Times Bill Maher Hated the Rich

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long as we've got three wars going America needs to add one more a class war every election roughly half the population votes Democrat and the other half votes Republican now I understand why the Republicans get 1% of the vote the richest 1% that other 49% someone will have to explain to me if you can look at a crime where everything points to one answer and not see it you're a dumbass and if you can look at the deficit and not see that the problem is that the rich stop paying taxes you're a Republican [Applause] and before you accuse me of ik waiting the Casey Anthony verdict with Republican thinking save your breath I am I am I'm ik waiting them I'm saying if you're a working-class American who still votes Republican then you don't get to [ __ ] about that verdict I would be more sir I am sympathetic to the poor people but I would be more sympathetic if I didn't also think is in this country poor people never blame rich people they want to be rich people they want to become Fox great works so you would want to be the same if you were poor okay to keep you from feeling like you look like a criminal or a pariah of course you want to be interesting there but every but if you are but if you are wishing that you could be the one spring the crystal you know you're only your sort of man I except without the money human nature my back right who acts like this everybody doesn't act this way this wouldn't happen in Sweden because they're just not as obsessed with money I can't imagine Abba putting out a record called get rich or die trying' but you don't give up anything may give up one air I run five charities right probably we don't traffic and social and political semi politically you not gonna have millions whether you need more than that I'm happy to pay more taxes that's the next question we've squeezed the middle class I mean people have to ask why is this woman being in a cup you know it's because we work backwards from the rich have to get theirs they got to get 90% of the pie right away the stock the stock price of a company can't just be good it always has to go up every year so what about a company that's already doing well you know McDonald's is already selling a shitload of hamburgers how do they get more how do they squeeze more profit and have the stock go up well the only place to squeeze is the people so what winds up that somebody has to pee in a cup because their their productivity is getting squeezed evermore but here's the thing about squeezing people and keeping them insecure it virtually ensures that our long-term major problems never get fixed because reducing the debt or repairing our infrastructure or most importantly halting climate change requires long-term thinking which is something you can't really do when the wolf is always at the door Bangladesh will be underwater in 20 years I'm underwater today Whole Foods I just want to get some food in my hole and that's just how the Koch brothers like it to have people so caught up in today's problems we never have time for tomorrow's I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but I swear to god I think it's in the interest of corporations to keep the people stupid and the best way to keep the people stupid is by having the people who inform them be even stupider the GI Bill which was really what they hate it's government forcing corporations to do the right thing so now that wasn't awful to that generation government said to corporations these guys would just fought the war so you can have a business do the right thing and give them the discount rate that's right what they forced them to do that's right when you if they they knew that if you left it to corporations they wouldn't have done the right thing because this Walter Reid thing is bad because they privatize it because they outsource it to corporations which have no soul which only care about the bottom line which only care about greed at least government workers might have a conscience corporations never do this is Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers what a dick fall he personally made five hundred million dollars in subprime mortgages and he gets to keep it well you and I pay off his bad bets Barack Obama quote of the last couple of weeks talking about Wall Street he said there's no difference between Wall Street and Main Street we rise and fall together I thought Rush Limbaugh was on drugs are you kidding there's no difference did you see the hearings this week there's no difference between Wall Street and Main Street some people are making five hundred million dollars a year and some people a lot of people are trying to get a second job at a yogurt shop how can he talk like that look at this the very essence of America and I thought how ironic because this is on the wall street journal' there is not a story a article a sentence a word in this newspaper that is really about the sacrifice that people need to make an American this is all about greed [ __ ] them [Applause] the fact that he just caught on to this in an anecdotal fashion does not make him a hero that's what the show tries but what's so wrong with the show is that he's not turning around and then changing changing the practices right don't wear the show as his head is not enough Pike so no I don't think we should