David Hogan and Brian Guerin

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you welcome we so glad you all could join us today I'm really really excited we have one of the greatest generals I personally know of in the earth today brother David Hogan and I really feel like if you own your immortal God's going to touch you like never before and challenge you and transform your life forever in this in this recording so brother David thank you so much for coming over yes a god bless you I appreciate it and just to paint a quick backdrop on how I came across brother David back in 98 I got saved life steeped in sin at the age of 20 16 years ago and I got radically saved at the end of night you know September 1998 and this gentleman here in Baton Rouge Louisiana told me of these Hogan you know these David Hogan meetings down in reserved Louisiana that we're going to be happening in November so just a month and a half after I just got born again I mean I just got baptized in water filled with the Holy Spirit I'm learning like John 3:16 you see and I get thrust into a down it brother rod a glorious church and reserve a meeting with David Hogan in him and his guys I don't if you remember this the end of 1998 your hair was down to your shoulders I mean y'all just come through some rough battles I believe and look like a modern-day Moses to me but coming up in there talking about basketball-sized tumors just falling off of people the dead being raised back to life again by the power and blood of hallelujah and I'm just my jaws on the floor I don't loan away at the modern function of God the Bible happened to somebody and why are they useful and then ministry time follows and bodies are fun all over the place and they're literally baffled and it wasn't shortly after God sent me off to Bible School at the Brownsville revival and he had great impact there as well and so it's a real honor I think you guys are going to be touched and they're seeing mighty things done you know in these days and the earthen oligo to to start it off if you wouldn't mind telling them you know how this all started with you I know on the plane God spoke to you how you got born again I feel ya I'm eighth generation preacher my parents love God to awesome folks told me the Bible taught me to walk but I personally got disappointed at the hypocrisy in the church when I got up of age it disappointed me wasn't my parents fault but I took it personal like I had been lied to like I had been somebody had set me up but you wasn't true my parents didn't do that but the church absolutely compromises sometimes and allows religious spirits to lead the forefront and so it threw me at a tailspin so I left I went out joined gangs you've got bumping my life got rough when I flat out in the world for a while got me a really good job in the oilfield working offshore here in the Gulf of Mexico and then I got this job in Prudhoe Bay Alaska super north Alaska and on the way up there the Holy Ghost Polk to me in an audible voice God told me he wanted me to get born again and so it was a big big long story but I ended up in the Isle of the jet and got born again and then came back to my hometown and just was turned on to the gospel we were went in about 50 to 70 people a week to the Lord Jesus in the state in the United States of America that's why I personally don't get this whole thing about why you need a new plan a new fad ever you just stay you just stay focused on souls you stay focused on the mercy of God you stay focused on the power of the gospel and a go out not for somebody but for the kingdom of God and God will give you these converts and give you these disciples and give you these people we were filling up everybody's Church I mean we was in the prisons we was in the hospitals those things to do here that don't have to be going off to some farm field you get you can you can I use this word loosely though but you can organize yourself to where you're taking care of your family your kids your wife you're going out to the hospitals and you're going in there not not I would walk down the halls at a hospital and read the nameplate of these people and go in there and talk to them like I knew them and just tell them about Jesus and man we would get miracles Mike there were people coming up to me for years how awesome God used us to touch people and heal their dad or their mom or their wife or their husband we went into the prisons I went into the to the city police jails the County parish jails and then of course the penitentiary state prisons we went into all those places all of these bars all of these drug hangouts we went and if people just looking for truth and that's what we did before I went to the mission field and we were getting miracles the the first miracle I saw was in a Baptist Church in the Delta up in North Louisiana this girl had gone gone out in the yard and stepped on a thorn and got this thorn and they couldn't get out it festered and they brought her church there was just a handful of us and we was just seeking God no agenda no three songs offering 15 minute message okay everybody's good let's go home no we just they're just worshiping gee it just awesome fire of the Lord and she come up that she was nervous my water my wife brought some warm water and put some salt any I mean that's who she is my wife is awesome mom grandma old lady's fixes everybody we put that girl's foot in there we started praying over her foot and in front of us this is the first miracle I ever saw that thing comes shooting out of there this big long splinter thing and all this fussing all this and she was healed booth right there it was we were just whoa man how awesome is this and then I was fortunate to be filled with the Holy Ghost and the fire of God came on me I was in a service this guy was talking about miracles and I was going to go up there and knock him out cause uh you know my brother Larry one as