Todd White - No Longer Burdened by Life

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in him and I just less you that the word he delivers will change lives in this room and we give you the praise and we give you the glory for it in the name of Jesus let's welcome Todd white as he comes amen go ahead be seated please I was a snot mess on the floor oh my goodness Wow the world needs Jesus won't you be like Jesus the world needs Jesus the song you know they're singing my world needs you my world needs you and it looks as if you're singing it I need you I need you but if we realize that we have him and who he's created us to be the world around us will see Christ in us and want what we have this is amazing what an opportunity what an opportunity to get to represent God what an opportunity to be able to by permission from God for him our Father the creator of everything of the universe of everything the Creator the creator of us to be given the opportunity to be an imitator of our Creator that's nuts therefore be an imitator of God dear children in walking left that's crazy Ephesians 5 what an amazing what an amazing statement what an amazing Scripture what an amazing thing to be able to not just memorize the word but to actually become the very word that you confess that you know because the only word you really know is the one that you can walk out what an opportunity it is that God would look at us I love it when you talked about Isaiah because they talked about it at the conference and they were sharing it at this conference that I was just at with life and with it was just amazing and they talked about Isaiah 6 and touching Nicole and then and and then you got the first five chapters well woe to you woe to you woe to you woe to you and then Isaiah sees the Lord and says woe is me oh my what was me and then he touches his lips with Jesus if you see and understand the gospel and what he paid a price for you won't look at yourself as well as me you'll look at yourself as Wow is he and this is who you say I am are you kidding me yes this is who I say you are it's not about I do it's about I am it's not about what I can do for him it's who he's created me to be and it's out of my being that I do see the Beatitudes aren't called the do attitudes they're called the Beatitudes cuz it's your attitude of being it's who Jesus says you are and when you be who God says you are you're doing becomes a byproduct of your being and then it's not by works it's the works come out of a place of rest and you rest in God you can't just come to him when you're weary and burdened down and weighed down by life come to him Jesus says come to me that's what he says come to me all of you who are weary burdened down and hurt by life and and hurting and weighed down by the issues of life and come to me he says and I'll give you rest so people come to him and they say yes Jesus but they never maintain it because they don't move to the second part and that's learned from him he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me my yoke is easy and my burden is light and learn from me for I am meek and gentle and lowly Jesus says so we come to him and He gives us rest but we learn from him and we maintain it it's a completely different thing to come to him and have that burden no more shackles no more chains and it's amazing it's exciting I am free and it's awesome but it's not okay to leave the church and not be free it's not okay to look in the mirror and not be free why would I look in a mirror and see something that God doesn't see when he said that I am why would I look in the mirror not like what God sees it's because we fail to see what God sees because we don't know how he sees I'm not mad at the church I'm excited to be a part of you I am excited to be a Christian I'm excited to be on fire and in love with Jesus I have been a Christian for 12 years I was an atheist and a drug addict I'm not gonna share my testimony again I need to move to something else just for you right now but I shared it last service get it I was lost now found I was blind now I see I was dead now I live I was really lost now I'm really found I was really blind now I really see I wasn't a little blind you know that song this there a lot of mine I'm gonna it's a great song but it's not true cuz I am NOT a little light Jesus was the light of the world he said I'm the light of the world then he says now you're the light of the world that's not a little light that means that when it's really dark and I show up it gets brighter it doesn't matter how dark it is the darkness isn't the problem less fears the issue and fears cast out by perfect love but if you don't understand how perfectly you're loved by God you will walk in fear all the days of your life some people allow their identity to be determined by that identity of their mom or their dad some people allow who they are to be determined by what they were birthed into you listen your mom and your dad gave birth to you no matter how it happened here's how it happened with me are you ready it's kind of the same as how it happened for you I'm just gonna go into detail you ready on the night that I was born hey I see you how you doing buddy how you feeling come on yay sorry that was amazing right just prayed for a woman that was diagnosed with with cancer and well went in there and we were sharing and Jesus unraveled a man's life and he went sorry how do you know so cuz my father's the mailman that's why he knows everything he's sorry okay so so when the night my mom and dad came together it was kind of like this hey baby you know I'm just kidding my mom and my dad they weren't thinking let's have a baby most people aren't thinking that they're not see that's the byproduct of the act but there's the act and people a lot of times act because they feel like they need to they feel like they want to because they think that it's what satisfies you but that's not what satisfies you yeah so my mom and my dad came together they weren't thinking let's have a son they were thinking you look good I look good been drinking hey cool so all of a sudden they come together and there's 80 million chances of me headed up a birth canal 80 million maybe 90 million maybe more maybe a little less either way millions of chances headed towards the egg are you hearing me are you picking up what I'm laying down 80 million chances of me headed towards the egg and every one of them except for me has a jackhammer a sledgehammer a saw trying to get in and then here I am the last one and I'm on my way and I get there and they part like the Red Sea crazy right crazy and without a tool without a jackhammer without a sledgehammer without anything I just write in and from inside the egg Here I am inside no tool no nothing and everybody outside how'd they get by who pushed me out of the way and my voice because my voice hasn't been trained by the world yet my boy says sorry guys I was predestined before the foundation of the world I haven't been rejected by a mom or a dad I haven't gone through the world I have no idea what the world's even like all I know is that all life comes from God it doesn't matter who it is how it came if your life is here it's because God said yes to you but now we come into the world and we get cultivated by the stranger we get cultivated by the way that seems right to a man we get cultivated by our mother saying I wish this never happened or our dad not being there and then all of a sudden we grow up with that so we live with this thing called rejection and we don't understand what rejection really is it's just that I people don't want me they don't want me they don't want me but all of a sudden then there's this one time when I have this encounter