Tithing Was a Law For Who? Pt.1

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all right guys we're on live good evening good afternoon good morning to all of my Facebook YouTube viewers as promised I told you that I was going to be doing a teaching on the tiding thing and I'm gonna wait for some folks to get on and once we get on we'll be able to get straight into it now I'm gonna say something right now that I know you're not gonna believe me right but because this is an introduction to it I'm not gonna be long tonight I'm gonna be under now now when I'm actually watching the clock okay because I have a lot of meaty parts of this but I just want to give a layout on this tiding thing I've been getting tons of requests for it for many months now I've always kind of prepared but I wasn't led to teach it at that time most of you that know me I teach as I am led you can recommend but ultimately I teach as I'm led so people are coming in right now okay I see my YouTube folks I see my Facebook folks coming in but again we're doing a teaching on tiny be doing a teaching on tiring and I just want to make a few disclaimers prior to going in on this because you know you know I'm about to just rip the head off of this right and again this is not to throw any shade or any church or any preacher and the purpose of us preachers and teachers and ministers of the gospel we must be the 4runners of truth however not our truth but the truth of the Holy Scriptures what does the Bible say and for those of you that follow me I I consistently say to you I'm not interested in your opinion I don't care how you feel in terms of descriptions that is that cannot help me I in order for me to get the benefits of what Christ has promised us or how to access those benefits they're like what anything in life we have to comply with and by the laws that will produce that particular end result and not I feel but I know based on what I'm about to show you tonight and many other things that we've grabbed a whole of have nothing to do with the Scriptures have nothing to do with us we are in no way connected to these things that we have heard heard hurled from pulpits across the length and breadth of this world but because we we were raised to honor holy men of God and people of the Clawd and you don't question them and whatever they say that's it and that's what our parents and grandparents told us but that's not what the Bible says the Bible said that the Bereans even dopes all those seventy had to say those fellows went and even did study to see what all those were saying were true so this notion of you cannot question your past or your leader you know I don't know what I'd Hitler Stalin dictator type stuff come from but I have nothing to do our descriptions so tonight I want to begin the introduction as it relates to the validity of timing and most of you most of your churches make a demand on you now again this is not a tonal shape or no posture this is not to throw no shade or no church we the purpose of this is to seek the truth what does the Bible say and the church should be the forerunners the pacesetters as it relates to truth not the pastor opinion not Kevin's opinion not how rat-ass also apostle or your highness feel we don't care about your feelings when it comes to the Word of God we well I want the truth and it's the truth that I will live by and not as what I'm training you to do yes question it when it doesn't line up with the word of God you should have no fear not because no leader should be lying to you and telling you something that the Bible does not say right well with that said let's get into it all right now let's get to the tide what is the tide well according to the Scriptures the time is really a tenth portion or one tenth portion of something right if you have a hundred dollars and you take a tenth from that then it'll be ten dollars okay so the tide is mentioned very early in the Old Testament in fact I have it here the first time the very first time I want to so I'm gonna give you the scriptures because we're gonna turn there the very first time that the tide was mentioned was in Genesis 14 verses 18 to 20 and we're gonna turn there because I want to build a foundation here and here is how I'm gonna take this teaching tonight I'm not gonna take the tying like how it's normally taken from break to malloc I know what we gonna do is take it from the very beginning from the very first time the tide or tithing was mentioned in the Bible and we gonna meticulously go through it okay and then we're gonna come all the way down and we're gonna cover that in this one session right here we're gonna show who the tide was applicable to who was responsible in getting it who were responsible and giving it because we want to show a pattern alright now what you're gonna discover from this teaching is that you're gonna see the history who was supposed to get this tide who's supposed to give this time and so on and so forth and we're gonna look for the law that's that's how I gonna run this tonight we're looking for the Lord rules the principles where is it in the Bible where it is a rule is a law then the I become a law for the body of Christ and New Testament believers when did when did this law come into place okay it was a law for some other set of people but what are we looking for I'm gonna forensically do this how do we how do we tie us the those who have no affiliations with those who were given a law and covenant to participate in a tithing system how did we how did your preacher how did your posture how did your apostle tie you where is the scripture that we could find where is the rules that's what I'm looking for because if we're not gonna apply the rules then I want to know we can make up anything so what we are in search of tonight is the rules where did the rules where can we look in the scripture and see the words commandment law ordinance rules as it relates the time and to whom you see because when we do that we're now going to clear up the muddy water and you just can't tell me if I die if I don't tide then I'm gonna be curse because I can make up a rule too I could say well have you walk to my front door you will be curse I could tell you if you don't somersaults you will be curse I could say to you if you missing one of your five digits you could be curse and you could say to me show me the law where in the biblical law or even the law of the land show me show me a rule of principle that is governing the system you're trying to implement and no makeup no hocus-pocus don't tell me because so-and-so did it then you want to take that on don't tell me that because I could say to you right now if you want to use that system I could say let's say I had a father lesson my father was in prison okay and there were some rules in the prison that he had to abide by me being the seed of my father shed I now raise my children based on the rules that my father was subject to in the prison that had absolutely zero to do with Kevin Ewing and his seed boy I hope you all ready for the night body case I'm playing with you tonight so call your pastor tell him I di I'm trying to travel share of him I want him to teach the true Word of God you know why because like I've been giving you pieces in my previous messages when you follow the truth when I would say true because the tithing is true but it just wasn't for us but when you follow the system for the New Testament believers trust me not only will you get more but you will be able to give you a church and your pastor or whoever else more but there are systems for us now in terms of our finances in giving just how there were still was a system for the children of Israel all right good so let's go to Genesis 14 Genesis chapter 14 and you're gonna you're gonna hear me quote some scriptures and that you've never heard before and the reason why you never heard them in your church because it will go directly against the tithing system that you guys subscribe to and that's why your preacher will never preach it he or she would never preach it because I mean a fool will feel good right away that honking why we being why is this adam man on us why is there a demand on us to pay this to side Genesis chapter 14 we're gonna read from verse 18 of course 18 well let's go from verse 17 Genesis chapter 14 read from verse 17 to 20 and the king of sodom went out to meet him him would have been Abraham and this would have been right after Abraham I'd take down some other Kings I think he had went to retrieve Loras nephew yeah so anyway and the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of child Adam or whatever that is and the kings that were with him at the valley of Shiva which is the King's Dale verse 18 of Genesis 14 and Melchizedek okay let's not do this carefully now and Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest this is key he was the priests of the who of the Most High God and He blessed him who bless who Melchizedek who was the priest of the Most High God blessed Abram or Abraham as we know it alright verse 19 and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven and earth verse 20 of Genesis 14 and blessed be the Most High God which had delivered thine enemies into thine hand and he who was he Abram or Abraham and he an Abraham gave him who was him Melchizedek tithe or a tenth of all that he had now here is where we're gonna make sense now we're not gonna use riddles and to sub things to make people give this here is not a standard this here is a one-time event there is no ordinance attached to this this is no law this is no rule nowhere in the scriptures prior to this incident can we find where it was a wall to give a tight or what-have-you however this was a foreshadow of what was to come about another group of people because I tell you circular word I said to you take note of the word priests Abraham gave a tenth of all that he had tied to the priests and when you read more about it'll say then this priests didn't have no mother no father and so on was almost as if he met Jesus Christ or God himself on there and that's what I was talking about but anyway that's a different story but let's stick seekers when people discuss in the tie they like to say well the tide was in just then the Levites a neighbor not Abraham and the children of Israel days the time was all the way back from Abraham this okay fine I agree with you so what's your point in saying that no but wouldn't you you say that to say what are you saying that because it was there that Mena we should pay tide no no that's the opinion that's how you feel that's what you thinking because if you cannot show me the rule the law where it was customary that this is what you do then my buddy you you you reaching for straws now and and and this is why one of the reasons why I walk away from the bill into I mean in 2012 I got tired of the making up stuff let's just take it for what it says we don't have to defend God God is quite capable of his would defends itself so in the scripture it says that Abram honored this priests Melchizedek that he gave him a tenth but the priest blessed him first and then he gave him a tenth of what he had when we read the scripture again there is absolutely nothing in there that says this is how life should be for everybody there was nothing in there that says and God told Abram give him a tenth and so shall has seed be given a tenth know and of course I know that people are there always turn to Hebrews 7 five we can get there we can get there but let's stick wood below and the only sand at markers you ain't got more leverage here so we could surmise this first mentioning of the tide as not a standard event but a one-time event okay this was in something that we could now use as a support for tiding today all right let's look at the second time that the tide was mentioned in the scriptures okay like I tell you I'm building a foundation here and the foundation which I'm building building here is we're looking for laws rules ordinances why because in order for any system to operate the way it was intended or designed to operate then there must be rules and regulations and so on with it as a result of that as a result of that this is how we operated at its peak now listen to this now in Genesis chapter 28 let's go to Genesis 28 Genesis 28 and we're gonna read from verse 16 to verse 22 this is the second time the tie is being mentioned in the scripture alright we talked we commented from Genesis now we're working our way down alright Genesis 28 beginning at verse 16 on Jacob who was jacob jacob was the son of isaac jacob was the grandson of Abraham and Jacob await out of his sleep and he said surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not verse 17 of Genesis 28 and he who's he Jacob and Jacob was afraid and said how dreadful is this place this is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven verse 18 and Jacob rose up early in the morning and took the stone that he had put for his pillows and set it up for a pillar and poured oil upon the top of it and he called the name of that place Bethel but the name of that city was called the love at first or originally verse 20 of Genesis 28 and Jacob vowed Jacob vowed so that sound like that was his decision to me that don't sound like that was a law to me that no sound like that was a rule to me he's making a vow he's making a commitment he's basically saying I'm an ant to prove to you that I am gonna do this right here this is no Lord this is no rule this is no standard see let's be clear okay let's be clear no let's play no games and talk and foolish is an admin and taken away from the Word of God let's read it for what it says Genesis 28 verse 20 this is after he came out of a dream where God promised him all kind of stuff he was so overwhelmed when he woke up he said God had to have been here that's how real it was he is now about to make a vow nobody is pressuring him to Doris this is what he has decided to do all right just like when Abram made a decision a personal decision to bless Melchizedek the priests and Jacob vowed a vow saying if God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on verse 21 so that I come again to my father's house and peace then shall the Lord be my god god if you do all these things for me I will call you my Gordon right not that I will believe you are my God now watch what he can say in verse 22 and this stone which I have set for a pillar shall be God's house and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth