*Thursday* Lawn Care Q&A - [Ron Henry LIVE]

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just kidding happy Thursday everyone what you know what that means another live Lawn Care q a it's a special Thursday edition of the live stream I have some something going on tomorrow an engagement that I really can't get out of so I figured instead of skipping we'll do it Thursday night so a Friday Night Live stream on Thursday night if this is the first time you guys have ever joined the live stream welcome super happy to have you here way this works really simple on your screen you will see a chat box in that chat box you answer your question concerned comment of the day and I work through them in the order they come in sometimes have the answer sometimes I do not but either way we have an awesome time talking about Lawn Care so hopefully everyone's doing well uh well tonight if you're in the Southeast if you're in Georgia you guys are likely getting a break in all the rainfall it finally finally stopped raining this afternoon so literally before the show got out there mowed the lawn it doesn't look its absolute best I had to double cut it Alex is still out there mowing right now as we speak so it's just one of those uh it's been one of those weeks man we've been praying for rainfall we got a ton of it just you know several days in a row so good times good times let's say we have in the live stream tonight guys as always you know we're coming to you guys live on YouTube Facebook no Twitter tonight and of course though the folks on the gram so if you guys are um you want to be part of the stream feel free to to drop in and say hi um yeah it's Thursday night so I figure instead of skipping instead of skipping the live stream tomorrow night we're gonna do it tonight right all right so let's see what we have in the show this evening we got Mr Mark Romano checking in from Hawaii he says go green everyone what's going on Mark hopefully you're doing well sir thanks for coming to hang out this evening and next up we got Mr Cedric geez Cedric G in the house he says big Ron I plan on top dressing this season currently my lawn is at three quarters of an inch do you recommend I scalp my lawn again before I top dress I scalp when the season started so I mean yes and no Cedric is it strictly necessary given your true three quarters of an inch to scalp your lawn before you top dress no but if you've been real mowing it and it's starting to get a little bit thick and you have no way of thinning that out like by vertic cutting now's a good time to do that right the lawn is going to be covered up in the sand anyway so if it looks a little bit ugly if there's a little bit of discoloration No One's Gonna See it so if it were me I would take this time to do a how to cut reset you know take it down to half an inch to thereabouts and then do your your top dressing work and that should be great I mean it'll make the top dressing a little bit easier and when the Grass Grows through you know you'll you'll have you know fresh you have a nicely thinned out lawn so you're not going to have um like The Cutting problems that can come from a real mowed lawn that that doesn't get a thinning out at some point uh during the season so yeah if it were me uh I would especially if you don't have a way to vertic cut the lawn if you know a way to vertic cut it absolutely give it a little scalp it won't hurt anything although three quarters of an inch is a good cutting out I'm sure the one looks really good there all right specific I see you also drop a super chat so you're getting it started tonight let me get you up here is this big Ron Super Chat is open on Thursdays too turfs up first down stripe action forever thank you so much sir and for that you are now the show sponsor your name in lights for whatever that means to you hopefully the weather has treated you guys well uh cetrical for you doing well and uh next up we got Mr Mark James in the live stream he says spotted spurge and POA seem to always get the best of me here in South Dallas yeah I mean POA should be dying off this time of year mark I'm starting to get starting to get hot so POA should not be happy this time of year spurge on the other hand I get spurge is likely living his best life this time of year and and spirit is one of those weeds that mowing lower does not really change the situation like you you mow it like an inch Spurs are going an inch you go three quarters three quarters of an inch it'll go there you go half an inch it'll go there so it's a really how can we say this it's a really pesky it's a tough one to get rid of it does not um it does not give up it does not give up so you know depending on how badly you want to get rid of them I can tell you what some options you have for doing that for spurge if you have warm season grasses I imagine you would in Dallas what I would recommend is Celsius even Celsius at the medium rate for Spurs you don't even have to go high rate Celsius at the medium rate will absolutely take out spurge for best results mix a little bit of spreader sticker a little bit of surfactant along with it so this combination will take care of the spurge the poem should die off can be completely honest with the temperatures where they are now um so but if you want to get rid of them if you want to take care of the POA that you have in your lawn and also be covered for all sedges then you can go with uh certainty so for POA this for broadleaf spurge included you can go with this and really all three of these if I can do this so we can hold all three we'll see all three of these can be mixed together as a matter of fact as a matter of fact I've heard a rumor that if you go to the golf course lawn store and you look at the product description for any one of those three I've heard I've heard that in that product description there's a video that shows how a YouTuber you know talk about these guys on YouTube now a YouTuber uh likes to mix all these together so as far as just seeing what's involved in mixing Celsius certainty and surfactant you can uh you can check that out yes but that's that's what I would use as far as a concoction to get rid of spurge and POA if you want to actually spray the POA out especially this time of year as temperatures are getting warmer you don't want to you want to minimize the chance of discoloring your lawn that is what I would go with so Celsius and and certainty would you see if you want to see what I'm talking about again if you go to the golf course lawn store go to shop and then go to our carefully curated weed killer section if you look at Celsius and you scroll down you will see the video I'm talking about right here talking about how to kill weeds but not your grass right which is what everyone wants so this for your broad leaves again spurge being listed there and then Celsius sorry certainty rather for really certainty shines for sedge controls really for sedges um but also for POA as well so POA dandelions you know Kalinga anything anything in the sedge family certainty will absolutely take care of and the nice thing about both of these is you can spray them both as temperatures get warmer with far less chance of discoloring your grass and I would add a little surfactant in there to get the best result when using this combination if you want to save a little bit of money add a little bit of time you can go with the kit that we have the Celsius certainty herbicide kit we get great reviews I get email at least a couple times a week from people I'm raving about how good a job this this uh this combination does cleaning up the the weeds in their lawn without damaging their grass so you can go a la carte or you can just get the kit and that'll give you everything you'll be all squared away for taking care of weeds in your warm season Turf sorry you're dealing with that but there is a way for forward all right so let's see we have here in uh on the ground I want to make sure I acknowledge you guys as well Shawna is chiming what's going on Sean hopefully you're doing well Patrick as well Sean is saying I question myself if it was Friday and then Patrick says same yeah guys I'm just here tonight because I don't want to miss the show I really want a week to go by and not do the live stream so it's either I do it tonight or it doesn't happen this weekend I think you guys would agree that doing it tonight is a better is a better option right all right so we have a question here from mango Stumpy he says uh Thursday night long talk what what up Ron going on a date tomorrow or what yeah so tomorrow night I'm gonna be um doing a training it's gonna be karate related you guys want to miss the live stream pretty much that's what it's for so there's there's a couple events throughout the year there's a spring tournament um and there's a spring tournament and black belt test there's a fall tournament I'm sorry there's a fall clinic and black belt test and in the summertime this time of year there is a black belt Camp so for candidates that are looking or setting the goal of testing the black belt yet you're acquired an hour style to go through a camp and where you know we'll sometimes have a visiting instructor come in and they will work with the candidates and and you know refine their techniques you know is the the um the the phrase in Korean is run ma to uh to polish you know so to polish up polish them up get them ready for um for their the next step to test for black belt and this year I get the privilege of being um one of the instructors that helps to work they get to work with the candidates which is kind of cool kind of cool I feel privilege to be able to do that so I definitely can't miss it you know what I'm saying so that's what I'm gonna be doing tomorrow night I have a date but it's a it's a date in sweat and push-ups and everything else that goes in martial arts all right Shawna uh says I Scout my lawn sit at my side yard today I know it will be green again but dang yeah so this time of year here's the thing with all the rain we've had and Shawna you kind of gave me a nice segue in my talking point with all the room we've had you know it's been tough to get out and mow this week so it's been three days three three and a half days almost four days three and a half almost four days since I've mowed which for me is a long time I um so you know you're gonna get some excess growth for that so some questions I've already been getting emails from folks saying hey you know it's starting to rain like it's been raining like crazy having to be able to get out and mow what do I do once I'm able to get out and mow the lawn to get my high to cut back down to where it needs to be should I take it down in steps like you know you should step take it down over several modes or should I take it down in just one cut the answer is either way will work either either strategy works fine if you want to minimize discoloration what you can do is one wait for it to stop raining let the lawn dry out let the ground firm up a little bit so the mower will not gonna it's not gonna sink and move around on mushy on on a mushy uh surface and then mow it over over the course of a week or so like you can start a little bit higher and then work work your high to cut down that is one that is way one that is one method that will work and it's going to minimize the discoloration in your lawn what I did this afternoon was not that because I'm gonna you know I I I'm not gonna have time to mow tomorrow and I want to get the lawn backward is I don't really care if it looks a little bit ugly for a day or so the next for the next couple of days until the errors I got a little bit of a light scalp recover so it depends if you're a Band-Aid off quick kind of person you can uh just take your current height of cut and cut the lawn there realizing that you are going to get a little bit discoloration if you're someone that doesn't want to have one look ugly you can take it down over several steps the one thing I would say is if you are going to do it like how I did it all in one go catch your clippings or if you have a rotary mower bag your clippings because you don't want to throw all that debris into the lawn so I'll show you guys I'll give you guys a little time on you guys can actually see what my lawn looks like and you can decide whether that's for you so this is how things started out this week and pretty much how it progressed all of this week until a couple of hours ago so that's what it was like it rained and rained and rained some more and kept raining and then the lake formed right and the result of the lake if you don't want to see it on video is that so that's what it was dealt with after it finished stopped raining it looked like that obviously you know I mean I'm crazy you guys I love to mow my lawn but even I have knows my limitations you know is it a is clinics who said that a man's got no limitations so even I know the real mower is not going to work through that so I had to wait for it to drain by the time it drained I took that picture it was dark it was it was in the evening so um the nice thing about the lawn is it drains very quickly you know a couple of hours once the rain stops that completely goes away so after that um today once it stopped mowing I started mowing um I stopped raining I let the lawn sit for like maybe 30 minutes and then I got the outlet out there and this is what it looks like after cutting it I double cut it so it's two passes lengthwise and the way you see the straps are the most dominant this is after I've mowed the lawn so this is what it looks like right now after um being cut at the same height there are a lot more clippings than usual came off and the first still of it um there it is same that's that's the one if you look really close you can see a few small ears a little bit of because I mean I did quite a bit came off even even though I'm using Primo because it's been hot and it's been raining and the lawn has been mowed in almost four days which for me um is a lot and especially when you're cutting it at you know seven tens point seven zero you know it doesn't take very much for it to begin to get out of hand so I double cut it um and you know it I'm just gonna take if I get a little bit more discoloration so be it but the big thing again is if you are going to do that bag your clippings even if you're starting high and you're working your way down I would still catch your clippings because you don't want to throw all that stuff all that accumulated growth into the lawn part of why it doesn't look like like Hades right now is because I did catch all the clippings and I'll tell you here's the thing normally here's how how much clippings came off the lawn you guys are looking at this right and you're saying oh that looks pretty good it's not it's not too bad that's not the front let me go back to the back you'll get this thing doesn't look too bad right normally when I mow the entire back lawn I get uh about a half halfway full of one of the catchers the uh the grass bins that the outlet has so one of those is about halfway full today and and that that little halfway full catcher will do about um I don't know if you take like one of those trash cans Maybe I don't know not even an eighth okay a fifth you know 20 maybe of that trash can maybe even less than that it's it's maybe like 15 of the trash can after the double cut today the the trash guys that you guys see there in the background on the porch the ones right here if you guys look there on the on the on the patio you'll see that those big uh the tan colored trash cans it's like over halfway full from one double cut of the of the of the entire lawn the front lawn and the back lawn so a lot more clippings came up accumulated when you combine a ton of more rainfall and heat and then not mowing so Primo definitely did help out because if I didn't have Primo down it'd be even worse but uh but yeah so I'm sure a lot of you guys are going to be dealing with that I've gotten emails about it already about how to recover from you know not being able to mow for several days and you've got a couple different options getting growth regulator down your lawn will help in situations just like this so if you're considering um you know bringing some some Primo into your life I highly highly recommend it another thing too with all the rainfall we have um you know if you've if you've gotten your fungicide down already good job if you've not gotten your fungicide down it's still something that you might want to consider doing because with all that rainfall the you know especially if you have a lawn that is not um where you have some thatch in it you know you're not like Turf raking you're not doing ways to manage the fast levels in the lawn you know all that moisture that's sitting on along with all the hot temps we have is a it's a perfect breeding ground that if your lawn susceptible to lawn disease that it will begin to manifest itself so you know getting a fungicide down if you've not done one would be a good idea is cheap insurance compared to the problems you can have if you don't do that so all right so we have a question here on from the gram one from um Heath the Beast says just getting into pgr on my North Georgia um Bermuda can you still spot level some errors you can yeah you can absolutely spot level your some areas even if you have growth regulator I'm on the lawn just realize that it's going to take a little bit longer to grow in it's there's no problem with doing that it's just going to take a bit longer something that I want to show you guys on the topic of growth regulator so some questions I got um I'll show you guys actually on the blog so what questions that I got is around around pgr and around around doing the split applications right so we have the blog post that talks about how Planters really greener talks about the benefits of pgr but something I added here this week is the split application rates for Primo Max because before there was just a section that talked about how to avoid tip burn and explained like how you would go about you know applying growth regulator if you wanted to avoid that um but then someone said hey you know be really cool if you also included the application rates for doing split applications so for the most common grass types I took the Primo rates divided them by two just to cut it in half it's not really hard math um and I've got them here listed now so for cruises and grass you've got your Fescue rates kbg rates and uh and rye grass rates for bahaya common hybrid buffalo grass Zoysia and Saint Augustine grass and centipede grass you've also got your half rates as well so if you're going to be spraying Primo on the first and the 15th you can consult this I've done the math for you so you know what rate to use whenever you're looking at your bottle right whenever you're looking at the handy dandy measuring um cup that's built into the Primo bottle you can look look at you can look at this and then say oh I've got I've got Bahia grass so my my half rate is going to be half an ounce or I've got you know I've got um a centipede grass or you know in that case I'm going to be going at 0.2 be going at 0.25 right 0.25 ounces so then you can break up 2.3 right there and that is what you would um what you would measure out so hope you guys find some value out of that I'll actually um throw it I'm here in the chat for you just in case but yeah I got some questions about that and I said you know what how can I make this even better I can make it even more useful for you guys and so I did so pgr split split app rates um there we go app rates and there are that and that blog post and not to be left out uh you guys on the gram you guys are covered as well there too so I hope that helps as well as far as the question about getting into pgr all right next up we have Mr Kevin D Jones He says my Friday is now ruined Ron you messed up my routine so carbon kit tomorrow versus Saturday I'm sorry Kevin I didn't you know I didn't mean that to happen you know I just but I figured you guys wanted to have the live stream so I you know I I did it tonight instead of instead of tomorrow you know what I mean so sorry sorry you can always re-watch it you can re-watch it you can have how about this you can put it on in the background you can have your ears in you want you can have it play in the background while you spray the carbon kit how about that that's an option that can absolutely work that can absolutely work all right next up we have let's see here next up we got a Phyllis Lawrence Phyllis is up next she says hi Ron happy Thursday looking forward to another great show thumbs up my fellow lawn enthusiasts thank you so much Phyllis I really do appreciate it thank you for all the love and support even on a Thursday night guys I apologize for you know breaking the routine I know how you guys are y'all are like creatures of habit y'all probably have you know your plans you got your cocktails everything planned out for the Friday night and I promise next week we will be back to our normally scheduled programming but for this week it's going to be Thursday so we can we can have the show all right Kevin D says LOL Ron we appreciate you hopefully a full house tonight we'll see we're at 100 folks in here so far that's pretty good that's pretty good for Thursday night especially giving them many people uh probably didn't realize that it was going to be tonight even though I said it several times throughout the throughout over the course of June but uh we will uh we'll make it work right we'll make it work all right um Madame what behind says what's up say hi what's going on if you're doing well the next up we got Robert Rainey in the house is oh I see what you did here snuck in a Thursday night live on us I did Robert because it's either that or no live stream right so there is uh there is that so I wanted to get that in Jackie Bears up next says brother Ron what's going on man hope you're doing well Jackie thanks for coming to hang out and Jason Cara Harrison leading the smash the like button charge saying happy Lawn Care gang happy soggy Thursday No Joke Man uh smash that thumbs up ever so gently mm-hmm if you guys are enjoying the show definitely hit that like button um doesn't cost anything to do it's a free way to support uh the algorithms free rate of support um support us here on on YouTube free way to support us all right um next up is Phyllis she says I'm roasting here in Texas yeah not here in Georgia it's actually Pleasant I mean the weather's act this summer has not been bad it's not been unseasonably hot it's been um it's been relatively pleasant as far as as far as temperatures go and you know even had we've had quite a bit of rainfall as well too so overall the lawn has been has been doing has been doing well Jackie Bears up next he says um let's have an excellent uh live gentleman let's let's definitely do that let's do our best right and then uh yep we got next up as Doug 350Z with a twin turbo package he says evening run and everyone I'm loving this rain it's been really it's raining daily since Tuesday got my lime down RGS foreplay Etc that's the thing man if you were thinking about putting any kind of granular app down like this this week would have been the time to do it you're talking about like free watering in tough to beat tough tough tough to beat this week yeah plenty of free rainfall and really outside of that one day when um like this one I showed you guys this video which I think this was Tuesday when it was when it did that the rainfall has been constant outside of Tuesday has been constant but um but relatively light so enough to wear if you would put a product down it would water it in well but not so much where it would form lakes in the back lawn outside of Tuesdays from Tuesday going forward it rained the entire time but it was it wasn't crazy bad like uh like Tuesday so yeah good job uh Doug getting your hot your four play down your RGS your um your lime good stuff good stuff great uh great timing and I'm sure your lawn will love you for it so good job getting that done all right next up we have uh Phyllis she says at Cedric thumbs up um and then Patrick Gates is up says what's up uh Ron Ron John uh do it big only way to do it man it's the only way to do it right you got to do it big gotta do it gotta do it now guys because I knew that tonight is going to be when we're doing the live stream and normally on Friday nights I talk to you guys about the new blog post this week so rush to get it done and to get it published this week so it's live as of um as of today and it's apropos because around the topic of uh identifying and preventing lawn disease is a complete guide so where can you find it so if you were to go to the golf course lawn store go to resources go to knowledge base and I'm going to send you guys a link directly to this you don't have to follow this if you don't want to I'm telling you where it is so under the knowledge base a newly added article on complete guide on identifying fighting and preventing all three uh lawn diseases all three of them so if you hit that it will take you here and what it does what it's going to do is going to talk about um several options so it talks about like what are lawn diseases where do they come from what are the problems or things that can lead to diseases in your lawn um you know compacted soil mowing practices excessive fertilizer like too much fertilizer not enough fertilizer weather conditions and then it goes through several so you got like brown patch dollar spot Red Thread I want to just focus on the ones that are that were most common uh rust I had I got an email about rust this week already snow mold pythium blight I've dealt with this before in my front lawn not a fun one leaf spot necrotic ring a neighbor um this fights fights that in their lawn Pottery mildew so a lot of the common ones and then gives you some options as far as fungicides so you've got Caravan for a combination product you got Headway and a granular and then my what's quickly becoming my new favorite is pillar SC I really like this I use this this year and I one thing the big thing I like about pillar is that it's super easy to apply there's only one application rate whether you're doing is preventative or Curative One Rate one ounce per thousand square feet doesn't get any easier than that so I will link this for you guys actually it's actually the pin comment in the show um right now and if you guys are watching this after the fact I will also make this the um the pinned comment the sticky comment at the end of the show Once uh once the the live stream is over so check it out let me know again let me know what you guys think about it if there's someone I miss or someone you want coverage of let me know and we can look to add that and yeah hopefully you guys get as much value out of it and enjoy it as much as I had putting it together it was a lot of fun on that one a lot of research and it's cool ones so hopefully you guys uh enjoy it so lawn disease uh blog actually you know what I'm gonna do it here because that with anyone on Facebook can also see it as well on diseases blog post yeah boom nice nicely done all right with that out of the way um the you guys know about what the new stuff is let's now move on to our next question and or comment all right we got Ray Antonio up next he says waiting for Carolina top dressing to get me sanded here in upstate Cal South Carolina hopefully next week nice sounds like fun any suggestions for the lawn before it's done uh yeah so I don't know what um what that service is doing like I mean are they are they going to be doing an aeration in in addition to the top dressing uh you know prior to the top dressing um the services I mean what I what I like Ray I'll tell you what how I like to do top racing and you can ask them if they're going to be doing this or not and then this will give you a plan of action uh you know of things you can do in preparation for that so um I like to aerate the lawn first so core aerate lawn like you know I actually like mechanical mechanical aeration none of this liquid aeration stuff like actual knocking you know pulling pulling cores out of the lawn and then getting down your granular bio stimulant or fertilizer of choice so I like to use essential G I can actually show you here so this is what this is my concoction for uh for top dressing if we go to London fertilizer section I will do actually do this first we'll go to Mary Michigan so I will first um aerate the lawn and then I'll put essential G down this will go down I'll do a heavy application because you think about it the lawn is open up the soil is opened up so as far as any products I need to get down into the soil to be able to work um this is a great time to do that because you're able to Fast Track them into the soil because there's literally there's voids opened up all throughout the lawn so I will first lead off with essential G heavy application of that and then I will use my granular fertilizer of choice so depending on what your soil tests say you can go with um you can go with the complete if your lawn needs phosphorus but what I typically use is humic Max it's a 1608 great fertilizer it's mostly quick release so as far as the helping the lawn bounce back from Top dressing a bit faster it's a great product for that and that that really makes up what I do as far as the prep work so core aerate apply a granular biostimulant essential G is what I use and then a granular fertilizer of your choosing I use humic max so that is what I would do in um in preparation of um of them coming the top dress and that assumes that all they're going to come do is just put sand down on your lawn like if there's if there's coming in and all they're going to do is just bring a you know a bunch of sand just going to spread the sand and drag it in then I would aerate it yourself you know a couple days before and do all the stuff I'm talking about like you don't have to do this the day of top dressing you can do it a few days before there's there's no issue with that at all if they are going to uh core aerate the lawn is part of it you can you can have this stuff ready to go and you can ask them if you they'll give you you know 10 minutes 15 minutes to run around the lawn and put it down or they might put it down for you so it just depends on what the service entails some some Services uh also include a fertilizer some do not so depending on what they include and what they don't include in their top dressing determines on how much you um you will do uh regardless of whether they include a fertilizer or not I would still get a granular biostimulant down if you can if they will allow you to do that if you've got time to run out there and do it um it's a it's a good thing to do you know it's a great great thing to do in your in your um as far as your prep process and if you're interested in that here is where you can find the fertilizer so at Ray Antonio nice this is where you find the fertilizer and this is where you can get essential G so you're going to be all covered as far as as far as I go you know dude here's the thing I gotta tell you there's no shame in your game I I have done top dressing manually several times I've done it more times myself than paid for service to do it and there's nothing wrong with paying someone to do it because it's it's one