How to create a sharp Orton glow in Photoshop | Landscape photography tutorial

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hey i'm dale and today i just wanted to do a quick little video on how to make the orton effect uh butt sharp so um a little bit of background behind this you know when i first learned how to do the the orton effect the one thing that it didn't quite have was a little sharpness that a lot of people kind of seem to have with their images whether that be selective in in areas or just overall it still had that the dreamy feeling but managed to also have the sharpness in the edges so let's jump into an image that i've been working on at the moment and i'll show you what i can do so we're in uh photoshop here i'm towards the end of editing an image generally when i do an orton effect i do it either at the start just to kind of give a feel and help kind of change the direction that i want to edit the image or i do it at the end just to give it a little bit of a little bit of pop so there's a couple of ways you can do it uh you can either go into tk actions so tk actions is a luminosity mask panel you can get it for free uh and you can do a selection so i'll do a selection on the lights generally that's what that's what looks good for for autumns so we'll do a lights one selection that'll grab absolutely everything and then down bottom left here do a orton effect what this will do and this is how i used to do it is uh create a norton effect um specific to um those luminosity values so in this case it's the lights one which will be pretty much the the most highlighted uh bits of the image uh gaussian blur let's change that to 15. actually no let's go to 25 so then i can show you the comparison between this and then the other technique that i use for the autumn effect okay here we go so it's doing the adjustment now okay and we can see it's put it in a folder just here so without and with so you can see it's quite uh quite aggressive in this case uh and it's only specific to to the highlights however i do like having the feeling over an entire image so uh let's do the other effect so um first things first just so we can start from scratch create a stamped layer so on the mac it's uh command option shift e or control option shift e on a pc that'll stamp the layer so that'll get everything everything together it'll flatten it all and then we go so we select that top layer we go filter wait for it to go filter blur gaussian blur now uh in terms of the radius i sit at about 25 people say that it should be the uh the radius of the size of your sensor so i've got a nikon d610 so the sensor size for that's about 24 so i generally go about 25 but it's photography it's art you can kind of do whatever you want but i'll sit on 25 for the moment okay so that's applied that gaussian blur to that specific layer then if we go to image adjustments brightness and contrast what we're going to do is we're going to bring up the contrast to 100 so that's going to kind of really really dial it in and then the brightness um that can go plus or minus depending on the feeling that you want to have in the image i'm going to go five i'm going to go okay now you can see you've just got a blurry dark image with nothing on it what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into the opacity and change the opacity to 15 so let's have a little look here so that's before that's after something that's really really nice about the the ord and glow is it gets rid of all those micro contrasts that you can see and it kind of helps simplify the image anyway so let's get that there now it looks alright but pretty much everything is is blurry as well you know what i mean just because of the nature of the autumn glow it makes everything look dreamy and nice which which is which is fine but um we can do a little bit better so what we're going to do is we're going to duplicate the original layer so command or control j and then we're going to go filter filter other high pass and then we're going to do a high pass of 1 pixels so high passes there so it's going to apply the high pass to that image now you've got a super duper uh gray looking image which is completely fine but it's it's all the little adjustments and you can probably just see them little bits and pieces it's got in the edges it's just kind of sharpened it up a little bit so what we'll do is we'll make the other layer layer visible and we'll put the high pass layer up there we'll rename that high pass and then the one underneath we'll rename to autumn with the high pass just because it's in the the normal layer mode at the moment we're going to change that to i'm pretty sure it's overlay yep to overlay here so uh just from the outset it doesn't look like it's done much but let's zoom into this this kind of focal point here so these trees uh and then let's turn off the high pass so you can see it's kind of blurred it um a little bit with just the straight up order and the high passes come through and added more details to it now you might not necessarily want the high pass everywhere um you might want to let's say you're doing an audit effect and it's a mountain or something like that you just want the mountain to be sharp you want the area around for aesthetics to be still blurry and orton looking like what you can just do is you can create a layer mask on that so just down here layer mask white reveals black conceals so what we're going to do is i'm just going to go x to switch the primary black and white brush swatches and then go a command or control delete and that's going to fill that high pass layer with black so black conceals white reveals it's stuck in my head and then what we're going to do is we can get a brush with an opacity of about 100 so keep it at 100 and then we're just going to selectively go through and focus and just click on those trees there so we're keeping that area there specifically sharper and the rest not sharp so if we have a look so i'm doing the forward slash here if we have a look at the um the the kind of masking that's going on at the moment you can see here the areas that are red are the areas that haven't been masked in the areas that are that you can see there have so let's turn that off and then turn that on and then let's just have a little zoom into that area again so this is with it on and then off so you can see this area here with all the light rays and stuff coming in it um that's still blurry and still nice and still kind of ethereal and and stuff like that however the the trees are a little bit more in focus and kind of help uh bring the eye to that focal point uh anyway i hope that was interesting i hope that was helpful uh let me know in the comments if it was uh like subscribe all those good things and i'll see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Dale Gribble
Views: 2,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HUWlzw39YAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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