or the tide unto thee this is his so no choice this is the commitment that he is making to his god there is no rules set here there's nothing written and stupid we can reference and say that through the lineage of Abraham that tied was demanded by God and if they didn't pay a tithe they would be curse there is none of that let me bring this baby home for you all right every country has laws if not we'll be lawless and the most common laws issued you stealing murder rape and so on if stealing was not only law books then someone a police arresting you for stealing would be a waste of time first of all because when you get to court what are they gonna charge you it Your Honor I'm bringing Kevin here Kevin was caught stealing his neighbor's goat okay well let's look at the penal laws and all this other stuff let's see oh you see I do see I see murder tow hooks a murder you get thirty years okay I see rate we give you 40 years all right I see that I encourage you of court and so on okay you had a minimum of two years maximum of five years we don't have stealing on the books so the purpose of the officer is to enforce the laws that the late legislative an executive body of that country had created a police officer does not make laws a police officer does not legislate laws a police officer enforce or ensure that the laws of the land are carried out we go discover your pastor your bishop your teacher Kevin this is just this is the premises and the basis of what I say do you open repeatedly I don't care about your opinion I don't want to hear it show me the scripture show me the law if the Bible does not say it if I cannot if you okay I'm showing you the story about Abraham and Jacob you show me where did the New Testament when when did God change when did he say no more will the Levitical or and the priesthood collect I I have now converted that over to your pasta where can I find that because I got some more to show you okay where and again we're not here let me be clear I got to make my disclaimer not here the trona she Raja pastor not here to berate no church no pastor on and not only that I'm not here to tell you don't give your tired I'm not telling you don't give to your pastor and I've already gave you a teaching said I had I said listen you with the new system you you can give more to them this ain't taking nothing from them this is taking you from a limited system this is taking you from a system that was specifically designed for the Hebrew people you are not Hebrew and you get that Paul made it clear what your role is in the giving and how you ought to give and I know many of you find this challenging I know you find this difficult because you saying to yourself look here all my life we gave tired Grammy gave tied mummy gave tired Papa no sorry Pooky Pooky and Baba and Suzie and Shakira and Rokita them all and give tired even when they didn't want to mama that made it seem as if if you don't give that you could never be blessed you will never cross one let's say mama where you get that from mama you told us if we steal as a sin and we read that mama you told us if we do evil and relied as a sin before God we should repent I read that mama but mama you say if we don't pay the time we break the laws of God and we sin where does where can I find that because it's because of a chemical in it mama no disrespect to you its son like an opinion it's sound like that's how you feel or what you've been taught over the years and you've carried that baton of the tradition you've been taught that if you don't give this time you are cursed with a curse you've been toward that okay and I've read that to at least the part that they told me every Sunday until I read all of it show me the law when the tithing become a law to the New Testament church I want to hear it I want to see the scripture please show it to me please show to me please please showed me I I will I will digress regress I will apologize I will I will stand on the highest mountain and say I was wrong about this show me somebody type of let me see let me know somebody please show me show me when did the law when it became a law because I can show you where it became a law somebody please show me again as Kevin telling you not to tie it no don't let them lie on my name okay and keep saying it over and over because they like play little clips of my video well I got y'all for witness I am there I will never tell you not to pay your tie that is your personal decision to make but I will show you where your time is not relevant for today and if you participate in the time you are cheating yourself you are robbing yourself and if you're paying the tide the windows of heaven will never be open up onto you God will never pour you out a blessing that they wouldn't even be wrong in fact your life is evidence of it now you've been paying tired since Timbuktu where is your overflow where's your riches where's the things that they promise you you will have your first food last food billy-goat Footwear okay all that you've been given where can i where can you point me to to show me the material wealth that they told you you would have gained from it you ain't get nothing because that was never for you and we can get deep into that so Jacob made a vow this was so this was a personal decision he made stop preachers speaking this like this a law stopped talking about when Abraham gave the military shelter that his chest chest that a tenth of what he had why are you preaching not as if that's a Lord that's what we should do I've heard so many teachings on time and descriptions I'm about to get into now none of this they will speak about in terms of explaining it all right so let's look at something else okay so so far we saw the two times that the tide was mentioned and in no instance and those two was it a law or a rule or a principle right now we're gonna go to the next time the third time and repeatedly that the tide was mentioned and now we're going to see where it is now a law Lord I love this or Lauren loved this so much so let's go to numbers let's go to numbers let's go to numbers chapter one okay and we're gonna read from verse 47 to verse 54 alright numbers chapter 1 beginning at verse 47 but the Levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them them being the other tribes of Israel meaning in that day the other tribes were counted as and from the head such as Reuben and Reuben descendants and they were all counted in a coded form but the scripture saying it at the tribe of Levi they were advised by God or by Moses was advised by God by 2 don't count them so in verse 47 of numbers 1 it says but the Levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them for the Lord had spoken unto Moses saying only thou shalt not number the tribe of Levi neither take the sum or a total of them among the children of Israel but thou shall appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of testimony and over all the vessels thereof and over all things that belong to it they shall bear the tabernacle and all the vessels thereof and they shall minister unto it and shall encamp us around about the tabernacle verse 51 of numbers 1 and when the tabernacle set it forward the Levite shall take it down and when the tabernacle is to be pitch the Levite shall set it up and the stranger that comet crows shall be put to death so what he's saying here is now listing the duties of the Levite and when it came to the tabernacle because there was a big tent only the Levites were held responsible for dismantling it and when they moved to another place to set it up and they the only ones who could have set it up and he says that ever stranger came then a stranger would be someone who was outside of the nation of Israel if they came nearer it the road was they would be put to death right verse 52 of numbers one says and the children revision shall pitch their tents every man by his own camp and every man by his own standard throughout their house but the Levites shall pitch round about the tabernacle of testimony that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of Israel and the Levites should keep the charge or the aura of the tabernacle of testimony verse 54 and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded to do so God is now setting up the rules the laws and the ordinance for how they ought to operate as it relates to the tabernacle and how the duties of the Levites are you gonna see where God I'm gonna show you that to where God made a covenant where the Levites would be responsible solely for the things of God his church and so on and so forth they would be responsible for the sin offering for the ceremonial laws it's the Passover thought they only them these were the ones who were responsible for it God was so but because they represented God they represented him so much so that he said listen now when I tell you all to leave from here you cannot get no help from the tribe of Reuben you could get get no help from the tribe of Simeon you cannot get no help from nobody else the only one who could help you in assembling and disassembling this step would be that of the Levite or the bloodline lineage so why am I telling you this I'm trying to show you here now the importance of the Levites and their responsibilities and I have to build list you because this can take us into who is to get the time who was ordered to have it who gave the law for who to have the rule to pay what to who see the antique Judas or they tell you us give the time no we can see and crystal clear view what the deal was so God is setting up the order here that Levi there's no other tribe like them gonna send them aside for himself in fact before like in the days of Moses it was all about the firstborn so God replaced that system no more firstborn no more firstborn now the firstborn to me now would be the tribe of Levi they're the ones that I'm gonna pick to be my hands and feet and heirs and what I want y'all to do I will speak through them watch listen I want you to follow me now so let's go to numbers chapter 3 numbers chapter 3 okay then we're gonna read from verse 5 to verse 13 okay numbers chapter 3 beginning in verse 5 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying bring the tribe of Levi near and present them before Aaron the priest that they may minister unto him and they shall keep his charge that were charged also mean command that they may keep his command and the charge of a command of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of the congregation to do the service of the tabernacle now remember who airinas aaron was the face high priests with Treiber see for him again he was from the tribe of levi remember Aaron had two siblings Moses and Miriam his sister all right Aaron came true the descendants of Levi Levi was the second son of Jacob that he had with Leah okay so listen to this now in verse eight says of numbers three and they shall keep whose day the Levites and they shut and and they shall keep sorry verse nine and thou shalt give the Levites unto Aaron and to his sons they are wholly given unto him out of the children of Israel and thou shall appoint Aaron and his sons and they shall wait on their priests office and a stranger that command I shall be put to death no body else especially a stranger could be a part of the Levitical priests Leora why why you keep saying this Kevin because as we about to get into the priests the priests I want to be clear the priests wasn't an ordained title by man first of all to be qualified for a priest back then or as a priest you had to have been of the tribe or the bloodline of Levi why because it was Levi that God chose this group here will not be like the other eleven groups in fact this is where my covenant the Levitical priests li covenant and now I'm going to show you that word see because when you see the word covenant okay this is an agreement between two or more people and in this case the Covenant the Levitical priests li covenant was made between God and the tribe of Levi how did you get in there tell me how how because we're gonna see we're a part of the Covenant the other the the other tribes of Israel were commanded to pay tie or a tenth of all of their agricultural wages meaning that they didn't have no money like that they had cheapening and vegetables and so on they had to give them God says you will give it to Levi this is a law so this is the part I wanted to get to it then did the tide become a law that time became a law then God made a covenant it's called a Levitical priests lis covenant between the tribe of Levi and himself how did you get a Levi how did your posture become a Levi see when I was saying it you always get mad at me if I am wrong tell your pastor whoever your teachers show me where Merle show me that what I just said is wrong showed me where it was not a law where they were to collect the time and then show me where it became a law where you where your pastor who was not of the Levitical order that we about to see was an everlasting order how did he become a Levi I'm throwing no shade at your posture and I in fact I hope your pastor listening to this so he can finally say to y'all listen that's sure the Bible say we can follow the Bible and I've been giving you my opinion in fact I was giving you what they told me ain't no shame in your game be real and that's why many of you are frustrated because you paid the tide you felt you did right but you are seeing zero they'll trickle effect and the trickle effect has to happen why because when you ping the tide you're following the the New Testament rules in this ring he that give sparingly shall reap sparingly but he know Malachi 3:8 to ten or six to ten will wait for you because that was not for you that was for the priestly Levitical aura that you have no right to you are totally exonerated for now simply because of your blood line you are not of the bloodline of Levi hence because it was a covenant made between the bloodline of Levi and God how did you get my covenant tell me how tell me I can take my time with this baby tonight because listen you need to know you want to see why what I told you what I saw I told you I said listen in 2012 when I left the church building because I am the church I discontinued paying the 10% that I was commanded to do because all my life I heard if you don't pay it you are curse all right even though I'm reading something totally different from what I was hearing from the pulpit but I