of those things that there's a lot of work and it's uh you know it's nicer to be able to sit back with a lemonade or whatever your beverage of choice happens to be and watch someone else do it of course you're gonna look at you like oh man they went too heavy are they going to go heavy enough there it could be a little bit better you know you're going to critique it obviously but you're not doing the work so there's that's always a big plus a big bonus to paying a service to do it right and I in addition to that if you want if you can't get enough of top dressing I think we've got a Blog on that topic I'm pretty sure we do so if you get if you go to the resource section the golf course lawn store go to blog and then I believe it's on page two yeah right here how to address your lawn a complete guide in here talks all about top dressing what to look for in your top dress what kind of mix you need um to use tools you'll need the preparation here's where it talks about core aeration and you see humic Max is making it's um it's its presence there talks about technique all this stuff in addition to telling you the products I'm going to send you this as well so just in case so you can know what to expect so that way you are all covered now as far as top racing you got reading material you know the products to use and you're good to go Cuba's posted man the only thing I'll say you know what's coming next is take pictures of your lawn before during and afterwards because it's never going to look the way it looks now again after they're done top dressing this you want to be able to see how far you've come so I would say take pictures because it's a it's a cool thing and you want to be able to look back and and just see how the lawn is developed over uh over the years all right next up is Robert Gumby he says what grassy do you recommend from Middle Georgia I got 3.5 acres to plant wow so I guess you're talking about I guess you're talking about Bermuda grass seed so I mean you can use Monaco you can use Yukon those are ones that that people uh seem to like uh quite a bit Robert the thing you got to keep in mind though is um you know if I had a time machine if I could if I could Thanos snap and and could have done it all over what I would have said is have your grass seed down like earlier this week this past weekend because all the rainfall we we got this week it would have been good to help um to help keep it moist and help you know help with germination the biggest challenge you're going to have with three and a half acres is not so much the um the grass seed that you choose it's gonna be watering it right because the the biggest reason why most seating projects fail especially when you're talking about grass the sea that is not easy to grow if you don't want Fescue Fescue is pretty easy to germinate it grows it grows in relatively quickly I have a buddy of mine that has uh he's I don't know maybe 10 miles from here and he has um like an area of his of his lawn that's a lot of trees and it's heavily shaded and he he I told him he's not gonna work bermuda's definitely not going to work your only chance is Fescue that's what I would I would go with so he went out and got a fescue grass seed one that I recommended for him and literally it's been he called me today all status like oh it's growing in man it's so awesome um it's been a week since he planted it and he's already getting great germination so if you're going with Bermuda Yukon or Monaco are good choices um but the big thing is irrigation you're going to want to if you can you're going to want to time it such that when there's there's going to be rain in the forecast for you know ideally a couple of weeks you know I mean unless you have a way to uh to water all that alternatively if you're you could do it I mean you could do it in sections I mean there's lots of different ways to go about about going about um about doing I'm doing three and a half acres but I mean that's going to be a it's going to be a big project and I would also say um go at it knowing that it's not all going to grow in evenly all at once you're likely going to have to do a couple of rounds of seating to get it fully filled in but yeah it's a huge project and realize it's not it's not gonna be inexpensive I mean you're looking at several thousand dollars in seed and several thousand dollars in irrigation to uh to get to get three and a half acres established if you're going with like a Bermuda grass seed so something to keep in mind as far as where you can find it um Hancock Seed in Lakeland Florida um I also get your website here for you real quick and seed yeah um yeah these guys are what I've had to get seen in the past they've always done a nice job of always treating me well so uh so feel free to reach out to them I don't have any kind of affiliate code or anything for discounts or anything like that for them but I just I mean I recommend them because they do a great job as far as shipping stuff on time and the seeds always worked well and that kind of thing so here you go Robert so at Robert uh gunny gunby there you go and that's where you can get your grass seed so hope that helps sir sounds like a fun project but just know what you're getting into and um you know have your have reasonable expectations because three and a half acres a lot of property a lot to grow in and if you're doing Bermuda grass should I imagine you are in Middle Georgia you know Bermuda um uh it it can take a while to establish especially if it's not getting lots of of regular water so hope that helps sir keep me posted if you need anything else definitely let me know all right so we next up here we have a question here or a comment from real mowers on Instagram he says he's just got two bottles of turf Plex from the golf course lawn store can't wait for the first of the month nice it's going to be here soon it's the 22nd so the first of the month is 30 days uh 30 only uh eight days right we got like a the 30th of the uh of June is uh when you can get it down and here's the thing if you let me see June it's a Friday so yeah that weekend you know Fourth of July weekend July 1st would be a great time to get your uh to get your turflex applied something I would say real Mars you're going to do it right if you want to do it up right is get some Primo get a little bit of this a little bit of this a little bit of secret sauce and so throw some of this in the tank whenever you're putting your Turf Plex down your lawn will thank you for it's great stuff we also carry them in the golf course lawn store it's not that expensive and it's it's literally one of the best things you can do for your line it's really not hard to do if you're already gonna be spraying your lawn with turflex you're already you're familiar with using a backpack sprayer so spring Primo is not going to be tough so good job um thanks for uh for all the love and support if you need anything else let me know we got JoJo in the house going on jojo thanks for coming to hang out in the live stream appreciate you as always all right guys everyone on Instagram for right now we are back to our regularly scheduled programming all right so from Facebook we have Veda Campbell she says hello I am new first of all welcome Veda thanks for coming hang out in the live stream appreciate you because I live in Texas and I feel it feels like it's 200 degrees here right now but my Bermuda grass is looking good bermudaizes like heat because I am on a half an acre and part is regular Bermuda and the other half is celebration Bermuda so I guess maybe one is common and one is is um celebration okay the celebration Bermuda is short dense dark green where can I find celebration Bermuda grass seeds I don't believe celebration Bermuda grow is available as a grass seed Veda it's I believe it's only available as sod I I'm I'm fairly certain that's correct um I'm fine to be corrective I don't believe celebration Bermuda is available uh as a grass seed into grass seed form so some some Bermudas particularly the hybrids you know some say that some people say Arden 15 was a hybrid some people say it's just an improved common um but in general the hybrid Bermuda grass the cultivars are typically available primarily as sod and then your common Bermudas or improved common Bermudas those are what you can you can get in in seed form so your celebration I'm gonna say you're gonna have to go out and and find someone that carries a celebration sod and and go that route the thing here's the thing you want to keep in mind too though is eat because your lawn let me see you're on you're on half an acre something you need to prepare for is even if you go out and you get celebration summer you find celebration sod somewhere don't be surprised if you know from a texture standpoint they'll probably look they'll look pretty close so they should match but don't be surprised if there's slight color there's a slight color difference between your celebration that's been around for years and then this new stuff the new celebration that you bring in I've experienced that and I've seen it from other people too with tiffway 419 celebration might be might be better controlled with tiffway um knowing the fact that you're getting tiffway sod does not necessarily mean that it's going to match your existing tifway lawn uh perfectly so just something to keep in mind you know if you're going to go out there and you're going to get some celebration and um and re-saw I guess kill off portion of the lawn that you don't like and then resot it with celebration something to keep in mind that there might they're not saying they will but there's a possibility that there might be a slight difference in color the texture the texture should be the same the growth characteristics should be the same from a color standpoint you might see a slight color difference um so just just something to be prepared for so I hope that helps if you need anything else definitely let me know appreciate having you as a new viewer thank you for taking some time out of your Friday to come over Friday see I think it's Friday out of your Thursday to come hang out in the live stream all right next up we have Tony Chavez another one Facebook is is live tonight man we got don't know how many people from Facebook this is cool so Tony Chavez is up next he says afternoon run long time follower first time posting a question uh oh nope no pressure it's got to be a good one here we go he says I live in Texas and my lawn is doing great greens Master 1000 height of cut at half an inch that's all you have to read because you know here's the thing the guys the guys and gals that are mowing like me you know us normal aren't normal folks that are mowing at like three quarters an inch they must show how to cut three quarters of an inch the guys are that are like half an inch or lower half an inch baby you know it's like they're you know it's like they're driving a race car they're getting it done all right so you said half a day she said I noticed when I hand water some areas the water seems to run across the top of the grass and not underneath the canopy I think I may need a wedding agent but want to get your opinion and or recommendations on product thanks so when you say it's watering okay so you water and the lawn the water is running across the grass but not really sinking in I mean here's the thing uh Tony as you I heard I saw two things there half an inch had a cut and you're and you're um you're using like a greens master so I imagine your lawn is really dense really tight I haven't seen pictures of it but I imagine it's fairly tight so um you would you might benefit from a verticut or or just thinning the loud the the lawn out some um that's going to help improve drainage can help the water to penetrate better into the soil and you get past the canopy get in the soil as far as a wetting agent there's a couple of options there's a couple of moisture managers that I like I'll show you them here so if you go to the golf course lawn store go to shop and then go to the soil moisture management section you got a couple of options you have you have hydrotain which is available in a liquid form liquid concentrate a um a version that is can be connected to your hose and sprayer and then also a granular so this is the same product in just different um in different formats different carriers different ways of applying it and then you have the new kit on the Block for play what this is is it is um it is hydrating it's primarily hydrating it's got kelp it's got a wetting agent so our surfactant kind of what you're asking for um and I believe it's got some humate in it as well so this you can think of this as almost like hydrochain 2.0 it's particularly designed for for localized dry spots but you can also blanket apply this to your entire lawn there's no problem with doing that at all so for sure because you use the word um you're looking for a wedding agent in addition to like a moisture manager hydrating I'm sorry four plays what I'm going to say you should go with that's going to be um the option again it's available in a concentrate in the one gallon or as the um in a hose end sprayer what some folks will do is they will buy they'll buy both of them they'll buy this the uh the the hose and applicator and they'll also buy the gallon and then once this Runs Out they'll simply refill the the uh the applicator the hose in um sprayer with um from the gallon because the thing with hydrotain with any of these moisture managers is that they need quite a bit of water they need quite a bit of carrier to work properly meaning you you want to apply them and then water them in and using a hose and sprayer has the advantage that you're putting out quite a bit um greater you're putting a much higher volume of water versus if you were to go with a backpack sprayer so that's one advantage of going the hose and sprayer route when it comes to applying uh a foreplay so I'll link this for a look here for you in the chat hopefully this helps I appreciate you uh chiming in it's your first time uh you know visiting or leaving a comment so hopefully it was uh my answer was a good good return on your time let me see yeah Tony so Tony and here you go uh right there she'll be able to pick it up there if you scroll to the bottom you'll see it um you'll see it there as far as the link to hydratan I think you'll you'll or sorry to foreplay I think you'll really like the results with that but also again consider you know vertical here's the thing of the two options as far as a way to thin out your lawn this time of year vertic cutting is the less aggressive way meaning if you do it right you you'll hardly be able to tell that the lawn was vertica you'll see like the lines but it won't have like a lot of trauma if you do a scalp it's going to look a bit ugly you know you're gonna you're gonna lose some of the color temporarily and uh you know some people don't want to don't want to take that hit to the green color so it's really your call but in addition to either doing a light scalp or a verticut using that that uh moisture manager will uh will help the situation as well so I hope that helps sir if you need anything else let me know and I appreciate you taking some time out of your Thursday evening to come hang out and talk about Lawn Care next up is e-dub e-dub says hi Ron uh don't laugh at me I planted a Scots sun and shade mix earlier this spring and it burned out I live in Houston 105 degrees for almost three weeks now I have to do a renovation and put uh Bermuda on 8 000 square feet I'm not messing I'm not laughing at you while I laugh at you that's not nice um so the Sun and shade mix is likely going to be like some rye grass and Fescue and while that is a good that's a good blend for like a cool season lawn in Houston where you get tons of direct sunlight and really it's really hot and really humid uh not going to do so well right so I'm not surprised that it died off once the heat arrived especially if you're not watering I mean Fescue can live in the Southeast you just got to put a lot of water on it this time of year you use moisture managers put a lot of water on it and and really it does better with you know a lawn that doesn't get tons and tons of direct sunlight a little bit more shade so uh so yeah but yeah no worries I mean at least you are you're here now and it's only June so there's still plenty of time in the season for you to do this renovation to get your Bermuda down 8 000 square feet isn't you know is not an impossible it's not ginormous as far as uh you know a sodding project and if you haven't picked a sod yet you know consider Tahoma 31 that's a I mean getting great reviews you know the first people that I saw talking about that particular uh cultivar where it was the um the lawn tools their lawns look great um you know byd I think recently did a renovation on part of his back lawn with Tahoma 31 so if you're gonna go out and do Bermuda sod you know why not why not go for the new hotness so to home is what I would say to uh to go with so um so hope that hope that helps um next up we got a question here from make sure nothing else from Instagram nope got a question here from Jonathan Quevedo he says how is touricity toro City for weeds and cool season grass I don't know what that is I'd have to look here let's see we can learn something together I mean you probably remember normally because you actually know what it is herbicide um what is it is it is it basically a thing on channel so let's mess a try on yeah so it's basically tenacity yeah so it's a um it is a a knockoff uh version of of tenacity and This is 40 yeah so much like yes let's miss a try on so um so how is it for wheezing cool season grass good for the Weezer's design the target for Crabgrass works great so the the thing you have to be prepared for uh Jonathan I don't know I mean I've not never used Toro City but I can tell you how tenacity like people that um that have that use this really enjoy it really like it the thing you have to be prepared for with tenacity is that you will you not I mean you more than likely you will get some light discoloration in the area that you spray so tenacity you know if you look at the label they don't really recommend blanket spraying this the main reason why is it's going to discolor your lawn it's going to temporarily just call your Lana most people don't want that so if you've got a few clumps of crab grass here and there and it's like you know what too much work I don't want to get out there and pull it I want to spray it out uh tenacity would be a good option for that just realize if you're spraying a clump of crabgrass you know the the grass and nearby is going to get lightly discolored it's only going to be that way for a couple of weeks and then it will go back to it too it's um it's going to get its color back so there's something to be prepared for whenever you're you're spraying um you know mess a Triumph or you're spraying a tenacity in in your cool season lawn it'll work I mean if you're as long as the weed that you're targeting are ones that it's labeled for you should uh you should get a good result um for best results mix some surfactant along with it like a spreader sticker like this this is the one that we carry on the golf course lawn store the high yield mixers are factor with it and between that as long as you get the application rate correct you should uh you should get a good result you know what I mean um check the label again before you you pick it up to make sure that it's um you know that the weeds that you're targeting are are covered so you know because tenacity doesn't cover quite as many weeds as say something like Celsius does it's like uh in the I think it's like the mid 40s 45 to 50 um weeds I think is what it's labeled for so there is that so yeah I mean it works great against weeds as long as you're spraying weeds it it's labeled to to take care of and just be prepared for some mild discoloration that will be temporary so hope that helps next up is sure guys the southern Wisconsin is crispy you need some rain you want some of the rain we got here in Georgia we got tons and tons and tons and tons of rain you can have some of it I'm I'm good on rain you know I'm not gonna be watering for a couple weeks you know all this rainfall we got here we're gonna be good to go not gonna need to put rain on the lawn for a while all right next up is e-dub he says what are the steps uh Roundup um till two inches of soil and seed is that right thanks yeah that can work um ew what I would say is this if you want if you want to um to get rid of Bermuda and have the best chance of getting rid of it in one and go because remember is tough to kill what I would use I'll show you here I'll show you like the concoction that I like just uh go to the golf course lawn store and go to weed killer and pick up um pick this up like the you have 8 000 square feet you may want to be able to use a bigger bottle than this but but these these quick packs are are good for non-selectively killing weeds right um so take Roundup this is a this is a 70 um glyphosate and diet quad product uh so it's very it's very aggressive and if you can mix this with fusilade which is really a selective herbicide that is designed for removing Bermuda grass out of Zoysia so that's what usually that's what designed for but if you mix glyphosate and fusilade that is the one combination that I've tested myself I've used it on my my mulch beds and other on on like the real rollers Turf Park And as far as a one and done like you apply it you do this one time if you mix it properly um per the rates that I show in in the video that's Linked In the description um and um and spray it like one time should knock out the Bermuda so uh so yeah then that everything else that you have there as far as as far as if you want to till to get to get to pull out the um the old grass if you want to do that that's an option and then if you're going to go up with seed yeah that'll be the time to seed again personally I would do sod it is way you it's far less um far less trouble you get you get the advantage of trying out the newer cultivars like for example Tahoma 31 is not available in the seed you can only get it inside so if I can convince you to go the solder out that is the way that I would I would say to go because literally what will happen is you'll kill off your lawn you will go from no grass to you know you do if you're doing it it's going to be a lot of work but if you're having someone having a service come do it you go from no grass to a lawn and all you have to do is water it give it a few weeks let it get established and you can slowly start getting online and start mowing it and then you know if you did it if you did this um you know by the end if you started this project the end of this month by August you're gonna have a really good looking lawn it's going to be it's gonna you know it's going to be doing really well so um that's my uh my thoughts on whether you do where the seed versus sod route um either way will work totally your call I would I would opt for sod if it were me and also if you decide you want to you want to do hard mode you're like nope run I don't care I want to do hard mode I will uh I'll I'll give you a link to the glyphosate product also see at E Dub this is the glyphosate product and then for the fusilade to help get rid of the Bermuda you'll want this here so that's a it's a great combination that um again it's like a one and done which Bermuda grass is really hard to say you know Bermuda is not easy to kill but this uh this does get it does get it done and if you want to see the rates that I used even more um even more I will show you the uh the video that I filmed last year on this very topic of how to how to get rid of Bermuda grass it's the video is talking about getting rid of Bermuda in mulch beds because this can cause question you would not spray it on a lawn that you actually cared about in your case you want to get rid of the lawn you want to renovate it so it'll be just fine but this concoction do not this is it is non-selective meaning that if you spray it on your lawn it's going to kill your lawn so don't do it if you care about your grass so there you go you got the two you got the products and you have the video that shows how I would recommend going about um using it how I've used it myself to get a good result so even up to now the the Bermuda grass that I sprayed out last year in my mulch beds still hasn't grown grown back they're still starting to try to creep in there but the stuff that I killed last year in August still has not attempted to come back and we're already in June so as far as like really getting rid of Bermuda that combination is very good all right next up is Robin shallot he says Light number 16 I appreciate it Robert thank you for all the love and support thank you so much for the uh for that I really do do appreciate the um the love and support next up we got Omar Garcia he says good evening what warm season grass in your opinion handles the cold the best um want to try it in Indiana hmm um I'll tell you the the the warm season grass that I've heard of people growing successfully as as far north as New Jersey is zoysia I've not heard of Bermuda grass being used in Indiana not saying it can't be but I've just personally not not heard of that um I do have a few viewers though that have Zoysia in in Jersey so um you if you want to look into one you could look at uh you could look at Zoysia I don't know as far as um you know how long your growing season is going to be with that but I mean I know there's again so I can find find pictures of as long as he did send them to me um as far as a a warm season lawn that will work or that will tolerate colder temperatures uh and not you know not die out you know every year Zoysia in Georgia seems to do well and I would imagine that Jersey and Indiana have similar Winters maybe you guys are a lot colder if you're a lot colder maybe it won't work I mean Zoysia is the only one I've heard of that that has done well in uh in Northern and more Northern climates so hope that helps it's not from direct experience but it's from what I what I feedback I've gotten from a few of you or something that's uh to try out but I mean I guess why why Bermuda though why like a um why a warm season grass I mean even with you being in Indiana you've got uh you know you've got some there's some great um rye grass um options there's a great Fescue op I mean a Fescue you've got ryegrass is a great great um Kentucky Bluegrass options and you can mow those very short you know you can you can you can stripe those you can really short they look really nice and they'll likely do better in you know where you live than Zoysia will I mean you can you can do it but again I don't know how long your growing season is going to be you might start like in May and end in in August for all you know you know what I mean so just something to keep in mind even if you even if you could do it Omar um I would say just do some more research and find out like what kind of like how much grass or green grass you're going to have throughout the year if you go this route so something to think about next up is Anna Duran she says or Anna Duran I think it's Duran she says I'm gonna apply a weed killer this weekend should I cut my grass for that all Lawn Care is new to me in this new house okay Anna so the the general guys when it comes to applying herbicides for um take care of weeds are you know no no herbicides two day um so mowing two days prior to um and then no mowing two days after um of the two um if you had if I had a choice as far as which one to follow the after in my opinion is more important really if you're gonna if you're looking to get rid of weeds in your lawn like you've already got weed in your lawn um I would I would even refrain from mowing it like Let There be as much Leaf tissue as possible because the more Leaf there is whenever you spray you know whatever product I'm not sure what you're using whatever product you spray on the lawn there's more tissue to be able to take up the herbicide and then ultimately kill it so if you're gonna you know go out this weekend say Saturday so two days from now you're gonna go out and I guess maybe get something from the big box stores or whatever and spray your lawn with it I wouldn't between now and then I would just I would leave it as let the grass um sit as you know be as it is get the herbicide that you've less you plan to use obviously read the label make sure you understand how to apply it properly and then spray the wheeze the areas that you're trying to to control with the herbicide and then after that let at least two days go by before you start mowing so what's going to happen is you know you spray the lawn to two days two to three days that the lawn has or the weeds have to take up the herbicide and begin you know it starts starts working in the system and begins killing it then when you mow the lawn it's much harder for the weed to grow back because the herbicides already injured it and then when you mow the grass and you mow the weed you cut it off it's going to be further injuring it so it's going to make it more difficult for it to recover from that if you follow that sequence so the most important thing is to give it give it enough time um after the application but really if you're gonna do it this weekend don't mow between now and say Saturday or Sunday when you're planning to spray the herbicide and then don't mow for a couple days afterwards that's going to get you the uh the best result so as far as herbicide options if you haven't decided on one yet we have we have tons of good ones here on the golf course lawn store if you go to shop and then go to weed killer for a good you know broad spectrum herbicide that that does I mean it's not as good as Celsius um or certainty but as far as one that does a pretty good job knocking out like dandelions Clover a lot of your more common weeds um it's tough to beat Triad this is a really good uh three-way herbicide it's not terribly expensive either um and that that would be a good option it's not not difficult to apply you can get like a little hump a little pump um pump sprayer a little handle pump sprayer and uh you mix it properly I think it's one point I think it's 1.5 ounces per gallon things with the the rate is be sure to read the label obviously and double check that and that will that will work well and this is going to be a step up a pretty good step up as far as potency um versus what you will get from The Big Box store uh products now I'm interested is yeah but that is correct so 1.5 ounces uh per thousand square feet so 1.5 ounces of this with a gallon of water and then spray you know up to a thousand square feet of um of lawn of lawn or or weeds that you're trying to Target so hope that helps um if you need anything else let me know the thing I will tell you is regardless of which herbicide you decide to use whether you get triad from Russia or you go buy something at The Big Box store is read the label read it at least two times to make sure you understand you know how to pry how to apply it properly also make sure you wear your PPE your personal protective equipment so like you know I like to wear rubber boots because that way I don't have to worry about like my tennis shoes getting a