with God the the Father the encounter and I come to a church or however it happens in my life it happened pretty hard I got shot at but however it happened that day that I said yes to God something happened and a seed goes in and it's inside and it's embryonic and it needs to have fertilizer and it needs to have the right nutrients it needs to have a pursuit on the behalf of the seed person that the seed is in it needs them to actively pursue what this even means but instead of going from a place of come to me all of you who are we and burdened down my life come to me and I will give you rest we come and we get a momentary rest at an altar or however it happens and instead of going to Jesus to learn and opening up the book to find out what God says about me I live by what a pastor says or what a preacher says the word an evangelist said but what her prophet said or whatever our teacher said and then all of a sudden that becomes my link to God and then I don't establish relationship with God I say that I have a relationship because I prayed a prayer to get born again but unless you realize what you've been born into you will live by the identity of your mom and your dad instead of the identity of the destiny that you have in God and you can't afford to live that way not for a day not for a second and when I take a show of hands and I won't so don't raise your hand I'm not doing it but when I ask people how many people this week were condemned or guilty or shame its unanimous it is almost like 95 percent or more of Christians live with a daily guilt shame or condemnation and it's the very thing that Jesus Christ paid a price to finish so that we could live in conviction I've been saved for 12 years guys I've been set free from me set free from you I'm in love with Jesus there's nothing you can do to take away what you never gave me you cannot reject me because you did not give me what I have my mom can't reject me my dad can't reject me my boss can't reject me my colleagues can't reject me I could be in an elevator and tell every atheist in the elevator that Jesus loves them they can spit shout scream punch me and none of it is rejection see because when I realized that I've been accepted in the beloved you cannot take away what you never gave me but if we don't understand what jesus paid a price to do we will constantly be trying to do instead of being and then will not just be right with God then my doing becomes a byproduct of my being and it's amazing then the miracles the prophetic words the words of knowledge the healings and miracles it's not my identity that's not what determines my value see the cross isn't the revelation of your sin that crosses the revelation of your value see when you come to the cross the cross yes sin is an issue you come to Jesus but something underneath of that sin must have been of great importance for heaven that pay such a high price to redeem your life so the worth that determines you is the price that Jesus paid if the blood of Jesus determines your worth and heaven went bankrupt to get you back that makes you pretty worth it but what if the enemy knows that if he can just scramble your mind and get you twisted and focused on who you're not you can never see who you are and you'll be scraping and trying to get to the top of the ladder and the enemy bop will constantly beat you down and get you to think that you're not instead of I am what if the whole gospel is about the same thing what if in the Old Testament in order for you to be right with God you obey 613 laws and Ten Commandments in order to be right with God and since God is holy he said if you transgress one you miss them all so you missed them all and what if in my life I missed them all and I knew it I missed them all and then Jesus comes and he wipes out he wipes out he doesn't wipe some he wipes out all the handwriting of requirements against me everything that I wish I'd never done all the regret all the guilt all the shame all that stuff that I wish I'd never done all the things that I wish were never done to me all that stuff gets wiped out clean sweep the blood of Jesus Hebrews 6 talks about it he says this he says huh let us not let us move on let's not just stay at the elementary principles of Christ let's let's move on and he says the first one and here it is he says the first principle that we're supposed to move on it says repentance from dead works and orders serve God it's the first one it's the very thing that Hebrews talks about it's amazing Hebrews nine in Hebrews 10 it talks about the ordinances service it talks about the high priests going in behind that veil the veil that was torn when Jesus said it is finished he didn't say it's the beat's continued he said it's finished so only the high priest could go back there only once a year not without blood for the people's sins committed in ignorance the high priest would go back there and he would put blood blood why blood it's in Leviticus life is in the blood blood no one can recreate it they never will they never can life is in the blood so blood of animals blood blood blood blood blood so they'd sacrifice they'd offer blood and they put it on the mercy seat the high priest in there all by himself him and God rope tied to his ankle doing everything exactly perfect and then he would back out of there and he didn't do everything perfect and they dragged him out time for another high priest bummer really once a year so Hebrews talks about the blood of Jesus talks about the blood of bulls and goats wasn't able to cleanse the conscience from dead works wasn't able to cleanse the conscience it was symbolic for today it was symbolic for now are you guys with me so there's something that the blood of Jesus did there's something that it did I mean what can wash away my sin what can make me whole again when you know it Oh precious is the flow know the fountain oh if that's the truth if that's the truth then why would I revisit stuff that God says a spin this is the core issue I promise you what if you never look back again what if your yesterday didn't exist in the fought in the eyes of the Father little wait well there would just be the good news what if what if who you were five years ago doesn't exist in the eyes of the Father what if when you repent God removes it and forgets it and never remembers it what if the Covenant that you're in there are sins in their lawless deeds I will remember no more what if God doesn't remember him no more what if no more what if the devil does and what if the enemy gets you to look in a rearview mirror thinking that your past exists when really it doesn't no man putting his hands to the plow looking back is fit for the kingdom what if that's the simple gospel truth that we've kind of gone around the mountain instead of going straight in what if what would have taken you just a couple of days to get to took 40 years so Jesus Christ comes says the high priest would go in talks about the showbread talks about the altar talks about a lot of things then it says behind the behind the veil only once a year then it says that this was symbolic for things to come for what was to come but Jesus it says that he entered into the holy place the Holy of Holies a place not made on earth not made by man but he entered in to heaven into the Holy of Holies and he laid his blood on the mercy seat it says that the blood of bulls and goats wasn't able to cleanse the conscience from dead works but Jesus Christ came and offered the perfect sacrifice how much more shall the blood of Jesus cleanses your conscience from dead works in order to serve God what if this is the core issue what if the devil knows that he can get you to think it can't be that simple but what if Jesus says