was trained just like you I was indoctrinated just like you that because pastor said because bishop said because a person who ever said and everybody else they all in this together then how can all of them be right and the Bible be wrong so I stopped being the type and I took her on the system of the scriptures even when it came down to face fruit every year and the various churches that I went to January you they want you have wali a paycheck either the first week the first month or some get greedy they want a whole month and they say you've given it unto God and all this garbage are you Amy right because when I'm reading these were the ones that collected it no and that first food were to go to Goa right so the first fruit and again let's go back to to Abram he gave the booty on his tent until the priests Melchizedek because my chesnic represented God like I said I was a shadow of what we're talking about right now what was to come between the tribes of Israel and Levi who was single log for him Levi represented God Levi would enhance feet of God and so when they gave the first fruit that whatever fruit that when they gave it to the Levitical order for them to bless and have a feast or whatever that was going to go on that's what it represented so what do I do today well the book of Proverbs chapter three verses 9 to 10 it says to give the price or increase you know what let's turn there let's let's let's let's should I go there right now no no be coming didn't let me just finish this up for it again do anxious let me let me finish this up here because I will drive home a point even more I'll put some more nails in this in this coffin okay now watch this verse 11 of Numbers chapter 3 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying and I beheld I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead let us now instead of all the firstborn that open it the matrix among the children of Israel therefore the Levites shall be mine the rule before that every woman the firstborn of every one God say that's that's for me your first child you bring forward out of your womb that's for me God says okay that I can do away with that now and I'm just gonna hold in the vehicle tribe as my people meaning that those who will do the services and the duties of the temple or instructions of God alright verse 13 says of numbers three because all the firstborn are mine for on the day that I smart all the firstborn in the land of Egypt I hallowed unto me all the firstborn in Israel both man and beast mine shall they be I am the lord okay now let's quickly go to proverbs chapter 3 and we're gonna give to gonna read verse from verse 9 to verse 10 listen what it says now it says under the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruit of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine now we are told again in the church you bring that to the church you bring that to the pasta that's what you bring it to right now they will tell you in the scripture here they represent the Lord okay I hear you but the scripture says otherwise because when I read Matthew 25 remember I told him I love the scripture where it says that the Lord shall come and gather all nations and he's gonna put a divide between them and on his right will be the Sheep went on as the left will be the goat and the sheep will be wondering how did we he said the Sheep he said the Sheep you you I have a sign or I'm gonna you gonna go into the kingdom of God never wondering how hard we qualify for this he said when I was hungry you fed me when I was naked you clothed me when I was in prison you came to visit me the Sheep said well Lord master when did this happen I don't remember seeing you so this is how you give your first fruit to the Lord he said when you gave it to the lease of this he was giving it unto me mighty god yes y'all hear this he said the process tell you they represent God so bring your first paycheck here bring your feel yo yo you're one month salary to me cuz I I represent God based on the Levitical order like they're some Levite know Matthew 25 Jesus said when you went out of your way and did it for the lease among you the poor the needy the broken the tread and on all of that he said you didn't realize it but you were doing it unto me Lord I mean some of these comments let me read some of these comments cuz I get caught up in here tonight and I even start yet okay he said the first fruits remember I told you what my wife and I do any income any revenue we get come in we got our people line up and we're not limited to that way ever God lead us we already got the people because they are one whatever God say give if a thousand company say give the thousand see because this work for us there's no limits on us this is what you call walk in my fig you are not walking by three when you pay 10% you are walking by faith when the Lord said in your heart you have $100 give $50 to that woman on the road radio you do good to Ted because a 10 much money I mean but if we tell you give after it no no and he said you what to bless you he say if you sow bountifully listen to the rules if you sow bountifully you will rebound flee if you're so grudgingly and sparingly you shall reap likewise he's giving you a system that supersedes the 10% first of all it 10% wasn't for you that 10% by law which you will see before the system that the Hebrew people Hebrew people use law so our first fruits now used to give it to the church and never saw a return nothing made again some money see had little Trickle stuff but I tell you the difference is it is it is unbelievable it is a joy to give it is a joy to give to other teachers and I love to do it because we see the return and I'm talking in most cases instant return why because we are following the proper rules how could God bless you know overflow when you following a rule that have nothing to do with you which is the Hebrew rules your past is not a Levite y'all get mad at me like I trying to cause trouble okay okay okay okay I'm gonna receive you okay let me see your pastor Israelite passport please okay and even when I see that show me tell me tell him show me how he connected to Levi I will see that and even if he showed me how he connected to Levi - show me who ordained him as a priests which Levites even - cuz I can show you how they are ordained cuz so the couple protocols you got to go through to become a priest to become the recipient of the tide from the other 11 tribes and if you make it all the way up to proving the miniature Levite not show me in your local church in the Caribbean wherever you live in Trinidad and Tobago Jamaica in Bahamas Saint Kitts now you pick on the twelve tribes of Israel in there the descendents for me who walk by law supposed to pay you the Levite the tenth of whatever they earn please show it to me please show it to me I want to see it but so far given you scriptures I will see yours if I'm wrong so let's go to numbers 32 32 numbers 3 sorry numbers 332 numbers 3 32 and it says an Eleazar the son of Aaron the priests shall be chief over the chief of the Levites and have the oversight of them that keep the command or the charge of the sanctuary these were rules that were given by God that only the priests as it relates to the sanctuary the temple whatever you want to call it the tabernacle only these guys got allowed through his law choose me for them to be dealing with this or on any level now let's go to numbers chapter 8 now miss chapter 8 I'm gonna read from verse five to verse 22 because if your pastor your leader is collecting time then that would make them of the tribe of Levi and for them to collect the heave offering which I will explain in the next teaching which I think the priests add to to give unto God after he did take a tenth from the tie that he got overall from Israel we're gonna show you now in numbers chapter 8 I told you right now mash up to eight beginning at verse five and this talks about the consecration of the consecration of the Levites now again of your pastors collecting tired and he would have had to participate and what I'm about to read to you right now for him to become an official recipient of the time you see don't know don't come off step and no say oh this you represent God now what scripture show me the scripture stops it's making him stuff again that's why I left the four words I was just sick of people making up stuff I was sick of people making up their own rules like they're still doing today and a lot of them I don't respect because whenever you are taking away from God what if you don't look respectful for what I got respect for me no no no numbers chapter 8 beginning at verse 5 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying take the Levites from among the children of Israel and cleanse them tell us God are you cleanse them well for seven of numbers 8 says and thus shalt thou do unto them to cleanse them because of your pastor or whoever your church leaders if they are demanding I mean let me rephrase that if they are demanding tide from you if you go and pay them attire that's a different story if they are demanding it they're demanding it I mean they would have went to this process radio alright for seven Kedah shalt thou do unto them to cleanse them sprinkle water of pure firing upon them and let them shave all their flesh did you pass to do that okay and if you pass is a female ahead should be ball anyway that's less less see don't get mad at me I given you the scripture I'm not making I hope you're following me I hope you're writing these things down because when these people shootin dumb from the pulpits you who should be a biblical scholar should say no no no that's not right in your mind Ernest you don't disrupt my service no let's read it again maybe I maybe invite Bible wrong and that shalt thou do unto them unto who how do we concentrate consecrate how do we ordained Levites how do we how do we bring them into the phone of God and clean them up from the mess not idea totally dedicated to Christ took to God honest and thou shalt die out do verse 7 of numbers 8 and dust shalt thou do unto them unto who the Levites to cleanse them sprinkle water of purifying upon them and let them shave all their flesh there should be no here on the Levite as a part of his consecration your collection tag and demanding it and all he was supposed to do was the Levite because it was a law for them to get it so did you follow all of these other rules fake Levite let's read it's maybe different in my Bible sprinkle water of purifying upon them and let them shave all their flesh and let them wash their clothes and so make themselves clean okay let's put a pin right there cuz I hear some of y'all right now that's in those days well if so what's the tide okay don't you try that you can have your cake and eat it too first eight of numbers eight then let them take a young boy lock with his meat offering even fine flour mingle with oil and another young bull up shalt thou take for a sin-offering did your pastor who is collecting ty did this and thou shalt bring the Levites before the tabernacle of the congregation and thou shalt gather the whole Assembly of the children of Israel together and thou shalt bring the Levites before the Lord and the children of Israel shall put their hands upon the Levite did the members of the church who supposedly supposed to be the other Israel people outside of Levite did they put their hand upon the Levite which is the pastor according to modern-day teaching did that happen I'm listening first eleven listen to verse 11 now and Aaron who was Aaron again the first high priests of Israel an Aaron shall offer the Levites before the Lord for an offering of the children of Israel that they may execute the service of the Lord verse 12 and the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of the Bullock and now shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and unto the Lord to make an atonement for the Levites this is how you cleanse them of their sins well the truth is we don't have to do this today because Jesus Christ's death burial and resurrection replace the ceremonial law so we don't have to slaughter no animals seeing that he died according to I think Hebrews we can go boldly before the throne of grace and repent and make our petitions to God so how is it that the passes will agree with me no Kevin we don't do this no more you said it right we don't do it because of Jesus Christ well how come we don't do those things no more but you hold on to the tiny portion of it I know I I'm confused when there was a replace and it wasn't like you didn't have nothing to replace it of it the replacement and it was really none for you to replace because there was never GERD towards you that was what they did they brought people you know Hebrew so the New Testament church were given through the Apostle Paul how you ought to deal with these things so why you sticking to this Tim listen to this now the Levite let's drop to verse 13 and thou shalt said the Levites before Aaron and before his sons and offer them for offering unto the Lord thus shalt thou separate the Levites from among the children of Israel and the Levites shall be mine this was God now and after that shall the Levites go in to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation and thou shall cleanse them cleanse who the Levites and offer them for what an offering who's this deliverance verse 16 of numbers 8 for they are wholly given unto me from among the children of Israel instead of such as open every warm even instead of the firstborn of all the children of Israel have I taken them unto me easy now remember I said and it used to be the firstborn of every child born in Israel belong to God so that mean if the tribe of Reuben the tribe of Simeon the tribe of God and the tribe of Naphtali the tribe of Benjamin the tribal God says no rain away no more no more what is gonna happen now I have totally dedicated the tribe of Levi alone unto me these are the one that's gonna do my holy sacraments and everything is gonna come true them whatever I won't do go and do whatever I would speak it to my priests and to my Levite we will and they will tell their se on that's how it's gonna work all right now you can read the rest I really wanna run through this here quickly because I want to really get to let's go to to the same chapter verse 8 let's go to verse 23 to verse 26 that's why I want us to get to verse 23 says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying