Tips to create typography video in DaVinci Resolve

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today we'll be creating a video about typography so there's a bunch of different ways that you could go about making a topography video the idea pretty much is just some text on screen with some fancy animation um yeah i guess we'll just yeah explore a wide selection of pre-made creative tools for davinci resolve like titles transitions slideshows and infographs like bar charts and callouts and much much more link in the description for more information first i would probably go and get a whole bunch of different fonts i'm just going to be using the fonts that i already have installed uh but yeah so i need to get some type of audio to go with this so today we'll be creating a video about typography and that's my audio alright so now that we have the audio we now need to go into davinci resolve so getting davinci resolve here first going to go in and set my frame rate which is in the bottom corner down here we're going to click this little gear and then we're going to be showing this and what we're going to be picking is whatever we want our frame rate to be okay now we're going to bring in the video okay and i'm just going to [Music] just grab the audio from this because we don't really need that okay there we are i don't need this one we just need this little audio okay so now that i have my audio brought in right i now i'm going to make a fusion comp and we're just right clicking up here new fusion comp and in here you can make this as long as you want for now i'm just going to make it 15 seconds if it needs to be longer i can make it longer hit create drag it down and once you drag it down you can then grab the end of it and make it longer or shorter depending on however big your project is so i'm just going to make it that long and we're going to go over into fusion once we're in fusion i'm going to the only thing i'm going to have here is a media out node as we can see there it's media out so i need to get a media in node to be able to bring in the audio so i know when to time the words so i'm just going to hold down shift and hit space bar it's going to bring up our tool so then we can just type in here whatever we need so media in so there's media in midi out i'm just going to create a media in node we're just going to have it up here in the viewer you're not really going to be able to see it but over here just want to make sure that it's on timeline and not anything else but timeline so uh if we open up our keyframe tool here these are probably going to be smaller for you like i forget what size they typically are but probably like this we just need to get all of our audio to show up in here so when i scroll back and forth it's then going to cache that so now in a video today we'll be creating a video about typography there is our audio now now we have the audio in the project so we can hear it while we were adding in all of the text so the next thing i want to do is let's create a background quick and i actually want to do a gradient and let's pick two colors so let's pick a red maybe something like that and over here i'm going to pick a darker red maybe like that and let's go radial and now if we see it up here we can grab it maybe have it go the other way or actually no have that there have this here but flip these two there we are okay i make this point five point five so it's right in the middle and i think that's going to be my background all right so next today we'll be creating we're going to uh create a text uh node for each letter so the first one i'll show you quick we'll just write today and then we're going to to make this easy we're going to copy this and then on the node we're going to hit f2 and it's going to enable us to rename the nodes so i'm going to go through and just create a node for each word that i said okay so here are my nodes and today we'll be creating a video about typography so those are all of my words they're in separate uh nodes you could make them all in the same one you're just not going to have the flexibility to easily manipulate so we can go in and we can pick different fonts that we want i'm going to stick with that and i'm actually going to make this all caps there's a number of different ways that we can have the animations come on we can do simple things like right on where as this progresses we have it right on we can add in different modifiers modifiers allow you to do a number of different things so i'll just show you a modifier we'll make this one a modifier today we'll be today we'll be so we have a short amount of time we only today we only have a handful of frames here to write today out so i'm going to start at six and we're probably going to go to 14. today we'll be yeah about about 13 14 right so over here is the frame number and right here is our playhead so uh so somewhere in here i'm just clicking it and we're gonna go into a uh to add a modifier to this this particular value we're going to add a modifier you can add modifiers to any value we're going to add a modifier to this one we're going to do the follower modifier how to follow our modifier works is it's going to be a delay between anything that we do within the rest of this modifier adding from one character to the next character and then you can have it in order of the characters from left to right you can do right to left inside out all sorts of different things and you can do between each character or the delay between the first character and last tire as a whole and this doesn't have to be a single delay for like a single frame you can do subframes so you can have