put all the bankers to death just to I mean maybe it's not technically legal but let's look at the upside if we killed two random rich greedy pigs I mean killed like blew them up at halftime at next year's Superbowl or left them hanging on the big board at the New York Stock Exchange you know as a warning with their balls in their mouth I think it would really make everyone else sit up and take notice this crisis is rooted in greed and if to deaths shock to society of 300 million it's acting decently enough to avoid this in the future well they died as heroes and you know it's not like collateral damage isn't built into our assessment of things cars kill almost 50 thousand people a year but we accept that as a fair price for being able to get around without riding on top of an animal so two dead bankers really starts to look like a bargain isn't that what they love bargains this just struck me because Obama is trying to make this grand bargain right now with the Republicans about how we're gonna solve our fiscal problems isn't the reason we can't make a grand bargain because these people will not sacrifice anything they love the country they love the guys who pick up grenades for it but they won't give up and and you can fly my private jet from my cold dead hands when you take it from my hangar you're concerned 36,000 people in Louisiana have a guard in attendance in Hawaii I'm concerned at thirty six percent of people in this country so 1% of people in this country control 36 percent of the wealth that's the real problem and by the way at a point the other 99 are going to have the guns that's your great article is called why we should hate the rich well not quite it was called the rise of the super elite and why they're leaving you behind close well that's why I got out of it is why you should hate the rich no this is the College Admission scandal everybody is talking about I have shocking news for everyone here tonight rich people cheat and their kids are [ __ ] stupid look just look at the faces of these kids and just try and turn away hi I'm Bill Maher for save our children each day to up to three of America's finest young people are crippled by the devastating effects of the estate tax this is my friend Charlie Charles heading to the third Charles life has been turned upside down he was expecting an inheritance of 7.9 million dollars as it stands he'll be lucky to get 6.2 do you want to be the one to tell him well now you can help repeal the estate tax by sponsoring a Republican congressman for as little as $2,000 in election cycle that's less than the price of a tank of gas Newt you call the number on your screen nope Charles we're ready if you won't save our richest 1% who will worry that Dad I love this wandered into legal jeopardy yes poor people commit crimes rich people wander into the new rule instead of buying a $500 face cream made out of caviar just pean poor people or kick a homeless man and say why are you such a loser loser I mean really you're rubbing caviar on your face then again who can argue with the results this is a show where the book it's basically the prince and the pauper you know the king goes in disguise among the peasants among his people and finds out he's a huge [ __ ] he's up yeah and he doesn't even know it you know the guy so one where the guy works for White Castle and he's shocked at the people who work for him have a bevel low morale as if working for white castles fantastic why would they but how'd you like to be briefly introduced to a millionaire wouldn't you like that you can touch his garments and people watch this [ __ ] and find it inspirational it's why they fawn over Donald Trump when he flirts with running for president every four years even though he spends the rest of his time letting 18 people kiss his ass on TV before he fires all but one of them I know I know it's just a TV show but it does reinforce the stupid idea people have that rich people would love us and share with us if only they got to walk a mile in our cheap plastic shoes but they're the reason the shoe factory moved to China we have this fantasy that our interests and the interests of the super-rich are the same like somehow the rich will eventually get so full that they'll explode and the candy will rain down on the rest of us like there's some kind of pinata of benevolence but here's the thing about a pinata it doesn't open on its own you have to beat it with a stick why can't they have why can't they own that you know have some of that Charlie Sheen swagger you know just say yes redistribution of wealth were for it death panels were for it this week was the tenth anniversary of the Bush tax cuts and I saw Tim Pawlenty who apparently is the adult in the Republican field take it to an even greater level about how we should just throw more money to the rich it isn't the one thing that has taken this country down just just always catering to the greed of rich people and exacerbating this giant wealth gap America's rich aren't giving you money they're taking your money between the years 1980 between the years 1980 in 2005 80% of all new income generated in this country went to the richest 1% let me put that in terms that even you fat-ass teabaggers sorry can understand say a hundred americans get together and order a hundred sliced pizza the pizza arrives they open the box and the first guy