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hi everyone I'm excited to welcome [Music] [Applause] of course there are serious debates to be had about racism but my god the world has moved and moved fast pop appears because you are denying my lived experience I know your old trick of being the victim and you played that very you immediately came out after you were fired with all this stuff about all the insults you've had and so on so of course you're going to get insulted I don't agree with the way they've insulted you but when you call every white person racist yes when you say I don't have the energy to talk about the racial violence of white people anymore yes all white people when you call us a bunch of violent racist all of us we are going to get annoyed you think the hundreds of thousands of people on food banks in this country white people amongst them are pretty Haymore can't they have more than you I did not say that I did well see supermodel I did not please show me my bank account all right do you think that white people on food banks in this country are more or less privileged than you I did not say that is I said you justified that you said let me speak please I'm saying that if a person is absolutely the food banks and their way and there's their counterpart and that counterpart is black that white person has more of a chance of getting out of that situation than their privilege where they have white people have more access to home all white people have a better chance in Britain of getting out of their poverty than them poor black - yes I feel like I'm up against the wall with you peers no you're up against - somebody challenging you on your public statements yeah which you managed to turn into a massive great story of your poor victimhood and I'm telling you now you're sitting here that I think when you say all white people are racially environment that is deeply offensive but wait there's more we need to be speaking about what there's what the root of racism what the root of sexism is and sexist doesn't come from women so of course it's caused by men this is a social cause a woman to be sexist I don't think that women can enforce any women behold the patriarch appears that is not all the worries the patriarch uh you don't know what a picture I do those women the patriarchy is basically a structured that puts men at the top of power so if I was not behind that you're forced to pay five modes I'd have anything to live most powerful people in this country currently are women how does that how does that sit with your patriarchy [Music] [Music] look up signal daddy thank you so much for having me I've seen a lot of your clips and I can't help but think whether you actually mean half the things that you say and whether you're just trying to get attention do you actually believe in what you say are you just just trying to stir the pot well a lot of people have that reaction a lot of people have that question I don't want you to be weird they're a I don't know why should be weird that a gay guy would be skeptical or fearful of Islam I don't see anything strange about a gay person liking the Bible and liking the First Amendment and liking low taxes I don't find anything odd about me really um in order to find me peculiar or strange or in order to think that perhaps I'm putting it on you have to sign up to this idea of identity politics which suggests that just because somebody is black or gay or a woman they have to have particular political or ideological positions I reject that idea gay or whatever I'm just saying you know some of the things are just so outrageous and the way you put the mod thing I see like a real like Borat that's just out there to make fun of everyone and what you think that reaches what do you think of that I've said is outrageous any something called rape culture a fantasy of like in feminism to can say you've said that women on the pill don't move they don't talk right but you suggest that well all those things are true do you really want American college campuses you know to say that there is a rape culture implies that there is a system or an environment which encourages rape that doesn't exist in American college campuses and just to believe in the statistics that feminists peddle that's a one-in-four one in five women is going to be sexually assaulted in her time on campus you'd have to believe that American college campuses have rape rates that approach those of the Congo where rape is used as a weapon of war we don't reward rapists in our society we put them in prison on the feminism question women agree with me 4/5 of American women do not describe themselves as feminists and just 7% of British women describe themselves as feminists I would imagine that Australia being a very sensible country would share those views - it's only journalists who insist on political positions and insists on feminists in public actually with almost every interview that I saw you you do you should ask different questions - [Music] our generations moral imperative to take responsibility for what our children learn we must turn our focus right now to the message and content they exposed to on a daily basis through social media the bullying the experience online and in person that was a First Lady Melania Trump speaking at the UN yesterday about cyber bullying so how did the left hada liberals react well they attacked the first lady online during an interview Hillary Clinton even took a shot at the first lady for not doing enough really joining us now foxnews contributors tommy Lehren [Music] and Jessica tarlowe you know if this ever had when when we criticized Michelle Obama conservatives when she injected herself into politics and said for the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country the left went nuts they've made fun of Melania shoes what she wears - hurricane Harvey after man where's your side defending women here right here Hillary Clinton didn't know well no point that Hillary Clinton made was a policy point and I think that's completely sad don't pick on her outfit it also was fabulous but Melania Trump picking up cyberbullying as [ __ ] as her patron saint cause after what Donald Trump tweeted even just last weekend right the golf swing and the golf ball hitting Hillary and the battery well you that humorless you know what I don't think Tommy gets hit harder than me yeah Tommy you just don't do what the left does weak conservatives wouldn't do it and if they did do it they beat we're gonna kill them raked over the coals well here's my question for Jessica I mean isn't this supposed to be a platform the left loves we're talking about bullying we're talking about cyberbullying we're talking about being an advocate for that Melania Trump is coming out and something that is not partisan at all this is just a human thing but yet they attack her for what she's wearing and it's again where are the feminists they never come out they never come out with some heavy Sanders everywhere they're just not supporting Kellyanne Conway who advocates for policies that hurt women they're not thrilled on pizza why she does not talking about Kelly Ayotte Melania sure you think that if you advocate for an agenda we're talking about cyberbullying we're talking about Melania Trump advocating for an end to cyber bullying but yet the left goes after her and they ridicule her on I don't see the feminists coming out saying hey leave it leave a woman alone leave an empowered female alone I don't see the feminists