this like 0.5 so that will be you know over one over one frame it's being added to well two characters right but one's gonna be like halfway there uh i think i'm going to do a couple different things one i'm gonna do opacity and two i'm gonna be doing a position change so i'll start here and you have to remember that this is over the course of one character so you don't wanna make this super long because it's going to take that character that long to do it so if i make this opacity from zero to one over ten characters the first one is going to start it and then the next one's gonna start it with whatever that delay so the next one's gonna start at a half a frame the next one you know and so forth so uh i'm just going to start it here and then let's come up uh two frames and we'll have it go full so we can see each each one so the first one comes on this is already at five so that means that this next character because it has a half a half of frame delay it's going to be at .25 right and so on so now we have that animation but like i said i'm going to add on a position change as well so i want it to actually start up high right so this adds a thing here but we want it to start up high and then actually i'm going to have it start back here high and then over let's say let's go to this one and let's remove that keyframe but uh so one two frames it's going to come down below and then in one or uh another two frames it's going to go to zero so let's take a look and see how that looks today we'll be creating today we'll be creating it's way too fast so i'm just going to come back into here and we're going to take a look at all of the keyframes that we have here so far so here are our keyframes so um let's first go into the i think the today will be it coming on is fine but i'm just going to extend the two keyframes for the displacement so i'm gonna scoot it over and scoot this one over today we'll be creating okay so that's my today today we'll be and now we have to go to wheel right so um i'm going to take this one and drag it on top of the wheel so now we have both of them there uh actually you know what i have to do with the other i'm going to do it the other way so we're going to go like that and uh which way do i want to do this so now the next one is the wheel so i'm just going to drag the uh from the will uh up to today and what i'm gonna listen for today we'll be today we'll be is right about here i'm going to flip these the other way so these can these are going the opposite way so i'll just hit ctrl t and it'll flip it and now i'll have control of the today so um i'll start here and i'll just move up a couple of frames to like here and i'm just going to go like that right just a quick move like that and i'm also going to add on motion blur to this uh because i want to have it like you can see that motion they will be creating today will be create and then in here i'm also going to do i'm going to do a write on that goes the other way all right so i'm just going to do this simple write on that goes like this kind of matched up with these keyframes but i'll go one keyframe extra so i'll go here and then by the time we get here i'm going to have it come all on so now it'll look like today we'll be creating so about 22 is when we say the creating so again i'm going to actually go from here down one to here and if we view this we can see the creating uh i am think i'm going to have this do a couple different things one actually or drop this down we're actually going i'm going to switch this up just a little bit in between here i'm going to put a transform node and i'll show you why here in a second because if i have a transform node one thing i can do is i can change this pivot so if i move the pivot off to the edge here and i do a rotation it's going to rotate it there if i didn't have that pivot it's going to pivot in the middle of it so i'm actually going to have it come out like that and we're going to do uh a couple of different moves here so if i look at this like this let's close that for now and so we're starting at 22 um so 22 on the transform i'm gonna say uh here and keyframe here recreating creating creating i'm gonna come out a little bit and i'm going to first move this over here to about there and then while it's doing that i have a keyframe here and a keyframe here and we're going to go 90 i believe now let's go the other way negative for 90. we'll be creating and we can add a little bit of easing into here and i think i want to make this a little longer too while i'm at it so i'll move this out a couple of frames and we'll hit f to add a little bit of easing in there be creating a we'll be creating a day we'll be creating and the idea here is that we're just adding different animations and we're moving everything at the same time so this might not what i'm teaching you here might not be the exact play-by-play that you're gonna do with yours depending on what you have i'm just kind of showing you a couple of different tactics that you can tactic different ideas you can do to uh create your animation again i'm going to do a follower here and we're going to put a half in here as well i'm actually going to come over into shading for this i will do actually let's do soft so let's have this go to like eight or excuse me eight look like a full eight eight eight and we will do that and we will have this all the way down and then by the time it gets to here we'll have this zero zero but come in let's say two and have this as a one all right some other things that i want to do with this come back over to here let's change the font of this to something different and we might increase