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something happened to Chris it's okay but I do have the video that shows what happens I don't know it was like over here I hear it again there is on it uh on the ground beside it are you having a rough day I'm having a rough day there's a flip side to that coin but you know what would make this day better just laughing at other people having a lot worse day than what we're having right now I'm a patient man also try to be Robert De Niro right now it's not working what the [ __ ] happened your shirt fits you quite nicely I like it a lot could I have it do you think you're talking to hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm Robert De Niro you can call me Robert De Niro and uh we're gonna watch some people regret their lives I can't do a Robert De Niro impression it's not working shut up Pete you want to start the video This Way uppercut Robert De Niro waterproof [Music] all right where are we uh oh texture oh happy with him oh no I know she just took it out of the box this isn't her fault and this isn't the point of anything you know what really grinds my gears you know what really grinds my gears is people that don't put cases on their phones I don't understand you people I know several people that just go about their lives just with no insurance just willy-nilly holding their phones like this with no case on it and they drop it and it never breaks I don't understand I dropped my phone every three seconds so I have a case I break my case my break my case is already broken I don't know where this is going but I just want to say if you don't have a case on your phone you give me anxiety I'm playing soccer football there's no better sound than the sound of a window breaking am I right jay make the sound effect how can you make it like a bunch of times over and over again throw it and do the sound never gets old I just love when [ __ ] breaks I don't know what to tell you it's probably as a kid I just went around breaking everybody's windows don't tell anybody about that I'm just kidding please don't break people's windows I'm ready if you just slightly tilted your head and open your mouth you would have caught it here we go which is a frozen lake oh no oh oh she dropped her phone oh that's created so fast that's like me getting into every toxic relationship I've ever been to I'd be like hey I'm gonna go see this guy his name is Gibralter and then but my friends would be like um I heard he cheated on his ex and that he doesn't want a relationship and I just be like that's okay I'm just gonna put my like my foot in I'm just gonna like see how it is and then they're like you shouldn't do that I'm just gonna put my whole body in and then not into him into the situation you know what I'm saying and then they're like don't do that I'm just like I'm just gonna go face first into this and put my whole body and soul into this relationship hoping the outcome will be different than it is but it's not I know it's not gonna be it I'm gonna be really sad about it in the end and probably need therapy and probably be single for the rest of my life because I made a giant mistake I fell face first into this frozen lake which is a better for for a toxic relationship I may or may not have recently been in and that's me crawling out of it as my friends laugh at me and say I told you so what is she walking backwards oh oh that would have tricked me I just did that not a wall but I walked into a pole recently I was looking at my phone walking on the street and I just ran right into that pole and you gotta like play it off like you meant to do it you're just like stop and then everybody around you is just watching you knowing that you're a [ __ ] but that's fine and you just play it off and you go home and you cry about it a little bit and then like three years down the road you're just sleeping and then at 2AM in the morning you wake up and you're like God damn it and you just cringe at that time that you ran into the pole and everybody saw you did that happen to anybody else just me how is it a baby reveal it's a girl [Applause] oh guess he wanted a brother you can't choose your family but you can choose not to like them what is she doing oh she's not English oh she's got white Runners on girl oh oh wait are those Crocs oh no oh I think she's wearing Crocs I don't know what she's wearing I can't see my eyes the depleting oh the little boy oh he's helping oh look oh you're all the wrong shoes a lesson was learned that day I can't tell if those are Crocs or not my my vision is is going away I've been in denial for months and months now and I refuse to go to an eye doctor but I can't see very far away things what is that far set no that would be nearsighted that doesn't really make sense if it's nearsighted because if it's nearsighted you would think that you could see near things oh wait that's it that is what it is nearsighted means you can see things near so I'm farsighted no I'm nearsighted because I can't see things far I'm just stupid they got glasses for that um come join us I got so many pairs of glasses [Music] oh that's a big puzzle oh no no no oh grandma is gonna drop dead I'm gonna drop dead her soul probably just dropped out of her oh my gosh that puzzle was so big I feel so bad for her I just want to give her a cupcake did they know that was gonna happen that's diabolical you belong in Hell retreating Nona like that don't you dare treat don't like that all right you go get her a new puzzle you put it back to get a ring out as of the track and field always got the trophy did he win he win oh man Kevin it's fine it's fine he's freaking out he's like what's going on he just broke the trophy oh look football oh little football in the lamp see why is that video funny you got two seconds to answer because glass was breaking now you're getting it all right you just gotta break glass and a laugh it's kind of messed up