Promises of God - Pastor Mike Jr.

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someone say hard for the city I want you to take really good notes really really really really good notes right here on last week we talked about turn to the Bible pray for direction follow the will of God now I want you to tell you pastor the truth tell me the truth who was blessed by the message last week anybody it's very very very simplistic but I want to push you why Pastor Mike I'm gonna make this statement and three you're gonna receive and I pray you can't receive it God is about to open the door that's going to change your life forever y'all don't even know how to get excited I am prophesying over your life there is a supernatural switch about to happen in your life that there's a door God is getting ready to open it financially you'll never be the same career-wise you'll never be the same emotionally you'll never be the same and I must say this and three you're gonna receive it I am done wasting opportunities now I know we don't talk that I felt three people right there cuz I don't know about you but for me there have been so many doors God has opened for me that I blew this is gonna be the season of my life and I pray somebody can receive this we're opportunity and wisdom collide look at your neighbors haven't be smarter this year I'm gonna be smarter so number one turn to the Bible turn to the Bible number two I told you that you should pray for direction pray for direction pray for direction and I'm so excited about what God is doing in your life and I want to suggest to you that prayer has to be the foundation of that I mean this prayer has to be the foundation that I'm praying about everything Lord coz I mean because the same way God opened doors the devil got doors the devil got doors Heming eyes the devil will dangle stuff in front of you to try to get you to get off track hear me when I say it is man I had a door open for me this week man I just still got me tripping has somebody called me and say Pastor Mike what you doing on watch tonight so what you think I'm doing on watch tonight I'm preaching what you think I'm baptizing one hundred three hundred people what you talking about you want to come see I said no I don't want to say I said we got ten thousand for you I say well shoes we might have to see what we can pull off but then I looked at my team and say y'all know ain't no way in the world I'm gonna do that and ain't an amount of money they could throw at me to abort your purpose I don't think you heard what I just say it right there so all my friends and my colleagues like you know lost your mind no you lost yours because if you're chasing stuff you will be chasing stuff for the rest of your life but if you get in purpose I'm talking to somebody somebody say purpose so what am I trying to get you to realize is the greatest thing you need I've said this for three months I'm going to say it again is discernment I'm in saying that ain't a mom you need discernment why because so many of you are so blessing thirsty put put that in your notes blessing thirsty so many of you are so blessing thirsty you gonna jump at anything net glitter and everything that glitter who gonna help me preach this morning bless them thirsty well you know they just offered me a new job in Georgia I'm gonna be making forty five fifty thousand dollars a year the cost of living is higher so that may not be a blessing well you know so-and-so asks for my number you might be happy a single that might not be a blessing I'm gonna say this I want the thing that God wants for me because if I go after the thing that God wants for me he will keep me covered in the journey toward that pursue so he said look at this he said promises of God turn to the Bible pray for direction number three follow the will of God for those who aren't here last week please watch the sermon but I want to give you this what is the will of God what is the will of God the will of God for your life is to do what pleases God hear me stop me in deep pass my person will know what the will of God come on let's be very clear God created you for his glory anything else you do is secondary I was at least outlet I like going to hmm alright so I was at Lee outlets I went to hmm he don't be caution alive nine down the shirt so you know it's um it's $14.99 it's unlike man so I went to H&M and all these rappers were in there right so I could just I could tell him what's wrapped us right and they in there not just walks the Holy Spirit said go over there with them now walked over there with them and say hey man what y'all do who's like me we're out we do I said what's your news to put on my phone I handed on my phone all right start down I thought they were gonna type their name they just start pressing plus all of their music right and his cuss words this and smoke this and I'll shoot this and I killed is and I'm probably standing down with them probably an hour and 10 minutes just talking about God what you do well you know pass them okay okay no no no then we start talking we start talking start talking they have been in boxing me since that day I want to free you a quick I want you to catch this since that day why is that important pmj because I'm understanding the will of God for my life is to be a fisherman I'm gonna run Church no no the will of God for me is to oh this is good to go fishing