Remove Objects From Complex Textures in Photoshop | Object Removal 04

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today we're going to show you how to remove unwanted objects from your images in photoshop [Music] this is just part of our series on object removal we want to show you all of the different tools and techniques you'll need to get rid of just about anything you need for me images no matter how complicated your background is let's go ahead and jump into photoshop here's our sample image for today i want to get rid of all of this stuff so all this clothes this thing that thing this little thing over here all these wires these wires over here that stuff that stuff that thing over there and all of that stuff i just want like a clean image of a falling apart building um i chose this image because it's a bunch of kind of difficult stuff to remove we got a lot of texture and things like that going on so i'll show you how to do it we're going to create a new layer and start off by just well i want to remove this clothing here and right behind it i need this uh like wall to stay continuous so we're gonna grab our clone stamp tool because we have edges now whenever you have edges the best tool for the job is the clone stamp tool so let's hold alt or option i'm gonna sample this area right here and we're just going to line it up and simply start painting this in and you can see my edges stay in tact there we go let's go ahead and bring that in there and i can bring this all the way down here all right and we're looking really good hopefully i can just keep on carrying this down somewhere around there pretty nice right it's like oh cool you just kind of like bring that in now if you have something that just like obviously duplicates like that and this then you just clone stamp it again sample alt or option and then just go and stamp it away again and if your edge here like doesn't line up perfectly there's a lot you can do i can actually hit control or command t right click and go to warp and i can like warp this in check this out i can just like push that in hit enter and we're good to go and now it lines up really well pretty cool so let's continue this on i'm going to create a new layer when i'm using the clone stamp tool i like to make new layers that way i can warp things in if i need to or i can just grab my move tool and move it as well there we go let's go ahead and just bring all this in now this is what you know i'm kind of like doing the baseline work here i know i'm just like super duplicating exactly these textures and patterns but i'm not worried about that i can switch that up in a little bit controller command t right click just warp that up so make it you know make it actually fit i'm not worried that you know this looks exactly like that in just a minute we're going to be able to take care of all that for now i just want to get like the majority of the stuff done right it's like it's like cleaning your house right like you gotta start with the super dirty stuff and then you'll get to the baseboards and the other smaller stuff later so we just gotta kick all the big objects gone and then once they're in a good place then we can worry about the little repeating patterns and you know everything else that we want to get done all right great now when you have areas like this where you just have like a a very simple like line or something you want to get rid of on a relatively simple background that's a good job for the spot healing brush tool so spot healing brush tool look at this i can just paint that away and it's going to do a really nice job just figuring out what should be there this tool doesn't always do that great with edges right like if i try to just do all this area it's going to just well that's not that bad but we get stuff like this right so you can definitely like start off with this tool and then you know just kind of clean some things up later if you need to s for the clone stamp tool sample this area here there we go and then kind of paint that in right there so there's really no like one right or wrong tool for the job it's more like a workflow thing and it's you know also important to think about like most of the time uh you're just gonna have to do some things like it's usually gonna be a multi-step process to get the job done right like i'm using different tools different layers and we're just doing this like kind of over and over again and each little bit we're kind of like hacking away at the job that's uh we're all just hacks well i'm the biggest heck of them all but we're all just trying to hack with hack this away to get rid of all this stuff all right we got this big old thing over here i need to get rid of alt or option let's sample this here and boom our edge we found it and now i can just kind of paint this in cool all right i make sure to lift up my mouse or my cursor so it doesn't just continue to repeat the same thing over and over again and look at all that so anytime you're dealing with like big edges that you need to keep intact my favorite tool for the job is the clone stamp tool there we go that looks pretty good let's go ahead and just clone stamp this thing away spot healing brush tool works really well also so here we go over here s for the clone stamp tool let's kind of bring that down there because i need that to actually end in an interesting and uh you know correct ish way here we go how does this end up up there i don't even uh it's too dark i can't see it we're gonna have to make it up oh look it extends over there and then the top one okay so there we go we'll just we're making it up here as we go along so i'm gonna just make my brush nice and hard so i can kind of like make this up hey there's an edge of a thing there and then it goes up like that you know so i'm just kind of like making up some geometry here but hey why not right it works and we don't have any other option because i couldn't see it but there we go i'm just kind of trying to make that thing over there again and uh there we go just kind of clean that up a little bit so we're just kind of constantly working with like hey what do you got you know like this clone stamp tool right like getting rid of objects you know you basically just have to figure out what should have been there underneath whatever you can see right so oftentimes it means making something up here in like a window setting i'm just going to grab this other window corner and put it right about there there we go and paint that in there be surprised how many times things just like repeat in