brother Larry Stockstill yeah and uh he he never flinched I mean I'm a you know good-sized fellow and I'm walking up there and I'm aggressive he stepped off the platform and touched me in Jesus name before I could ever react I mean I flipped knocked out by the Holy Ghost three days no eat no drink no work no nothing just God's power on me boom and that's how it all started lack fire zeal aloni goodness a god idea right for me and that was way back here and eleazar soon be 40 years ago and then I know shortly following God called you to Mexico and if you would mind sharing that I know I think your language school on a fast and you went into a vision of the exact geographical starting point yeah I didn't I was a typical American not much traveling I didn't never gone to Texas I've been to Mississippi and Arkansas you times I'd actually worked in New York State in the oil field but but as far as really extensive travel didn't have any and God spoke to me the only thing I got was one word Mexico and I didn't I didn't obviously I apologize uh you know I knew Mexico was the nation but I know anything about it I knew nothing and so I just wrote it down I still actually have the calendar back hundred 1975-1976 right in there the day he spoke to you you have the day I got it I got a written down I wrote down the word Mexico and then it's probably ten days later it happened again I was on my way to work with working 12 hour shifts you have to work to live you know sir you can speak in tongues all you want you know and fast and pray and Holy Ghost yay you got to work you got to work and so it was the second time about ten days later might have been two weeks browning there has been a long time the word came to me again and so I wrote it down the second time so then then I started pursuing it I didn't know what to do who to approach how to go about proceeding to the next step whatever it looks like I didn't know I was all field working man and I enjoyed it the whole field especially the money and and then I get this call from this pastor he says there's a missionary coming to our church from Mexico I said serious he goes yep I said well can he come to my church because by the end our church was our church was doing pretty good we had a lot of whole place was full man fire of God had fallen and we were seeking God and we were blessed and just loving Jesus lots of people's getting saved it was just y'all nowadays call it a revival or a touch or the presence of the glory to us it was just oh yes and amen hallelujah thank God first for him loving us we we didn't have any of those nice words in those days we just God was honest said it was awesome I'm not against all those words I use it myself I love the glory of God the presence of God the fire of God the zeal of God shut the bah-bah-bah I'm in ABBA and so he you know the Holy Ghost is just touching us and so this guy comes from Mexico man he got up there and started talking about he was he was talking about you know a typical missionary message about the fields are white unto harvest but the laborers are few which is still true today but he made a statement that altered my universe my world and just I mean everything just shifted another direction to me he said I believe he used the word like 1200 villages in area he worked that have never heard the gospel the name of Jesus and I just couldn't take it I stood straight up in the meeting in the meeting it was my church you know and I'm looking at him what did you just say and I got my Bible in my hand and I'm looking at the fields is what in the harvest but there ain't no laborers willing to go and lay it down and in Raleigh of lived I don't know I guess that was within a mile or two miles you might see 2530 churches right and he's telling me that in in you standing in a spot and go 2530 miles you do that in a radius all the way around you and there's no churches so I said I asked him look that can't be true go literally in the middle of the 70s we thought we were modern like you think you are now but if it keeps going another 30 40 years they go and think you're not and they are yeah yeah and and and he just looked at me he was real calm he's older fella he just said to me come and see for yourself I said done so that's how I got going to Mexico and so I went on a two-week what y'all call now short-term mission trip it turns out it's been close to 40 years for me now and I've never been back I did come back get my family and gather up here you know and sort things out financially and with my with my house and always things you have as an American and I went off to language school learn Spanish and then I was in language school and I was I was what I was what the church world calls a radical Christian what God calls a son and I fast and pray I seek God I read the Bible every day of my life it is a joy to go into the Word of God and to look at those scriptures and they come alive and get on you and you go whoa come on mercy thank you and while I was there it was I was doing a 14 day fast I was praying that this is going to be odd for you this really will be do y'all like to radical but but if you won't heaven you have to seek heaven God is seeking us and hunting us that's true but you must seek the Lord Holy Ghost because he says in his word seek me while I may be found and I'm going to seek God because you don't know that today might be the day he just explodes into our world so it wouldn't it be nice if we were seeking Him when that happened and uh so I'm there and I was about and I was doing as many days as I could praying all night as well as doing the language school right and get there on the fast so I mean it's it's it's it's the flesh don't like it too much but heaven loves this if you love heaven he'll love you back he will and so I don't know I guess I was in there about seven days doing that where I was really wasted I mean my body was i mean i'd sit down