Question & Answer (aboard a train to Tokyo)

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hello everybody so I just got on the train heading towards Asakusa so I hope I hope the signal doesn't get cut off but I thought I would take a moment in it you there are you there sorry we were having some technical difficulties because apparently I'm going through a lot of tunnels but there's still nobody on this train except for me so I thought I would do a livestream and yet the signals going in and out I apologize so I'll take some questions if you have them the signal might go out again if that happens oh boy so um what questions you got where are you from I'm from the United States I live in Tokyo anything else about Japan maybe secret organization broke down John Stream not sort maybe it's hard to say it's really hard to say it's working down so he's good I'll just wait here till you guys have a question meaning of this you don't know how cool in what they must Oh Serena you don't know send it away where will you be at tomorrow I'm gonna be editing video tomorrow I got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow something I'll be editing video this rain will be arriving shortly are you alone yeah the whole train is mine right now there's nobody on this train how long is a train trip from where I got on it's three hours and four minutes where is the orange jacket it's at home it's been washed a few times it's doing good it doesn't stink or anything from that hitchhiking trip it's it's it's wearable so I'll bring it out this this fall a couple of times how many hours from Fukushima to Tokyo I'm not in Fukushima City Fukushima is pretty big so I'm leaving from I left from a place called welcome on Izu and Izu is I can show you where I'm on the map okay I'm sort of in the middle of Japan you see the map there I'm in the middle of Japan Fukushima is is this Prefecture here and I'm in the middle of it so yeah I'm not leaving from Fukushima City because it's easier to see my turn it down no I'm here I'm literally in the middle of the mountains I guess this would explain why you see does it explain why my signal is so bad there you go so Fukushima's huge so it's about from if you take the Shinkansen there's no Sheik onsen where I went this is the another Express train nobody's getting on this is crazy I'm still the only one in this carriage will she guess I'd be working with you in the future I don't know she gets on he he lives in Fukushima so he might I'd like to do more in Fukushima so we're gonna see but he's um he lives in Fukushima so hopefully I'll be able to see him again I'd love I love it it became the Toki we go out and have drinks get Peter and some other people I have questions do you run your own business in Japan not abroad yes I have a business my own company I started in 12 years ago and yeah it's it's a it's a small company but it's an established company in Japan the longer you have a company in Japan and the older you are the more people trust it and the more you build a reputation for it it's it hard to establish a business Japan very hard when I started mine 12 years ago but it's getting a little bit easier do you prepare your own taxes yes I do is Japan friendly proform business owners yeah I think if you're if you're creating jobs and you're making money for your company of course it's going to be very happy Japan needs more entrepreneurs I think I started my company as a communications company to teach people about about stuff and that's the purpose of the company I started first streaming on iTunes I'm not streaming I started uploading videos to iTunes in 2006 before YouTube was even I think YouTube just started that year in 2006 I was I was on iTunes and I had my own server and I was giving up bandwidth and people were down look that's a massive on set check that on Chanel Wow I'm in the middle of nowhere that's a SIA hotel this thing is massive this must be a key new gawe onsen whoa can you see the sign it's behind that bit right there keno ghoul onsen that belly is massive oh my word people get on the train now I'm so sorry for that that was pretty big um but where was I is it necessary for every is Japanese necessary for every job no these are great questions by the way you don't need Japanese for every job but I mean I want you to think about this for a second all right in any other country that you go to and you want to work in that country if you cannot speak the local language in that country do you think you're gonna find a job anywhere else in the world it's pretty hard if you speak English it that's not a passport to a job give me an English teacher you might be able to work on foreign company but your your ability to speak Japanese will probably control your destiny your destiny here and if you can't speak Japanese don't expect to get a good paying job or expect to have a career here it's sort of yeah you probably will need to learn Japanese but it's not necessary it's a really good question because a lot of people ask me about how to get work here how old are you I'm 43 years old can you teach me Japanese no I I don't know I don't I don't really teach language when Jenek driving test December 14th and December 11th I taking okay I'm taking a practice exam with this type of taxi car that they made me drive at the exam last time and the guy's pretty it was it's gonna cost me 150 bucks for that he's for that lesson too so it's would you move back to America why no I could but I'm not John could you make a religion about me can I make a religion about you what does that mean I don't know if you want to know we're just passing your station there's a station master there's one person on the platform and that's it there's nobody else on the platform this is kind of it's getting a little creepy creepy I miss she gay she get misses you do you smoke I don't smoke anything actually so you don't have to worry I don't I don't smoke anything so you can ask me anything I'll be honest with ya I'm that I don't smoke cigarettes or anything I I I'm a runner runners they don't smoke my mother was a smoker and she doesn't anymore but I always hated that as a kid and so when I went to college and people were smoking I never had a desire to do it and once you get past age age like 20 I think if you didn't smoke you're not gonna start there's just you know there's no pressure for me to smoke so I don't really need it what was your favorite thing did you did in Fukushima um Wow I ate today and I put it on Instagram just now so definitely check out Instagram only in Japan TV oh I ate the best saw Scott Sudan this breaded pork cutlet and it's comes like smothered in a tangy soy based sauce that's what I wrote an Instagram as the description it was the best sauce katsu Don I've ever had and that was a very very spiritual experience I think that saw Scott's able to have a picture on us it was so good but what was the best thing about this trip was meeting the people I always loved the people and that's I think the biggest attraction for me traveling anywhere in the world yeah the food is good but it's always the people it's the people who cook the food it's always the people that are in the restaurant so this stuff is the most important I got a picture oh so I hear this here's the picture that's I've put it on Instagram that is the Saul scott Sudan and it was just like out of sight I can't even describe to you how amazing it was I also wasn't it did I take some video of this I'm pretty sure I did I also say goodbye to the lady and yeah that was oh this is the other phone it's on this one this desk saw Scott's it was good I love the on scent I liked working working with dock or water Sun at the end and with Mia that's her last name by the way that's not her first name Mia and she gay and I liked working with these people that was a lot of fun for me it's always again it's always the people I I've stayed in some really amazing yokan before I've eaten some amazing food before that stuff I'll do again in the future but it again like it's always the people I don't know when I'm gonna see them again I hope soon they're really nice and I get attached to people just like everybody else does so it was sad to say goodbye on the platform do you does Mia Mia mm iya is her neighbors have an Instagram I don't know I don't think so I think she just uses Facebook or something but she's not she's not any kind of a celebrity or anything so she doesn't have she I think most of her stuff is gonna be private yeah any anime recommendations to learn Japanese in Japanese culture I would say pickups his ison I know it's not like it's not the most exciting anime or manga or anime but for me that's how I learned Japanese culture and language it says I son about how Japanese family works through anime and it's not the kind of anime maybe you're thinking of but to me that would be the one I recommend the most everybody says Ison sa za e sa and her name is says I I love that I love that animate any plans to live stream with Petersen yeah I talked to him a little bit yesterday maybe sometime this week if we can oh by the weekend he has some great ideas Peters he's he's one of the most talented people I know like with everything because he has that sort of perfectionism in him and in him that he always gets better and better and better at the stuff he does and mmm he just started YouTube and I know he's gonna get better and better and better at it so I think it's good if maybe somebody's coming I think it's good if all of us um help Peter with his channel and support what he's doing and then let's see and Kevin as well and Jennifer as well and let's see how their channel evolves you a lot of you have been following only in Japan for we're just crossed station that's the train going the other way towards a zoo oh c'mon sir it's kind of starting to rain here in Tokyo in this part of Japan so I I think you are you as you've been following my channel for a few years maybe I think it's interesting to see how these people who are starting their channels evolve theirs and it's exciting for me to see the same stuff that they're going through and overcoming and using their creativity to make something out of nothing which is just a story Peters episodes have been pretty good actually pretty creative I'm surprised do you have any plans to make video about Japanese football match atmosphere or something somebody asked me about that yeah Kuma's kitchen Florence um somebody asked me about that and and there is American football and I think they took him to American football there's American football in Japan and I I was asked to cover that but I didn't have any time this year I'm gonna cover this next year because it's like bizarre the universities here in Japan they have American football teams and some of some of these players are pretty good I don't know if they make it in the US and I don't even know maybe one out of all of them could make the NFL like they do in baseball Major League Baseball but it'd be interesting to see some Japanese playing American football or Japanese like Western sports and to see how how they do and that they're very competitive John can you dab look dude dab is over all right dabbing it has been done for like several years now I never did that because I'm not one of those guys who copied all the sports and athletes who do this stuff if they do it I probably will do the opposite because I don't I don't like to do what they do I do my own thing John do you have any plan I'm gonna be honest with ya you can ask me anything cameras over here but the chats are over here so I apologize if I'm looking up now if I'm not looking at you do you have any plans to make video about Japanese football match atmosphere or something okay that's the one you asked me watch samurai Champloo champ blue one of the best in okay samurai gym okay I'm gonna check it out are your trips part of your NHK work no these are not part of my PhD work this is all me and a lot of these trips are supported by patreon I started something called the postcard Club there's there's five postcards left available for five people who want to support the postcard Club on patreon and this support is helping me find more travel this particular trip I want