unless you become like a child you'll never get it and what if we're too smart and what if I'm just not that smart my life it's just the product of absolute surrender I'm not better than you I'm not super Christian I'm not a celebrity I'm a son and I'm not just the son through my language I'm a son through my relationship because to me relationship isn't just a language relationship is a relationship it's the love of the Father it's the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and it's the mighty communion with the Holy Ghost it's this communion every day with God who everywhere I walk he's with me he likes to hang out with me he loves me he loves me he loves me he loves me he loves me what if that's it that's it I'd say it's that simple Jesus when he's on the tree says that Jesus became something Jesus who knew no sin became sin his body was marred and mutilated and ripped apart and shredded and he was unrecognizable the passion did a great job but it wasn't exactly what Isaiah says Isaiah says he was marred beyond any man it says he was unrecognizable and even though Mel Gibson who needs Jesus did a great job a great job on that movie the best I've ever seen Jesus was still recognizable on that tree but it says he was marred beyond any men he was unrecognizable why did he have to be beaten so bad why did Jesus his flesh have to be mutilated so bad people say well because by His stripes were healed that's a surface answer it's true who knows that when God says something there's way more depth I'm not saying surface like that shallow I'm saying that's just the tip of the iceberg Jesus who knew no sin ever not once not ever never sinned born of the Virgin Mary never sinned he wasn't here as God Jesus was not born into this world to be God he was fully God and fully man but he had to lay aside all divinity all of it every bit of it he had to humble himself and become a bondservant and be tempted at all points yet without sin and that scripture alone validates that Jesus did what he did as a man because God cannot be tempted Jesus had to because God made a covenant God didn't want it that way he didn't he wanted the children to come to him Moses was their thunderings Lighting's crashings the mountain fire the way you do go we're not no we'll listen to you they didn't listen they didn't listen to Moses God God wanted them to come they resisted that they chose a man said of God so God said have it your way here it is the law if you do this you'll be right with me if you're diligent Deuteronomy 6:25 if you're diligent to not go to the left or right follow after all these that I command you today it will be given to you righteousness righteousness was a carrot that was dangling or a prize that was dangling before the children and if they could get it everything was theirs Deuteronomy it's amazing I don't know if you've read the blessings of obedience but it's awesome I've heard a lot of people quote him I'm the head and not the tail above and not beneath bless going in bless coming out my enemies come against me seven I've come one way and flee seven different ways come on have you ever heard that before how are you I'm blessed before God I'm I'm blessed above and not beneath I've heard people say that all the time and it's true but why is it possible because somebody else paid a price to give you something for free see that's the simplicity of this thing what does it mean to be a joint heir what does it mean to be a child of God you hear that song I'm no longer a slave to fear cuz I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear cuz I am cha God I love it I love this part from my mother's womb he has chosen me love has called my name that means no matter what my mom thought but then when Jesus comes chop them born again into a family his blood flows through my veins that's amazing that's crazy ridiculous what an opportunity that we're missing it's not just for the evangelists man it was ample Todd you're an evangelist I mean that's who you are God didn't make me an evangelist stop thinking who you think you are you're a child of God you are a son in a daughter of God you are representative of the King Jesus by his blood paid a price for you Jesus the one who knew no sin became sin on that tree marred mutilated beyond anybody wasn't even recognizable Jesus had to be unrecognizable because we had become unrecognizable Jesus became sin so we might become not just hopefully attained we might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus Wow what about this there are 613 laws and Ten Commandments in order for you to be right with God or we can look at what Jesus did to make us have two Commandments I've really really liked two Commandments but it's still impossible to follow unless you put in what Jesus says he's given you love the Lord your God with all your heart your soul your strength and your mind because when your mind loves Jesus your hand can no longer tell you to sin oh all of a sudden your mind falls in love with Jesus and your hand can't do anything unless your mind premeditates it but what if your mind loves Jesus what could I do that just like Joseph sleep come on I was just reading first Timothy 6 Y or Jude Jefferey Jude Wow you've read about grace and Jude and see what it's there for pretty crazy man it's only one chapter but it'll change your life man are you with me I never read it try today no it's a isaiah 6 grace blood of Jesus cleanses your conscience from dead works in order for you to represent the king people say well I'm not worthy no no haven't paid a price for you that makes you worth it the devil's not worthy the devil's depressed angry bitter ashamed afraid and he's trying to cultivate his mindset and you so you have a great confession here but no life here he wants to make you Christians that hide in church waiting for Jesus to rescue you he wants to make you maybe send him here God said no mirrors in the mirror that's not what he said he said come to go he didn't say send everybody to your church he said you guys are supposed to be witnesses it's my prayer every day God make me a better witness please please God make me a better witness God use this life this little life that you gave me use this voice you gave me use my hands use my feet use my eyes use my ears I will not I will not I will not sew things in here and things in here that Jesus paid a price to finish I will not that's not legalism that's love I will not cultivate this thing in anything less than who God says I am ever no matter what does it matter I was hooked on TV I was hooked on everything I was hooked on pornography I was hooked on drugs I was hooked on alcohol was sucked on everything and then when I got saved I got hooked on Jesus you are all created to be addicted to Jesus all of you our thought was in an elevator yesterday at the hotel I was walking down the hallway actually and I was I had to get to the meeting and the lady was in front of me she turn around to look like this and I said you all right she's yeah I thought my daughter was behind me I'm sorry I said it's okay scary we get in the elevator I see her son he's a big boy like this tall I said hey bro I said you got a problem with your neck he's yeah I guess from football the mom goes I got to go get your sister she walks by me like what's going on she walks down the hallway I said to right before she turned the corner I said you were a guard in football you hurt your neck he gives yeah and he's holding the door in the elevator I said hey man your mom's come she'll be back in a little bit no pray for your neck bro what let's pray for you come on okay so it's a big boy man so I got a big Jesus so I just put my hand on his neck what's he gonna do man take me out