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foreign our Our Little Beaver Empire is starting to grow and I've been I've been making some plans now in this episode we're going to be doing a bit of a canal Network and there's going to be lots of dynamiting going on so that's going to be fun but just before we get started quickly I want to show you a couple of things so obviously we're we're naming our Empire after the after The Walking Dead so we've got uh we've got the kingdom over here we have Alexandria here and you'll know we've got Hilltop up here okay well we're going to expand now we have a we had the the saviors here for a little while they're going to be moving uh this is their District Center they're going to be moving over to this they're probably going to end up in the middle of the lake right which is why I thought this is um Kind of Perfect to call them Oceanside so that's going to be Oceanside and then I'm thinking of splitting this community uh the hilltop Community like down the center of the dam because we've got houses and Industry on both sides then so this will be Hilltop this one up here is going to be Sanctuary oh yeah right and then there's going to be a whole thing going on over here you can see these are all named I'm not going to tell you what they are okay I'll tell you one I'll tell you one I thought Venus we've got all of these ruined buildings and just all the scrap metal and whatever we'd call this one the junkyard you like that all right let's get um let's get to blowing some stuff up shall we so first thing we're going to do I'm gonna grab some stairs and we're gonna put some stairs down there I think let's speed things up we've just started the drought and as you can see water is continuing to flood through here beautifully even though even though the sauce is dry because we've got so much water it's insane I'm going to create a bit of a bit of a lagoon a bit of a marina kind of thing here um to give the Beavers some fun I wonder if you can guess what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna Dynamite uh this to start off with um but we're gonna be dynamiting like quite a lot I think now I definitely want a dynamite uh this area over here and let's see I'm taking this I'm going to take this down here you know what let me put this uh Levy inside I know what I'm doing I'm gonna put um I'm gonna put a levy coming down like that so this is going to be around there and then this is going to be the Lagoon going across here like this and yeah that's fine okay that's um that's all gonna have to be a level higher I think which is going to create me a problem there so I'm going to do something about that we'll see um I actually died we're doing yeah I think I've got to be a level higher so yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure exactly how I'm gonna do with that right this is ready so we can detonate this oh there's gonna be so much of that going on right what do we want we want patter structures another staircase to get this down to this area and then um yeah we're going to be doing quite quite a lot of dynamite in here so let's put in um let's put in a path across there and we'll start getting some time waiting going what do we want we want uh Landscaping we want dynamites and I want Dynamite like in this like whole area across here there we go all the Beavers are getting this stuff done good good good good uh they've almost done this good job there's somebody's just going to build that one so now we're pretty much at the same level so I can afford to I can afford to start getting rid of this stuff uh what do I want I want my delete all and we'll get rid of that and get rid of that yes okay awesome you know I should really have got rid of this one first shouldn't I yeah I probably should but what I can do is um I can get rid of sections of this and backfill it so let me do that and let's get this all ready to blow up well we're almost done oh yes it's all done hooray right right we can do some blowing up right first thing I want to do is this one over here but right now I can move that over one and we can have a wall coming through here that'll be great then uh let's do this side over here well I thought that means I can have uh my staircase coming down there which is great and then we can have the big fun huh oh I love it okay um right but there's going to be lots of dynamiting going on so um so let's do it uh in order to get much more done I'm going to have to move uh the district Center down here so that we can we can get further around here there we go that's better how far I'll follow the ux then oh you get like way out here okay awesome okay well in that case let's get back to um blowing stuff up [Music] [Music] okay while I've been busy blowing stuff up my beepers have been very busy and I've been laying out the course of of this initial Canal now this canal is going to be the one that feeds the entire system so yeah and as ever in every game I ever play one tile short so if we look at Alexandria Alexandria comes out to here and then if we look at Hilltop Hilltop comes to there so there are two tiles that I can't get built but it's fine because all I need to do is Alexandra is pointing this way if I just turn it around so it points that way it'll get me an extra few tiles so I can get that done right so the next bit is going to be to put in uh the rest of the levees because we need to get this up to two tiles High that'll be filled in now if you're wondering about the spacing I'm keeping this um five tiles wide is the is the eye that's the plan anyway uh yeah I can yeah I can do that that's fine and run that down there uh so right well now that they've