Funniest Tik Tok Of ALL TIME xD [TIKTOK#7]

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/el-gro-buzze 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Basement_pets 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
31 year old watching tick tocks let's do this i don't know why i never seen a plant grow before but this this blew my mind it just go it's just a seed nature is amazing just wait for it seriously there he goes there he goes the best part here comes hold up props to the cameraman for standing there for 87 days okay all right okay here it comes it comes oh a flower you think great it dies right away so sad but wait it just comes out like that from the oh i'm never eating an eggplant no no that's disgusting phil oh gosh uh have you seen the mushrooms feels like i'm doing that for this company but it blew my mind it's so disgusting nature is gross i'm done with nature canceling look at this they just come out so freaky i don't like it at all so you think they're soft right but no they're ugh yuck stop it i'm never eating a mushroom god damn it i slept weird and i can't move my neck now this is great anyhow moving away from plant tic-tac let's move on to filter turns anything green to purple wow and since we have a very green backyard i thought i would try it the filter it changes green to purple no way it did it so this film nice backyard that's an awesome backyard greenest backyard i've ever seen my god this is the problem with tick-tock and it's so annoying all right everyone makes the same goddamn tick-tock oh this filter turns green from part to purple here we go oh look wow this filtered the fire it did it wow green to purple show us your goddamn backyard i thought i would try it people complain about my videos huh all right all right well oh i remember why i saved this because this guy is just here chilling is that the guy the man the myth don't tell me the legend used to make cringe i can't send this that's 7 million likes let me try it [Music] why dude is handsome smiling i don't can get it mate you know what hair ties how did it work you were supposed to be the chosen one this is interesting i never heard someone be so wrong [ __ ] idiots this is what great about tic tock they have so many dumb people let's see if we got some uplifting pickpock content [Music] that guy's gonna go places christian ronaldo is shaking the wealthiest man is not the man who has the most is the man who needs the least you have a great day on your terms be more consumers thank you boromir i hope you can make it out of that bush one day [ __ ] i saved so much money watching that tick tock oh this is amazing can someone explain to me my indian bros calling all indian brush what is happening here what is he doing why is he acting like he did the coolest thing ever [Music] i don't see it we need to see a thumb war match i got you but hold on a second now we're ready so i found is the kenneth jbpnan and his old thumb related content i didn't think it was real it's real here we go the thumb is real two three four i declare a thumb oh my god you can't hit me i don't know if i want to live on the same planet as that easy too easy look at that you can't beat this monstrosity you can't how do you put it back to normal size how do you do that it's a angle his thumb is always long it's a angle guys it's a angle angles how do they work how do they work how are you feeling oh it's the legend excuse me can i speak english you me no english no program every time happy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you go [Applause] go [Laughter] i need to use that oh so this russian tick tock guy with father putin's height is this real i hope it's real it's not beneath six feet oh yeah is that real i thought [Music] classic tick-tock love it [Laughter] i don't know why this one makes people laugh so much it's so funny [Laughter] it's just but everyone cracks up it's great prank done right oh great wonderful tic tac there's this super cute guy at the gym planet fitness greta thunderbird go for it i just want to say i think you're really cute and i was wondering if i could get your snapchat [ __ ] no i don't know you just kind of kind of busted looking cool i go for more like attractive got it got it i mean he did her a favor like anyone that talks like that to strangers is [ __ ] [ __ ] and not worth your time anyway yo this is just a quick reminder that this is what i look like posing in perfect lighting with a pump and this is what i look like in real life you're a goddamn hero joey you're a god damn hero you know women that post himself without makeup and everyone going brave so brave this this is brave it's just a quick reminder that this is what i look like posing in perfect lighting with a pump and this is what i look like in real life joey i salute you i love the comments too dude thank you so much wow this makes me feel human first time i've seen a guy do this moral of the story always have a pump in perfect lighting at all times siri your virtual assistant i'm siri your virtual assistant i'll tell you what you're fat little cup you're boring you don't sound nigerian at all siri your virtual assistant you don't sound nigerian at all get the [ __ ] out of here oh this is another garbage fake ass clip that gets spread on tick tock because tick tock is just a cesspool of fake videos and misinformation there's no way you'd be able to zoom in that much and have a steady steady game it's the american flag obviously but here's the problem i can't tell if they're trolling what in the iphone 200 it's the flag obviously obviously it's the flag wait there's wind on the moon i'm joe biden's husband joe baden [Music] hey everyone i'm joel biden's husband [Music] no no he doesn't say jill biden he says joe biden you can hear it clearly i'm joe biden's husband you tell me that's not joker i like i like how i reacted to like oh there's so much misinformation yes this is probably edited right i'm joel biden's husband it's funny it's funny i'm sorry sue me yo did you guys know that if you plug your headphones into your computer you'll hear sound but if they're not plugged into anything you'll hear no sound it's because your headphones need to be plugged in to hear sound yo did you guys know it's about as useful as most tick tock tips out there thank you so much i i always forget it you know i don't this hasn't been plugged in the whole time i kind of love this and i'll explain why you want to ask google to make you a haircut appointment on tuesday between 10 and noon so what you're going to hear is the google assistant actually calling a real salon to schedule the appointment for you let's listen [Music] i'll have something else here hi i'm calling to book a woman's haircut for our clients um i'm looking for something on may 3rd damn it sounds so real too this is four what time are you looking for around at 12 p.m we do not have a 12 p.m available the closest we have for that is a 1 15. do you have anything between 10 a.m and uh 12 p.m finally right after all these robotic calls i have to talk to from companies that call me we can fight back few companies i got robots now on my side [ __ ] i'm so excited i'm gonna abuse the [ __ ] out of this if this is real oh there was a spatula here from when i made my my breakfast i have to wonder my spatula went [Laughter] oh thank god he found it he clearly hasn't seen it keep looking hey stop harassing the dog oh the classic i've seen this a million times but it never gets old so so far i'm only halfway there it depends on who the you is referring to he's not wrong why are they so quiet can't you just say ha true or yeah you're right [Laughter] what's your neck name it flies your dice it depends on the build by the man since school never taught you how to do taxes i'm going to you're going to need taxes i'm going to teach you how to get a double d manchester bench this isolated exercise is going to do that if the plank isn't heavy enough for you you can try also a smith machine be sure to have someone on standby the bench press is king so i like to take it slow follow along with my timing i left to rise above social construct like taxes and death have you seen my [ __ ] chest bro i'm not paying mortgage [Music] reuse will do still working on the kiki part but i'll do the rest my dude oh it's one of those filter bless you grandma what the hell uh grandma what the hell it's funny because like i started tick tock because i wanted to cringe at it and i find so much cringe there's also so many great videos i would never have found otherwise so i can't really hate on it again i enjoy the cringe so it's a win-win i don't get it what's the problem yes i'm 31 years old thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed the smell and want more smash like subscribe and i see you in the next video take care breakfast [Music] and you can't go to the zoo did you go to the [ __ ] loop i got something just download it for free for free download i got something for you you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,441,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: NsODFmfyWfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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