to point this out I think it's really important for creators to be honest it was it was funded mostly by Fukushima Prefecture and they're trying to bring more attention here and I and with good with good purpose and I'm really happy to have been part of a group that had an idea to help promote Fukushima through own sin and yokan and other things and my part of it was the ryokan Thank You leo re-what my part was to do do condolence Senen and food for eight days and i was really happy to do it are you okay come late to the party yeah I'm okay are you talking to me thanks for the super chat so this isn't related to in HK at all I don't do a lot of energy care right now because I my schedule first of all the NHK is a lot of fun and I love to do it because I like to work with the team but if I only did NHK I would be it the payment is not a lot of money actually if I only did NHK I probably as a reporter and I'm freelance I'm not an HD staff if I did that and I probably would not be able to support myself it's not a lot of money you make it's sort of like beer money or food money it's like a tip but it's that's why I can't do it like I used to but then the thing is it's so much fun and for me the directors the team's who do it they're like I feel like they're my family so when they ask me I will almost always say yes the only reason I would would be a scheduling conflict and I love working with the team at NHK but when it comes to you know life you have to make your own content and you have to go out and make you make your own way and I think YouTube has been a platform like an awesome platform to do that it's not always perfect but it's it's still the best out there by far have you met Peter barrack on I've seen him but I haven't met him I don't know we have different circles he's like a lot older than me I don't know I'd love to work with him I don't know if I would collab with him does he do YouTube he's like you know TV guy he's he's a nice guy know people who know him he has had a segment a few weeks ago on took you I owe me yeah right will you be doing any vid streams during the Olympics oh yeah that's like the Olympics is like two years away I don't more than two years away I don't know what I'm doing it it been once yours I bet you a lot of the youtubers that are youtubing now they won't be here in two years either you can see it's raining it's rainy right now I'm going back to Tokyo this is great this livestream is just for you I'm not showing you anything I'm reading your comments I know sometimes when I'm when I'm traveling in doing the live streams I don't read the comments all the time because I'm looking around but this time I'm just focused on your comments why only Japan no update again I don't know what do you mean no update um hi bro your channel is good Cheers I appreciate that are you gonna have ramen for dinner no you know what I'm literally going to just eat tofu and vegetables and water for the next couple of days because I've been eating I have like like this is new I'm not really a a big person I never put I put on a little like a couple of kilograms I think eating massive amounts of food at yokan and not exercising I didn't have time to exercise or go anywhere so I'm totally not gonna be getting any ramen for a while I've had my share it's time to detox I guess Fukushima seems so cool but I'll actually go to hit or Shima next year Fukushima is really cool um I think more and more see there's the train going the other way that's great - I see people actually getting on now there's people getting up I think I can still talk it's not really crowded so what was I saying yeah Fukushima is a really cool place to visit Hiroshima is but there's a course and one reason why I was so I didn't have the time to do this to be honest with you but the reason where I really wanted to do this was because there's a course that all foreign visitors to Japan seem to take they fly in the Narita or - Kansai all right and then they they spend a few days there and then they take the train to Kyoto they spent some time there they might go to like Takayama but they'll go then - he made you see the castle they'll go to Hiroshima see miyajima and then they'll come back maybe they'll go to Osaka if they have time to talk about homebody you do everything that they've seen everybody else doing that's what 95% of the Western tourists do the Chinese tourists I'm not even sure what they do they're all over the place they're everywhere in Japan 80% of the tourists to Japan are from China still and Korea as well as as Taiwan and Hong Kong I'm not sure what the ESD the tourists to the east of Japan do but from the West the US Europe Australia follow me the same circuit if you go off that circuit you don't see many tourists at all which is sort of a shame what I want to do with this year in particular 2017 before the Olympics comes as you really try to show you more in places options especially if it's your second time and you don't want to do what everybody else did and Fukushima and Tohoku and told Torre and that's site of the Sea of Japan side of Japan and Shikoku and Kyushu awesome awesome destinations with very futurists lots of food lots of local cuisine and even friendlier because they want you there all right they're friendlier I'll tell you what miyajima so overrun with tourists that Island yeah I think a lot of the people just get frustrated because there's so many people who can't speak Japanese they're just and they're just more day-trippers it's not authentic you want authenticity you go to a place like where I was and it's like in-your-face Japan and that's I think the experience most of you are looking for and I wanted to show you a piece that that's so Fukushima is a totally cool place I'm going I've seen a lot of comics coming in are you on a Jer like no this is tobu it's a topo line this is from Asakusa you can take the train to an eagle and this also goes up to Aiza welcome onsen it's cheaper like half the price of jr you don't have to take junior in Japan although junior is everywhere don't you don't you have a channel set up for 2020 it took you I do but I haven't made any content yet I have at a time there's been too many location shoots when is the next vid coming for the main channel it should be coming this weekend I just haven't had any time to edit it I've had I've been on location shoots and even with a laptop by the time I get back and I back up all the data I took it's I have to go to better I only get six hours of sleep before I have to start the next shoot so I haven't done a lot of editing for the last month how tall am I I'm as tall as I look like I don't know in summer - - person Thank You NOSSA NOSSA broad is one of the moderators and he takes care of any of the people who get out of line there's a couple of other moderators as well I do appreciate that very much keep it clean was it it was to me one of the best streamys you did in Fukushima thank you that was like a stream Athan like every day I just would every time I found something interesting that I didn't film for the main channel we're back sorry yeah so this this we're going through tunnels and stuff like this and the connection isn't so good so I'm sorry for tuning out I hope some of you is sticking around well if they if you don't then that's pretty good then I can take more questions yeah the tow blue line is the Tories for going through mountains you're not late you're you're actually on time they're checking in now I'm the tow blue line coming back from Iowa c'mon sir from Fukushima the mountains of Fukushima back down to Tokyo this train goes to Asakusa and arrives in about an hour so I thought I would take some time to answer some of your questions for those of you who are tuning in right now yeah you go ahead and ask me anything I forget what I was talking about because it took 10 minutes to get back on line and will you do any of the other aunts and tours and other president I'm doing a tour I'm a video coming up on Tokyo baths I think Sharla in Japan didn't want and she put it up on her channel and I'm I'm working with the same people to make a video about Tokyo centos because I like the history of the public bath in Japan that's gonna be pretty interesting I do in a different way than Sharla does of course I'll be here for the next trip that would be cool gonna see what what Peter and I can do together on the next livestream to do maybe add a stream where we go out and we just do bunch of stuff this Specter Sharla in Japan is booming in Korea oh really oh that's sad hopefully I get a chance to see her before she leaves because usually we have a last year made a Christmas party at Simon and Martinez house and Sharla came to that event so hopefully I get a chance to see her before she leaves then she works for a group called breaker and yeah I really like those people there and Sharla is one of the nicest people she's like really genuine she's who she is in real life when what are you going to sing girl I don't know oh yeah I'm not gonna maybe you're cutie you know what okay if I do any kind of okie episode I'll try to sing something for you how many often did you visit Stan no I think I want to say 13 but I think it was more at least I went yeah I think was 13 onsen but I was in more than 13 baths and I did this all in 8 days and I'm I'm really exhausted because it was like constantly on the move I don't like location shoots like this because I don't have time to go in depth it's film it and then move on and that's the cut that's not the kind of way I like to make the show I like the alga Shima style where I'm there for a long time absorbing it and then bringing to you like a really compelling story whereas because I'm working with Fukushima on this one they want to cover so much in such a short amount of time it's it's almost too much an almost counterproductive but I think I can make a pretty good video out of this thank you that's it that's a good question Taylor is a spoiled brat guys she I met her at salmon where Tina's parties well she's pretty I thought she was pretty nice you know everybody's pretty nice I guess when you meet them is she spoiled I didn't talk to her that much I'm not sure she probably doesn't know much about me neither because we didn't make any time to talk to each other that's right I will be heading across to Japan for two weeks cool if I see you on my adventure I'll buy you a coke coffee yeah that's okay you can keep your coke coffee Jenna Jennifer spilled hers out she hated it I didn't mind it maybe once in a month in a lifetime are there hidden treasures in Japan like buried maybe there is a place in Nagoya I'd suit at sushi sushi shoot that's something G shrine and that's that's that's not gosh I forget it but there's a mirror that only the Emperor is allowed to look at this mirror and he hasn't looked at it in generations and they every time they they put a cloth over the mirror and when the cloth is about to disintegrate you just put another one on there and they keep replacing it and now it's caked on with layers and layers of cloth because the Emperor hasn't looked at this mirror for such a long time I thought that was pretty interesting history that might be treasure I don't know there's probably treasure in some of the basements of these shrines as well who knows is what their World War two bomb is still found in Japan I don't think so the country was pretty that could be out in the countryside it's hard to say that yep there was a park I did the blue flowered park in Hitachi the sorry it was called he touched youkai keen corn the Itachi Seaside Park and that park had an amazing history not a lot of people saw that story for some reason it was one of my best videos I think I didn't just film the beautiful flowers I went to the history of that Park it used to be a bombing range for World War two the Americans the Japanese used it as a bombing for bombing practice and then the Americans turned it into their bombing range and then after the occupation was finished they turned it into a park that's the kind of story that I just love to cover with Japanese history and they had a museum in it not foreign youtubers go there and they never cover that history that one is Stefan and there might