this is it that belongeth unto the Levite from twenty and five years all and upward they shall go in to wait upon the service of the tabernacle of the congregation and from the age of fifty years they shall cease waiting upon the service thereof and shall serve no more now or now the earlier and the vertical law well the only way you could have served God as a Levite okay in the tabernacle honest you had to be a minimum of 23 years old that's what I'm reading here and he says when you get to age 50 you must cease from your service so have you passed the collecting tiny stick into that but he is 51 50 60 65 why is he still sleeping I know why y'all getting mad at me this is what I'm reading your leg tell me something let me read these comments this in your Bible can someone please confirm is this in your Bible is this in your Bible ice what I'm reading why do you not read discuss in church huh I'm talking you all I say into you if you will stick with the Levitical system of timing you better stick with everything else though come up as you're deceiving us you're lying to us okay and that's all I trying to prove here today start telling us lies that's why so many people walk away from church because the lies that you told him UV manely stood up there knowing that Malachi 3 verses 6 to 10 of nothing to do with them you knew that you knew that malachi was talking about the priests who was not paying the he vofled offering and so on and putting the sorry be the tight they were not putting the tide which was the agricultural stuff the the livestock so that the the poor people could have meat when they come to the house of God was they wasn't doing it you knew pastor been to Bible School you knew dr. so-and-so you know a parcel so-and-so Reverend up you knew that you knew that when you stood on the pulpit and it was time for you to raise tide and you use Malachi and says hey if you ain't payin tide your God so he's gonna see it in the Bible he said you are cursed with a Christ but God is a merciful God he's showing you how to fix it today when he says bring ye all the tithes in the stores you you are a liar because you knew and listen to me you you knew good and well that Malachi - starts off by saying this is a commandment to the priests this was the priests those who had defied the Levitical covenantal or of the preset of Levi who was not doing the duties of the temple and when it came to the tide so when the people come to the temple he not never there why cuz these world dogs his hidden priests wasn't doing what they were supposed to do so God said not only are you you are Christ what of Christ not you modern day new covenant people don't have nothing to do with you why did not telling you that why-why-why every time it was time to renew I knock in your eyes and the church shouldn't collect monies I'm not saying that I'm not saying if you won't go ahead and pay the tide and limit your life financially go right ahead but if you or follow Corinthians where you talk about soap me and uh giving abundantly will you follow that you know hood for the poor people you wherever God put in your heart to bless people not in any church you go to and they say sow a seed and God say this is good grin don't listen to them listen to the ones speaking to your heart what is God saying to you because I told you just before I left my church or the church building in 2012 leading up to that like I say about three or four months leading up to that I had stopped giving two churches period that I went to churches that we went to and they were having these are numerology garbage all right and I can remember one right now it was it was October October of 2010 the 10th the ten-day the tenth year and I remember this American preacher came here and myself my pastor the pledge he was sitting up on the pulpit and I'm listening to this guy and I'll never forget his message and he was talking that story about our when Paul was preaching in his dude I guess was so bought he followed the window suddenly that anyway I don't know how this dude did that I mean I took me I don't think Houdini could've do a trick like that somehow he took that message I don't know how to this day honestly that's how much of a trick it was because I said yeah I forgot I don't know how he switched that story he said cuz these came he said the Lord gave him a message on this day because they really kind of promoted at this particular church they had it advertising on television putting on fliers everything 10 10 10 whatever whatever so he took that story I said the Lord said the tenth month of the ten day of the ten years in 2010 he said much that is 10 plus 10 plus 10 is 30 he said the Lord tell me to tell you right now he said whoever make the sacrifice and come in with $30 man listen I sat down I watched my pastor gone up I watched my fellow minister what's the other ministers up there and let me tell you something because at this point this point I was leading to I was leading to leaving this place I left the 2012 sorry but it's happened in 2010 but during this time I still wasn't feeling none of this no more because when I'm reading what I'm studying this was in what I'm seeing you those people come from I clearly came like animals you don't have to do dad to get the men of the church to like form a barricade and so the guy would come he would take the money throw it in the back someone would collect whoever and he put his hand on him and pushing them down pushing the me grabbing me pushing pushing him that grab and pushing and pushing him not and I said right back there I watch my needle I watch fellow ministers i watch i watch a whole level i saturated I didn't move I didn't move on I said boy say boy this cannot be going mine this cannot be good I said I watch these guys commercialize this they know people broke they know it listen when you broke anything to sound good to you especially when it comes the money and so of you telling me if I so tiny dollars God is gonna give me my heart decide why wouldn't I run for that thirty dollars isn't much well for some people and I watched those people come like animals he ain't calling them to have no soul save and or deliverance he just tell them this is what God gave him ten ten ten he said you got to borrow it from your neighbor if you got to say neighbor let me guess right now I'll pay Ibaka but I got to get in on this divine blah blah blah he just say you walk down the stairs I will never forget that man and he just grew as he grabbed the money he taught him about they would get it and he put his hand on him Robert Roy in the back put a sign on them and I sighed then I said boy this is not God but I know one thing he didn't get care for until you donate a dollar right now and I said to myself I remember sharing with a fellow minister of mine and he was into that so I know telling him this was like speaking Spanish I said boy you know what I would love to see a year from now if they could record all of the names of those people and get their numbers and call him within a year's time unless here would their testimony would have been after following the advice of this man but this 10-10-10 foolishness because I can assure you none of them got the breakthrough that they asked for and even if they did wouldn't they want to put them up there and they say hey look here see listen listen her sister Susan yeah Susan was a part of the 10-10-10 movement and listen what Susan gets wasn't get all 40 cents 40 cents she was blessed with the other day not in that some of the praise God for come crank up that band that's let's play some music see that's what I saying to you if you can't bring me the scripture if you go on out of days where you come and pump Kevin up going out of days where you bring in these rocks that are preachers and they crank up piece of music and start singing Jesus is deliverer and you go to another fast we go doors there so listen to me here in fact I will walk on site and I'll not finish and come back in and hope that you have a word of god and if and if I don't hear it in your mouth I'm gone for good this time those days are finished those days are done and that's why my motto is if you are not bringing the scriptures and listening carefully I mean no twisted scriptures if you like what I'm doing right now if you're not reading those scriptures out and bringing an understanding to me to pattern or to model my life after buddy you are talking Dutch I can't hear you I've been trying to hear you going out of days where you tell me that if I don't pay a tide or because I'm not paying the tide that's why I ain't blessed going out of days where you tell me that if you cannot pay the tide and you cannot be a part of the dis ministry what scripture that why don't you stop making up laws why don't you stop why don't you finally direct us the scriptures to follow why because they've turned the church into a a money maker I mean and it's just sickening it's sickening that everything you hear now when you hear more than the Word of God is seed seed seed every time you turn around you yes see so much so that if I go and any one of the hardware store and the they sell the plunder they call it the plant nursery but I go on the seed section L looking for money that's how confused I got me no man God listen God won't shoot you're seen as his word God don't want you so on anywhere you dig everybody can tell you this good ground - so on what's the proof 90% of your congregation broke busted disgusted huh where's the proof the only point of living good as you the only one who got my CDs is you don't only what about a testimony of how good god has been to them is you why but it ain't gonna be good you you're doing it off the backs of these people because you are lying to them to tell them if they don't pay the time to you the fake Levi's then you want to flip that scripture on Malachi oh never got nothing to do them and tell them your case that's why how dare you come in the situation don't pay time no boy foolishness that could never work and any one of my friends i hook a but i share this with him don't be stupid don't be ignorant okay the tire is not for you if you want I tell you don't pay if you will pay it and limit your finances and resources go play the ten percent then be committed to the ten percent because God is committed to his word and if you sow 10% you can get 10% every time so let that be your guy cuz the rules are there in the scriptures and if you will operate on an order that had nothing to do with you no not on you my butter that's that the woman come round you're talking no foolishness all right now let's go let's go to numbers 18 you know wrap this up right now I tell you he's gonna be short tonight don't ever listen to a preacher when they tell you that number has chapter 18 numbers chapter 18 it's gonna get good over here right now I saved the best for last numbers chapter 18 beginning at verse we can read from verse 21 to verse 24 numbers 18 beginning of verse 21 and behold I have given the children of Levi mighty God here's the law now this is the rule this the ordinance this the principle there was no principle with Abram and Melchizedek there was no principle with Jacob and God Jacob said I vowed us this what I want to do okay Abraham says Malachy I gotta give this to the priests for God helping me I said that ain't no standard that's a one-time event okay Jacob was no where you see laws until we get here we're a law now for timing goes to these Levi people so numbers 1821 says and behold I which is God have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for what for an inheritance for their service which they serve even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation verse 22 neither must the children of Israel hands forth come nigh or closed the tabernacle of the congregation least they bear sin and die meaning only deliverer is gonna be could could have done that now watch this now let's go to 24 but the tides sorry so looking back to 23 but the Levites shall shall do the service I like this number 18 23 but the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle now let's be clear these are God's rules these are God's laws who these rules are laws being projected to a knot he is talking about the Levi people and what the children of Israel should do for them this is the tiding system that was established amongst the Israelites he said listen now I have chosen Levi out of the twelve to be my first fruit no more when I say the firstborn of Israel will come to me no no I'm changing that now I've chosen Levi they are making the covenantal law of them the rule where they will get no inheritance when they go into the Promised Land instead they will be they could reside in the cities where they can rule no property because they wouldn't have an inheritance in terms of property I will now command that the 11 remaining tribes of Israel tied off of what they have and give it to Levi is your pastor Levi is the congregants of your church of the 11 tribes of Israel and if they are could be some proof please listen to me carefully now let's remove it carefully all right now somebody who come on the tail end of this well what do you saying though how to pass is supposed to live how do you supposed to blend air can do all day how are you pay for that I didn't tell you that long time being ghetto you repeat it but I go in more detail what I do say that cuz and just just why you saying that you've been taught not to have faith in God that true the subliminal garbage you've been taught you have been depleting yourself fate is doing it God's Way even though it look like he could never come after me but I believe that when I do this I follow the Lord that I set an expectation that's why it's no problem for Dede and I that gives substantially and to whomever God because we are convinced through the many evidence that he has proven to us that once he say do it listen this once that is confirmed there's nothing to discuss no more we ain't talked do it quick finished born because the economy of God depend on two major things obedience and timing of course they do it now do it now because he got someone up the road waiting on it who is already promised or two and if you want yours to come immediately when you prefer well then give this poison there's when go tell you to give it to it know the pastor's ain't getting caronia the pastor's gang getting cut Oh God my cell you give listen he says give according