I'm not gonna address it anyway right now your dog's a vegetarian you guys to see what is this the vegan teacher um it's like oh God like dog food what dogs eat green salad let's see what she eats you know what I'm gonna bet she's gonna eat the meat this dog looks like it hates living where it does live why are so many people in denial about this stuff you know I feel like a dog would be severely malnourished if it was just eating greens all the time I'm probably wrong not a scientist I'm just not stupid okay oh my God her makeup came off there's a new Mane and a Face-Off right there any girls out there or guys that wear makeup if you hug a another person usually like a dude I just did this the other day too there's a guy wearing a leather jacket okay he's wearing a leather jacket and I was wearing a full face of makeup okay because I wanted to look nice and snatched I gave him a hug I left half my face on his [ __ ] jacket and all I could do was watch him walk away with half my face as I was looking like two-faced from Dark Knight not yet what's happening Miss yes can I would you like one dollar or do you want to double it and give it to the next person this woman knows what she wants and I respect that she wants the dollar because she can take the dollar and she can go to the dollar store and buy something for a dollar and they know what she could do with that she could sell it for a dollar fifty somewhere else and then she's made a profit this chick she knows what she's doing all right oh Champagne Showers where in what world does that work first of all second of all can I have a class oh she can propose to on a boat oh no where's the ring going the Ring The Ring The Ring my precious wait can I do a smeagle impression let me warm up the vocal codes you like that ASAP I'm gonna start a Golem ASMR Channel really soon divorced immediately ah oh God what was that was that a giant bowl of Kool-Aid or was it jungle mix do kids know what jungle mix is it's when everybody brings the bottle to the party and they all put it in one big bowl where everybody drinks out of it and then eventually at the end of the night everybody throws up in it's really fun a fish oh I hope it's a seal I hope it's a seal life I love seals oh oh that's not a seal oh that is the demon of the sky that's a pelican call the police call everyone did you guys know that Pelicans literally eat anything Kevin can you stop breathing so loud okay I'm trying to trying to do a show Jay insert a clip of a pelican trying to eat some anything right now see they're diabolical creatures I already hate birds but pelicans pelicans can eat my oh oh my God see they probably they probably hit the brakes on the car and she went and half a face is gone see that it's a dangerous world out there women are losing the faces every day making contact with other people oh oh she grabbed the car oh oh [ __ ] she flexible oh he's like I totally got that on video let me just play that off while she's on the phone with somebody she's like yeah and Stacy oh one sec my car nothing nothing no uh yeah just uh just pulled every muscle in my goddamn leg myself yeah I wish I could Bend like that I can't bend like that I don't think I could get my hand like now I gotta try it that right let's see I'll use the chair as a form of leg Landing device oh oh feel the stretch that's about as far as I can go she went wafer oh [ __ ] look at my clock what is that a bobcat is that a lynx your whole leg what is that oh it just stepped in your coffee that is the most least concerning part of the entire video what the [ __ ] is on your counter that's goddamn Tony the Tiger oh this talk I think the chocolate went into another dimension I think it was one of them Dr Strange portals or thought it was maybe it watched a little bit too much Marvel that day either way he did go to another dimension but I think this one might have been dementia what are those Jello things ew ew that's so gross ew what is that jelly oh it came out her nose ew oh God that made my nose hurt oh I hate that when it goes up through your like your your throat hole you guys know your throat hole that connects to your nasal hole I'm a Doctor by the way anyway um there's no worse feeling than [ __ ] going through your throat hole oh oh [ __ ] she just lit her hair on fire you guys know what burnt hair smells like it smells like burnt hair I don't there's no there's no way to describe that it's very anticlimactic guess the only way you'll find out is if you burn your hair I don't know what to tell you please don't burn your hair please please don't burn your hair I don't need you guys tagging me on Instagram being like I know what burnt hair smells like because call me Chris told me to burn my own hair so now I don't know what it smells like just take somebody else hair and burn it all right don't burn just kidding hour every Mission okay everybody I hope you enjoyed the video I know I did I feel a lot better about my life I don't know if you feel better about yours but if you do please like the video it really helps out my channel it would make me feel better all about my life because I'm selfish and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously business YouTube channel 11 and I will see your beautiful face in the next video all right there's an office over here so we might have like okay when I was a kid my father and uncle they had drywalled office was up there and I did not go in there we are ghost hunting at the one-of-a-kind Antique Mall Canada's largest antique mall 80 000 square feet it's huge it's three floors one level getting more haunted than the next history has shown the batteries on it uh on the ground beside it they want us to do the Estes I didn't mean to disrespect I'll show you oh my God
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 1,747,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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