herbicide on them and you know tracking that all over the place so if you get yourself a pair of cheap rubber boots doesn't have to be expensive that's a good odd thing as well and then so long pants boots long sleeve shirt and um and then and gloves and then you're you're good to go and then after you spray the weeds don't look at them for like 10 days because the next thing that's going to happen especially for people that are new to lawn care like I sprayed the weeds I'm waiting to see results right away and it doesn't work that way if you want to kill weeds and not kill your grass by the the herbicides that do that tend to work a bit slower so once you spray the lawn give it a couple of weeks before you even by looking at it 10 days or so before you look at it and you'll start to see it yellowing up and then you'll it'll die off um you know over time so hope that helps congrats on on taking on the new house and then also on taking on uh the challenge of taking care of your lawn yourself if I could help with anything else let me know and be sure to check out our our blog it's completely free all the content on there is completely free to consume so if you're looking for lots of lawn care topics um there's lots of info info there we actually have an a blog post on the best four products for killing weaves by killing your grass so I'll also link that for you in the chat as well so that way you're covered all right next up is Mr Jim rumin says I'm about to do a complete Scout and how to cut reset due to being out of town for two weeks what's the best and fastest way to help my lawn recover really it's a time thing uh Jim what I would say is if you're if you're feeding I see what you have for fertilizer so if you are if you've not fed your lawn do that like if you're not if you've not been fertilizing your lawn that is going to help it recover faster what I would say is if you're looking for the fastest recovery going with a liquid fertilizer something like 901c would be a good option so because because you figure with granular fertilizers you apply them and typically it's five to seven days thereabouts depending on conditions before you start seeing a color response um in in the lawn um with liquid products follow your base products it's more like two to three days you start seeing a response so if you're looking for to get the lawn recover faster after the height of cut reset a liquid herbicide liquid fertilizer is a better a better option so I'll show you a couple here first lawn store and go to shop and then lawn fertilizer um what I would say if you're looking for something that's quick and also going to help the lawn bounce back I mean it's also got a bio similar in it as well really tough to beat 901c so you can get it in you know depending on the size of your lawn you can get it in 32 ounces one gallon two and a half gallons it depends on on which way you want to go as far as application rate you're only going to use three ounces of this so uh it's you know a little bit goes a long way so I'm trying to say so even though it's more expensive than other fertilizers out there if you realize you're using a lot less of it than you do in some some other products and this is also um a bio stimulant it's got like 10 micronized carbon in it as well in addition to um to being a a fertilizer that will help your lawn recover recover faster so sequence what I would do is I would um I would do your scalp do your how to cut reset and then if you say you did your scalp in the morning you could spray the lawn with this in the evening or even the following day spray your lawn with it and then you should start seeing uh recovery usually start bouncing back um fairly fairly soon I mean especially if the lawn was was at that height before so you're not like making a drastic change so if it were in other words if your lawn was once at say half an inch and you let it grow out to say three quarters of an inch and you scalp it back down to like half an inch it's not going to take quite as long to get it looking good again versus a lawn that's never been at half an inch and then it's at three quarters and you try and take it down half an inch that that you're looking for looking at a longer a longer or longer process so so let me get this link to you if you need anything else let me know that is what I would go with I mean you can go with as far as a liquid this is um this is a good one to go with if you want granular you can go with any of um any of the Lebanon fertilizers the the finer Pearl that's in these so like in humic Max the complete or the stress is going to get in the soil faster than a larger Pro fertilizer so if I'm going to show you real quick this is a standard fertilizer Pro so this which you'll find you know other like other online fertilizers um but you find your big box stores this is the size this this is humic Max this is the pro the fertilizer that I most most regularly use on my launch you can see the difference between this and this this is like a 210 sgn this is 150 sgn and if you're saying nope not small enough I wanted even smaller you have our greens grade fertilizers which are like the complete and the stress you can see the difference there between the two so this is 150 sgn size guide number this is 80. so this is is um well we can work on golf greens you can see how fine that uh that product is I mean it's almost almost like a powder so any either of these if you're going granular humic Max or any of the the complete or the stress are good options for helping the lawn uh recover faster but liquid is going to be faster than any of the granulars because liquids Works faster so hope that helps sir um realize it's going to get a little bit ugly but if you go with the liquid route it will recover it will recover faster next up is oh I am going to butcher this name I'm going to try it next up is azucaren two as a uh oh like sugar yeah II says um I have a lot of nutsedge and spot treating would be a lot of work any advice for on a possible granular that would kill it granular none that I'm aware of there might be one um as we got in but I don't um I am not aware of um of a granular post-emergent herbicide for killing said for killing nutsedge that that works that works well I don't even know if specters I think Spectra side is labeled for some of the sedges but it's really not great um it's good for a lot of other stuff but for sedges not so much really if you have warm season grass like Bermuda Zoysia St Augustine Baha'i grass centipede grass certainty this really is in my opinion the best product that you can go with for control of sedges I mean this is this is awesome stuff it doesn't take very much like like it comes with a measuring scoop a measuring spoon literally you'll use you literally use like three of the small Scoops like three of these small Scoops with a couple you know a couple gallons of water and surfactant and that will that will not it will absolutely devastate sedges this time of year but as hot as it is so I would try and convince you to go more the the liquid route granular post herbicides there's not a lot of great options for that and as far as just um working one getting a better result working faster it's really tough to beat especially against sedges it's really hard to beat certainty so this is what I would say to go with if you look at the product description there's a video in there that shows how I like to use the product there's different ways or different rates of using it but I show how I let you do it and I get really good results using it that way so if you're interested in that I will I'll put a link here in the chat for you and then you can you can decide for yourself if it's for you it really isn't hard to do and again four sedges in particular in warm season grass it doesn't really get much better than certainty if you have cool season grass so Rye Fescue Kentucky Bluegrass then you'll go with sedge Hammer so this is an option that this is safe for both warm and cool season grass but if you've got warm season grass don't use sedge Hammer use certainty because this is really only for warm season grass if you use this on coasters and grass uh you'll injure and or kill it whereas this you can Scramble with warm and cool season but it's not as good as this so there you go so I'm going to send you the link to um actually what I'll do is I'll send you I'll send you the links to the collection page and you can decide for yourself because they're both there they're both there so cells see a certainty and sedge Hammer both are for such control and you can find them both uh there it's in the chat now I keep trying to say sugar I just got in hope that helps next up is Ignacio Paez he says Central Texas 100 degree temps all week I don't worry about uh lawn damage with a social certainty combo it just works on Weeds and leaves uh the grass alone Zoysia backyard bermuding the front yep I I keep telling you man it's um it's tough to beat that combo like this that it I I I searched through like a lot of different options I played with several different three ways which are usually a lot less expensive than like than something like Celsius for broadleaf control but the problem with them is as temperatures get higher you're gonna discolor your grass so as far as the combination that I know of and also some friends of mine that work in Industry um agree with me they say that as far as for warm season Turf if you warm season grass only uh this combination of Celsius uncertainty is really tough to beat I mean this is a really really good combination you can spray it as temperatures are cooler you can spray my temperatures are warmer and as far as discoloring your grass much less likely than um then then a three-way is going to do especially this this time of year neither these products have any labeled temperature restrictions now I mean obviously you want to use a common sense you know but you know you have Ignacio here who lives in Central Texas where it's 100 degrees out and even when he sprays his lawn it's still not injuring it so as long as you mix it properly spray it correctly it's gonna it's gonna do exactly what it's designed to do which is kill the weeds without killing your grass in the process so highly highly recommend it um if you're looking for herbicides um you know that's that's going to do a great job and keep your grass in good shape in the process all right next up is Aaron bowling he says Ron if you're applying essential G or carbonized PN consistently do you still need to put hydrotain down in warm weather or does the memory Richie products act similar to retained water for the grass I would still use hydrotain I mean hydrotain Works um it's a it's a it's a completely different product than the biochar that is in essential G and carbonized PM and they all work together they all help support each other but as as strictly as a moisture manager hydrotain is uh is I would still do that hydrated or foreplay either one of those or some moisture manager if you don't like those you want to use something else that's fine too but a moisture manager dedicated moisture manager is going to work better or is going to help your lawn resist um like drought conditions better than simply only using essential G or carbonized PN you know granted on my lawn I do all of them right so I use essential G every month and I've also gotten down my hydrotain application um and I've done I've done one so far for this season you I mean so so uh so yes ask your question yes especially if you live Aaron in the part of the country that's that's prone to getting like Central Texas where it's either flooding or there's no rain at all where it's either like a desert or it's a monsoon a place like that is where is where hydrotain really shines so here in Georgia like especially this this year this this um this summer um The Summer's been relatively mild so far so uh it's it's still a good idea to get a moisture manager down but really when you get into areas like Central Texas where it gets hot for like weeks on end with not much rainfall that is where they really shine because you're a lot whereas the other laws in your neighborhood are going to start yellowing from heat stress your lawn is going to hold on to its color longer than Lawns that do not have a moisture manager um you know that apply to them so just something to consider uh as well so as you go about um as you go about your decision making process well guys guys if you guys are enjoying this so far if you guys would not mind please hit that like button we've got 100 over 100 people in the live stream right now and only 68 likes surely we can do better than that it costs you absolutely nothing it's completely free to do and it's a great way to support the live streams for the show so please hit that like button it's a great way to support the channel why look for the next question and or comment all right next we got Stephen Thompson it says Hey Ron in Dallas Fort Worth we are in the upper 90s and hundreds probably from here on out I have a bottle of Greens Plus to spray I'm just not sure on temperature regulations yeah so Greens Plus is one of the is one of the few fertilizers from uh ecology that you you water that one in it's a slower it has a lot of slow release nitrogen in it it's designed to be watered in so um so there's no issue there should be no issue at all with spraying that even with even with uh like say the I'll show you even with uh the the follier based fertilizers so like take like uh 901c or Nutri kelp turflex neutral resolve any of these like I've sprayed all every two weeks um I spray these on my lawn and it doesn't matter what the temperatures are I spray them and there's not there's I don't get any discoloration as long as you're the big thing to keep in mind I'm Stephen as long as you are spraying them at the at low rates so for release 901c you would spray that at three ounces per thousand square feet doesn't sound like much but that's all you need this stuff is is very concentrated you don't need a whole lot of it a little bit goes a long way you know if you're using any of the any of the ecology products like a you know Turf Plex or nutrisol the label rates for these are six ounces per thousand and these guys don't need to be watered in so like so this Bloom Plex nurture resolve turflex uh Nutra kelp release 901c you apply them allow them to dry you're gonna and then happy days just let the lawn go if you have Greens Plus you are going to want to water that one in after application the long short of it is as long as you are are up buying the the products at the correct rates in the manner they're designed to be applied you shouldn't have any issues with burning or discoloration or anything like that I've not experienced that with any of the followers that I've um that I've applied on my lawn so you guys see the channel you guys know about what I put down on a lot I mean here beginning of July it's going to be I'll even show you in the beginning of July my combination is going to be the 901c carbon kit so it's going to be release 901c nutric help bio Spectrum um and and Primo that's what's going to go down this uh these these three are going to go down and you know there's a kicker I might throw some neutral resolve in the tank as well but this this is going to be the staple release 901c nutric help and Primo like that's that's going to be what I'm going to be using on my lawn and there's um you know I've not to date knock on wood never experienced any issues with burning or any kind of damage at all again just make sure you apply at the proper rates T1000 is up next he says hit the like button thank you so much T1000 do it hit the like button just move your mouse over there and go boom hit the like button it's free next up is am Chavez one he says I live in Texas Lon is doing great but I noticed that when I hand water some areas the water seems to run across the long I think I've already answered this one for you am Chavez wrote across along underneath the canopy um if you were the same person that was on earlier what I would say is if you can verticut or slightly thin out the lawn that would be good and then similar to the same advice I gave the other viewer is a moisture manager like foreplay would work well so I'll in case in the event that you're a different person asking the exactly the same question it's possible it is possible I will send you a link to the product that I sent to the other gentleman earlier that's what you want to use all right so we got a Super Chat let me get down here and grab this really quick from Mr Travis Winston thank you so much Travis he says late to the show watching from work hope everyone is having a great day Hey Ron I know your lawn is nice and level but are you doing a light top racing this year thanks hit the like button I have not done well I did the front lawn the front lawn's already been top dressed this year already with carbonized PN the back lawn I'm Still Holding Out Alex says here's the thing I was not planning on doing it but Alex told me he wants to do some spot top dressing so we got to get that planned we got to get that done you know what will probably happen is for as close as we are to the Fourth of July we're probably not going to do it before then but after Fourth of July it would be good we go you know we'll be good to go so he's gonna probably have company over she won't have on looking you know I'm looking nice you don't want to have sand all over the lawn whenever you have company over so I would imagine after the Fourth of July is when we um we'll do some some spot top dressing is what he said to me his idea not mine so yeah but yeah the front one's already had it's top dressing this year and is looking um is looking looking good looking good next up we have Mr Don Vasquez Don Vasquez he says uh nope uh actually no but actually we have Steven uh Steven Thompson he says uh still doing some spot leveling so not under regulation yet waiting for it to grow all the way in although then it's Primo time nice sounds like a plan Steven I like it then next up we got Don Vasquez he says holy smokes this rain is blowing blowing us out in Augusta hope your yard is draining Well Ron it is it is this is what it looks like as of uh uh I don't know an hour and a half ago so um this is what it looked like on Tuesday so it was raining like absolute crazy craziness you can see Heavy super heavy rainfall and when that happens the lake forms and then that's the net result of that and then this afternoon I right before the live stream I mowed it double cut it and this is what it looks like uh right now so that's that's the that's the lawn as it sits right before the show so so yeah it drained out very nicely despite all the heavy rainfall we had this uh this year again one of the biggest reasons one of the biggest benefits to top Rising your lawn is not the fact that it looks smooth like a golf course like that the big one of the biggest benefits that I didn't really anticipate or account for when I first when I first top dressed was drainage like one of the best parts about it literally is you see like that you say oh wow it's gonna be there for like a couple of days nope literally hours later as soon as it stops raining hours later it's all gone it's just it's all gone it drains out of the lawn very very quickly so it's a one of the best best parts um that you that you don't really realize that comes for from Top dressing along right all right so next up is Gordon he says I put out Colin Bermuda C last weekend I've been watering evening morning with no Sprouts any suggestions okay it's only been last weekend so you gotta remember the the fastest germinating Bermuda grass seed that I have come across is Arden 15. that germinated nine days after I planted it most Bermuda grass seed does not do that in most cases you're looking in between between 14 to 21 days for it to grow given that you applied it last weekend you're not even you shouldn't even be looking for it to start germinating yet really I would say this time next week you might start seeing some Sprout but really it's that it's that kosher that three week period is uh is when you should expect Bermuda to begin growing in so yeah it's still too early if you had Fescue yeah Fescue would be germinating already but Bermuda not so much Bermuda Kentucky Bluegrass not so much as you it's only been you know it's been five days four or five days so it's not not not enough time is yet for Bermuda to uh to grow in Gordon it should as long as you did everything properly like you did your prep work properly you you know you um you applied this grass seed um well and then you know you drug it in you raked it in that shouldn't it shouldn't be a problem with it growing in but just it's just going to take a bit more just going to take a bit more a bit more time a bit more time for it to grow in okay next up is no name he says Hey Ron and fellow lawn enthusiasts happy Friday Eve looking forward to some good lawn chat finishing up um um Mom uh right now I'm not sure uh Mo ammo right now okay yeah dude that's the thing I I get it like literally we finally got a break in the weather so like long across Georgia all Lawn Care all Lawn Care crazies are all out there like mowing their lawns like now I've been waiting just chumbled a bit to get out there and mow so uh I didn't only do one I double cut it because it really needed it so I I hear you no name no problem at all with getting that lawn uh done Gary Freeman's up next he says Hey Ron hashtag shock averaging gang uh soggy it is it is a wet it's been a wet week here in Georgia but hey it's good it was good stuff right I mean the thing is we're never happy right we want it to rain we want it to rain right after our fertilizer application or granular buyer similar applications but outside of that we just want rainfall when we want it and you know we're just we're just never happy but the lawn is definitely uh gonna is gonna benefit from it so oh it's all good it's all good I can't um I can't complain all right so I have a picture here um Tony Cooper sent me a picture on Instagram I'm not sure what the question um uh uh oh yeah yeah here we go yeah so so before and afterwards so yeah so that's what you sent me so it's a before and after let me see if I get them both to show here so he did top dressing he wanted to show the before and then the after it's still filling in but for those of you guys have done top dressing and maybe you went a little bit heavy like you said you know what Ron always says to go light but you know what I'm a little heavier what why not just go a little bit heavier and get it get it all done in one one uh one go so he's showing a picture here some pictures here of his lawn and this is what he started out as when he did his top dressing again which is a bit on the yeah I mean a little unhappy side not not crazy hairy but definitely you know he put some he got some sand down there it's definitely a low spot in the lawn it went from that to once this loads that so you can see how how nicely with some heat and sunlight because he's definitely no problem with shading that part of the of the uh the lawn um how quickly it can it can recover so from that to that so yeah so given given temperatures Bermuda does uh bounce back um fairly well fairly uh fairly quickly just got to give it just give it time you know I mean that's the big thing so thanks for sharing those pictures with us uh Tony I appreciate you uh sharing the of the progress of your top racing work so thanks again next we have T-1000 he says it rained hard in actually and I saw your thing I'll come back to your question is it rained hard in Austin Texas last night grass is Emerald City green roof however probably needs a replacement so you got you got this you know I just think you know folks in Texas I gotta tell you guys you know I'm gonna go on record here and say you guys are I mean as far as like a complaining Bunch like it's either it's either it's too hot it's super hot it's just you know the you know the Lord hates us the the the you know we've got it's a desert there's no bouncing back this is the end this is the big one Milan's done for or it's raining too much my roof's gonna I need a roof replacement you guys are either feast or family man there's no keeping you guys happy I gotta tell you but yeah the good benefit to a T-1000 is you do have a nice green you know nice this time of year the lawn really should be popping back with a nice nice color with all this rainfall so there is that all right next up is Anna she says after weed control how long do I wait to overseed is it too late uh terms uh term hair range oh temps here range from 60 to 80 now Okay so I don't I don't know where you are Anna that's part of this that would be really helpful if you have if you're in Southeast Georgia so you're you know you've got like warm season grass you what should happen is once you kill the weeds um if you have Bermuda overseeding really shouldn't be necessary because those areas where the weeds used to be the Bermuda will grow into it will spread into those areas if you have some bare spots what you can do is you can transfer grass take plugs from the existing um Parts you're on they're doing well and transfer those to the area that are now bare from um from killing off the weeds the reason why I'm I'm trying to steer you away from from over seeding especially if you have horses and grass is that it's hot it's highly unlikely that it's not going to match like if you have tiffway and you go and you get like Monica or Yukon like I've never seen those those two together personally so I don't know how well they would look together tiffway and um like rn15 or tiffway and Princess 77 look really reasonably good together but I don't know how other cultivars would um would look when when mixed and the thing with Bermuda grass seed is once it's there once it's in the only way to really get rid of it is to is to do a renovation like you gotta it's really you can't you cannot you can't selectively remove um from one Bermuda grass type from a lawn once it's in there so I don't know where you are so it's hard to answer your question you say 60s to 80. so it kind of makes you sound like you're up north somewhere if that's the case then yes overseeding is something you can do the the problem with doing it this time of year is if the temperatures are going to get a lot higher than the 80s so if you get if if where you live in the country it's going to go into the 90s or low 100s cool season grass seed is going to have a hard time staying alive this time of year now if you're in the somewhere in northern northern climate um and your lawn happens to have shade like you got some trees to where it's not getting the brunt of the summer heat in that case yeah you can absolutely go out and use like a blend of rye grass and Kentucky Bluegrass um to to fill in to fill in bare spots if you want to it's really more for warm season grass that I really don't recommend um using overseeding as a way to fix bare spots because Bermuda as a grass type once it's getting enough sunlight and heat it spreads very aggressively you really shouldn't have to overseed it to fill in areas that are no longer being occupied by the week AIDS so hope that helps next up is Trevor Johnson he says happy Thursday Ron and all finishing up a mo right now and came across some adult June bugs I treated with a seller print I see a couple times over the season as recommended rates thoughts um interesting Trevor so you found an adult June bugs in your lawn they were alive huh um I mean you could do another application you absolutely could I mean I for me normally one app does it man I normally get one up down done in uh April time frame late March early April time frame and it carries me you know throughout the summer without without any issues if you're worried about it you can you can do another app of a celebrant because you said you did it earlier we said it a couple times earlier this season so you shouldn't have that shouldn't be a problem I mean you uh what rate did you use Trevor if you use the rate that I have good success with um as a as a broad catch-all rate is 0.2 right here 0.2 ounces uh over a thousand square feet now you can go for certain insects all the way up into the 0.4 range but I find like you know why use more of the product if you don't need to so what I normally do is point two like point two ounces with uh over over a thousand square feet has worked well for me and was worked well for for a lot for people that that tend to give me feedback after they started switching to a seller print so I'm not sure what's going on with your lawn why you are seeing uh why you're seeing June bugs that really shouldn't be I really shouldn't be a thing are they alive are they dead when you see them uh so that that would be another question but if you applied it at that rate the 0.20 rate and it was applied properly you you know you did a good even application and you watered it in after application you really shouldn't have um issues with grubs June bugs you shouldn't have uh it shouldn't be really a problem in your lawn this time of year so so um so yeah if you don't mind Trevor I'm interested now send me a picture of what you got going on um this is my email address Ron at golf courselawn.com so say send me an email send me an email in that email tell me like when you did the applications what rate you use and then also sent me a picture of the June bug if you or the insect um if you uh if you can if you can do that I'd like to see what you're dealing with all right next up is Alex ricciano he says Hey Ron what's your recommendation I'm dropping my how to cut back down to one inch it's currently at two and a quarter inches hmm hopefully I can move tomorrow or Saturday morning pgr just arrived super quick shipping thanks you are welcome thank you for um for the support we do try to ship process as quickly as possible okay so your recommendation for dropping your hat now it depends man so are you a Band-Aid off quickly kind of guy or are you someone that wants to maintain as much color as possible as you step the lawn back down from Two and a quarter to one inch if you take it all down if you take it down in one go it's gonna look ugly for about a week so that's uh that's what you're gonna be dealing with if you decided to take it down in one in one shot if you decide you want to preserve as much color and step it down over time then you're gonna pick you're gonna take two weeks and every time you mow you're gonna reduce the height of cut slightly you know a quarter of an inch each time and then that's that way you're going to get back down to one inch while maintaining as much color as possible if it were me I would just cut the lawn I would just take it down to one inch and then continue mowing it so once they get down to that to that height start mowing it at one inch start training it to get used to being to growing at that height of cut it's gonna look uglier but it's gonna you know it's again you look at about a week or so of it looking not that great versus like this this game you're playing where you know okay I gotta drop you know I gotta drop my more by one notch or I got to reset the height of cut on my real mower down to you know uh by a quarter of an inch each time it's kind of a pain so you know