Tokyo Olympic Stadium Opens to the Public

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check this out the Olympic torch everybody right there with the seal the Olympic torch and here's the inside of it it's got the pattern of a Sakura blossom here's the other Olympic torch right here this is instead of the museum that just opened up very cool check this out oh man it's nice to be here finally the museum just opened today you can see some of the exhibits here it's pretty cool here are the logos for the Tokyo Olympics you can see the patterns how they came up with the design and they kind of just lay out this entire mission of launching the Olympics here here the Olympic medals the pictures of them and I'm gonna take you outside now and look at the stadium because today is public Opening Day he's the pattern for the for the Olympic torch again it's a secre to flowers here are the metals silver gold and bronze that's the pattern that they'll have for the 2020 Olympics a little I'm a little bit sad that they don't have them on display here but it's nice to see some of the artifacts from this Olympics we can see some of the comparisons between 1964 and 2020 and this is the Olympic Olympic museum which you can see in here it's kind of neat and right outside the door you're going to see a finished Olympic Stadium how cool is that that's so cool you have to wait in line and take a picture with the rings but it's worth it and if you come on a weekday there's barely anybody here there you go there's the stadium right in front of you and the Olympics will be held next year on July 24th - oddish 9th here on the left side the Olympics have been held in Japan four times this will be the fourth this is the first one that was held in 1964 that's the Tokyo Olympic two Olympic torch that's in the side of the stadium so the torch relay will take place and then the light the torch for the 2020 one but that's the one from 1964 in the Tokyo Olympics then they had the Winter Games in Sabu Oro a lot of people don't remember because they weren't born yet but the 1972 Winter Olympics was in Sapporo there's the cup for that that's all right us out of the stadium here there's the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics that's the year that I came to Japan very cool and you can see this right here the winter games of Nagano 1998 Wow such amazing good memories of that year and there's the torch that was in Nagano and then across the street is the new stadium designed by Kengo kuma finished well in ahead of the Olympics today is public opening day December December twenty first twenty nine twenty nineteen this is history because as the stadium is pretty darn cool and I've been seeing the evolution of it from the moment it was the old National Stadium and it's demolition to a pit two construction of an episode that I made in 2017 two years and two and a half years before in a building this building didn't even exist that's the museum right there I was taking video from that hotel right here behind there and it's been it's pretty interesting now to see it all come together and finally in front of us we have the Olympic Stadium and the design doesn't hasn't changed really much since the last time I was here which was about six months ago six seven months ago I came here and you can see it's a very natural design Kengo kuma I know I just haven't had a time it had time to to get a chance to corner him to interview him about a stadium he explained about the design to me the first time I met him it was really interesting because they had hired somebody else to do the design of the stadium and he didn't want to talk about that which is understandable but what he won't wanted to do was he wanted to bring all of the prefecture z' together he he's he his designs are very unique when he first started out as an architect it he seemed to really like concrete and then I believe it was after a trip to coach Prefecture and we introduced a library in a livestream that he had designed he fell in love with wood and the naturalness and then you can see that in the stadium the naturalness and he took wood from all 47 prefectures of which is really incredible so there's a little bit of all of the entire country in this Stadium so we're gonna do a quick walk around you can get kind of close to the stadium today there's an a6 event going on a run Hussain Bolt is here in Tokyo and he's gonna be doing an event tonight at 6:30 and guess what you need tickets and guess who doesn't have them now I'm not actually asking you to guess it's me people but just to walk around the city and I think it's kind of a neat thing on public opening day although it does not actually open to the public but these fences are way lower and maybe by by next year the fences will be completely gone so I'm going to just bypass the fence which is about six feet tall and show you this there's a comment on deforestation I don't think that was a problem all the wood was replanted its it's a sustainable force they didn't just take rainforest wood trust me the PR nightmare is not worth it but they took wood from all 47 prefectures this used to be the site of the 1964 Olympic Stadium I was kind of personally hoping that they would recycle that and they