and almost fall asleep I was so tired but I was just had this drive and I need God and so fell asleep back it's about 3:00 in the morning or something and you know I got to be at language I got to be at school at 8 o'clock the morning so you know and then I was startled by a presence and I got up walked over and check the doors yet you know till it's a prayer center that they let finally let me have the key to because I was praying so much seeking the Holy Ghost because he's awesome and you should seek Him and I went over there looked at my Bible and it was turned over to Isaiah chapter 58 the fast of the Lord and at the very end of it it says that he will make you a repairer of the breach that's what I am I don't burn bridges I repair bridges differences in tribes and people in race and color and language our responsibility as a Holy Ghost person is to have enough love of God to overcome anything and we can in Jesus name and as I'm sick look at that verse and I'm thinking about it and it's you know it's 3:30 in the morning and I'm riding by this presence that came there was this this 360 IMAX came on now you open up his open eyed vision man and it was all the way it was like I was it was actually like I was sitting in a place 3 I turned all the way around it was all the way around me and I grabbed my always carry when I see God I always have a fresh notebook with nothing on it you know and two pins and two pencils and I grabbed a pen and I started right and I was writing down everything I was seeing and I turned a circle and I saw it I took six pages anything with you know what I'm going what is that what whoa what's that now you're seeing the room yeah that's back to the room again like you're like right here and I go what is that god help me help me in God the only thing I heard you know that it was this word words came into my mind it said start there so uh where is it there's mountains there's a village the reason I know it's I know the village now but in those days I didn't know it as a village it was bamboo walls with grass roof dirt floors you got a bandana swinging in the way in the wind you got a dog curled up I could tell because I I was in construction I was an oil field we built roads and and sites and that and so you know under a I Drive heavy equipment so I knew what was what I was seeing rocks were turned up a bulldozer just graded through and and you know until I'm going so I wrote it all down on paper every bit of you still have that note so I still have all that yes for my kids on one of these days I kept everything the whole way it's all written down to teach oh yeah and so start there yeah so uh but where is this place right now the thing I found out about heaven heaven is awesome God is wonderful but you don't get a lot of details sometimes Wow you don't understand that the the shootings or the complicated things it's going to happen to you getting to the results that God wants me I'm not an innocent person I'm not ever going to say that I'm a human so I'm not innocent but I did not know I I thought I was going to look all over the planet find this place and we're gonna we're going to have exodus from Egypt we was going to have the second coming of Christ we was going to have you know Pentecost where the Holy Ghost fell in Acts chapter 2 I really believed I thought there was going to be an event happen and and I went through language school Finnish language school I'm asking every missionary everybody that I know where is this place I had drone I'm not an artist apologize but I drew this sketch of these mountains and it was like I will say eight months later maybe I met this missionary and I'm still fasting I'm still praying it you know all the time just God God God God help us show us where you are father show us where the right trail is god we want to walk we will walk this out we need help Holy Ghost in Jesus name and is one missionary goes he tells me David that now this sketch of these mounds I think I know what I said but you can't go there they will kill you it's dangerous I said to him look it's not your responsibility it is not who you are it's not who I am is who Jesus is he said I won't take you there but but you got to promise me that you hang on discharge in there because I'm known for not in too cautious the yeah I'm not too cautious I'll just go ahead and go on anyway right if God said it I mean what's there to worry about with you you know faith in valour will kill the giant whereas gilfs in armories and armaments will sit in eat cheese and bread and wait on the right day and timing and do nothing but shaking their tent so so I go with the faith and valor and courage thing almost always still I mean we're like 40 years later and I still do that and and it because it because it brings the power and the mercy and the miracles of God follow the faith in the anointing and the fresh all of the Holy Ghost that that's what follows that and and so he says all right so we set this state now this has been like months now I mean it was I was really young impetuous ain't even close to what I was I was just solid zeal just vibrating you know but finally the day come we go up there I don't have words to describe to you what it's like when you got something guilty you supernaturally and you find it when the thing you saw yeah was your future reality you got that that's how y'all talk now see but but it's the truth it is the truth what I saw eight months ago nine months ago was my future and so I got this guy brought me to this is very dangerous place it still is he brought me there and he goes uh all right David look over there and I look over there and I could the the one mountain on my paper I could see the top of it that was it I said how do I get to that as you guys can go I'm going David you are not prepared you don't you know you don't have the equipment your language is not good enough your money you don't have any wow I