd love to to do a live streaming on base not like like like indoors with with you and celebrate Thanksgiving because that would be really that'd be really good because Thanksgiving is a time when you're supposed to be with family and I'll be here with can I squeeze my family but it's it's a little bit different than being back in the United States for Americans a plan for the Olympics is to livestream a lot and try to bring you some stories on the main channel that are very specific to certain things surrounding the Olympics nothing just the athletes but what's happening here and why so I've got a pretty good solid plan for the Olympics already and over the next six months I will tweak that and try to get permission to get more behind the scenes stuff to bring you some of the stories before and leading up to the Olympics is gonna be big all right and sponsors out there and brands contact me only in Japan go at and we will work let's talk you got some good stuff coming it gets a good stuff coming I know I want to see can I dance this is from aldrick aldrick Wrightson will we see can I dance anytime soon I would totally love to I want her to dance for us at the same point she did a year and a half ago she's so talented and we want to feature some of her her beautiful dance moves if we can because she needs some she need some attention on her skills not just being a youtuber cuz she's good at she's getting better at that but being a dancer because that's what she does Hey Olympic Committee you should hire Kenai to dance for you in the center of the Olympic Stadium that opening ceremony should totally kill it too she's been on stage with thousands of people watching I don't know about millions but I bet you I totally bet she could do it my bicycles over there how am I gonna get over there I love my bicycle on the other side all right let's go we got 350 come on we got 350 likes that's that's it's a good effort it's a good effort but the food court looked dead as I'm told buddy in the food court so we're gonna walk over walk over to this other bridge back to my bicycle I did look at this place to get before I got my bicycle but they have very expensive like giant or giant and Trek bikes and I don't think I wanted one of those because it just was too much so we got Bridgestone but some of these bikes look pretty cool these are called city bikes the the ones that are popular in Japan we call them mamma chatty but the really city bikes taken after the Dutch mold of urban bicycling so the bar is is lower that's just a little bit of research it could be wrong I'm telling you that's that I believe it to be true I believe it to be true this bicycle for instance you see has a low bar that's neither meant for male or female but that's just an easy off of the basket in the front I'm pretty sure comes from the Dutch style the Dutch style of bicycling in the city it's not always good to have a high bar there you go right here is a point where you can get the rental bicycles right in front of us it's pretty cool that we get a chance to look at this I guess you can put your Suika card here and touch it and enter in a code a reservation code or something you can reserve it online there's even directions on the back of it but I might do in the future a live stream on how to do that the bicycles are all kind of powered up yeah you have to have some smart phone reservation for them and entering a number that you've paid for it seems a little complicated to me so I never really did a video on it because I don't know if they're ready for primetime Sun is going down pretty fast and we're now looping around katja dokie I do love that shopping mall it's small and it's not very crowded and they have a lot of brands and stuff I'm I'm not really too big in the shopping but I do like walking around this neighborhood lots of trees it's quiet it's it's different than the rest of Tokyo and that's what makes it pretty special every neighborhood has its own uniqueness I think in Tokyo the ones along the Tokyo Bay are really nice I think that's good that's kinda nice high school right there straight ahead yeah I think that's kanai's high school it's his space bridge in the distance the lights are starting to go on means we've entered the evening this is a unique time to livestream as well usually it's in the morning in the evening the fact that not abroad is watching means that he's past his bedtime thanks nosh iPhone 11 prison pretty good with the low light but I'm trying to to pinch in to go super wide and it won't allow me to do that but I can zoom in some people don't like that so I don't I try not to do it as much but if it's a part of the story see me pinch pinch sorry pinch to zoom sometimes I'll show you part of the story have you guys come in to come with me coming with me to my bicycle right see if I can get a drink out of any machine for you didn't buy anything on this well kegs of beer all right look at this didn't see the sign from the other side Japan wine and cold yo yo yo t wine bar very nice it's a little wine bar here it's just starting to open apparently they drink a lot in there what do you think yeah I'm eating on my bike and ride home and I'm gonna pick up something for cut I so thanks so much everybody there's a bicycle path you can see you're supposed to stay off of the sidewalks I'm gonna pick up some dents I appreciate super chats very much and well and can I really preached appreciates the love did you guys give her to buy her stuff so really appreciate it I don't have permission to film by going in there this is just a walking tour to give you an idea but I encourage you to come to this neighborhood and do it yourself because that's would be really the purpose of this livestream so you feel comfortable to do that there's where they conveniently shopping mall was so quiet around here where did where did I leave my bicycle hold on a second where did I leave my bicycle all right some inside information all these vending machines actually our address markers do you see this vending machine here this is inside information do not tell anybody you all of you want do not tell anybody this information and don't want youtubers just start like making videos on this you can top you can see the address right here and you can if you have an emergency go to a vending machine and you can tell them this phone number or sorry the this is this the address this isn't the address but there's a place on these on these vending machines where the address is written and you're supposed to be able to go up to a vending machine and get the address see it that stinks all right you can tell people the secret now because I might be wrong I don't see where the address is set it right there you can tell the people the number or something and the address is supposed to be on it of the location so then you know where you are but this one says here shin-kiba and that's not it huh it's above the phone number that it's at shin-kiba and this is chuh oku it's a different place it's strange it should say choo oku Fukushima on it and it does not it's bizarre it's the name of the company that leases them very bizarre I do want to do an episode on these do you see that that's pretty cool these Japanese parking garages so enough parking garages but parking it's like how do you get your car down right how'd you get your car up it's pretty unique could be a skyline I'm not looking for my bicycle okay okay I know where we are I know where we are my bicycle is over there it's getting worried I totally should have put it right there behind me I thought I was gonna come across I thought I was gonna come over across that bridge and I forgot I mean I took that bridge instead oh well we still didn't get to 400 likes it's alright just having fun I'm not walking home Vaughn speaking of which we're gonna try to get you some some of those our timtam imitators here from Japan I want to I want to see what you think of that you can't find them in Australia but you can find them here hey baby how you doing good good good sweet ride alright so there she is and this is a perfect place to end a live stream thanks everybody what a beautiful scene is not exactly what Oh can i dinner know ducks ducks hey guys ah cute little bit of nature here there you go this is a scene of Kachidoki this is what I think of when I think of Kachidoki and next year you're gonna be thinking about Katya Doki when you hear Olympic Village so keep that ma mind this is where the Olympians will be staying the Olympians will be at the trying Trenton space tower space tunnel walking there when if any athletes are watching this there you go thanks everybody have a good day have a good night wherever you are in the world appreciate it click that subscribe button if you like these live streams make sure notifications are on always and support us on discord which is where we get notifications as well as Instagram and definitely about the first place they go for notifications is patreon because I love our supporters on patreon have a good night and see you in the next live stream maybe tomorrow bye guys catch it okay hope y'all talk y'all two syllables
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 39,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, tokyo, kachidoki, area, street view, view, bridge, city, walk, treadmill, shopping, mall, canal, river, sumida, chuo, landfill, reclaimed land, history, station, kachidoki station, oedo line, tsukemen, ramen, shop, neighbohood, not touristy, central, insider, skyline, olympic village
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 40sec (4000 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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