Tim Dillon FIRED Whoopi Goldberg | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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what's up everybody welcome uh to flagrant 2 it's your boy schulte i'm here with akash shane mark gagnon alex media we got miles media we got the truffle and then we have a very special guest um he is here for a reason trouble is a brewing on trouble is a brewing in daytime tv and we need to bring in our daytime tv expert yes okay an expert in many other fields i usually can't compliment uh comics when they come on because they start to fall apart like i almost have to tease them right but i feel like you could handle compliments i i not only can i handle them i require a few years okay so let me stack to feel good okay i think you if you're listening right now you could probably hear the voice yeah but you know familiar voice on the internet distinct um we have our daytime tv expert an expert in many other things but right now if we're talking about the view yeah also our jew expert huge huge love some jews love some of them some jews some jews i love there are some of all that are great there's some of you know some things are good you know and and i know the view you know the view we have tim dillon you here heard you put the call in to get whoopi out of there i did i because i wanted her to take a time out and have a think and i wanted her replaced with roseanne bring back roseanne right yeah how about that who is jewish okay and then that's a nice trade-off wait is she jewish roseanne is very jewish so she's been moonlighting as this midwestern housewife this whole time oh my god she's like super into israel super jewish oh my god so we get whoopi out okay take a chill pill take a break read the torah whatever you have to do go to a few bagel shops listen to people is that do some listening little locks locks and listening door and then bring roseanne in who's criminally insane but jewish and fun yeah and she'll go on about q and on and stuff like that and it'll just make it a fun show for two weeks so we've fixed the show that's how that's your goal well the the real way to fix the show is to destroy it um and to put everything into your solution yeah with most things most things do need to go the view is the it's one of the worst first of all when i grew up daytime tv was about like seasonal cupcake recipes yeah yeah why are we doing the holocaust at 11 it's 11 in the morning why are we doing the holocaust calm down daytime tv is for people to get into the day ease into the day a little coffee get to toast down you know we don't need to be doing genocide early like relax yeah yeah it's gotten crazy now do you think it is wild that she was suspended for like what does that do i'm against all of that right i don't want anyone suspended it's stupid it's uh i hated school as a kid yeah because i i don't like that kind of authority which to me didn't make any sense you drive a camry you're dumb and yet you're in charge of me yes that these are the teachers i mean yeah yeah and not all of them but many of them drove cameras yeah and i didn't want i didn't understand why that person told you what to believe or what to think yeah um it was authority that didn't make sense in the same way that i prefer they'd be more wealthy and then i prefer that like if somebody is teaching you something i want them to care about it yeah or know about it or have some experience with it yeah not just this is their punch the clock yeah yeah nine to five job who cares yeah that being said you do a podcast yeah all we do is pretend we know [ __ ] we don't well no we all i know it yeah i know i don't i know everything and and you and and you because there's nothing to know so that's the reality there's actually nothing to know so in a world where you've accepted there's nothing to know yeah yeah you actually know everything interesting but i don't like that kind of authority where they go take a timeout for two weeks fire her either fire her yeah or let her go back to work what she said is either so egregious you're gonna get rid of her or keep her this fake thing who is this for to throw her out for two weeks what an arbitrary thing that i don't like are jews erase and where do you rank them in your top five oh interesting i like i like the things they do uh-huh i like you know what i mean i didn't think you were going to take it seriously no i'm more entertaining absolutely yeah i i love the food the deli culture yeah the breakfast yes all of that i'm into that smoked meat smoked fish i like the money system i enjoy it you know i do enjoy it i like it because i have money now when i didn't i was a little angry at them now i'm like oh it's fine deposits go in things coming out there it makes sense i get it interest is nice yeah yeah um but they're very funny yes there i feel about them the way i feel about long island it's a necessary uh but obnoxious part of life [Laughter] like me if people say anything about me it's kind of like would that would be kind of maybe what they would say like we like them but it's a lot and not all the time when you left new york for the first time yeah did uh when you left new york for the first time did you realize how influenced by jews you were well sure i think so but i knew that because i grew up in long island i grew up catching complaining yeah uh i i think i realized how how comedy good comedy was very influenced by jesus right like really good comedy because it's like funny complaining yeah good comedy is like funny complaining right somebody who's talking [ __ ] and it's funny it's the only problem with woke culture yeah it's not funny if it was funny we might just be funny complaining it's also boring because it's not funny that's right yeah that's my just make it funny everything you might be okay with it inherently not boring it can't be funny because funny means somebody's got to get upset yeah you have to hurt someone somebody's got there's no victimless humor somebody's got to get us yeah and in woke culture the goal is for nobody to get upset which is an unsustainable way to live yeah and to communicate yeah you can't communicate in a funny way i mean you could communicate like on a plane if they go hey everybody you know he you know we are at 37 000 feet yeah you know when the turbulence lights off you can use the best like that type of communication you could do without anybody go what the hell is but yeah when you're trying to be funny yeah somebody's got to get rubbed the wrong way yeah a little bit yeah it has to more a lot of it or a lot of it yeah yeah 100 okay uh [ __ ] marry kill okay uh eric weinstein brett weinstein harvey weinstein oh interesting that's pretty cool and you [ __ ] harvey or harvey [ __ ] you eric hates me well he doesn't hate me now but eric so to torture him i would marry him [Laughter] yeah i would torture him um torture okay yeah yeah kill brett weinstein okay why no real reason just because i'm but i'm going to [ __ ] harvey because i want a role in hollywood because that's how i think that's like gwyneth paltrow got her first role example i believe i don't know if that's a fact i thought it was shakespeare in love well i know that they all [ __ ] him yeah to get parts yeah seven was before shakespeare and love okay maybe apparently brad pitt almost beat weinstein's ass because he was inappropriate with uh had to play ball consensually oh absolutely right to get the work yes which is not enough that's consensually but well it is consensual yeah if you want a thing yeah and i'm [ __ ] you to get the thing yeah that's a consensual act the consensus as long as he's not holding that thing over your head he's allowed to hold it over you it's still not it's still consensual if you do it because there's other ways to get the thing and you don't need the thing well the thing isn't air or water it's a role in a hollywood movie okay hypothetically no one's saying he's doing the right thing hypothetically speaking what if he goes hey if you don't [ __ ] me you're not only not gonna get this role you're not gonna get any rules well then you would then have to make a choice and either [ __ ] him or become a singer or go do something else but if you [ __ ] him is that rape if if he applies that level of coercion yeah i don't know if it's really like that word for that for that i don't know i think it's i think he's a piece of [ __ ] yeah he's a scumbag um and you know i i just don't know if it's non-consensual sex i think it's coercion yeah and it might be uh there's all kinds of other things it could be and would be okay so then you would definitely [ __ ] him yeah to get ahead yeah yeah yeah yeah or at least have a story what role would you want is your patreon not big enough nothing's nothing nothing's big enough nothing's about it nothing's enough fill the coffers yeah okay so you're about to go have a talk with alec baldwin alec baldwin dm me on instagram and he wants me to do his podcast and i was like absolutely i'm honored i can't wait till you find out it's stephen baldwin it's very interesting because he's i'm gonna get a call from you later today it's gonna be you and [ __ ] steven baldwin it's actually what's interesting is like he's had issues in the past couple of months well you shot the woman oh yeah on the set yeah and it was an accident was it this is what i i'm understood to believe yes you know but do you believe it yeah i don't think he would shoot one somebody told me to go i think he did it to see what it feels like to take a human life yeah um i would like to not believe that yeah um but it's interesting there's clearly nobody on his team that wants him to do a problem it there's no way you could forget who says no but i do forget somebody said that i think it would be that he would just try to see like at this point in his life he's like i've done it all yeah yeah yeah what does this feel like yeah do i want to come after yeah do i feel sad there's no way anyone on his team is jazzed about him doing a podcast right did you say that i didn't say it no are you i would have said i said it tim i might have been honest i forgot just i don't know what it was i would have admitted i said it but there's no one on his team that's jazzed about him doing a podcast i can imagine right now this is not the time yeah for the podcast yeah but he wants me to come on so i'm like honored and i said because he's a legend i've grown up watching him right he means beetlejuice and then that's it he's a new york legend in the same well i just looked up to [ __ ] alec baldwin gary glenn ross he was great yeah i mean he's not anthony hopkins he's not daniel day lewis yeah we get it yeah he's not uh denzel washington yeah but he's that he's next here no no you don't think so he's more famous than he is actually has good movies for some reason he's always been famous and his movies have beetlejuice