11 Times Stars Shut Down Sexist Comments

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Even in 2017 sexism is alive and well and nobody is immune to it, not even celebrities. Don't you sometimes wish that you just had a great comeback? Well never fear the celebs are here to help as we break down 11 times they awesomely shut down sexist comments. Right Here. Right now on Listed. Starting off, Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles is no stranger to receiving her share of sexist comments both on and off the gym floor. Following one of her routines on Dancing with the Stars, host Tom Bergeron publicly reprimanded the Olympic superstar for not smiling enough during her performance. Simone Biles made this comment. I was waiting for you to smile at some of the compliments you didn't. Seriously? Telling women to smile is like the oldest sexist play in the book but our girl Simone wasn't having any of it and came up with this response on the fly. Smiling doesn't win you gold medals. Yes. Smiling doesn't win you gold medals. Hard work and being the best does. This comment sparked Internet love and soon enough Smiling Doesn't When you gold Medal T-Shirts were available for sale. However, some of America wasn't quite on board seeing as she was eliminated the following week. Coming up next, is Emma Watson, who is an unabashed Feminist, so there was no shortage of her comebacks to pick from. Our favorite was her reaction to criticism about her not being feminist enough because of her Vanity Fair' Shoot a British radio host posted the photo with the following caption Emma Watson feminism, feminism...gender wage gap oh why oh why am I not taken seriously feminism. Oh, here are my tits! One Fan Even tweeted quote that awkward moment when you preach about feminism, but show off your boobs and objectify your body to promote a movie cc Emma watson According to Emma that awkward moment is when someone doesn't understand what feminism is. Just last year Ariana Grande fired back at a sexist Internet troll who called her a whore when Ari uploaded a sexy Image from her Dangerous Woman video to her Facebook, a fan thought they were somehow justified with calling her a whore and that's when Ariana quickly clapped back with the perfect response saying: when will people stop being offended by women showing skin/ expressing sexuality men take their shirts off/express their sexuality on stage, in videos, on Instagram, anywhere they want to all the time the double standards is so boring and exhausting. with all due respect. I think its time you get your head out of your ass, women can love their bodies too!!!! But Ari's clap backs don't stop there. Remember in 2015 when she was asked by a radio show host what she would choose if she could only use her cell phone or make up one last time. Yeah, that didn't exactly fly with Ariana, so she quickly shut them down with this. Host: If you could use makeup or your phone one last time which one would you pick makeup or your phone one last time? Ariana: Is this what you think girls have trouble choosing between? Is this men assuming that that's what girls would have to choose between? Host: Not a question. Ariana: We need a little brushing up on equality over here come on. Zendaya responded to an internet troll calling her out as scary without makeup with a two-word caption that reminded everybody that she takes no crap from shamers. After a User Wrote shaking my head is it wrong that I just saw Zendaya without makeup and it scared me how different she looks. I'm hurt Zendaya took matters into her own Hands and posted a hashtag no makeup selfie with the caption terrifying honestly. Done and Done. In a surreal interview with a Brazilian journalist, Orange is the New Black star Natasha Lyonne Responded to his question asking: With how beautiful you are, how on earth can you act serious? With brilliance and sass of course, Natasha suggested that his question was slightly accidentally misogynistic saying: "it's like your question is 'your so beautiful, what's it like having to do all that acting?' I can't tell if that's the question, but if it is, that's insane, everybody is professional and talented and very capable, so I don't think that really anybody is really thinking about something as meaningless as their beauty when they're at work but believe It or not, it's not only women who are clutch at calling out sexism. When Channing Tatum was asked by Seth Meyers where he would go in a zombie apocalypse he was quick to answer Sandra Bullock. His reason, however, was a subtle calling out of sexism in Hollywood. Well, yeah, I don't know like I just figured like she'd have a fully stocked fridge, and like like really cool bar. You just think she'd be ahead of the ball? Yeah yeah yeah she's been a woman in Hollywood and dealt with a bunch of ass**** men for so long that like you know Zombies are like not nothing. Tennis superstar Serena Williams had her own great response to what the CEO of Indian Wells had to say about the women's tennis association and prepare to take a deep breath after this one. He said, in my next life, I want to be someone in the WTA, because they ride on the coattails of the men. They don't make any decisions and they are lucky. they are very, very lucky. if I was a lady player, I'd go down every night on my knees and thank god that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born, because they have carried this sport Thankfully, Serena's response is a breath of fresh air that we all needed. Serena: I don't think any woman should be down on their knees thanking any anybody like that I think those remarks are very much mistaken and very very very inaccurate. Host: That one's an ace Serena. In a recent radio interview Katy Perry Was asked about her upcoming 25 million dollar salary as a judge on American Idol and although this wasn't a direct response to sexism she threw out a casual acknowledgement of the wage gap by responding " I'm really proud that as a woman I got paid. And you know why? I got paid like more than like pretty much any guy that's been on that show. And by the way, I love men. So I'm a paid woman and I'm ready for a beautiful man In 2013 the then Thirteen-Year-Old Rowan Blanchard, star of Girl Meets World, was quick to respond to a totally invasive and kind of ridiculous question on the red carpet. When she was asked if she quote, Had any dieting tips for other girls, her quick comeback, do you have any dieting tips for other teenage boys Reversing the gender on a statement is a great way to point out sexism and Rowan clearly wields that tool super well. And even Taylor Swift calls out sexism when she sees it. On an Australian radio show in response to the complaint that so many of her songs are about ex-Boyfriends T-Swift quipped back with her own take on that angle. She just writes songs about her ex boyfriends and I think frankly that's a very sexist angle to take no one says that about Ed Sheeran, no one says it about Bruno Mars. They're all writing songs about their exes, their current girlfriends, their love life, and no one raises a red flag there. Preach Tay Tay. And one last Emma Watson one for the road because she is so dang good at this. She had the perfect answer to a fan who tweeted her the question my dad says I can't be an engineer cause it's a "men profession" what do I do to change that Her Simply Brilliant Three Word response: become an engineer Mic drop. Well, that's all we have time for today on Listed but sexism is real and it happens every day. So let's do what these celebs do and shut it down when we see it. But right now I want to know which celebs clap back, you thought was the most epic. Or were you surprised to see any of these celebs make the list. Hit us up in the comment section below or hit me up on Insta @RainbSprinkles and after that click right over here to check out ten times artists stormed offstage during concerts. Thanks for watching Listed, I'm your host Zoe Lillian and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Clevver News
Views: 6,883,056
Rating: 4.8700066 out of 5
Keywords: simone biles, emma watson, ariana grande, zendaya, natahsa lyonne, channing tatum, serena williams, katy perry, rowan blanchard, feminist, feminism, sexist comments, feminist celebs, zendaya feminist, emma watson feminist, ariana grande feminist, clevver, clevver news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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