be bombs that I believe there there was just bomb waste they exploded everything and then they made the bomb waste into a mountain or something but it was really good history that's the kind of stuff I think I want to cover more up there are ghosts moving in John's wagon every now I hope not there's really nobody in here it's kind of creepy will you'd be inviting me or she gay as guests prefer I'd love to do that um do you know what a flock of seagulls um they will be on the main she is gonna be a lot in the main channel and Mia has her own part in them in the main channel on the onsen so I want to show the the woman's point of view in the same episode so I filmed Mia wearing a towel in the female bath too just to get a different point of view so Schulman they're all gonna be in the main the main episode that should be coming in December that episode I have a lot of editing to do you spend more than one week in on sense how do you feel me chill Juan that's it that's a pretty interesting question I've been I took down this Dido blend coffee they haven't changed the design of this coffee for I think 40 years I feel I feel really tired I think yet seven days in on sin and yokan is too much I feel more exhausted then I need a vacation from this from the ryokan Abbey I'm gonna be honest with you the food was was too much it was too much it was - it was an overload of amazing things to eat and I think a human needs to take a break and eat boring food to make an amazing thing more special life is a balance right and I'm so far like here because I was in an awesome hotel room awesome yokan - Tommy everything I was eating the best food I was in luxurious baths with beautiful views that's too much and that's unbalanced and I need to balance it out with hardship and putting myself in a prison cell for over seven days and life is a balance you need to work hard and then you enjoy the time that you have to relax on vacation more if I work hard during the day I sleep better if I don't work hard I feel bad it's like if I if I don't brush my teeth I can't go to sleep yeah there's a balance to life I think clean teeth is important to me what weapons would you want if zombies in this train okay I need you have to hit the zombies in the head so I would probably would want I can I have two weapons katana would be nice I like I would like a sword because a really sharp one because then I'd been quicker at getting rid of the zombies I don't like you know I I always found that an axe would be good as well but the thing is if you get the accent too deep you can't get it out to go for the next one so maybe an ice pick would be good an ice pick and a sword the problem with guns you need ammo and once you run out of ammo then that's when those zombies bite you so if I had to pick one it would not be a gun okay so there you go a chainsaw but what happens in the chainsaw runs out of gas or battery right you know did you think of that mr. chainsaw John me Shawn style yeah I would you know what me Shawn is the one I think is gonna last the longest on this on the I'm not watching the season right now but me Shawn is is by far I think the best because she has she's hardcore with that sword nobody can take her out it's the same he had the same with everybody else who can do hand-to-hand combat that's how you stay alive in a zombie apocalypse run fast to stay alive and have senses to like to to be around you like like some of the other people so do you believe in ghosts Jasmine I saw a ghost the first year I was in Japan I don't know if I want to tell this story yet you know what okay I'm not gonna tell the story I saw a ghost the first year I'm dead serious it was I used to live next to a castle Okazaki castle I live 50 meters away from the castle so it was really hallowed grounds it's really sacred grounds and I saw a ghost the first year I just I'm I wanted to say is you not it was there and I moved I didn't want to stay in that apartment and I'll tell you the story in another time I don't want to do I don't want to waste the story on this but I do believe in ghosts and I don't think that they show themselves to everybody and I don't think they're always evil I think that if they have a message to tell you and you're the chosen one then they will find you and they will communicate to you and this this it was a woman she communicated with me and I'll tell you how in another live stream and it's a true story okay I'm serious look at my face I'm serious okay and now I'm not serious because I'm changing the topic but I'm about to go story I'm serious I do I did see ghosts I'm disappointed in this season The Walking Dead don't tell me anything we don't get it in Japan we're like always a year behind ghost stories would be cool Peter had a ghost story on his channel by the way where's a good place to eat around Tokyo right where's a good place to eat around London yeah this is really Tokyo is a massive city the best place to eat is not I wouldn't it's not Shibuya I can tell you where the the best place not to eat is Shibuya I don't like Harajuku you know Akasaka and Shinbashi Shimbashi is yeah shamash is cheap and it's a pretty authentic place to eat I'd say that is Shinbashi it's a place you should check out especially in the evening if you like the izakayas and less tourists that that place is pretty authentic yeah see what else you got here again if the signal cuts out I apologize one blow your parents they visit you again you don't want my dad my dad has never visited Japan he says the plane rides too long my mom has been in four times no one else in my family has ever been here except for my cousin and she went to university at Sofia University for one year that was pretty cool do you think countryside is the place to eat in Japan yes cecile de rock star - you are right because that's where all the best ingredients are and you eat like a champion in the countryside it's the reason if you really you know if Chris sorry mark weeds actually wants to see the real Japan and eat some food he should go outside of Tokyo and Osaka and Kyoto and all the tourist places and go deep and only introducing stuff that'll blow his mind thing is if you put if you put the countryside if you don't have Tokyo or Osaka are places did you want to go nobody's gonna watch your lives here I'm your YouTube show on that I've had trouble be in Japan because people don't search for it but I will introduce people to some amazing deep that's right stand deep should you collaboration with mark yeah that'd be fun you know I would love to do more collaborations with some of the food the foodies because that's something that I I don't do every time I don't do food I'm more about Japan in general and food is an integral part of Japanese culture so I focus on food but not any food specifically everyone loves food because they have to eat it to survive yeah so it's important I didn't know the voices on the train spoke English Chinese [Music] what I don't know what language that was are you where are you off to today I'm going home so the connections getting bad I apologize if it cuts off but I'll keep trying again until we're totally off other any memes in Japan I don't know a one of your favorite Japanese food your favorite food John Pizza that's my favorite food of course pizza what other TV shows are you watching John what about Game of Thrones I haven't seen any Game of Thrones Season one none of them I'll binge-watch it one year but it won't be this year but I have time what other shows am i watching nothing really right now I have no time people ask me what my favorite music is my favorite music is royalty-free music that I can use in the show I don't listen to pop music at all classical music sometimes jazz yes I don't listen to any popular music that's why I don't know this dab thing I don't I don't listen to this stuff I don't think a lot of the pop music people are very talented to be honest with you some of them are yeah so I listen to the world I have got more respect for royalty-free music people because they let me use it in the shelf and I want to give them credit where's Kevin Reilly probably at home you know Sokka would you like to visit North Korea No no I don't know I won't I've got a lot of friends that have they told me it's cool but it's maybe not the best time what should the hourly wage in Japan that's a great question right now the minimum wage I think it's our only bomb I guess it'd be equivalent to like 10 dollars an hour and that's not a lot actually but and most people don't even get that outside of Tokyo I think it's more like seven dollars and a lot of they call it a bite doll out of Auto bite or a part time job and it's usually very poorly paid but that's what you know a part time job is like working in a convenience store that's not supposed to your career nobody's supposed to do that for making a living and we all make choices in life and minimum wage here is very very low I think because most people will find a job doing something else using their education education is very high here in Japan everybody finishes high school I think so yeah not a lot of people everybody you know everybody has a pretty good makes a pretty good money here in Japan where they can support themselves or their family supports them in one way or another it's it's not it's a different system than in Japan but in general the CEOs don't make if this is the CEOs in the US Japanese CEOs make like this much and then the normal person makes this much all right this is this that this is kind of good thing I want to explain it to you but this is what my Japanese friend told me about about salaries in Japan right when you you enter a company and you make a base salary which is not bad it's actually quite good and then you get promoted your responsibility goes up and your and your salary goes like this and then you can promote it again you prevents really goes up and your salary goes like this okay so even then when you get to the CEO you're probably here but your responsibility is here in the United States so when you get to CEO you you're like salaries way up here and I guess your responsibility something down here because some of the CEOs aren't doing such a wonderful job Japanese CEOs are just as competent as in the US but they get paid wait wait less however there's a caveat here Japanese CEOs can use the company money almost like their own and they do live pretty much for free they just get receipts and everything is company business for the most part it's a write-off for the company so yeah there's that if you have a billion-dollar company you basically have a billion dollars in view to see that company however your salary is not the same as like American CEOs not even close okay do you have any talk on the Japanese adult industry not really sir Alfred I mean it's a fair question I think it's an interesting thing in the Japan adult industry is different than in the rest of the world in many ways don't know a lot about it I don't watch it but I do know that you know I was asked by an agent of an adult video star a woman to do a YouTube video to interview her and I thought about it and I turned it down because there's a lot of kids who watch this show and there's a lot of families there's a lot of mothers and fathers who write to me and say that they watch this with her with their son or daughter and that means a lot to me more than I would get for one episode with an adult star about her lifestyle and I you know I probably would get more subscribers and more money doing something like this but to me the most important thing is to protect your reputation I probably survive it you know I don't know in Japan your reputation is more than the money I think and the longer I stay here the more I realize that and right now my reputation is showing a positive light of Japan and not being overly critical but being honest about it so I like that I like where I am I didn't need to do that but I I think it is a story that should be done somebody should do it I will make one on a love hotel soon so stay tuned come to India I will you'll get $4 a day wage minimum but I will come to India how's that so looking at the next one that's correct John okay what your opinion would be to say the