Tik Tok But Please Make it Stop

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Now Whang! Should do a video watching this video and we can go full circle

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/sapper2345 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

oh no, now this subreddit is gonna be destroyed with small children

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Linguini_gang 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Came here to post this!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NaCl_Creep 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
look at the size of that fun someone get that man some glass says holy [ __ ] oh that's the funniest bit of this is that it grow the [ __ ] up bro get glasses my dude holy 34 ipads plus a condom from the bank what these things these are the actual witchcraft where does that go why do that whoa where does it go underneath these no it's sorry it's witchcraft it's witchcraft what it's respect where does it come from where did he go where did it go oh my god witchcraft i believe in witchcraft now thank you tiktok hey we've entered the indiana tick tock at last here it is i'm so excited iphone wow iphone they say so little but still so much iphone wow iphone iphone do you understand the complex nuances of this don't judge it otherwise follow if you have an iphone iphone say iphone oh wow iphone wow iphone iphone wow i went somewheres automatically yeah basically all i gotta do is challenge them to a thumb war they say yes and then you know oh oh no what happened oh my god oh my god oh my god how does that's a deal i want to play anymore i believe in witchcraft now no i don't want to put i'm gonna go near that thing getting the hell away from me we're gonna oh god and power of this thing is unimaginable dude if he like works that thumb out to be really strong you've seen the fingers of climbers right they're thick as hell imagine the power and mag he's got a knife and weapon on him at all times it gets confiscated at the airport guys check out what this hotel i'm staying in has a real wake-up call guaranteed that's so cool ass man making videos on a children's app no job you're single you live with your parents what are you even i'm glad someone finally said it because it's so it a lot of it is very serious guys check out this thing it's a playstation controller but if you zoom in on it it still has the pattern of the playstation symbols follow for more tech talk some interesting information grown ass man no job guys check this out i just thought it was wholesome well done this lady she is so glamorous i just wonder who she is so maybe i'll say hello excuse me i just wanted to say you look absolutely amazing yes she does [Music] i get a bit bullied sometimes oh you get bullied you look bloody beautiful you're the most beautiful woman in islington isn't she what does she look like and look at those wristbands trendy babe oh you've got marilyn there marilyn monroe there you've got lows who bullied this woman hey show yourself now how dare you die [ __ ] how could you bully everyone i'll get four sometimes no it's not funny but it's also kind of yeah i saw this my mind is this thing i thought it sucked at first i've been doing this wrong the whole time how do you i thought you used this attachment just like this this method this is like four how much expensive is it yeah it's [ __ ] 400 right how do you not know how to use it how do you not know it's purpose it's like the most expensive curler you can buy i don't get it oh she even had this one i mean i guess i'm not one to talk i barely know how to function this camera and microphone you know what i retract this three ways to kill yourself without feeling any pain all right here we go [Music] spit it out yet because you tell me yet come on what are they serious is there part two one really right so cringe it's beautiful when you record your white friends saying i'm not [Music] it's a good thing i never said the v word otherwise i'd be in big trouble can't imagine what twitter would do to me if i said [Laughter] they need this i don't know how but my car has it so that it doesn't fit if you put a diesel one it just like doesn't open and i don't know how it works but why does every goddamn car not have this we you know when we shot the my car video to part two we had to be taken down we had to gas up the car that we were promoting and we asked them twice is it petrol or is it diesel and they said petrol it was promo for a car right and we shoot the video and then all of a sudden smoke comes out of the engine because clearly it was diesel and we were like oh that's funny actually like that will make the video cooler and epic because [ __ ] smokes is coming out of the car and they're like no that that's bad for the car so we can't show them like you said bedrock by the big dog stupid idiot i'm gonna make you take the video down oh god out of this [ __ ] you actually are this is a forbidden life hack that a lot of people are starting to use when you put them in your shoes you will notice a huge difference so this is before the size up insoles are in the shoes now get ready for the difference i promise you this is ridiculous so this is the after the best thing what about your betas needing salt in their shoes how how did that end up in my feeder click away on that one that's dumb okay here we go here's construction people living on the moon there's already a breakaway civilization there we've been there for a very long time and a few whistleblowers have come forward and said that the people on mars i'm one of those whistleblowers and i'm ready to come forward there's people in mars gates and the moon for a long time now was it mars the ancient egyptians governments are so advanced now they used to be 50 years ahead of us you know exist now they're about 300 years ahead of us in the last 10 years over 200 nasa scientists dead strange they got thanos snapped it's the same dude is this posting like what is this you can't just put on a suit and a good camera and be like guys uh mars people dead uh nasa advanced um when you're given links africa three years in a row happy birthday christian ronaldo happy birthday oh he looks ecstatic look at him oh he's never been this happy oh a thumbs up love biscuit i'll use that that's good if i ever get a present that i really like and i want to show people that i like it thank you for this wonderful gift of a lens cap you know what words aren't even necessary clearly [Music] hell yeah all about that eat it eat him he can fit eat him [Music] [Laughter] did he eat him or not i need to know part two part two part two please what are those called chubacabras chicarabas chavochumbus come on dude dream big you can eat it what's your background bro are you in heaven uh maybe somewhere close to jason what's your background i'm in my room i'm too happy for this uh too high well you're about to get that looks so similar too what's going on [Music] you're high as [ __ ] flute jesus shows up what do you do what do you do great tick tock very good oh [ __ ] i think you're still alive bro i know i i swear i've seen this video oh my god it might live have i reacted to this i see oh [ __ ] it gets me every time i know it gets me every time oh my god it might live this throws a bottle of water on him why did you leave the us to move to london and i just tell them i mean this way it's amazing it's just it's so good beautiful and it's always changing sometimes it's a different shade of gray i mean the gray tones it's just like how could you not it's so tempting world's lowest shield by henry cavill apparently can you edit me inside as well i want corpse to do it i need course on this one am i better than everyone i hate this i hate this so much it's really nice to read outside okay i hate how it's associated with like oh you're reading outside you feel the need to show everyone you're no it's just nice okay i'm so sorry i want to sit outside i had no idea this was a thing you know what go read outside yeah there's nothing wrong with it i'm breaking this dumbass idea actually one time i read outside and this old man came up to me and he was like this is so nice finally some young people not on the phone and i was like hell yeah gee i am better than you i am better than everyone on their phone yes you know what thank you how's the war going for you guys i can't wait to go back home and see my mom oh he was just about to send home next day who's gonna tell jerry's mom bro look at this [ __ ] snow oh [ __ ] oh my shoe one no oh no you're dead ass right now he's just going on an adventure she was like this is my chance yo i'm going to read outside she can't stop me someone tip this man please i want to wear this it looks so fun hypnotizing i love it hell yeah all right the highest sheesh smash like on this video subscribe new video tomorrow but oh actually guys we have restarted tsuki go to tuki dark market go to basic click on that beautiful man's face and buy all of it that's it bye bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,881,425
Rating: 4.9546528 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: ky3JxyxwND4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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