would call this the recycle Olympics kind of make it a point that we shouldn't waste what we have but I can also see why they would want to build the stadium because it's beautiful it's beautiful look at this brand-new a couple of the points at Stadium inside it it feels like you're a lot closer than you really are and that's just to bring us all together because I think Kengo kuma had he'd recently said in an interview that I guess in today's life today's world people feel a little bit disconnected they don't feel United and this is a way by presenting it in the stadium to bring people together so when you sit inside of it you feel like you're a lot closer together than you really are also there's no air conditioning in here the stadium is naturally cooled the design of it harnesses the wind and brings it in whisking into the stadium so you feel cool because guess what Japanese summer is insanely hot and it would be complete waste to air-conditioned that maybe the inside is air-conditioned I really don't know it's hard to say there's a lot of stuff that we don't know yet but the first event is being held today and it's a run by Asics and I don't I can't get in I've been asking give me tickets they keep saying no here's a facility guide this is the first time it's being shown on YouTube as you can see all the exits here just send a guy a station there's an exit see be a it goes all the way up to H yeah how you doing pretty good give me a second yep you can see here there's a north-south main and back stand that's interesting I didn't know that that this is a main area of the stadium I wonder what's different but we're gonna get a chance to go inside and take a look at it over the next couple of couple of months a lot of things are happening what's down here I guess there's a guy to me all this stuff's you can do this is all brand new this is all brand new how's it going nice to meet you John I'm rich thank you okay rich Bester's good yeah welcome there's a face to those yeah big how's your trip in Japan going pretty good yeah you fighting you fight any way around okay yeah I'm no trouble no very important you know everybody's been helpful though I have to give them that everybody's been helpful yeah even if they don't speak English they all open make very helpful yeah yeah Denver Broncos huh guess what you get for finding me you get to find me card I brought him the time and to my art Canadian friends who came the other day I have them just so you don't know there you go you're very welcome how long are you here for thirty-first cool flyweight on the 31st okay yeah I'm kind of a I'm kind of sad because I can't go in I thought if they said it was public the first day of the public and going but you need tickets but still pretty neat to look around yeah you can see the torches over there and the Olympic rings and yeah no I've already done this episode it feels like someone said go Packers sorry [Laughter] yeah just follow the crowd yeah that's how we get around yeah exactly yeah it was really nice to meet you finally yep thanks for thanks for writing actually new Rich's noticed I actually knew rich was coming so it's different yeah we arranged this I knew he knew where I was gonna be and I had contacted by email so don't that's okay because I just did it at lest you in about stalking he did not actually stalking but watch that one actually yeah he's not a stalker he's a nice he's a nice guy okay yeah thanks good yeah I'll probably see you around I don't know I'll see you rich okay thanks brother that's nice yeah I know rich rich is good okay guy I do ident I like see I like seeing the comments but it's not not exactly the case I'm also looking I was told that there is a Olympic manhole cover and you know how enthusiastic I am about manhole covers it's amazing that you can put like culture and history and a story and a message in a manhole cover it Japan's really really good at it um walking around you can see it the walls were about ten feet higher like like three meters high and they've gone way way down and now you can see inside of it they've taken some of the art from the 1964 Stadium and they've put it all inside of here and that makes it kind of neat I like the way that they've preserved the past and they've made a stadium here okay like they've made a new stadium but they've found a way to preserve the past that's good pause this here thank you pause awesome thanks for joining our discord server I believe I saw you in there that's awesome and also Shane is here Shane enjoyed the last livestream important topic indeed it is just saying hi thanks for saying hi I made a topic about people coming to to find me in the live streams and if you do come to find me just come and say hi and be natural and don't don't kind of lurk it's a little creepy not that there's not that I'm gonna say anything you know get angry at you but what I might do is just bring the camera and introduce myself to you so you're trying to stay away stay away it's interesting it really is all done you can see there is some staff inside there but you can't you can't get in but it does look really nice wonder what kind of food they're gonna serve they are gonna hold an event the Japan Japan has a soccer league here okay