he's got a few good ones phenomenal and beyonce's he's a great movie downhill but isn't the voicemail of him calling his daughter a pig more entertaining than many magical for sure the most films oh no i mean i don't i i've never seen the [ __ ] mary kelly no okay maybe not a legend but he's a uh he's a fixture i mean whatever you want to say is a great word he's a fixture it's wild that he wants me to come in just say he's on snl and you want to destroy everything about snl you can't destroy the destroyers you can't destroy it's over it's over okay it's over okay i think okay am i wrong it could come back i don't think it's over because i think they can still have cultural pops sure here's what i mean right now yeah you have to tell people you're on snl like if you go to out to dinner with somebody they go what do you do for a living you have to go i'm on snl rock farley sandler never had to do that what i what i mean is that yeah as a cultural monolith yeah like it's over the yeah this the people that are on the show media are no longer superstars the medium is over it's tv is over snl you'll you almost have to look at like um in appearance on carson so like if the actor was more famous than carson that was just this massive moment right so the actor the celebrity that's going on snl has to be more famous than snl right if you have the guy who is in shanghai right who's a [ __ ] great actor fun guy sure but if people don't actually know him enough nobody's going to watch the episode but if you have kanye yeah then the world stops that's big you've got kardashian the world's you've got to get people to talk about it so now they have to worry more about casting than they ever have that's right and maybe it's because they're not making their guys stars well it's hard it's the medium right the medium is tough the medium i think i think i'm gonna blame it on that there's other things but i think what do you mean by the medium tv television appointment television but that's not even we never watch snl like that we always watch the clip but you also said this when 10 000 youtubers can beat you to a sketch that you gotta wait to put out saturday yeah i mean that's what i mean like doing something once a week when comedy is so quick and so yeah like that to me is hard it's hard to do we had to wait for snl back in the day now you do not have difficulty yeah so now that they're yeah now they're making the joke last it's just also not maybe not enough content like to get for any one person to pop so for any one person to get famous maybe uh they do a sketch or two a week on that show that may not be enough now the demands of things are so that you have to keep feeding the beast yeah yeah yeah okay maybe yeah that makes sense these are all perhaps things like yeah i don't i can't tell you no no the last breakout stars i can think of sudaikis and wig kristen wiig and that was around about the time that we stopped watching tv so much yeah i mean pete pete yeah pete is a [ __ ] star but he also is a star beyond snl four yeah it's almost like the things outside of snl have made i think snl still does some very funny stuff yeah so i don't think it's a content issue i don't think it's i think it's the medium i think it's much harder to be on tv once a week and have the relevance that you would have now that the world is splintered into a million different you know internet realities when you're hanging it at these like global elite gatherings that you often hang out absolutely and do you ever bump into like a lauren michaels i've never been in a place where he would be i maybe i've been in places would you check him no i mean check him out would you walk up and check him like yo like like would i fight him if that's what that means to you yes i would really physically fight him no i think lauren michaels is a legend i have no i have no problem lord michaels i don't i don't who would you check i want to know tim dillon's checklist you see that [ __ ] on the streets it's on and popping no i don't i don't really have a problem with too many people you don't yeah i mean they may have a problem with me here's the thing the things i say right people get angry at me i don't i'm not angry they may be angry at me i see so i'm not angry at any but like i say the things that are true right people may not like that right and that may anger them but the governor of california may be mad at me but that's i have no problem with him i think he's doing a horrible job i think he's a horrible person yeah i think he's destroying one of the greatest states in the union right but if i saw him at a party i'd go how are you ah and we'd have a nice little talk i might go why are you doing this i might ask him like why are you destroying the state is someone paying you to do it like but who's paying him who knows well who do you think um i think that there's a movement uh right now that's happening that's behind the scenes i don't know who's really at the some people say it's china some people say it's this group of you know elite transnational meaning that they don't care about any particular country billionaires i think there's a movement of people to push through certain policies and people like newsome and people in positions of power have to go along with that movement or they have to face the consequences to some degree um and i i think that it's hard to say who is behind it or not behind it but there is you know when they write these articles like in 2030 you will own nothing and be happy that is an article written saying the future is not you owning a car and a house it's everything is going to be shared and you're going to love that and that's gonna be good that's someone's idea right that's someone's that's someone's um policy that they want down the road to be enacted they want that so they have to tap certain people certain people have to either get behind it or or not be in the way of it but that's someone's idea um just like a surveillance state is someone's idea the idea that we should be able to read your emails and listen to your phone and if you're going somewhere we should be able to know where that is and you should be tracked or maybe you'll have a social credit score yeah in china they have a credit score where it's you you know your entirety of your life experience is judged and then logged and and all of that that's an idea and it comes from somewhere and it's hard to say where it comes from or or who's promoting it at any given point but you can certainly see you see it happening and during covet i think you saw a lot of it starting to happen the social credit score thing is interesting don't you think we have our own forms of that yeah all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because uh listen there's nothing worse than being baked out of your mind you didn't plan on it and you know once you eat it that there is no going back and that's why we need the perfect medium high and what's going to bring the perfect medium high well diet smoke okay they have these delicious delta 8 thc gummies what is 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open quicker that might be a clout score but yeah is currency here then that is cloud can't get you a mortgage so the big difference would be how can it not um they're going to look at documents and financial statements well it won't prevent you from getting more if you have a lot of money but clout can get you money and money can get you a mortgage yes but in in in in a way that like is i think okay right like the idea of like clout making you money is fine like a social credit score in china can't get you a mortgage but they can deny you a mortgage absolutely they can deny you one so they can't get you one of you your lack of blue check doesn't prevent you from getting a car loan that's the difference right now that's the meaningful what i would say is that if you potentially had a blue check or clout in other areas you could have access to money and then get that yeah but see that so that's reverse engineering that's okay i don't have a problem with that right that's fine it's the other side it's if we say you can't have this yeah i don't have a problem with can can is great whatever you can use to your benefit to get whatever you're gonna get yeah if it's ethical and legal and you're not hurting anyone else yeah fine it's when governments prevent you from doing certain things because of maybe your online activity the things you've said or believe right that is the social credit score idea that's what i have an issue and you think we're headed toward that yes yeah i think so because i think that the the population and you saw it with covet how easy was it to get people to rat on each other how easy was it to get people to call the cops on 14 year old kids skateboarding up the block how easy was it as long as someone's convinced they're doing the morally right thing they will absolutely become a nazi they don't care and i'm not saying they were the equivalent to the nazis but yeah but isn't that absolutely dime on each other if they feel like it's for the purposes of altruism like they're they're in the right i don't know if they do it for the purpose of altruism i think that these are people who are more or less powerless and then we gave them a little power and then we allowed them to be virtuous with that power you were not powerless some of these people were multi-millionaires hollywood celebrities so they weren't really powerless i'm talking about the lady that comes up to the street and goes put your mask over your nose sure right like these people have no power they have no control in their lives and all of a sudden someone gave them a big [ __ ] stick right and they could walk around saving the world and saving the world is just enough to get them over the monumental inconvenience that they're putting on another [ __ ] human being so that's what the social credit score would be i think it would be giving everyone the ability to save the world all the time and we if if if it is parallel thinking yeah we would immediately fall victim to it sure because we've been doing it already you see it already with yelp you see with airbnb with uber the raiders we all rate each other all the time right that's why i was kind of going with the social media yeah yeah but exactly with uber it's like we can't wait to rate you i wonder if just our system maybe their system is a reflection of of ours like we just have the free market create that system i think that we're constantly constantly raiding constantly looking at someone's [ __ ] outfit there's a whole show on e about how shitty somebody dresses like this social media what's scary to me is that in order to compete with china i think there's a there's an element of the u.s ruling class that believes we should become china in order to if we don't want them exporting all this technology