biggest misconception about Japan Wow the biggest misconception about um you know what I actually I actually talked about this when I was in the ryokan the biggest misconception that that we have as Outsiders the first biggest one that I think I should talk to tell you about is we see Japan as the country Japan alright Japan Japanese see Japan as areas they see Japan as 47 prefectures and I think if you're saying you come in you're taking a trip to Japan that's sort of disingenuous you're actually taking a trip to Tokyo because Tokyo is one one culture and Almaty is a completely different place I think yeah you can get the same kind of food a little bit they speak Japanese but the way that they talk the way they walk the way that they act I think is different it's unique they have their own uniqueness and Japanese sivak just having their own uniqueness Westerners are foreign tourists don't see that yet okay I see 47 different countries inside of Japan like Europe has Europe has all these countries right I've been living in Japan for almost 20 years I see 47 different countries to visit all right that's what I see you see if you're coming to Japan you see just Japan that's one misconception I think and I don't know if the FMB considered a misconception but that's something that I want to I want to highlight more in the next year the second misconception is that Japanese people are shy I don't I don't think that that's especially true I think some people are really shy I think shyness is it is a good trait but here's the thing okay Japanese kids are not that shy they they're the first people who come up to me they do they'll stand right in front of me a little little teeny kid five six years old look right up to me and start speaking to me in Japanese even and not knowing that even if I'm a foreigner he doesn't see me as a foreigner he just speaks to me in Japanese and I respond to him and I can have a conversation not Shadle it's gets around i ron't I guess when they get to junior high school they started to get shy about who they are but inside of every person they're not should they want to break out everybody wants to break out I think yeah if you if you make an effort to talk to people in Japan they will make they you'll see that they're not really that shy they want to talk to you back and at first I don't know I guess that would be shy but I don't see it as people in Japan being overly shy I just see them as being keeping to themselves and being polite they don't want to disturb you they have a lot of questions for you but they don't want to disturb you and if you break the ice and you talk to them doors open up man man I I've gotten to where I am by talking to strangers and not being shy myself and people talk to me back like she gay remember she gave that who you met him in the streams he's not shy he's polite you know there's politeness and others shine in my opinion I think that there's politeness and then the shyness and shyness is the part of being polite so we've got some misconception I think the misconception that Japanese don't like having sex is a misconception that that's why the birthrate is low I think that's a misconception I think the birthrate is low because it's expensive to have kids and people want to live their lives and people are working more and they just don't don't have kids it's not because they don't want to there's lots of reasons spaces are getting smaller into Tokyo there's no reason to have lots of kids people don't feel the need but there's yeah there's lots of misconceptions I think and the only way to see it the may the media is never gonna cover it properly unless you even the media in Japan doesn't cover it properly I think you have to talk to people and here's the here's the thing going back to what I said like about a minute ago just 47 countries prefectures countries in Japan the way people think in Almaty is different than the way people think in Tokyo you can't generalize in Japan this is like the same of the United States people in New York think differently than in Los Angeles people in Kyushu think differently than people in Hokkaido I guarantee it so then don't think that Japanese people think the same that's another thing yeah I think that in Southborough people were really outgoing compared to Tokyo I think Tokyo people are the most I guess shy or polite because there's so many people from everywhere people don't know each other they're all strangers from different areas of Japan a melting pot Tokyo is it so people are more cautious yeah so in this there's so many misconceptions but the biggest one I think is Japanese or Japanese they're my people it's 99.9% Japanese people but these people are all over the place people Fukushima are different than people in Tokyo it's just true and I can see those differences but I don't think you would be able to see it unless you were here how long is your train journey right now you see Tokyo at the bottom so I'm here it's anomia do you like us yes I love the United States I'm so proud to be a part of the United States there's there are so many good things about the United States and I try to focus on all the positives always always try to focus on the positives and there's some there's some things that are not so great but I think the positives over overwhelmingly do or the negatives of American society and if we focus on the negatives you're only gonna see that and I focus on the positives and I see so many things I think that love about America is that people are so friendly you can wait in line and you'll know everybody in that line you know after after a few minutes people will turn to this to strangers and just talk to you I love that in Japan people will never do that people don't do that people don't talk to you and I missed that actually the friendliness the American friendliness and the American optimism I love that too you know there's so many great things about the United States that I miss and I hope I can I stay Who I am and that's always a part of me and yeah I think I'm positive about Japan always because that's that's how I grew up you know optimistic thing about the future what kept you here instead of the USA it's a good question I don't know I'm really used to living here now I'm really used to living here I'm very used to the lifestyle I have a life here I have a business here I have a family here I have all my professional connections are here and to go back to America would be starting over a new life and I'm 43 I'm not 23 or 33 I'm 43 I believe I can do a lot to help my country United States here in Japan by being the best person I can be in Japan doing what I'm doing and sharing Japan with Americans with people around the world I love India as well that's where my mother's from I could have a lot of family there yeah I haven't seen them in a few years but yeah I have a Pio car the people of Indians origin so I don't need a visa to go to India so that's also part of who I am and India's awesome because people people are pretty tolerant with everybody that's the one thing I let go around people call everybody brother and sister in India and I always like that too they don't do that in States nobody's in the family people like family in India I don't that was my sense anyways because maybe I was always with my family it's hard to say but I I like the closeness of people in India yeah so that that's all a part of who I am Dobbs sounds like German it is dog my grandfather was on my father's father was German his German was German he passed away he his name is also John dog he was born in 1925 1911 or 1912 I forget 1911 and his father or his grandfather emigrated from Germany from Heidelberg to the United States and they settled in New York and that's where my dad was born in New York and yeah it's a German last name I've been to Germany of several times I have family there I don't know any German and I don't feel that connection to Germany as I do with India but there's a connection and with England my father's my grandmother was English she immigrated from Oxfordshire which is I guess that's not north of London and they emigrated in the nineteen 1920s or 1930s from England to the United States to New York and that's where my grandfather met my grandmother in New York after they'd emigrated yeah that my dad was born in New York so he's an immigrant he's a he's a son of immigrants and my mother is she isn't it what she's American so that's sort of my background I miss waterfall onsen I kind of do too I like that my fingers were wrinkled for most of those eight days my skin is kind of dry the one thing about Japan in the winter as it gets really really really drying and the summer it's really really really humid so especially in the mountains it's super dry you are world diversity in one huh just waiting for some Chinese ancestry then you know I get family in like a two dozen countries did we have family and um New Zealand and Poland also you know yeah there's I have some Polish background in me there's some polish family members my family everywhere and there's one dog in Japan that would be me and we have them everywhere thank you nosh abroad I'm always so thankful mushes taking care of this dream are you going to take the 23andme test what is that test I don't know how did your parents meet so my father he's his job is those big oil tanker ships and that's how that's what he does for a living he's a captain and he traveled the world and my mom was in India and long story short they met in India and fell in love and then I guess she came to America he came to Japan India to pick her up and they went back to America that's long story short so he was a world traveler just he used ships instead of planes John is mixed with different races I'm like all of you guys out there just all mixed up I'm the biggest mud they're bigger mods that week but I'm a pretty much a much I'm a product of a lot of races that imagine if I get married to a Japanese lady here and then we have kids those kids are gonna be messed out get trays at least on my side I'm gonna really mix this kid up you know I'm gonna get I have to give them a really diverse name too so maybe not a Japanese name give him a really like German name or something to really mix it up so no wife no kids I'm not married that doesn't mean it won't be in the future some things I won't talk about yet but yeah life has been really good but I've been really busy the last year I've been on trap traveling like crazy and this kind of lifestyle is not good for long relationships but I think yeah 43 is the new 23 they somebody said I think that person who said it was 53 so 23 me is a DNA test you know what I think these DNA tests if it's if they're brand new I'm gonna wait a little bit before I take any DNA tests like like like that because I never do first-generation anything including the Apple watch and Apple products never take a first generation always wait for the second or the third generation so give the DNA tests a little bit more time and then whatnot I might take it but I'm not you know what I am me and whatever happens you know that's life I don't really need to know 43 is a new 23 you want to get the 53 that'll be the new 2032 it's been around for about two years really okay so that puts it the second generation maybe next year makes brutal eart oh yeah I'm reading your comments here how how do you do super what does that mean John do you believe in Japanese gods like believe nothing probably know much I believe I'm spiritual but I don't gosh I'm so mixed I don't know what religion I believe in I believe in God I believe in people I I do have a religious background but I'm gonna keep it to myself John isn't I'm not God and that lowercase God either I ship John and Jennifer and Jen are your gamer I all right here's the thing I want to be but I'm never around to play games I have this this is the iPhone 6 the iPhone 7 I don't have time I'm literally if I played games I'd never edit anything and like I know Simon from Simon and Martina he's a huge gamer because when I go there he's playing a game I don't I don't see them very often but when I go there he's like playing a game I don't know how he gets time but in my free time I'm looking I'm listening to