Pressure (Part I) // Pastor Mike Jr.

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stay I've been filling it is something that I pray 10 of you can receive pressure somebody say pressure have been feeling pressure so when we tiptoe into the corridors of today's text we meet a powerful brother by the name of Paul Paul is cold-blooded Paul is the dahle Paul the talented tenth maker from Tarsus is a bad boy you know Paul right Paul has opened churches across the world Paul has been a hell and back again Paul has been beaten more times than he can remember left for dead more times than he can remember been stoned been bit by a snake I like Paul can I pause for a minute because the worst thing in the world is being surrounded by people who try to tell you everything when they haven't been through nothing I'm gonna say that again the worst thing in the world is to be surrounded by people who try to tell you everything when they haven't been through nothing I'm a priest at threefold as for me can I preach your testimony I've been through some stuff survive some stuff and I'm still standing it's early in this message of mine but I'm people a card parenthetical right here I'm still standing that in spite of what the devil tried to do to me I'm still here see that's enough to tell every house up that's watching the day that you kept trying to summarize and succinctly summarize what you've been through as for me if I had to summarize the last three months I could summarize it in one statement I'm still standing Paul has been through an amalgam of emotions that are indicative of the human experience I like Paul why because when we find him in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verses 7 through 9 he tells me we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair we are persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed the Apostle Paul gives us some much-needed insight into the problems that we face and how we should handle them here it is Paul it's under pressure and I don't know who I'm preaching to early in this little message of mine but you can feel the pressure Paul I like Paul because in the book of Acts and Luke who is the writer of Acts tells me about all the amazing things that Paul has done Luke says in the book of Acts Paul has been shipwrecked and left for dead but he bounced back Luke tells me he was bit by a snake and people was waiting to watch him die but he shook the snake off Paul Luke tells me that Paul went to a city called Lystra and they stoned him and left him for dead I'm gonna catch six of y'all right here but the Saints gathered around him and started praying what do I need in the midst of my current situation I need about three people not who can pray on me but pray for me can I say something in three days I'll test this prayer steelworks Paul was left for dead watch this he did not get a cure he did not just get healing but he was connected to some folk who was praying for me and I want to speak over your life God if you don't do nothing else for me this summer surround me by some people that even if they not in my presence I can feel their prayers am i talking to anybody Paul is dealing with all of this Paul Luke tells me that Paul is a cold blooded brother he's been bitten he's been shivering he's been left for dead he's been stoned they've been trying to kill him since he got converted he's dealing with pressure but I like Paul because Paul says Luke tells you an egg's what I went through i'ma tell you in second Corinthians how I felt that's good right there Paul says I want to help you real quickly cuz if I don't right 2nd Corinthians you gonna walk around thinking that life is nothing more than performing miracles when I want you to realize that if you gonna have the performance you got to deal with the pressure and I hope you catch this this is a powerful statement Paul tells me in the book of 2nd Corinthians I am going through I am going through I am going through yes how to raise somebody for the deal yes I've been healing people yes I've been preaching like a man man yes I've been opening churches across the country yes how to survive most stuff than I can remember but don't get it twisted it was some pressure behind what I was going through and I came to submit to somebody watching me today that pressure builds and toilets pressure bills in silence that you can be going through some things and not know how to properly articulate what you're going through you got to understand that you that I told you last week that most people lead lives of quiet desperation that is critical curses because pressure builds in silence and my problem with many people watching me today my problem with a lot of you who are watching me today is not the fact that you are going through pressure it is your inability to articulate your pressure it is the inability to articulate your pressure why pester Mike because most of us who are are performing at a high level we master the art of doing we struggle with the art of asking I don't know who caught that right there I'm talking to 70 y'all already we mastered the art of doing we struggle with the art of asking this is why Jesus you think about this he's been with his disciples for three years now for three years they seen him raise Lazarus from the dead for three years he's fed five thousand for three years he's been open and blinded eyes for three years he's been healing people with the issue of blood for three years he'd