to the world that's like surveillance technology in nature um so what we want to do is we want to master the automation in the ai so that we export it to the world and what scares me about that is that essentially we're then adopting more kind of you know kind of more draconian totalitarian type of policies that you see in china that you may start seeing here which i wouldn't love you know what's funny is you tell me that we're going to become china i'm like get the [ __ ] out of here but if you want to tell me robots are going to kill us all i'm like yeah 15 years so who am i to judge do you know what i mean yeah yeah i don't know it's weird about becoming china because it feels like something more closed society becoming more of like a society where you are not as free as you are now hmm that's the that's what could happen and this is where i i don't get into conspiracy theories not that i'm like too good for it or whatever i'm just always like but they just seem so far off from hey we're calling the cops on kids skateboarding to you know draconian [ __ ] uh well i mean i don't know how far off it is i just can't my brain doesn't connect the dots my brain always hops off board is like yeah it seems like too many dots i'm not we're not getting there yeah i mean there's a lot of there's a few dots but i mean again if if we told you you know after 9 11 that you'd have zero privacy you know you would you would do the same thing you go there's a lot of dots between this and that but here we are i mean your email your phone everything you do everything is on the grid everything's traced yeah you know i mean they can get rid of you social media could just get rid of you it for whatever reason i mean and people are openly advocating for it you know getting rid of obviously people hate alex jones not like alex jones whatever but it doesn't end with alex jones now people are talking about joe rogan and don't get him out of here it's like this is a problem in our society that people are going to use these companies yeah to get rid of people that they don't like what do you think the real reason is they're trying to get joe out of there and who do you think taking their numbers who do you think is they the media the legacy media these large institutions um these these big tech companies right they are you know i think that the media's lost at times it's rupert murdoch making a decision in a board i think it's rupert murdoch but i do think it's a consensus i think the thing about the way that the country's run is there is no they there is no five people in a room right right uh if everyone's kids go to the same school and everybody hangs out and they go vacation martha's vineyard and everybody talks there's no they there's no like directives going you do this it's a consensus created okay that this guy's dangerous that we can't allow him to have a platform that people are dangerous that people shouldn't have the power right we need to go back to this top-down media where we told people what to think and they thought it right um okay real quick about in terms of top down like with a story sometimes i wonder if things go top down meaning like the board of directors saying hey these are the stories we're going to push out yeah like sometimes the [ __ ] you often see like the washington post you know doing to support bezos that's crazy like that seems very like top-down yes but sometimes things happen bottom-up because they're just chasing numbers right yeah for example like uh the trump stories happen bottom up i imagine because it was like oh my god this story we leave with the trump thing this is going to get tons of clicks people are going to be presidency happened to bottom up real talk trump presidency may be happening bottom up right so i wonder how much with joe is the legacy media elites going hey we need to get this guy the [ __ ] out of here or the left-wing media people at the bottom going hey i get a lot of views when i post a story about rogue both it's everywhere and then and then it's almost like the legacy media the leads see it and they go well i wouldn't mind this guy getting the hell out of here you guys keep on going great work well yeah no it's both it's it's that unholy alliance or that marriage of both where it is an economy so writing about him and the clicks that's fallen economy yeah and then i think the people at the top are just losing market share and they go we don't really want that uh model to be i don't think they'll ever let anyone get as big as him again bro that's the crazy they'll never let anyone get as big as him again he got really big on youtube then he went to spotify i don't believe they will let anyone get his big only time it can happen is a time of disruption right like internet comes in disrupts everything obviously our industry right i mean do you think that the traditional hollywood complex is going to let us get as big as we are i think you are right a lot of it is bottom-up a lot of it is chasing clicks but there are a lot of stories that would have been very salacious for example the epstein story right yeah is there more salacious of a story people would click people would watch it is this fascinating you know insight into society but it's only run yeah yeah it's only run when it is safe to be run because this information was out there for years yeah yeah so if you were an enterprising young journalist and there was a few of them vicki ward a few of these people said hey this story's got it all intrigued politicians celebrities sex islands [ __ ] kids everything we got it yeah yeah and then they go that and they kill it yeah so sometimes that's when i think you do see the top down but i think your point is well taken yeah yeah it is an economy now from the bottom up as well yeah of just parasites yes yes yeah but that's right the top down you definitely see blockage daily squash 100 and if you can block something you could also add some oxygen to it yeah and i think that's what's happening i think that's what's happening i'm curious about your perspective on this like like the media playbook it almost becomes like so hacky like now before i couldn't really see it because i was inside and i trusted yeah and it almost seemed like a coincidence right right and the thing that made it so [ __ ] transparent is is i was i literally asked on the podcast i was like how long before the truckers in canada are racist right it was like a minute literally a minute a minute a minute before the whole movement was about misogyny racism bigotry homophobia yes yeah well you see the same thing with with joe we would see it like you could time it out like he would bring on [ __ ] bernie yeah and then the next day boom and it's just like it's like it has to be top down it's like cigarettes because like cigarettes work right so people smoke even though they kill you and they're more money every year people still smoke no not as many of them but the reason that anybody smokes cigarettes they work yeah they well you never light a cigarette cup it's not work like they work it's the best it's what they do yeah these things work racist works yeah misogynist works homophobe works yeah they work and people go i don't want to be because you might you might just self-censor you might start the day going you know those truckers are kind of making a point but if you see a news story that connects some of those those other flag you're like you're self-censoring you don't even make that point yep you just go oh i don't know what that is i'm gonna look the other way yeah it's a little murky oh yeah yeah something's going on i don't know about it and you don't want to publicly support them because if you do everybody's gonna be like oh this racist misogynistic that's right that's right yeah it's it's a playbook that works when it stops working that's gonna be interesting okay so when it stops working what makes it stop working here's the reality the reality is trump right trump made it stop working because he didn't apologize so if you don't apologize you don't give them power the minute you and i'm not saying apology is an acknowledgement an apology is an acknowledgement yeah trump was a sociopath a narcissist a con artist all these things didn't care about anything yeah so completely different than all politicians right you can't label them what was good about what he did and the way he handled them yeah is they go you're a racist he went yeah he goes and then he just goes we have the best taco bowls right the whole of new york city as soon as you go i'm sorry then they start digging your grave well yeah because yeah this is the whole thing that happened with louie it's like he put out the apology and all of a sudden the people that see the apology think you're apologing for what they believe you did right not what you believe you did right so he could be apologizing for what he believed was nothing right i wasn't inappropriate i didn't do it but i apologize that these people may have been heard whatever right but the average girl that just heard the [ __ ] headline is going oh is he apologizing yeah for fourteen dude was perfect because he was like i'm sorry for the situation i'm sorry that people like neil young and joni mitchell who i like and respect yeah are taking their but i'm not sorry if you're doing my job best best line no best line is this is really strange it's strange yeah that is yeah dude having that's what it is it's [ __ ] strange and all of a sudden you have to have a little empathy for it yeah you're like yeah wow it must be strange absolutely when you say something strange it means you didn't plan on it being but so to me to go to conspiracy there too this is over why are we talking about it now the vaccine we're in the boo it's over where are they where is neil young and jonathan mitchell where are they coming from johnny mitchell's 100 years old she doesn't know where she is what is over who's putting this vaccine game clearance yes we're not even in the height of this anymore this is not a hot topic like this came out of nowhere somebody whispered in their ears let's be legends let's take this guy down this is not a i don't believe for a minute this was completely without somebody either pissing in their ear or because it's over it's like it's the weirdest time to harp on it now now it's odd the uk just opened up no restrictions i think oh man this is done vaccinating children or one of these norwegian countries i mean canada locked in and they're both canadians yeah but neil young and joni mitch are both canadians so i wonder if they're like a little bit more tied to that survived polio i think there's a reason that you know they're mad about it but it's just a weird time like where i'm like wait a minute are we still even fighting about this yeah i don't feel like we're even fighting about it yeah is it over huh yeah so then why so then why does it pop up now election influence i think they just don't like him yeah i don't think they want him i think a lot of powerful people in this country do not like the idea that there is a show that gets 11 million viewers downloads whatever a week that is a guy that's not controlled will you feel like a failure if someone doesn't try to kill you that's a good question um are you disappointed all right imagine you ruffled all these feathers and called out all these elites for your whole career yeah yeah and never once did this you go dine at their establishments you stay at their hotels you're asking they want a guy like me to do it because you're just crazy i'm not comedian it's not real it's the best comedian i was hoping you were gonna be like because i can be bought what's your number to shut up what's your number to bend over and do everything that gas gavin newsom tells you oh it's big 250 yeah 150. 