royalty-free music and I'm thinking about the show to be honest with you or I'm traveling or sleeping the tendus which might be an idea I used to be when I wasn't when I was a kid I was a massive gamer oh my gosh I played the Nintendo the original one with Mike Tyson's punch-out huh oh man I was pretty good at that too I would just dedicate hours and hours and hours and I do that with editing now so I can't say that I'm an awful gamer now but the thing is the games are so complex now it's hard for me to get into it you have to invest a lot of time to get into the games these you need is but ever since Peter won the job as spring man if you play the Peter this game Nintendo game spring man Peter is spring man and I also auditioned to be spring band it's Brendan but I didn't win it was yeah I would I did I was cool I was close but I think they were just telling me that to be nice to me if Peter went down to Nintendo to Kyoto's office the head office is in Kyoto and he he did the narrations for spring man it sounds pretty cool I'm glad I'm glad he did that kept in the family people that I know John what about Trump I'm not gonna talk about politics I you know what I whether or not I agree with who the President of the United States is politically whoever they are I'm gonna support the United States and that's all I want to say about that I'm gonna support my country here in Japan and there was a chance that I could have met President Trump when he was here a couple weeks ago they told me he was going to a steak restaurant in Roppongi and to standby and they would tell me to come so I had my camera and I was gonna go to meet Trump and then they changed the restaurant to a place in Ginza instead I think that was a story and my friend told me that yes sorry we got the flu he came earlier than expected no that was it he came earlier than is my ally oh thanks for the super chat so I could have met Trump and I would have been happy to just like I would have been happy to met Obama or bush or Clinton it doesn't really matter when somebody from overseas you know the president of your country comes despite the party you go and you meet them that's just the kind of person I am did you speak Japanese are good questions we are speaking Japanese before you move to Japan no nothing not a word I didn't even know connie chu elio anything number 2 to get the full amount of super chat I don't know actually I think probably YouTube takes some of it I wouldn't have think that they do patreon take some of it so I I think so I'm not sure that's a good question and what's your favorite food pizza and in Japan probably probably that saw Scott sit on I just had because that's what I'm thinking about in my mind okonomiyaki hiroshima-style okonomiyaki is also like really really high in my list yeah that's a great question this is the sauce Caputo I put her on Instagram this changed my life this is a life changer that was so good great questions leo leo I think he gets like 66% really nosh I have no idea YouTube takes 33% I know is that I alright YouTube gives hasn't analytics and tells me how much it's making but when a super chap comes in I kind of I see the total and I go wow and then I just feel I don't know how much they take I just feel like you guys gave something from the heart and what you felt and then makes me feel good and that's I you have to take it 33% I'm gonna ask my YouTube partner manager about that that something I should check up on you next time if somebody asks I'll have a definitive answer yes we got a few Jennifer to you she just got back from a trip in hot GOG mom says she's been well fed what do you think about Latin America I think America I'll be honest with you I don't know we're back sorry um like this 4G was dead in the station there for some reason yeah Latinamerica I don't spend too much time on this but yeah I thought a picture that was in Peru I don't know if that's a Latin America I think to me that's pero yeah that was fun doctors when I was at the equator that was a pretty cool trip look I'm on the north and the south that was 2003 I traveled all around South America and Central America I got to see Panama Guatemala Nicaragua I stayed just about everywhere and yeah I love it the food was awesome it was one in Panama so yeah I don't know much I don't know what Latin America or Hispanic I don't think like that I don't like Americans put themselves into groups African American Asian American I think that's stupid I think it's basically you are who you are you American or you are I don't know why we people put themselves in a group to be honest with you ever thought about it that same with Latin America I don't I don't know what Latin America means I'm just think people are American they're in the United States if you're American you're American Columbia was good I love Columbia I've never since so many people a lot of smiles a lot of people were very outgoing talking to me I like Columbia was cool and I didn't even see that much of it it was just basically Bogota did you did you buy souvenirs for Peter no Peter I really didn't have time to go shopping for souvenirs well you would have been worldwide I I've been to 71 countries many of them more than once are you there's nobody on this train the Train is empty so I'm not bothering anybody that's why I'm doing the chat for 70 minutes a train is pretty much empty yeah so I you know I'll tell you my story a little bit I think I explained it in the 360 chat but when I was I when I came to Japan one of the reasons was because I I was curious I hadn't been to this part of Asia but I'd love to travel and I went to Ohio State University most of my friends were not from Ohio they were from all over the world because I worked in an international international dormitory and they all invited me to go visit them and so I did and I traveled and I kept traveling and traveling and traveling until I ran out of money that's when I went to to Japan and I got a job teaching children English and I made only not a lot of money but I was able to save up enough I didn't have any school loans because I had a job I worked through school most of it yeah I spent the first couple years traveling and learning about the world and I got to meet my friends and I saw so many different cultures it's pretty cool and this was before 2001 before the terrorist attack and I found that I mean I was wow the world was such an amazing place back then easy to travel around and then after 2000 and want to get really hard and I saw a lot what about UFC what is UFC have you been - so my yet so my in Miyagi Prefecture yeah there's that that's north in Fukushima and on the border yeah I've been up there Minami Souma I was in I went to Minami Souma and I've been to Wow I went after the earthquake and the tsunami we went up there to a couple of places minami sanriku I think there's so many this is a few years ago I went back in fact there is a video that I made on the main channel called Pokemon with you the Pokemon train and Pokemon train went to a place called Ishinomaki see you know Mikey on the map here Yoshino Maki is yeah that's a place that I also visited after and it's changed a lot and gosh I I can't say this enough if you're a tourist in Japan and you go to these places you will not you'll be so warmly welcomed by everybody because they are they used to get some basic interests before this happened and of course people didn't go there for a while but now if you go up there look Shino Mackey's fine they everybody had wants to tell you their story so you get all these stories about that day when I was there I went up with a friend of mine named Mike and we drove a truck full of food this is about a month after it happened and we drove a truck of food up there to people from Tokyo and my friend Mike he's one of the nicest people he he doesn't think about himself he just just gives and he doesn't think about other people and that one trip I went up with him and we got Ozzy beef to help us out and Ozzy beef sponsored and gave us like I don't know like massive amount of steaks and we barbecued for the people of Asia no maki for one night to give them a really fun dinner i think there are six of us on that trip maybe have a picture that was such an awesome memory and when i when i was up but no it wasn't Ishinomaki i think it wasn't I can't remember exactly the town it was it was between soma and Ishinomaki I believe a case a new mom I think was kiss a new mom yeah so we were in case a new mom and the people were just so friendly and nice and after the barbecuing we walked through the city and we could see a lot of the roommates it was awful look like a war zone their cars flipped there was a bus there was a boat that caught it was pretty bad and there was a guy he was removing his refrigerator I think he was bringing the refrigerator in so Mike and I Mike and I helped him bring the refrigerator into his house and his house was an awful shape and it had been flooded and there was sand and gunk on it and he had wood boards to walk on and he was lit still living in there I guess in the second floor and then he just oh man I get a little mush but with this story but he he just he started telling us his story on that day when the tsunami hit I'll probably tell the story again next year when that's during the anniversary but this is still a sad story that I won't forget he told us about how on that day you know he lost his wife and kids and his kids were outside playing and his wife went out there to go look for him we'll look for them and then the tsunami came and they were gone and he-man I would love to go back there and see how he's doing but he showed his pictures of them imagine they got one month after how wrong and he's still living alone so when we had a handsome team with him and gave him a pat on the back he's just some humanity you know you're be around people and then you know we had to go get a little bit too uncomfortable cuz you don't know where the line is yeah but it makes you realize how important our lives are and the people around us and just like that everything can change he's alone just like that and it's it's yeah like there's too many stories after the after the earthquake and tsunami almost all of my foreign friends left Tokyo they've especially the Europeans they were the first to go nothing against the French but everybody who is French had a free air flight out of Tokyo and Americans did not have a flight out and and there was this fear for radiation at the time and I said that this is my home so I didn't leave I stayed in Tokyo despite all the stuff that was happening and yeah we we called there is this word going around fly gene you know guys Gena's foreigner fly gene they were the foreigners who flew away after the earthquake and the tsunami and Tokyo was a ghost town for foreign residents in March April May I think until the summer all the foreign residents out of uncertainty and fear had left Tokyo and Japan but there are a few of us that stuck around and we fought it out we made an impact I think we kind of helped in our own little way and yeah that was its those tough times and I think you remember the most those are tough days you know we didn't have the supermarket's ran out of food this is Japan okay the price how that earthquake and tsunami was so bad Tokyo ran out of food for a few days I think I got some pictures from that day we ran out of water we ran out of food people were stockpiling stuff it was pretty crazy let me see if I if I can pull up some of those pictures but yeah I'll never forget the aftermath yeah you can see here here this is the my supermarket there was no water left they're trying to restock it but they didn't have any any left it kept running out it was only like really expensive water what's the doors between American and Japanese TV alright good I'm happy to get off that subject I haven't even got that subject this is a picture of the wineglass I lost I lost all my wine glasses to Japanese TV is stupid an American TV has become very sophisticated I don't know I don't want to learn Japanese TV it's usually too sad or too not good acting is hard in Japan because people don't express their emotions like they do and they emotions are inside so