Are You Going to Grow the New Glow in the Dark Petunia? // Why No Posts On Facebook? // Recap 🌿

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hey guys how's it going welcome to this week's recap video we have had a cold front come in as last night it is really chilly i' to wear coat out here this morning I don't know it's just the wind it's just kind of like a biting wind it is a biting wind the sun is out though the only thing that makes me happy about the cooler weather is that it will preserve our spring bulbs a little bit they will last longer if it doesn't get quite as hot and lilocks are just starting to bloom in fact we planned on doing a garden tour filming a garden tour for you guys this morning and uh Aaron before you even got out of bed you were like it's too windy yeah um so hopefully tomorrow we'll get that filmed for you uh but it's been a really busy week I don't think there's anything we need to go over before we jump in I don't think so so the first video was planting perennials with my mom uh so I had some Empress wuh hastas some falling in love sweetly anemones some desert Plains penum what else did I I think those are the three maybe that I took out there um so I took those to their house and we just had a nice morning placing those and getting them in the ground yeah pretty much it I showed you a little bit I guess around in their garden and I think we are about this close to being able to do a tour through their renovation I know that that's a super popular question right now aren't they still waiting on their fridge well yeah they are waiting on their fridge still I don't think we I don't think we'll have to wait for that to arrive in order to do a tour we were waiting on the pergola to be finished which was just finished yesterday she said there's a couple little things I needed to do uh but we're going to get started here on the landscape like within the next week or two so that'll be fun first question from that video was from vdk 80 loved seeing your mom's Garden again so pretty and the views are fantastic they are from that Hill I mean just the view of the valley when it's a clear day so beautiful question on where she bought the arbor that surrounds the new Fountain please she bought that at their Garden Center I I don't know what brand it is I honestly like standing here right now don't even remember what it looks like it's black maybe it has like like a diamond lattice pattern maybe just come on down to Andrew SE yeah Ontario Oregon do they do they actively sell it like they have multiple ones or they might your mom seems to always get um like the beauty of Andrews is that she gets in like unique things that are generally not mass-produced so like you never really know what you're going to get which is kind of the fun you know well and then she'll get like a couple of a lot of things instead of back stocking like 20 of the same thing and you ask like where'd it come from oh there was a guy that came through with a big truck and he just unloaded his stuff and I bought a few things from him like you know yeah some traveling if you really want to know you could probably send him an email Andrew C and they may be able to answer that for you I have no idea I'm sorry uh next question is from Peggy serious question is there a front or a back to a plant I planted four rows of Sharons and they're all blooming facing the back there is a shapewise there's usually a back of a plant you know you want to if you're positioning something in a flower bed and you want it to look the most beautiful from a certain angle I always look at a plant like look it over find the best side if I can and face that in that direction uh but if all the blooms are facing the back it could just be because that's where most of the sun is I mean correct me if I'm wrong on that one uh because you know your your space and how they are positioned but sometimes if they're getting all the light from one side they might Bloom that way I've not notice that with Rosa Sharon's though you know mhm Letha said what hand soap do you use even when I wear gloves under my nails and on my dry skin are near impossible to look clean black nail polish yeah or just something real dark yeah dark brown nail polish something like that my fingernails are not clean right now I don't use any particular soap at all hand soap I guess it's by the kitchen sink it's probably something I bought at the grocery store I think the one I have right now is sort of like a foam and it's kind of coconut yeah scented I'm not super fussy about stuff like that those of you who've seen my hands up close know this about me garden of petals said wow your mom is keeping up with you after her surgery she's doing great U just wondering what type of irrigation does she have where you plant it and how often it's watered is the irrigation on a timer it is on a timer it's got its own Zone it's the brown drip tubing that we use too it's got uh drip holes every 18 in right or 12 I don't know what they get they may be may use the every 12 or every 18 um um so that's what is in that area and I am not sure how often they water it I want to say it's twice a week yeah I know that uh they they definitely do like really long sets less often mhm Dy said your parents property is gorgeous I'm wondering does the ivy have to be trimmed regularly or does it stay pretty much contained in that area it does have to be trimmed it's been there for as long as I can remember like it was there when I was a kid like was it planted there when we moved in possibly you know that rock wall like where did all that rock come from I don't know most of the rock walls that you see in their Garden were there when we moved in you couldn't see them due to the weeds when we moved in I mean it was waste High weeds I