150 and the check is right there nice 150 million 150 cash to be [ __ ] by gavin newsom on tv no you don't [ __ ] him and he doesn't [ __ ] you and now we have to arena no no no no no no no no he 150 million to [ __ ] you yeah come on dude no i wouldn't take any money and here's why um it's not ever about the money that you're that you're giving him no no shut the [ __ ] up no because you said to me you have high ceilings i need to see your apartment i want to see your partner but only because i could say you paid too much later no it's never about the money it's the death warrant so if you take the money to death it's just like the apology oh explain the money is the death one explain that meaning that if you take money from anybody to do anything yeah yeah it's why rogue listen i love rogue but like he's on spotify he's he's an employee of spotify right he's the biggest podcaster in the world that being said you know when you're in a deal you're in a deal right the stock price impacts and reflects on you right so i would never take like money to shut up i would take money to do a show i would take money but it would have to be the show that i would like to do anyway so 150 wait wait so do you think that he addressed it because the stock price was oh yeah no i think he addressed it because the entire thing you're you're part of that company and they're in a shitstorm a responsibility today and i think i think they also put some pressure on probably i i think yeah you're in a company you are part of a company now which i would be too listen if they give me 30 million dollars i'd be out there going megan mccain you know this is strange megan mccain is mad and i don't you know it's it was fun because we bear bovine resemblance to each other and i thought that it would be like here's the deal like you know you you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're your friends yeah yes that's fine that's great congrats yeah um [Applause] i'm saying that like you're part of a company it's what it is but but don't you feel like i just feel like with joe's specific situation he has the nuclear codes no no no because if they kick him out he just gets even more popular he he actually i think he has enough of a nuclear code to say okay here's what i can do apology-wise i can give you an honest apology that's not full of [ __ ] but that's not what you guys want me to say which is hey i'm sorry whatever maybe i'm naked maybe i'm naive but the way i'm looking at it if i'm him is i don't have to say anything if maybe i like you guys i like the company i want to help out the company which is also possible but and that's also i don't have to say anything because if you guys kick me out i go back on to youtube and my podcast goes everywhere you wouldn't be on youtube they would have kicked him off youtube robert malone all those episodes would have been removed from youtube they would have absolute episodes no no no this that's huge it's two strikes your channel gets three no the content he was doing put the advice on six months would not work on youtube put the advisor in the beginning it would not work we did it we had alex jones on here with an advisor they didn't take it down i'm telling you it's called satire it's a content he was doing for the last six months bringing these guys on yeah the brilliance of him moving to spotify was that they weren't centered i disagree you don't you you disagree they take stuff down on youtube all the time yeah i think they do take stuff down but i think there are things that you can go to and think they're things you can put up in the beginning they've been crazy about that they've taken down so much [ __ ] all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because i have to tell you about the makers of the smoothest hitting pipes and bongs around okay today's episode is brought to you by freeze pipe look at this beautiful piece right here okay each freeze pipe product uses freezable glycerin chambers that cool smoke by hundreds of degrees pop one of these glycerin chambers in the freezer for one hour and as smoke passes through the icy chamber it's instantly chilled 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fair regardless if they take it down yeah i still think if he goes back to youtube he has a massive i don't think he's i think if spotify got rid of him he's clearly his career is not over but he's bigger listen he's a part of a company that's in a [ __ ] storm right so there's no way he's making that video if there wasn't a [ __ ] storm he's in a [ __ ] storm that's why he's doing it stock price is being battered people are pulling their music it's a little bit of a thing so you make the video and he's even if it's just a pain in his ass yeah yeah you think he made the video with for no i mean listen i think i think he made the video i think he made a video to clarify his position and to control his narrative these people are going to say this about me i'm going to say exactly what it is and i think he did a good job he did a great job but in response to what was happening but i also think a very important part of the video was like we're talking about all this misinformation he's like remember all these things that were misinformation and now we know it's a brilliant video it's a masterful video but it's it's a video i think made because there's a reality yeah of being the biggest show i don't know if it's the swedish guy at spotify going hey we need a video i think it's like yo i'm getting a lot of heat maybe my family's getting a lot of heat it's making me uncomfortable i need to clarify a swedish guy i believe i if you put a gun to my head yeah do you think the ceo which might happen later today you don't you don't think the ceo spotify had had a any conversation with him of course right i'm not saying they put a gun to his head but like the companies i've worked at companies that have gone through things that are that are that are equivalent to a shitstorm we're like things are a problem right bad things are happening so people got to get out there i'm just saying it's it's part of that joe wants his position to be clear he's a human being i don't think he wants people thinking he's getting people killed either but yeah exactly i think it's just clarifying the narrative and i don't know what i don't like i'm an employee members aren't good spotify disclaimers aren't good the spotify hey why don't you book some experts and i've even suggested to joe have some provaks people on but i don't like spotify i don't like if they have an interest in that i don't i don't like the direction that goes in because then one day it's well it's not only the anti-vaccine or the whatever the health community it's the lgbtqia2 community you've heard them loud and clear we've heard the social justice community loud and clear i don't like but you need to do it because you you own a company where it's based off ripping off musicians and in order to continue to rip off musicians yeah you have to have them i guess happy are they ripping them off i think so they're ripping off comics i know that yeah they also they don't get much i mean they're not it's good publicly how much are they ripping off it's like 337 spotify plays or something for a dollar something like that maybe 73 it's higher amazon is the worst but it's pretty stand-up comedy now i will delete this if spotify gives me money yeah but they've already said they won't stand up comedy functionally just doesn't work on a platform like that the way that you make money on a platform like that with music is just people playing the same song and it does a lot for music too if you get on a playlist with stand-up comedy you listen to a joke and you're like i don't need to hear that joke every single morning when i wake up right people can listen to the same [ __ ] song every single morning when we wake up you know we can play sweet caroline until we're dead sure right you just can't do that with a joke right right so which is i've heard comics be upset about this and maybe you should make more money okay maybe they should pay more that'd be great but functionally you're not going to make the same as a musician yeah the commodity isn't as valuable over time yeah the hash life is short yeah i just i just think that there's probably a more more fair way to do it yeah then it's being done now yeah i'm not saying that people have to make millions of dollars yeah yeah i just think that there's probably a more fair way to do it than it's being done now sure because again comics their their heart and soul is their chokes yes you know yes yes yeah and they should be monetizing by performing live yeah for sure isn't that a model you give it away for free and then see what happens and also isn't it isn't business just leveraged like what leverage leverage do comics have nobody's unsubscribing spotify for comedy no no i don't think comics even it's not even a question of leverage i think it's a question of fair business practices when you are handling content i think at the end of the day the appearance that you care about the creators is huge yeah whether you care about them or not i think paying them more fairly and giving the idea to people that you care about the creators is good for a company like spotify to do that sounds great i believe that what it what would be fair i don't i don't know what would be fair so this is the how much they pay this is royalty rates per stream so uh iheartradio plays the most pays the most then title then amazon music then spotify no then what is that youtube music spotify youtube page youtube is the one that pays nothing yeah let's let's let's kick it up from three cents what can we make it what what let's give them 12 cents 12 cents 12 cents that's good but that's a you no that's a four times four x 100 percent four x three to twelve the real stop killing them no no the real issue with spotify that they didn't want to pay up it wasn't the per spin yeah it's they don't want