Tiktok’s PSYCHO Ex Girlfriends

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel you know the drill i'm call me chris you can call me chris and who gave you permission to have such cute little ears yeah i'm looking at him i just let it pinch him off your face yeah i'm still in new york i don't know what to say i just love it so much and it's not because my flights keep getting delayed or canceled because i'm cursed i don't know if you guys follow me on instagram but if you do you know that i am cursed when it comes to airports it is uh it's unfortunate but anyway i wanna laugh and i wanna oh i guess that sounds really bad laughing at people no no it's fine laughing at x's i guess so let's watch some crazy x's let's get to it [Music] all right we got a guy in a dragons who are these hoes on your snapchat what what the oh are those hoes on your snapchat johnny who is this who is [ __ ] who are you snapchatting when you take a girl home and she's lying next to you at 1am you're snapchatting this girl named [ __ ] oh your sister it's your sister okay okay sure oh cause she was getting checked into the hospital because she has a malignant tumor now you're just making up words are you serious do you expect me to believe that johnny yeah okay oh look oh look [ __ ] snapchatted me let's see let's see you're gonna want to go to the hospital do you want me to come with no i'll let myself out thank you crazy x oh oh damn he or she drew all over your hoodie that sucks nothing like bleach can fix oh cute like a little crazy x hack oh hey that's fire okay if a crazy axe like draws all over your [ __ ] just like tie-dye bleach it love that we love like a five minute x craft hack yeah if i'm gonna craft write this down okay oh she's on the car so this happened the other night she's like oh my god let him leave oh she's not letting him leave she's banging on the window oh she's determined two hours oh she's screaming oh people are getting involved now oh no shame oh my god at least he's got his hazards on that's that is hazard this is a hazardous situation they do live here i'm not gonna go without you oh my god update you know what oh she wait she got arrested holy [ __ ] you know what i give her props for commitment uh that's uh that's a lot you know what i don't know what would ever drive me to literally stand on somebody's car i think this is actually footage of me on top of my uber eats car when they got my order wrong i'd be like this i got the orange chicken not the almond chicken it's so dry i don't like it i can't eat it and i can't start watching my netflix show unless i have my right meal because i have this weird thing where i can't start a show unless i have a meal in front of me and i have start eating does anybody else have that issue is that just me i literally can't watch my show until like my meal is in front of me and i'm like all cozy and like ready to go just me my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend won't stop copying me okay oh [Music] oh wow if this is true she stalked me to college it just be crazy that's so weird but then also i'd be like just like a little flattered i mean like okay you can try you're not succeeding but you can try you know this was my girlfriend oh my gosh but she cheated on me at a party last okay i need to read something gather round because now is chris reads screams i swear it won't happen again like i didn't break up and you and wait you can read christina you did 12 years of school and then you did post secondary jesus christ you can read like i didn't break up with you when you were choosing work over me call me what's wrong with you maybe if you paid more attention i wouldn't have done it why put this on me i'm sitting here crying please call me there was only one guy i swear it won't happen again like david it was only one guy okay and for one night and like 72 other nights if you round up and like and and we kept our clothes on the floor for all those occasions but like he never entered my house he only entered me so that's what you sound like in these texts just break up i don't understand why people do this oh my girlfriend cheated on me last saturday part two what did she say oh 14 missed calls damn just don't do it don't cheat if you don't like the person or if you like somebody more just break up with that person okay why you got to do this like why does it doesn't the guilt eat people like inside out like if i did that it would just be like like it would like suck my soul out or every time i looked at like my partner i'd be like anxious all the time they'd be like can you pass me that spoon spoon like i didn't spoon anybody to any else or fork anybody sorry what i you uh i cheated on you like that's how i anybody else in the comments i don't know tell me wait okay first like the video if you're liking the video so far also i would love to hear if anybody has any good crazy x stories and i will pin the best one keep it interesting in the comments what's going on she's outside again oh she's outside yeah man man tell her to leave me alone or i'm calling the cops oh jeez oh no she's stalking outside again determination i love to see it yeah carol stop swearing carol of course her name is carol god damn it carol and karen's can't trust him but they are determined they will sit outside your house for two weeks on end they'll pitch a tent start a fire probably your house it will get to the bottom of it you know what i'm not gonna judge these people because i don't really know what's going on i don't know what's happening so i don't want to like put too much on the crazy x you know because like maybe this guy's a dick maybe he cheated i don't know your story but it makes for entertaining so i'm just gonna assume the x is crazy drives through the back gate and [ __ ] psyche gets parked cars my purse and everything is gone my window is yelling smashed man yelling call the police look try to take all my stuff in spanish trying to take all my stuff she is oh she's with the pearl yeah damn i want to know the story you know that's what i want to know with all these things like what would drive somebody to do that i'm not a very mad person unless like my partner cheated on me or did something like that i probably wouldn't get like that physically physically mad enough to like drive into parked cars and like throw all their [ __ ] out of the car and hit a broom you know i just don't have time for that i think the only time i would get that angry and like physically drive a car through something is if like somebody hurt one of my family members like if it's somebody else then i get angry or if like i went to the bathroom at a restaurant and they ate my fries there's no in between you eat my fries i eat your soul oh my god is that a knife i'm crazy she got an that's not a knife this is a knife oh my god i love her she's not saying anything it's so like oh my god she's trying to make