I'm never gonna die I'm really not kidding you I'm not I'm really I promise you I'll I don't I'm not afraid yeah I'm not I love you I don't want anything from you okay if you cussed me out scream at me sweet in my face hate me I will love you anyway cuz my love for you doesn't depend upon your love for me nor does it depend upon your thank you or your response because I don't live too on her from people I promise you Jesus said he talked about it in John 5 he said you study the Scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life but it's these scriptures to testify about me that's what he said then he says you seek to receive glory honor from one another and I know the love of God's not in you so when you seek to receive honor from people the love of God is absent from your life oh it's amazing and then he takes it a little deeper and he says I know if another comes in his name you'll receive him you who seek to receive honor from one another how can you even believe so he says you seek to receive honor or glory from each other you can't even believe and you can't even have the love of God in you and that's not coming from Todd white that's coming from John 5 that's Jesus I promise you that's not something that I'm pointing a finger at you and saying you're mean it's not it at all I'm telling you that we are cultivated by the stranger and the father of lies and we live to receive glory and praise from people and when you do that and you live by the acceptance and praise of people you will die by the rejection and criticism of people and of all people Jesus had the most right to be offended and affected and hurt and bitter I mean his first sermon first time he preaches comes out of the gates opens it up to the Isaiah he says the Lord has sent me I think he starts talking what is going on right now today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing and they took him to a cliff to kill him his first message that wouldn't be good on a preacher's list first church you've reached it I'll take you to a cliff to throw you off a cliff glad Jesus wasn't like us man look can't believe it do you be alright I'm shaking off man all right it's not Jesus Jesus slipped out of the midst of them and then he went and did it again and again and again and again and again oh and Peter Peter this man is bold Peter pulled the wrong boat boat Peter Jesus says I know people say that I have this well some say this and some say that and some say this and a lot of people are saying a lot of things I mean obviously I mean some say you're a healer or deliver a savior some say you're mean some say you're happy some say you're good some say who knows Jeremiah one of the prophets John the Baptist I don't know you know who do you say I am I'm hanging with you Peter says you're the Christ the Son of God Jesus is Wow you didn't come up with that one on your own Peter no way you couldn't have come up with that one flesh and blood didn't reveal that one to you mm-hmm that was dad I'll tell you this Peter upon this rock the rocks not Peter the rocks the revelation upon this rock I'll build my church revelation of Christ I'll build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it so he says you know Peter yeah that's what I'm talking about he know he was I believe that Peter Thera who's first no I'm first Tom these guys are organized a who they are Jesus says here's some power he gives Judas power Peter Judas John Peter oh come on a couple of scriptures later Jesus like by the way I'm gonna die soon Peter says what I don't think so no you will not no one will do this to you Jesus says get behind me Satan your mind is full of the things of man and not the things of God how many people say hey chill out man I'm only human okay back off what you're saying is you're only demonic say what you won't think what you want I promise you it's in there when you think according to the way that seems right to a man you are thinking demonically because when you give yourself to Jesus you no longer have the right to think like a mere man you need to think like your father things but in order to do that you have to surrender to who your father says you are you have to cultivate your mindset so that you stop thinking like hell headed to heaven because the rapture is not a rescue mission the rapture is a pickup for a wedding date for a bride that made herself ready a preparation for the king hello it's really all true it's so good so I've told this man I said to him I'm praying for his neck he's looking at me he's get read he looks at me his mom comes back they all get in the elevator I said how you doing they're like who are you I said I'm a Christian I love Jesus with all my heart how did you know I played football how'd you know I was a guard Hajin emmenecker I said because Jesus knows everything you guys Christians well alright well God loves you we get out of the elevator I said look God loves you guys so much he knows you he knows your name he knows everything about you she's like thank you ha well sure God love you so much I hope you have a great day I said you'll never forget this Oh bless you have a good day and I walked out time to go to the meeting it's not just the meeting it's the meeting it's not just the stage his eyes are on me every day everywhere I go I'm here to bring glory to my King but whether I'm in front of a million people in Africa with Reinhardt and those guys or whether I'm in front of one person on an airplane I'm always before an audience of one I'm always ready for my dad he cleanses our conscience from dead works you know I had a daughter of seven 1/2 years old when I put her through hell didn't know I was dad and then I get shot at I have an encounter with Jesus I go away to a place called Teen Challenge I'm there for two months I have erotic encounter with Jesus and the word the truth the Bible the first book ever I've never read a book before I couldn't focus I couldn't comprehend I couldn't retain or memorize like if someone took a scripture card and and then flipped it I forget everything I don't I just I couldn't I thought man how am I ever gonna get this and a scripture and James opened up to me a month and a half in it says if I lack wisdom ask God and I freaked out and I realized that that was the key to everything because Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God he is the wisdom ago and that scripture opened up to me and a half a week later I go home 10 months early realized that I'm a dad for the first time in my life hold my daughter and the girl that I threatened to kill for seven and a half years of my daughter's life we've been together nine years she's an atheist when I went away became a Christian when I went away and we got married four days later but on the porch that day we talked about what Jesus did on the porch that day when I held my daughter for the first time I am so convicted about where my life was and before I my girl came out of the house just my daughter holding her I'm so convicted about not being a father and not knowing what it was like to be a father or how to be a father that was me I had no idea my house is full of pornography full of junk full of drugs full of paraphernalia full of all my stuff in there and I'm sitting there holding my daughter in the ports telling her how sorry I am and I have to break it to her that daddy can't live here and I've lived there for all of her life for seven and a half years she was born there and daddy came home but daddy's not home daddy's gonna provide that he's gonna work that he's gonna do this and I have no idea what's on the other side of that door my girl had no idea where her heart was or anything all I know is I'm very convicted of all the life that I lived