life like great we have the same window relatively uh repeating over and over again now i'm gonna come back in here with the healing brush tool we're gonna sample these areas and i'm going to there we go we're going to kind of paint these in the healing brush tool is really great when you want to choose the actual texture to fill in in a certain area okay so it's going to grab the texture from wherever you sample and the color from wherever you paint and blend those together so really really nice for like the secondary cleanup jobs there we go we can go ahead and continue to use it here there we go healing brush tool i'm going to grab my spot healing brush tool because we got a bunch of like different types of texture right here and the spot healing brush tool is better when you have like a bunch of texture variation it's gonna just do a better job filling that in with random detail there we go let's kind of fill that in you can see it even kept my edge intact nice job spot healing brush tool all right s for the clone stamp tool we're just going to clone stamp this away i'm not going to use my spot healing brush tool because this is too close to that little um edge there and it's just kind of it's going to try to blur those things together okay so the spot healing brush tool and the regular healing brush tool they will try to blur there we go really fine edges together so i don't tend to use those tools when i have like fine edge work to do there we go let's go ahead and just bring this in here and this just grabbing the clone stamp tool and clone stamping away hey [Music] my favorite all right there we go all right come on in there and come back around so again i'm kind of seeing this is like first pass right like um you know this is it's not perfect right now but i want to get things like pretty good you know and then i can kind of come in and worry about the texturing and the detailing on my second pass but for now i just need to get this stuff gone right like this this is quite a bit because you got to do all the shadows for everything too so you know you're you're dealing with a bunch i'm going to grab my spot healing brush tool j for the spot healing brush tool we'll see what this does here i'm just going to kind of paint over there and sometimes it'll just spit something out and you're like yeah that's a thing i can kind of work with that that's what i'm kind of just you know there we go it just spat out this other thing but it's just random texture on the wall so like actually i don't mind that it did that um just kind of saved me a bunch of work so cool thank you spot healing brush tool here we go regular clone stamp tool i just want to clean up this edge there we go and sample this area clean up that edge a little bit cool looking good uh this thing i want to get rid of let's grab a new layer i'm going to see about we're going to try to spot heal this whole thing out and we're just going to see what happens it's not going to be perfect i'll tell you that but we'll see what it does hey i'm actually not too upset with that hey nice job spot healing brush tool i just want to bring those down because obviously like that has to come come down right you can't can't just like stop there that's not how buildings work um spot healing brush tool not your fault you don't know that you don't know how buildings work you're just a automatic removal tool but uh you did great so i'm super proud of you there we go you're not programmed to know how architecture works and structural engineering or any of that stuff but you don't need to be because you did a great job anyway there we go kind of bring that in there perfect and then we're just going to kind of continue [Music] the shadow through there really nice so you can see it's kind of like a uh yeah it's like a bit of a brute force technique sometimes it's just like all right let's let's try to just like get something that'll work to start with and then we just kind of fill in more details over here i'm just going to sample uh we need that thing gone so let's sample here and get rid of that little guy there all right let's kind of like make that continue to go over there there we go and i'm just gonna lie and say that it looks like that all the way to the end why not all right there we go we're just gonna say hey this uh shadow was there because of that dish and that dish is not there so that shadow shouldn't be there anymore there we go perfect and let's just kind of get that edge there all right and then i'm going to hit j for my healing brush tool to kind of remove these things that don't make any sense all right so if you thought there was just a clear and simple way of getting this done well there's not it's it's just very much hey just try to remove it and fill it in with as many uh detail looking things as you possibly can but hey we're looking pretty good all right i want to remove these things there right so we'll just again i'm just going to grab the spot healing brush tool and see what it does not great but not horrible here we go it's it's just trying to grab it and i've got two of these things so it's thinking i want that i'm going to switch to the regular healing brush tool now because that allows you to sample your own areas there we go and kind of paint this in regular healing brush tool for the win this is when the spot healing brush tool is just really getting confused you can come in and say all right i know it's confusing it's okay and then you kind of just like come in and tell it what should be in different places there we go there we go regular healing brush tool you're doing doing great let's sample that area kind of paint that in there we go and then that's going to come down so i got to sample one of those areas and kind of bring that down there too all right sample that and there we go bring that concrete down you just want to create these details that like look uh relatively you know similar to how it should look i'm doing a great job explaining things today i'm so proud of myself for that uh make it look how it should look hey there we go let's go ahead and sample that and paint it in there there we go now let's take care of this edge because remember edges are not great for like the healing brush tool or the spot healing brush tool they're really not they don't perform very well when you have like small complicated edges things like that but i just got rid of my edges so now i'm going to switch back to my regular healing brush tool and i'm just going to sample right over here and then paint and paint it away okay so i'm