Tim Hawkins Parenting Songs | Funny Song Video #parentlife

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I love to communicate the music I just started communicate with music to my kid they don't listen to me talking anymore I just use their songs and get my point across you know seriously you tried it's awesome they do listen we're at them all the other day they're just begging me for an iPhone for an hour but I said dude I'm not gonna buy you an iPhone cuz you asked for it secondly one she's gone I'm not gonna fire you and I both you're insane if you think I'll pay for it so be on your way I'm not gonna listen go away you're wasting all your time here's a dime if you find a payphone but no iPhone today [Applause] I got an older kid now man I had to use a Chris Daughtry song the other day [Music] [Applause] you stayed out too late last night who are just sneaking in [Music] hanging out and who knows where don't even try to blame this on your friends trust me dude it won't happen again you're staying home is the place where you belong you're done wrong and now you're grounded for a week I still love you but you keep breaking your curfew your regret holidays you chose to be your abuses and excuses to stay at home you stay at home what about John Mayer man you're gonna have kids someday in the car I think if I write this on you better quit all that complaining don't wanna hear another sound if I hear an M more whining I'm gonna turn the car around you got a little television and you had enough to eat if you don't change this position I'm gonna leave you on the street so I'm waiting for your attitude to change I keep on waiting when your attitude to change you see that I bear against that would matter if I can't be ready to change I had to write a Jason Mraz song you today my kids all about something need that I smelled it and Oh baloney sandwich with some cheese that had melted fell right through the cracks and it's getting funky bad go get a paper towel and some foot breeze open up a window man that stinks get down on your knees and clean that rug rug rug Oh time to do mug a your bed room boy it cannot wait good Oh [Music] [Applause] seven guys like rock stars and stuff they're going to have kids man I think James Blunt's will have kids like a daughter and one day I think he'll suffer like me with overprotective dad syndrome he might write this you're not too brilliant yeah [Music] you're not too brilliant you're not surprised saw you with my daughter just that night you're hanging out at Subway you're holding hands let me talk slowly boy so you'll understand you imbecile you imbecile the order to stop it chill stay away from my angel your spawn of hell [Music] only when I'm dead and will I let stop hey how about Beyonce open minds California open mind you'll have kids you be like to the left to the left [Applause] [Music] to the left to the left everything you own in a box to the left huh huh you must not know about me you must not know about me I can make another you in a minute did you roll your eyes at me no you did [Applause] I think finally I would love to see like a bono from u2 had kids I would love it I think it would go something like this [Music] [Applause] here the car out in the dry season [Applause] outside and we wait we are going to the store he waited [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh God Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ParentMail
Views: 1,279,329
Rating: 4.9123597 out of 5
Keywords: tim hawkins, parenting songs, being a parent, parent life, funny song, silly song, songs about kids, school songs, parent
Id: 9aTR4T0JHQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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