done virtually all of that I can actually rip out this part of the of the water management system I don't need that and don't need that okay right so what I'm going to do now these these are Six Wide which doesn't really work because this is five wide and yeah it's five wide all the way around so except for this part this part actually but let's do this part now so what I'm going to do here I'm just gonna throw in uh a dam across here well Levy a levy across here just like that and we'll leave that as like that that's fine what we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to get rid of that water wheel and we'll put in now I don't know whether this is going to stay here eventually we'll I mean we'll see it's kind of original so I kind of want to keep it um but you know it's just it's just me being sentimental what do I actually want to do here I want power and I want uh a water wheel to go there and then I think what I'm going to do is grab the levees and then so that's four wide I think what we'll do is this yeah I think what we'll do is this so we run it up okay I think that's all good now yeah it's looking good okay right so uh what what the hell am I like doing here well what I'm trying to do is recover uh recover land so so the deep water is going to stay or like this level is going to stay as uh as a lake but this level this is not gonna have water in it anymore oh no that water's gonna be removed so what do we want to do we want to put in a a levy that goes along here along the edge of the deep water and then all of this water around the outside will be removed at some point by some as yet to be determined mechanism which um I got some ideas but I'm quite figured it out yet because what's gonna what's gonna happen is that up here we're going to have more flow coming through here than than he's going through here um at least that's the idea so this water level is actually going to be higher than this water level and then as it comes down here and gets round to here and then splits because that's what it's going to do it's going to split we'll have a different water level down here so that's why I want to keep this uh this deep water and I may even make this deeper so there may be some more dynamiting coming along in the in the in the relatively near future I actually want to get rid of these don't I now because we're taking the water around that yeah yeah we can get rid of this that's uh that's rather good news so get rid of that yeah get rid of that yeah okay having done that I still want to be able to get over here because I want to do something here I'm thinking I might just uh Dynamite two layers and get it down to something that we can actually Farm so that's that's kind of the idea what I'm thinking here is just to put in uh put in some some bridges so what would I need I would need a three and a four wouldn't I so we'd have um a three going that way uh where do I want to do it from um I think probably there so we'd have a three going that way and a four I need to unlock and four would go that way I may need to build it from that side I don't know whether they'll build it like that actually you know what I'm going to put it in like that and see if they build it because that'll be kind of fun and then we want one bit of path in between them yep and I put a path of this in a bit of path of that end okay cool right I've got to do stairs and whatever up there I'll probably I'll probably run a path well actually no I'll probably run a path straight across there because I want the I want the maximum distance that we can get to everywhere but that shouldn't be a problem okay so um that's all gotta get built and then then we can start looking at how I'm actually going to split this you know I've just been staring at this and thinking this doesn't make any sense you know what we'll come back to that yeah I think I know what I'm gonna do I want to put in a little fun project uh fun being the operative word because at the moment our poor little beavers don't get any fun so I think they deserve some fun after after building this they deserve some fun so we're going to give them the best one that they can have oh yeah we are going to get the demolished tool and I'm going to take out a section let's see uh let's take out that section of four and that section of four and then we're going to go to Leisure and we're going to get the carousel how cool is that a beaver Carousel that is brilliant okay so that is um okay that's five wide where am I going to Center I think I'm going to center it there okay so what I'm going to need to do is have uh let's see this is two so this is three deep isn't it Yep this is three deep so I'm gonna need uh this to come out like that aren't I I think so look does that work uh uh I think yeah no that's perfect put that in there I'm going to extend this so that we've actually got a path around it so I actually need it seven by seven don't I yeah I get there eventually I mean it's a freaking slow process I know but you know okay so 7x7 so and it starts one outside that's uh we want the same thing here so it's that 7x7 that looks like somebody sent to me so it's probably not all right seven by six okay fine so that's going in there that means I can get rid of the the extra row cool right path path the path is gonna go around the outside kind of like not kind of obviously right but then it means that they've got to go all the way around here which kind of sucks really we don't want them doing that so what I'm going to do I'm going to take this um go away beaver I'm trying to get the path that got it get rid of that little bit of path then we can get some stairs have the stairs there stairs