and not condemned but I'm convicted conviction is is echoing inside of me the Holy Spirit it says that righteousness trains our senses to discern between both good and evil so what happens is God makes me right with him the Holy Spirit whose name is holy for a reason comes and makes his home inside of me cleanses my conscience from dead works so that I can be clean so I can be free I said in the first in the first service that it says oh that you would bear with me in in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 1 that you would bear with me in a little folly and indeed you do bear with me for I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy for I have betrothed you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ jealous for you with a godly jealousy I burn with a jealous anger because God is a jealous God he won't share the house with anything he will not allow your house to be occupied by something else and be okay with it grace doesn't say go ahead and incorporate me into your life and live and sin and live the way you want to and say that you're a Christian hypocrisy says that grace doesn't say that grace is a teacher teaching us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and Timothy and and all these it says flee from youthful lusts flee run away run run away flee from him they're not yours and yours isn't theirs this is awesome and I'm on the porch and I'm so convicted I'm like god this is crazy I'm tell my daughter I'm so sorry I I did all these things she said daddy what did you do I said all the times that Mommy kept you up she was up on the couch three four five times a week her whole life cuz daddy's out on a coke binge or or a drug binge coming home waiting for daddy to come home telling I hate your father he's such a liar he's such a loop that's what she heard her whole life and so I'm telling her I'm sorry and she's saying for what and I'm thinking gosh I'm gosh I've really messed my kid up bad and I'm truly repentance repentance is amazing regret produces death but when Jesus comes he gives you a godly sorrow and godly sorrow later unto repentance the goodness of God doesn't just leave you once to repentance the goodness of God keeps you there for the rest of your life here I'm so serious it's the goodness of God he is so good if you see him for who he is and who he created you to be you will be overwhelmed with gratitude and instead of ever catching an attitude you'll live with gratitude and in everything you'll give thanks and you won't be able to help yourself but to pray without ceasing that's the will of God it's all Scripture it's so so good some of you're looking at me like so my girl comes out and I said I'm so sorry for all that I've done and how much I've hurt you she says I know you are when you went away I gave my life to Jesus and I'm so overwhelmed with just this statement what I looked at the pastor and he said I've been talking to them when you're gone I said we need to plan there's a what of course are Mary and then we decide on the porch we're not planning anything that was decided by the pastor he said I know how much he loved her and I've been talking to her I know Matt she loves you will do it on Sunday in between first and second service really crazy awesome amazing so we decide that day we're gonna get married next Sunday so now what so now I'm on the porch and my heart is pounding and I can't I can't get over the fact that my heart is pounding so now I have to question why is my heart like this because my house is full of pornography my house is full of junk my house is full of drug paraphernalia my house is full of everything that I wish I'd never done so what do I do I act I'm convicted what am i convicted of he said when the Holy Spirit comes he's gonna convict the world of three things and the Holy Spirit's gonna convict the world of sin because they don't believe in me convict the world of righteousness because I'm gonna go to be with the father and convict the world of judgment because the ruler of this world has been judged that's amazing so now I'm standing on the porch I don't know what it is I've learned because I've read because I I cultivate my heart with the culture of the kingdom and the reality of who God says I am I've learned that my heart beating is actually my sense is immediately being trained to discern what's evil and what's good and what is evil is my house it's full of it not because I got to get it out because I might use it that's not an option I have to get it out because my father sees me and it has to go and the great conviction inside of my heart so I said can you please watch my girl and the daughter for a minute I'm gonna go in and clean clean the house and my girl likes me she goes okay I said yeah there's a she didn't even know all this stuff was in there was just me and my father my father knows everything see the Word of God is alive it's sharp and active sharper than any two-edged sword is able to divide my soul from my spirit so what happens is the first place God divides my thinking from my spirit man the second place is he divides the joint the bone from the met or the joint from the marrow and your joint doesn't even touch your marrow so for me that means the Word of God goes cellular many says he judges the thoughts judges the thoughts and intents of the heart so now my heart is being trained because God doesn't say that he's gonna help your heart he says he'll give you a new heart so now my heart is being trained with the word that it already comes with he says I won't write on tablets stone but on tablets of flesh that is of the heart so when I get a new heart it comes fully and scribed with the whole word but unless I spend time with Holy Spirit it remains dimly lit and just a little bit of flash of lightning here and there but when I become in union with Holy Spirit he starts to train me and show me who God says I am and what this new heart is capable of and then it bubbles up and starts to renew my mind and my mind teaches my lips what to say my eyes how to see in my ears how to hear I promise you so this is a very beginning I'm just born again fresh out of Teen Challenge totally in love with Jesus I'm talking I'm 2 months old mm-hmm got spiritual Huggies on totally excited sounds funny I don't want to grow up if it means leaving the precious love of God and the simplicity of the purity of the gospel I don't want to grow up see we think maturity is how long you been a Christian that's not it maturity is determined by your senses being trained to discern between both good and evil and it only comes though righteousness hitting your heart and your soul so that you can understand what it means to be convicted of right standing with God because when I'm convicted of right standing no longer is it an option for this this this and this all of a sudden it starts to train me that self-control is being so focused on his voice that every other voice loses its voice and there is no poll from pornography and there is no poll from drugs there is no poll from alcohol because why would I try to satisfy a feeling that can only be satisfied with faith we can't afford to live by feelings we don't live by sight we don't walk by feelings the just shall live by faith how can I be bold for the gospel how can I I am unashamed to the gospel for it's the power of God unto salvation for them that believe says first for the Jew and then for the Greek Romans 1:16 we're in it in what in the gospel what's in the gospel the righteousness of God the power of the gospel is the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus that's in the gospel for in it is the righteous number in it the righteousness of God is revealed for it is written the just shall