in my case it's exactly what I did today I I my long grew probably to an inch to an inch or so I mean with all the rain it's had and it hasn't had any mowing for almost four days and I just whacked it all down wiped it back down to 0.70 and this is what it uh it looks like as of right now so it still looks pretty decent I'll probably have some areas a little bit lighter than others but overall so it looks good so it really depends on you Alex that's what I'm trying to say if you if you're someone with the word it looking a little less good for a week or so it's not going to bother you you can do it in one go if it will bother you take two weeks and just step it down um each time you'll just learn how to cut a little bit each time and that's a way to preserve color while you get back down to one inch Ray Antonio he says yes air H and river sand only no mix a lot of low errors in my three-year-old Bermuda saw it thanks Ron Okay cool so they're only doing River sounds there's not really going to be a whole lot of organic material as far as what they're going to be putting down as well so if they will aerate and if they're they'll allow you to put out some essential G or some other Rich compost you want to use something that doesn't have a bunch of trash in it so essential G no garbage in it highly recommend it great product uh that that is what I would say to to do between the aeration and them actually putting down the sand if you can also allow them to convince you to put a fertilizer down in between the aeration and the sand going down that would be good too the service around here that I've used in the past like um the like salmon top nursing one that's done my lawn a couple of times they they throw that in there as part of the process so they will aerate they will they'll do a bio stimulant they'll aerate they will put down a fertilizer they spray liquid fertilizer and then they will um they will Top dress it in years past they did a granular this last time I used a liquid so uh so yeah it just depends on on what all they're going to do if it's just aerating sand in between that air rate and sand I'll be like hey man I can have like you know 10-15 minutes run around the lawn and put some some uh some uh compost down some like you have some Central G down and a granular fertilizer if they allow you to do that that's the thing that I would say to do um in between that in between those two steps and be sure to take pictures before during and after you wanna you wanna have uh you know a record of how the lawn has developed all right we got uh the lawn Dad up here's a separon great stuff man I appreciate it London thank you for coming to hang out in the live stream thanks for taking some time out of your Thursday evening to come by and say hi we got Xavier you got morrow in the house what's going on Morrow hope you're doing well sir next we have Clara Texas she says hi Ron love your Channel Total newbie uh cool season Washington State see I like how this question is being asked already she says hey this is where I am this is the kind of grass I have good stuff got soil test results and measured my lawn wow plus 10 points low nitrogen potassium sulfur and Boron high phosphorus overwhelmed what tips on getting started all right so you have low nitrogen potassium you got enough phosph and you have high phosphorus you have a phosphor streamline so what you need is a fertilizer that has nitrogen that has potassium has a bit of sulfur in it and no phosphorus so I have a granular that will do that uh uh Clara I have one that will uh that will do that um unfortunately and as far as my granular I don't have one that has boron in it you can get that you can spray that in a you know as far as using a micronutrient so this is what I would do um if you have a broadcast spreader like you know to spread Grant to apply granular fertilizer what you can go with is so go to the golf course lawn store go to shop and then lawn fertilizer and then what you're going to want to go with is you have two options you can go with humic Max which has the six the number way this works is it's a 1608 so the 16 16 number is nitrogen the zero is the phosphorus which you don't need any of that so that has no phosphorus in it and then finally you have the eight which is your potassium right so 16 nitrogen eight percent potassium and this also has some sulfur in it as well I think this is like 3.8 percent let me see here I'm going to tell you real quick let's look at the label together shall we so according to the label this has uh let's see here so you've got yeah 3.8 sulfur in this right so this will this is going to fix your your nitrogen your potassium and your sulfur problem if you want um a bit of a micronutrient as well that's also um a non-phosphorus fertilizer you can consider the stress uh this is a nice one too in that it also has some micronutrients in it so you have um again your nitrogen your potassium no phosphorus but it also contains a little bit of iron a little bit of Manganese um and it uh and all of these all these fertilizers that I'm showing here between those two the stress or the humic max also contain a bit of humic acid the stress also can has a has the benefit of having some kelp in it of The Chew given that you're in Washington and you have you like likely have a cool season lawn what I would say to go with is the uh is the stress that is the one that I would um would lean towards this one a reason being too is the nitrogen that's in this is it has more slow release nitrogen meaning it's gonna it's going to make itself available to the plant slower than humic Max will again both of these are excellent but this is going to produce this is going to produce more growth faster this is still going to produce great growth but it's going to it's going to release the nitrogen a bit slower and it's more it's a more Complete product than humic Max's so For You especially with you being in Washington and you have Coalition grass so the stress the 120 or 24 as I talk through it more and more this is the one I'm going to say to go with and as far as sulfur goes it has a higher percentage of um of sulfur which um which is what you want right so as far as sulfur this has got 9.5 sulfur see so where is human Max is 3.8 percent this is nine percent almost 10 sulfur which is which is also going to help address that deficiency as well so I think overall as we speak through it as you and I we work through this together I think the 12024 is going to be your jam so I'm going to send that to you here in the chat at uh Clara uh again congrats on taking on the challenge of work on your lawn yourself it's really not that hard the thing is you did a soil test and you you did a soil test already which is you're already way ahead of the game because now when you're applying products like the one I just linked to you there when you apply that you're not guessing like you're literally giving the soil what it needs and your lawn is going to thank you for it so outside of that lots of mowing is going to be the uh the next the next recommendation if you want to also do address the Boron deficiency you can use a liquid micronutrient like um like nutrisol so again in the same lawn fertilizer section right here this product this neutralsolve has all of them so um Boron copper iron manganese molybdenum a little bit of sulfur and then a little and also some zinc as well so as far as having all your micros this also has you covered so you can use this for to address your micro your microstraint deficiency or the Boron if you're really concerned about that and then you use the the 12024 to do the heavy lifting so that is what I would um I would do on your lawn if you can only do one of them the 12024 is the one that I would say is is the more important of uh The Chew and I will give you the micronutrient as well so good so you're all good to go all right next up is latonjo Moore she says hello Ron the manual real mower was just delivered uh by Amazon I'm stuck finishing up work while I watch the live stream wish me luck putting it together and giving it a try this weekend yeah it's not going to be that bad latanja it's uh they are not hard to put together and you know I think you sent me pictures of your lawn I think you did um yeah so you guys want to see another top dressing uh before and after so this is let me say I can do the sequence properly here okay so this is latonja's lawn let me just even get them get them right here this is the before this is the before not bad you can see the fur babies out in the lawn styling and profiling doing this thing not bad right and then this is the during this is uh while she's doing the top dressing she got a top person done and she is uh watering it in you can see her running uh irrigation there um you know she old school man she got that got the got the hose out and just move with the spring the the irrigation does the spray around to water it to water it in and of course no transformation would be complete without some after photos so you go from that to now this take a look at that color that is looking sweet and then she sent me another picture as well showing the showing off the final the final work take a look here take a look at that that is pretty sweet I gotta hand it to you latonja great job um you know on the on the top dressing work the lawn looks uh the lawn looks great and the thing is when you put a real Mower on that oh oh it's gonna get even better it's gonna get that much better so good stuff you got your mower you got your reel more put it together here's the thing when you first get it assembled start a little bit higher and just work your way down you know so you because Amanda reel more is not hard to use but Cadence needs to be like for to work properly does take some adjusting to get used to so start with it you know where it's higher up or it's still cutting the grass or it's taking off some it's over the higher and then just work your high to cut down to the height of cut that you like you know I recommend you know three quarters of an inch that's a good height of cut three quarters of an inch to an inch that will work well and then as good as this looks now the color looks it looks fabulous great I mean the color is really nice on that it's going to look even better once you start real mowing it's going to start it's going to tighten up and it's just gonna look really good so great work key was posted thank you for sending the pictures I want to show everyone the fruits of all your hard labor so keep going you are on your way ma'am keep it keep it going next up is Alex reciano he says oh I forgot I figured out the brown spots in my lawn are where there is serious compaction even with the rain I can't stick a screwdriver in how would you go about fixing this in a new lawn so with the rainfall it still has softened the ground up some Alex so uh core aeration you know what I mean if in your case it's going to be multiple passes to be able to pull that off but I mean that's going to be the way to to help solve this problem um you're going to get out there with a core aerator ideally if you can find one most of them allow you to add weight some of them have like a tank you add water to them some have a standalone weight if you can um you'll get one of the ones that take water you could do that maybe you can also rig it somehow to put you know some extra weight on it to really help those tines penetrate the soil that will help it and it may take multiple passes multiple you know passes on the lawn to get it to to break into the soil and to help relieve that compaction but yeah a core aerator is what you're going to want to use do not mess around don't waste your time with um with liquid aeration products I mean they they are fine to use afterwards but as far as you know getting getting a real head start on relieving that compaction you're going to want to go with mechanical aeration if you're interested in some tips on doing that along with a video that shows how I like to go about it um and we have a blog post that talks all about core aeration I think it's on page two now yep there we go how to court erase your lawn look at that and it talks about the benefits of doing it how to do it make sure you know the tips make sure the ground isn't Frozen or hard uh the time of year temperatures that kind of thing um what to do after your core aerate again essential G and a fertilizers are good is a good idea and and there you go so this video is the one I'm talking about that shows the technique that I like to use with a core aerator that will that makes it a less um a less burdensome process it makes the process a bit easier so so check this out I'm going to link it to you here in the chat and that will get you on your way to uh to getting your lawn in in good shape Alex so uh so yeah there's only there's only one way around it I mean you've gotta he's the only one way to believe that compaction and aeration is going to be is what's going to be in the cards for you so I'm glad you diagnosed it you got to the bottom of it good stuff all right next up is um we have a question here from a question from real let me see one before first one here from real mowers saying I'm trying to calibrate a couple broadcasts um and handheld spreaders what product would you would you put in there that won't burn or mess up mess anything up I would use the product that you intend to use intend to use you know what I mean you said I don't want to practice with my Lebanon 14 7 14. if that's what you intend to use in the spreader that is what you should calibrate it with um realm hours here's the thing what you can do is just start start very very light you know I mean like if the if the spreader calls for a setting like on an earth Wave It's calls for a setting of say 10 set it to like eight set it to where it's a lot it's smaller where hardly anything is coming out and then you can use you can you can work up to um you can work out your calibration work out your calibration that way without fear of of burning the lawn you know the the what I would say is you're gonna go over a thousand square feet right so let's see for the 14714 I think it's I think it's four pounds right around four pounds is what it takes um so in that case what I would do is I would take I would get a five pound bucket stick it on or a five gallon bucket put it on a scale and measure out and put like like zero the scale I put say five pounds of product into it like five pounds of the fertilizer into the bucket right because even though the the you're gonna be looking to apply one say four pounds per thousand square feet you don't want to do exactly four pounds because you know this the hopper doesn't empty out all the way evenly so having that extra pound in there to make sure that it it's moving it's progressing smoothly through the spreader is a good idea so take so measure out just only five pounds and then you you'll make out your measure out let's say at 20 by 50 foot section of your lawn right because you know that's a thousand square feet and then whatever the setting is maybe start a little bit smaller and then walk that section with it with the five pounds of product in there right if you go a little bit heavy it's okay because the that the rate that I'm telling you like that um the lower end of the of the application rate for that uh the 14714 room for cubic Max rates that I recommend is going to have you putting out about a half a pound of nitrogen so even if you went a little bit heavier you're you'll end up putting out like six tenths or seven tenths pound of nitrogen you're still safe you're not going to burn the lawn but you can do this you can repeat this process a couple of times it really should take more than two to three times to to get your your setting dialed in with that particular spreader with the fertilizer that you're going to be applying because you know every spreader can be a little bit different like the level the the earthway spreaders I find to be pretty good as far as I'm from spreader to spreader the settings being about where they should be um if you have a Scot spreader those two tend to have a little more variation in them so just I would say I would calibrate the product that you intend to use with the spreader that you intend to apply it with and just put just enough put a pound more in the spreader than what you intend to apply over a thousand square feet and when you finish when you walk a thousand square feet if you get halfway done or you get like three quarters away done you're looking at you say wow I'm not going to make it setting's too heavy if you get like you know three quarters away there you're like wow hardly anything's come out settings too light so you can just adjust that according and literally after a cup do this you know two or three times you know you you'll two three rounds of this you'll be able to get the setting dialed in just right and you'll you'll know going forward hey this setting this fertilizer this setting good to go you know what I mean so that's how I would go about um doing that to to to get it dialed as good as you can while minimizing risk to uh your lawn we've got a question here from King's study he says is it possible to make common Bermuda look good yes yeah of course you can look good it's it's um you just like if you're real mowing it I'll be this way the rules for making common Bermuda look good are the same rules for making hybrid Bermuda look good or the same rules where you can Fescue look good the more you mow it the better it's going to look now is the leaf going to be as fine as a hybrid no but if you're if you mow common Bermuda at an inch three quarters of an inch you know somewhere in there it can look really good and it's just if you keep up with your mowing frequency it's gonna it's gonna be a great looking stand of grass you know what I mean I mean you're in other words your lawn your common Bermuda mode two to three times a week this time of year is going to look better than a hybrid Bermuda lawn that's only mowed once a week even though it's common Bermuda so it's it really is in the mowing yes yes the grass type you the the the texture of the leaf and the color that is a thing but it but it really comes down to mowing like mowing masks a lot of stuff like if you're mowing more it's going to look good so I would say make sure you're you're feeding it properly make sure you're giving it you know good diet of nitrogen enough n to keep it going well growth regulator Primo Max is a great product to use on common Bermuda if you are certainly good comments which you have the application rate for Primo for common is quite a bit higher it's 0.75 per thousand per month so you're going to take that rate and cut it in half so you're going to be at like point three eight ish thereabouts um and that's and if you're applying on the first and the 15th and so between Primo a good new ship program and regular mowing you can make a common Bermuda lawn look great so I I wouldn't don't think that I have common Bermuda you know it's I can't you know my lawn can never look good that's just simply not true if you gather in your boat you take care of it it can look awesome so hope that helps sir definitely hit me up if you have any other questions next up we have Tony Israel he says um Hey Ron I've noticed small black beetles on the surface the lawn uh dead on site thank goodness I applied Caravan G two weeks ago mm-hmm or whatever they are looks like caravan's doing the job I must um I didn't see which Richard follow-up your follow-up is I don't see your follow-up Tony so if I see it I'll um we'll revisit it but yeah I'm glad to hear that the insecticide that you used is uh knocking out the the insects that's good excellent uh Phyllis Lawrence is up here she says hi cuz welcome thank you hey Phil let's thanks for coming to hang out I appreciate you on the live stream thank you so much for the love support coming in on Facebook as well and then next up we got Omar Garcia he says oh I forgot to forget forgot to mention my house faces West so it gets blasted all day with sun which is why I want warm season in the front and cool season in the back kbg I have now is super demanding on Water I got you okay that makes sense I mean if you got an area that takes that gets a little bit less sunlight I mean kbg still needs sunlight but it gets a little less sunlight that's um you know that can you know if it causes in grass like a Fescue like a Riley Kentucky Bluegrass can be a good option and then the area that gets you know to your point to your uh to use your words get blasted with sunlight for a lot of the day Bermuda or Zoysia will do very well there Brent Mattingly is up next he says Hey Ron I have some crabgrass or Dallas grass in my Fescue is it okay to spray with tenacity with the temperature between 90 to uh to 100 here in Oklahoma um I don't recall if tenacity has any temperature restrictions but I don't believe so I've read the lid a couple of times and I don't recall seeing a temperature restriction for tenacity uh that said um if you're just spot spraying so you're just spot spraying just the crabgrass it should be okay again you're likely going to get some mild discoloration in the grass around the weed that you're targeting but if you're just spot spraying it should be all right as far as Dallas grass tenacity is not going to do a whole lot against that so it's I mean I know Dallas grass people think Dallas grass and crabgrass look similar I don't really find so I mean they they look I mean look the kind of similar I mean in other words like I guess Dallas grass looks more like crab grass than say like nutsedge looks like crabgrass I will give you that but the two look pretty fairly different um so yeah so can you do it yes will you likely get some some mild discoloration that will be temporary to the lawn and the surrounding area that you spray yes so uh you know but the thing with crab grass is it's easier to control is easier to control when it is younger than when it gets older you could try tenacity you could also go with like quinlorac that will work as well for Crabgrass uh again with the temperatures that high you are likely going to get a little bit of discoloration if you decide to go forward with uh with concoric against the crabgrass and again if it is Dallas grass that you have dig it out get a shovel get a weeding tool that's going to be your best bet for eliminating Dallas scratch or Milan but crab grass there are options to selectively control it in a residential lawn for for Dallas grass not so much not so much next up is Dan is Don Vasquez he says do the golf greens in your era use bent grass or Bermuda I don't know I don't know I don't I don't know I don't know the answer to that Donna much I am not sure if they have bent grass or um um Bermuda I know there are some that use that have like a um a dwarf there's a there's a dwarf Bermuda that some of them use but I don't know I don't know if anyone around here that uses bent grass that's a good question um I don't know I don't know of anyone that used bent grass I do know I do know of some that use um like a like a dwarf a dwarf Bermuda but not uh not not a bent grass so that's a good question I can I'll find out for you I can ask um what's near me chicopee's nearby and there's a few more there's a few other courses that are nearby here I can I can ask them what they what they use for their greens all right next is uh done I think oh actually we already answered their question um so I'll look at that Dawn and the next up is Scott uh silver she says Hey Ron thanks for the advice on my low potassium and product advice looking forward to receiving some stressful 024 awesome Scott happy to help out uh let me know how it works out for you the results or the response from that fertilizer have been you know overwhelmingly positive really all 11 fertilizers I mean they you know it's not the cheapest stuff but it is very very good it's very good stuff it's very good very excellent product they do a really good job making fertilizer so uh so I think you'll be very happy with the results you get from the uh from the product next up is Mark Luna he says uh hello Ron I have Bermuda weather here is in the hundreds that's hot I have a nut such problem I have certainty coming tomorrow well I have issues using it on those temps planning on spot spraying in the evening if you're just spot spraying um it's going to at 100 degree temperatures it's gonna it's not gonna take very much like two to three scoops of surgery of the small Scoops is going to absolutely devastate the sedges it um with those types of temperatures I I have not gotten discoloration from spraying um certainty to control sedges in my lawn when temps were in the 90s you know I mean we don't get hundreds here consistently in Georgia very much we may have a week or two where you have like some days where it gets in the hundreds so you might you might get some mild discoloration in the area that you're spot spraying but it'll be temporary but the sedges are absolutely going to get crushed by it so I would say that just you know it's it's a worthwhile trade obviously what I'm trying to say it's not going to kill your grass but you might get some mild discoloration that'll be temporary um you know if you decide to go to go forward that you know so it's really your call if it were me I would get rid of the sedges I would I would take I would like to take the the slight hit to Green in that area and control the sedges because certainly does a great job against it that this time of year when you do an application it's going to absolutely smoke it and you're you know you won't have to deal with it again for this season so hope that helps sir um you know if you decide to if you really want to um you know it will it may help it make help cause I mean cause a bit more discoloration in the grass but as far as really um you know getting the sedges and taking them out if you can mix a little bit of surfactant with it with certainty that will uh that's gonna help help you get better control against the sedges too if you don't if you want to omit the surfactant you could do that um and then just see I mean with 100 degree times it's still going to work very well but if you if you emit surfactant it's going to be the likelihood of it of it discoloring your lawn is going to be reduced versus if you do have surfactant but also the herbicide doesn't work quite as well without it so it's really your call if you want to try it first you want to try on a spring certainty first without surfactant given that you have 100 degree temps and seeing and see what kind of that's not certainty I've seen certainty um not since you have 100 degree times and you want to see what kind of results you get um I I wouldn't be mad at you I mean worst case you know three weeks from now you do another application with a little bit of surface and that'll knock it out or if you just say hey you know what I'm fine with it I don't care if I have a little bit of discoloration that's temporary then mix certainty and a little bit of spreader sticker and the sedges will be gone we'll get rid of them all right so we have another Super Chat let me get down here and grab that really quick this one is from Mr Omar Garcia thank you so much Omar I really do appreciate it he said I sent you a picture of my kbg on Insta that was mowed as of five minutes ago grew it from seed but I can't hand water what Zoysia would you recommend I can't look at the pictures on Instagram right now because I'm streaming on Instagram so I can't like move over it would it would break the stream so I will get an answer for you Omar I will look uh after the live stream is over and I'll get you an answer um as far as Zoysia types um I'll tell you I don't like um I'll tell you the ones that I don't like I mean so Xeon Xeon and emerald would be at the top of my list those one of those two would be the top of my list look at them and decide which one looks better to you the zoysius that I am not as much of a fan of I don't really like um I like the way El Toro looks as much and also Compadre which I have in on the back patio in a little pot I don't like how that one looks as well again it's me personally there's people that probably love El Toro and love Compadre but for me I'm not a fan of um the El Toro because the the leaf is a bit thicker it's a little bit thicker than I would like whereas Xeon and emerald is a fine relief so for me those would be on my short list I would look at those two look at the two of them see which color which one you like better from the color and texture perspective and go with uh go with that so I hope that helps Omar thank you for the Super Chat I really do appreciate it all right next up is um Mac Xena says Hey Ron what would you recommend this come from Instagram what would you recommend for tall fescue maintenance during the summer I'm in Charlotte North Carolina thanks I would mow it I would mow it I would use a moisture manager and then if you're going to fertilize I would use a slower release fertilizer like the 12024 so um you know Fescue this time of year Fescue can do all right in the summer but there's no reason to push uh you know a lot of quick release nitrogen through at this time of year so I would go with something like the 12024 for feeding and then make sure you're mowing it with sharp equipment because that's going to help minimize the chances of disease problems and then if you can get a moisture manager down like hydrotain or foreplay then it's going to go through you know this the this the summer without without too much problems at all you know make sure you have water on it feed it properly and then mow it that's going to be pretty much this pretty much the same thing you do with Bermuda with the exception of the Bermuda you can use a more aggressive fertilizer like like humic Max you could do that I mean you could use your mic Max on on fescue but I feel that the the 12's or 24 is a better fit for cool season lawns in the summer than um than something like humic Max so hope that helps um you know if you want a link to where you can find them I'll just send you a links to collection of where they all are and uh you can find them right here so hope that helps I really do appreciate you watching on the gram if you need anything else let me know next is Anna she is uh she's back actually no Am I Wrong um let me see well Anna I'll answer your question as I'm going to find the next person say thank you so much for doing Q a and for your videos very informative you're very very welcome Anna thank you so much for watching because if you are not here to watch I'd be talking to myself and that would be a lot less fun it'd be a lot less fun talking to myself than talking to you guys all right next is is uh let's see what we got here I think we got a uh Charles Charles and Denton Charles and Denton says best grass seed options both warm and cool season for Southeast Chattanooga Tennessee areas I do have irrigation but hard uh Hard lawn it depends like which it depends on what you like if you want something that's going to grow in quick let's talk about closing first if you want something that's gonna that's gonna grow in very quickly uh Fescue and Fescue looks pretty I mean if it's going to be a taller grass so if you want like a taller grass then a fesculon if