which means God called me to be a light in darkness and many of you are missing your first call searching your secondary call so hear me when I say this first call is to be what God called me secondary call it's what I'm good at so hear me when I say this I have to turn to the Bible I have to pray for direction I have to follow the will of God I told you that what we're gonna do over the next couple months just understand the promises of God living a Purpose Driven Life how to apply God's purpose in your life that's next Sunday it's gonna be so rich and the challenge let's start today's lesson with the promises of God the promise of God I want you to take really really good notes promise of God and I want to give you a heads up if the slides are off a little bit Holy Spirit kind of took me in a different direction maybe 20 minutes ago and I called them back there and kind of started brain dumping on me so we had to change some stuff up so just flow with us okay here it is now that we understand what the will of God is what's the will of God class what's the will of God class what's the will of God class all right now that we understand what the will of God is for our life we must look at the many promises of God when we seek first the kingdom of God there are over 3000 promises of God do me a favor who doesn't have the Rock City app don't have the Rock City app okay I want you to download the Rock City app because we have uploaded the promises of God on the app all right I want you to get those if you don't have a printer I'm gonna do my best to print it for you by next Sunday you can just stop by the lobby and just boom put it in I want you to put that somewhere in your house the promises of God why pmj there are over three thousand promises of God but I want to point out a few that relate specifically to what God is doing in your life here are just a few well-known promises Joshua one in five I will not leave you yeah y'all don't even know when to get excited promises of gospel I don't you don't get excited over Joshua 1:5 until you to have some folk walk out your life if you don't get excited about Joshua one fight so people told you if you need me call me then all of a sudden they don't answer he said I don't know about them but I will not leave you nor forsake you so what does that mean Pastor Mike promises of God somebody say promises of God so if God made me a promise I will not leave you nor forsake you what does that mean Pastor Mike even when I don't feel him he's there that's rich ain't it even when I don't feel him he's there now here's what's crazy I was in Georgia yesterday I had to do a live taping for TV and we had to do three songs so I did my songs but while I'm sitting in there and we got like the little home camera system with the alarm meeting y'all know what I'm talking about just look on your alarm you can see him in a room alright so all of a sudden I see Myles standing on top of the table and a Dan alright he's standing on top of the table watching he likes uh oh my god PJ masks alright so he'd be watching PJ meds he's standing a gecko gecko cat boy he's just dinner on the table all right ladies nowhere to be found the boys laying on the couch they don't care what he do all right all right so I press the little button I said mom get off that tape he jumps off the table and for three minutes he's doing this so then Mike Mike grabs in a sense miles that was daddy he right there and a little camera in the corner he looks up in a day as I saw you wouldn't do that no more I had to teach miles a very important lesson that I need to teach you that just because you don't see me don't mean I don't see you I'm preaching to three of y'all cuz many of you are going through some stuff in your life right now and you keep feeling like you by yourself yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me you have to trust him when you can't trace him did you catch that so that's promise number one he says draw near to God and He will draw near to you number two Psalms 37 and for delight yourself also in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart now I want to say to see this is rich okay cuz you didn't stop asking God for that you'll need to be doing oh my god you'll need these so start putting on scripts I don't want them to see their arc here I want to catch this why cuz he said watch this if you just delight yourself fall in love with me chase after me be the best husband you can be in me be the best Christian you can be in me I will give you the desires of your heart now I want you to put this in your nose put this in your notes I feel like having Church by myself put this in your notes he's gonna give me my needs and my wants if I delight myself in here see cuz that's that's original and my god two usable shadow and my God shall supply oh well put a little songster to sell them on that thing and he gonna give me the desires of my heart now let me freed you real quickly and if I don't finish the day I'll make sure I finish it Tuesday I want to say this too okay alright delight so I say delight I heard here this delight he's gonna give me the desires on my way all right so let me show you what's so incredible about this if you fall in love with God there's not gonna be anything in your heart that doesn't line up with him thank you our kill many of you keep saying with God and giving me the desires of my