to how you have it set in your heart and like I said who you think putting in your heart there are many times there are many times God said to me Kevin and I didn't hear an audible voice a poison come in my spirit or whatever the case may be and the Lord said do XYZ I said okay god I sure this you this time because I made a look at this poison state and say you know what they kind of little distress I should have him so so to prove that this isn't my flesh she's me what that is wrong if I help them but you know why idea you may be punishing them you may not want me to bless them so therefore I need you to confirm it to me so I'll say God if this what you want me to do then make it clear to me and once that happened is nothing to discuss any more I remember just before actually was December it was December of 2019 you run way back to this in a little bit and there was a there was a friend of mine so in fact he we were best friends in school and he became paralyzed from an accident from the waist down so you see him now and again in the wheelchair and anyway the Lord pressed upon my heart go find him and give him eczema and again the amount never means nothing to me because I have proven it I've proven when I would have done that in the time that he taught me to do it I'm telling you out of nowhere something supernatural happened so I was up and now looking for this guy I didn't have his contact and about I think two days did I run into his brother and I said man I've been trying to catch up with your brother for so long and he you know he started this time I can remember all from school you're always best friends bla bla bla so he tell me where I could find him I ran there he was not there anyway I had to do some business in the downtown area and guess who I should back into about three days after I spoke with his brother then looking for him I run right into the sky but guess what I had his envelope in my pocket on me at all times so when I saw him I said man listen praise God I'm so happy to see you man and we talked and we talked so he said Mike every night isn't you gonna read all the time man I saw amazing how your life's turn out I never taught you to been preaching of gospel I said by you yeah I just as shocked as you and I said anyway just here for you so you look at me I said this for you man this year for you I've been looking for you the Lord whom you referred this earlier had I found you but this feel well couple days later and again I was inspecting that night I was doing pretty where I was in a no need for nothing and and I won't go into details what happened but listen I heard a financial miracle that was beyond belief folks listen to me I try to sell you nothing you know if you know selling you something mean I'm trying to crew and make it I'm trying to sensationalize no I am reading the word to you everything I've said that's far I was I'm giving you the Word of God if you stick to the 10 expect 10 in return this person to the 10th that is if you want to go beyond that then go with the New Testament rules laid out and no one should be putting a demand on you but God say give this and no no he said let every man give according to his heart wouldn't it be going against God law and someone saying God say give a thousand okay what if I wanted to give two thousand so if God let me give two thousand but he's demanding and a thousand dollars see there's something special about a thousand dollar see who you want to believe you got to believe God who tell you give two thousand or him who saying give ten thousand listen to me when I tell you they can't fool me no more let me tell you something you know they care for Kevin yeah boy listen I am foolproof when it come to those financial gimmicks or not pool play they had me for a while because again you brought up to honor them they I'm their man of God yeah women of God whatever you were brought up never to question them that that was something that was a defensive mechanism that needed put in from day one do not touch God's anointed respect the pastor and and you disrespected them is when you believe God word and you don't believe them that's what I call disrespect but Kevin be on on a night that does you can't come to me no church could get me give them a time none nothing never happened no judge could demand me to give a thousand on a seed or 4,000 or $2 see it it could have God did not say to me Kevin do it it was never in this life happen and let me tell you why - because every time I was told to do that by them and I did it and never turned out the way that they said what happened never then you are trained right after that they don't tell you this when they ask you for the $10,000 see the thousand five hundred no one have you to tell me have you ever been in the service have you ever heard on TBN word network or whatever Christian station you listen to and they ask you for money have you ever hear them say I hear $1,000 or $500 but all right now do not bring that money if your heart is not right with God if you're living in sin if you hate your mind Pond brothers and you don't speak to your co-workers if you if you're fornicating the lion tape your thousand dollars in your pocket glory be to God did you ever hear them tell you that did you ever hear any preacher who was begging for money say to you if you shacking up right now I can tell you right now it might be amount of God don't you bring that money here go get your heart right if you if you are not safe and you do not know Lord Jesus as your Lord did they say to you God is no Bank God has no lottery God is no gambling game get your soul right yeah we need the money yet a church need it but get your soul right before you bring them on here have you ever the preachers in it let me look at the comments I will here yeah somebody gotta tell me yes never oh man oh man nope never heard it no more somebody gotta say yes PJ Roberts never oh come on man could you somebody whoa not once come on come on no one see the society you know things are not of God when out of true a true preacher a one who care about your soul one one who whole salvation above everything else sister Mary you bringing this $500 sister Mary can tell you know now you whatever you Ruby the soul I hope your soul right because even if God give you the bridge for breakthrough can take you to heaven even if God gave him a series in the bends that cannot get you into the kingdom of God and those who bringing the towson tell me via via despot those who are bringing the thousand dollar seed I hope you help me a neighbor I hope you helped that guy who he was making fun of on the corner there I would know 48 did you did you did you feed him or her did you assist the poor before you bring the thousand I'm requesting of you in fact I will make this right now listen to me carefully I'm hearing a thousand dollars and I hear ten people in here but let me be clear if you've not given to the poor if you have not helped the naked if your soul is not right with God do not come up here tell me let me look at the comments again how many of you wanna further before which service you've been in - and you heard that I can you can equal Vanderpool never okay gotcha Shirley Kari for real never never you never hear it no you know you never hear it no so clearly if you drop down there and go bus hell why don't we did make here no once you bring that $2,000 here and the next crew that come they can do the same thing - I'm trying to tarnish it or nobody know Sharia and if you take it as offensive shade then as you like I'm speaking to I'd be in really how cuz I given you the scriptures so the scriptures are very very very clear here and it gets no clearer than this numbers chapter 18 verse 25 when the Lord spake unto Moses saying that speak under the Levites and say unto them when you take of the children of Israel the tides who is supposed to take the tides from the children of Israel the Levites me read it again numbers 18 verse 26 thus speak unto Levite God is telling Moses speak this unto Levites Moses is their leader and say unto them when you take of the children of Israel the tides which I have given you baka beer who gave the command that the children of Israel the level of them must give the tie to Levi who who did that because we see in a law now it wasn't a law in Abraham when Abraham give too much as a net it wasn't a law when Jacob vowed to God but now the tire is being established as a law God said I telling you Moses you tell them that the 11 tribes of Israel are to give the tent of whatever they make to the Levites the people who represent me in the earth be the reason why I'm telling you it's a command in the law because if it's a law now see you could be judged on it if you don't do it if it applies to you so you're telling me now that if I don't pay the tithe I wouldn't be blessed I'm Christ well we could also say based on well when I used to fornicate and lie and cheat and steal and do foolishness and I came to the church wildin Yucko to go and couple sheep and chop the head off and have sin offering why didn't you do that then when you were collecting the time now let's get real now you can follow peace that benefit you but you were bloody of your choice floor make up his mind you make your mind up you either follow all the law or you can be a hypocrite and follow peace that benefits you get audio not garbage get on here that junk stop it I am reading here let me read it again first 25 of numbers 18 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying thus speak on to the Levites say this unto the Levites and say unto them when y'all take of the children of Israel the time which I whose I God have given you no man make this rule I God made the rule that the only person supposed to be getting the time then and only then was you the Levites so if your church won't be real they should say to you now you'll get your time because I already call the Embassy of Israel in Florida and they had told me who are the true Levites and they told me who was the current priest today and I really will follow the Old Testament so once y'all bring me the money I'm gonna go to the bank and get a money order for $10,000 we pianned tied this month and we gonna send that FedEx or UPS down there in Israel to ensure that we're following the law pastor what you doing collecting that if you're not out of the lineage of Levi Saints why are you paying the tide when you're not of the tribe of Levi when we're reading here God says I I God have made this decision to make the children of Israel give the tie to you Levi please somebody let me see who can explain this to me you can't the lady tell me that a knight say I preach in rebellion you see when I preach the Word of God is rebellion when they preach tight it's of God you have mess like this the devil is a liar buddy and this script you will what I'm about to read to you and in the next three to four teachings and I'm gonna do on this you're gonna come across scriptures you've never heard them and you this is gonna be a first time ever hearing it because they will never preach it because of a go directly against what they're doing to you and if you wanna possible like God want you to prosper financially then you have to do it his way alright let me finish read this and the Lord spake unto Moses saying this is numbers 1825 and they're not speaking to Moses saying that speak under the Levites and say unto them when you take of the children of Israel the tides which I have given you from them which I have given you from them for your inheritance whose arrogance who's the whose inheritance is the type the Levites that's the inheritance that's what you will inherit while they are the eleven will inherit the promised land you will go to the promised land to Levites you will have some cities but you can rule no line so to replace you not having any land I'm going to ensure that the 11 tribes of Israel will give you a tenth of their agriculture of their livestock and all those other stuff and as we begin to go into this teaching we're gonna see how they were supposed to do with the tie yes they were supposed to eat a portion of the time yes this was a gift to the downtrodden the widow's that's why they said bring this tied in the stalls okay positive you can I can be tied okay come on money then let's be really gonna follow the whole law pastor where can we come in your church forget that not the church cuz a warehouse cannot be in the church who else can be something big how come is this ver house invisible why can't see on this property no warehouse so that when trouble come on people downtrodden where's the storehouse and we could come to the guest of cheese doodle and to get some some some some peanut butter and jelly some some Wonder Bread where's the pasta okay you may say okay Kevin in today's well you don't we have money okay pasta could I have $200 okay seeing that you don't have the warehouse you got money because you've been collecting tight okay and this this now is the turn yeah or whatever it is that you're supposed to be distributed to the poor 20 years here because you collect and tied and according to the Levitical law which I will prance on tomorrow night when I go to Deuteronomy 14 we can go to details on the seven-year cycle of the tide and how it ought to be distributed so I want to know you fake Levite since you've been collecting this money where can I go can you write me a check sir okay as a member you're may be a member right so I could be a member you see I pay him a tight so where can I get this not only that saw that the the warehouse wasn't just for for us two members I read in the scriptures which I will discuss further on in this teaching they're strangers you were supposed to also help with the time strangers would be those who probably would serve your God but they need help so don't come because you are a staffer and I cannot or because you ain't no member is Church in whoa you see you're adding more rules again where did the Levite say because you were not a member of Israel you cannot get none of this time but I read that even strangers supposed to get from this Tideway house so stop making up rules stop stop it you pastor you're going to Hellfire for Lyon you're going to Hellfire because you're thinking about your pocket you're going to Hellfire because you are a deceiver you are an actor you are dissembler you are you are a stage performer you make up rules as you go along you will never be honest