just looked at him jesus said go ye he didn't say prepare ye that's good and that's a super controversial issue it gets me in trouble every day but now faith is good it's not a year from now it's not two years from now I mean if God's on you and you've got this open eyed vision yeah I don't what to say to you you do what you gonna do I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna step into a world that I know nothing about it's called a faith in God in Jesus name and so I I went over there there were these machine see there was this it was a couple of D nines and couple of Motor patrols sitting over there and some you know it's the back hose you know big old things and I walk over these men I start talking to them know we're building a new road I said how far does it go they've got a few kilometers all right as is it open no I said okay thank you I walked back over to the missionaries I said look there's a road a few kilometers and they go David we can't do this I said all right that's okay with me you just tell my wife where I'm at and they just looking at me shaking their head go see logic don't understand faith in God it's good because it ain't logical but but me having a vision is that logical not at all period none of this it me getting talked to on a jet is that logical right by an audible voice from God no no logic is gone that's good hoodoo God now good God allows you to sometimes to live in logic and reason I mean you do I don't know probably more than you don't but when it's time to walk in faith you got to lose worldly thinking and go with godly thinking and God thinks yes in amen so that's what I believe so uh they said look we're gonna bring you a little ways we're gonna see sale on that thing and full drive low range here we go creeping off this mountain in it so you know the caterpillars had made a pass you know it it was not a was not an open road it but it was a few passes have been made by the bulldozers so we go down I mean it was scary serious but finally we got to the bottom and there's this Creek and it's on my paper and I explained to them I went page by page and read it to him right what we're fixing to live it was three minutes of our life Oh three minutes on six pages Oh will you shut the baba ha so you're telling them telling us telling them and we're living it exactly what's on in pages we lived it I mean to the horse that come up with this guy with these white pajamas on which oh it happened as you happen to be there it unfold it yes oh wow know what we should all but I mean even the people moving from the bed it was our future the dog curled up there the rock turned up the wind blew it I mean it was all on there indeed I wrote it all down yeah Wow and I was expecting uh having to take over house it you know call it naive call it what you want to call it I don't it doesn't matter I still believe God can do it if I got the faith for come on and I stood up there and I said to heaven okay I'm here because there's the mountains there's the horse there's the village there's the dog there's there's the mango trees there's the orange trees there's all this stuff that's on my paper and all these people's looking at me and I am the foreigner I am the minority I am the weird one I dress weird I look weird to him I'm not one of them and I asked heaven what heaven said start here that was it that's the only words I got and I wrote it down on that paper the day the time and what God said it's only two words start here Wow and that's been coming up on 40 years yeah and he's never said stop so that's how we start so good it's amazing huh yes sir it will touch on a couple other things in an hour accurate time we'll close it up but usher on the I know you know you all are known specifically for raising the dead as a work and I know that was something early on I think in your heart like what was it about raising the dead did alright daddy is this also everything we going to talk about touching us is controversial in the modern church world so but I'm not ashamed I'm gonna go ahead and taste not my fault God loves this planet loves this peoples and if you will if you will abide in his presence if you will abide in his word if you will submit to him he will touch you that's everybody in Jesus name and early on after we found the place which that was a lot to do and I mean that's a lots of it's complicated we found it right okay but after you find it then the work starts then how how do you do it what do you do what's the scheduling how do you get into these villages well sounded heavy other than information how do you get backing how do you get somebody to understand that you heard from God what do you do so my response to that is growing up my family prayed my daddy every morning in my life when I was in his house every day we got up an hour before we got ready for school we got up and went and sit in the living room and read the Bible so that's what I started doing with my family every day so for the last 40 years my my family can tell you my wife my kids my grandkids every day that we're together we did it this morning several hours before coming here we sit down we turned the Bible on we this morning we did about three and a half hours just Bible go and praying in tongues calling on God working over plans figuring out schemes trying not to miss something so that the gospel can go forward not so that there can continually be mistakes yeah having to fix mistakes fix mistakes dude that's enough that's good let's sit down in the presence of God and let him speak to us what the direction is we need to be going and make fewer mistakes that's just what we do and so I started doing that we started fasting together as a family praying and God began to form a plan and I went through the Bible now this is a tedious time-consuming but in the early days there wasn't any churches you had to so there was time so there was we didn't have television