damage not only emotional damage physical damage door damage emotional damage so this is my ex okay she stole my house kid oh broke into my house okay continued to party wait wait wait it said i made a copy of your house key that's a little psychotic behavior okay there's one thing is like knowing where the house key is and getting in maybe grabbing your stuff still breaking in don't condone it making a copy and then bragging about it on the internet there's a special breed of stupid out there and you're one of them oh no okay what's happening here he comes oh my god is he like chasing them in the car oh my oh and you know it's bad because it's a dodge ram about to ram you in the ass choose your words more wisely chris that's scary though getting like run down by a that's that's very scary that that's inappropriate behavior stop it take your car away take your big small penis man car away uh dustin ain't that your girlfriend's brother or your ex oh [ __ ] girlfriend's brother oh no oh no oh is that for real why are people driving cars through fences so much why is that the solution like did you cheat on me david okay hops on the jeep just drives through a fence comes back you like that you did that you like that that property damage you're gonna have to pay for that no i'm gonna have to pay for that how does that work oh it's my it's my car it's okay well still fought his new girl ooh keyed a car bought his girl again oh wait we have to read let's pay read okay children gather round i'm about to read a snapchat all right gather round because now is chris read screams my guys okay my guy friend's ex-girlfriend is crazy as [ __ ] felicia mike what the [ __ ] does this say i already am lost i don't understand the kids lingo apparently she doesn't get that they are broken up and [ __ ] [ __ ] at him for being other girls and [ __ ] she saw me with him and found us on snap maps and showed up with crazy [ __ ] oh showed up with another crazy [ __ ] ripped cody's door open punched me in the face and then started punching him and [ __ ] saying oh i see how it is and crazy [ __ ] we called the cops was that english i'm just gonna say this uh grammar helps with this as long as your friend understood it because i didn't all i heard is that yeah a door got ripped off something about maps and snaps and i am old as [ __ ] okay so we got some girl walking up to a gate assuming one of them is the x they're both x's i guess oh he's climbing the gate retreat retreat retreat retreat run run tom cruise run that [ __ ] where is he i'm scared what's gonna happen there he is we just never find out what is that on the next episode of dateline what's gonna happen am i gonna get john quinones to tell me how this ends i can't have this this is [ __ ] can i say [ __ ] than russian it's [ __ ] holy [ __ ] my ex came to my house and i'm just hiding under ours no go ahead i'm calling the cops on you bro oh no not good what's it like having crazy stalker as an ex oh he's drawing on everything it's not over it's over some serial killer [ __ ] oh my god he's going to her house oh my god this is so creepy what is he leaving at the house leaving me gifts oh that's kind of sweet he's like leaving you gifts and stuff i mean like if my ex was like crazy and like left me chocolates or like my favorite flavor of cookies or like ben and jerry's ice cream it's half baked by the way um at my house so i would have been like stop don't stop anything else though stop drawing on my garage okay david but like you can leave you can leave the ben and jerry's happy thank you no you can't come in i also like the chocolate flavored banana tears if you want to leave that tomorrow yeah crazy ex-boyfriend jacob is the concept playing with you what are you doing what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're on my property i'm walking this way fight fight fight fight sorry go in the house babe oh i'm fine what's gonna happen jacob get off his property yeah jacob my brother's name is jacob you think this is the game do you think this is the game fun fact i started boxing yeah um not too shabby at it i've done four four classes uh and uh i can throw a punch you won't even see it coming you see she flinched flinched i know you did yeah you flinched there too you never know when i'm coming in you never know i'm slipping i'm getting ahead of my like sweating now i'm still out of shape that one time a lady beat on my door looking for her boyfriend but had the wrong door oh [Music] oh my god she's terrifying i can feel the attitude through the camera i think she's saying this like she's like open the door you stupid-ass [ __ ] open it okay my ben and jerry's half baked is in there i'm hungry i don't even give up about you i just want the ice cream please also uh i think i left um one of my amazon packages there i think it's supposed to be like a bathing suit or something if you could grab that too i think there's like half a soap in there too purple shampoo yeah it's kind of expensive so i'll take that too i did tape the last episode of dateline last night if you could just leave that on and when you leave i'll just let myself in and watch it and then i'll go home that'd be great open the door um so my ex got a tattoo of me oh tattoo thanks um is i no longer have bangs sir yes um as you should that's not me that you got tattooed oh my god is she gonna make like curtain bangs it's not me oh my god look like this she's changing her whole look i love it determined nice it's about the girl he dated uh is that cute you killed her um yeah that's what i look like now no more bangs oh i thought she actually killed a person i was like that escalated quickly that escalated quickly oh i was very concerned i was like did she just admit to murder on tick tock but yeah you murdered your past self and now you're here you look fantastic i approve also don't tattoo especially a face let alone a name but a face of an ex or the person you're with right now because it's not gonna last it's not gonna let i know you have four kids with them and you love each other right now but it's not gonna last and that's just the truth i'm sorry i'm just kidding i'm just kidding he loves you you love him you guys are gonna be fine nothing bad ever happens in the world it's just rainbows ninja and i mean you're in love me sorry i'm miserable sorry okay okay i am thoroughly concerned about some of those people you know just don't stay with people that are crazy life's too short spend it with people who are i guess crazy as you it's a certain amount of crazy i'm gonna write a book anyway if you liked the video please like the video please subscribe if you haven't already subscribed and uh i will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 3,222,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d6RuqGLarak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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