not going to go right to the edge i removed my edges with the clone stamp tool first and then i can go in there so let's try it again so let's go ahead and get rid of that here we go sample here by holding alt or option here we go let's go ahead and get rid of that that's my edge i'm going to get rid of this edge here too and here too all of this with the clone stamp tool and then j for the healing brush tool now i can just sample this wall texture and paint right over there and because it doesn't have to worry about any edges it's going to do much much better there we go alt or option to sample and just kind of paint over so you can it's all like a little bit of a play between between all these tools right so clone stamp tool for your edge boom there we go let's get the edge taken care of up here as well and then j for the healing brush tool sample and paint this thing away alt or option sample again if you need to paint that thing away cool and we're coming along right i know this example it doesn't have any people in it so i was like uh this is kind of like a little bit of a boring-ish image to do on a tutorial i usually like to have like people or like an interesting product or something like that just because it's like the image itself is usually more interesting but this image promotes a bunch of difficult situations for object removal so i was like this is going to be cool this will be a cool tutorial because it's kind of hard so right now i'm just using the regular healing brush tool i'm just sampling all these little areas of detail and then painting over and it's just kind of filling these in so if you don't have like really well-defined edges the healing brush tool is the way to go it's fantastic all right let's go ahead and get that gone let's get back on in just a second we're gonna get this arch and that's gonna be pretty cool a bit of technique as well so same thing here just clone stamped the beginning and the edge the beginning and the end of that and then use the healing brush tool to fill in the middle again here clone stamp tool and then healing brush tool but this is like how will we get a how are we going to do that um how are we going to do that well let's start by just getting rid of this little lamp thing here to start with all right and we're going to get rid of it with the regular healing brush tool okay so i took all of my edges out with the clone stamp tool and then we're coming back in here to get the center part and that's all going to be with the healing brush tool fantastic all right so how do we get that edge gone well what we're going to do we're going to create a new layer all right s for the clone stamp tool we're going to just sample this area and then i'm just going to paint it in whatever you want it doesn't matter where you paint it here we go right there and then you're going to use your move tool let's lower the opacity that okay it's on a new layer so i can hit ctrl or command t and then rotate that right and then get something that like fits there pretty cool right hit enter uh let's bring our opacity back to 100 and then let's just mask this in so i just put a black layer mask on it now i put a white layer mask and we can just mask this back in and i have my really nice edge there intact so again all of the the edges are pretty much taken care of let's go ahead and create a new layer clone stamp this little bit there [Music] no right here all right there we go i know it's not perfect now but we're ready for the healing brush tool so create a new layer there we go sample this area here and we're ready to start healing this area out even though we have a really large area we need to take care of healing brush tool is going to work really well there we go you can see the more i get rid of it the better of a job it does all right but we still have this nice edge right there so hey you're looking pretty good right all right let's create a new layer and you can see i'm just cranking through my layers we got a ton of them but this is uh you you know there's no limit to how many layers you can make in photoshop there we go let's go ahead and paint that away and all of these different layers really do help with workflow there we go perfect that looks pretty good let's just kind of warp this into place so i'm going to right click here control the command t then right click and go to warp okay and then i'm going to warp that up and then we're going to warp that down so it just like goes into um you know the rest of the area where it's supposed to go let's go ahead and create a new layer or same thing over here so clone stamp this over here boom all right and i know this is like repeating my textures over and over again but not super concerned with it just yet because i just need to get these clothes gone all right so let's hold alt or option and sample this area here boop because we need to get rid of this all these shadows from these clothes getting our work cut out for us today aren't we all right there we go and perfect then i'm gonna hit controller command t up here we go all right let's go ahead and i'm going to create a new layer and we're going to just sample this here and i'm going to paint this in there fantastic and then let's hit controller command right click and then go to warp and then i'll just warp that back up so it connects all right new layer [Laughter] this is a challenge but we're doing great if you're still watching this uh thank you for still watching this we're doing it together we got this all right so i'm just using the regular healing brush tool now and just trying to get rid of as much of this as i possibly can there we go you can see the more you get rid of the better the tool actually winds up doing all right i need to get rid of all this stuff like that um it might have been better to use a clone stamp tool here but that's okay healing brush tool it's doing pretty well too so what we're going to do in just a little bit is i'm going to come in and um we're going to use some content aware to try to get rid of and like kind of replace all this detail because it's uh we just need to because i've got all kinds of weird weird detail and weird colors also if you do something like this like i did since just now and you're like oh that's not so great um we're making a bunch of layers here so uh if if it's not perfect then uh you know you can always turn your layer off and try it again okay let's keep on going though i'm going to create a new layer now we're going to just go with the regular spot healing brush tool and i'm just going to