you want a grass that you can real mow at shorter Heights then rye grass or Kentucky Bluegrass Kentucky Bluegrass will likely tolerate the heat a bit better than the ryegrass will um so it just it really it's a tough question to answer answer because without knowing what your preference is if you like a taller grass if you're rotary mowing it then Fescue it's gonna you know it and rye grass are both gonna establish really quickly but the Fescue is going to tolerate summer tolerant heat of it better than rye grass and kbg is also a great looking grass type a bit slower and longer to establish from seed but um but the advantage it has is that it can be real mode whereas Fescue I mean I guess technically you could reimote at three inches but I mean if you want to go short you can't really do that with uh with Fescue for warm season grass uh Bermuda Bermuda if you really want to do it from seed than Bermuda Bermuda would be a good option um Yukon or Monaco either of those will work well unless I can convince you to go hybrid which is going to be sod and that's going to be mean going to like say Tahoma 31 which would be a great a nice a nice option so if you're set on seed then a Fescue or kbg and then if you want a um if you're for your warm season grass you know I'm partial to Bermuda so I would say uh Yukon or Monaco if you want a seated option and if you want the option that I would go if I were going to do your lawn I would say go with a sod and do to homo 31. so hope that helps Charles and Denton I appreciate the question and let me know which one you end up going with uh Doug 350Z says buffalo grass might be an option up north too yep I've never actually I'm not sure I've ever seen buffalo grass in person you know the videos I've seen in buffalo grass have been in um it's it's more popular in Australia like you see organization but it's popular in Australia like you see some Lawns that have that are buffalo grass lawns in uh in Australia so I'm not I've not seen one in person myself here in the U.S I hate you pop up next thing let's all hit the like button it's free thank you higgy it is free it's a free way to help support the channel so if you guys are enjoying the live stream um then hit the like button costs you absolutely nothing how about that not many things you can do in life that can help someone else out that is absolutely Gratis right Teddy T is up next he says hey I'm in Florida I have not yet fertilized this season um but I'm about to feed it with Milo and then spot spray some broad weeds I'm also going to put in some plugs in some bare areas okay uh my question is do you think I'm too late for the ultimate growth this season or should I see some progress in my lawn still you should still see some progress on your lawn still Teddy um what I would say is if you're looking to get the lawn to If you're looking forward to pick it up growth faster Milo is not what I would use I would use a synthetic blend fertilizer like um I'll show you here if you come over here too the golf course lawn store on the floor fertilizer section I would go with one of these three you know based on your shortest results humic Max the complete 4714 or the 12024 any of these are going to produce a color response faster than a malorganite is um if you said you know I want Milo because I want an organic fertilizer that's more my jam then um I would go with the Miramichi or premium organic for a couple of reasons one of a cost per application is less than Milo and it's a better product in pretty much every way so it's a balance fertilizer meaning you have equal amounts of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium it has a microbial package in it it's got some humid in it it's got some iron in it it's got some calcium and it's got It's got a lot it's got a lot more going for it than Milorganite does and per thousand square feet it's actually cheaper so I mean that's this is that this is being shipped to your door right so um by far if you want like a non-toxic option this is what I would do if you want if you're looking to get a color response faster than humic Max or the stress 12024 um either one of those would be good options if you don't need phosphorus if you if you do need phosphorus then the complete 74 14714 so that is what I would say personally I would not I wouldn't do Milo um mainly because right now it's just not really a good deal and there's better options that cost that cost less and if you're looking to get growth faster go with um like a synthetic blend because you got to figure two also in addition with these um with these fertilizers uh Teddy you're also not only getting uh nitrogen and potassium um but you're also getting humic acid which is a bio stimulant which helps the fertilizer work better and in these two guys like in the complete 4714 and in the stress you also get kelp right so it's a as far as comparing these to Milo it's not they're not even the same universe as far as as far as um you know the benefits it's going to have to your soil and then by extension your your grass so that is what I would do I would look at one of those I will send you a link here to where you can find those because that's what I think you're gonna um there's a better a better fit for what you're trying to do in your lawn so hope that helps all right we got a super chat here let me get down here and grab that really quick this one is from Jim and then Jim this is your very first Super Chat according what the my software's telling me so if that is so thank you so much I really do appreciate it should appreciate your content thank you Jim I really do appreciate it uh you you um you letting me know and and watching the content you know it means a lot there's a lot of there's a lot of content that's uploaded to YouTube so you definitely have options so I appreciate you guys taking some time you know out of your Thursday evening to watch or to come hang out with me you know talk about Turf and um and also to watch some of the other longer form content as well so I really do I really do appreciate it Anna is up next she says thank you so much for doing the Q a and the video is very informative you're very very welcome Anna thank you for watching and then Veda she says uh Golf Course lawn store thank you you're very welcome Veda no problem at all hopefully the the answer was uh was helpful and again congrats on taking on the challenge or working on your lawn yourself hopefully the guidance is going to be useful for you next up we got Mr Tom hoffenkamp he says hello Ron and hello and fellow lawn enthusi yes just level my uh Salon was sand on Monday but you know what we need to start we need to start a new tradition whenever I get from the going forward because normally whenever we have gear like someone gets some new gear like you know some new Mario equipment or an edge or something we clap it up whenever someone tells me you know what they did some top dressing we're gonna start clapping up for that too because that's a big accomplishment and it's worth uh worth acknowledgment so just finish leveling my lawn on Monday mode today left wheel marks it's okay um should I worry or will my daily lawn leveling tool dragging and brushing take care of this it'll be just fine no worries at all Tom the Little Wheel March you left in the lawn are gonna be just fine with you dragging it in it's going to get all um all even down I would not I would not worry about it at all let not your heart be troubled it will be just fine next up is heartfelt fashion he says Hey Ron do you treat your vanity strip differently than the rest of your lawn my vanity strip is Greening slower no no it gets the same it gets the same treatment I'm trying to think is there anything nope nope same same fertilizer same primo same mowing you know I will say this the vanity strip will and here's the thing the vanity strip does really show the vanity of all of this right so with the vanity strip the vanishing will typically get mowed like I guess like multiple passes because what happens is you guys know how if you mow in One Direction it um you know you'll get your light Stripes if you're looking at the stripe the grassland away from you and you get the darker if it's laying towards you when I tip with my mowing pattern normally I end up with like a light dark I end up with like um Let me show I get this right I end up with because I start from where from like where the driveway is I end up with uh dark light dark and coming up the street I prefer it to look the other way so I'll even though I'll I'll make up the first pass that way I'll go over the vanish strip again and lay the stripes in another Direction so it looks the way I like it to look whenever I'm driving for the house so that's the only thing that's really different the rest of the law doesn't get that kind of treatment the vanity strip does but as far as inputs it gets the same amount of Primo the same amount of fertilizer the same bio stimulants it's all the same thing um now you say yours is greeting up slower the one thing you got to realize too is that the vanity strip is also exposed to more heat so it is you know if you're not watering if it's not getting as much water it could cause it to struggle you know faster than other parts of your lawn because it's basically it's basically like a cocoa concrete so that could be a thing but um on my lawn uh Granger what I normally find is that the the vanity strip is the first areas to Green up and the last areas to go dormant in my it's what I find in my case so not sure what's going on but you know if the watering is on point the inputs are all the same and you're mowing it properly it really shouldn't be struggling I mean typically again areas that are near uh concrete tend to tend to do better because if at least for warm season grass because it's got that heat to help fuel the microbial activity and everything else really to help really help the lawn do well help the turf that area do well so I have not experienced any negatives with my vanity strip um compared to other parts of my line it typically is the best looking parts of the lawn so um so hope that helps Tom says brooming not brushing yeah it's safe it's fine Tom it's no worries I mean you got to realize too there's a couple of things you getting out there with a leveling rig or getting over there with a broom to help move it in is gonna help you know get rid of those little tire marks and also when it rains that's going to also help the Sands settle that that too between all what everything you're doing you're not creating ruts in the lawn it's going to be just fine nothing to worry about uh let's see here uh K jury says Hey Ron do you recommend getting a relief grind when getting your real sharpened um so here's the thing so there's a relief crime there's a spin grind which one of them can you backlack I think I think it's the relief ground that you can backlap right and spin and grind you cannot or is it the other way I'm trying to remember which which is which um on my outlet when Michael sharpened it he put a a release I think it is a relief practice that's what he typically said I believe it is relief cries when he put on my um on my outlet so if he reach out to the manufacturer for ask them what angles the bed knife should be ground to and for the and for also and also for the real and um he set it up to where it can be backlapped so I'm I'm I want to say it's a relief grind I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure um which grind should you do should you do whichever the manufacturer says so whatever they if they say that you're real embed knife they recommend spin grinding it then do it that way if they say relief grind it do it that way I would I would um I would listen to whatever they they recommend for your particular mower I'm fairly certain my mowers are set up with relief grinds next up is demarculus Thompson he says greetings Ron Henry or on happy Friday Eve uh thanks for helping my wife with the perfect Father's Day gift you are very very welcome you're very welcome she emailed me she's I think I think gives your wife that email me she says I'm looking for I need to get like a actually what she did was this she says you know what wrong you would be great you need to have like a gift card with your face on it for like for it'd be great for like gifts I'm like first of all no my face on a gift card no one wants that I mean I don't even want to see this I'm sure you guys don't want to see that and like gift cards we already have them they're on the store so I point her to it and um she uh she was able to to pick one up I think it was your wife that was the one that reached out to me that emailed and asked about asked about that so um so yeah all right next up is Phyllis she says no problem you are so welcome well I appreciate it I appreciate it Phyllis and those other things you could be doing on on a Thursday night you could be watching TV or whatever people do on Thursday nights you know what I mean but instead you are here even when it's outside our normal time because I mean I mess with you guys normally Friday night so I'm sure you guys are like creatures to have it you have things you have your Friday night plan and here I am I'm taking that away from you and I'm moving up a day earlier right and yet you guys still show up it really means a lot all right let's see here see pims is up next he says Hey Ron just found your channel recently all good stuff I wanted to hear your opinion on best ways to break up or have better drainage for a hard clay soil is gypsum or lime worth applying as well alignments with applying if your soil needs is um is is acidic if your soil pH is acidic meaning you need to raise your pH level applying lime great idea gypsum can also help with relieving compactions some too but really the best way uh C pims is to core aerate it so if you if you want a way to relieve compaction in your lawn and if you know if you've got the budget to do it thing one way I would say is aerated that's going to help relieve compassion quite a bit but then if you can aerate it and top dress it that is going to do a lot for improving the drainage even in a lawn that has clay has clay soil you know what I mean so that's if you can aerate it and then do a top dressing with like a sand soil blend you're going to be way ahead of the game as far as just improving the drainage just the way you know where the the lawn looks and and everything that's that would be my um my recommendation um if you can only do one of them core aeration would be be the thing I would say to do that's going to help you with with breaking up compassion in a hard place soil as far as making the process easier if you can wait until there's rainfall so if it rains like the day before I mean like we can control that right but if you can if you could make it rain the day before you plan to aerate that would be ideal second to that is if you could irrigate the lawn I'll run your irrigation or get sprinklers out and water the lawn to help soften the soil a little bit the day before you run the aerator on it that's going to help the tines further penetrate into the soil and then for tips on how to core aerate your lawn or is one way that I like to do it again it's not the only way to coordinate those people that have different techniques but it's how I like to do it um this video from last year will cover that topic in in detail so it'll give you some tips of how to do it and um or how I like to do it and and like minimize the um minimize the headache because I see some people aerate their lawns that at least people that aren't Pros anyway they'll get out there a long short is they'll take the aerator and they'll make a pass in One Direction and they'll like stop the aerator like there's like a a big it's like a big hand like a big bar that you prep that you um that you pull up to like raise the aerator up to to push the wheels down which lifts the times out of the soil so what people will do is they will let's say the my soil test kit is your lawn right they'll make a pass let me get this for both you guys can see it you know let's go like that cool it's another Instagram can see it and YouTube can see it they'll say this is your alarm we're gonna aerate this long right they'll make a pass like this will go across and then they'll stop and they'll like you know wrestle the aerator around and then like and then drop it down and go back this way they'll just go back and forth like that which that is fine if you're mowing because Stripes I mean we love stripe action right but from for aerating what I find is easier that's a lot less work is just to do overlapping ovals right so start the aerator and then just simply keep going and just turn it and just keep going to like right here and then now when you come back to here you aerated this part right here so you're going to go up a little bit more overlap it's just slightly and go this way and then go down and then same thing and go back so what you end up doing is you I didn't do a great job of showing it here but I mean if you guys look at the introduction like if you guys watch the video the the intro to this video to the live stream when I'm that the Drone shot that is what I'm doing in this video that I will link to you as well also will show that where you're just basically doing overlapping ovals and what that allows you to do is you keep the aerator moving the entire time you know so you may have to do like a clean up pass like just near the edges that's the best about it but for the most part you do overlapping circles and the aerators are just moving the entire time and you get it to get the job done faster and it's um it's quite a bit less work but for your KC pims that's what I would say get an aerator rent a narrator or pay someone to do it that'll work too but core iteration is going to be the way that's going to be the best way to relieve compaction in a hard clay soil and then if you can top dress it afterwards that much better all right next up is Brian Haley he says Hey Ron what's going on Brian cool Avatar man he says Hey Ron I have a couple of ques areas in my lawn that have some thinning is that possibly due to the tree root intrusion yes any suggestions for tree root issues not and I mean to get the I mean and keep the cheap the tree uh not not a whole lot I mean you can the grass typically grass does not grow well under trees for a lot of reasons one to your point the truth the the trees consume being a big plant right we call it a tree but really all this is a really big plant is it consumes a lot because there's a lot of resources um it consumes the sunlight because it casts a pretty big shade in that area um and then to your point the um the root the roots that knit tend to be near the surface make it difficult for the grass to drive Roots into the ground so for a lot of reasons trees are bad news when it comes to growing grass under them so if you want grass I mean you really need a picture you decide whether you want to have one or the other you know I mean if you have if you have a really big tree what I would say is just give up on the grass in that area if you want to keep the tree and then just do like a mulch bed or do like some ground cover you know some decorative grass that does well or plants that do well with shade in the area where you would normally want to have grass because if you if your lawn is you know kind of grassy yeah but if your lawn is Bermuda Bermuda is not going to do well in shade it's just it's just not possible like mayonnaise and ice cream like you know something's all good together like mayonnaise and ice cream just doesn't know like I would imagine no one on this live stream has ever eaten mayonnaise and ice cream why because they just don't go together that's how Bermuda is and sunlight Bermuda and shade Marina Shades don't go together they look amazing eggs and ice cream don't mix so um so you have a couple options one option one eliminate the tree you probably don't want to do that option two is just you just just decide that you're gonna put down some some shrubs or some ground cover to kind of make that air look nice but it's not going to be grass or option three do none of the two and just live with it live with the fact that it's going to be thin you know it's it's that's probably the option that you don't want but um but grass and trees and especially Big Trees um especially if it's warm season grass does not tend to to work out so well you know what I mean so that's uh hopefully that helps I know I think it's your first time Everest I've not seen your name before on the live stream so it's your first time welcome um but um but that's what you're really looking at you know you have to you have to make it really make a decision between whether you're gonna have the tree or you're going to have grass in in that area so hope that helps um you know I mean if you decide you're going to go like cut try to hack the route out you know what I mean you could you do that but then one you're not going to get all of it and then you're gonna be damaging the tree you know you can make the tree get sick and it can eventually die so you kind of you have to pick pick which one you want you want a tree you want to Grass you want a really big plant or you want a bunch of itty bitty plants that are more decorative that we can mow and make looking nice so you have to you have to decide which one is really for you Mike CS is up next she says what would you get if you had absolutely no choice but to use a rotor rotary mower to continue mowing low hmm here's the thing I don't know a lot I mean as far as like rotary mowers I look at what Honda offers all the Honda I think is stopping discontinuing the rotary motor line or look at something from uh from Toro so I look at like I click it Honda or Toro and look at which one of them can most shorter I would also want to get one that has a striping kit because you took away my real mower from me so I mean at least in half a striping kit right I can have the rotary more but I get to also have stripes can we do that I would um yeah so so Honda or Toro or I would use I look at one of now is the budget is no option if you're saying that there's no budget restriction then I would get like one of these I would get like a like an outlet one of these uplifts from hang on let me get I can show you really quick these guys are awesome but bring your checkbook uh so if you go to shop and where is it I think it's under their Pro Mowers yeah so this guy so this is technically a rotary mower it's technically a rotary mower so it counts it's a rotary mower see right there rotary mower but it's propelled by a rare drum so you see back there it's drum upheld so I could use one of these guys and still get some nice Stripes look at that very nice Stripes you know what I mean and it's a rotary so if I could uh if I could have no you should I could use any rotary mower I want like money is no option like that's the one that's the one I'm gonna get so outside of that something from Toro or or Honda but uh but yeah the uplift is pretty sweet it looks pretty sweet all right next up is Devin he's up tonight he says uh Hey Ron uh Thursday night Turf talk yeah man so it's tonight because tomorrow is I have a karate event so I can't do the live stream tomorrow night so instead of skipping I was gonna last weekend to do a survey and say hey should we skip or have it on Thursday but I know how demanding you guys are you're gonna be like Thursday so instead of like even going through all that headache and wasting everybody's time I just decided just I'm just gonna schedule it for Thursday and if I get like five people to show up the five of us will talk but uh you know you guys are all pretty die-hard and y'all I'll show you that man that's 100 100 plus people are here on a Thursday night which is pretty awesome so thank you for all the love and support all right two trailers up next he says happy Thursday Ron it's amazing how a single top dressing can help the lawn draining my backyard is no longer Lake tutula isn't that something I keep telling you guys I mean you know you guys made me think I'm trying to oversell it like the benefits of top dressing the biggest benefits that I saw is not the fact that the lawn looks like a golf course it is the it's the drainage man it's like again literally this was uh do I have a picture of it I gotta find it this was after like heavy rainfall on Thursday before I top dress that would be around for at least another day like it'd be like I'd go to sleep I'd wake up it would still be there and it just it would look it would look hideous that's how long it would look it'd take at least 24 hours probably 36 hours for it to fully go away now literally hours later once rain stops hours later three hours later it's gone and as a matter of fact if you want to see what the lawn looks like today this is literally a couple of hours before the live stream as soon as it stopped raining um you know I got out there and I mowed it I double cut it and this is what the lawn looks like this is this this video is like you know two and a half three hours old at uh well more than that like four hours old at this point but this is from this afternoon so Dr like top dressing if for nothing else even if you don't realize for no other reason the drainage improvements you get from Top dressing um will surprise you and that alone makes it worth it to me next up we got Joseph Atkins up next he says I have a few spots that have suffered from disease gray leaf spot in my St Augustine grass in the past month I have treated with Headway G and Eagle 20w the disease is starting to go away nice very nice Joseph so what's happening is you use Headway and then Eagle 20. so those of those have arrested the spread of the disease which is good and that's allowing the lawn to now recover so yeah the size of the fungicides are doing exactly what they're supposed to all right so the next question is two questions can you utilize heavy nitrogen fertilizer like a 2406 since I am recovering from disease I what um what can I do to help the areas that offend out from the disease so the thing with this when it comes to recovery is time and a heavy nitrogen fertilizer it really still comes down to the application rate because you can apply that fertilizer if you applied it at um let me see here if I work I'm not sure how you'd even do that because that's gonna be really low let me see two times uh 0.24 so if you apply that fertilizer like two pounds per thousand which again it's kind of hard to do um if you did that you'd only be applying like half a pound of nitrogen so even though it's a higher nitrogen fertilizer by percentage if you it's it's still really in the amount of you know application amount of pounds to the ground how much how much product you're putting down on the ground so if you're applying it at that rate then no you're not putting in too much nitrogen but what I would do is um I would not go heavy I would not try and push a bunch of growth in The Lawns trying to recover from disease you know if you want to feed it you can't you can feed it as normal but I would not go crazy as far as like doing a heavy nitrogen app I just I just you don't want to do that because believe it or not um a heavy like excess nitrogen coupled with a lot of moisture can can cause disease problems and we don't you know your lungs recovering from that sure if you want to feed it that's okay but I would not go you know when I see in your question here you use the word heavy nitrogen fertilizer which kind of makes you feel like you're going to do a heavy app to try and help it grow in faster and that's that's bad news you really don't want to do that like apply the right amount of nutrient mow the lawn regularly and it will recover over time St Augustine is a relatively fast growing grass it is once you've gotten the disease under control which it sounds like you're doing it will recover from that um you know over time so time is your friend that's the most important thing regular mowing important you know regular you're giving it enough nitrogen like adequate amounts but not too much is also important but just all things in the right ratios not um don't get out there and try and fix the problem by going super heavy with the um with the nitrogen application but if you're using that 24 to zero six what I would say is like I would go for like two pounds per thousand man I would go light you know for at least for the first the lighter for the first application which still equates to half a pound of nitrogen or you could go with like a um a lower a lower percent a lower percentage nitrogen fertilizer like for example like it's like humic matter like a 16 nitrogen or like a 12 nitrogen something like that that's going to allow you to put out more like you're gonna be able to put out more product but yet still achieve the symbol the same application rate of around a half a pound of nitrogen per thousand square feet you see what I'm saying because doing two pounds it's easy to say yeah you just apply like you know the 2406 at like two pounds per thousand that's in case you have a pound of nitrogen that's kind of hard to do like putting up two pounds of granular fertilizer over a thousand square feet is not an easy thing to pull off whereas doing like three pounds or four pounds over a thousand bit easier you know what I mean so um so that hope that helps so to ask your question yes but um you know just don't go don't go heavy use aim for like half a pound of n is what I would say that's I have gotten good results doing that when I've had large patch in my lawn and once the lawn is recovering um the next time I feed it when it was just when it was the normal time to feed it I'd do like a special app just for that um I use my normal rate which is half around half a pound of nitrogen for by granular fertilizer and that was good that was helped to support New Growth without creating more disease problems creating like relapses and just causing causing issues in the lawn so uh so I hope that helps sorry you're dealing with it but at least you're on the uh on the recovery right which is good Brian Haley says Hey Ron any suggestions for an entry level real mower for a beginner yeah so if you're looking for a so I'll give you two options if you're looking for a push real mower uh Scots makes a they call it the pro it's like a 17 inch on 18 inch I'm sorry an 18 inch seven blade reel mower which is a good option I think latonja's picked one of those up I had the five blade version of this in a 20 inch and it's a good motor to start out with just to see if um if real mowing is for you so if you get this mower I'm gonna I'll send you a link here in the chat actually see because I never said that so there's cpims and then also what is your name Brian Brian Haley uh real mark so yeah if you're looking for something that that's not going to break the bank and it's a way to like training wheels for for real mowing you could go with something like this it is going to produce a great cut you're still going to get a good cut it's going to look better than what a rotary motor can produce and the idea behind this right is it's a it's a good way of seeing if real mowing really is for you because unlike rotor when you're rotary mowing a lawn if you're real mowing you really got to commit to mowing