to pay double okay so with musicians you play the person who performs the piece and the person who produces the piece and makes the piece yeah so comics were going hey i perform my [ __ ] and i write my [ __ ] right i want to get the double royalties the same royalties you give musicians which makes sense yeah right somebody has to write these jokes somebody got to perform them yeah why don't we both get paid yeah i am both right so just like bob dylan is both you know so if you're gonna pay bob dylan twice pay me twice and then amazon was like or not amazon spotify was like nah we're not going to have to pay you none and nobody's unsubscribed exactly so that was the big thing i don't think it was like coming up from these cents they they wanted to double up which is yo ask for it and then pull your [ __ ] you got to be willing to do it yeah i didn't let harry and megan had a meeting with spotify because they're like investors in spotify they had a meeting about joe really yeah they're scum what is the harry and megan you know what's so funny is like i got married up and thanks for coming by the way yeah piece of [ __ ] i had things to do i would have loved to go you know yeah that invitation got lost i did my bad stuff well the new york times i left it at the hotel i understand the rest of the people they're poor yeah i understand the right you would have enjoyed it i would have enjoyed it i would have got you something nice i understand this it like not if you've got me something nice what do you think i don't know but it would have been impressive what do you drop on like a good wedding gift i don't know because i have one friend who's very close to me and still hasn't got me something so maybe we can inspire i would have gotten something really nice i don't know what it would have been it would have been like an experience i would have bought you and your wife a trip something crazy i like wild yeah i like that a lot maybe i'm still developing that experience okay that's possible he's curating i was just focused on you know officiating a perfect wedding that wasn't about him he did a great job you officiated great one the wedding was [ __ ] great it's in santa barbara now you know santa barbara people watching maybe they're not as familiar santa barbara is basically like super wealthy people that want to be down to earth that's right as long as they're around enough super wealthy people they can all let their guard down and stop pretending to be wealthy hey we're all [ __ ] billionaires let's just wear whatever okay let's just wear sandals let's just go to the farmer's market i'm cool i'm chill i'm relaxed interesting conceptually it's fun right um but the funny thing is megan and harry went there and when they go to like san ysidro ranch to eat this is the same fan you're familiar with so like when they go they want to shut down the whole ranch just so they can eat and the reaction from the people in santa barbara is like you're not even the richest person here like you're not even royalty anymore yeah like what are you doing frauds and they're not even good at it right so they're not even good what do you mean they're frauds they're complete frauds i mean yeah he's a prince what kind he's a prince blood you know when i say they're frauds i mean they don't they purport to have left the uk because of racism yes and come to america where we all know there's none none at all no racist never so they left one country that's racist yeah another country is not racist and they have a deal with netflix yeah and they're producing shows on netflix about like female empowerment just say you want to be rich you say you don't want to eat fish pudding in the rain like like the inbred freaks that you live with and say you want to be montecito rich you want to be 75 and sunny rich can you explain to me why anybody would give a production deal to two people that have never produced anything well they gave it to the obamas right they give it to people who i'd give it to the mamas i i would too i would give it to them before i give it to harry the the more produced experience i've experienced but what am i watching the show because harry and megan produced it well number are there people out there that do that are they influencers no what they want to do is they want to get behind the narrative the idea that they are empowering this young actress who was so bloodied in the british press and by the royal family she had to escape with private guard of course and security of course from that country to this country so they're they're they're writing a check to a story that's i believe you know varying degrees of true they're writing a check to a narrative like look we're gonna get in the megan and harry business because they are brave to call out their family's races because who knew these inbred lunatics were racist you know we had no idea they they literally have been the ruling class of of a racist country for a very long time yeah they invented imperialism but who knew yeah they were not progressive behind closed doors yeah what a shock um or you know so what they did was they got behind that story and it was a powerful story because people in america are stupid and stupid people like stories they can easily understand yeah and netflix is run by people that want to please those stupid people so they wrote the check so netflix believes that people care about their story that's right it's not i think that is wrong dude i don't think people no i i believe that that could be the reason why they invested yeah i don't believe that there's that many people that are interested in their story no there's not right of course there's not absolutely faux pas by the way of course there's not yeah but it's the belief that there is which is the psychopathy that runs the entertainment business now we're like yeah there is no audience for a lot of what they're making there is no audience nobody wants it nobody wants to be lectured yeah about why they're bad people yeah nobody wants any of this yeah nobody wants any of it yes nobody wants [ __ ] stephen colbert telling you how to live so they want stupid pet tricks but stupid pet treats remember that yeah that was yeah yeah yeah it was good but yeah i would do that you're absolutely right remember we tried when we were miami we were trying to get the ambulances now we're too smart we have too many rights pets have too many rights now it's a fact okay so then we're i was having this discussion i forget i think mark and i were discussing this the other day but um i've been like so embarrassed by the american the lack of american arrogance lately yeah when we were growing up there was a healthy arrogance yes i remember i went and studied abroad in spain okay yeah and i might be on the higher spectrum of like arrogance sometimes right right no maybe a tiny maybe just a little bit tournament uh wedding was in montecito not santa barbara but just to clarify it's fancy you know what i mean you know you know me and my gift weren't invited i know i know yeah when we renew the vows okay okay um i i showed up wearing [ __ ] cowboy hat i'm from new york cowboy had like a american flag shirt some blue [ __ ] adidas pants yeah like in vance i was like screaming america and i was like you're lucky i'm [ __ ] here right for a year to study abroad and i was talking to ronnie chang about this the other day he's like yeah like i think america's been humbled you know like by the news by the experience what's going on and like because americans are very like uh uh polite abroad now right we go oh of apologizing before we go into places et cetera now there's no we should be polite i don't think that we shouldn't be polite but i think that there's a lack of [ __ ] confidence going on in america right now yeah and this is where i understand why people feed i don't want to say [ __ ] but that why we feed [ __ ] why we feed these narratives and stories and create heroism out of things that might not be that heroic because loki don't you want a more confident people if you have to be part of something right wouldn't it be a winning story like i was asking this english a person the other day they were just in the audience and i was like yo do they tell you that the empire's over like do they teach that yeah at all and they're like no they don't even know there are people in england that don't even know that they don't run the world and if you look at them and you see everyone in the world speaks english they're probably going yeah we still run it some some of them are some of them do know i think it really depends right like the american arrogance is alive in certain places it's just we're on the decline right now you can feel it and we got to turn it around yes we got to turn it around but we're on the decline you can feel it have we ever been in the decline historically in this empire the american empire and then turned it around because i think my fear is how do you turn it around is there any stopping china there no you could listen there are the robots there's ways to turn it around but as of right now um we we are i think without argument we're we're on we're on it downwards slow okay i'm gonna push back on that i don't think that that slope is as steep as you presented um maybe not because right now the war is culture right and i mean like we're not going to war war with china everybody dies right and our culture is still more influential than theirs we're not walking around chinese yeah you know what i'm saying they are adopting american culture the war is economic though the war is more than culture culture is a fake war the war is economic and their economy is really growing at a bigger pace and ours is more people yeah more people more engineers there's a guy uh from where he used to work raytheon or something like that that came to the show uh in oxnard right and he was just saying like they have superiority in terms of weapons he goes weapons don't matter because we can all kill each other they can just kill us a little bit quicker i'm not worried i'm not worried about even i think china's a problem i think the threats to the american project were internal although i want to get to that one second but what he specifically said is here's the the the reason why we could potentially lose they're just five to one that's five to one engineers that's five to one like [ __ ] dancers for tick-tock it's five to one so they're all so culturally promoting engineering like in america people want to be youtubers they want to be famous they want to be this you want to do that sorry we don't necessarily have the math and science core and the value system yeah i mean there's a reason why all the kids and the new spider-man go to mit right their whole life is about how do i get to mit i think for example he loses all his friends yeah just so they can go to mit right it's how do we get these [ __ ] kids here's what happens when you start learning again you know i remember when detroit remember when detroit like fell none of us remember that detroit you don't remember that you don't remember that you don't remember that you remember detroit fell yeah detroit as a city like went bankrupt you don't remember this yeah where were you it was like in high school yeah it was kwame kilpatrick right yeah it was a legend pretty big story yeah yeah yeah but then detroit been following robocop was detroit yeah yeah she's actually been on fire since the 80s yeah that's the problem do you see what i mean when you let american cities just completely disintegrate and there's like five cities where everyone has lamborghinis and then the rest of them are on fire yeah that's a problem and what happens is is your country begins to decline whether you can see it or feel it because you're a millionaire and all your friends are millionaires but the reality is if you go to these other places where people don't have jobs you don't have health care they're totally [ __ ] they don't see a way out their kids are on fentanyl their daughter's not only fans this is part now when those people but industry changes certain abilities okay sure that's well no this is american history industry is gonna change cities is gonna make certain cities more economically viable than others i understand that but when you look at that that working class when they had jobs and could go on vacations yeah and they had money yeah and they weren't being completely uh replaced and their jobs weren't you know being shipped overseas yeah you had a more robust country you had a you had oh you just feeling like sections of the country so those sections yeah buffalo at one time rochester at one time were more robust but don't you see that as a west virginia but don't you think that's a problem no i think that this is the nature of changing an industry but that's where the arrogance that you're missing is miami is it hard to be argued when you live in a tent but if you can but if you can see the rise and fall of cities how do you not see the rising fall of countries that's what i mean like you don't think eventually this is like if the rise of cities is natural and that's evolution no i understand i understand what you're saying i guess what i'm saying is it's it's not as if there a new city isn't also going to pop up so if rochester in buffalo falls yeah another place is probably going to pop up but it's bigger than just specific cities these are entire industries we have no manufacturing in the country right this is a bigger problem we have no manufacturer we don't make anything here yeah everything so if you're an unskilled worker and you don't have any skills yes you're competing against immigrants that come in all the time you're competing against your other uh your neighbors and friends and you're competing against people that live overseas that are willing to do the jobs for cheaper so i'm just saying listen i'm not an economist but i'm just saying when you talk about arrogance like where's the sense of american mojo and where did it go a lot of it is like [ __ ] you drive 20 minutes out of any city yeah you're driving to a third world country and when you drive through a third world country when you drive through parts of cleveland and they look like sarajevo okay that's a problem this is no no this i this i agree with it's an issue no this i agree with i just thought you were saying i pushed back in that specific city like crumbling it doesn't mean another won't pop up and that is something for sure that's naturally going to happen in the course of a country yeah but when you just have these sacrifice zones whatever it is no go like you have these areas you're like and they're popping up all over the place then you have tent cities yeah should be like you talk about the american like you're driving around you look you go oh it's yeah you can't everywhere feel like the greatest country in the world if you're seeing extreme poverty right all the time and i think that's affecting people's senses and also there's probably this sense because of social media like remember back in the day when you live and existed within your neighborhood you understood how wealthy or poor you were within the proximity of the people that lived with you yeah and now we're constantly faced with all these people who are doing so much better than us even if they're not really right they look like they are on the internet right so there's probably an ego hit that comes from that as well you're like oh [ __ ] i thought i was successful i just started making a hundred thousand dollars a year and you hop on instagram and there's some 19 year old that just made two billion dollars questionably there's an interesting okay okay fair enough okay i agree with that you're constantly confronted with everything you're doing wrong and we're doing a lot of uh self-reflection as a country right which you don't see a country like china doing like china is not sitting back and going oh hey how were we bad 300 years ago how are we bad 200 years ago and how can we be better now the the concern is that we would just go well let's forget about all the [ __ ] up things that we did in the past we don't want to do that right we want to know what we did we don't want to ignore our history right but i and i'm curious about the people who are like orchestrating america for the next like 200 years as they figure out like what we learn in schools are they sitting there and they going hey we need to instant instill some heroism man like we need to make people feel proud of america because right now we're making people realize all the [ __ ] horrible [ __ ] they did yeah and we're not comparing america as a country to other countries we're only comparing her to herself and that's where you start to be embarrassed yeah i think there's a real fight and there's a real tension between those two views um and i don't think it's going to be resolved any time soon i think there's people that believe that the job of schools is to tell children why things are the way they are which is what i think a lot of the proponents of some of the newer critical race theory and stuff like that yeah are doing they're saying here is a theory that explains why it is and then there are people that go that's not the job for school the job of a school is to give you the facts the figures tell you ten theories ten reasons why things may be the way they are and have you come to those conclusions on your own yeah we don't need to force feed you that one particular theory we need to provide now there are also people on the far end of that spectrum who go well we don't like we want to only show the pro-america theories we don't want to show the critical uh race theories we don't want to show how incarceration might be related to racism slavery or racism or any of that there are people that go that theory should be banned and then there are people go we should only teach that theory and i'm in the middle that goes teach all of the theories yeah and let the kids um who are on fentanyl anyway and aren't listening uh let them figure out what theories they are going with i don't think schools should ever go this is the way and the only i try to look at like the best case scenario for for both sides right i look at the best case scenario for the critical race theory side right not the person that's that's trying to sit there be like white people are bad here's why the person who's literally trying to explain to some kids hey this is why there might be a discrepancy of wealth and opportunity absolutely like when you look at your friend who doesn't have the things that you have like now you don't have to think that you know he's just unlucky maybe there's circumstances that put him there and then maybe you have more empathy like that's what i think best case scenario for the critical race there and i think that's that's great i support that right and then i think best case scenario for the people who don't want to teach it right what if they're literally going yo what if we stop teaching these kids that they're different from one another what if they'll start treating each other as if they're the same maybe that's best and maybe it's naive to think that no but maybe that's because you can probably write about what the best case on each side wants and like and i like your your strategy about teaching both of them but i'm like man it would be [ __ ] nice if you were curating these stories that americans could feel [ __ ] proud of it give me a top gun movie again like give me something that we're doing that's good that we should feel proud of not [ __ ] dance challenges on the internet i'm talking about some real americana [ __ ] get our [ __ ] balls back and start walking around with our [ __ ] head straight up man yeah it's it's and i wonder what you do that through do you do that through school like do you do that through kids i think you do it through a mixture of a bunch of things policy culture you know you you give people you need like a springsteen bro you need like a new spring like here's the deal i don't think that works anymore i i don't think that works no i don't think it works anymore why well i think we're just i don't think we're a country at this point to be honest can i tell you another reason i truly don't believe we're a country at this at this moment i would say there's more i could make a better argument i was a debater i could make a better argument that we are a collection of of of nation states or whatever than an actual country at this particular moment you want to know something and i want to hear i want to hear your your actually you say what you're going to say first of all new media is why i don't think it works everything's too splintered when it was springsteen in the 70s you had like three different options for programming and it's all pretty easy to be the same so pro-america really easy to get behind now there's a pro-america guy there's a thousand [ __ ] america guys singing a song on spotify that's one playlist over so i don't think it works as well but let me ask you a question i'm sorry to interrupt you but based on what you just said i have a friend who said this about india indian guy but i think it might also apply to america should we just go to an eu model where the country is it's a continent all together but we all kind of govern ourselves i don't think we should do that but i will tell you this the reason i would say effectively we're not not that we're not a country but effectively you to look at what's good for certain people is really not good for other people in this country we've reached a point where you're the right for what you want to do and how you want to live is not necessarily good for me and it used to be where we would have differences but then we had