football so the Japan Soccer Association or Football Association the finals of the to the championship game will be held inside of the stadium I believe it's on the New Year's Day or the day after New Year's they're holding an event here and I am so stoked I want tickets you know why because I'm so curious I don't care about the sporting event I don't care about that I learned what kind of food they're gonna be serving inside of the National Stadium is it gonna be kinda gay they're gonna have oh dad are they gonna have like like yakiniku steak burgers or something I don't want to know this so I'm gonna find a way to get in trust me I am a very annoying reporter that will knock on the door until you let me in so take warning Tokyo government I keep knocking until ya j-league that's it boggled pork rinds thank you all offense no defense football that might be the best way is that the athlete stadium this is the National Stadium John Michael Walker nice to see you here this is the National Stadium and it is absolutely beautiful and every time I've only come here when I'm like live-streaming I don't come here privately to walk around because you could see it on TV but it is it is really awesome pause much love brother I appreciate that so much Wow I'm going is that towards food when I go in there and buy my Wagyu steak burger okay I'm pretty sure they can have something outraged as they have to speaking about rages across the street over towards the Parliament building they're having some sort of festival so maybe we're gonna go take a look at what other festivities are holding in this area but I'm just gonna walk around just a little bit more and then we're gonna wrap about wrap back around to that festival because that that kind of looks pretty interesting I've already brought you here to the Olympic Stadium so it's not anything that's really new I just was hoping that by coming here today hey I would be able to have a chance to come and show you the inside I met a photographer I met a photographer when I was scouting around the area here and he showed me pictures of the inside that he took this morning and he gave me a couple of them and I'm so thankful so I might use some of those photos for the postcard club if I can't myself take the picture I will use the photos and I asked him and he said it was okay just don't you know put it on the internet or something he said you but you can make postcards from it for your followers because you really Japanese photographer really wants to promote Japan and I understand that but that'd be pretty cool because I have olympic stamps that I'm gonna put on the postcard Club postcards I want to try to get that out on January that with the Olympic logo on it which is super cool what I really really love like every time I see this I'm just impressed you see the trees and the nature around it that's up on the upper deck and then there's a second deck they've put plant life all around the stadium to complement with the wooden panels that you see on it of course there is concrete and this probably steel involved I did see the construction workers with cranes here just about six seven months ago but they finished this ahead of schedule I'm it's just super impressive that they got this done as fast as they did there was a cost though it was a cost david cumulus here for the moderators who do a super job i'm gonna pay it forward I'm thinking of something I think we're gonna I'm thinking of something for our moderator but we'll do something nice for our moderators this year because they've done such a great job this year we've had some very successful live streams and we've had moderators that worked through the night so big hand to the moderators I know Jim Jim and nosh for the first once I believe Jim was our first moderator way back when I was hitchhiking so I appreciate both of them and and for Tim and gosh dyed purple bandit we haven't seen problem and we got a bunch of moderators now they do a really good job sometimes really strict but that's the purpose because if we get in trouble with the channel then we lose more than just a couple of angry people the mods keep it keep this channel going it's a community right and it took a community of workers to make this beautiful Stadium this is exit h if you remember the guide does anybody remember the kind I don't remember what this exits call this is H o you can kind of see inside sort of see inside oh I see some people walking by are they bring in like food Hey Wagyu burger Wagyu people are staring at me the foreigners yelling Wagyu Oh looking over the wall this isn't a pleasant a pleasant angle well you I want to get in there I know I can't smell the barbecue so I don't think they have log you burgers yet but if they do have a claw I might climb that wall like just go for it if I can get the burger and get back out in time I think I would be okay no one's gonna arrest some dude eating a burger right I mean this what - what to do when a mysterious it with a non-existent burger welcome to the only in Japan go live streams this is what you subscribe for this is why I stream for alright let's look look over the gate here sorry a little bit too zoomed in I saw there's a little windmill there I'm not sure what that's