really twice per week at a minimum you know when it gets this time of year when it gets hotter you're out there every two days if you really want to keep the lawn looking good so if you have a mower like this which is you know not that expensive to get into 140 bucks this is a way for you to see hey is this for me is this something that I want to do even though I mean you know I think I want a real mow my lawn but do I have the time am I going to hate it after I do this for you know two three weeks where I I regret doing it better to make that decision and have the regret with 140 decision versus you know a five six seven hundred dollar at a minimum up to a multi-thousand dollar decision if you go out and you buy you know a brand new a brand new one if you have already said you know what I don't need the training wheels I want to go for the I want to step into the big leagues I want to get a powered reel mower than a California trimmer a true cut or McLean those are all good mowers um of the three the true cut is the one that I had the most experience with and I really like it I like the propulsion system of the true cut it's also uh it's a really it's built like a tank it's gonna you know mower is going to last you a really long time um here recently True Cuts have been harder to come by like as far as being able to find them it's been tougher getting parts of them here recently has been a lot harder so you know a trimmer is um like I know I know real rollers has California trimmers like they get them in stock they may have some in stock now so you're looking to buy a brand new power wheel mower then look up real rollers give Leah call and they can they can switch it with it with a trimmer um and parts for those are not as difficult to come by these days as true cut parts so that is that's uh that's tier two so tier one is a push rail mower tier two is like a McLean a trimmer or a true cut tier three is or like your s teer reel mowers are going to be like uh greens mower right so you're getting into your Toro um or a Toro greens master or a John Deere like the John Deere series were good or an Alec the thing that's going to be different about those mowers compared to the three that I listed earlier is that the propulsional system of all those mowers they're all propelled by a rare drum which means gorgeous stripe action I mean like like oh like other whirly Stripes like if you want Stripes that look like like it is people trying to look like this you need a greens mower or a drum style or drum propelled mower you're not gonna it's gonna be tough to get Stripes like that using even a true cut or a McLean or a trimmer reason being is you notice that when you look at the stripes for the most part there's not really any hot spots in it and if you look really closely you might find because this is this is double wide stripes and if you look in the middle you might be able to make out some areas where um where the I overlapped them a little bit but for the most part if you look at that you don't really see too many hot spots and that is what a a drum propelled greens mower is going to produce as far as like the the absolute best stripes and best cut but by far an Alec a Toro greens master or a John Deere are going to produce that those are good those are going to be your best your best cutting mowers um beneath that are going to be your your True Cuts your trimmers and then your McLean's and then beneath that are going to be like a push a push a real mower but any of them even a push drill mower is going to produce a better cut than a rotary will so there is that I mean unless you get into like something like the the upwork something like like this right which essentially is a rotary model but it's really I mean it's a rotary room or not not really I mean it's a super expensive you know 15 000 Mower and it produces an incredible cut like this will cut at very short cutting Heights um but it's also you know 15 grand so there is that so I hope that helps sir um throw a lot at you but you got every everything from beginning to you know to greens mower and somewhere in there you can decide which way you want to go as far as what to expect to pay I didn't cover that so for a a true cut a McLean or a trimmer you're going to look at in the three thousand dollar price range these days if you buy one brand new with a roller if you buy one pre-owned you can get them for 650 to a thousand like I would say aim to spend around a thousand fifteen hundred that's going to get you a mower it's going to be in pretty good shape for a greens mower you want to be more in the 2000 to 3500 range to get a good unit One's Gonna Be Low hours not a lot of wear and tear you know the real embed knives still have good life on them you can look just to you're gonna be spending around that you can get them for less than that but you may have to put some money into it so that's something to consider so that covers all of it now I think so we covered all the mowers we covered the pricing we covered the differences and cut so yeah you're good you now know um you know enough to be dangerous when it comes to selecting a real and then as far as the powered ones the only thing I would say I'll tell you um is um look for for the powered ones see who can repair it in your area see who in your area can service like a John Deere or greens Master those are going to be pretty easy to find someone that can work on them because they're used on golf courses so if there's going to be a place that can normally can be a place that can can that can do that a true cut or a trimmer or a McLean um that you'd want to make sure in in your particular area there's like a a service a shop that works on mowers that can can grind and can take care of those so there is that if you're in Georgia you got nothing to worry about if you're in Northeast Georgia or Atlanta you got nothing to worry about because there's real mower shops all over the place and a lot of them can take care of any of those mowers all right so T1000 up next he says we do complain sometimes you do you guys are a demanding Bunch you guys don't realize you guys are a demanding Bunch you guys are you're just that's just how you are Kevin barriga says can I put out pre-emergent twice a year yes I actually recommend it um Kevin so the time Supply immersion for best results are in the spring before the average soil temperatures in your area are in the 50s the mid 50s and then in the fall before soil temperatures cross 70 degrees going cooler so if you're in Northeast Georgia what I would tell you if you want like a time frame perspective um sorry late um late sorry late January early February like I've been as early as the first week of February I put my pre-emergent out and I get very good results with that doing one high rate application at that time of year I get great control of weeds um in my lawn throughout the entire spring and summer and then in the fall I would say late August time frame if you're in this area but again the the wave you're trying to be really precise it's in the springtime before soil temps cross in the mid 50s and again the idea is before not whenever you get out there with a soil thermometer and you're measuring the soil temps it's like hey it's 55 degrees right now a great time to put my pre-measure now nope too late because at mid 50s is when some of your your your warm season weeds like your crab grass and those types of weeds begin germinating so you want the pre-emergent applied and why watered in and in the soil prior to that so it's remember pre-emergent it's all the name it works it works best or it works prior to the weeds of urging so it's pre-emerge pre prior to the weeds emerging and you have to have it in the soil for it to to control uh the weeds um and in the fall you know going um you know before you know before you get too much into the cooler temperatures when POA really begins to to germinate um for me I found like late August first week of September is a great time to get your fall pre-emerged out if you're in the Georgia area a lot of people say that's too but that's a bit early but you know what a bit early is better than a bit late when it comes to pre-emergent if you're a bit late then then you're spending a lot of money on expensive herbicides to get rid of to control the weeds you know once they've they've started then you deal with post emergency herbicides like a good example right I'll show you what I'm talking about here so if you look at um where is the link or the there we go so if you look at if you go over the weed killer section look at the price of post-emergent herbicides if you're getting a ball of certainty to control POA 125 uh uh you know a 10 ounce bottle of Celsius 21 if you get the single use packets right like these let me go switch over to the different camera let's do this so that everyone can see if you know 21 if you get one of these 22 bucks you get one of these smaller ones that cover 2 000 square feet at the high rate four thousand the low rate right or if you get the 10 ounce then now you're taking a looking at the the thick end of like you know 160 160 170 so expensive right if you go over to um you know cool season herbicides tenacity 85 you know 85 South Hammer seventy dollar eighty dollars so killing weeds controlling weeds after they've emerged and not harming your grass is a lot more expensive than getting over here and getting some pre-emergent so if you look at the price of a bag of pre-emergent seventy dollars and that will cover you know that's gonna that's relatively inexpensive to keep weeds out of your lawn if you have like a six thousand square foot lawn or smaller you can get by with like a bottle of pre of prediamine for like 30 so literally you can spray 30 you can use you can apply thirty dollars worth of pre-emergent over six thousand square feet um in the spring and that's going to do a good job of of like seriously reducing the amount of weed pressure you have to where if you just if you have to use post-emergent herbicides it's only spot spraying here and there but if you don't use pre-emergent then you're gonna be spending a lot of money on these guys and it's going to be a constant battle you know what I mean it's going to be a constant battle because you know you're you're at that point if you're not using pre-emergent you are relying on potion herbicides to control the weeds and then really your mowing practices to get the the turf to really thicken up to make it difficult for the weeds to to re-establish and to take a route so it's a harder it's a hard life It's A Hard Rock life without pre-emergence I would say live you know don't don't forego pre-emergent it's relatively inexpensive as far as um as far as herbicides go and the the benefits far outweigh the you know a little bit of cost that you spend on them and again twice per year spring and fall is what I would you I would do and um and yeah that's uh that's gonna get you a good result but as far as which pre-emergence I would use when in the springtime you can go with prediamine or diphthiopere uh diethype here has a little bit of reach back for crab grasses which is kind of nice in the fall you can use either one of them too but really in the fall if your budget will permit I would find a couple of friends um that you can split a bottle of it with and if you have warm season grasses only for warm season grass I would go with um a pre-emergent called call spectacle flow this is as far as a pre-emergent for controlling poanya in warm season grass it's real there's not much that's better than this it's really good stuff I mean it's like an 18 ounce bottle I forget how many acres the street says this one bottle is like years and years and years and years worth of um of applications even if you have like a 20 000 square foot long it still takes a long time to use this up which is why I say you want to split it with friends but it's also quite expensive so this currently goes for what is spectacle going for these days uh let's see it's it's it's well north of 300 a bottle right now but let's see what the current price of spectacle flow it is going for three three hundred forty dollars is what one bottle of this goes for um it's super expensive but frankly honestly it's worth it like it's like especially for someone you can split this with this is incredible stuff for keeping your lawn weed free in the fall and in the spring so in the fall that is what I would use on my lawn and what I use on my lawn and in the springtime dive here or per diem we'll um we'll do a good job so hope that helps all right next up we have um Anna Durant she's about my seating question earlier I'm in Wyoming okay um so being in Wyoming you you're going to want to be on a cool season grass um Anna so uh Fescue Kentucky bluegrass or Rye or a rye grass Fescue is pretty easy to establish you know that's as far as out of those three I mean Rye grasses rye grass will likely germinate a bit faster than Fescue but it's also more sensitive to temperatures like like Fescue will like there's lawns in Georgia that have that have fescue Lawns you don't see anyone in Georgia with a rye grass lawn this time of year you know so Fescue will tolerate temperature like heat more direct sunlight like higher temperatures better than like uh than than perennial uh rye grass will so if it were me and if you especially if you're not planning on real mowing it like you're planning on keeping the grass a bit taller then um then Fescue is a good option and Fescue look great I mean if you do a good job you know mowing it and keeping it you know keep it good like three inches three and a half inches keep your more sharp it can affects you along to look awesome so uh you know don't just because it's a taller growing grass don't be uh don't think that oh you know I can't I shouldn't get this one and if you want some additional help with that um if you go to the golf course lawn store go to resources then go to blog last week we published this article on what are the best grassy types and how long do they take to grow so it talks about different Degrassi's talking about um in kbg Fescue Bermuda fry grass St Augustine trick question then you're saying Augustine is not really grass seed for it but I get acid all the time so I'm like I just put this in here anyway saying hey it's an Augustine which is not really grass seed um but yeah read through this um I'll link this to you it tell us about the the fastest growing ones um understanding growth rates what to expect um what else choosing the best seat ventricular grass I mean there's lots of you know the climates based on where you are in the country which uh which grass seed is going to work best in addition to this I'll send you a link to this um Anna but in addition to this there's a blog post on which grass is um best based on where you are in the country and I think yeah there it is this one which grass is best suited to my area so I'll send you a link to this one as well which will also be helpful for you to decide which grass seed to use on your lawn in Wyoming so let me get you some links here so at um at Anna gosh I'll square it away so this is the second Blog the one on witchcraft is best suited in my area and then the one on talking about you know which is the fastest growing grass seed what to expect from a standpoint of watering and growth rates and that type of thing that is this one so you are now covered as far as everything you need to know about choosing which grass seed to go with um uh let's see here uh so that's good hope that helps if you need anything else let me know Anna thanks for uh for for tuning in and I think you I don't have any views from Wyoming so congrats for that you know I don't know very many people that from Wyoming that tune in so I appreciate it next up Wyoming is one of those States you really never hear anything about it's probably a really quiet and easy going part of the country to live in like you never really hear much about Wyoming which is probably a good thing it's just people are just kind of relaxing just do their just live life and just sound all the nonsense that goes on in a lot of other parts of the country all right Garrett uh let's see Garrett's uh uh sniffler says Hey Ron when is the best time to level my lawn would it hurt to level during the winter I would level your lawn whenever it is actively growing that is the best time so for cool season grass most people level their lawn in the springtime and in this and in the um the fall so like you know March April and then um September August September time frame for cool season grass and then for warm season grass really the window opens and if you're in north in this part of the country it opens in late April early May and really goes until uh late uh mid mid July mid July mid to late July is what I would say is the latest you want to level a warm season lawn in this part of the country in Northeast Georgia I would not do it in the winter because the grass isn't growing right so why um it's not going to grow through uh it's just gonna as far as it as far as if you get any kind of heavy rainfall or whatever it's going to make a mess it's going to have it's going to have sand on your sand your Lawns look like like um not great until the springtime so no there's no reason to really level your laundry in the winter months I would wait I would level your lawn whenever the grass is actively growing so warm season long grass April through um April through July cool season grass the spring March April and then the fall August September that's your time to do those because that's when those that's when those uh grass types are um are growing and they're also not under a ton of stress so could you level a cool season lawn now this time of year technically yes but it's not it's it's harder on it because you know loving the lawn is a bit is a stressor so you that's why you see most people that tend to do it tend to do it in the spring and the fall months versus the middle of the summer uh Terry says um Hey Ron I did a soil test my results are phosphorus is low um Iron B iron I think B is like boring I think um I honestly be ethics anyway iron is low um I'm sorry phosphorus is low oh no I see what you're saying phosphorus is low uh potassium is low uh uh Boron I think you mean is low iron is high magnesium High uh what products I'm gonna look I'm gonna paste this in the macros mainly Okay so uh so okay so you're you're you're p and K are low so what I would say is this what I would what I would go with is uh this Terry go to Chicago's lawn store go to shop and go to the fertilizer section and because you need phosphorus I would go with the complete 14714. this is going to be your jam this is what I would um I would go with this is going to cover um 11 11 000-ish square feet and it's going to address your macro deficiency and also going to address some of your micros as well so you could use this you could use the um uh the 14714 and stack it along with a micronutrient like nutresolve so between this one the complete 14714 and neutralsolve that will address the issues that I'm seeing here in um you know that you're telling me based on your your soil test result so what I'll do is I'll send you links to both of them so this is the micronutrient so at Terry um that's the micro and then this is the granular it's going to do the heavy lifting this is what I would go with so and that those two products will get you all squared away he said I live just north of Atlanta with Bermuda grass yep yeah perfect time of year that's what I would do I would go with I would go with the complete 14714 and then a micronutrient like neutralsolve that will get you all squared away sir good stuff good job getting the soil test done two as well because it makes it makes this way easier so I'll get emails sometimes for people that say Hey I want to put a fertilizer Milan which one do you recommend I want a good one and I'm like I need like I I don't know human Max pick you know pick one of these I mean you just pick but I mean if you really want to know doing what you did which is getting a soil test done is it's the answers to the test you know what I mean so now you feed your lawn based on the test results with like the complete Fortune 714 and the neutral's off it's pretty hard to not have a good looking lawn if you do that and you mow your lawn regularly and just take care of make sure it gets enough water like getting a great it's harder to not have a good lawn it's than it is to have a good line it would be unreasonable for you to not have a great look of mine if you were to do that all right next up is Far Rock uh O2 says we knew how mostly weeds beginning of the year our scalped with a weed eater ouchy ouchy ouchy uh the front lawn is coming in now but you just gotta make it work with what you got right for one is coming in great but the back line has bald areas and some resilient weeds Kennesaw Georgia Bermuda grass I've been using the Anderson's product okay so yeah so the Anderson makes a good product so um I guess are you scalped the front line is coming in fine but the back line is not and it has some weed issues so does the back lawn get more shade than the front lawn because if you're feeding the lawn properly right and you're mowing it really and it's getting of sunlight um because you're in you're in Georgia you got Brit you got a Bermuda if you're getting enough sunlight then it should do all right it should be you know the back line the front lawn should both look good but if the back lawn is not getting enough sunlight either due to trees due to the way the Sun Passes over your house to where it gets less sunlight that is going to cause it to underperform also if you've not done a soil test you know I would I'd recommend that because this is going to tell you kind of like what um you know the the gentleman that asked the question earlier Terry you saw Terry's able to say hey my Nitro my my phosphorus is here my potassium is here my iron is this you know he's able to tell me all those all that with if you have that data which you can get literally once you order one of these it shows up and then literally six days only six to seven days after you send your results in you'll get an email saying hey um farak this is what's going on with your soil and then you'll know that what you're applying is the correct fit for your for your soil because it could be a lot of things it could be a shade problem it could be the fertilizers you're using aren't the correct fit it could be a pH problem to where your soil you know it needs like a lime app you know if it soil is acidic it could be a number of things and a soil test is going to diagnose that Forest where we can you know move forward with with actual data right to know that we're applying we're putting inputs into the into the soil that are going to help produce a a good result so that is what I would recommend at this point get a soil test um we have them on the on the golf course lawn store the one I would say to start with if you don't have a probe tool is you go to shop and then go to Soil Test Kitchen pH adjustments get this one the starter pack reason being is it comes with one of these a soil test kit and it comes with the tool that you're going to need to be able to collect the the samples um if you want to to load up you can save a little bit of money and get the pro pack which comes with two soil test kits and one of the sample tools so either one of these is what I would say to go with initially and then once you've gone with one of these going forward you can just just the soil test kits you don't need to buy the one with the tool anymore so uh that is what I will do I would do at this point um Far Rock so because it sounds like you're putting down you know good quality products again I mean Anderson doesn't make bad stuff so um you know it's they they make they make a good product but it doesn't really matter if it's the wrong product in other words the formulation is not right for what your lawn needs or if there's other issues like a pH problem then it's all for um all for nothing and given the price of fertilizer these days it kind of makes sense to to make sure you're putting down you're applying with the with the lawn actually needs so hope that helps sir let's see next we have uh Alex uh Rosano he says I'm sorry for last follow-up question of course it is Alex of course this is the very last question you're going to ask because some people say not to aerate um six months after seeding I am coming up on month two should I give it more time for a corporation I would because here's why you don't want to tell you not to do that Alex is because so you you just grew a lawn in from seed I'll show you why so let's you know me saying it is one thing but pictures are a thousand words so if I'll show you why it's not a great job not a good idea to do that if we look at what do I have a picture of that under I think um carbonized PN yes so if you look at the roots in my lawn right let me see right here so if you look at that this is a lawn I've been here in this house now like kind of nine years going on nine years so you see how deep that is that's a good like 10 inches thereabouts of of root zone so there's a lot of roots for you know for the lawn for the for the grass to get to get moisture to get nutrients so whenever I were to go if I were to go up from core area at the lawn which is a stressor to the turf the ability for the lawn to bounce back from that injury is of if your soil profile looks like this whether you have Deep Roots which comes from a more mature stand of grass um is uh is is a lot better it's easier for the lawn to recover from from injury from from like herbicides from core aeration you know if anything that that is that a sheer stressor to the turf if it's more established so for a lawn that's two months old even though it looks good at two months I'm not saying you always look good at two months it's still young grass like the root zone is not gonna it doesn't look it doesn't look like that you don't have Roots like this just yet you see what I'm saying so I would I would honestly hold off I really I really would if you were going to court aerate I would have done it prior to you doing the seating work like that's what I would have done I wouldn't before you seated not after you just got you know the the seeds to start going in because I remember your lawn like we you had you top dressed it you did the seed you had some of it wash out and then now it's coming in it's starting to look really good um I would just forego aeration this year I really I really would I wouldn't um a wooden core aerate given that you did this you know you did it uh 30 days ago 45 days ago at this point uh let's just wait till next year you know what I mean so if you were gonna do it I would have done it prior to top dressing and seeding the lawn not um not not with a lawn that's only got it's only two months old because that core aerator when at those times punch into the surf it's gonna pull you're gonna be ripping you're gonna rip in a lot of roots I mean the entire entire you could you know a lot of all that grass you're trying so hard to grow you're literally gonna be ripping it out if you put a core aerator on it and it's ability to bounce back from that is not as good as a grass that is um that's a bit more mature so I would not do it if it were me I would not I would I would hold off no name was up he says I've just finished my Mo good man good man you know what we'll climb it up for that congrats on finishing your mouth well done priorities are in order he says I'm going to aerate my lawn my parents and my neighbors tomorrow whoo man to tell you what take a picture of you before and after finally getting to it about a month later than last year luckily it won't be too hot that's true and also I know you're in Georgia so um with all the moisture all the rain we've gotten it it should do a really good job as far as it getting in the soil that's going to be that's the area is going to make quick work of uh of the lawns in Georgia this time and this weekend for the next probably the next week or so it's gonna be a good time to erase your lawn so with all this rain the ground went too hard either nope sure won't be all right next out here is um okay lawn guy says we are baking here in the Heartland boy it's Oklahoma and Texas you guys are are suffering the heat is going after you right well I I uh I'm sorry I apologize it's too um it's too bad uh Sean is saying I'm every other day with my earthways Earthwise manual seven blade very nice Shauna good work we got real mowing life join the live stream uh Devin is up here as well to see what's going on Devin thanks for joining over and then we have a super chat um once it pops in from Mr Luis he says I'm joining a little late this evening Ron can I expect fast acting results from grow on grubs from a solo print from a cellphone application raccoon activity in my backyard seems to decrease since the application two days ago Triad on a stressed lawn um so will it will it um I don't know when you say fast acting uh I mean it's good it's gonna control the grubs because if you're asking me like it's yeah so yes I'm not surprised at the the grubs are are um are dying off like I've seen a soloprin um sprayed on army worms and it's like a it's like a kill on content like you you spray army worms of the cellophane and you actually the richest farmer was actually very very light um and you'll see it literally it'll do the it'll do like the worm shrivel up dance and like ball up and and uh and die um grubs that's a good question I've never sprayed a grub directly with a cellophane but again I'm not I wouldn't be surprised at that you know a week or so after or shortly after you you applied it to your lawn you are you're seeing less uh less grips that's what it's supposed to do that's the way it's supposed to work right which then by extension should hopefully make to keep the raccoons away you said Triad on a stressed lawn so as far as spraying herbicides Ox I know you have cool season grass um if you can just limit it to If You Really Got a spray right so the weeds are just that bad that you got to spray if you can just do um you can just spot spray the areas where you have um weeds uh the weed problems you're trying to control like that would be the way to go look what I blanket spray a stressed cool season lawn this time of year probably not probably not it would not be I wouldn't I wouldn't would it would it would it would it kill it unlikely but I mean why make why take a loan that's already stressed um and make it even even more stress by blanketing the entire lawn with a herbicide because even though Triad is labeled as safe for uh for warm and cool for certain warming courses and grass types it's still a stressor like any herbicide still does stress the grass some you know what I mean so if you absolutely have to spray if you can spot spray I'd be more inclined to do that than blanket spray your clothes and Lawn this time of year you know I mean I just I don't want you to um to potentially injure it and make it look ugly for a while so that's that would be um that would be my thoughts on the matter so hope that helps sir appreciate the Super Chat I'm not sure if I did that if I did I did it twice and if you need anything else let me know next