takes 80 slices but it seems to me like this country is broke and it is Haq and that's really the root of the problem is that we're so much in debt and getting more in debt that at some point the foreign countries might call in those markers and then we really be screwed because you know we'd find out that we did you know then that our money would be worthless so it seems like there's one place where there is money and that's rich people they made out very well during the during not just the Bush years that's right but the Clinton years - because he was a corporatist Democrat and Reagan and Bush won before then since like 1980 everybody else's wages have been stagnant I saw that the statistics from the bush recovery the 2002 to 2006 recovery yeah there was something like eight hundred and seven billion dollars of wealth created like three quarters of it went to the top one percent these people I think have to give it up how else do you sell trickle-down economics how else does that sound good they're practically saying we're pissing on [Applause] [Music] we have all the money if we drop some that's yours that would be whatever we can't get out the door as we're stealing into the night that would be your portion well how does that sound good unless you like Regan sell the optimism of it that you will be one of the pisser's nothing you know that theory was that you know the industrious good people the entrepreneurs the successful ones they're ones who should have it all it's the moochers who are [ __ ] everything up but you know who else was a big fan of Ayn Rand Alan Greenspan let me read his quote he said creative individuals the good people and undeviating purpose and rationality sorry and undeviating purpose and rationality achieved joy and fulfillment parasites who persistently avoid either purpose or reason perish as they should so if you wonder about where this stuff comes about cutting heating oil for the poor that's where it comes from they perish as they should is that these public workers get six weeks vacation and this infuriates private workers why because America unlike every other country in the world gets almost no paid vacation and somehow instead of being mad at the corporation's and saying you know what we want six weeks vacation - they'd rather drag other people that's for exactly right well is it really that radical to suggest slightly trimming the tax break on corporate jets it seems like a reasonable idea given that a people who buy corporate jets are filthy rich and be I don't need a bee this this is a country of the rich by the rich for the rich where everyday it sees our laws and culture cater more to wealthy people tax breaks industry written laws bailouts deregulation all of it goes to making the lies of the rich just a little bit cozier oh I'm sorry did I say rich I meant job creators yes that's actually a prevailing theory on the right that Obama's rhetoric towards Wall Street has been so hostile it has created an uncertainty in the business community because he called them fat cats once and they're still suffering from some sort of jobs creating disorder like he burst into the bathroom while they were trying to pee and now they can't go at all [Applause] [Music] when did the business community in America become so sensitive that we have to treat them like some sort of rare exotic animal don't startle them though they'll fly away we need to soothe them so they can nest here and lay their magic eggs full of job if you give us the money we'll create jobs that's right why can't we have a system where we say ok you create jobs you get to keep a lot of your money if you don't we're gonna tax that they create jobs with it like you complain like you pretend to do or else would tax it if you don't create jobs I think they are the boogeyman and you know what somehow in the Republican lexicon now the Frank Luntz world rich people has become synonymous with job creators they're not rich people anymore they're always job creators which is [ __ ] isn't it they're not job creators but his big claim to fame is that he's a businessman and in America saying you're a businessman automatically makes you better than anyone who's not a businessman Obama never read a business he was a community organizer helping poor people where's the money in that stupid loser I remember reading that I think it was Apple that if they made everything here in the United States they'd still make 50% profit which is like what cocaine dealers make Americans need to have a Detroit moment where they realize they're pooling their money and wasting it on the richest guy in the room the richest 1% hoard an obscene amount of the wealth while the average American has to save up to eat at Red Lobster on his birthday wake up because somehow they're banging the porn stars and you're getting the crabs
Channel: Mostly Bill Maher Clips
Views: 350,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: socialism, capitalism, socialist, capitalist, rich people, wealth gap, poor people, labor, labour, democratic socialist, democratic socialism, class war, class struggle, marxism, marxist, millionaires, billionaires, CEOs, upper middle class, proletariat, bankers, entrepreneurs, businessman, businessmen, tax cuts, mitt romney
Id: B87UZPqgVns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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