these concentric circles it would overlap and our interests were in the middle and a lot of our interest lied was like okay they're keeping us safe from the soviet union or this or that or whatever but now you know if you are the country was designed with that in mind though like yes but it was also designed with that's the states rights idea right so for sure i live in virginia you live in maine i'm not gonna but the idea that that one state goes we're heart we're very pro-gun yeah and another state goes we don't want guns at all great and then you go okay but the problem is people are buying guns in one state yeah and using them in another state so yeah right the reason why this is tricky is because back in the day it took six months to get from maine to virginia that's right now yeah success two hours right whatever it is exactly so so now you have to have more uniform laws yeah because now there are people that go we want tracking and there are people that go i want yo your fracking is coming down our river and then yeah causing people to die in our state where we make it illegal we're too interconnected to to have such different rules and laws is that what you're trying to say i mean we're very interconnected and but we're also at the same time dude our lives aren't any in anywhere like my life being good yeah and somebody else's life being good may depend on things being diametrically opposed like different so uh i think you're developing a caste system yeah i think that's what you're kind of talking about well it's kind of happening right already you already have it happening yeah like we we dismiss knowingly or unknowingly yeah we dismiss the people who live in troy yeah because we don't work in factories yeah yeah and we go hey things happen yeah cities spring up move to austin start a podcast invest in yourself yeah yeah but the reality is those people want to kill us because they go [ __ ] you you guys are benefiting from buying this hoodie yeah for no money yeah because it was made like and there's always going to be some level of that tension but it's just gotten to a point now where it does feel like it's bubbling over here into something crazy and here's the thing it's if you're in one of these places that's not considering troy at all right right it doesn't even pop on your radar right it's almost like um how america is with the rest of the world like we don't consider like what sweden does but sweden needs to consider what we do that's right right and right and i think we often treat cities towns etc within america with that same for lack of a better word arrogance right right and that does become a problem especially when those people are resenting i was i was on stage the other day and i and i i just asked the people in the crowd who the new mayor was this is right when adams got elected right what percentage do you think could say the name of the mayor in their town half not even ten percent yeah is generous wow now your life is so good right you can remove yourself from politics that's right totally those people up in troy they can't that politician is make or break yeah people like that living in the same place that is what you're talking about that's what i'm talking about that it's just it's interesting right and it's not even it's not even me like having a view or how to fix it or political it's just me looking at everything and going [ __ ] this is a pickle what what is the uh the french queen uh let them eat cakes marie antoinette it's let them eat cake bro it's kind of that and then oh they're struggling to troy let them eat cake and then people get angry and then it becomes a capital right it becomes antifa it becomes like violence on the street and some of those are just rich kids larping that's fine but like what you see is it becomes opioid crisis it becomes i have i'm in despair i don't have a future i don't believe my life is gonna be good and it's so funny even the drugs that you see people using now like uh like ketamine you're not fine because what are they they're disassociation yeah they're getting everything is get me out of here everything is escaped it used to be like life is fun i want it to be even more fun right i wouldn't have energy for the whole night full of right right and now it's i don't even want to deal with this yeah i don't want to deal with [ __ ] whatever white guilt i don't want to deal with whatever these [ __ ] things are ketamine k-hole i'm out don't talk to me i'm not yeah you even see some of these [ __ ] rich kids doing heroin again they're right when we were younger that was like so [ __ ] taboo because they they also have no purpose yeah they're tapping out of this because we've gotten rid of religion we've gotten rid of you know you you don't feel uh you don't have a community anymore everything's global so you're on instagram oh i'm talking to somebody in dubai i'm talking somebody here yeah there's no communities that are local anymore and electronic communities build a lot of things but they're also very isolating yeah and they also limit interaction to some degree they they they make it a lot easier but why you have so many friends online right because you don't have to be with them all that's right and and then the reality is you have these things now we've never lived in this paradigm for a while we're now seeing what it's like to fully live digital like what it feels like to have all our emotions tied to this thing in our hands yeah it's universe it's common it's one foot in we've got one foot in yeah yeah i don't think the metaverse is that far away in terms of how most people live our their lives especially and i don't i don't even like are you familiar with the metaverse are you like kind of to a degree i'm not an expert but i've poked around i i you know i i i think it's it's you know we're on a three to five year timeline before you'll start seeing a lot of that [ __ ] me but like i think a lot of people are going this is ready player one like i just put on my goggles and i just exist in this world and i walk around in this world etc but my understanding is that's not exactly what the metaverse is not yet but you think eventually it will be could be might be it's hard to predict what it would actually look like yeah it's more just like what i will say is that people seem more and more kids are digitally native yeah meaning they're girlfriends boyfriends close friends first meaningful experiences things they care about things they'll buy for clout way they flex communities they join cultures trends yeah all are digital nfts nfts all digital kids young kids digitally native um now some of them you know obviously as you get older some of that changes but does it you know yeah i think a lot of it is kind of a permanent new fixture in the way that people you know operate as human beings is that we can't pull out of this that's the crazy thing about technology you can't get out you can't opt out you will have a hard life you can't not be you know you have to have these things you have to be on these services these platforms you can't just go hey [ __ ] that i'm out yeah it's like because then you're a freak food addiction right you can't just you have to learn how to manage yeah so at the end of the day it's like a weird thing because you can't you could you could spend less time on it our buddy uh ben oyeda you might have met ben actually uh had an interesting theory about like using your phone and all these digital communities like he thinks we'll look at social media in the same way that we look at food like where there's a warning on it and it's like this has this many calories right right isn't good for you right you should limit the amount of this that you don't care anyway no initially with mcdonald's and [ __ ] when we were younger there was no [ __ ] calories on anything right right it was just yeah in general with cigarettes that was the first thing where it started yeah no i'm just saying that's again there was no surgeon general and see i was just like i guess we can consume this if it's there we should be able to eat right smoke lucky strike who gives a [ __ ] jesus man it's what it is you know yeah well what can we be excited about what what can we be excited about they got elaine yeah i mean who cares a lot of kids lost jobs let me ask you a question the lane thing i find is interesting because like the more i thought about the epstein and and galen stuff i'm like are both sides using the kids in the same way yeah right right exactly yeah they don't care either the other side doesn't really give a [ __ ] it's like it's like they're using the kids to get incriminating [ __ ] on people they hate and then the people that you have clinton right and the only the only ones who like those kids are the ones that suffer yeah everybody's using the kids right to punish the people they don't like that's right right so i'm just like i don't know because i started thinking and i've done so many [ __ ] rants and talks about them on the podcast and i'm like so i should know who these kids are if i care so much about them yeah no no i know one i can name one of them one person virginia is one person are we just using the [ __ ] girls dude yeah yeah yeah what are we gonna do for them yeah you use them in a much less gross way you know what i mean yeah we are but i guess what i'm saying is like ultimately they're a means to an end too yeah the good news i think yeah what do you say no that's like everything that's like the uyghurs like do you care about the uyghurs or do you just care about punishing china that's what that one indian guy was trying to tell you everybody [ __ ] all over the indian dude and it was their opportunity to [ __ ] all over a rich guy yeah well it's just hilarious you have all these bush era architects of the mideast torture policy talk about the uyghurs these are people that literally helped invent underground torture prisons to torture muslims many of them innocent of any crime yeah and they created that program and now they're talking to the uyghur i mean i mean you're like what yeah yeah but the good news is yeah but the good things on the horizon i think yes the positive things on the horizon is that the end will be swift [Laughter] uh no no no i disagree you have fun i mean here's the good news the good news is always what you make it yes i mean the good news is always what you make it find the fun where you want i don't think we're going anywhere i mean that where i don't think this country's going anywhere i think i don't think we're going anywhere i just think it'll continue to get worse we're going to be okay here's the deal we're good yeah we're not going anywhere yeah you got married in santa barbara yeah yeah montecito we're not going anywhere but there's people out there that are that are dead are going places yes then it's unfortunate and we should do more for the gut