like let this do its thing in like relatively large patches because it's just going to kind of put different parts of this image together and it's going to make stuff that you couldn't really make on your own because it it just throws random areas of your photograph together but it's actually really good for creating like fake detail um there we go all this little detail it makes like relatively well defined and nice edges as well and um you know if obviously like this texture and stuff like that back there it doesn't have to be perfectly what the texture was before just has to be like realistic texture all right that's looking pretty dece short for decent december geese gotta get rid of this thing here here we go so the next time your client's like can you remove all these clothes that make up like 40 of this image you can say yeah i can do that it's uh it's gonna cost you a lot of money because it's gonna take a lot of time it'd be very difficult but yes i can do it all right there we go i'm just using the regular healing brush tool to get rid of all that detail now and then this is looking pretty good right like okay so we have a relatively soft edge that's kind of coming through the building and then this edge uh it now we're like winding up with like relatively hard edges here which we don't want right like we want a relatively soft edge between shadow and highlight so i'm just going to grab this clone stamp tool we're just going to clone stamp and i'm going to you know kind of make my own edge here there we go i'm just going to kind of fake it uh and then once we've done a decent job faking that edge then i'm gonna come in and grab the spot healing brush tool that's gonna add some more fake detail so we're faking the edge and then we're gonna fake some detail um there we go and then we're gonna soften that edge i just don't all this shadow stuff shouldn't really be there there we go okay so fake that edge now we're going to go with the regular healing brush tool which uses content aware right so it's sorry the spot healing brush tool which uses content to wear to kind of fill this in because all this like that bit of detail it's just so like fuzzy right but i just paint over with the spot healing brush tool and it's gonna just try to figure out some detail and fill it in and man it's just like saved the day so many so many times right it's just like oh cool now it actually looks like real detail um awesome thank you spot healing brush tool for making it look like real detail is there all right cool and then we'll just paint along the edge there a little bit now it's trying to make it like an actual edge but it's not it's just a shadow edge there but that's okay um because let's just paint a little in here a little up there isn't that cool like look at that there's a before and then the after it just added that in there and it made that detail look like real um cool so cool all right yeah just kind of like making sure this doesn't look like the same thing over and over again right then i'm going to create a new layer b for the brush tool i'm just going to grab this color and then just paint in nice soft fake edge and then we're going to change our blend mode from normal down to darken okay so now we have our relatively soft edge for our shadow all right cool let's give it a bit of a blur it's a little bit too of a hard edge still there we go man this is looking pretty good and then we're going to create a new layer and i am just going to do a uh i want some of this detail over here so we're going to grab our healing brush tool i'm going to grab like that little thing like there and then i'm just gonna put it over here how cool is that you just want to be relatively precise when you do this so grab that little thing there and then put it over there grab that little thing put it over there this thing up here so this is with the regular healing brush tool but it's just taking different textures and kind of filling them in different places and then your brain just kind of like fills in all of the gaps and uh yeah for the most part you're like good to go let's just go ahead and do the same thing here all right pretty cool all right and then when you get to something like this that doesn't work then you can grab the spot healing brush tool and kind of do something like this and it'll kind of give it a natural looking edge and it'll terminate it in a relatively realistic way wow look at that we actually did it uh i'm impressed let's shift click all these layers here by the way you guys can download this psd on phlearn completely for free and the sample image so you guys can try this out yourself but let's just turn this off and on check out that before and after a lot of difficult stuff here uh like pretty like a lot of edges a lot of detail removed a lot of stuff that needed to stay continuous so like the big takeaway here is like basically we started off by doing like blanket removal stuff just like getting this stuff gone and then came in and worried about the detail later and using tools like content aware that's associated with your spot healing brush tool that allowed us to create a lot of these realistic edges from like blurred detail repeating items and blurred detail are the dead giveaways that you removed something so obviously you want to clone stamp away those repeating items where it's like the same thing over and over again and then always go through again with the spot healing brush tool and make sure to get rid of any blurred areas you have spot healing brush tool just kind of like fake put detail in there and as you can see it works really really well thanks so much for watching if you guys want to get more free photoshop tutorials hit that subscribe button give us a big thumbs up here on this video while you're at it helps with that youtube algorithm don't forget you guys can download all the stuff on phlearn right down below thanks again i'll learn you later bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 29,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove anything in photoshop, remove objects in photoshop, remove things in photoshop, clone stamp tool, how to use photoshop, how to remove objects in photoshop, photoshop content aware fill, content-aware fill, remove busy background photoshop, clean up busy background, remove large objects in photoshop, how to remove objects from background in photoshop, best way to remove objects in photoshop
Id: dr1KJD_HAMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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