the size a little bit so let's uh have this connected up i'm actually going to flip this and where is our a currently why don't i see it oh you gotta pull it up to see that node right so we have an a there and let's actually take that a and slide it so it's like in that word and we're gonna do the same thing we did before by coming back a little bit keyframing so like right here and then having it go over like that and then in shading over the course of this maybe not as long but have that come on so we'll add this on as well and we'll take this video and maybe bring the video down a little bit let's change the font up on this one and we can also go into transform rotation um maybe it's overlay rotation yeah but let's have this the anchor point being the top because then i believe when we rotate this it'll rotate on top yeah interesting so we'll have it like that so you can't really see it a video a video a video a video video is like 54. so we'll come back come to here come up a little bit make it like 10 and then zero i'll do a video yo about all right let's go back here and we'll make this uh negative 10 and then two more then have it zero so it does like a little bit of a area a video about i don't really like its positioning so i'll bring it down here video about i'm gonna come in a little bit too we're gonna ink oops just the one increase and decrease and bring this in just a little bit a video about and we need to make this a little longer now a video about a video about and then we're gonna add on about but we're gonna take from here and go on to the about and then view about where is about uh hello we're gonna make this big there we are and then actually flip this the other way and rotate about actually we can have it rotate in here rotate about to 180 180 like and then we can maybe have it come from the side here so to do this we're just going to grab a box and connect it like that only allow it to be visible when it comes into this box right so we'll make this box bigger 75 and we will add on motion blur here keep positioning here um and we have it start about this is like all backwards for me right now have it come in like that about all right and then from here we'll bring both of these down transform node and bring it in and then in the transform node while this is happening so let's have it happen right here i'm going to then rotate it like this okay so let's go back to zero keyframe come up a little bit to about uh here and we'll go 180. we can come back a little bit actually there keyframe that and then i'll look at all these and i'll ease that just the end of that and then once i ease that motion blur so we get motion blur and everything i'll just bump this up to like four video about so while this is all happening i can also bump it over a little bit about type i'm going to do another transform you could probably do this accurately without this extra transform but this one will just make it a little easier for me over here and it's just going to be a little scoot just a little one so something like that i'll add a little bit of easing and also have this calculate some motion but actually you know i won't even have it calculate motion blur because it's moving so little so about type and now i will add on the typography thing maybe have it up here i'll rotate this as well maybe another transform here we will have it a centered quick shift so have it go the opposite why am i not viewing this let me go this way also have it probably center it more so like here and then for this another follower and have this be 0.5 as well come over into shading and then in shading we're going to go down to position and we're going to click here and we will have this go way off screen so we want to have it way off screen way up here but then down here we want it to come back down to zero so now if we view this about typography all right so now we have it like that i'll add a little easter ography maybe we'll add a bit more easing just because it's coming from so far away i want to just look cool so this is all really just to taste there's nothing special about this type about typography all right so i'm gonna take a look at this whole thing now hey today we'll be creating a video about typography so yeah that's pretty much uh how i would go about doing this and you know this is just a short tutorial to show you a couple of ideas and how you would create something like this a couple of little things that i would do uh but if i was to actually create this into something i would probably take a bit more time once you have it all done we can then lay it on top of our colored background and then there we should have it you're then going to pipe all of this into the media out piping it into the media out which will then like we did at the beginning it will go on to that fusion comp for our edit page and then we'll have all that stuff here so that is pretty much how to do it then you would just render it out like you would render out any other video so uh yeah i completely forgot to record some type of outro but uh yeah so uh hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you did awesome um yeah um uh hopefully you learned something if you did great if you didn't hopefully it was at least entertaining but with that being said my name's jr thanks for watching stay safe have a good one you
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 21,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, Fusion, typography, fusion project, video editing, videoeditor, motion graphics
Id: dEt3LwLyyf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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