up is who is next up next up is Mark Luna he says thank you for your answer uh wrong goodbye nuts Edge yep man I'm telling you won't you will not you will not regret using uh certainty certainty for uh for sedges again it's it's it's it's pretty good it's decent on PO on POA you got to spray it at higher rates but this stuff is absolutely devastating against sedges on warm season grass this this is one benefit of having a warm season long we get some of the cooler herbicides like we get like we get stuff like certainty so we can control POA we can control sedges and it is that means really good product for sedge control in Warm season turf you're very very welcome Clara she says thank you so much Ron I'm going to get my stress to Grant and fertilizer I really appreciate your help um you are awesome thank you so much I really do appreciate it make sure you read the label um for Spreader settings there are Spreader settings in the product description so if you have like a Scott spreader or one of the if you don't have like a um Like An Earthquake if you have what uh like one of those photos that aren't on the bag the product description I've got Spreader settings for some of the more common spreaders here's what I want you to do though whatever the spreader setting is that you see because you're brand new and you're just getting you're starting out with this whatever the spreader setting is I want you to go just a little bit less so if the spreader setting is like say four I want you to go like three and a half because the first is your first time doing it first time using maybe you know 10 carry your lawn applying a fertilizer I want you to go light this first time around or just just to get get your you know get your bearings as far as what you're doing so hope that helps um keep me posted as far as how the lawn develops I think you're going to like the results with the products next up is two trilogies I'm gonna try some mayonnaise and ice cream tomorrow thanks Ron yeah try it let me know how it is I don't know I don't know if anyone anyone here that's that I've not met anyone that's ever had mayonnaise and ice cream let's see here um uh have you ever had uh I can't even spell mayonnaise I'll just do Mayo mayo and ice cream uh so uh ask you guys there you go there's the poll any of you guys if any of you guys had mayo and ice cream let's see there's gonna be someone there's there's gonna be one person in there so there's a poll right now if you guys are on YouTube You Wanna you wanna chime in let's see how many yeses we have on the on the Mayo and ice cream because then maybe I'm wrong maybe Bermuda maybe Bermuda and shade really are a thing and then I'll have to think of a different analogy other than like mayo and ice cream all right I see people says uh thank you uh so much for your response and info I appreciate um I much appreciate having Southern California I just put down some Platinum te pass poem in the backyard almost a month since we put it down seems that I've put a little too much water and now some orange brown spots I know it's a clay soil is big factor because the water doesn't drain as well and like I sit there a while so yeah so if the if the lawn is establishing let's back off on the watering a little bit you know I mean let's back off on the water a bit if it's if it's growing in it's doing well let's reduce the watering um you know and see if that alone helps you may need to apply a fungicide um see um a c pins but let's first try reducing the watering and look at it and see if that if the lawn does a little bit better once you're you're taking away all the excess moisture and then if if not um you know worst case you can always come out here and we've got a couple of fungicide options so shop and then fungicide insecticide if you like granular go with Headway it's like two fungicides in one bag and if you like liquids go with pillar SC again it's also two fungicides in one bag these are both group three and group 11 fungicides and what all that means is you've got you've got two different ways that the fungicides are targeting or trying to injure or or kill the the disease that's the fungus that's causing the disease problem in your in your lawn so both of these have our dual action both of them have you know do two different modes of action um so either one is going to do a great result again just because if you like liquids or if you like granular either one will work well but let's first start by just reducing the watering all right next up we have t Collins he says rotary mowers you get a Simplicity I've I've had rollers since the 50s can I can find a nice used ones a Simplicity I'm going to have to I'm gonna have to take a screenshot I've not heard of a Simplicity Simplicity reel mower huh our rotary mower hmm I don't know I have to have to look into that thanks so much T Collins I'm gonna learn something new today on the Simplicity mode all right next up we got Papa Scott he says um Ron great Channel I've been watching for some time and I have a three bring brine a binder of your recommendations thank you I really appreciate that it's awesome I want to make sure I have uh correct diaper better in the spring for Diamond better in this fall yes if you're going to do the two of them um or and you're gonna use one of the spring one in the fall I would use dithiopara in the spring and for diamond in the fall the reason why is that dithiopare has the ability to kill young crabgrass and crabgrass begins to germinate in the springtime whereas prediamine does not so either one will work in the spring given the choice dithiopere in my opinion is a bit better option in the springtime than per Diamond the only negative to diphthalopair is that um you know some folks say that it doesn't last quite as long as um as prediamine does but it's I still think it's a better option for a springtime pre-emergent than pre-diamene but the idea is you're splitting hairs here either one of them either one will work if you apply them prior to the weeds emerging but given the choice diaper is um is a good option based on what yeah I'm hoping for reasons that make sense to you you know one can kill can kill weeds or about to start germinating in the spring the other cannot so it'll mix Diet here a bit better in from that standpoint next up is Papa Scotty says certainty and Celsius got both Arkansas Bermuda and Zoysia nice you got the combo yeah if you've got the certain Celsius combo you are good to go it's all you need to really control the weeds that are most common in you know in Warm season warm season turf all right next up we got Platinum exteriors it says I'm lowering my lawn approximately four inches in some areas to match the grid with my driveway into my sidewalk then front Terrace grass also be leveled how would you separate Neighbors oh so you're saying your lawn your neighbor's lawn touch I don't I mean I mean short of putting some kind of barrier in there's not I mean I can't I don't have a really good answer on this one Platinum I mean you could give me a fence a fence will do it but then fences are a pain they can be a pain because you got to edge around them and um if you get if you have like a solid fence it's going to create shade issues and kill your grass I mean there's not um you could if it's if you want to put like if you're if the if where your Lawns meet it's not like an area where like water has to pass over like it drains which a lot of times that is the case you could do some some hard some kind of hard skate between you I don't know if you're with wherever you live that's going to be allowed like some HOAs may not allow you to do like a Hardscape like you know like bricks or pavers between you and your neighbor I don't know if that's going to be allowed uh that's that's the only thing I can really think of um yeah if your grasses touch I mean here's the thing if your grass is touched and you're you're um you're fertilizing your lawn you're doing a lot of things that I talk about like it's going to be pretty obvious which like Rich grass is yours and which grass is your neighbors unless they're doing the same thing you have a pretty strong domination line um but as far as like preventing your neighbor's ground shrimp and crocheting or wheatstring neighboring crocheting in your lawn there's not really an easy way to do that with them you know with them touching unfortunately so I wish I had a better answer for you but I um unfortunately I think I do not uh on that one if I understand your question properly so um so sorry I'm sorry I'm not more help on this one uh next up we got David uh Quigley he says Hey Ron hope you're well not bad send an email with soil test results been using essential G 14714 and complete and following the recommended rates cool David I will take a look if you don't mind once the show is over because we're gonna what's gonna be wrapping a little bit early tonight because there's less people here tonight I'll be looking at that and I will get you an answer this evening before I go to sleep I promise you I will look at look at the emails and I will answer it before I go to sleep well I asked before I go to sleep well make sure you get a um make sure you get a response so we got um TT surf in this in the straw in the live stream on Instagram we got Jimbo we got uh Lizzy law88 what's up Lizzie law thanks for coming hang out uh green mates also joined thanks guys thanks for coming to hang out on Instagram appreciate you thanks so much um let's see uh results are horrible and most in all macros and most micros recommendations uh in your application let's look at your application race uh David I mean if you if you're applying the products and the rate and the the soil test results aren't reflecting a change or that reflecting a change of the rates that you would want uh you're gonna have to you know just keep beating it keeping increasing maybe going up slightly on the on the rates that you're using so if you don't mind I know you sent me an email with your results um also let me know what um what rates you're using particularly for the 14 7 14. let me know what rates you're using for that um that's the one that I'm gonna be the most interested in um in in seeing if you can send me another email I will I'll look at that and I'll get you an answer tonight all right so we have a super chat let's see here from Mr Archie Amos thank you so much Archie I appreciate it received he says um wow no LG on the screen wake up my brother LG he's here he's here he's just uh he's just being quiet he is uh he's hanging out he's lurking actually I think he's about to be up next uh he said so grasshoppers Lawn Care says happy Thursday Ron and then LG so you asked for him here he is he says hey hey it's l two two you know what I I can I have not met LG in person but I can just imagine he is like the life of the party he's probably one of those people that is uh is the life of the party for sure all right Michael Thomas is just uh okay what's going on Michael thanks for I get special dots on the screen and then next up uh Justin King says Ron you could legally use msma without being off label being you have a golf course lawn LOL looking good yeah I I'd like to think so but I don't think it works that way but yeah I mean it's a good it's a good herbicide but uh yeah not not for residential loans anymore unfortunately all right from Hello BC says hello hello BC hope you're doing well and then Dwayne's world party time excellent is up next he says hello Ron happy Thursdays joking hopefully you do you had a great week of mowing not really I had a week of non-mowing I got to mow today and I took advantage of that double cut it lawn is looking better it's recovering this is how it looked before the live stream literally right there that this picture is like five hours old so that is uh how the lawn looks after a double cut after after um you know three days ago it looked like that it's Covered in Rain covered in water so it's um I was able to knock it down and get it try and get it back in shape try to work it back into shape it's not looking its best right now but hey I'm doing but doing the best I can doing the best I can based on what Mother Nature's given me right all right hello BC's up next it says um I was thinking about putting some Zoysia down uh some Zoysia down I have bahaya in part that I want to replace my friend told me just to put the Zoysia right on top of it and it should be fine is that true no I would not do that I would not do that that's a great way to have a mut of a lawn I would not do that if you're going to if you don't want the Baha'i alone anymore you want Zoysia I would kill off the bahaya grass and I would then apply Zoysia so or it would oh it installs Zoysia I would not I would not just lay the Zoysia sod on top of the bahaya grass I would not I would not do that that's that is not um I don't really say that tell someone that's bad advice but that is not that's bad advice it's not it's not it's not good advice do not do that you know get rid of the grass that you want to you want to eliminate first and then uh install whatever grass that you want with in your case storage Assad so yeah would not would not do it that way all right next up we have um is Dwayne's world he says Ron took your advice at 3.pgr at the 0.6 ounce rate for four gallons I think it should work out well on a side note have you sharpened your rotary scissors if so what did you use I have not sharpened mine yet I've been very particular about not edging not not using so how can I say this I've been using it to trim but not to Edge usually people turn it sideways and they use it to like to do an edge on their lawn to kind of replaces their stick edger um I don't do that to try and keep it sharper as long as possible as far as what you can use to sharpen it um I've seen people take the same grip the same bat lacking back lapping compound that you use for our real mowers do you use that so get like a brush and just brush over that on it and run the run the scissors you know for a little bit for a little while and then we'll rinse it off and then that puts um that puts an edge back on them so give that a shot use like the back lapping compound and then make sure you rinse it obviously and that should help put an edge back on your scissors if that doesn't work you have to replace the uh the blades all right next up is Jeffrey Lancaster he says can you recommend a striping kit for the Honda hrn mower thank you I don't know if they do they make one let's see here let me see if they're I know they make them for tow for Toros um uh Honda they have a striping kit for Hondas let us see I don't see um oh well yeah well I've got uh yeah yeah there's one here the Lawn Striper gen 3 it says only works with Honda 20 to 22 inch residential walk behind mowers so if you've got a 20 22 inch this according to the description let me get over here we'll uh we'll do the trick that will um it'll attach us to a Honda it's like that that's what you need um that will uh that will work as far as striping your lawn um so yeah if you want you want to give it a go you can um the I don't again I I'm not I can't I'm not vouching for direct experience here but you asked for a striping kit for a Honda mower and that's that's that's what a a quick search on on Amazon um Amazon turned up the reviews look okay you can also make a striping kit too you know you know that right you can make one there's um there is a video on YouTube the guy out of I think it's like Lake House lawn care I think is his name of his channel he has a video on like how to take spend like 15 and make a striping kit for your rotary mower so that's cheaper than 180 um but if you want this one this is it here but I'll um look up get on YouTube and look up like like cheap striping kit or long or DIY lawn striping and his video will likely show up it's got like over a million views it's a really popular video so it talks you shows you how to make one for um for fifteen dollars but if you're like you know what I don't feel like in that I don't really care I just want something I can bolt on my mower than the one I just linked to in the chat should do the trick according to their description again I'm not using myself but I have no reason to believe this thing that it's not gonna not gonna work well all right Papa Scott says Ron sorry to bring it bring it up but I I think of you every time I see a mole Trail I'm dealing with three Trails right now LOL I'm sorry man I dealt with one and it was uh man I lost my religion to Romeo I have not been that mad in a long time uh yeah so three of them huh you got your uh you got like a family so you want to get ahead of that you want to get ahead of that before it gets to to uh too much out of control you don't want them you know sending out emails to their play cousins and friends and girlfriends and have everybody show up and move in your lawn you don't want that so you want to eliminate them sooner than later if you can because moles are gross what they do to the lawn is absolutely disgusting he says can I level my lawn more than once per year I'm in San Antonio I have some spots which are three inches uh three inches or more low yes you can you could do I like to say three levelings in a season for in a warm season lawn you could probably do more than that but in Georgia really you could do one um late April early May then June and then another one in July I'm not a fan of doing them in August because it's it's a crap shoot if you do one in August and we have like a summer ends early then it the grass may not grow through and it's going to look a bit thin you're gonna have some areas where you're seeing sand you know for a lot of the fall and it's not going to fix itself until the following spring so I would say hey this where you are now in June you could likely still get two top dressings in this year if you wanted to Cheeto so yes to answer your question yes you can um Justin King's up next he says Hey Ron I live in Oklahoma and I haven't heard of OSU has ended or has a replacement in the work for R15 have you heard anything on on a good or a good replacement I have not I've not heard of a better replacement for rn15 all the buzz these days is about Tahoma 31. I've not heard of anything as far as a new replacement as far as a seed for Arden 15 unfortunately so you're very welcome Far Rock glad it was helpful it says hello Ron what causes spring dead spots and how can I avoid them next year so is this a good question so as far as the actual disease or fungus that causes it I don't know um I don't know what the actual name of the bacteria or the the fun the fungi that causes spring dead spot to be the problem but I do know that it starts in the fall though or you control it in the fall so if you don't want spring dead spot um the time to control it is in the fall time so you would apply a fungicide app in October the beginning of October and do another one in November and that is going to help with um with keeping spring dead spot out of your lawn in the following um the following year also be careful with your nitrogen inputs so as you get towards the end of the season say you're in Georgia like there's no reason to be pushing A lot of nitrogen in like late October November time frame right so if you you start backing off the amount of n that you're feeding the lawn as it begins to go dormant and you get a preventative fungicide down in October and another one in November that's going to put you on a really good path to prevent spring dead spot on problems as far as is the fungicides that I'd recommend I'm going to give you a couple of options Quincy so if you like liquids so where you can find this you go to the golf course lawn store go to shop and then go to fungicide insecticide and then in here you're going to see a couple of options if you like liquids go with pillar SC if you like granular go with Headway G if they're both excellent products both have two modes of action and they're both going to do a good job helping you to control and prevent spring dead spot in your in your lawn the following year and again the time to do it is in October and November so you want to pick one of these apply two rounds of fungicide October November and that's gonna do a good job of of reducing and or preventing spring dead spot the following year so uh so hope that hope that helps uh Moon doggy says funny observation prep backyard for Bermuda six months of watering and hand weed picking laying down sod install proper amendments the Tiff tough has barely grown part one so you did all that work and it hasn't grown in part two uh the two extra rolls of sod laid on a piece of cardboard nothing done special no amendments over spray watering in the grasses just describing face plant uh I don't know Moon doggy I don't know uh is the actual not getting enough sunlight like do you have a lot of is there is the area where you have a piece of cardboard just kind of sitting there is it getting a lot of sun and the Lawn isn't getting sun I don't know I mean based on everything you did here it sounds like it should be you should the grass should be growing in all right it should certainly I mean obviously your soil should certainly be out competing the cardboard it should be but uh you know that I'd say if you've not done one get a soil test done in your lawn let's see what's going on in the soil and then you know based on that we can correct whatever you know correct the problem and and and see if we can make things better that is what I would um I would say at this point because your your soil should be out competing a piece of cardboard that's that is good that's a first that's the first one my Bermuda grows better on cardboard than it does in the in uh in soil all right Brie wash says I had Bermuda sod put in two and a half weeks ago the saw changed to a deep green now when do I start fertilizing the grass or is all this rain we've been putting here in Lawrenceville enough so I would start fertilizing it once you start mowing it Bree so it's been two and a half weeks once you once you go on and get out there and start mowing it which I imagine will be probably another two weeks from now two to three weeks from now uh when she started when she started doing that you can start feeding it you know so yeah once you're once you're getting on the lawn and mowing it then you can introduce uh introduce fertilizer and no water the rainfall is not enough rain does not rainfall does not does not replace fertilizer rainfall has a lot of benefits but it is not replace um actual fertilizers so uh so yeah and the way to find out what's best for your soil or the best fit is get a soil test results uh so it's done and then once you're done with that you can go to everyone's favorite section on the golf course lawn store which is the lawn fertilizer section and you can pick something off the shelf based on your soil test results so that is what I would do if you're trying to do it um as correctly as uh as possible to you know to make sure that what you're buying and applying is the best fit for your for your soil for your grass all right next up is the speed z99 says thoughts on spoon feeding fertilizer on cool season lawn preferably no nitrogen medium iron or potassium sounds great sounds like a plan to me I don't see a problem with doing that uh no problem no worries at all uh Donald Burrell is up next is good eating Ron just finished my late evening Mo the Bermuda is loving good rain here in Central Alabama want to apply plant growth regulator I have uh uh let me see her no I have about 2500 2500 square feet I want to apply 1.5 ounces to four gallons of water to apply are you only doing one application um you're only gonna be applying it once per month Donnell if you're gonna be doing it once per month that is um let me think about that that's a bit that's heavy that's on the heavy side because really one ounce you know something whether you have oh you have oh you have common I saw that if you have common meat I'm sorry so I'm sorry I ever tracked that statement so you have common room meters for common Bermuda um 0.75 per thousand yes that would be good and but that's assuming you're only going to be spraying it once per month if you want my opinion what I would do is take that rate and cut it in half so take instead of doing um 1.5 ounces do 0.75 ounces and spray it on the first of the month and spray it again another 0.75 on the 15th of the month that is what um that's what I would do um so yes you could do it either way you want you could spray it all at one go if you want but only once per month or you could spray take that 1.5 cut it in half and spray it um you know over spray it twice once in the first ones on the 15th I don't know that I would use four Gap four gallons of water is a bit much so that's quite a bit of carrier I mean I would go for if you can do two gallons that would be that would be okay you know what I mean because I mean you want here's the thing you want it's it's a follow your base it's absorbed by the plant leaf by the Folia right so you want to you want to make sure you have enough carrier to ensure good coverage but not so much that you're causing runoff you know what I mean so let's um you have 1200 square feet let's do three gallons how about that take the rate whatever you're using mix it with three gallons of water and spray whatever whichever one you decide whether the split operate or the full operate and spray that three gallons over the 2500 square feet and that's uh that will produce a good result like four gallons is a bit for 2500 square feet is a bit much a bit much it's probably okay but it's a bit bit um a bit heavy as far as um the amount of water and I think you might you might find you're starting to get some runoff if you do that which is what we don't want right we want it on the plant leaf not like running off and and uh where it can't where it can't really work so uh so I hope that helps keep me posted man I think you're gonna like what you get with Primo though it's good stuff it's great great stuff all right um next up is T1000 he says thanks for answering my question providing informative and entertaining content my lawn is healthier and Greener for it I appreciate that T1000 like I said if I don't have the answer hopefully at least it's fun and entertaining to watch so that's that's at least something right Archie's up he says good evening young man vertic hunting was the bomb the lawn is already reacting very positively uh process raise the blaze making the cleanup results so beautiful thanks for the continued instruction you're very very welcome Archie I'm glad that you are enjoying the results you're getting from verticating probably part of the reason why golf courses do it right like if you think about it if you think about like you know we say you know I talk about like you know getting a golf course lawn and like taking a lot of cultural practices that golf courses use and bringing them to residential Lawns to get like really amazing Turf if you think about a golf course like they want to get they want the turf to look incredible but they're also like especially these days like golf courses are very budget constrained you know unless you're like Augusta National like most golf courses like they can't just spend money anyhow they want so the fact that they still most of them still use vertic cutting as part of their program really shows you how important it is to really having a great Santa Turf especially Turf it's real mode and just as far as getting the same results that you're showing I mean you thin out the lawn but not in such a way that it um it looks bad and you're putting unnecessary stress into it and then a week afterwards it looks absolutely be gorgeous after after a good verdict you know what I mean so yeah I'm glad that you are seeing the same results that I'm seeing and keep going keep going it's going to get even better just keep keep it up all right next up is C pims he says I actually applied some fungicide today after I mowed I got some let's go t storm 2G it's a systemic fungicide figure that would be best for my yard definitely agree with cutting back on water nice cool cool stuff man that should do the trick all right next up we got LG he says uh Archie animals sorry I'm sorry man the cost of rehab set me back for a few months and he's back at it again uh let's see here uh Papa Scott says Platinum exterior I talked to my neighbor and I mow and spray our connecting Lawns win-win that's an option too if your neighbor will let you do that and then next up we have Jeffrey uh Lancaster he says in addition to what Ron sent also look up the Checkmate I have both for my Chanda hrx so I guess there's something called the Checkmate which is pretty good name for a rolling system for like a launch shopping system it's a good name good marketing I like it uh let's see Bermuda DIY guy says once I mix the Miramichi natural pesticide how long does it keep I have some in a fogger for the last two months because I can never go through it all that's a good question every time I've asked this question to the folks at Miramichi they've always told me is mix what you're going to use they say I've asked this question for biospectrum and say nope mix what you're going to use don't let it sit around and the answer is I'm pretty sure the answer is going to be the same thing mix what you intend to uh to use Bermuda DIY guy so um mix less of it next time you know what I mean just spray just spray it you know mix mix less of you know I I don't I don't know how long it keeps I will ask them but I'm pretty sure their answer is going to be make sure you intend to use do not let it sitting don't leave it sitting in the in the sprayer um for two months is it gonna hurt anything but I don't I don't know what what to really expect um it likely could lose some of its Effectiveness um I just I just wouldn't do that I would mix what you intend to use and spray and spray it um you know within a day or two that is what I would recommend all right next up is Moon doggy says moon dog Jim Carson the secret sauce is is the card is the cardboard all right uh tipped up on cardboard is better suited my backyard so yes more sun okay yeah so the cardboard is situated my backer yeah so it's the Sun so it's not the cardboard it's the it's the mayonnaise and ice creams actually on the top on that top that point let's stop the the poll let's see what do people say here what were the results towards the mayonnaise and ice cream so we had 58 votes uh let me see how many yeses we have um 1258 votes one one percent yes so one person said yes that they've had mayonnaise mayo and ice cream and everyone else has said no no mayo and ice cream so in general that's a good I'm gonna stick with that um with that that saying you know Bermuda and sunlight is like mayo and ice cream they just don't go together because most you guys have never had mayo and ice cream so we'll keep it all right next we have Jamar McKinney he says I plan on doing a leveling job soon would you recommend I'm not applying pre a pgr prior if you want the lawn to grow to recover faster no I wouldn't apply gross regulator because it is going to slow down how quickly the lawn grows tall right so if he wants a lot to bounce back as quickly as possible do not apply growth regulator that said can you can you use growth regulator