live by faith just what does that mean see when God redeemed me when God said yes to me he saw on my John he knew who I was he knew how to fish that I was he knew how wacked my life was he saw it all he knew who I was when I was doing it see we said well God's not our loving God no he could have smoked me wiped me off the earth see you later to the planet but he sent his son well you know if God loved me then why then why didn't while maybe you've blamed God for things the devil has done maybe it's the thief that's come to steal kill and destroy and you've blamed God for what the thief has done in your life you guys alright some of you are angry looking at me hey I'm um I'm cool cuz I'm gonna when I leave here I'm gonna still be blessed I'm gonna still be in love you can't take away you can't reject me you can't cause me to be sad I love Jesus he loves me it's settled it's been settled in heaven forever do you know a million years from now he's not gonna change his mind he's no million years from now he's like I say I made a big mistake with Todd I was wrong that's not my dad so when in the house my heart's pounding that day we're not even married none of that stuff I just I'm going in and I'm going into all the cabinets I'm getting out all my paraphernalia then I go into another cabinet I get out on my pornography all my junk all that stuff that I thought made me a man that didn't make me a man it's a fantasy that women on the TV screen don't really love you there's someone's daughter it's alive from hell a man in a book he don't love you you don't even know you doesn't know your name a woman on the line she doesn't know your name woman on the Internet she doesn't know who you are they say that Facebook destroyed a third of marriages this last year why don't we get on our face spend time with Jesus instead of being hooked on a social media outlet that doesn't satisfy you makes you nosy makes you want to keep in other people's business to find out what's going on in the world makes people feel important it doesn't make you important we need Jesus man we don't need Jesus just for a worship service we need Jesus man I need the relationship that he says I have I need to step into what he says I have I need to know the hope of my calling and that only comes from me understanding that I've been given the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him I need to know who I am in 2nd Corinthians 10:4 needs to hit me in the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds I need to understand what it means to do real warfare warfare isn't done like this shadowboxing with the enemy warfare is done when you have the truth so engrained here that there's a No Vacancy sign on your forehead that when a lie comes in the Holy Spirit sniffs that thing out casts every thought down and pulls it down with the stronghold of a king and you become possessed by truth and everywhere you go you become a messenger of truth you become a messenger of light and you burn and you bring fire into every place you go you can't afford to live less than who Jesus says you are you can't afford to look and say I wish I had a job as a preacher I wish I didn't have this job I wish I could get a job with a bunch of Christians that's not okay we need to be in dark places so that we can shine brighter but if you don't see who you are you can't shine because you'll have a basket on your head a basket headed Christianity is illegal in the kingdom know who you are I the eye is the lamp of the body and if your eye is single your whole body is full of light and everywhere you go people look in your eyes and say oh you look in the mirror and you say whoa and instead of hating what you see and regretting what you've done you see who God sees you to be and you start to train your soul in the truth and the salvation of your soul which is the finishing of your faith you gird up the loins of your mind and you don't take the sword which is the word of God Bible man says so you guys don't know what that is my kids do which is the Word of God you know later on mantle you go to bed with blood on it you make sure that sword is for slain lies and for making the enemy wish he's never touched you your soldier and no soldier having been enlisted and tangles himself with the affairs of this world so he might please the one that enlisted him that's our King that's our God God's called you all to be fearless like a tidal wave crashing all over me come on you'll love his fierce I was just with Jesus culture over in Europe first place we went we went to Paris we're doing a tour called fearless and we went there and it's a very city that the terrorists and all that stuff so when we got there there are snipers on the roof there are army walking around with guns the streets right we're at a gentlemen's nightclub the oldest nightclub in Paris the most famous cabaret in Paris the newspaper said what are you doing and it sold out Christians filling a place that very not respectable things are done by respectful people and Jesus like a tidal wave does what he does cuz he's amazing oh he's amazing I promise you he really is I just came from Sweden we went to Stockholm and we did awake in Scandinavia it was insane and we rented a soccer stadium and they said this is the most a theist nation on the planet who do you think you are in 25,000 people game gods amazing he's amazing on that day on my porch when I went in my house I got every bit of junk out of my house I put it in their trash bag and my heart was pounding pounding because this stuff has nothing to do with me nor me with it I'm not removing it because I might use it I'm removing it because I have to have a clean house I cannot I cannot live and know that this is in here and be okay with it there is a no tolerance for sin when the love of God hits your heart I promise you when the grace of God hits your heart grace is a teacher grace and power SSI empowers us to walk out what truth calls us to you but grace empowers you to understand the truth and to know the truth and the truth shall set you free so I go out back no one's looking at me nobody it's just me and God in a trash bag full of junk and I go down the back steps no one sees me it's not like I'm looking around you see okay see me it's not that way it's not that whatever you do in word or deed do it as unto the Lord enough for people your job you do design the Lord not for your job you do it as under the Lord you'll do an amazing job people we need to know who God is we need to be so heavenly minded that we're earthly incredible we need to be so overwhelmed with heaven that our employer says oh my gosh can I have another one like you I don't know about the healing the miracles the prophetic all this stuff is crazy that's in your life I don't know I mean my knees been healed and I don't even believe in all this stuff but do you know anybody else like you I wish we could back off on the Jesus thing a little bit but you do such an amazing job that we can't let you go that's what Christians are supposed to be known for I promise you the gospel is attractive this does not get someone in a headlock and cause them to pray your prayer this is fall in love with Jesus so that people are so overwhelmed by the light that you care not this little life but you the light of the world that you carry that they have to have what you have what is it that you have you have to tell me what this is that you're carrying because I have to have this how do I get it it's Jesus no no I've seen Christians no no it's Jesus no no no no I've seen oh this is different no it's real we can take the spirit of ugly off the bride and took it out to the burn barrel and that took all my junk and all my pornography and all my