with the people if you truly care about them and truly care about doing the will of God you will follow the Bible to the letter as it relates to us today and if you want to be the Levite person why only the financial parts that benefit you and your church you are hearing - I'm listening I play with your name I'm playing with you stop lying people that's why you're why you think mom and them die they died broke huh who who who loves Jesus more than mama who are the biggest Bible more than Grammy who used to how much time mama saying Charlie I'm gonna get you in ass all right read your Bible and pray to Jesus tell Jesus you love him and make sure you care to try the pasta make sure you carry on Pretorius day go pin hundred dollars on pasta if you won't be blessed child you mean if I won't because she Manny that's what you mean but every time I spin prints up on him somebody just gonna pin at me I owe them something no no show me the scripts mama I love you I love your mama but mama show me the scripture please mom I know how he was raised he raised us the same way to respect them and I do but mom I cannot sit down and indulge in this life coz the scripture is very clear women chapter 1 the last scripture it says not only these liars fornicators and all of these evildoers will be punished but the scriptures are clear it says even those who encourage them that duties evil shall be equally punished so I am equally as guilty when I'm giving you my time I'm equally as guilty when I'm giving you my first fruit I'm equally as guilty by not given to the poor but given all my money first rich therapy and I will never happen in this life they was never forever well again let's say that again guy said you saw him before but it will never happen again never listen if you're looking to Kevin for money all of your teachers listen go get a job because they Gavin you okay again again unless the Lord say but those gimmicks doors listen I work in sales for a number of years and I lie to y'all y'all y'all would up y'all y'all got the best pictures ever gonna come to sales but that will never happen you never in this life it will I would be clear that we'll listen let me be extra clear all right let me be extra clear all right I will put somethin y'all here I talked about this other night ever want you to think for two minutes that because you should meet creature when I preach you would say well never invite him to my church hyper walk come to that Devil nest never happened unless God and if God wants me there he will make a way for me to be do but it hang me up to you and and unlike the rest who running behind name-brand preaches that don't happen you know because no human no human could tell you Kevin call him or Kevin say can I come preach here just I don't know no that'll never happen that'll never happen I don't know Jones approach no whenever I go to wherever I travel I was asked to come and preach and that's how I was told it would be so don't be watching this and say well I will never have him preacher my thank you Jesus I come in - no synagogue of devil unless the Lord send me I mean the Lord send me my brother if God got to move you order it away for me to come then preach the good news is people the truth then you have to leave I would hope that if it's by debt you know saved and sanctified and firmly the Spirit of God subline and people see from their money and talking about your nonsense but you off of some Levitical aura you won't have new Levitical rule or y'all better stop talking nonsense boy so so far I've shown you or when repeatedly where the law see when we dealing with the law here you can't make up nothing no more you cannot come with no stupid stories and and people Kyson all this nonsense that that can't that ain't go fly no more alright God did not call you to the Ministry of stupidity let's read this last one numbers 18 was 26 it says thus speak unto the Levites and say unto them when you take of the children of Israel the tides which I have given you from them from your inheritance okay then you shall offer up a heave offering of it for the Lord even a tenth part of the tide and we're gonna go deep deep into this tomorrow I want us to go to again like three more scriptures to give because I really in the whole purpose of this exercise it is teaching is to show you the Levitical law and a vertical covenant then a vertical order in which the system of timing was for this specific group of people okay and as you would read here there are no Canaanites involve in this there's no none of that the tides were to come from the twelve tribes you didn't hear where God says you didn't see no way and they were God says Levi I have Commission and all covenant with you that the the Levitical priesthood will come through your the priests will come through guys and the tide will be taken from the 11 tribes okay he didn't say no no they'll be taken from the 11 tribes and then he said and if the saudi and knights want to give if the Syrians want to give if the folks from Lebanon wanna give then he could come they must pay title so you didn't read that no so the Covenant was what did that twelve tribes right there this was God people okay this was the system that he had in place to furnish his people the people of God now the head of the group which is the Levi these were the one that God would speak through so they want to work I haven't read anything but they were doing only work they did was they were responsible for the temple duties the the tabernacle the sanctuary duties no other Israel critical Israelite from the 12 tribes that have come near to temp else they were dying the scripture tells you that Levi was completely responsible so with that heavy duty and they had to live a clean life so much so that even when they went into the temple to give their whatever to God they would wear I understood like bells or something at the end or the hem of their garments so in the event that people from the outside don't hear that no more because they're like a rope tied at him I mean they drop down there so they will pull them out with the rope Reena Green is Ray so Israel and no other stranger could come near the temple this was solely dedicated for the Levitical order why because God made a covenant with them I will make this clear when you hear covenant that changes the whole game remember I told you a couple weeks when I was teaching on the scriptures about Joshua when he was hearing Israel at that time and they were charged with killing everyone and Kenan all right and they were to force no covenants no nothing with them and they give me a nice mom I told you they give me a nights pretended to be from another nation remember - Gibeonites what did he send in some of the AMA writes they were all from Canaan and the first thing they said to Joshua listen SSS forge of covenant so that you will protect us because we heard how vicious you guys are and we respect you and the Bible said they did not recognize God and making a decision a neighbor and forge a covenant but the Gibeonites which they were supposed to kill so a couple days later they would they discover that they were lied to and they wanted to kill him in the Bible say the Prince of Israel said no you cannot kill him you made an oath before God you mean a covenant with them we learned 300 plus years later 300 plus years later check this all King David is in charge now and they're living according to all of the ceremonial laws or everything they were doing according to the five books of Moses the the the Torah all right they were doing one of that but guess what there was a drought it was Lorien and and David didn't understand because he's like we need this rain and there's no curse here so what's happening and the scripture says David and Quine of the Lord saw what was happening and caught on him he said the reason why they set up a drought here is because Saul Saul had killed some of the Gibeonites apparently didn't notice and as a as a breach of the Covenant look how God is honoring this covenant remember Israel supposed to kill me give me nights but then they made the Covenant God honored the Covenant so when Israel not guess what another nation could have come and kill to give me a nice nothing would have happened the syrians gonna come and kill them the bahamas the americans were never gonna come and kill him nothing would happen but because the covenant was made between Israel and the Gibeonites where they swore by God Almighty that we will protect you no matter what you can't back on it now so the Covenant was exclusive to those two groups right yeah let's take that and rest when the same principle where we are today God made a covenant with the Levitical tribe and the tribe of Israel the rest of them he said I command you to give tide to Levi not Bohemians not true the journeys not Jamaicans not Americans if they are not of the tribe of Levi why are you giving them your money in terms of when they demand tide from you explain that to me so god no honor covenants no more it I guess not know so don't come with that garbage here don't bring that foolishness but you can because you are Christ for because you don't it right now but the day you begin to give like God tell you to give and again I'm not saying don't bless your church God will put it in your heart what to do with your church core don't put it in your heart just like how he tell you bless that lady with just a single mother with the four or five children I want you from every paycheck I want you to take a hundred dollars out of that paycheck and give and give every hundred of that paycheck and give it to her watch what I can do with you see if it ain't a law I don't why hear it if it ain't a spiritual rule you are talking Spanish to Carolyn who only understand English I cannot I am trying to comprehend okay show me the law stop letting these people tell you their theory tell you their I process hypothesis tell you their dogma and doctrine it and and their church policy and how they do it here but I don't care you can [ __ ] if that's how you doing I need to get out here I want to do what the law says what does the rule say so I've proven my point the first time we see in the Bible and the only time where the time became a law from God who was the law of the time to the Hebrew people now any one who want to challenge me on that I am open to it show me from Genesis to Revelation where you could find a scripture where a covenant God made what another group I said we must give the tide to them show to me I will see it tonight not tomorrow and don't bring me the Bible you and your cousin those wrote bring me show to me show it to me show it to me and that's why I took this tide teaching from a law perspective because I've heard other teachings on it okay and a lot of them cover it back to well you should give it today and I what show me the law show me the principle you could show me thou shalt not phone a kid you could show me thou shalt not tell lies you could show me down shalt not cover thy neighbor's well you you could show me those laws right now show me the law they'd say that you the New Testament church the New Covenant show me the road just like how I showed you here where God says Levi I have commanded Israel this with Moses telling them troubadour tolling that day must give a tent or the tide to you now you show me so far I've given you three instances one with Abraham in milchester day that was not a standard that was a one-time situation that was there was nowhere we could read otherwise may I say this was a law we then sought in our Genesis 28 we have a Jacob where he made a vow after he said God if you freed me if you take care of me if you give me some night scoochie cabaƱas in the works yes what not only what I called him a God I give you 10% everything half not a standard that was his vow but then we roll up on the children of Israel and now we see law now we see ordinance now we see Commandments but what's he talking to all and sundry I didn't read that I didn't read that in fact I didn't read that at all I didn't read that at all but I really in verse 26 of numbers 18 he says the speak unto the Levites and say unto them then we take up the children of Israel the tide are you the children of Israel is your leader a Levite I showed you how they were supposed to be cleansed to become Levites and priests did your pastor go through a ditch your posture get a Gillette shaver and shave off all the hair or for every part of his body that I have here huh did you soak all female pass the shame of one over here to become ordained annoyed it as a Levite please show me where she or he went through the ritual showed to me show me the scripture would give your pasta not a priest your apostle not a priest your teacher Kevin not a priest your prophet is not a priest your prophet not a priest so how could they can demand hide from you I am listening boy I love this Here I am let me read this thing I need to see somebody somebody please show to me sure to me show it to me show it to me where did they have the water sprinkle on them by a bloodline priests to make them who are already Levites please show to me show to me show it to me show me sure to me please I am patient show it to me I'm listening yeah care show it to me you know what you could show me though your rhymes your riddles your lies that you told over the years so you don't think that's silly tell me something if if my if my daughter Kia came to me and said daddy XY I see and I found out later she told me a lie that's a lie right so if your pastor say to you if you don't pay the tide you are closed but then you read the scripts like I told you and I sense they were talking to the priests of the Levites did he did he not lie that she not lie to you so you see you condition - now compromise well you know it ain't really a lie pastor just say that no no if I told it to you you told me a liar okay if you're no good brother who you don't like told you the same thing he was a liar right okay now but it's because of God which is in the past no whoever or they they they they what they lied and that's why a lot of y'all are gonna find yourself Rosen and Hellfire because you know what step up to the plate and say I was wrong and I know that I was people to respect you more when they you show them look here I was wrong when I was demanding tired from y'all I was following a hora or a system that have nothing to do rusted a you Bohemians you from Jamaica never string