Tips and Tricks to Survive the Eternal Cylinder Beta!

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hello everyone and welcome to this video showing you some tips and tricks for the eternal cylinder beta if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more eternal cylinder content my first tip for you is to get the real body mutation at the start of the game right after you talk to the first elder and run from the cylinder you can find the tubular pod to get the powerful wheel body mutation to get there look for the broken pillar facing a small ramp and walk to the top of the broken pillar this is easiest to do if you are all by yourself as other troubum tend to get in the way turn into a ball and slowly go down the broken pillar then right before you hit the ramp press a jump to shoot yourself high in the sky so that you can land on the pillar that is carrying the item you need here you will find the tubular pod and some other items if the tubular pod is not here then you got really unlucky and will have to restart your game to get it to spawn but this mutation is worth it because real body is extremely powerful as i said before since you can kill so many animals with this thing while you are still in this area you should also get the aposomatic skin mutation from the spiky plants that are around the edges of this area spawning more towards the water and the barrier that you cannot go through these spiky plants have a fruit on the top called the prickly pone and if you accidentally get the prickly pone to fall through the world then just save your game and reload and the fruit will once again be there to give you a second shot at getting this mutation now in the beginning area here there should be at least three spiky plants in the area you can harvest the episomatic skin is extremely useful because it prevents any creature from eating you such as the omnigrom but more than likely you will need this for the zeus garg which can catch you off guard as you exit caves or just come out of nowhere and suck you up my next tip for you is probably something you didn't realize you could do but you can break hard shell items with the omnigrong yeah it's surprising but these dumb animals do have powerful jaws and will eat anything that comes near their mouth when they are chasing prey so all you have to do is get an omniground riled up enough so that it wants to eat you and then shoot a hard-shelled item such as the iridescent pearl or claberock pearl into the path of the omniground and it will immediately suck up that hard shelled item chew it and then spit out the softer item as a bonus the underground will also run away after it has spit out the item so you don't have to worry about it trying to eat you right after it spit out the item you can even use the omnigrom to break uncoffered eggs so you can get those tasty health restoring yolks inside while testing things with the omnigrom i also noticed it will eat plants you throw on their path as well so this is useful to know for avoid being eaten yourself my next trick for you is hatching trebum eggs without needing to use the special heated nests because those can be such a pain to find sometimes like i swear they are hidden in the worst spots like completely opposite of where the nest is so if this ever happens to you you can bring a trepum egg to an oncofort nest if you see one nearby and yes an aquifer does need to be at the nest for this to work you cannot use an empty nest with no oncofurt around so if you have found a nest that has an oncovert sitting on it or at least nearby protecting the nest just place the trebum egg inside of the nest when the anki furt isn't looking or just be super fast run up behind it pop the egg in there right under its butt then the anki furt will gladly incubate the trebem egg for you and it will hatch then you just have to walk up to the nest again in order to recruit the new trebu just watch out for the anki fur because it will still attack you it will guard its eggs and wants to eat you this isn't the only alternate way to hatch eggs you can also hatch them on the blue symbols on towers that you activate just carry the egg up to the blue symbol when you step on it drop the egg and it will hatch or if you are in a tundra area that has a bunch of fish around just wait for them to heat up a rock grab the heated rock and then bring it to the trebum egg to hatch the egg my next tip for you guys is to look out for the blue bushes in the environment because these blue bushes are very special when you stand in them you get this eye with a slash icon indicating you are hidden and the sides of your screen will have a blue tint this icon in effect is also applied while you are in a cave so in general as long as you see this icon in the blue effect you know that your trebum is hidden and the enemies around you will not be able to see you and therefore will not attack you so these bushes are an important tool to get predators off your trunk for example if a tongle grop is chasing you it will instantly lose you when you hide in these unique bushes because you have that max level sneak skill and i just wanted to make sure that this hidden bush thing was super op so i got a witness to chase me and then hid in a bush and not only did the witness lose me but the yellow light did not take away any of my mutations while the witness was looking at the bush so this is a huge advantage because it allows you to protect yourself from that harsh yellow light and not get your mutations stolen keep in mind this is the beta though so this could change for the real game and since we're talking about blue bushes well now it's time to talk about blue energy fields you will notice that there are blue mushrooms around the environment as well and they have a glowing blue area around them rolling into these blue areas restore your stamina rapidly allowing you to roll much longer than normal because well all your stamina is recovered using these energy fields is crucial when out running the cylinder and even predators this is not the only place to find energy fields though if you scare the sack off a sac fly it will burst into a small energy field that will also restore your stamina so this can be helpful while swimming if one happens to fly over you and you can get your stamina back to make it to shore or in any case where you need more stamina and you see a sac fly just scare that sac fly and get that stamina recovery something else to look out for in the environment are these special trebum statues that have a glowing third eye on their foreheads you can find these statues on the ground or standing upright throughout various environments so just keep an eye out for the glow because you can suck up that little amber on top of their heads to get the third eye mutation which allows you to track the location of items in your compendium my next tip for you is to process all your minerals with the mineral processor mutation because right now in the game there's no reason not to process your minerals you don't use the actual mineral for anything so since they have no other uses just throw every mineral you find into the mineral process or trebum you have that way it refines those minerals into the spendable minerals that allow you to upgrade your trevon's stats you can get the mineral processor mutation from the lipotroph mushroom which you can find on these special trebum statues in caves to learn more about how to upgrade your trebum check out my video here going over everything you need to know about it now the next thing i want to share with you guys is a bit more combat oriented and that is how to kill tongle crops so you can get that tongo crop acid pump because having the toxic trunk is a really nice thing to have of course the first thing that comes to mind when killing a tongle grop is luring it to the celestial trail holla since it will do a lightning attack on anything near it but there is another way to kill tongo grubs and that is by luring two tongle drops together now this does require some rng on the games part because you need two tongue grabs to spawn in the same area all you have to do is lure one tongle grub to the other and once they are close enough to each other they will attack each other and therefore kill each other at the same time giving you two free acid pumps to use now luring them together isn't always the easiest thing because sometimes tongo drops have a short attention span and then sometimes they decide that they want you and only you and nothing else so it can be a bit tricky but i recommend just doing your best to look behind you while you roll away to make sure the tongo drop does not lose interest because you don't want to roll all the way to the second tangle graph just to find out that the first tango graph lost interest and if worse comes to worse you can always hide in a blue bush after that i want to talk about a water hopping now i'm not sure this is 100 intentional but i guess we'll find out when the game releases for real but you can water hop across the surface of water by spam jumping now doing this method is a little finicky because you don't always get the immediate double hop or even triple hop but when you can get it to work out it's pretty fun heck maybe you can get the timing down so perfectly that you can just double hop across the water all the time i'm not really sure what you can use water hopping with besides getting across the water faster in some situations but it's just a neat thing that i discovered that i wanted to share with all of you let me know which of these tips is your favorite or which one of these tips you did not know about before watching the video and if this video did help you out make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more eternal cylinder content if you have any questions about the eternal cylinder beta comment below and i will help you out and feel free to leave suggestions for other videos you would like to see thank you very much for watching and as always a good luck outrunning the cylinder and see you next time you
Channel: Niva1a
Views: 39,687
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Keywords: tips and tricks the eternal cylinder, the e, the eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder beta, eternal cylinder beta, the eternal cylinder pc, good shepherd entertainment, survival game, the eternal cylinder tips, the eternal cylinder tricks, the eternal cylinder tips and tricks, the eternal cylinder beta tips, the eternal cylinder beta tricks, the eternal cylinder beta tips and tricks
Id: TQGUuWIzlaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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