been walking through cities shutting it down jesus said I have an ex child for nothing and three years he gets some a garden of guests enemy and he looks at his disciple to say watch and play with me watch this for an hour that's critical ain't it can you not watch and play with me for one hour watch this I've given you three years you can't give me an hour how do I know I'm talking to you you are under pressure because the amount of people who pull from you pulls in comparison to the amount of people who give to you am i preaching to anybody in here all I wish I had somebody who was to me like I was to people am i preaching to anybody but pressure somebody say pressure pressure gets a lot because he's in the garden of gethsemane and he says I'm trying my best to do all that I can I didn't meet your help when I was waking Lazarus from the dead I just needed you to watch I didn't need your help when their sister touched me and she got here I didn't need your help when I walked into the room and realized this little girl was not dead she was just asleep I didn't need your help when I was walking through the city healing blinding eyes but the moment I need your help watch this you sleep and I didn't come to preach to everybody but I didn't come to preach the three people who can properly articulate what you're feeling because you feel overwhelmed right now in your fidgety and your irritable and your snappy and you're uncomfortable and you can't figure out what's wrong with you the real problem is you around people you've been giving your own to who sleep sleep on the fact that you're strong and I want to say this how do I know I am gifted watch this the reason they take you for granted it's because you are so effective at what you do you miss what I just said I used to walk around saying why do people take me for granted now I realized they should take me for granted because the proof that I am effective it's the fact that you think I can't get weak I'm in the wrong Church the proof that I am effective is in the point that you actually believe I can't break down surely Jesus don't need no help how is the one who told her sister if you drink from me you would never go thirsty finally saying he needs something but when we see him on a cross he looks and says first because what do you do pmj in the Garden of Gethsemane the Garden of Gethsemane is where we find the olive trees the olive is where the oil is stored and he says you cannot get the oil until the olive has been an under enough pressure and I came to submit to somebody who's watching me this morning that you think the pressure in your life is trying to break you but God said I'm not trying to break you baby I'm trying to get something to bust out of you I'm trying to take you to a whole nother level of anointing I'm trying to take you to a whole nother level of power I don't know who I'm preaching to on here today but I came to declare that after this next wave of pressure you're coming out stronger you're coming out wiser you're coming out better you're coming out more gifted you're coming out more anointing somebody ought to just type bless sure yeah I like that rod it's pressure she's in the garden of gethsemane and he's under pressure and he says I'm I'm all I need you ain't I haven't asked you for anything but I need you that that's critical ain't it crazy how you're the type of individual who don't ever ask for nothing but you build the mindset in your head that says well I'm not gonna ask but when I do ask I expect you to come through since I've never asked but the text says the disciples go to sleep it's critical Jesus teaches us that in the garden he has pressure pressure pressure begins to build and his pressure is so thick that the Bible says he began to pray and his sweat became drops a blood the pressure began to overwhelm the pressure became to raise him down the pressure and he's all worn out we always talk about Dunamis which is power but there's another word we need to adopt call it Dunamis Eck Dunamis Dunamis which is the loss of power to be drained empty at Dunamis which means to be out of power Jesus walking through a crowd and then a sister touches him and the Bible says virtue leaves his body so much so that he asks a question who touched me you cannot help you real quickly the reason so many of us are dealing with power is because you have people in your life who are constantly pulling from you but not pouring into you somebody say pressure and this is so critical why because if you don't handle your problems or your pressure your pressure will handle you I must say that again if you don't properly handle your pressure your pressure will handle you make that make sense pmj let me make that make sense have you ever seen somebody walking a dog that they couldn't control have you ever seen somebody walking a dog Kurtis that they couldn't control and it looks like instead of them walking the dog who gonna help me preach today the dog is walking them and I came to submit to you the reason this relationship is driving you crazy is because pressure drug you into feeling that way no you should never date when you're lonely date when you're ready the pressure to look like the stuff you see on Instagram got you dragging yourself into relationship you should have never been in and everybody wants something I don't know who I'm preaching to in here and I'm going to lose a thousand viewers right here cuz I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear half of the stuff you print but I'm a big fan all the stuff you print book come with pressure Michael all of the stuff you are praying for comes with pressure lord I just need somebody to touch and agree with me so I can get my own business helping your own business who gonna help me preach today comes with pressure lord I just want a man having a man comes with pressure I need you to touch and agree with me that I can have some children having children come with pressure my I am growing so irritable with people who want my glory but can't handle my pressure and I don't know who I'm preaching to in here but if you want God to do something in your life you need to stop asking for more money you need to stop asking for more anointing doing that for more patients because there is some pressure somebody say pressure I'm in the wrong church somebody say pressure I'm in the wrong church somebody say pressure this is why you get irritated with people who look at you because you make stuff look easy they hang around you and they looked at what you do but they understand the pressure that came with what you felt and they have no idea that the problems in your life up in the satus and a hundred of y'all from the type that's me I make this look easy I feel right I need some more ride in my head I make this look easy the problem with the average person who is watching this message is they are scrolling on social media looking at stuff you perform and don't have a clue about your pressure am i preaching to anybody in here they stroll in here wanna sing like Curtis but they don't realize the pressure that came with that how did I get that anointing I had to survive my mother dying I had to survive my father dying I had to be in life below how did you get that anointing how to pray the nice I lost my mother and my father how did you get that type of favor cuz I've been the street been through so much hail that I had to learn how to talk to Jesus on my own I'm not preaching to everybody I'm only preaching to three of y'all who done been there hell and back and if you want to walk in my favor you'll be able to handle my fights I need a thousand folks to just type pressure I don't know who I'm talking to in here but somebody oughta just declare pressure you ought to declare pressure you ought to declare pressure you make this look easy it's not being so pseudo spiritual Pastor Mike ain't tryin to be finding out this pressure talk ain't real I'm saved and anointed depression I can't handle the pressure how did you learn how to handle a pretty pressure from reading the scripture you learned how to handle pressure from reading the scripture and now the very person who wrote the scripture that you're reading is saying the pressure is so crazy I'm about to lose my mind don't become so spiritual why you say well he won't put more on you than you can bear because you're saying that cognitively can you put this in your notes that there is a PSI or a weight limit a test of my strength I don't think you heard what I just said if they want to trick check the pressure they check the PSI the PSI I need you to catch this now if they want to know how much something can handle they put so much weight on it I stepped into an elevator not too long ago and I looked in the elevator and it gave me the floors one two three four five six seven eight it gave me door open your clothes listen we're gonna have Church I'm gonna give you the gospel of the elevator the gospel of the elevator is the blessing how is the gospel of the elevator because there's a door in front of me which is connected to a building that is nothing more than a metal box it's simple it looks like a closet that elevates and this is why your prayer closet is so critical because if you don't have a room you can go into that's inside of a room but it's not consumed by the room you cannot go higher in your life I'm standing in front of the elevator and I look the elevator it says it's on Floyd but I didn't get paid I didn't get irritable because it's at eight seven six five and if they steadily taking the stairs I realized if I be patient the door is about to open I don't know who I'm preaching to in here but the pressure got you so overwhelmed because you keep trying to figure out if you go in I want to say this that's not on the screen but I need somebody in the comments to be my personal secretary today and type what I'm about to say in the comments the question isn't if you go WI in the question is when is it gonna W en you're looking at the wrong wins it's not about if you go in the question you should be praying about is when I step into the elevator and when I get into the elevator I have to do a proper analysis of where I am I see one two three four five six seven eight I see door open I see door closed I see a button that says in case of emergency press this but then I saw something that I could not physically control there was a sign above all of that that's their maximum capacity this is critical I began to suit I begin to Google how did they determine to rail the maximum capacity they said we put enough weight on it to see exactly how much it could take I need you to catch this they didn't determine the weight based off of what it could hold it determines the weight based off of what broke it I don't think you heard me okay I need you to catch this I need you to catch this in other words they put a hundred pounds on it and it held it they put 300 pounds on it