heart cuz your heart ain't in line with him that that's Richard it so hear me so delight yourself in him I wish I could say it in a simple way a simple way if I'm wrong with this I'll stand here next week and say that was wrong but I think I'm right and I want to say how I feel it my taste my taste in line with his heart did you catch that so so in other words if I delight in God and I'm living a life that's pleasing to God I'm only going imma be so into him with him there's not gonna be anything in my heart that he don't want for me did you catch that let's go I'll give you another one second Corinthians one in 20 for all the promises of God in him I want to make sure we stop right there all the promises of God in him we quote scripture so fast we leave out important parts all the sizzle we say and the promise of the God oh yeah and hey then no no that sounds good but one word can throw a whole point off one word one word one word I'm mad at you changes the whole sentence did you catch that that was nasty alright because can change the whole message and what I'm trying to get you to realize is a lot of us aren't walking in the things of God because we standing on inaccurate scriptures well you know the promises of God I am a man no for all the promises of God in him are yes and in him amen to the glory of God there it is through us when God promises are fulfilled in our life it brings God glory that's crazy when God's promises are fulfilled in our lives it brings God glory I'm a Satanist and only three people who is what I consider sophistic don't catch this all my sophisticated Saints you may miss it all my ratchet Saints gonna miss it you got to be a little bit of both to catch this cuz look at what he says 2nd Corinthians for all the promises of God in him are yes and in him a man to the glory of God through us so he says I'm gonna do stuff in me but I'm gonna use you so when God's promises are fulfilled in our lives it brings God's glory here it is the fish the wretched Saints Gough and will put on coz his name on the line did you catch that no God better do what he's gonna do it God is searching the earth looking for somebody who will trust him so he can put you on so you can in turn put him out there y'all miss what I just say it look at your neighbor and say neighbor when he put me on I'm gonna tell everybody who put me on hear me when I say this this is why it's no coincidence when I see what God is doing Indy reads life and she traveling the world and on all these major states I'm just sitting there later suddenly realized the moment they interview her her like oh shine girl will you win this election that you sitting in that little row looking good there you be in the back we gonna have a new eating on a hit me when I say this when you get your next promotion and everybody at that job nasty but you gonna walk in with the joy of the Lord you are a supernatural anointed secret agent God puts you on that dirty place to let you infiltrate it cuz he knows when salt get in it it ain't gonna ever be the same he says watch this when I say this I want to put you all for my glory so how do I do that the promises of God number one promises of God how do I embrace the promise as a guy all right number one keys to the promise a guy maintained a soft heart that's rich ain't it a heart for the city I told you I'm nothing to preach the church vision for a while cuz I gotta make sure your heart right I can't get a church to buy into a church vision when you don't know the vision for your life that's rich ain't it that's what's wrong with so many people right now we're trying to get everybody on one Accord to chase this what I need to make sure you know what Gaia will for you do you hear what I'm saying so let's talk about this number one you got to maintain a soft heart in Hebrews chapter 3 the writer reminds us about the children of Israel after he brought them out of Egypt he explains how their hearts were hard and rebellious they tested God their hearts were always wandering from God look at Hebrews 3 7 and 11 this is why the Holy Spirit says great job in the bag - thank y'all for last minute I fussed a lot so I want to say thank you all for making this happen for me at the last minute I want to publicly say that Thank You Leslie Arkell y'all back that thank you so much this is why the Holy Spirit says today when you hear his voice don't harden your heart you see that as Israel did when they rebelled when they tested me in the wilderness they were there your ancestors tested and tried my patience even though they saw miracles Jesus Christ Jesus for 40 years look at this next verse I was so angry with them and I said their hearts always turn away from me they refuse to do what I tell them so in my anger I took an oath they will never enter my place of rest okay leave it up there for one second put this in your notes put place arrest equals promised land that's what the place of rest was okay cuz I don't want you to leave here soon they'll never get to relax no no the place of rest was the promised land okay then make sure you play spell this right all right promised land PR put them at the easel economy pyaara Oh M ah s II D is not promised land promised me is coming promised mean it's already done so go back and look at your Bible they never call it the promised land they call it Promised Land which means if I make you a promise I'll come