we didn't have distractions we didn't have things that's in the modern lead nation world that we were in the jungle and it's just basically by my entertainment was seeking God and that's what God wanted out of me so good and so so on what I did right or wrong didn't know if it's right or wrong but it turned out it was right I took the Bible apart not literally you know took in I didn't take finding out I took her I took the people out I took Abraham and put him on a notebook Wow and I wrote down his life okay what was his prayer life what was his fasting life what was his family life what was his children what were the results what what did God do for him because he sought the Lord how did it go for that man and so I studied each one of these patriarchs all of them the good the bad and the ugly I the guys that did bad I studied them as well what caused them to fail what was the arrogance in the pride of life that came into their lives it caused them even though God had hand given them kingdoms in wealth and power and might but they squandered it okay what would cause a man to do that so I figured out some of this stuff and hopefully we will be able to not do that and to correct some of the problems that's out there right and I made this list down from the right I wanted to know from Genesis to revelations what did God do every y'all can argue in split churches and fight over how many years that is and you know when it started when it ended you know who cares I y'all get after it me regardless of the timeframe I don't care personally what I want to know is what did God do in with supernatural events through men in their generations how did they get him to do that what caused him to allow them to use his power what what process is there to go from being like Dave had a guy that just out there with the sheep played his harp and how did he get from that to holding the Giants head in his hand with the sword going yeah Jesus is king how did he get there from the field out there from being a shepherd boy yeah that that interests me that's my interest personally how can I be successful in a world that's not successful that believes that success is having stacks of money or armaments or vehicles or houses that's that's anybody can do that but who can raise the dead tomorrow there were handful in there and so how it went for me personally I sought the Lord man and I took that Bible apart because I wanted to know him because he's an awesome God and He loves us ah but how do you get him to let you experience his power how do you get it from because almost the whole world believes that there is a God okay that's nice I'm not refuting that that's great but how do you get it from that to standing in front of you defeating your enemies what no matter what his name is death life sickness disease failure whatever the name of these demons are that's against you alright how do you get God to step down in fight on your behalf and bring victory into your world that was my question so I started examining these guys live and I found out that there was a path out there that they all followed and it's not a hard path it's just you have to do it good you have to seek the Lord more you have to fast yeah people tell me all have no we're beyond that are you how's that going out there for you exactly don't you think that's a valid question how's it going for you right so goes it's not going it's going the other direction we got it we as me as an individual as a family group as a people group as a nation we have to fall on our face to the mercy of God and ask him to help us otherwise it's going twist off pretty bad and so I started fasting and I went down the list right of all these miracles the partner to read see the the all these things Moses did the locust the blood water turned into blood the these dead raisins to these blinded eyes opening to these the lame walking that he's these miracles of arms growing a creation miracles so I went down the whole list in one day my wife and I was on a 21-day fast and I'm on day like day 18 and and I just looked at her and I said I just took a pencil I circled dead raisins on the paper I said that is what I'm going to do in miss Hogan she goes let's do something else I've never heard this before yeah I know I don't I don't talk about it much anymore because it's just everything's so controversial but but but I I told her miss Hogan men can duplicate a few of these things now but when somebody's laying there dead and all the doctors and all of science and all medicine have said we can't do anything and you walk over there and you put your hands on them in the name of Jesus be healed come back to life and if they stand up well you know God visited you so that's what we started seeking way we went after that one year two years three years four years and then on the fourth year actually on year three I got a chance there was a kid drowned in a monsoon thing River was way high and they come and got me and I went in the water with these people we found him in the willow trees he's dead pulled him out and I and we put him in the boat you know - and we put him on the bank and and God spoke to me to raise him from the dead and and I was a coward I know you can't see that but and I did I would have told you I wouldn't just like almost anybody that's listening to us know I love Jesus man out you know I'll do it I'll die for you like Peter said and she just laughed at him you know tonight before the crows again you'll you will you'll deny me Peter he goes no way and that's what most that's how you feel inside you love for God you feel that but fear of man is a devastating issue yeah and it happened to me that's why you see me a little abrasive a little aggressive is because I'm more past it than I used to be I'm not gonna look at you and say I'm beyond it because I'm sure things can be worked out to where I would be probably intimidated still but the