and it continued crematoria I want to free you okay can you come here can I need them to see this can you can you get down can you just bend down can you bend down it says watch this it says okay I weigh about 220 he can handle that Curtis take it can you help me I weigh about 220 Curtis how much you weigh 215 okay you get twisting can you come help us and and just sit behind me if you don't mind Tristan Tristan come just getting interested because the weight begins to build and finally when he starts rumbling and shaking they say hello he's about to break but we got to keep adding weight because watch this okay I don't know what it can take until I see what breaks it and once I see what breaks it watched it because I'm God enough to break it I'm God enough to rebuild it I don't know who I'm preaching to but God sent me here to tell you he's about to reveal every broken area of your life he's about to restore every broken area of your life if your mind was broken get ready cuz it's about to be restored if their faith was broken get ready cuz there's about to be restored he said I know what you can handle but you gotta be able to handle the pressure somebody say pressure and the problem is you make this look easy you make this look easy mama ain't gon get tired because mama is always there and you become confused when mama finally has a breakdown because in your head because she's carried everything but you began to assume that she's never had a moment when she needed you to carry something for her you make this look easy come here David who steps to the battlefield to fight Goliath and he steps up with a slingshot I wonder how many people died after that trying to fight stuff they won anointed to fight if social media was around when David fought Goliath the Instagram story would have read little boy beats giant with just a slingshot then a thousand folk would have tried to start a slingshot Mimi and you gotta be careful cuz a lot of you are mimicking stuff you weren't built for I don't know who I'm preaching to we're here a lot of people are mimicking stuff they weren't built for no luck make this look easy imma just go out here and build an ark ain't never built none before in my life I ain't never had nothing before in my life imma go out here and do this I wonder how many people would try to start building when they weren't called to it see that's a difference between what you're called to do and what you can do stop ruining my calling when it's just a can see see people won't show call when for them is just a can when you can mimic my fit you can't mimic my own I'm Elijah made it look easy I can prophesy to everybody but the same person who made it look easy what's wrestling with suicide cuz pressure is real there's so many people watching me right now I dealing with pressure Pastor Mike I'm trying my best to be strong I'm trying my best to be what you called me to be but the pressure is driving me crazy and oftentimes we see what people do we don't see what they feel we see what they do we don't see what they feel we see what they do we don't see what they feel you see them walk down the aisle and get married in a pretty white dress with all that beautiful makeup on you didn't see the night she cried herself to sleep you see her children making straight A's you don't see the nights that they almost didn't haven't had a nervous breakdown trying to complete homework with no assistance you see what they drive you don't have a clue how much that car note is stop wanting what people got if you ain't anointed to deal with the pressure that they're under I need a hundred people who can get free today cuz the problem is you sitting at home thinking you by yourself the devil has allowed social distancing to make you think you are alone baby you not alone you in a birth to a sanctuary with about 2,000 people who feel what feel I need a thousand focus step out of your comfort zone and just type pastor I'm under pressure I get you to just type pastor I'm under pressure I'm trying to keep my family together I'm trying to keep my finances together I'm trying to keep from having a nervous breakdown I'm trying to keep my kid so on record this marriage and quarantine is getting rough having to go back to school go back to work I'm worried about family members I am under and it's rick warren who said God changes Calla pillars into butterflies saying into pearls coal into diamonds using time and pressure Jesus so whenever God wants to transform you he applies God God has two roles in your life - God has two major roles watch this all right all right he humbles or exalts I heard pastor Harry say that he humbles or his exhaust which ever row you pick he takes the other which means I meet you I must say this again God has two main roles in your life he humbles and he exhausts all right he humbles or he exalted he takes you down or he takes you higher and whichever road you pick he takes the other God says all right if you remain humble I'll exhaustion but if you exalt yourself I'll humble you preach pmj and what have I discovered pmj the moments that pressure has manifested in my life where the seeds of my life when I was operating in pride make make this make sense pmj make this make sense pmj make this make sense because second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 says we have this treasure in earthen vessels this critical we have this treasure in earth and vessel earth in vessels the treasure which is the