someone should do more for that someone we should someone should everybody should i mean as we as we get more like the powers are getting too much it's getting too much now we should but it's wacky that's our responsibility we always talk about like what about nicer tents that's a nice thing we can go out there get them some tents they do this in certain places yeah you know um or kill them all i haven't decided the purse i don't know what i don't know if it should be nice or tense or we should kill them all in the middle of the night both something should happen both are solutions that is that is what did they do uh during the tent cities during what is it truman uh yeah what'd they do with hooverville oh i don't know they got rid of them but was that was that purge style yeah probably more like purge style really i think yeah like i remember there was a few of them at central park they got rid of that to build the park is that right oh yeah that's worth it you need the park we need a park where else are you gonna walk that's true and the city would be gross without the park so no we're not going anywhere i think i think i think i think things are gonna be okay i think they should be gonna be great i still influence we still have black people okay they're gonna dictate what's cool around the world you really think that some people from shanghai are gonna start dictating culture dance music no [ __ ] out of here dude you know my my only thing is we can lead with that stuff we all start treating black people better they're willing to start treating black people cut a new deal real talk um yeah i just think we have to like reparations you need to go over to we just have to figure out how we all can live together without killing each other we can't write off these large swaths of human beings i agree with you on that i think that's disgusting it's going to come back to ruin everything and poison everything and not only is it morally wrong it's stupid in its bad business it's bad business if a certain percentage of your employees are are poor and pissed yes it's bad business yes and that's what the elites and the people that ran this country forgot they forgot that like you know it's bad business they they i feel like they know the the point that they can push people to well it's like they push push push they get to the breaking point then it's like we got to give everybody some money we gotta socialism isn't that a bad idea yeah maybe we should give you some health care right it's push so that that's it that's a dangerous game that yeah yang that's a dangerous here's the thing there's going to be people that are in our position that are going to not our position like our age our generation is going to come into power and they're going to have to make some decisions right what we want to be do you want to squeeze people like that right you know what kind of narratives are you going to rewrite are you going to say every time we enter socialism as [ __ ] venezuela and we're going to fall apart or we can look at socialism as you know the great britain are we going to look at socialism to me i don't even go into the yeah because the isms are as soon as you go into the isms we have problems yeah i just go into like logic right logically you go okay we spend this on healthcare we we should spend less how do we spend less we got to we got to take all these people that don't have it put them on a thing like obamacare which everyone got mad at and it did end up being kind of a giveaway to pharmaceutical companies it was just the beginning of a really smart guy trying to reckon with that issue yeah going like what if we put everyone on this tried to be good yeah it was like what if we had an exchange for people yeah yeah and it's [ __ ] hard it's tough right but it's the beginning of reckoning with those issues where like i don't think anyone you know should be one car accident away from total destruction of their life yes and there's people in the world in this country that are they feel like that they have three kids they're getting a car accident yeah they're being sued or they have now the health back problem now they owe 80 grand the medical debt their life is over yeah we got to figure that way right but i'm also against like free college free this free that free food for everyone at all times and free not everything can be free yeah but there are certain segments in society where you go we got to do a better job at helping people um yeah maybe that will bolster some confidence i think that'll get people back feeling better because the people that you're talking about it's not even the people that are [ __ ] that are not confident it's people that drive through those areas it's the people that are like in the suburbs they're facing it they're going what the [ __ ] is going on here why do you think these rich people like saint barts right it's a way but specifically nobody could put a tent up in the water that's also true given that some thai guys are trying to figure it out but like the the thing about st bartson i was doing like a little uh research in the same parts state parts they don't have to drive through the tents that's right they never had an underclass there was no people no there i think it would like the norwegians owned the island or something like that so there was never anybody there they don't have to go through that they never had they never had slavery or anything on the island so it was people from the south of france that were like i want to get out of france in the winter oh there's this island cool so it's a bunch of rich people they get to be rich and there's no poor people where they have to feel bad about it that's right so they love it it's right paradise to them but what they're really saying is there's no tense right no tense is paradise yeah not everything can be saint parts you're gonna have to have tense yeah and we can't keep in like what is it uh closing ourselves off like you were saying earlier about like the bubble we can't keep locking ourselves in these bubbles and that's what the [ __ ] metaverse is going to do you're going to lock yourself in this bubble where you ignore these people and they're going to sit there they're going to get [ __ ] furious and they're going to they just can't go outside they'll just be like bombs going off then you go you shut the door you're going to put that back on your face yeah yeah so it's dystopian it's not good so we so that maybe that is it we need to acknowledge some stuff we need to acknowledge it and without acknowledging it we can't get better so maybe we have to go through a tough time where we are acknowledging uh it's the critical race theory of things we are acknowledging all these [ __ ] up things that we've done so that we can start taking care of americans and then every one of these americans start feeling like they're part of this thing that is the only people you know somebody explained a big realtor in new york explained to me once what a lot of it's about and she said people have to feel like they have a vested interest in what's happening yes and she goes we're at a point now where yes more and more people don't because people have to feel like they have skin in the game yes so i think that's what it comes down to your boy has uh your boy michael che has this joke that i thought was really funny it was uh about like um black people uh are really specific about their love for america right it makes sense he goes he goes you will love america we love brooklyn i want them to access that pride too and i don't want them to have to feel guilty about that pride so what do we have to go through what do we have to acknowledge what do we have to build back from in order for every black person every japanese person whose family also went through internment camps everybody who's also been [ __ ] yeah to also go nah this is our [ __ ] i'm allowed to beat my [ __ ] chest i'm allowed to watch [ __ ] top gonna be yeah see the flag like i'm sick of both [ __ ] groups and this is kind of like annoying like you see the extreme left and extreme right i'm sick of both of them stripping everything i [ __ ] love about the country like the extreme you're taking freedom from me you're taking free speech you're taking all the americana you see these [ __ ] lunatics walking around it's like no i can't even freedom is dope yeah and then the same thing with the left like anything tolerant i like i almost feel like i have to be slightly intolerant so you know i'm not pandering right right because you took it from me for sure yeah you're so extreme about your [ __ ] tolerance that you made it hack and the right wing is so extreme about their america you made it hack yeah i mean yeah it's it's i think what will eventually happen is we're going to get to a point where we're what may save us is exhaustion what may save us is actual exhaustion we're going to stop fighting because we're tired tired yeah and i think that may save us i think we're nearing that point now where people are like i think that may be our our greatest asset yeah is that people are going to be tired yeah like some roman empire [ __ ] yeah people just go you know where is there let's chill yeah yeah and you know i mean i think hopefully we're nearing that place i like chill you know tim dillon we love you thank you we hope you survive today thank you for having me okay do not [ __ ] around with that alec guy i'm not gonna i know he's legit he's not a legend you know that yeah you can tell him i said it i'll tell him yeah he doesn't care he doesn't he does he doesn't care at all what's great about a guy like that and why you really like him yeah he just doesn't care yeah he's one of those old school guys that came up not caring yeah and if you told him how to care he'd look at you like you were speaking mandarin hey tim he's an actor that's right he cares he's a big anti-trump guy he cares a lot [ __ ] he cares about him because he needs a little jolt i don't know if amateur if i'm a joel's frolic baldwin things are going a lot better you're gonna be a jolt well you're gonna ruffle his hair you're gonna do the jimmy fallon yeah you're going to normalize them i'm hoping that me and alec they don't have a pistol career ahead of us both of us where we can just go out and do whatever we feel needs to be an important word long yes okay yeah i love you brother thank you tell them where they can find you even though they check out his patreon check out the live show the tour comedy.com tim dylancomedy.com go check it out you know we support you we love you man thank you guys thank you brother okay be good guys peace
Views: 1,932,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: JhL46SV2Il8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 20sec (5360 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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