for I guess that windmill powers the guidance system or something there I know that they're using the highest of high tech shucks got C's in the house I will second that on the mods are doing a great job and Jim our moderator moderates himself at the lives with a super chat thank you Jim it's been an amazing year um I like this angle and I wanted to come here and cross the street here for reason here's the stadium the other side of it on the AL yama side sorry the other side of it and there's the other there's the gymnasium where they're holding a lot of other events I saw wheelchair rugby taking place in there two months ago which is crazy event but we're really cool to see the technology behind rugby in wheelchairs here you see the escalator oh gosh does nobody there I would have waste I could totally be riding that up and down I would just go up and down that for an hour I love that escalator that's an Olympic escalator they should do events like escalator skiing or something parkour would be awesome here seriously Tokyo government I would hire me to make a parkour video I would totally do it not me I would film it I would even try to do it I would try parkour if they would let me in and it gave me the non-existent Wagyu burger I would parkour the entire stadium I would do it and as while I'm doing it I would yell parkour parkour just like Michael Scott this is gate a this is this is this a sender send the guy up yeah sendagaya entrance right there what's very cool this is a first look at the stadium parkour all right this is the subway station here to get to the Olympic Stadium you see it's right behind me across the street is the way I came and co8 online the stadium is what is it kokuritsu sure Kilgore state station it's so long but the oil line is like the Yamanote a line that goes around the city it's the subway Yamanote they line the subway Circle Line and it's just a couple of stops to Shinjuku which is right in front of us I like the location that they picked this is the first time that I've seen it without cranes there's the stadium on the left of your screen and that's the DoCoMo tower on the right of your screen so you can see it is quite close you could probably walk there in about 30 minutes or so so it's not too too too far away it's it's not it's navigable a nice car I'm now totally on the topic of Olympic stadiums let me in your car are dude I don't got tickets to go inside the stadium Wow what a car peel out come on do it yeah so the today's public opening day it's not really open though the gates are there I thought I'd be able to walk around I thought I would just be able to come here and walk inside there and just you know touch touch would just look at the trees up there I guess not yet not yet this is a new hotel the Mitsui something hotel you can see it on Google Maps this is also very beautiful again I don't know if Kengo kuma designed it or his group I don't know if he designs everything himself I'm gonna ask him one of these days but it's made of wood and it looks beautiful it doesn't look like it's opened yet but I bet you this hotel is gonna be pretty pricey next year and then the price is gonna drop significantly in 2021 because there's nothing really here to see so no one's gonna want to want to stay there there's it I guess it's an ice skating rink for the community they've renovated the front of it because it was pretty retro and it stuck out so in order to make it look presentable they put a little glass front there which is nice and that is a arena over here which they still use so let's go back so you get like that guys doing it too so it does it's it's permissible to take pictures of that escalator you're sniping sniping pictures of the Olympic Stadium cause it won't let us in how dare you mayor kukais on public viewing day the public is shut out we demand entrance oh like because I've been here a long time streaming over years you can see they've finished this park as well there's a park across the street little teeny things I'm starting to notice as I walk around it it's all there taking walls down and it's all done the streets are all brand new here too you see that to me that's a big deal kind of completes the picture I wonder how new it's gonna look on Olympic opening day these are cherry blossom trees - I believe so the Sakura will be out in the spring they're youngsuk Kota trees and we're gonna cross the street and go to another festival I preach I appreciate pause the big the big support will perhaps.perhaps this festival has street food perhaps we're going to go and find out together all right so public viewing day of the stadium not a huge success we did get a chance to see the Olympic torch we started this livestream looking at the Olympic torch is this the these buttons that gold is so much criticized wait okay it's green and let's go take a look at this festival across the street see if they got some street food that lady and the bicycles thinking can I just cross here can I just cross here I'm gonna just cross here wow there's even a highway entrance there's an entrance to the highway right there too that's very interesting it's good to know these things guy am i that's the guy in entrance to the Tokyo highway system so let's follow these