and make you a promise okay if you have finally I'm a high five you bag see it's reciprocal I'll make you a promise if you have found me I'm a high five you bet it's reciprocal Promised Land mean even if you don't have found me it's a high five way knowing you hear me so look what he says I want you to really really catch it there were supposed to be the people of God they were supposed to be the people of God because of their choices in their heart God said they will never interest hebrews 3:11 the B clause this meant that they would never enter the promised land even Jesus disciples dealt with hard hearts mark chapter six verse 52 they're on a boat fussing I'm sorry they're fussing because they're trying to figure out how we don't eat we got enough bread how are we gonna eat in Jesus looks at him and says did y'all not just see me feed 5,000 and he literally says to them and I need you to catch this now but they had not understood about the Loews because their heart was hardened go back to Hebrews three seven and 11 I want to read this slow cuz I really think we missed it as a church this is why the Holy Spirit says today when you hear his voice don't harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled leave that up there okay I want to make I want to bring this text from antiquity to modernity from um from from from from from in this book to right now relevance is that okay so I want to say to see you let's read this together okay this is what the Holy Spirit says today at Rock City when you hear God's voice don't harden your hearts so many of you don't even realize I can't even get the blessing of God to you because your heart too hard you sim you're stubborn as we speak you've already made up your mind what you gonna do and how you gonna do it look what he says very bare your ancestors tested and tried my patience that that's enough to underline of your nose right there cuz here's a question I really want to ask you I really really want to ask you are you trying God's patience that's rich ain't it cool another handsome I try your patience oh so let's do this deductively let's not be deep let's not be deep let's be very practical by the time you blow you have already formulated the plan in your head who knows what I'm talking about hey listen I'm at you one more time you trying my patience but in your head you like okay listen they got one more time I'm gonna ask you a question I'll ask you a question I'll actually question I want you to answer this I want somebody to be bold enough to answer this question okay what's your patience limit how many times can they do it alright let's do this let's just deal with lion I want you to hold up a number all right how many times can they lie to you before you through with them okay three two - he's there one Jesus Christ okay - so I think the average number is two right first lie I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt second lie so let me show you how its trifling a bad word I passed the case say that Kenny I just felt a little bit let me talk about how shady you are cuz I go viral like pastor says okay so let me show you how shady you are most of y'all say it - when baseball give you three strikes so let's just let's just let's take sports three strikes in you in three strikes in you three strike singing so God came through for you and three times you didn't say thank you catch the question how many checks you don't got from January to today and then gave them nothing three strikes saying you how many times you got in your car and drove all the way to work and never pray first so hear me when I say that he says put my scripture up there you are trying my patience God I feel I'll repent right now in the name of Jesus for every place in my life why I tried your patience not even for the stuff people think there was certain times when I know God laid on my heart to pray with certain people and I didn't do it out of fear there were certain things God called me to do there are certain things God called me to walk in I speak by faith that God has given our church some grace for the times in the seeds of our life where we try his patience even though they saw me do miracles for 40 years they saw this man working miracles for 40 years and still didn't believe so I got a hard heart so because you got a hard heart for this he knows you can't demand what you forfeit our hearts for Fitz the blessing of God a hardened heart for fish the blessing of God I want to read to see when we have hard hearts we can not understand God's ways and if you don't understand god's ways it blinds us to what god is doing and saying that's rich when we have hard hearts we cannot understand god's ways it blinds us to what god is doing and saying doing against then you're doing gonna say it who's ever had a phone and your screen got cracked and you still had to use it well put your hand out i'm sorry who screen crack right as we speak that's a better question your thumb just scraped up because you're just killing yourself slowly all right so who's ever had a phone this happened to lady recently her screen was quite cracked this how I started cuz she lets the kids use her phone so much I keep telling stop letting maybe dropping stuff on it dropping it her speaker went out to where she only could hear on speakerphone has that ever happen to somebody well you can't hear like this you have to put it