there are less circumstances that he'll has to work with now yeah let's just say it like that Hey and boy got rough that was pretty rough time three weeks went by defeat I was defeated I lost I lost my seal I lost my I had I had honestly disobeyed God I'd let my family down let myself down the endeavor that we was doing I just trashed it by being afraid been afraid of failure being afraid of me and people's response and my wife is the one here again it's miss Hogan she came and grabbed me but ER I mean three weeks I sit in the chair it was horrible it wasn't good and she came and got me by the front and said listen here you either bring me back home and you get back on that whole field make us some money or you get out there and win souls for Jesus boy I got hostile to that lady right and I stood up when I was man I had to eat in three three weeks nothing and I went and took a shower man put on some clothes stuff some tracks in my back pocket went out there man I was so mad because I had made a mistake in what we don't talk about is how to get out of a mistake if you made one Wow hear me sir and that's what we need to talk about and how I got out of it is my wife loved me enough to tell me the truth and I'm I did make the correct decision and God helps you with all of that he's got a job for you things don't go your way you make mistakes but you keep walking heaven will help you and show you the way yeah so good yeah he will and so I got out I went to the end of the pavement then the end of the dirt road and then I just grabbed my backpack I'm walking I'm just you know mad you know I'm just walking and also now I kind of come to I'm in a village and these people get all around me you know and it's you know I'm a gringo you know I'm a widow I'm a white guy you know and they're all talking to me and I just started passing out tracts and preached Jesus to them and you know I've never looked back but I did tell heaven one thing you give me another chance yeah and I've been to that so far that's been a long time and so far I've been a I've held to my guns and so is heaven and the first one the very first one was a line year old boy in the village been dead for right at five and a half hours I went in there and laid my hands on this kid then I was scared you understand I was afraid there were wits doctors there were people with machetes it was scary scary and I was laying on top of this kid father help please God about an hour of prayer maybe more may have been more an hour no sudden six and a half hours boom he comes back alive Wow yeah bang it was nice oh yeah shut up acaba yeah now is what I think the works around right yeah the works over 500 me personally is 32 dead raisins I mean it's it's just what you do yes sir yeah that's amazing um I don't to be considered of your time and oh yeah oh so we'll start to close it in but don't the Bible huh do you mind just sharing a few of the recent one was you all have seen I know you saw we had a one you liked while ago you tell there was a over here to Virgin Islands we had a we had a tornado of feathers came out of the roof well how many hunters towns um I had seen Jeff Johnson had had this happen in Austin its own its own YouTube I think they got it out there on the Internet this thing it's the and I sent it to me when it happened he's I go whoa and and I told heaven right there I won't that yeah and so I'm out here in the in the in the Virgin Islands and hopefully they were watching on your 10 LTL pick it up hopefully that I know they will and and they they said we won't that brother cuz I told him about it they go we won't and I go do that you know I don't have the switch I'm not the man with the switch his name is Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Shalom jehova rapha Haitian crystal Jesus the Christ I that's who he is and uh they go well you know him so get it yeah oh my god god help me yeah and so we were in church and I mean it listen when it comes they ain't no doubt I wish you come right now you get it anything that's what I wish I mean to scare to fire out of us I guarantee it'll put you in floor I'm telling you you will be afraid it just comes and it stays and then it goes and I don't know what it is but it's powerful and everybody's afraid of it and it's mercy and with it comes healing gold you said gold it just went all these chairs it's like I don't know how many lots of seats I don't know if it's thousand seats I don't know what it is it's lots of seats the next thing you know it's just the old couple glitter yeah that's pretty nice diamonds fall rubies emeralds sapphires ah it's just an amazing thing going on out there and and everybody wants me to give an explanation as to what it is what's it for all I know to tell you is Jesus is king live with it yeah so good he can do whatever he wants to yeah I'm telling you he can appear he can send angels he can see in gold he could send feathers he could do whatever he wants to do yeah I mean I'm good come on in Jesus name and then yeah do you would you mind maybe praying for that I don't like the viewers really exactly we go and pray for just importation and you just really accept the things you're talking about really hungry you know Holy Ghost and fire I speak the blessings of god I speak peace to you I speak health life healing mercy of the gospel come into your home come into your personal life come into your family your kids bless you I bless your finances I rebuke the Devourer in the name of Jesus Holy Ghost on Orting on you in Jesus name be healed amen thank you so much for God bless bless you guys we'll catch you next time you
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 62,148
Rating: 4.853147 out of 5
Keywords: David Hogan, Dead Raising, Signs and Wonders, Brian Guerin, Visions, Miracles
Id: lg7a7YVU02g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 21 2015
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