when they have to express their emotions the outer appearance it's hard when most people are poker-faced in japan you can't do that in acting you have to show your emotion it's hard to do that I think for Japanese actors that that's my don't don't take that as a fact that's just my opinion that's one reasons why there's not a lot of international Japanese actors that are big because they people have a hard time showing it because Japanese culture in general is not one where you show your emotion that's do I feel so you see that in TV acting is not the best but the story is it getting better I think Netflix is making huge difference even with Netflix Japan is trying to find ways to break into foreign markets that means they gotta make better shows so yeah it's great that Netflix Japan is here to push the envelope the best shows I think are the reality shows when you get to know the people like live streaming it's in other people and I think that's where Japan can excel it's not gonna be in scripted acting I don't think so Japanese game shows that's a totally different subject I can talk to you for years about this Korean actors are amazing the best in the world yeah you know Korean Korean dramas have a big big aisle in the Japanese video stores they always have so I don't watch Korean drama so I don't know but I know that a lot of Japanese watch Korean dramas I didn't know that Koreans showed that much emotion either but I guess it do I didn't I the honest answer is I just don't know enough about Korea most of the final Acree I know from San Martino you still there because I asked them and they tell me where are you headed to John I'm going home I've been in Fukushima for 8 days filming Reverend retro cat let's hold a prayer for job reality TV is scripted too Frank this show isn't scripted i think i you know i think it's not scripted but it's it's planned does that make sense it's not scripted but it's planned I think these live streams a lot of them I will walk through it with Peter I'll walk through it with Jennifer and then we'll do it and that makes for a better live stream because I don't wanna waste your time with nothing we usually have a plan but it's anything could happen it's not a script it's like a plan so in that sense yeah I guess guess you're right you must be happy to go to beef I don't we've seen Peters house when we're gonna see yours and Jennifer's um I'm thinking of moving soon so I'm not sure I might make an episode on that house that and you can see both houses the new one and the old one everybody did a house tour already so I don't see it as original content which doesn't fit with my mo I like to be the first to spend somewhere like alright nothing on Sharla but a lot of viewers told me that Sharla went to the Akihabara vending machine and the Akihabara shrine I did that like earlier this year with Peter so not to say anything but I got the first and I like to although other youtubers might have done it I didn't find it and I like that and I like to be the first one to get to and cover a subject because I want to find and research it and not copy someone else I don't think I don't think she copied it but I mean I wonder where she learned about it from maybe possibly I don't know to say most actors in dirty hearts our deputies it's a good movie okay I'm do I mean if you know a good Japanese movie I will check it out definitely write in the comments or leave me a note madagascar I haven't been there yet are you talking about the anime the cartoon which Prefecture have you not been to I've been to all of them and almost all of them twice so been to all 47 prefectures when you're moving to another Prefecture in Japan I don't know I I need to get a job there it's all about me working I can't go there and just be a tourist I want to get in touch and learn the culture that means I have to work there I said the same and they took credit for it I don't know what you mean questions questions but your favorite movie and video game favorite movie I'd have to say all right for the longest time my favorite movie was babe the one with the pig I loved that movie the cinematography the storyline the underdog comes back and win there's an everything was there was everything they loved about that movie cute animals speaking and just you wanted babe to win and that same year Braveheart came it out and I loved Braveheart as well that was the Mel Gibson movie you know at Scotland I don't have to tell her you'd be pretty hard won the Academy Award but deep down I was rooting for baby so that year made some awesome movies and babe yeah babies babes up there babies up there I can watch that movie a hundred times that'll do Pig that'll do it's just it's it is it was a darn good movie Shawshank Redemption was around the same time that's an awesome movie look but here's the thing okay Shashank Redemption I can watch that maybe once once every couple of years I can't watch that over and over hey man I can watch that I didn't I didn't care for bait babe in the city but the original babe was the best when the Sheep had their own secret password I mean there's so many things in that movie that was so genius this is stuff that I would have written and then people would say that it was dorky but that's the kind of person I am I'm probably more in the babes grip type of person then yeah the stuff that you might be wanting you probably saw that in the Fukushima spy episode which is pretty fun it just wasn't very popular on YouTube yeah Oh probably my favorite movie was would be Lawrence of Arabia as well if you haven't seen Lawrence of Arabia watch that movie that's such a complex movie I watched that maybe once every year Lawrence of Arabia is is a classic that'll never get old that's they used to make movies like that in Hollywood where it was an epic movie it never would it was a classic from from the moment it debuted it was an epic movie and they don't do that anymore they do it for quick like people looking for an injection of excitement back then it was like whoa these were long movies that amazing amazingly deep stories to them do you have a celeb crash a crush leo senpai not really no no I don't know I don't really get into the celebrities there was many many years ago I don't want to talk about that yeah I keep it to myself I know a lot of the celebrities I used to do a show at least in Japan and I used to do a show called TBS hitter OB I just haven't been around to do it anymore they asked me sometimes to help them with interviews for the show which is sort of cool but hit OB whizzes don't have it somewhere when I was on that show I got to meet a lot of celebrities in Japan I'd be in the dressing room with them pictures really find them but ya know celebrity crush really I've been on a lot of line of Japanese I've been on every Japanese TV channel I think one show or another one reason or another mostly for for this show okay all right here let's see if this works so this is from so that's a beat we can't hear but that was a live TV show that's like a news program in Japan that millions of people watch in Japan sighs I was pretty honored to be on that I don't get nervous anymore doing stuff like that and just you just do it you know think about it you plan and you do it yeah I've been on hit Oh Abbi like 10 times I think over the years so yeah it's a really cool show they they've got a good vibe it just fresh you know the key to a piece is it's always fresh and it's Megumi Sun Megami is the Navigator of the show the host he's so smart he's so clever he's you can see in his eyes he's thinking fast and that that working with him on that show like just being in the same area of him was was huge I love your videos John Varun as everybody here's a token for your mobile bandwidth thank you and this is all streaming on that DoCoMo's 48 so I appreciate that yeah appreciate that hey dude hey dobe is for leftist people you know what I don't I don't know I don't talk about politics on the show though it could be politically I am in Japanese TV there is a left and a right just like Fox News and MSNBC right if Fox News and MSNBC is like this the Japanese left and right is like this okay it's not really that different I don't think but it's there and I don't get into the politics in Japan I know about it but you would I when I'm on that show I talk about in what about tourism I talk about the places that I've been to and my experiences I don't talk about politics so I don't know if it's a left or right show I just know that the Megu me son is really smart and he's funny and he's really nice to me I know that um there's this guy I thought he was a clown but he's really he's really a rock star where is he his name is um Damon Damon and Damon this I've talked to him a few times and he's really cool he's really nice to me as well and there's a guy who's always on it he smiles and he says hi to me he's pretty nice I don't I don't know the politics of hitter will be I just know that it's it's a pretty cool show to be on for me and I have fun we have good bentos in the studio we had a yakiniku been to thee they let me to take the bento home - if I don't eat it that's what that was pretty nice and they always they always let me come in in a taxi and they pay for the taxi to go there yes I go there and in style so I'm always happy to see that I can't find I can't find that is it here maybe okay oh this one yeah so was on I was on the front page of a newspaper and do you remember this one you guys remember this one that's me and Joseph looking inside the toilet this is from three years ago this is the front page of the newspaper in Japan so I got a chance to be on a lot of this is Tokyo hi that's a Tokyo Tokyo program I've been on four different sets of Tokyo I I've been on that show has changed a lot it's changed a lot over the years oh there he is one of the most interesting people I've ever met so he was a picture on hit oh he'll be ok this is another day and in the studio is this really amazing guy his name is um his name is Dave um and he always has makeup if he comes to the studio and makeup and he's really really nice and he talks to me sometimes about sumo wrestling he knows all the sumo wrestling he knows everything about sumo wrestling and it's a big honor and the guy sitting next to me also in here he's really nice too and he's always he always says hi to me and welcomes me on the show and this is the Navi the host his name's Megumi son and when we talk he's so smart he can he just I mean if you watch hit okay maybe you can't see it but he's got like this way where he's he's examining everybody's faces and he's reading the air Kuki you made it and he knows he knows when I'm when to mask a certain kind of question to me it's just like an instinct with him and he's he's the ultimate professional man being on that show I learned so much like being able to do the live streams I think I got experience being on a show like that and doing live TV that helped a lot just to kind of see this stuff around you and reacting to it and not see yourself you know work with the stuff around you Daymond looks like Buckethead a rock star I don't have a bucket it is but I you know what I have to admit I've only heard one of Damon's damon songs i should probably listen more he's a big rock stinger a star here but I the only thing I know about him is that he knows sumo really well and he and he's a nice guy that's it he's a very nice guy the newer hosts of Tokyo 2020 he's a bit uptight what do you mean newer hosts is there a new host it's not Chris anymore it's not Chris I thought Chris pepper was still doing it John is being called Yoko's Yokozuna a badger Yokozuna is a top-level sumo wrestler so it's a good thing I think if you're super wrestler it's crisp Eppler right so he Oh Chris is not new he's been doing it since I've been doing it I started I think the 199th are the hundred and first episode was my first episode in 2008 was my first episode of Tokyo I almost 10 years ago I've been in Tokyo for almost 10 years but we had a really small studio at NHK the show has grown a lot and I I'm really happy to see Tokyo I get in this big I know the show is getting better I'd like to think the shows getting better but it it I think the show needs to