Celebrities Who Show You How To Deal With Sexist Comments

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what are you looking for in a man now to where the school I'm not looking for a man a start there people say they were saying that I couldn't be a feminist and and have boobs and have boobs that's true feminism is about giving women choice feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with it's about freedom it's about liberation it's about equality it's not I really don't know what my tits have to do with it it's very confusing but guide shares his experience in writing he's brave if a woman shares her experience in writing she's over sharing and she's she's over emotional or she might be crazy or watch out she'll write a song about you well that joke is there is that but that joke is so old and it's it's coming from a place of such sexist when I am assertive I'm a [ __ ] when a man is assertive he's a boss he bossed up no negative connotation behind bossed up but lots of negative connotation behind being a [ __ ] I was waiting for you to smile at some of the compliments you didn't who are gonna say oh you know like she's just bright songs about her ex boyfriends and I think frankly that's a very sexist angle to take no one says that about Ed Sheeran no one says it about Bruno Mars they're all writing songs about their exes their current girlfriends their love life and no one raises a red flag there if you could use makeup or your phone one last time which one would you pick you makeup or your phone what you think girls have trouble choosing yeah yeah can you really go anywhere without your cell phone yes how long can you go without looking at many hours our our lady I don't believe it absolutely I have to do it you know when I'm at a dinner table I like to be present and talking I can't ladies learn Playboy's lame-o right now we got our new boys and girls we can all learn yes one thing that I do believe as a feminist is that in order for us to have gender equality we have to stop making it a girl fight and we have to stop being so interested in seeing girls try to tear each other down it has to be more about cheering each other on as women and that's just kind of how I feel about it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Televi situation honestly it's really like she started it and it's time for her to finish it and I tried to talk to her about it and she she wouldn't speak to me I'm ready for that BS to be done I think personally that women together not divided and like none of this petty science a sista I'm really proud that as a woman I got paid and you know why I got paid like more than pretty much any guy that's ever been on that show and by the way I love men so I'm a paid woman and I'm ready for a beautiful man I would really like to thank Sports Illustrated for recognizing me not just as sports woman or sports of the year but just sports Person of the Year and of course for me none of this would not be possible without Jehovah God giving me the strength to do not just as sports woman or sports of the year but just sports Person of the Year I just want to ask you guys you were reading the script did you ever think why aren't all these women in here I thought this is supposed to be a man's movie no not for one minute what's your favorite position CEO CEO Tony Stark character and did you learn anything throughout three movies that you made and discs are led to getting into the shape of Black Widow did you have anything special to do in terms of the diet even specific food or that sort of thing like how come you get like the really interesting like existential question and I get the like rabbit food question but here he is interviewing Anne Hathaway apparently she was there was a picture taken of her when she was getting out of a car at a some type of premiere the guy who taken the picture got really low took a picture of her cry essential wardrobe malfunction the other night what's the lesson learned from something like that other than that you keep smiling what you always do well it was obviously an unfortunate incident I think it kind of made me sad on two accounts one was that I was very sad that we live in an age when someone takes a picture of another person in a vulnerable moment and rather than delete it and do the decent thing sells it and I'm sorry that we live in a culture that commodified sexuality of unwilling participants which brings us back to blame is because that's what my character is she is someone who was forced to sell sex to benefit her child because she has nothing and there's no social safety net and I yeah so so let's thought so let's get back to the negative terms the question I have ever heard of it take it at that that's fine our image has always been kind of painted by men or for men so when you see a girl take a selfie in public and she's literally in control of how she wants to look and how she wants to be portrayed there's such power in that now were you able to wear undergarments because what is going on what since when did people start asking each other about injuries about their underwear to ask somebody what kind of Underpants they were I didn't ask you what kind you just asked me if I was wearing any you are in phenomenal shape thank you you had to make sure you were in perfect shape for this one didn't you it was about being able to do the stunts and the fighting perfect what was that soup like it had to be comfortable to wear but it looked like it was so form-fitting wasn't it it was fine I think Christian had it worse in the Batsuit than I did I didn't have my ears covered is there a certain regimen you put yourself through in terms of the diet the workout what is the feline fitness regime it's just watch what you eat and get yourself to the gym any particular workout trying to lose weight well what's great no no no no seriously that we have to talk about this what what do you want are you trying to fit into a cat suit I just wanted to show the legs cuz as I was telling you ahead you're gonna walk home with more than maybe just a trophy tonight I think lots of men I'm not gonna walk home with any men tonight I'm gonna go hang out with my friends and then I go home to the cats no men allowed then get me in trouble [Music] you you just do I think in the same way that everybody else [Music] how frustrating is that when you're linked to another Hollywood star and even if you're you've barely met them very frustrating almost as frustrating as being asked about it yeah you got a lot going there I mean this what's the point do you have some things that singer Lorde said a variety an anti-feminist because you know you're sexy and you're out of being sexy right I appreciate everyone's opinion especially because I've covered her music lots of times yeah I think she's super talented and I think it's awesome but I think the same time feminism and that specific thing is very sensitive because in my opinion it's not feminism if you're tearing down other artists people labeling Selena as Justin's app Ariana's saying I'll never be able to swallow the fact that people feel the need to attach a successful woman to a man when they say her name I saw a headline draw your own conclusions because it'll be so much drama that I don't want they called someone another someone's ex and that pissed me off this person has had so many great records in the last year and she hasn't been dating him forever call her by her name when will people stop being offended by women showing skin slash expressing sexuality men take their shirts off slash express their sexuality on stage in videos on Instagram anywhere they want to all the time the double standard is so boring and exhausting with all due respect I think it's time you get your head out of your ass women can love their bodies too you
Channel: Salty Facts
Views: 6,942,573
Rating: 4.9379611 out of 5
Keywords: Celebrities Who Show You How To Deal With Sexist Comments, celebs sexist comments, Feminists, Feminism, taylor swift feminism moments, rihanna feminism moments, ariana grande fire back sexist comments, serena williams feminists, salty facts, salty, salty videos, salty facts weird talents
Id: vrSTsWNqRzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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