runners around the stadium here you what you take a few steps back you get a different view of it you can see more inside of it it looks really clean it's a wonderful design I could see some of the neon lights in there they're kind of snaked around in there you check that out it's kind of neat I know I want to get in there they have inside there is Usain Bolt he's gonna be there's gonna be an event at 7:00 sorry 4:30 p.m. they're gonna open the gates and let the public in you need tickets they didn't really publicize this I don't know but they said welcome our stadium is the name of the campaign the promotion that they're doing right now and and people with tickets can go inside there tonight and go wow look at our stadium that's really cool but I was hoping that we'd be able to wait in line and then you could just walk around the stadium and just feel like what it's like inside but they're not doing it like that I guess they're just not letting us in to the National Stadium yeah I would I would do something crazy like that if they give up if you guys give me a thousand likes I'll jump the fence and go in but then I would need bail money and that wouldn't be good don't break the law don't break the law it's here we have the law to protect us Derr way is here hey do rate em for snack so we're gonna see if we can put that to good use right now and fave would faint bone is here hi John your channel is awesome love it coming to Tokyo February that's gonna be a little cold can't wait it will be fantastic to see the stadium I'm hoping by the time February rolls around that anybody can go in there at any time this is our tax dollars darn it I paid a lot of taxes actually last year so I sort of helped fund this it's a part of that is part of that is ours because I paid the taxes you could go in there because most of my taxes were paid by super chasis stuff right so it's sort of in a way this is your stadium too that's right especially everyone who's been watching for a long time I've also been looking for the manhole cover I can't seem to find that all right here's the I'm still gonna be on the lookout in fact I'm gonna ask some of the some of the people about it but over here there seems to be some kind of event going on so let's go take a look and see if there's some street food because if there is that's a big deal so we're gonna say goodbye to the stadium for right now there's the corner of it and rounds about here Meiji Jingu stadium which is where the Tokyo swallows player is just over there so often when I was doing live streams were walking around filming in 2017 and and I could hear the games being played sorry that was in um I'm six months ago during baseball season yeah all right let's go and check out see if we can get some street food if you had any question what country this is let those questions be answered tonight I'm planning to do a snack run it's been a while it's chillier than yesterday which is good I guess it's Saturday night so something has to be open they do have street food check this out can anybody go and get it though it looks like they have armed guards all right I guess I can go and get some street food let's go get something I haven't eaten all day I haven't eaten all day all right welcome to some Street truck food festival yes food truck festival this is awesome this is right next to the Olympic Stadium hey rich rich masters if you're watching come over come on over here I'll get you I'll get you a hot dog where's I'm looking for the Wagyu burger flag you burner crepes [Music] smells really good it's so cold you can see the steam coming off of the soup here just see the soup he's got it's steaming look at this [Music] there's an ohm ricer look at that omelette rice that actually actually looks pretty darn good I'm in on this look at a sausage on there reminds me of our trip to the German Christmas markets not too long ago Oh what is this zeikos curry curry uncouple what a sign looks fun I mean on that and then what do we got oh it's just a log you burger no hey guys look what I just found meat let's see what they got here this is um what kind of meat is this oh this is USDA that's not why you that's weird it's American beef I don't know I have mixed feelings because I'm in Japan oh that some he ordered the garlic flavor the guy in front of us I don't know what do you think I think we have someone saying go for the Thai food never Tyler who don't noodles the Korean go far looks really good it's I don't know the beef is not Wagyu so it's hard so we get the curry the aam right looks pretty good too what do you think about the almond or home rice I didn't see this truck right here let me show you that and that's that's I believe the the Parliament building for Tokyo Hayakawa oh this is an num Yamagata prefecture this foods from Yamagata this is from the countryside this is Yamagata right there the countryside and you can see they have stuff like this just like shiitake with bacon so it's the shiitake mushroom plus bacon what is that about I only have bacon from the Alps this is all made from the Minami Alps of Japan these big thick slices of bacon are you not curious now do you go for the bacon that's getting tough do you go for the countryside bacon or look at this