stuff I put it in that barrel went to the garage got a sledgehammer and smashed this stuff down then I took gasoline put it on all my past and I made a line of gasoline whoo I lit it and I watched my past incinerate and I went over to it when it died down and I worship Jesus over who I used to be this wasn't just a prophetic symbol this is an actual reality because God doesn't see me as the man that used to live by this God sees me as his son God sees me as his own he is called me love has called money I've been born again and to a family and his blood flows through my veins I'm no longer a slave to sin a slave to fear I'm not I'm a slave under righteousness I'm an instrument I'm a weapon of righteousness in the Masters hand and that day everything loved all that addiction and it was gone before that but conviction empowered me to follow through and if you obey your conviction you will never enter into condemnation I promise you we share one more testimony and we're pray you all right I love I love praying for people this is a short some of them are so amazingly long and interlaced with are you guys okay we're like it's like a roller coaster I don't know what's going on right now serious people got to their car they're like what happened I feel like scrambled eggs it's because the word keeps coming and what happens is it pins every lie and it becomes a stronghold here right here in every lie goes because it can't exist because when a stronger one comes it strips the strong man the one that thought he was strong allies not strong you know God it's a strong tower the holy spirit goes sets up camp the fear of the Lord comes and starts to grip you and then the things that don't belong aren't an option anymore and you find yourself getting sick and tired of seeing the same stuff I can't have this before you get rid of that thing that used to rule your life that bikes that you sir will you it's no fun anymore if you just say God Here I am I just want you God will love you love you second Corinthians 11:3 right after I've betrothed you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ that that word virgin means virgin one that's never been with anybody so I might present you as a chaste virgin to Christ one that's never been with the world before blank canvas in your soul for the Lord to write on raising brother god you're amazing father and he could take the inheritance place it here redemption redemption means God sees me as if I never ate the tree what if I saw myself that way as if I never missed the mark what if God sees you that way oh that's an amazing way to see yourself I was working I was a roofer and I was working I was down in Baltimore I'm on my job and let me get this testimony now go across the parking lot and I see this homeless guy walking he's dragging his leg like this he's got his thing with him I walked over and I'm I'm covered I'm a slate roofer so I'm covered in soot it's 100 degrees out in Baltimore I look I mean I'm a mess sweating yuck and I said hey man he was back off bet and he's looking at me like he's gonna punch me cuz he's bending a lot of stuff it's not anything from you man I just wonder why you're limping is it is it your leg what happened to your leg since my hip what do you care you start screaming at me shut up man back off I said might as well pray for you pray for me and he starts freaking out see we think that he's rejecting me but he's not what he's doing is groaning cuz all creation is crowding and waiting for the sons of God to be made manifest so the language that he's using he doesn't know what he's saying what he's saying is please show me to father father we don't sound like that though back off who do you blank you think you all I'll punch you in your face I don't hear that all I hear is father takes a different eye to see that takes different ears to hear that takes the heart of God to know that I said please let me pray for you man you best back off man he's screaming at me won't let me even close to him that's alright man I'm sorry so he goes into McDonald's - I'm going in to get lunch I'm walking now for me he's better back off screaming at me screaming at me it's alright man I backed off and he's up there he's ordering his meal I'm sitting back there my god poor man he's been hurt my life beat up my life help me I say it all the time I said this morning so he orders this meal and he's reaching in his pocket and he can't get to his gets to his change gets it out and I sweat my debit card and I backed off he turned around here's what the bank is wrong with you who do you take you on and the lady behind the counter goes I wish someone will pay for my meal cash register lady he turns around and starts cussing her out she said you shut up and we got like a confrontation it's not good it's not Christian it's worldly really bad I said I'm sorry she goes no you don't need to be sorry he deeply sorry and it's like I'm like wow I'm just crying I'm like god I don't know I'm just I'm going outside so I walk outside and the guy comes out after me this guy he's what's wrong with you I said that's not what's wrong what's what's been made right man and I started to share a little bit he's shut up screaming at me I said man please let me pray for you he's a man ain't no God I know this I know that I said please I'm afraid for you why because I believe God wants to touch you man touch you better not touch me I said god I just thank you for this man ain't no God - please just let me pray for you man I'm not gonna touch you you ain't gonna touch me it's all right father I thank you in Jesus name god I thank you for a brand new hip god I thank you that you put a brand new hip and yes I closed my eyes yes he could have hit me so what what's the light affliction compared to the reality of the glory of God and this man is headed to hell and he thinks that hell is here but he has no idea what happens when you die it's--we everybody you see he's headed to heaven or hell there is no in-between please please know who you are and who's you are because you can change someone's eternal destiny Just My Love in one person realize that people are groaning all around you and they're looking for you to manifest your father that's all they want people are looking for love in all the wrong places that's what pornography is that's what drugs are that's what it is it's just looking for love in all the wrong places but you can only get love from one place it's our Father God so loved the world so the man said you done I said yes sir good he turns around he walks and his hips healed here's what he says man what the black did you do what's wrong with you I said man it's not what's wrong with your standard I was a drug addict for shut up shut up I go okay man mr. Christian no you ain't you ain't no Christian I know Christians they come down in here they do their once a year thing they come and give us food and then they try to set us up to pray their prayer ain't no Christian I know what a Christian looks like you ain't no Christian I said sir you say imma shut up nope you ain't a Christian you cheek sis he said that I said no you shut up shut up shut up he walks away completely healed I want to got my truck it's 110 degrees or hotter in there I was sat in there and I cried I said god this is it I wasn't in ministry I just was a Christian gonna help me love me when I was unlovable help me love people no matter where I go and help me represent you Jesus thank you for the privilege of being able to touch that man today I love you lord I just love you set my truck for 20 minutes sweating crying snorting Jesus thank you God I thank you for the privilege of being able to speak to this house today I thank you God that I am NOT a super Christian