will the lawn recover from it yes but it's going to be slower than if your lawn is not under regulation so if you want the lawn to bounce back faster Don't Spray Primo what I'll find what I find is this is if it's your second or third top dressing like it being under regulation is less of a big deal because your top your subsequent top dressings tend to be a lot lighter than the first time you do it the first time you top dress then no don't do don't do any kind of gross regulator because there are going to be some some areas that are going to be heavier than others and you just want the lawn to recover faster but if this is like your third or fourth or fifth top dress you're gonna likely be going pretty light and if you've already decided hey you can launch under regulation and I'm I'm going to top dress it it's gonna be fine I'll put you this way every let me see the the front outside the front lawn the back line every time you guys have seen videos of me toppersing the back lawn in the past I don't know several years it's been under regulation it's been on like it's been using Primo it's been Primo's been on the lawn it's been in the in the plant um and when I topped dress it and it didn't you know the lawn still recovered uh relatively quickly it recovered a rate that I was happy with that's what I'm trying to say all right next up is Brad Cromer he says uh Tiffany 419 is 1.5 years old overall low issues I just want to make it better so Test shows n and K are low p is in the optimal range should I go with the seven zero 20 28 310 fertilizer I would go with the one that has no phosphorus in it because your soil test results say your phosphorus is good so either the 7020 would be the one I would say or you could go with um humic max 1608 or the stress 12024 either of these you're going to skip the one in the middle this one is a no no go so humic max or the stress tall 024 either one of those would be a good fit based on what you're telling me for your based on it for your graph space and your soil test results hope that helps all right Lance f is up next he says happy Thursday Ron uh question for cool season grass hmm I've heard that tall tall grass pushes deeper Roots than shorter grass is that true I feel a well-kept soil and Lawn it should not make a difference um I've not heard the Tall Grass pieces deeper Roots what I have heard is that Lawns that are um like say growth regulator one of the benefits of it is that it drives deeper Roots because like a lawn can grass can typically grow up or can grow I mean I can't say it can't grow up and down at the same time but one of the benefits of Primo of growth regulator is that by suppressing top growth you leave more fuel more energy for um beneath ground growth to drive deeper Roots so that is one of the benefits of growth regulator as far as taller grass like letting grass get taller producing deeper Roots I I can't I don't know I don't know it doesn't make it doesn't make sense to me that that would be the case um but um but I don't know the answer to that one it's a good question you know what I'm gonna I'll um I'm gonna screenshot that one and I'm even ask Devin he might he'll probably be like he'll uh he might have an answer for that one I'm not sure if he's still here in the live stream but I'll bounce that one by him I'm not sure good question it's a good one you said you feel like a well-laid soil in the lawn it should not make a difference um yeah I mean I don't I I know that growth regulator will help produce deeper Roots along a grass being being tall or short given the same age I don't know you know what I mean I don't I don't know whether um that's going to make a material difference as far as how deep the um the roots grow so in other words if you took and I mean it has to be the same grass type of same growing conditions if you're going to test this so if you had like um like a plot of Bermuda same condition same sunlight same everything um and you let one you say you put do you establish Bermuda from sod and you did you let one grow to like three inches and you let the and you real mode the other one would the taller one have deeper Roots than the one that's real mode I wouldn't kind of think no but I don't know the answer to that but um so I'll look at you it's a good it's a good question it's a good resource question I'll look into it well we can make a talking point for next week because I do not know the answer to that all right next up is um Platinum exteriors he says better to I better ask my question I will include uh Parts my neighbor's yard have areas with our backyards that are four inches higher the sidewalk would love to start real mowing by matching the grade okay uh with my driveway I am thinking the difference between The Lawns will be too much should I build a retaining wall or attempt a slope or attempt to slope into my yard either way man either either one will work a slope either one either one has it has its pros and cons the the the the slope um if it's a gentle slope it'll be faster and easier to mow um than doing a retaining wall because with retaining wall now you've got an you've got two a couple issues one you gotta Edge it so you gotta there's gonna be more time to be spending with either like a string trimmer or rotary scissors edging along the retaining walls that's thing one um depending on how tall you grow the retaining wall or you grow how tall you build a retaining wall it could cast shade which is going to could harm how well you know how well your grass grows that's another consideration um the the slope is the way I might go I might be I might lean more towards the slope because it's just in many ways it's a Time Saver and if you do it right appearance wise it can look really nice you know what I mean so I think I think my vote would be the slope because I don't like to have to break out equipment just have to go and Edge and string sham and all this kind of stuff you know what I mean so yeah I think I'm voting slope on this one voting slope all right A C pims is uh next he says since the solid soil is only a month oh would you still recommend doing aeration I would not do aeration no uh and topsoil sand or wait a bit longer before doing so thank you very much for your help as far as the the aerate the the soil and um like the the top dressing if as long as you go light I would have less problem I don't have an issue with that but aeration I would not want to do that for a brand new a newly sodded or seeded lawn because even though it looks like it's growing and it's starting to establish you don't want running that aerator over it to pull up or you know to yank the yank the the grass is trying to root in um away from the soil so I would I would pass on the aeration but I would if you want to do top dressing or do like a if you go to a top dressing as long as you go light I have no there's no no problems with doing that but aeration yeah that's not let's not do that um this uh this go around at least not not yet probably not the seasons two it's only a month old let's skip it for this year aerate next year next up is Quincy he says how do you prepare for Ray like we've had in the South this week um The Wave repair is mow it mow your lawn the day before memorial lawn the day before the rainfall is about to start and also have growth regulator use Primo Max you know use Primo have a growth regulator that's going to slow down how much you know the flush of growth that you get from all the rainfall so a gross regulator and mowing like as close to when the rain's about to start and then just patience and then once this once the rain stops just you know get get on the business of getting the lawn back into shape and got the height of cut that you wanted but Primo will make a material difference in in reducing how much cleanup or how you know how much how to cut resets you have to do if you're using growth regulator so for that reason it's a it's worthwhile and again this is not stuff is really not that expensive it's like mid 40s like 40 45 43 44 for a bottle of this stuff and like one bottle will do 16 000 square feet you know so well worth its weight in gold there's tons of benefits to it I would highly highly recommend incorporating growth regulator into your lawn care program uh Lance abscess when are you going to post the night mode LOL yeah buddy you guys really want to see that I got to make that happen this week obviously was not a good time to do it because it was raining the entire time we'll see uh next maybe this upcoming week maybe man you guys are gonna make me drag a camera out there and all my lights it's gonna it's not gonna here's the thing it is not gonna look good I mean I some of the cameras I've got some cameras here they can see I can see pretty well in the dark but it's just not gonna it's gonna look like it's gonna be a horrible video man it's gonna whatever I'll try it I'll try it why not I need something fun and something interesting to get the creative juices flowing anyway so why not that'll be something that's that'll be a video that I do not yet have so why not uh cpim says appreciate it thank you keep up the great work I will do my best sir next up is McNasty Motorsports it went six days between Moe's oh sacrilege I took a vacation why I mean why you took a six day vacation that's not responsible uh subsequently chopped off a lot of color uh 950 and three days later my color is back thank you Hellman's I'm missing I'm trying to think here so you chop a bunch of colors what's 950 and three days later what did he what did you do what did you do helmets is made like mayonnaise what do you I'm I'm missing I'm missing the joke from Nick nasty it's going over my head the joke is going on my head I'm sure it's a good one but I am I'm I'm going it's going over my head all right now Tito Serrano says it's top dressing the same thing as leveling uh no so let me check I can say this make sure I can get this correct all all leveling all lawn leveling is top dressing but not all top dressing is lawn leveling so top dressing is a is a process of putting um you know casting sand soil compost some kind of medium over your over your lawn that that is in its purest form that is the definition of top dressing lawn leveling is doing that with the with the goal of making The Lawns smoother so smoothing out bumps and you know uneven areas of your lawn so you could top dress your lawn very lightly with like a compost um and and if you went light that is still technical stuff that's top dressing you know if you've done a light top dressing of the lawn but it's not really leveling because you haven't put enough material down to to take the areas that are that are bumpier and make them smooth and when I think about leveling projects I always think of sand there has to be some sand in the uh in the top dressing mix in the in the mix for it to really be a leveling project for example what I did earlier this spring on the front lawn when I did like a bunch of carbonized PM that would be a top dressing project um and you know it's but as far as like actually leveling the lawn not so much not not really I mean it's the leveling the leveling benefits of that are very limited in comparison to um to to when you have a a sand sand compost um blend now in the in the video description I have leveling in there because frankly most people that could be if you look at what like as far as the number of people that I've heard of top dressing like that's a more Niche term or Niche term than top than lawn leveling so that's why you'll still see even in videos where I'm using compost um I'll still have leveling in the description because there's more people will find the video that way but as a from a standpoint of leveling a lawn you really want you need to have some kind of sand in there because that adds structure and does a better job of smoothing out the uneven parts of the lawn whereas top dressing is if you put compost on the lawn that's top dressing you put soil there's topsoiling along that is top dressing you go really with light sand on the lawn that is also top dressing so but so all leveling involves top dressing not all top dressing is necessarily leveling so hope that helps Tito hopefully my explanation makes sense so anything else let me know uh Platinum experience says how long after establishing a lawn can you apply pgr that that's one they really wouldn't take that long so once you start mowing it if you're out there mowing it on Platinum you can use growth regulator like that's not one I don't feel feel terribly um strongly about as far as waiting very long like herbicides yeah give a little time but growth regulator especially if you're doing it the way that I am I recommend as far as taking whatever the monthly application rate is for your grass type and dividing that in half and spraying like half the rate half the monthly rate twice per month um that's even better you know what I mean so uh so yeah gross regulator once you're out mowing it you can start using Primo on it no uh no problems with that at all JC 105 says wow Thursday night what sorceries is this a day earlier oh please let this rain stop and see the sun give run an extra like for effort uh yeah because um tomorrow I've got karate I've got a karate event so I can't do the live stream tomorrow night so versus skipping we are doing it tonight so you guys get your your Turf talk and we get to chat and uh and yeah I'm gonna see here real real mower says with the amount of rain we're getting in North Georgia how long before you water your lawn again at best it's going to be like the end of next week at the absolute soonest um real mowers maybe even longer than that like if it stopped tonight do you resume your normal um schedule in a week um I mean maybe maybe it depends right depends on what the temperature like in this upcoming week but we got we had so much rain to where like there was a a pool in the backyard so the lawn's got plenty of moisture in it so I don't you know for next week definitely not so if we say the the week following which I think is the week of July 1st I think the Fourth of July week like that is when that's the suicide would resume watering on my lawn I'm not gonna you know save watering in like a fertilizer like I'm not that's that's that's that's about it I've got plenty the soil's got plenty of water it doesn't need any more water at this um based on what we had over the past past few days and man uh next offered interview says oh yeah you could be mowing Under The Lights uh we'll see you gotta I have to think about how I'm gonna make that happen all right so next up we have Platinum yeah yeah I have something to do tomorrow night and then uh inside America says is paying True Green enough yeah I mean if you wanna if you don't want to do all this stuff yourself paying a lawn care service is not a bad idea it's not it's not going to look as good as if you did it all yourself but you're not it's not a fair comparison because you're comparing two things that really aren't the same like whenever you up pay True Green or turf Mark or any of those services to come out they're going to come out what six seven times a year maybe right they're gonna do and that's for them doing pre-emergent and maybe some spots spray wheat um spot um spraying for weeds and fertilization here and there and um that's about it right if you're doing what I do what I what I teach when I do on my lawn and what I you know what a lot of people that follow my content do like you're out there every 15 days minimum like you're I mean you're mowing a couple times per week and then you're you're spraying the lawn every every you know twice a month and you're doing a granular fertilizer once a month so you're doing you so the the amount of work going into the lawn is not even in the same universe as what like a lawn care service is going to do so comparing the results that you get from like a true green or a Turf Mark in or any of those Services compared to what you could produce yourself is not really fair you know what I mean because you and because ultimately you are spending more money you're going to spend more money doing it yourself if you're doing everything that I I talk about then if you are paying one of those services to do it but your lawn is also going to look better you know so it it it depends I mean if is it good enough if you like the way your lawn looks um based on what they do yeah I mean just it just it depends on you depends how picky you are it depends on on what you're on what you're trying to achieve but if you um but what they do what they what they offer is for a certain demographic and to solve a certain problem right like most people care about their grasp but they don't really care about their graphs they want their lawn not have weeds in it they want it to be green reasonably green and they want to mow it once every couple of weeks and you know enough to where the ho doesn't set up a nasty gram like that is not the people on this live stream so you guys would not be a great fit for a lawn care service like someone like what are you guys getting like sugar and you're going to drive them insane because you're going to be calling them out there all the time say no this isn't right or I don't like this and like you guys would be a complete pain for them you know what I mean so you're not you are not their ideal customer so I think those services are great I think they definitely serve a need for the people for for for for what for the problem they're designed to solve they are not the best option if you're trying to get a golf course lawn because it's just simply not enough input not enough work um from based on what they're doing to get um to get to get similar results to get the same results so it's it's really not a fair question because they're not you're comparing two things that really aren't aren't um aren't even the same it's like saying if I you know whatever if I if I um if I go to the driving range you know if I go to the driving range once uh you know once a month is that or less than that if I go to if I go to the driving range eight times a year is is that as good as going to the driving range you know twice a week and getting lessons no it's not but but the amount of work you're putting into going to the driving range twice a week and getting lessons you're spending more time you're spending more money and you're and if you're following the lessons and you're following the guidance you're going to be a better golfer than someone that only goes the driving range you know eight times a year but it's not it's not a fair comparison because the amount of work that's going into it or not even remotely the same so again hope that helps inside America um it depends on how picky you are it can be if you don't want to do all this stuff yourself I I would not recommend unless you like working on your lawn what I do I would not recommend for most people it's not something that most that most people are going to want to are going to want to do not the level of that that I and most of the people on this on later on the live stream right now uh want to do it you know what I mean so it's true green is a good fit for for what they're designed to serve all right Quincy Williams says I appreciate it Ron got my premium Max down two weekends ago seems to be working pretty good nice it should it's good stuff Let's uh you know apply it two three days later the the handbrake the e-brake will get yanked on top goes for your lawn all right moondoggy says for the night mode use the theme song for my Miami Vice uh I could but I couldn't the video would get demonetized I can't I can't it's a cool thing copyright I would not um I don't want to write this song so I can't really play it I mean you can't but you're not gonna they're just gonna get demonetized if you do that and although it would be funny it would be funny uh last F says it's not about the quality of the video it's just about doing it we will all watch okay all right uh Ron it's a Mayo choke for the poll oh gotcha all right all right I got you I see now now I see it uh it takes a lot of mayo to level along it makes sense now see it took a while for me to catch up YouTube Gold okay and this is uh at least on vacation so don't mind me and we are winding down uh turd bucket says hi Ron that's up uh turd buckets interesting name but okay hello and then uh next up we have teddy uh Jesus thanks for sending the link to your fertilizer I will definitely consider it curious to know if anyone has ever combined Milo and iron and at the same time I have not done that but I have a compliant combined eye Milo with um a high iron liquid fertilizer it's a product called it's hard to find these it's called Brandt Supreme green I think it was like a four or five percent iron product and I would not recommend it I would not actually you know what you could actually see that I've got a video to actually show you what happened when I do that uh iron uh let me see it's like too much oh man what like what I call it um it was like it's so it's one of my older videos for probably oh it's it's over five years old at this point um um Milo I'm trying to think of what I what I called oh yeah liquid fertilizer this is it here I found it liquid fertilizer mlorganite interesting results where it's like it's where I did exactly that it was a video from what did I do I'm gonna shoot this video I don't know it's uh where is the date I don't know uh analytics I'm I'm curious it is over of 12 it's almost 1200 days old so whatever that is almost four years five years oh wow all right anyway here's the video If you the one I'm talking about so you can see what um you can see what happens if you over apply iron so I would not I would just I would not say it Teddy I wouldn't do it I would not do that I mean do what you want but I would I would I would recommend against it I recommend against over applying iron to your lawn uh Stephen says would you suggest putting a topsoil or sand to put over the top of the sod I don't know if there are benefits of one or the other I would do a blend I would do a blend of sand and soil if you can that's what I would go with I'll do a blend of of soil of um of compost or soil and sand a 70 30 ratio works best if you're in Georgia or South Carolina or North Carolina or Tennessee or Alabama Super Sod makes a leveling mix that is excellent it is not the cheapest but it is by far in my opinion the best stuff you can use around here around here anyway for leveling uh your lawn so I will send you the link to that if you're um if you're interested uh uh if you're interested in that c pims it's a very good product very it's there it's sort of leveling mix this is what you're going to want to use here and using um this my link saves you I mean it is an affiliate link so it does help a channel but it also saves you some money like five ten dollars off the delivery off of the bag right so every bit helps so there you go that's what I would use for top dressing and Brew crease fishing says happy Friday thanks for your assistance earlier you're very welcome sir Mark Romano says I'll send a link to more headlights you guys are setting this up how you really want to see this you really want to see that all right uh let's see does the zoysia's handle shade better than Bermuda grass yes but not buy too much I cut my grass twice a week so I'm as crazy as used guy as LOL do you get an NSX nice car old school NSX I like it um it does it is more shade tolerant than Bermuda but it still needs plenty of sunlight to do well all right next up and last but not least we have Mr Ben raham he says life got in the way missed a Primo app for all this rain looks like it grew three inches in the last five days yeah that sounds like it'll happen hopefully this is good for roots LOL thanks for hosting no problem Ben I mean just you're here now so all you can do is you know work it back down to get it back down to the height of cut that you want so such is life I see islaria such as life right let's see here next we have a question from Instagram it says uh Hey Ron I got pgr down during the last one before all this rain couldn't be happier with the regulation yeah awesome stuff yeah I mean my my long Drew from like three quarters of an inch to like an inch it went up to like an inch over like four days with no mowing with all that rainfall so growth regulator absolutely works it's great stuff great great great stuff all right we got a super chat from Catherine Turner thank you so much Catherine I really appreciate it she says thank you for your help with my recent UPS issue no worries uh it was almost like getting a phone call from a celebrity can't wait to get my Triad down on Saturday no worries at all Catherine always happy to help out you know I've definitely committed to you guys getting a great results in your lawn if it's not obvious I actually do care that you guys have awesome awesome incredible lawns all right so let's see if we have any other questions I think we are getting close Harper's Explorer says I'm going on vacation the lawn is going to is going to go through 100 degree days while I'm gone should I use growth regulator uh yep I would uh backyard is five A's Kentucky Bluegrass is the front lawn the Fescue is at 1.25 I can get it mowed while I'm gone it's it's up to you I mean what I would I still use gross regulator yes because literally I I start spraying growth reg the end of April early May and I spray it all the way through September like temperatures that does not I don't care what the temperature is going to be 80 degrees can be 105 degrees I'm still spraying in Primo every 15 days so uh so ask your question yes I uh yes I would uh midnight monoculture is uh is up next it says new to pgr gonna try some tea next to soon any tips or Lessons Learned From Any experienced users Kentucky kbg midnight Philly suburbs um you know I mean you can as far as I've never I have I personally have never sprayed Kentucky Bluegrass but I've sprayed a whole lot of growth regulator so I I can tell you that if it's your first time if you can if you can set up spraying at the full rate which I believe for Kentucky Bluegrass is I think it's um 0.60 I've got a blog post to tell me that I think that's right um instead of instead of spraying at the full rate for the month take whatever the monthly rate is and divide that in half and spray on the first and spray again on the 15th so for Kentucky Blue yeah so 0.60 is the monthly rate so 0.30 is what you would spray every two weeks um or 15 15 days over a thousand square feet so midnight monoculture if you go to the golf course lawn store there's a blog post that talks all about plant growth regulator how it can help your lawn get thicker and Greener this section you're going to want is starting here because you're already convinced on pgr you already know what you want to use so if you go to how to avoid tip burn it talks about um you know how to fix um like they talk about the theory behind doing the split application and then also to help out for your grass type you have Kentucky Bluegrass these are the rates that you would spray twice per month every 15 days on the first and 15th to get good regulation while reducing the chance of tip burn and it's what I do and what I recommend for people to do on their lawn so if you're interested in that I will send you um the link right here so midnight monoculture that blog post there and that's actually going to take you right to that section so that link will take you the section in the blog post that talks about doing the split applications all right Ira Joe iron Joe says what can I do about my sloped yard and soil washing away so uh so what I would say Aaron Joe is wherever the water is coming from we got to do something to control the water so if you have like a downspout that's what I'm saying water's coming off your roof and that downspout like wash like drains or pushes the water straight into the front lawn we got to do something about that I used to have that same problem on my front lawn and what I did is um I I took like this uh like the flex tubing that black Flex tubing you can get from Home Depot and I connected that's the downspout that's right in front of the Japanese maple that's in uh like my front lawn there like in front of the house and I I directed all that water over to the driveway and that has made a night and a nine day difference as far as like erosion problems in the front line literally went away overnight when I did that and even after we do like really heavy rainfall I still don't have like it's it's maybe it's maybe 10 of the of the like it wash out problems I used to have before it's it's practically non-existent so what I would say is if you can if you could figure out a way to manage whatever the water that's going on the front lawn better because it's coming from somewhere if it's coming from the house was coming from the roof like we got to direct that water and get it so go get it to go somewhere else other than um down your your front lawn that's gonna that's gonna help a lot um and then outside of that that's gonna make a big difference honestly that's that's gonna that's gonna that's the big trick I mean the way to help to help reduce um soil wash out is to reduce the amount of water that's going that's running through that area of the front lawn so that the only thing that's really drained the only water at that point that will be going on the lawn is whatever falls on it from the rain and that is um that should you should even if it's not 100 you should see a very big Improvement versus you're dealing with the water that's falling on the sloped lawn and also dealing with all the rain water that's coming off the roof or the garage or barn or whatever you got nearby then that and all that that Dell you just also running down the front lawn like that is gonna you're gonna have a hard time um fixing that there's there's no there's no real answer other than you got to reduce the amount of water that is what's running through running through that part of the lawn and and fixing the drainage is what I well that's what I found is but to be the only way so and it's worth it it's worth doing the work to do that because it will it like literally overnight the problem will get like so much better and you'll wish why you wonder why you waited so long to do it uh Harper's Explorer says uh irrigation system also uh okay that's good to have that's good so you makes it easier for your for your watering sounds good I like it alright guys gals I think that's about it so cue the closeout music I really appreciate you guys coming to hang out with me on a Thursday night I know it's not our normal time together but it really does mean a lot that you guys still carve out some time on a work night for a lot of you to still come hang out here until almost 11 o'clock Eastern to talk about lawn care so I really really do appreciate it wish me all the best of luck for this weekend and with all the rain done now get out and have some fun in your lawn this weekend take care I will see you guys next week
Channel: Ron Henry
Views: 17,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 64_7ieViwoU
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Length: 233min 26sec (14006 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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