there do the same on the other side oh I've got a party together get rid of that path yes put the stairs in there then path over the top of it now if you're thinking well why didn't you just do a path across there you bonehead because we need to get power from this building to this building and the way that we're going to get power from that building because this this takes a huge amount of practice 400 horsepower that's more than two of these wheels so like four and a half of these wheels are just going to be dedicated to running these little fun fairs or carousels um so what do I need I need a power and I need a straight powershaft just going straight into there will be fine boom all right cool I think that should look pretty darned cool when it's built awesome right so going back over here what are we going to do over here I think that I was right when I was thinking about moving these over here so one two I could get three in there one two and then what we'll do is we'll mark this row of trees for Demolition and then all I need to do is just take in fact I don't even need to do that yeah I do yeah I do um is bring a power shaft out bring it along here and bring the power over to these buildings and they don't even have to move these buildings potentially so yeah let's do that and then it means that I can change my idea for this area yeah I can just rip all of that out um just have that probably probably coming across there is what I'm gonna do yeah that makes that makes total sense uh I'm going to do that okay yeah yeah this this is gonna work this is actually gonna work you know what let's get this all built and um and see what it looks like they're both finished come on let's have some beepers use them you know I'm gonna speed it up till the baby uses it I think are you coming to you can have a go on the you are oh that's just the best thing ever in a video game a beaver on them on America around that's just awesome oh you know I'm gonna speed it up I'm gonna speed it up till the evening because when they get some free time in the evening there should be loads years in this I want to see I want to say like five or six beef or somewhere oh look at this oh my God it's absolutely it's chocolate Block it's full this is the best thing in the world as far as a beaver is concerned apparently living inside child's vein must be before I get a reference it's don't worry about it it's fine oh oh yeah that's just the best thing ever oh God that is brilliant okay seriously can I just sit here and watch this for about 10 minutes oh I can't believe how much yeast they're getting they are absolutely loving it oh that that is awesome um while we're here I've figured out what to do with this water so what I'm gonna do um let's get out of that mode right what I'm going to do here I'm going to go into uh into here I'm going to get double platforms maybe there and maybe there yeah and then I'm gonna put in some water pumps so I will put in a water pump there and we'll put in a water pump there awesome um let's get this stuff built and working and let's see if we can pump all the water out from from this area yeah Okay cool so um yeah we'll let that we'll let that happen and then we'll take a look so I was just doing a little bit of messing around over here I put this uh I put this path in here on on these platforms triple platforms uh reason being so that I don't waste any of this land so that we can get where are we crops and weight my first wheat going in boom okay cool so I'm I I was messing around with that and I was messing around with changing this this is a dam now and these were dams and they're now levies so that the reason for that is I want the water rooted into here before it goes off the map so the way this is going to work is we're going to have um a levy probably I'm thinking just going straight across here like that and then oh that's perfect yeah and then straight across there like that um all of this is going to be uh dynamited uh let's you know if I put that one in like much easier coming this way can't I yes and done like that and probably that as well and then we'll do the same with this I want to make sure that we've got a good quantity of of water just in case I mean I can't imagine what on Earth I would use it for but I think it's probably a good idea so I will Dynamite down obviously this as well but I'll leave the path in there well actually we can do that okay fine so um so that's going to be that but anyway what I was originally saying was I was messing around with this and I thought oh God those pumps are going to take ages I'll go have a look and the water's all gone we have reclaimed land so how is this some how is this canal Network gonna work then so well what we're going to have is um like for example I'm thinking probably where this path is is probably a good example um so we'd have like um something coming down here like this something something kind of sort of like this so it only needs to be like one wide and the water will um will flow through our Canal Network and end up in this Lake where it'll flow off the map and and all of this land will be a usable arable land so I'm thinking we'll have [Music] um yeah we'll probably have one across here as well I would think I mean I'm looking at that and thinking yeah just just do it straight and do a bit of dynamite thing I think don't you yes I think so get rid of that one get rid of that one get rid of that one hurray yeah so a little bit of dynamite I sort that out you know just saying that about straightening this up has made me think that more straight lines would actually make this look a lot better like for example over here this is a bit of a mess