on speaker then her screen crack she can barely see all right so now I'm coming home fussed like you did see me texting you okay look at my screen I'll go get us like go get another screen all right so here's what's crazy here's what's crazy I'm fussing at her I'm fussing at her once Saturday we leave Saturday church I take her this friend I said listen we need a new phone all right the guy says you don't need a new Faustino we need in this gone phone look at her screen is cracked I forgot when I bought the phone uh-huh I put a screen protector on it so the guy peeled the screen protector off and we discovered the screen one cracked [Applause] many of you think there's something wrong with you there's nothing wrong with you your trust is just cracked there's nothing wrong with you your faith is just cracked there's nothing wrong with you your piece is just cracked when you came into the body of Christ when you came into the knowledge of God he placed something on you so what happens is a lot of times the death the devil will damage what's on you not knowing you got something in you so so what happens is I need you to catch this so what I'm not trying to get you to realize when we have hard hearts we cannot understand God's ways it blinds us to what God is doing and saying that's rich God is up to something in our church right now that I'm afraid many of you gonna miss cuz your heart your heart is hard leave it up there for one more second I really want that to get in their spirit when we have hard hearts now I want you to notice something all my ministers in the room on my preachers in the room I want you to listen to me a lot of you watch it later I want you to listen to your pass right here notice how many times in my message I say we versus you I always teach through us did you catch that did you catch that so when we have our hearts passed might why did you just say that because they returns when my heart get hard I deal with so much betrayal some time and don't know what people want to get close to me for that I'll sit back and God be like hi you don't know that was the angel donor you pray for I'm gonna bless you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall men which means if God is gonna bless you he's gonna use a person but of your heart so hard and you don't deal with people that means you don't have you don't give people or you block the person and the only way God can bless you it through a person make that make sense feel a God in for the come from heaven and put something your hand he's gonna use yeah y'all don't like me today number two number two number one was maintain a soft heart I want to pray for your heart today that God opens your heart maybe don't pray right because your heart heart many of you don't give cuz your heart heart many of you don't serve in ministry because your heart heart there were so many good city groups that jumped off this weekend man it was they had a they had one group where they was doing pottery just apart any who went today anybody went to the pottery grew it was like molded or something I think it was it good I girl I saw y'all in there doing the whole ghost thing just pottering and then Wes had a whole group uh how was your group this weekend where's with the dope you went did he weigh you out what's the name of the group West Rock City strong so they were he has his own workout facility so they met there and we offered a free class but he just worked out and fellowship they had a golf group jump off this week here meals cuz all type of city groups jumped off this week I'm telling you and I'm sitting here looking at it and many of you come be at home swear don't nobody love you because your heart so hard okay let me get in trouble let me get in trouble the black community is dying cuz we got hard hearts yeah so you look at a black business owner and immediately think the worse go over the mountain don't even question a price because our hearts hard I'd break that off us in the name of Jesus oh god I thank you number to reject unbelief reject unbelief so number one I got to keep a soft heart so what do I need to do if Pastor Mike my heart's hard I'm not gonna actually lift you in your hearts heart I want you to immediately start acting antithetical to your heart it's not difficult you don't say it's hard it's hard immediately the median okay my heart is hot I don't deal with people make yourself available to friends this week at work walk around just speaking to people now they gonna know something different cuz you've been meaning for seven years hey how y'all doin later they gonna get into work email and be emailing about shoot you saw Krystal walking through here talkin about it what's going on with that but hear me when I say it is hear me all right no more I also do this put this in your nose if someone has heart in your heart this week pray for them it's hard to hate somebody to pray foot start praying the blessings of God own a life is that rich let's go reject unbelief reject unbelief I want I want to do this let me stop I want to be balanced oh god I grew up so much I want to be balanced go back to having a soft heart cuz I felt in my spirit somebody took that wrong and you can apply to your life in a situation where God is telling you to leave so I heard God say this so let me say this again alright so tolerating foolishness doesn't you being tired of toxicity