here's some cat cafe they've got soup clam chowder and they have some freshly baked bread you pick it up on the side I like that they got coffee so it looks like we're gonna be having it having a meal here and then I'll take you back to the stadium in about 5-10 minutes so let's see if we get the to 500 likes get some food look scram back over the stadium and get one last look at the Olympic rings for those that are joining us right now live from Tokyo and I'm trying to make up a decision that that bacon looked really good the line for the um rice is too long though look that's a long line [Music] the butter chicken looks really good as well look at that I'm in the armored ice line because that seems unique let's see how fast they move yeah um rice is healthier Jacob is all-in on the bacon I know it's a line this just just a couple of things that are guaranteed in Japan one is it's gonna be awesome the other one is lines there's lots of them and it's a reason why you can wake up earlier than everybody else there's a reason why it's called the Land of the Rising Sun you should get here when the Sun rises should start your day and then in the afternoon when the lines are really long you've done it all you can just chillax in an alley or something in a cafe or you know do stuff that doesn't require lining up so while everyone's lining up you're doing the stuff that you know people do normally a good thing is they seem to have seats you can just sit all over the Parliament building it's cool it's right across the street from the Olympic Stadium what they have Hawaiian beer though that's pretty crazy they have a really famous Kona beer action going on over there 600 yen for Kona beer the great thing about Japan is you can drink outside alcohol is okay to drink and walking around in the streets in fact that dudes getting some Korean booze they're making a cocktail for him that's pretty hardcore Maui Brewing is pretty good ponal six toes there's no no other real place to to sit but the cold hard cement I'd like to go in the stadium but they won't let me it won't let me the lines moving pretty fast here [Music] they've got a lot of rice it seems like it but if he's gonna make more rice that's gonna be it's gonna be troubling the crepe is also a good option see the small truck over there that's crepe I know I want to I do want I just want to tack that bacon to the bacon line is shorter though what do you think that but it's not healthy I don't know I'm trying to stay healthy I ate a lot of sausages in Germany oh she got hers she's moving pretty fast so there's one two three four five six people ahead of me there's six people ahead of me mom rice baby while we're talking I can think about things tell you the olympic stadium is complete today's public viewing day and i can only view it from the outside i tried to get in they wouldn't let me but i met a photographer who gave me pictures and i might use that for a postcard club because they're pretty darn good pictures I will I'm a fighter and a lover fighter first and I will try to get into that Stadium I don't give up you know that I ain't smells really good don't see here he's getting his all they're putting pepper on it my guy he received his one two three four five now there's only there's only five ahead of me so they're moving it's gonna take like five minutes I think sorry guys apparently there's there's some kind of event going on over there you see 1,000 likes for breaking the law I'm not gonna break the law I'm not gonna break the law legally anyways I'm gonna break the law I'm gonna do it illegally or legally wait [Music] and we're getting some good questions here what does the food truck sign say is thing about pudding poutine say so omelette omurice so I guess they're using a lot of eggs and the eggs make it kind of pudding putting it that one of the main ingredients in pudding is eggs so I'm guessing that has something to do with it I'm not really sure but I could show you the English the guys in front of the sign right now I can't zoom in alright here we go princess omelette rice they call it oh you see they put some sort of sauce on it they put some sauce on it and that makes it maybe they put pudding on it what no it's a secret sauce OCD Stig no Wrightson I think it's it's true putting sessue on the side yeah putting cesta that's right do you know something I don't know I'm getting one more closer I want the pudding sister I want the good stuff here and their make he's making cocktails over there Marty I'm not a princess it's just I don't know just because it's called princess just because I'm meeting something that's called princess doesn't make you princess although there is a phrase you are what you eat well should I bail and get the bacon I'd rather be bacon than a princess it's kind of creepy I could be a stick of bacon on a mushroom or I can have princess Tom rice look OCD stick now that you bring it up makes me rethink everything ivory examined I don't want to be a bacon princess come on guys let's keep it real here's the menu we're loved we're a lot closer here in Japan you had to wait in line for the privilege of seeing what the reason that this livestream certainly was because I had to wait in line to see the torch and the