a dad Canada England France Spain you from Madagascar South Africa Nairobi Kenya how you get a levite how you get a Ebru you maybe one for true Hoover Dostal prove it to us try to mess with let me wrap this up here Oh Lord this is so sweet let's go to Leviticus we grew up to be that two to three more scrumptious refinish device we can rent for this quickly by 27 Levi's 27 32 32 what does it say here it says and all the tides of the land weather of the seed of the wearer of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's it is holy unto the Lord and if a man will add all redeem out of his thigh or not pay it he shall add there on a sit pot okay he should be out there she'll be add to that 10% a fit part for not paying it but he's supposed to verse 32 and concerning the tithe of the herd or of the flock even of whatsoever pass it under a rod the tent shall be holy unto the Lord he shall not search whether it be good or bad neither shall he change it and if he change it at all then both it under change thereof shall be holy it shall not be redeem or not be kept yourself these are what these are the commandments which the LORD commanded listen listen to this now these are a Commandments I read all of that together this pointer here these are a Commandments these are the laws these are the ordinance these are the statues these are the preceptor oh - Kevin no to the Jamaicans no to the behemoths no to you if you're not know who is it for Oh these are the commandments which the LORD commanded Moses fool for the children of Israel in Mount Sinai if you are not a part of the children of Israel how does this commandment they come you please explain I'm listening I can't hear you tell me man stop living a form of godliness or I pay my tithe I feel so good but did you have the poor no you didn't because you were trained just to give to the church you are trained to only give to your pasta you are true when last did you watch a televangelist money marathon or some preacher when was the last time you heard them call for money and they said they are raising money and all the money that I get they're going to give to the poor when did you read that or sir when did you watch that what you read you heard that on when which service did you go to and they had the thousand dollar line the 500 dollar line the ten thousand dollar line the hundred dollar line all of these lines when did he say even a portion we gotta take because according to the Levitical law after the tides will pay to the Levite they had to take another ten or he offering to give to God then there the next I think like 80% for that's an attorney the next 80% for the poor so Bishop passed the apostle prophet prophetess all of these things you collect in the bill you and since she was building this church you come up you are the most creative person when it comes to raising money this is the first block in the left corner of where we go put the second phase in us see it this year see it will be asking for well we caught it since we've been asking you for see it this is the eight thousand nine hundred and seventy eight type see we asking you for and we feel led by the Lord and what we want to do is we want to put in the windows and each would look horse $10,000 but if you saw the seed of ten thousand we're gonna put your name and fine print right at the bottom this was donated by brother Kevin now you can need some bifocals to see it alright but a war without a deal and you can always say that's the window you put them praise God even though where you live riddle with less fortunate people riddle with hungry people but this egotistical person over here won't build their kingdom on this I prefer to watch others suffer and die or tell them we can't give you from this church because you're not a member even though you're a member of the body of Christ we cannot give you because we don't see no racket where you illegally so tired and really gali collected it from you you can see no record and so therefore you don't have to go to social services we can help you they are liars deceive us then I can make this clear again I will be clear here if your leader is demanding tithe from you it's an ungodly AK it is not of God because according to the scriptures and I don't give you most I don't give you the laws tonight I only go and deep in the next couple nights it is not what God requires of you and you will not because in fact okay I can take it a step for a feeling between the self cousin when you hear me here if your leaders collecting time their preaching under gospel and my proof has already been made I read to you God told Moses I have caused or given the right to relieve vice to collect hide from the other 11 tribes tell your leader show me scripture that supersedes that I'm listening I'm listening for him right now I'll be giving my last two scriptures let me let me wrap this up here if I'm a liar if Clerval is speaking because you know they can cover I speak in division and I don't like past as I in rebellion I got Church okay you know what that's true let's say that's true I accept that now bring me the scripture not a we don't finish it all right okay I get it better that cuz I won't get past that yeah I get it tonight just to get you off my back it ain't true but I can't Road on the side now go bring me the scripture where you could show me a law in the scriptures that tiding today is for us and I warned our Lord and look just like the laws have been showing you where that I was between the children of Israel show me a scripture over here I will hear it so let me go here now by looking for the scripture I hope you all could bring that scripture for me and again I try to be right and even if I wrong I won't know I wrong then I will preach what is right I'm looking to be smarter than nobody or - or nobody I in order to get a Gordian result you got to do it God's Way that's what I trying to say yeah and I say the only boys will be your friend idea is those who know that what they are doing is wrong symbol is that so like I say bring me the scripture that supersedes what I just told you and then we could go from there but until then I hear on you I near in you okay let's go to let's go to Nehemiah let's go to Nehemiah chapter 10 and we're gonna read verse 37 in verse 38 near my age 10 verse 37 says and that we should bring the first fruit of our dough and our offering and the fruit of all manner of trees sees me of wine and of oil unto the who the pasture no I didn't read that unto the evangelist I didn't really know who you bring this waste fruit and tighten stuff to until the teacher Kevin no unto the bishop you know yeah I know until his grace no I didn't read there you know unto the priests okay we'll be sucking I go no further how is a priest qualified as a priest can a priest come from the tribe of Benjamin no can the priest come from the tribe of Reuben no can the priest come from naphthyl I know so whether the please come from the tribe whom God when he ended the order of the firstborn of Israel be here easy no more of that he said instead I have chosen the tribe of Levi where I have made a covenant in Levitical priesthood covenant so in order for the priests of God according to God rule to be legally a priest well initially that Levite before they become a priest must come through the blood nine of the Levites but that said let's read the scripture again near my attend verse 37 and that we should bring the first fruit of our dough who's this we the 11 tribes of Israel because Levi is excluded from Earth so it cannot be the twelve he says and that we the 11 tribes of Israel should bring the first fruit of our dough and our offering and the food of all man of trees of wine and of oil unto who the priests whose from which tribe the Levitical trying to the priests to the chambers of the house of our God and the tides of our ground unto the who Levites that the same Levites might have the tides in all the cities of our tillage verse 38 of Nehemiah 10 and the priest the son of Aaron shall be the Levites when the Levites take tides and the Levites shall bring up the tides of the tides unto the house of God to the chambers into the treasure house and the erring priests I'm hearing Levi but these are only names I'm hearing who the tribe or the Tri or the tide sorry supposed to go - I'm listening can someone please give me a scripture where it's just like Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection you know if the sacrifice golden lamb and sin offering and the scapegoat no more now Jesus death burial and resurrection expunge that particular ceremonial law now I want someone who's saying that I am wrong but they say in the script as long as I read it for me give me a scripture where a new rule came up where the Levitical priesthood collected titustown expunged and now our new rule came and the rule is saying that now God has shifted it that the pastor is going to get the de tied now and you know congregants are supposed to pay him the time now I showed you my scripture now you show me your scripture which supersedes what I just said to you I'm listening I'm gonna give you my last Scripture and I'm just setting the foundation from a legal perspective all right a legal perspective because I didn't want to start this tiding outside of the law first because what I'm saying to you now if you refute you're not refuting with me you're refuting the law and even if you try to twist it you know twisting that niceiy you're twisting the law because all Kevin gave you tonight was the laws of God give you my last Scripture and for this one I can go in the New Testament all right and you'll pick up on this tomorrow so let's go to Hebrews 7 verse 5 let's go to Hebrews let's go to Hebrews and so josy tonight let's go to Hebrews chapter 7 let's say that verse 5 what is the same as kneeling Hebrews 7 verse 5 says and early or truly they that are of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood why every time I'm reading this priesthood the prefixes the Levi tribe okay Avenue Cara of an in wit in terms of the priesthood and Levitical order you'd some Road you a given know in railways we'll be sure and truly Hebrews 7 verse 5 they that are of the sons of Levi or the lineage bloodline who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law scripture finish they're not a boss or pneumonia TVs okay I told you as a child of God you are a spiritual lawyer when you dividing the Word of God you divide and truth which it says losses rules as principles as precepts his command and you gotta be like me if they come and talk and mess shut them down don't even listen to them if they come in with their feeling if they're coming with how they do it in their satanic Church where their pastor and the Apostles are Freemason you shouldn't be there to begin with you're just better right now if they ain't coming with the law which is the Word of God not your opinion then you have no right speaking to them get away from you talking nonsense what did we read this is New Testament this is New Testament what does the New Testament say Hebrews 7 verse 5 and verily or truly David of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood have a commander in a body opinion or more this is a commandment from God God see the Cabezas the commandment to take tithes of the people take eyes of the people according to the law meaning that listen Levi was the only group in the world then and now who had a commandment from God to take Ty only from the 11 tribes nobody else only the 11 tribes only that it's a cup I'm reading commandment let me read it again in case you ruble chores in your Bible and verily Hebrew 7 verse 5 and very data of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law that is of their brethren not the Syrians not the Bohemians not that your makings not the TNC people turn around tobago not the canadians not the Americans not Iceland not Zimbabwe not South America not Brazil I am their bredrin would have been their sibling tribes the eleven are the tribes of their brethren though they came out of the loins of Abraham I get all your foolishness we wrap this up when he goes away I'll be all night with John III I don't even have to tick Sean no more but this time because that radius solve the whole problem radio if I am wrong I am listen I am very teachable show Kevin where he's wrong and again - this isn't a matter but being right and wrong you know we want people to follow the right thing but God said because I want you to be blessed I want you to I want to hear your testimonies just like when I did the teaching or fasting I'm the right way to do it listen the majority of people that heard the teaching that I gave her never heard fasting they died near life they never knew they had to give and help people while they fast they never knew that the meals that they weren't eating the answer shut up he would have been getting that while they were fasting they don't know that he had to help the the naked the the whatever they didn't they liked the first time ever that why because those who are preaching you these things you always whine on to you giving them something but these are the same people who will just tell you is better to be azmerit to give than to receive no I have given you everything that I've given you tonight I have given you the laws of God and I know many was saying even before I get to the last scripture he just talking all Testament you still got a time okay fine so I I let my last scripture be from the New Testament are you the sons of Levi you call to the priesthood because according to them he said not only was it a command instead it was a command and listen highlight that radio it was a command according to the law it was a command listen that's the spell everything it's a command of not et you can't believe your pasta or you don't believe God you better believe me because I only reiterating what the scriptures say you if you are paying tight yo Laura now that I tell you no Peter tonight I ain't gonna tell you that that's all you go ahead and give you the word I know we paint Kevin a phenotype no now unless you mean tired as in detergent but I don't that repair ain't nuttin happenin listen how could I know better not do better and again this is no attack against no church because before I end this series we are going to go into the New Testament in detail and show you what you supposed to do now and if the pastors want to really listen to what I say they can say