challenge itself more do you like Miyazaki's movies yeah I like Ghibli movies I I don't know if I like the new stuff you have to prove it to me but I love total total Center Chihiro he's delivery service yeah these are classics I mean there's no doubt about it I could watch total a thousand times I think I have and japan ology looked so retro 70s in the early season yeah so did you know what Tokyo I looked retro in in ten years ago you want to see that the Tokyo I studio from I think of a picture Tokyo I studio from 2008 was so it was ghetto like ghetto retro because the part that you couldn't see on the top had cardboard boxes all over it was mass and then the studio it was so small let me see if I can find one but here's a picture for my first look how young christen Chris was all right this is the first my first episode he was we both look pretty young it was me my first episode of Tokyo I look at the purple and yellow stuff behind it but in the brick wall this is like 1980 stuff I'm introducing to Chris stuff that I bought look look how get a retro the I mean it's like like it's to urban looking the show didn't have a lot of a big budget back then the next studio was I was my favorite this one was brighter Chris Chris is mixed I guess he's he's japanese-american I don't know if he's American or Japanese but one of his parents is American I believe his father and his mother was Japanese I believe so I'm surprised I don't know I spent a lot we spend a lot of time talking over the years waiting in the studio yeah this is by far my favorite everyone I used to work with a guy named Kevin Cooney and Kevin that's Kevin on the right he was a big big youtuber way bigger than I was I bet I still see him as like one of the godfathers of J vloggers okay he was Tokyo Cooney I think was his this is like years and years ago Tokyo Cooney yeah that was his youtube name and one of the most talented people in front of a camera that ever met just funny natural authentic that's a funny yeah because he was a comedian and he's back in the United States now and he works for another TV channel that's what one of the directors from the show told me but we used to always do reports together and he was fun to work with sometimes a little challenging and we sometimes didn't get along but that's life this one aqui há but I was a rapper I rapped with the akiha but a rapper but he's not there anymore there's just so many wonderful memories from NHK shoes and the location shoots if I hadn't if I didn't do this show only Tokyo I I wouldn't have started I wouldn't have started only in Japan I was on the set of this show Mina Mina Mina no Mina Danny Hong Hong and I got to meet her this is a really big celebrity here that's Akiko wada I didn't I didn't really like I didn't really like being in this show too much Japanese TV is not 10 base TVs not as good I prefer to do this I prefer this John in a maid outfit they made me I had no choice I really did when were you wearing okay dad so I went to a really cool cafe and what was cool about it was that the maids love this one yeah the mains were wood dudes it's a it was a pretty weird I think that I think it's still it it's called nude this is a made caffeine I can have a called a new type alright they're really friendly they were they were guys and they were I guess Frost dressed I'm not sure but they were Mane's they're really good at playing video games with us and they're really friendly I didn't care and then the one guy I don't was a guy or girl but he was he was a maid to me and he said you want to you want to put the maid dress on and they put me on this behind I said sure I tried it on it's not the most comfortable dress well I don't know how french maids do it to be honest with you I don't yeah so there's that we'll save that for another story Leo why can't I Deloitte friends I talked with a friend of mine about this and the reason is that there wasn't a celebrity in Japan named Becky I don't I'm sorry if I if I make a mistake with this with this story and it's gonna be really short Becky was a she's English she's half English and Japanese and I thought she had some American on her but she name is Becky she's known just as Becky and last year there was a big scandal where she had she's unmarried by the way she had an affair with a married guy a guy I think who might have lied to her and told her you know stuff that he's leaving his wife and stuff like this but she had such a clean image okay and when the scandal scandal broke and it was all his fault apparently scandal broke they made her too out to look like such a wicked person for having an affair like a house break like a house she ruined this marriage and the guy seemed to get off he was another celebrity guy seemed to get off just fine and she got she she almost lost her career I felt a little bit bad about about what she was going through because my god in the USA if you make one mistake you go to rehab and you come back stronger right in Japan you do that it's usually women in Japan have to have that image of being and once that that fantasy is over it breaks the reality the the fantasy for the fans and then it's over so Becky's problem was that her image was an angel the good girl the girl next door that just smiles and is always doing the right thing and she did the wrong thing she ruined her image and idols are the same to their fans in Japan there and above everything they're on a pedestal okay there's the idol and then there's the fan and if the idols come down to the same level as everybody else they lose that fantasy and it's over that's why I think [Music] is it right I don't know we all have different cultures I don't know I agree with it no do I care no they don't want that life they can get out they people idolize idols are slightly insane but that's the way the world works every cultures different in Japan has their own way and we have an expression Jun Ying tweedle different strokes for different folks just ten people ten colors I don't question it I just what else you got pedophilia mr. Potter you're not wrong I don't know I think I really don't know because I don't know anything about I don't know what verses the mind of somebody who is a pedophile I don't know if if it's the same in the countries because look I mean I when I did the episode on shounen jump I would this is just a magazine for four boys boys and there's pictures of topless women on it so most of these kids are grown up with that kind of a culture you know they they're surrounded by this manga culture of like this and I don't know how much of that sticks and doesn't stick I think it's different but it's not good I just don't know ladybeard works here and what wouldn't work anywhere else do male idols exists in Japan I don't know I don't want to know it's all right we're getting close to Tokyo I'm gonna let this live stream there's people now that's a major that major improvements Oh I'm gonna end this livestream in a minute than the band was bandwidth is probably getting pretty heavy do you have any more questions where will you be moving somewhere in Tokyo I think but I'm gonna try to live in two local areas more with the show and try to do live streaming and more episodes I've seen a crowd of middle-aged to older men going nuts for Japanese idols Lawrence yeah they're not going nuts in a sexual way and ninety nineteen ninety nine percent of them don't have any sexual attraction I think it's weird attraction I don't know exactly what it is it's a I was talking to my friend Kai he's a reporter in this world he gives me some information I I'm being perfectly honest here I don't know what the attraction is for the guys that are in the crowd idolizing the idols this is an only in Japan episode and I think though let me see if I can find cut he's got a really cool web Instagram so let me plug Kai's Instagram you sneak Romanian I think is this handle name sneaky Romania you see that Romania no if you want if you go to his Instagram page sneak Romania s and and ke r MA and IA on instagram and he's got pictures of a lot of items at these concerts and he has access and permission to shoot in there and he's been able to show many many times when he loves burgers too so you might like this but yeah kite kind knows all this stuff so he's the person I did you just follow him cool he's the kindest kaizoku da da he knows all this stuff and he's the person I should ask I really don't know what goes through those people's minds but Frick they feel a passion I guess that's why they say boy they feel like this desire for even two-dimensional things it's definitely not sexual or it's not the same sexual thing that we we feel as Western is maybe I don't know what it is it's it's totally weird only in Japan type of thing right yeah that's your um sneaker mania cool he's got a lot of check him out because he's got a lot of the idol stuff on on his thing and he has a pretty good Instagram page food idols I mean for many people that's like the perfect Instagram retro cat I'm no Savior thank you John for answering you're very welcome I'm always gonna answer if I can if I see the comment what's more expensive the country life with a city life city life that's easy his instapage is aesthetic do you like Supreme like burrito supreme yeah do you feel like you're living there are you living their dream through the idols maybe you know mr. Potter you could be right there I you know that's done might be something I look into more now that people are talking about it so after you Ivan took yo what next John editing editing editing editing editing and update on Kickstarter for the DVD project and I have to add it and put videos up a lot of them the postcard club on patreon has 5 postcards left if you want to buy a postcard those can hold this 5 available for next month I have to make the design for the next month's postcard and start to send that help I like doing that John Oh Mimi I do I do owe you a DVD can you link any NHK world shows um I don't know they haven't video on demand but journeys in Japan is the one I think is on why don't you hire someone and expand the little um I'm actually thinking of doing that there's a friend of mine recommended a friend who right now would love to do to help help me but I I haven't had time to meet this friend I haven't had time to I haven't been I've been home three days in the last like six weeks so I'm having a time to do that but in December I will next adventure probably gonna be in Tokyo for a little bit but in January expect some big things driving tests assistant December 14th if you ever quit YouTube what would you be doing that TV I don't know I don't know something will happen something will open up I think this this experience is a path that leads to the next one it's not like choosing where it goes you don't know where it goes and there's youtubers who will find a career out of this that has nothing to do with YouTube they'll leave what they're doing to start something else it's a path that takes you to another direction what what I used to work in a warehouse it's Ocean Spray was the company and I would repackage big juice bottles it was a hard hard job more than minimum wage was a warehouse job I'd be like this every day and one of the people told me he told me that whatever you do in life and you know my my parents also told me that something similar to this but he was pretty specific he said whatever you do in life whether it's repackaging the juice boxes or cleaning a toilet or and it doesn't even matter do it better do it the best that you can and try to do it better than anybody else and you always have a job another door will open for you to go somewhere else someone will always hire you if you can clean a toilet so clean and be proud of the job that you do and not look down on that you could probably find a job anywhere because you're that type of person that will get their hands dirty and do something better than anybody else and that's sort of the philosophy I take and if you have that then I don't have to worry what's next what's next will come if I make my shows the best that I can make it something will come another path will open may be TV game company would be fun I don't know how to program oh that was Sharla went