presence of God put that in your notes the breadth of treasure is the presence of God the earthen vessel is you so within me I have the power of God I need you to kiss this but the problem and the reason we get pressure is because we don't have to do a proper juxtaposition or comparison between pot and power priest BMJ pots and power that's killer pot so earthen vessel is a pot you are nothing more than a pipe the treasure is the power watch this so so so if I take a a clear bottle and I put a Coke in it you don't want the bottle you want the coke which is why you drink the coke and throw the bottle I'm preaching okay if I order a pizza I don't want the box I want the pizza which is why you eat the pizza I'm gonna help you real quickly and even after you done eating the pizza you'll put that leftover pizza and some is in a good like zipper bag and put it in the refrigerator but you're disposed of the box box power punch God power and the reason you're under pressure it's when the pot start thinking it's the power preach pmj the reason you are under pressure is because you are trying to do what ain't in your role assignment you trying to make stuff happen so you're on the pressure cuz you trying to figure it out when grandmama said why you trying to figure it out God the power has already worked it out the reason you're under pressure is because you trying to change that man if the last pot could do it what makes you thank you specially because the true transformation comes from the power I'm preaching to somebody if you receive it and Paul is trying to let us know we have this treasure and earth and vessel pressure begins to build with the pot when it starts believing it's the power and we got to be careful Tristan because we are putting so much emphasis on our pot that we lose in power we read every book we can read and I'm an advocate for reading but don't think intellectual prowess can change the power of the Holy Ghost hear me you can read any book you want to read that means you can have an answer there's a difference between our answer and the answer you miss what I just said there's a difference between our answer and the answer how we gonna get better how can we heal koban that how answer is we need a vaccine but Elsa he is he's Jehovah Rapha the God that heals how am I gonna pay my bills my answer is I need some money the answer is he will provide and make ways out of no ways there's a difference between my answer and the answer I need you to catch this now anytime you believe in your heart it will call you to try to perform to prove something that you don't really believe any time you have unbelief in your heart it will call you to perform to try to prove something that you don't really believe pressure sometime points to pride in your life and I need you to catch this and so many people watching me right now in psychology they call this the fraudulent complex or the impostor syndrome it speaks about how many of us have an inability to internalize our strengths and our accomplishments it's called the fraudulence complex the disco blooded Ayesha but the fraudulent complex which means we have the inability to discern the difference between our strengths and our weaknesses so instead of leaning on our strengths and being sincere about where we are weak we try to front like our weakness is actually a strength because you are taught as a child don't ever let them see you sweat and can I talk about another type of pressure am i helping anybody am i helping anybody can I talk about another type of pressure that we never talk about the pressure that comes with being who you are now I'm gonna say that better I want to say that better another type of pressure that we never talk about is the guilt that comes with having pressure yeah the guilt this is good that comes with having pressure make that make sense I'm the pastor of Rock City Church it's a couple thousand people watching us right now I am an anointed man of God I am supposed to walk in favor and influence I'm supposed to speak those things that are not as though they were I am supposed to have healing powers flowing through my body that whatever I decree is shall be so so in the moments of my life Curtis when I feel weak when the pressure becomes too much I'd then get another level of pressure because now I got pressure about why I'm not enough what do you do Tristan when you're known as an intercessor and people call you to pray for them yet when you don't have enough strip to pray for yourself now you start feeling inadequate so the pressure begins to be getting more pressure he says we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed and I want to tell you something that nobody may ever tell you being picked as painful Michael b-being I wish I had a testimony somewhere in this room being picked it's painful notice the language that Paul uses he says I'm troubled on every side the troubled on every side translates to Maine press his squeeze under pressure in every way that's critical he said I'm troubled on every side I'm feeling pressure from every way I can feel can I talk about something that may bless your life what do I do when my pressure bursar pressure because we are so narrow-minded and singular in focus that so many times we only deal with the first level oppression and we never do we never do well what did he what do they call it a sonogram I want I want to deal with this I want to believe that many of us keep failing because we keep