line everyone's taken a thousand selfies it took forever to to do it some lady with old lady gets she took about 10 selfies in different directions with the with the sign and she's an old lady so everyone's getting involved involved in it so you can get Demi graz sauce for free that's interesting 0 yen for demi-glace sauce tomato sauce is for free as well and you can get white sauce for free what which free sauce should I go for what do you think should I go for the white sauce [Music] you can also do half and half by the way tomato sauce you can also do half a nap it says up there and then they have a demi-glace sauce I guess white and Demi gloss would be pretty pretty hardcore am I saying it right it's a demitasse or demi-glace I never enjoyed never understood see here the pudding pudding says to dominant on rice it looks looks like what I'll get but they have one with a Hamburg on it and they have one with a roast what it's like a roast on rice with roasted duck but Kenai is very anti duck she doesn't like to eat the ducks so I can't I can't I can't eat the duck but she doesn't want me but she doesn't she doesn't she's not happy that I eating the duck so the hot sauce the herb sausage mom rice looks good there's an herb sausage in that one I don't know and then there's a Hamburg on there a Hamburg one's difficult and then the princess one I think I'm just gonna go princess but if I I know it's just a hard choice what do you guys think should I get the duck the shrimp Fra duck herb sausage Hamburg or just go for the princess Charles says princess Xavier I don't see any bacon sauce bunny says all of them what doc a lot of duck lovers I mean as and when I say duck levers I mean in terms of meat and then there's a cheese fondue topping that looks pretty intense cheese fondue topping I see Toby's here Toby the car oh it's nice to see a Toby a long time no see I can't get princess it's not in me I know what I'm getting [Music] they have beef stew how about beef stew or the cheese fondue sauce I put incest to all right sir so so the white to the demigods have been happy I [Music] oh they got Instagram we thought our kitchen I thought I am us I did it that looks really good I don't think you could go I don't think you could go wrong I don't think I don't think you could go wrong with this right it looks really good all right this one is brought to you by Toby the Toby the crow Toby's a very good guy we love Toby he's not an evil crow I'm gonna sit on the cold cement oh wait they got benches back there maybe [Music] they're playing music inside of the stadium I can hear it sounds like a NCAA football game now they have benches secret benches back here but they're taken yeah they're taken I'm gonna have to go cold hard cement I gotta go cold hard cement there's the National Stadium right there we're gonna go I'm gonna eat this and we're gonna go over there and take another look at the National Stadium it's so warm it's nice this is this look at the steam coming off at this is crazy it's beautiful isn't it so I've got a plastic fork here and we're gonna eat this together I'm gonna get it you're just gonna watch me eat it and smell it you can't even smell it Kenya [Music] this is an almond rice it is half-and-half demi-glaze and white sauce and I happen to have a tripod here so I can eat with both hands because it's not really nice to do it like that all right here it is here dai haichen she's going to say hi I said you Heidi much like that good daddy's got hi oh look at that that looks really good what she saw look at that and that's the rice inside there and they put an omelet in on the top of it and the white and the demi-glace sauce looks incredible so let's try it thanks guys this is this is my lunch Wow that egg is so soft I don't know what the white sauce is exactly but it's really creamy so I'm guessing like eggs and milk maybe but the demi-glace sauce is good at something you would use on steak I believe they put like ketchup or some kind of tomato sauce mixed in with the raw ice give it a little bit of tangy hanging this to it there is a piece of chicken so it's not vegetarian of course egg is egg [Music] I don't know Vittorio Kadam [Music] we're gonna go back around the stadium in about one minute while I'm eating why don't you chime in and where are you watching from where in the world are you it's always interesting to see who our audience is watching anybody from Antarctica I'm gonna go back and look for for rich masters [Music] well Vegas my mother's basement [Music] alright time to throw it away one of the many recycling pits oh hi how do those a mess it alright that was nice we got some street food from a food truck oh that looks like the photographer that I met you must they must know each other he's got in a ladder I want to know if I can get one of these people's tickets maybe someone who's not using it well give me their ticket I can go inside hey Jason welcome Jason's here oh wow that was good okay let's walk around and if we see rich we see rich that'd be nice rich said we wouldn't he won't be able to see me but we'll look for rich rich found me though green light I go for it so we're gonna this is the Olympic Stadium it was finished about a month ago I think [Music] found