to the vending machines in a shaman de jure Channel motivational words even it's short thanks for that John you're very welcome I think it's true and I think we need to have some humility in life I honestly think if if you ask somebody you know even if it's like a CEO you know going clean a toilet and that's your job for today and that that was their mission they should go in there and be able to clean it cleaner than anything else and if they can do that mission I think not only they're humble to get down on their hands and knees I think that that's a trait that somebody that I would want to hire a person who can do that probably can connect with anybody because they don't think highly too highly of themselves where they don't where they look down on somebody I don't know that's what that's what I took away from the person I worked with at Ocean Spray that that was a pretty big life lesson I learned a lot from the people working in the warehouse collab with mark maybe I also like food Ranger he's pretty cool the food Ranger I watch his chest have you been to Shimano kite yeah I've been there many times in the past as tourism and Fukushima been affecting your based on your observation yeah a little bit tourism is down and Fukushima and I used and I was I've said this a few times I used to live in Fukushima I mean I I do have a connection to the prefecture I didn't live there for very long but it's definitely down well there were some hotels that were kind of empty that shouldn't be because it's too beautiful of a place to be that empty just just misunderstanding about standing about that name all right one more minute we're going on like two hours promote I had yeah it is really a tough situation for Fukushima but like the thing Fukushima is such a big prefecture okay you can't say that that one area is the whole prefecture so we use it too loosely Fukushima wasn't referring to that Fukushima to me is areas Asuma Komatsu from bondi fukushima city Koriyama milwaukee it's to me it's it's really segmented and to drive from one side to the other as I move or four hours okay it's a pretty big Provencher hopefully the tourism comes back it used to be one of the most tourists in places even the Japanese aren't going enough to Fukushima okay it's not it's not just afford tourists Khachaturian I'm thinking of visiting Japan next year but I don't know where to a physically sexist see just some ideas if it's your first time in Japan I don't I think everybody should go and see Tokyo and Osaka and do the stuff that everybody else does it just depends on how much time you have but I highly recommend to go to one cent or yokan outside of the city center it doesn't even matter where just pick one and go to an onsen town and stay there for two nights and get to know like the local cuisine and the local culture and it's gonna blow you away onsen yokan is the most traditional Japanese experience that I've had in 20 years of Japan and that's one reason why even the Japanese go back and they do Alton tours it's relaxing it's and you feel like you're in Japan but that make sense Tokyo to me feels like a big city culturally yokan and that culture of all multi naxi and that service that's japan to me that's that's japan so yeah get out so it doesn't even matter where get outside of the path go to a real con for two nights and just pay it's like a hundred and forty dollars but you get two meals it's worth it it's worth it stay two nights if you can all right I think that that's about it correct onsen is on awesome yes it is is I went to 13 of them and everyone was was had their own uniqueness whether it was the bath the altitude it was covered or open there was a river or there was a sea or there was nothing just trees I'm just beautiful and unique and an experience all right um will ever collab with abroad in Japan I don't know I've met him he has my number we do different stuff I don't I don't want to collab with I don't know I don't see the advantage of collabing with other youtubers that do sort of the same thing I like to introduce you to my friends who I think I can help them if I do one with them I don't know I don't think it has any value and to be honest I think he has his own experiences I like people who are and it's the same I think Simon Martina in the same way I think they have people that are experts at what they do and my friends are experts at sort of what they do and I like bringing Peter on because Peter has a different perspective that and he's been here for twenty years so he's an expert on things Japan Jennifer's been here for 20 years Kevin's been here for 20 years so well kind of long-term residence and I'm 43 and it's different generations too i different types of topics me as is still working at Fukushima as she has more stuff to do there she gave went back home that's often Aussie abroad yes indeed right before I go big big salute to knowledge abroad for moderating this I appreciate that he's done an awesome job I think I've made Jim moderator and maybe we'll make one one other person to moderator when but not she's usually always here which I really appreciate awesome job narrating this I appreciate it yeah I'm glad and I think I think it was not shoot who asked me to get moderators in here as well as Vaughn Vaughn I have no life well my friend we appreciate you there's 300 people in here that really appreciates you except for the people whose comments you block they don't really appreciate you but they I don't think they really really care anyways so thank you to nosh abroad salute we salute you um I'm gonna go you can I can tell we're getting Tokyo the scene is a lot more urban I you know I think to our extreme is enough right is Toby in the house um topi is not a moderator Toby if I made Toby a moderator he would ruin it okay I know he would find a way to ruin it you know what he would do he'd ruin it and then he gave me a super chat I'm kidding I'm teasing him he's Toby Toby is he's that's one of the great stories of this year I think Toby ruined a live stream in March or with an April and then he made up for it by being an awesome person so we just like to tease him but is pretty cool all right when I'm in Tokyo let's keep the century we made it Tokyo right next up is ask who says something thanks everybody leave Tony alone I'm saying Toby's a nice guy w I was still sleeping I guess Toby's to sleep Toby's a nice guy I'm saying but we made fun of him because he was mean that one day like really hard on me he wanted me to hitchhike and he didn't want to watch me you do the normal stuff and then this way Toby has got more attention than anybody else more than Peter I think okay Peter loved his attention we owe make me one Leo wants to be a symphony leave your moderator you're getting closely out you're getting close I think they're notches doing such an awesome job does it take money one moderator some moderators might unmod rate what nosh does he's not shy not sit around has pretty good sense Vaughn Vaughn because Vaughn asked me about and he sent me the email I think about moderating and we talked a little bit about it and he yeah he was he made a comment about needing more moderators and he did a good job at it Jim as well Jim is in Tacoma Washington he's I've talked with him on skype video chat a lot and he's he's a pretty nutty he's a pretty stand-up nice guy he's somebody I trust so Jim Oh so I think he's a moderator but yeah if if I get to know you and then I would probably make you moderator I think it's good to have the moderators because it's good to to keep it clean Vaughn let me John think that let John think that oh if I made a big mistake bond yeah hello hi is Jim yeah he's you know Jim he supports on patreon as well and he always calls and he always makes time for the show I know he loves the show and that means a lot to me and yeah I think he came I think I made him a moderator yeah I am female and Australia cool no you know why so so fun I think sometimes I mix up because peter has Vaughn in his name you know what makes me you know Vaughn Peter likes Vaughn because Vaughn has Pete and Vaughn hid in her name and Peter I think also says he so nothing makes Peter more angry than if you put Vaughn with a capital v he gets so angry he gets really angry I put in the the titles once I put Peter and then Vaughn and gone and he got now it's a small fee that's my name don't screw it up as I change it to the small V but yeah he's pretty he's pretty a perfectionist but with his Vaughn that's good to know Vaughn so yeah Vaughn is Vaughn has a big V so if you want to make Peter upset write it right leave a comment on his channel with a big V Peter Vaughan gonna be and that'll really piss him off don't tell him I said that I know you will there's only one other person on the train Jennifer will be on again soon I gotta go guys I'm in Tokyo we're almost there I wanna show you this too there's a outlet to plug into the seat and that was pretty cool I thought that was pretty cool listen before I go I want I don't say this enough but I just want to say thank you to everybody I want to say thank you to everybody who gives us super chat while I was live streaming I saw some some pretty big numbers okay Dunhill here this is keep this end you I just want to say I think people give from the heart and that makes me feel really happy and I see them the super chats rolling in because they're very bright and I answer those because if you care it I mean if you if you if you if you support the channel like that then I'm gonna support you too by answering your question and really doesn't mean a lot to me I try to answer every Super chat and I might miss them I try to actually look at every comment and it moves really really fast sometimes and I'm paying attention to my environment and the people around me but I want to say thank you to everybody who takes the time to write even the stalkers and spammers well maybe not so much I don't think nosh abroad license pairs but I want to thank everybody though before I go it does mean a lot to me and I think everybody who's commenting I see people thanking the people who give the super chance and that's really nice and Leo you gave a super chats today and I appreciate that I saw it pop up and it does make me feel really good supported I think and that helps a lot you don't have to though so Florencia you know what I know you from from Instagram as well and you don't look support the channel anywhere that you can you don't have to do it financially every time you share a video a like it or leave a comment that also is like it's really it makes me feel really good because as a creator I said this a couple of times before as a creator the best thing is that you just watch what I create that's why I create it I don't create for the super chat the super chats are what people I think feel here and that want to give and that makes me feel good too and as a creator I put everything that I can't into doing this an answer answer honestly and make a show that's fun for you and that's what I do I try my very best it's not always perfect that's the nature of live streaming but we did it we did our best and thanks everybody have a good night you're literally arriving at Asakusa coyote oh mighty scary for your information the tower you could see from the car window the broadcasting tower Tokyo Skytree to the sky they said you can see the Sky Tree see you'll be you fake I don't see it alright well thanks anyways guys I'm sorry that I couldn't I mean I'm getting tired I'm sorry I couldn't show this country that was fun of the announcement a leo thank you again my friend I don't know I mean I'm so prefect of that you like this just someone said you want to if you want to give so thank you that was a long one so have a good night or a good day wherever you are I'm gonna um get off this train now cuz we're here we're actually slowing down see everybody we did it by mr. Potter
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 52,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Q&A, Train, Tobu line, Aizu
Id: XXFQ7cQekf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 34sec (7774 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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