looking at pressure with our high when we should look at it under a sonogram all right here's here's what it is I can tell when a woman's body starts changing she can tell she pregnant all right but she still goes hey go get the sonogram done because she wants to see how far along she is they can measure what's in her and tell her about how many weeks she is I don't I don't think you thought what I just said I can look at you and tell but until I do an in-depth look I can't predict about when it should be over and many of you are dealing with the pressure I want to free you it quickly I was laid off pressure so you still dealing with the pressure of rejection when being laid off bill bills are now behind another level of pressure money is now low another level of pressure wife is now tripping because she's trying to figure out what we're gonna do another level of pressure kids got to eat another level of pressure and what I'm trying to get you to realize is pressure is not singular pressure is a virus that attached itself to your faith and spreads [Music] the devil is slick he got the whole body of Christ thinking about Corona but he's birthing other stuff we never saw coming we all praying against Corona and we ain't dealing with the pressure of people being laid off we are dealing with the pressure that domestic violence is at an all-time high because couples are now stuck in the house who didn't like being around each other in the first place Fisher Paykel he says I am troubled on every side here's enough to have Church yet not distressed means to be in a narrow cramped place look at he says I got pressure coming from every side but I'm not distressed what does distress mean to be kept in a narrow place this is cold-blooded distress to be kept in a narrow cramped space did you hear what I just said he said I got stuff coming at me from all over the place but it still can't box me in I want to speak over somebody's life that the laws that you think are trying to trap you God's moving walls you miss what I just said Tristan I went to a building not too long ago and I walked into the room and the contractor said something to me that blew my mind he said don't worry about how small this room is that's a dummy wall I don't think you heard what I just said he says it's a dummy wall I said what's the dummy wall he said it's there but it's not real if you want to make it bigger just knock it down I want to submit to you that many of y'all are stressing over dummy walls that there are certain people in your life who keep trying to box you in you need to change their name in your phone - dummy wall there's couple of X's in your life who you can't get out your system so they try to keep you at the level you are you don't need to call them a dummy wall a dummy wall is put in place then when the room is too big for where I am it makes it feel comfortable but when I'm ready to expand all I got to do is knock the dummy wall down I want to give you 60 seconds and then some you praise God praise God for every dummy wall you got twenties thought that he's enlarging your territory praise God that he's giving you more room praise God that he's doing exceeding under-budget up you can actually somebody out of South give me some room give me some room give me some room give me some room he's as large in my territory he's doing exceeding and the budget above all like an acts of faith I'm locking down [Music] yeah yeah dummy walls dummy wands dummy walls he says I know you got a lot going on but you're not distress you are nuts hope you catch this box then I want to speak to somebody watching me right now and I want to speak faith on your life that you're about to walk in the bonus you need to be who God called you to be you've been allowing your fears doubts and the comparison to other people who you've been successful to put you in a box just because it looks good doesn't mean it's strong how do I know it's strong when I put it under someone he says I'm perplexed look at what Paul said he says I'm perplexed means to be it allows to be doubting that's rich that to be doubting now this is critical I need you to catch this to be doubting questioning twisting that's cold he says I am Paul I need y'all Hill and I want y'all to answer out loud if you know the answer who said this and we know that God causes all things to work together for my good Paul how is Paul talking boss Philippians 3:10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his suffering but now we see him in second Corinthians I'm perplexed Bolivians for leather I've learned to be content but now I'm perplexed look at Paul I hope you see yourself right here Romans and we know that God called us all things to work together for our good Corinthians complexed how you bow and down Michael how you stronger and weak it is also opposed that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing the good I would do I do if not but the bad I find myself doing Paul said ain't trying to spot like I got it all together Paul said there's an anthropological duality within me Paul says I'm strong and I'm we catch me on one day I will demon outta you catch me on another day I may fight you I don't have it all together he said I am properly tried to articulate as a matter of fact he's even right in Corinthians because the people who wanted him to come are mad that he wouldn't come can i free you many of you are under pressure because you don't know how to say no am i helping