doesn't mean your heart is hard because there are biblical places where God hardened people's heart all right let's make this make sense okay Pharaoh lets the children of Israel go then all of a sudden God hardened Pharaoh's heart now we ultimately know it was a setup because he needed farewell to chase them because had Pharaoh not chased them they would have been living on the run arrested a life but I see a principle what's the first of all I see there are times when God will harden your heart someone I want to say this and many of you right now I want you to catch this now there are certain friendships I've ended not because they did something terribly wrong but God had to harden my heart because as long as my heart was soft to them they would get everything from me I don't know how to tell them no but then there are certain situations where God like no I'm a harden your heart because yo yes to them is blocking my yes to you cuz I'm not gonna give it to you cuz I know you gonna waste it on them so here's what I'm gonna do I'm a harden your heart cuz when you get a no to them imma give let's go reject unbelief I gotta go reject unbelief Hebrews 3:12 13 be careful there dear brothers and sisters make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving turning you away from the Living God you must warn each other every day while it is still today so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God I want to read that from the message version let's go message so watch your step friends make sure there is no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course diverting you from living from the Living God for as long it is still for as long as it's still gods today keep each other on your toes so sin doesn't slow down leave that up your reflexes that's rich ain't it so I want to break this down I'm Marie I was reading it slow because when you read it fast you miss her so if I'm reading in so watch your step come friends but stay right there leave that up there this war he said I'm gonna talk to the people I love if you don't love me enough to check me you don't love me and let me said and never be free cuz a lot of y'all don't even know what love is you embrace them folk who lie to you and they're mad at folk who love you I love you enough to tell you you wrong that's rich right there innit iiiii I never I never forget I never forget I never forget I want you to catch this I was sending sending the office and Facebook memories it's the devil I wanna go I wanna go on record I want to go on record I want to be on record I want this on wets Mark Zuckerberg I am demanding you do away with Facebook memories it makes me see people I don't want to see no mo it makes me see me okay sorry Facebook me removes pops up all right I'm probably 297 all right 296 I'm just none of y'all loved me I'm gonna put this out here I want nobody said catch my god no don't did none of y'all love me cuz I'm looking at the pictures you could barely see my eyes it's like my cheeks was here I thought I was cute I was wearing circle I was super big and I'm sitting in the office right don't sit in the office and I called a whole staff into the conference room I can y'all come here for a minute I'm not on the speak a could everybody come in the conference really come on hey what's going on pastor I think I'm gonna fire all y'all cuz why did none of y'all tell me I look like that I almost said well we couldn't see it's like you just look good we even know we I couldn't even tell you look like you just look like what you do and I'm like if you love me tell me next turn I'll look like that Oh cuz rice bob pulling up pictures one week I had a ball here mini I want him here when I did the ball here I had a ball head all type of meat in the back and I'm okay then the next week it's like I was going through an identity crisis it's like I had a beard on the first Sunday no facial hair on the second Sunday haha I'm Selma hey hey hey why y'all didn't tell me cuz if you really my friend scriptures right there look at this put on skirt I want you to see this watch your step that's Destin more Rock City vernacular right there colloquialisms there's somebody walk up to it I'd say watch your step for the steps of a good man are ordered so so what is he saying the steps you taken now aren't ordered mmm watch your step what I'm going to go out with so-and-so so-and-so hey hey hey watch your step that group may not walk like you talk like you make sure there's no evil I love how they wrote this unbelief lying around that will trip you up he says no no unbelief ain't big enough to confront you it just rips you I thought unbelief do you know the devil instinct humbly unbelief just makes you trip because it's it impossible to trip and not look back don't nobody trip and just keep walking no because if you trip the first thing you wanna do is try to examine went through your step off and you don't even realize you don't waste this six months trying to figure out what happened you miss what I just say it's a trip that's all it's just a small just a small trip some of y'all mad at people now you need to apologize to yourself for being mad at them and the next time they call us and I'm mad at you know you would just think about it you've been declaring out your own mouth girl I was a so-so so we got a vacation coming up anybody vacation okay porn what are you going you just