you find you I still I was still streaming for another minute or so did you see the Olympic torch yeah yeah yeah how was it it's pretty cool yep they put make it a Sakura design on the front of it yeah yeah I found some food trucks over there yeah yeah it was okay um I got the princess omurice and people are making fun of me just let me say you are what you eat did I say that and I think I said that one yeah so that's about all that I have I I don't know what else I can introduce because they won't let us in however I'm I'm a I'm a fighter and I'm gonna protest and then and asked the city to let me in we didn't get to a thousand likes oh I can't break the law I'm not gonna climb the fence and go inside of it but the stadium is pretty neat I know if I had a pole do you have a pool boat no I could use the cane I just want to go in and get get that magical Wagyu burger I think they have Wagyu burgers inside that's why I had this fantasy of eating a Wagyu burger inside of the Olympic Stadium that would be very Olympic that'd be epic epic Olympics yeah yeah where you from rich we're getting questions now I think yeah for those who don't know the NFL he's wearing Denver Broncos all the Buffaloes they were big in the 80s yes they're very powerful and then what happened packed packed ed the pac-12 happened right yeah this would happen had some really good teams Heisman winner right in there like 94 I think yeah running running back yeah yeah I remember those years that was when I was I was watching a lot of college football when I was in high school yeah so we can't quite get in here I think we have seven seven yeah Trey Smith was the last one we'll get another one Eddie George was in 95 when I was there anyone I knew he would win too and in a way LSU's Joe borough he's also kind of a Buckeye although he's LSU he transferred kind of consider him a Buckeye oh he had no choice I don't blame him I don't blame him we nobody blames him for leaving in fact I credit him for leaving you gotta know when to leave if he left yeah there you go I will be back here but I wanted to share with you on the opening day because the news is gonna be covering this who same bolt is here inside of there I want to see him run Kenai loves Usain Bolt maybe more than me now she but she really loves the same bolt we can't get inside there's an entrance on the other side but they won't they asked me for a ticket I said where can i buy the ticket they said sorry I said don't apologize not your fault I always say that though cuz in Japan people apologize a lot you have any questions before we end this an hour of trying to sneak into the stadium isn't as exciting the same bolt is inside that stadium yes is it opened yes if you have a ticket or press pack what I got I have all my business cards I wonder if I can get in there I don't know I know I want to see the same bolt run he's gonna he says he's not gonna be competing in the Olympics this year but he's running today in the opening to the public of the stadium it's because it's complete that's the ceremony that's happening yeah I don't know if I'm using the other channel yet it's not 2020 yet I do have a plan to get in there we're involves breaking the law I'm not gonna do that so want one last shot in here this is oh these these fences here used to be ten feet high but now everybody can look in here and now this is one of the gates gate a from the Oh ADA line so if you come here on the odo line you can come and see this view as well it's kind of a neat picture you see how much green how natural the stadium looks lots of panels along the stadium do you see that lots of Tears the opening ceremony tickets start at like three thousand dollars so I'm not going I'd rather buy a new computer or something actually I'd rather go but there was a lottery and I lost that there's the there's the campaign right there hello our stadium I learned about this last night when can I and I looked how do we get in and there were tickets were all gone I know Chris Hansen right son dang that's how I feel too yeah so we're gonna I'm gonna say good bye everybody so thanks for thanks for watching my failure of trying to get into the stadium but we did get some street food and we had a lot of fun and I think that's the most important thing of them all I'm planning to do a midnight snack run tonight probably around midnight so you know when we're I'm not gonna tell you that yet but I'll see you in about 12 hours bye everybody I'll give you the last 20 seconds of what people take your pictures of which is that escalator I think they like that escalator it's best escalator on the stadium right there the other side is pretty impressive too but Wow have they come a long way since winning the Olympics and the stadium now in front of us the games are imminent and it's really really really exciting so thanks for subscribing and sticking with the channel a lot more to come in 2020 as well bye guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 42,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, tokyo, stadium, open, national stadium
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 36sec (3696 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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