anybody you are under pressure Gillian this is cold-blooded you messed up the art of doing you struggle the heart of night how do I know I'm talking to you because you shot when you tire like you're not supposed to get tired look at the tone in what you say whew I'm tired like you shocked why pmj because when you are a doer you don't measure I'm talking heavy today when you are a doer you don't measure make that make sense TMJ I never stop and try to see how much I can take because I'm fade but I just keep doing and when I break down even I'm confused because I've learned how to link Jesus is in a garden under pressure and he looks at his disciples and says pray with me and they sleep he was up when I walked on water he was up when I fed 5,000 you was up when we was going to cities and thousands of people are saying there they go you was up when I raised Lazarus from the dead you was up when I got that twelve-year-old girl you were up when we got in that boat and you got into that boat that you couldn't handle and that stolen broke loose and then all of a sudden you got nervous you once leaped in I was sleep you was woke you came and woke me up and I still came through no way in the scripture after Jesus wakes them up do they ever pray I don't think you heard what I just said when he's on the boat and the storm breaks loose they get Jesus out his sleep he says peace be still when Jesus wakes them up they still don't pray many of you're under pressure because you have people around you who are built to receive not poor they were up for his deity they were sleep for his humanity [Music] can I say what you've been wanting to say but you didn't know how to articulate so the people in your life you're giving the most to wake up wake up cuz as strong as I am I'm perplexed and perplexes on the screen literally means to be doubting to be questioning can we be honest some of us are doubting right now am I gonna make it see we don't preach that at you we always preach to the deity not the humanity because we have the pressure to perform I went to every high school seniors house in our school and I took all of them their diplomas and we gave them all some cash as a little reward for graduating we took pictures with everybody and I got to one house and somebody said to me take your mask off and take the picture and I can't explain it it has kept me up for a week because they're telling us to wear masks when we go places but then people looked at me and somebody actually said to me what person like you know you come about God what you got that mask on for I can't tell you the pressure that came with that because if I keep my mask on do I now not have faith if I take my mask off do I have a faith and the whole car ride home I was just sitting there because for the first time during COBIT I came to grips that I had questions I was perplexed God what do you want me to do many of you the problem is God doesn't mind you having questions he minds questions having you I don't think you call what I just said the problem isn't that you have a question because we're connected to the answer the problem is when you have a question and you allow that question to birth more questions and it causes doubts or I'm perplexed I need you to catch this now I'm perplexed but not despair despair means to be hopeless to have no confidence you guys don't even know when the shower you don't even know when the shell Tristen he said I'm doubting and got questions but still shouting y'all miss what I just said it means to have watch this despair means to have no comfort confidence to be hopeless I need you to catch this now he says I'm over here with a whole lot of doubts in my head but it took my confidence at all because even with questions I can give God glory anybody can shout when they got answers you are a real praise that when you can shout when you got questions I don't know who I'm preaching to in here well you know you call to be a prophetic giant but you got question about when is God gonna bring that gift into for Wishard but instead of sitting at home having a pity party you can still follow your knees say father I thank you for the gift even though I don't understand it I'm not gonna allow my questions [Music] where does my confidence come from pmj I need you to catch this Romans 15 and for such things were written in the scriptures long ago to teach us and the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently the reason so much pressure is driving us crazy is because we don't have any word in us we know quotes we don't know words he says I need you to catch this now I want you to catch this the Scriptures give us hope I don't know who's watching me right now you're under pressure I know you I know society is telling us to keep all your business in-house I know you got some stuff there you're tripping over Pastor Mike you preaching to me I am perplexed but I'm not in despair I am NOT in despair and I came to speak those things that are not as though they were i love verse 9 verse 9 may make me run around this church it literally says persecuted but not forsaken I have cast down yes but not destroyed I want to prophesy something over your life that it makes they may it may hurt it may break you but it won't destroy you it may break you help me God but it won't destroy you pmj why because if it breaks you watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this if I buy you a new drink and you praise God for that drink and you put