whereas if um if I actually brought this out what am I looking for I'm looking for levies if I actually brought this out so that we came out to here we just had a straight line going down there so it was just straight 45 degree angle straight and then do the same here have a 45 degree angle across here going straight maybe get this at 45 degrees and then I think here like like here why not why not just have this wall go straight across here like that would be much more aesthetically pleasing wouldn't it yeah you know what I think that's exactly what I'm gonna do okay so um so I'm gonna get on with that now over here I was looking at this and thinking how do I want the water rooted through into here and I was thinking well we've already got the water going into this little Lake so maybe maybe what we do is we put uh what am I looking for I'm looking for Mark resource so if I get rid of that and then just Dynamite through there into there that would work well I just looked at a few examples of how far the water irrigates and it seems to be pretty consistently 15 tiles so that's what I'm going to work on so over here I've actually marked in a path here which is it's 14 to there so it's right to the edge of the map so what we would want is a levy to be there then the water and then levy on the other side so let's put that one in so it's gonna be like that so this is going to go up here so that's 15 to this so we would want the edge of the canal coming to there I wouldn't wait yeah so if we put in the Levee along there have this coming up here like this and then here what we'd have to do is actually Dynamite a channel through there oh oh I like this idea okay you know what let's get um let's maybe get some of this built I think that would be a good idea and then kind of see where we are well it's all happening look at this they've almost finished this uh this canal it is awesome what I'm gonna do is instead of trying to get through here which is Impractical at the moment I'm gonna need to set up another another Colony I think or do some stuff anyway so what I'm going to do is have the water coming through here for now so we'll have the water just coming through here and then into this so it means that we can we can get the land back in all of this area all of this area and all of here and here and here that is the plan but right now we've got some important dynamiting to do should we do it got through it well because it's blooming Fun by the way look at this we've unlocked the iron teeth hooray okay um let's do this one first this is big all right go [Music] okay that stresses that stresses it out let's uh let's try this one [Music] much better much better and then this is the really important one because this is going to allow flow through here so there we go hooray oh that's that's cool that's important actually that one and am I gonna I guess I'm gonna take that down to two is there any reason not to I can't think of any reason not to so um so I'm gonna do it what am I what am I doing Dynamite so I will we'll get some Dynamite laid in there okay so that's that but there's more Dynamite thing to be done over here this area here uh doesn't get water because it's too high so we're gonna do something about that let's do it and now look at that it's virtually all arable land brilliant right and then um this is so that we can we can square this up and ah very cool very cool indeed okay um with that done I'm now going to get on and get to the point where we can drain all this land um I did realize that of course we're not going to need uh this damn here anymore and we're not gonna need this one over here either because um because this stops the water coming into here so wow we are about to have a very very big change to how the map looks okay that's it the work is all done we have a canal Network we've just got a couple of um fun little things to do to finish things off so the uh the first thing we need to do is we need to drain the water out of this area so we come over here get our demolished tool and get rid of that and get rid of this one and we can get rid of this one okay so that water's going to drain away now if we look over here we've got a dry area well that's no good so what I've done is I've just created a couple of little extensions which should solve that problem so let's see if um we've demolished that and let the water run into here oh yes very nice a little bit a little bit of flooding that's okay it'll dry out and then we'll do the same over here oh and this is gone okay there we go allow that water to run in there and now it's all oh yeah and there it is oh man who knew that this game was like this good it it really is staggering like what you can do and how fun it is to do it this area over here looks so much tidier now that I've kind of squared it up it's so much better I can't wait to get like farming and stuff in these places now oh it's it's very very good well there you go guys so that's um that's that's part one I guess of the uh of the canal Network um still got to do the same kind of thing in this area uh and reclaim all of that land and then we can start expanding out and then see what on Earth we're gonna do in this area so if you enjoyed the video I don't know maybe hit the like button maybe go completely crazy and hit the subscribe I don't know you may need to lie down afterwards guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it I'll catch you in the next one peace out [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 150,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1buX1z4W7CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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