you know what Kevin I can go what you saying but we can get more over here God set it up where you will get more you are limiting yourself and you are limiting those who are giving the 10% when they give it boy listen you're only serious I come up with the law if I know you even call me all kind of names and I got a problem with that Jesus says anyone who decide to follow him not mine but shall be persecuted so if you only prosecuted me I gotta wonder if I preach in this thing right you know what I got a wonder if I preach it at right see only when you preach them that right the haters can come but over here is your compass a gun hit a block is on well here the block is on listen to me carefully the scriptures are clear the priests were to collect the type it was a commandment according to the law all I saying you could prove me wrong right now show me where there was a law that was amended and superseded what we just read because what that scriptures basically saying is saying that only them have the right to collect by law so again if your leaders are demanding tight III you know I want to be fair and saying they don't know what yeah I can't I said oh but you got big dr. Reverend to the toilet power time six are all at that title you've gotta know but what you did is you followed you followed the lie and you knew it was a lie and that's why I tell you I walk away from that I walk away and I didn't say not all of them are doing it I walked away from the deceit from the lies and foolishness no I can leave you with this I hadn't finished my description tonight but I can leave you with something that happened to me yes ago right and I remember being a part of a particular congregation and a fella came down to administer and he during the service seems there for like three nights I think it was he said that and I don't have I told a story for maybe I did maybe I didn't he said that there are many people in there who want to break through and the Lord has spoken to him in terms of what God requires for them to do so he took her be stacking envelopes he said if you would come and get one of these envelopes she's me and write on the envelope you can write it on the envelope itself or he could write a note and put it in the envelope but put your best seed puts your best seed with it all right put your best seed with it and if you follow those instructions this is what he said he said I when I get those envelopes I will take those envelopes with me and I will pray over them and come an agreement come an agreement but what you are asking God for clear instructions well I was the person sponsible for collecting the envelopes taking the funds out counting them giving a tally whatever and what I would have done was take the envelopes and put an elastic band around them resting right next to the money because you said to them that you will take the envelopes with you and did you will pray over him that's what I was told that's what that not me but everybody else was so let well guess what service over when I say over I mean the three days whatever done and of course there's money so distribute whatever and the envelopes went into the trash you heard me the envelopes went into the trash bin now maybe I heard wrong or maybe supernaturally they would have just floated a bin and just shoot over the way that person live and that bothered me that that listened to me Oh to me there was only more fuel to the fire for me because I was already just sick and tired of the gimmicks I was so sick and tired of every year some Lu preacher come with a new gimmick a new set of foolishness and in my mind I said to myself those people truly believe in this person and what they said that this man have their envelope the envelope sorry and he's going to pray and come in agreement with that because he said it's from the Lord not knowing that that envelope along with the other trash in there would have made it on the heap of the city dump so that's why I'm saying you're not saying if he let me be clear man I'm not saying all of them unlike that let me be clear you know I don't want you to ever believe that I am saying that every preachers or rubble but a majority of them are the majority of them are dishonest majority of them just say things because this is what you do and this is something I told you I became nauseated by it is normal for a preacher to gather and just say stuff I hear God saying that this is the Spirit of the Lord is here and whenever the spirit of the lord is glory to God that this is Liberty I mean I can do what I could listen if I weren't a Christian I could pretend to be the best save Minister ever I know how to do it I I know what to tell him to play I know that get over the right songs to tell him what to do I know when to put on that pie his face I known her to bring my lips together and I know to do my hand like this is a quick bring it down brother but it was just to turn it down a little bit I I I ain't know how to do that so what I'm saying to you be I'm telling all of this Center not to judge nobody not to throw stones at nobody you are learning the truth not Kevin's version of the truth the truth I'm giving you from inscriptions that's why I read it for you that's why I give it a scriptures now he can come down to this you will either believe God are you gonna believe them I would say believe me cuz like I tell you I ain't telling you nothing off my own this is the Word of God I'm giving you so if you say you don't believe me the truth is you sayin you ain't believed God now if I had written a book and was reading stuff from this then you could say you know what you and I could go in the garbage and I'll agree with you alright but I give you the word of God so again these teachings whether you like me or hate me then boil on to one of two things you can either believe God or you don't believe what they're telling you that is a gang score because the tell you to tide is a gang squad and the book just told you that the Levitical priesthood had the commandment according to the law they were the ones who was gonna collect eyes and all this other stuff not You Heavenly Father I thank you for your word I thank you so much I thank you so much that you have given me this platform in this opportunity to not just teach people your word Lord but to give them this insatiable desire to wanna know more about your word I thank you for those that even after these teachings that they are so enthused about the things that their Bible is saying that they will never heard that it has now made them a committed poison to reading even more of the scriptures for that Lord I want you I pray that you'd amplify their hunger for your word I pray that whomever they have idolized as their best perch of their breast each or whatever that they would remove it all the weight and now leave that spot only for you yes admire the leader sin and the anointing or whatever came with them and is teaching preaching singing whatever but that their first worship had only worship is to you and to you only I pray father God that his teaching really begin to challenge those who have made a commitment to something that was not for them and now truly commit to what you have truly called him to do during the New Testament church I pray for those that are still fighting it and still trying to find some reason to vote to validate their reason for doing it well the only I could do is pray that they would come to their senses and take the Word of God for what it is far they cover everyone Under the Sun of my voice again with the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge to sort of understanding the spirit of counsel and might I pray father God according to Ephesians 1 in 17 that not only will you give them the spirit of knowledge but most certainly the spirit of revelation father got your word declares then proverbs chapter 4 I think it was seven but it says that wisdom is the principal thing get wisdom but in all thy getting get understanding I prayed it's my prayer Lord that you would anoint everyone Under the Sun of my voice but a spirit of understanding to never walk away from a true teacher or preacher of the Scriptures without an understanding not what pomp and pageantry and jumping around no leave with an understanding leave with a concept of the scripture that is going to alter a part of their life for the better I pray father God that even when they reiterate these teachings is that they don't have a prideful spur to say hey you're wrong and I'm right no but in all humility let the spirit of truth which is the Holy Spirit be their lead to share the truth with other people not to do big not to hug you the truth and that whenever they find themselves in no situation to just leave it alone I pray father God for the leaders that pride has become a problem for them and saying I was wrong in what I did in terms of telling you you had to pay the tide I pray father God that you would and endowed him with a spirit of humility and come before your people and say to them I was wrong for the word of God as always right I understand it now and it does make sense and this is doing it we should do it now I pray for those who have been committed to this system and who have convinced himself that ever since they've been paying their tides they have become millionaires and rich in whatever only to prove that or to make it appear as if it does work well I never said it won't work and what I did saying is that you're limiting yourself to what it can produce have you paid more in the 10 according to the New Testament system so Lord cause the truth to become their portion cause your word again to be priority over anyone's word including minds and I pray father God for a spur of peace not contention but a spirit of content mint and that they would find solace and joy in your word let your peace let your joy let your word father one let your word become their life let your word become their their spiritual as well as physical food let let them develop an insatiable desire for your word let their commitment not together not to pass the lot of boss'll let their commitment be to your God let them give them that sense of this sermon even those right now who are looking for a church or looking for whatever church home father direct them lead them to that right preacher you said that you would give them pastors of your heart you know what they need you know what you're calling them to be or grooming them more chiseling them to become and you know the right teacher the right pastor that is capable of truly feeding them and not raping them financially or misleading or manipulating them so that's my prayer Lord and I bind my favorite dance right now that you through your Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth will will meticulously guide them to the right person who will download the wisdom of God the knowledge of God via his word I pray father God that that will become one of many places in which you will educate them until the day that you decide that it's time for him to spread their wings and go into the world and begin to bring back sheep for your kingdom father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you and we ask these things and the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen and amen done with that tonight I got the hardest part of this teaching over tonight you know this is this is the hardest part right here pointing you to the laws now from me it's gonna be smooth sailing for me but rocky for others rocky in the sense that we are going to go very deep into the scriptures in our next teaching this sole teaching here was to show you laws see we can argue about the tithing all day some believe that they should give any of their reason something that you shouldn't give they have their reasons but again when we show laws when we show covenants when we saw priestly Levitical covenants and ordinances you can test that no more unless you come up with something that was recently created by God okay which I know is not true so I don't want us to leave from here angry or confuse and the only reason why you would be confused if you were so committed is be cause you're battling whether you should believe your past or your leanness or you should believe God and that's where your confusion come in then we know who your true God was from they went off you didn't know you're gonna know now because your true God would have been there because when it comes to God word it should never be a question of I wonder if I should believe what God say or should I believe with the leaders say no if we ain't coming from the Word of God and don't let them twist it on you okay so like I said the best way to thing and really the best way the best way to to contest which not really contest but to challenge your past or ever PC collection died of Lee and I always say this word demanded it if you just paint it if you want P it fine I'm not knocking you there that's what you want to do it's not a requirement but if you want to do that on you and again you're limiting yourself when you do that but if your pastors want to insist all you need to do possibly gain this right now okay I notice rude and I'm gonna apologize in advance all right do you have all and it's really Passport and if you do if you do and I want to believe you do because you feel like every time you're demanding it if you do could you show the connection between you and the Levitical order because God would have made a covenant with y'all we gonna see tomorrow in our numbers 25 where he even made a everlasting priesthood with the tribe of Levi when was his name now this was our Aaron's grandson Aaron are a son by the name of eleazar eleazar had a son named Phineas this numbers 25 remember Phineas killed one of this Hebrew brothers who was having intercourse with this more white woman and God says the conference's Elysee I make a covenant of peace with him and an everlasting covenant of priests and same lineage same divine lineage so I was even reinforced there but we gotta go into that when we get into the next teaching okay I gotta go I gotta go now may God bless you you guys have a great when I state see you in our next teaching
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 50,140
Rating: 4.8220596 out of 5
Id: bZdrqfoRtBU
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Length: 141min 38sec (8498 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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