that drink in a refrigerator and every morning you look at that drink but because you love that drink so much you don't want to hurt it by breaking the seal that drink will never be in purpose that drink gets in purpose when it gets broken open you've been looking at brokenness the wrong way you thought brokenness was punishment but the moment you're broken means God says now you ready for me to use you I don't talk to all the pride for people I came to preach they're seven people who have been broken who can just say pastor now that I'm broken I'm ready for God to use me that yes the pressure is real yes the stress is real yes the hurt is real but though he's lately not I'm not Sock'em Britto yep yet will I trust them I need about three people in this sanctuary there just begins the illness feed on behalf of everybody watching if you've got some real pressure in your life I get you to type your name and as you type your name on the poll your date night if I can and declare God give them strength give them power give them resources give them paper give them a noisy no weapon I feel something breaking no I feel something shakin to everybody under pressure I'm lifting my head to you right now I'm declaring that God is setting you up for something he's shaking something he's pushing something get ready to use you Father in the name of Jesus I get it but your name is a comment if you self somebody who's under pressure I tell you to tag everybody you know under pressure so we can get a seat on there I'll Alexis I declare right now in the name of Jesus parents I declare in the name of Jesus Katara I declare diamond God's giving his friend God's given your script Stephanie God give it your strip Joycelyn God given your script I decree and declare remember Muscatello tombé somebody bring the you to God get ready to ship something I feel intercessor breaking loose I feel inefficient breaking loose a datatype your name move out to pray for every person who's under pressure Katara I decree and declare the pressure won't break it she Angeles the pressure won't break you a laundry of the pressure won't break it the Andria's oppressive operation yes god yes God put me in my head Tiffany Perry the pressure home break-ins Ruby the pressure won't break in London the pressure will break Ian Samantha Matthews the pressure won't break yes come on church I need you to begin to play a Hana the pressure won't break you the pressure won't break you come on somebody come on somebody I need somebody to bring me you to feeling my fear is somebody on YouTube to play data put your name in to come in yes god yes god yes guy yes God Carnell Oh Melissa kaamika Jalen Cassandra Hale family [Music] Kevin Anitra Jeremy unequal go to the one Brittany Shayla mentality Sofia roll it Julian Alicia Trinity ever Jamia Sariah Kassandra Heidi so Priya Robert cabron by the entire you miss a condom believe me [Music] let's break every chain every addiction every weight let's break every school [Music] every patient in Baja [Music] we are here [Music] we are here Wow we are here [Music] yes God [Music] hi created clear every outfit No we're grapefruit yes God I feel something happening in here [Music] [Music] look at that I'm free you ought to type I'm free I want to appoint you right now as the personal intercessor for your entire circle and your family if you are watching me right now if you would lift your hands I need my anointing oil it's in the hall I believe I need my anointing oil you're good Curtis they'll get it I need my anointing oil because I'm about to pray and I'm gonna speak I am anointing and ordaining you a personal intercessor thank you for your family and I decree and declare as I stretch my hand to you that you are being anointed in this season that the favor of God is resting on your life like I said in the New Testament I am as I am stirring up this gift I am speaking something into activation I am decreeing and declaring that because you're in that family because you're in that circle something has to break something has to break something has to break Patrick Washington we lift you a possum and we lift you up Clarence portion Bridget Aisha Mary Benson Chloe my son but I missed our cover [Music] fresher but we have this treasure in earthen vessels it can be a human you're human take everything Darrell you're human [Music] you're human [Music] it's not being surprised when you feel that pain you're human they're gonna be seasons when you feel weak perplexed questions can I be honest with you pray for you Pastor I've been feeling personally like I'm about to crash I'm working harder now than I've ever worked in my life you would think because we're not having church I'm at home chilling it's 365 now 24 hours a day no phone calls zooming patients in the hospital pray having to produce services like crazy every day of the week it's so crazy sometimes I don't even know what day it is I got dressed one day like past it's not even Sunday the pressure to perform the pressure to make sure this city has what it needs and members and family has what it needs there's a pressure but I see it as a privilege I think God God put us in his position to be a blessing to this city hit me when I say this the pressure is real but so is the promise
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 65,023
Rating: 4.9453225 out of 5
Id: K5ByggXL9tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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