I'm not some celebrity I'm not some famous preacher God all that was song I just don't I'm just one that knows who I am and I know who my father is and the blood of Jesus has reconciled us back to the Father so that we can be like our dad and the only one that separates you from relationship is you you are the only one that can separate you from your relationship I teach my kids we have a 19 year old a 10 year old a 5 year old and a little baby boy that we're in the process of adopting who's four months old that was born addicted to heroin four months ago I teach all my kids that they're God's kids before they're my kids and that they are responsible for their own relationship with the father and that you cannot ride on your daddy's faith you have to have your own faith and you have to have your own love for the father so if you're here and you don't know the father and you'd like to just stand up right where you're at because I really want to pray for you everybody's ok alright come on awesome you know if I only came for one it's so worth it so is look if you're here and you got vices in your life that need to go just stand up come on Jesus I'm just gonna pray for you to fall in love with Jesus because when you fall in love with him every vice that you thought that used to have your life and rule your life and control your life what happens is you turn you ready you guys know the song where's that let me have your worship Jesus where are they are they here Oh My gods come here girl oh come here oh my turn your eyes upon Jesus oh can you do it come on come on come on come on what everybody was saying this cuz this is what it's about come on turn your eyes upon Jesus earth will go strangely come on I want everybody to sing this I know most of you know this turn your eyes upon Jesus here's one father I thank you in the name of Jesus God that we would turn our eyes upon Jesus that we would look full in his wonderful face God thank you that we would look into the face into the face the Word of God says that no one can look into the face of God and live but every time you look into the word you're looking into the very face of God so God I thank you that the word would have such a grip such a powerful grip on our heart God that we would look in there and every time we look in there we would see who you say we are because as you are so are we in this world as you are loved so are we in this world as you are merciful so are we in this world as you are holy so are we in this world as you are good so can we be in this world Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil He healed all but he did good why because God is good do the turn your eyes just one more time please just just just one more time ready turn your eyes upon Jesus oh that's so cool we put your hand on somebody right now come on father I thank you this what family looks like god I thank you for your amazing goodness your amazing grace Jesus I thank you that everybody here would obey their conviction God I thank you everybody that is hooked on pornography on drugs on alcohol on social media whatever I thank your father that everyone in here that that vice will be ripped out in Jesus name I command in the name of Jesus every addiction go right now I thank you for proxy prayer for loved ones in the name of Jesus God I thank you because somebody prayed for me all of you somebody prayed for you it's gonna thank you in the name of Jesus for every relative that's hooked on drugs that took don't alcohol that's hooked on this stuff in the name of Jesus we commend that thing to drop right now in Jesus name god I thank you for complete wholeness 100% in Jesus name God you are good you are good you are good Jesus thank you father I'll thank you every disease and every sickness in the name of Jesus I need you to say this with me in the name of Jesus every sickness every disease get out right now cancer go in Jesus name arthritis go in Jesus name every disease every disease because it's under the curse Jesus became the curse so that we will be free from the curse I thank you Father that every sickness and every disease from the top of her head to the bottom of our feet will be wiped out right now I thank you for deaf ears opening for blind eyes see I thank you for brand-new hearts and brand-new lungs and brand-new kidneys in the name of Jesus right now I come in every foul devil to leave in Jesus name go Jesus name every spirit of infirmity to be loosed in Jesus name right now every headache to go in Jesus name every migraine to go in Jesus name I thank you Father for learning disorders to go schizophrenia go voices stop bipolar disorder get out in Jesus name right now go I thank you for every digestive disease to go right now acid reflux in Jesus name colitis go Crohn's go every bit right now in Jesus name in Jesus name right now every disc in the neck and in the back every nerve in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name right now in Jesus name I command every disease every neurological disease be healed right now in Jesus name brand-new right now wholeness the whole way over God I thank you for couples for married couples that are trying to have kids that can I think you have to be married for this one it's just part of Covenant in the name of Jesus I thank you for fertility in Jesus name in Jesus name oh wow this is also I thank you for every person that used to be into drugs or whatever it was and then they got saved but they still have a stain in their body from yesterday I thank you Father that you don't just forgive us but you want to make us look as if we were never the person that did it so I thank you that you'd remove hepatitis that you'd remove every blood disorder that you'd remove every STD right now in Jesus name everyone in the name of Jesus God I thank you for brand-new livers brand-new God I thank you for lungs that have been trashed because of drug abuse and smoking be free in Jesus name right now god I thank you for every blood disorder that came in through something that you wish you've never done that God wants you to know that you're a person as if you've never done it God thank you for what you did in me you renewed every organ you renewed my mind you renewed everything it says that old things pass away that behold all things become new that's not a theory that's a reality so Jesus I thank you for doctor confirmed reports of healing miracles and testimonies unto what you have done don't want everybody in here right now to check your body physically right now of whatever it was wrist shoulder elbow hip breathe whatever hearing whatever it was if right now there's physical change in your body I want you to wait both hands over your head right now mom one more time put your hand on everybody put your hand on somebody Jesus yes Jesus yeah to say this in the name of Jesus every sickness every disease get out right now I'm a temple of my father the Holy Ghost lives in me disease sickness you're trespassing the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead it's quickening my mortal body right now in Jesus name now check your body again right now check oh really ankles knees whatever just check come on if there's change in your body right now I want you to wait both hands over your head high wave them come on wave them Jesus I thank you for continued homeless for continued healing not thinking that everybody here would walk like Jesus and everybody said I love you guys bless you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 121,804
Rating: 4.8239861 out of 5
Id: Ok79pAE7VMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 51sec (5271 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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