doing that dusk I don't [Music] what kind of country is modern Britain no doubt it's a country that likes to think of itself as inclusive but that depends where you're standing to me as a transgender mixed-race person we live in a deeply racist society the governments race audit for England identified discrimination against people of color in many of our institutions ranging from the police to the justice system to schools does this surprise you is old news to me an almost a bad joke to identify it now it's something that we've known for years but the political will has not been there to deal with it and I'm not sure it is now why should we expect anything else from a country that's built a success on the enslavement of non-white people is that continuous cycle of racism that explains where we are now why doesn't UK acknowledge the sacrifice of people killed in wars but not the spilled blood of black if the UK took our oppression seriously then people like me who call out racism would be listen to you rather than ridiculed or threatened with death if white people want to see an improvement for people of color they need to understand that racism is not learned it's inherited and either consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege the uncomfortable truth is that the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on earth my worry is that whatever governments do to tinker with institutional racism it is so ingrained in the fabric of British society that it is too late to do anything about it and from the world cinema in Hearne Hill to our own little cinema here in sw1 mineral joins us now thanks for joining us and for your take mr. Britain a deeply racist society we live in a society where we won't even talk about it so until we actually start really we've only just really started talking about modern-day racism we when we talk about racism we're always you know either talking sorry to bring up what you talked about but we're either comparing to America which is holy-holy different the history is very very different we celebrate the Empire here but the Empire has horrible history for people of color but we have a multicultural society so there's this imbalance and especially when it comes to education this is the whole system needs to change but let me look at education that's look at the figures on education 33% of white kids go to a university or further education 37% of black kids go to university or further education sixty-seven percent of Indian kids go to university or further education 76 percent of Chinese kids go to university of further education where's the racism in that I'm talking about how people's history and his healthy but I'm talking about now and the chances of young yeah children talking about their what's wrong with these figures I'm about to tell you I'm not talking about their academic performance I'm talking about how we are taught about each other if bat kids aren't being taught about their histories if it being taught you know that white history is paramount that's essentially feeding into a white supremacist net narrative we can't be taught teaching kids that white is the default that white people's history is the sole history of this country we need to be talked about we need to be taught about black contributions and other contributions of other cultures within this but for most people what racism is and what they'd like to improve is the chances of people getting on regardless of the color of your size it's not just that's not just racism though I'm talking about a mental it's still quite an important thing and these figures would suggest that as a country we're doing reasonably well that you think yeah well facts and figures are important but you think I think you guys do that we are irredeemably racist don't you what this society yeah I do I do unfortunately I do I think that Britain the success of Britain is literally based on racism and do you think we redeem would be success as well 100% but do you but if you take something like gender I think we're making advances in terms of gender play men smashing down the patriarchy we are gonna be on that page so I think yes we we committed I think we can make progress and we can come at it and if it's in Rhodesia you can't make progress I mean it's fighting human nature and humans are flawed you see but you but you but you manzara but you you seem to think that white people yeah are uniquely evil I didn't say that I don't they that individual people are unique well you know no no no you said whites are the most violent violent and oppressor forth well yeah that's what you said in your film and if you're gonna go so that would seem to me that statistics point that out to really well the Chinese were massacring Chinese and other races along before they'd ever met a white person Attila the Hun wasn't white it's the same in the subcontinent if you go back hundreds of years as well the genocide in Rwanda was black on black career so is verify so as the Congo which is the rape capital of the world these are really these things have got nothing to do with white people eighty-five percent of whites in this country feel they belong to Britain 84 percent of Asians 81 percent of black people it's not clear that non-white people in this country feel the way you do [Music] welcome to calendars quarter but I went to the food court today communicating ittle bit because they're selfish users in a very modern world I've walked out halfway through I'm not showing down on that crack sandwich any longer and do not care if I lose my job over this hey ridiculous absolutely we do just telling me how I can sit oh the legs together pancake in my bloody testicles so perfectly nor this all the time you'd like that wouldn't you honestly is pathetic absolutely pathetic I'm a man there's nothing wrong with that I've got a buddy meet into bedrock package between my legs is fun it's nothing to be ashamed of that's a woman she's got a bloody lady garden and dirty pillows there's nothing wrong with that this granted it can be difficult to tell now with a really little emo Smurfs and song but they're telling us it's a scam what they identify with otherwise everyone's going to be a bloody it's just the phrases of not just few people they were too ugly to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend that's where it all comes from I tell you tell a face like a monkey's ass a month with the anus fasty that dirty of noxious views into the wall that a rest of us just have to chug down on well I'm not going to be that man anymore I'm not gonna eat that [ __ ] sandwich any longer madness you've got no idea what it's like out in the real world well I'm working with eight-year-old and ninth year old men and women told called gender-neutral language they want to be called pet and love and stuff it makes every day you've got no idea what goes on in a real world sitting there when your bourgeoisie pink pushing push dear ol [ __ ] goes down in my job literally you feminists bint could not handle it I'm not naming any names before you start getting on bloody litigious but you know who you are and you can kiss my hairy ass I do not care if I lose my job is worth it just not to beat this crap anymore idiot [Music]
Channel: 50 Shades
Views: 13,487,537
Rating: 4.7871199 out of 5
Keywords: yiannopoulos, milo, Owned, feminist, racism, feminism, destroyed, fail, logic
Id: 5cIvH-iZZfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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