staying at home what are you gonna baby girl stay case who going somewhere anybody what are you going you going to Nashville on a trip on it's on a trip so what's the trip pmj let me tell you what a trip is a trip is a temporary escape from a present walk so let me show you what its rupiahs let me show you what a trip is Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday work home work home work oh where I'm gonna go on a trip deviating out of path Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida and by the last day of the trip you regretting going back so I'm gonna I'm free you oh this is good I think I'm a stopped right here dude I think this is good let me tell you what's in a trip a sinks in is when you book a vacation out of holiness and the reason you stay is seeing so long it's because you really don't want to go back to that boring living right so the trip is always more exciting than the reality free speech no no here we go we fast in this week think about it at home you discipline you go on a trip eat what you want at home you pay bills go on a trip you spend bill money at home you quiet go on a trip you somebody we never seen in the world why cuz when you go on a trip down know me when you go on a trip I'm just treating myself the trip is about you the walk is about you in Christ yeah y'all don't like me today I'm gonna stop right here I don't ran out of time sin deceives us so that truth seems like a lie and lies seem like the truth that's rich ain't it sin deceives us so that truth seems like a lie and lies seem like truth lies seem like truth let's make that make sense pass the mic make that make sense passing right we all waiting in 2020 that's a lot somebody got to lose somebody got to lose there's gonna be some ups now so let me show you the problem show you the problem Sanh deceives us so that truth seems like a lie I don't want to actually this question who can honestly enough say you went to a season of your life where someone was telling you the truth you just didn't want to hear it and you chose the cling to the lie cuz it felt like the truth I can you put this in your notes and imma let you go the truth th e the truth versus my truth that's what's gonna get us a lot a lot of us in trouble well I know my truth what's the truth what's the truth well you understand my context of my situation no the truth is truth truth is truth I want you to catch this now so what do I need to do reject unbelief don't let's see in the real you everyone believes in God which is why we pray but everyone trusts but not everyone trust him which is why we can't wait this is rich so what I want you to read believe it in obeying God are keys to unlocking God's promises I want the promises of God to be unlocked in your life somebody say IRA see that but I want you to remember God rewards faith not unbelief he rewards faith he rewards faith last but not least last point of the day if I had time I would have told you but without faith it is impossible to please him but you know that let's go to number three combine the word the promises of God with faith with faith I have so much I didn't get to today what is faith pmj faith is believing that you already have what you're hoping for it's pulling God's promises from the spirit realm and to the physical Ram that's what faith is faith is believing that you already have what you're hoping for it's pulling God's promises from the spirit realm to the physical rent don't me how it goes father I pray right now every good and perfect thing you have for us is already ours I pray right now God for those who have a hardened heart God a hardened heart is like a callus the only thing I can compare to God is when I pledged my college fraternity God we went through so much stuff online that I kind of developed these calluses that when they hit me God it just didn't feel it no more so God for me a hardened heart means I've been hit in certain ways so much I'm now numb to your word God people been telling me to pray but I don't pray so much and stuff didn't happen I kind of feel like pret only don't work people tell me to give and I done gave gave gay but I still don't have what I want so I'm kind of hearted but God oftentimes we never see where we went wrong yes we gave but we did get what you ask yes we pray but we didn't live right so God we were praying but then our lifestyle was counseling our prayer yes we came to church but then where did we go Monday through Friday so got a lot of times yes we do what you say we just don't do we just don't not do what you said don't do so God many of us don't realize we're living double week we pray but then we stay like a fool we give and then we still don't tithe we we come to church but we still wild out we we we talk about people yet we try to pray for the things we need so God a lot of times our actions counsel our confessions so God in this moment give us the ability to see our selves because until we see the wrong in our lives we will never see the right that you present so in that God I ask that you continue to soften our hearts so we can experience the blessings of God it's in Jesus name and everybody said come on clap your hands man [Applause]
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 19,913
Rating: 4.9168243 out of 5
Id: y39L2YvU7sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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