was six at the time so you think at some point that means something different now but do you think at some point the garden looked like semi nice before the weeds took over or do you think it was cuz that's a lot of effort for someone to go through and put in the rock wall like it only takes like 6 months of not caring for something for it to look wild in our area if there were things there there was no evidence when we moved in other than weeds just like the things that well and I was six again when we moved in the things I can remember that were there were the locust tree that's now gone mhm um the maple tree that's on the south side of the deck yeah um The Raspberries were there there's not as many of them now they've taken out rows and then like the cottonwood trees that are down in the orchard area those were were there um the rock walls largely were there other than the ones around the pool because the pool area used to be pasture um so the rock walls around the base of that were put in when the pool was put in because they had to level it up and they bring in a tremendous amount of dirt to do that that's so much terracing to do like so much Rock to bring in cuz I don't think that that rock came from the property no it did not and I do know when we were young we would get uh permit and run up into the hills and there were a few locations where we could get similar like you know skinny rocks like Flat Rocks um from a different couple different areas and to do some repair work because there were a few spots that would collapse and we'd have to you know not we I'd help gather the Rocks but my dad and my mom and dad would fix the walls so I don't know if they you know whoever put those in before went up and did that or if they had somebody like bought the Rock and brought it in I don't know I don't know that I always find that interesting when uh when you know things are in place and you don't really know the history of like who did this because someone did a tremendous amount of work especially back then I mean I guess you guys only moved in in like the '90s but still back then that was that was still a lot of work somebody put ton a ton of effort into doing that and the way they did it I mean it looks a million times better with all the plants and but it's like little rooms and it was set up and terrist in a way to where it could be it could that way like somebody had a somebody kind of had and some to to put it to nothing else on that property though it's like the rock wall was the like the Pinnacle it was the diamond in the in the rough really Sarah said have you pruned your gorgeous rose trees yet I've been waiting to prune mine until I see how you do yours I've never pruned a rose tree before and I'm nervous I have not I was looking at them the other day I'm like they look pretty good maybe I just don't need to touch them this year they do look pretty good they do I do need to get into the center though because like one of them in particular kind of gathered a bunch of leaves which I was happy about because it was kind of protecting The graft right there but I need to get in there and clean those out a little bit and I might need to go trim off little ends do you have like a gauntlet glove you can stick in there oh I think I can come in from underneath and do a little you know with my rose well they're not Rose gloves I don't even know what are those they're just gloves I think just you just happen to use them for rose pruning yeah they're awesome Leanne said hey Laura how's it going I just love watching your videos and learned so much from all of them that makes me happy to hear I have a bed in my garden zone 6 Ohio that I have slowly been filling with perennials but it's been very it has a very stubborn thistle problem I've dubbed the area the thistle forest and I battle it every year by hand pulling throughout the season is there an easier way to get rid of them without killing the other plants do you think that they will be choked out once I have enough plants to the bed I mean planting thickly does wonders for a lot of those types of weeds and really unless you're willing to do some sort of spray hand pulling when they're young is about the only way that I know how to get rid of them and we I would use like a deadweed brew on them mixed at the highest mix concentrate with an emulsifier like a spread of sticker spreader sticker um mixed in so that the the spray will really adhere to the leaves but if you've got a lot of other plants around them you'd have to be really careful about that you could put like on the end of a a pump sprayer you know that got the wand some people will uh take like a bowl like a plastic bowl or a cup or something like that and they'll cut a hole in the bottom and stick the um sprayer through it and then that you can put the whole thing over just the weed and spray the weed and so that nothing else like sprays out on any other of the weeds so I mean that's an option if you want to try that Moren said can you grow Empress woo in a pot a really big pot I want them in my garden but I'm not prepared to leave my plants in the garden when we move absolutely hostas are great in pots Amanda said love your channel so much Laura speaking of weeding can you share all the tips and tricks you all have huge amounts of land what should those uh who struggle with big Corner Lots do to keep up with without breaking their bodies all the all the while avoiding chemicals we hand except for in gravel areas we hand not pull we hulao hand hulao the weeds out and they're just on such a rotation that every area gets hit pretty routinely and if you get after the weeds early enough in the season most of the time you kind of get on top of it not that you can let go completely because the weeds will still keep coming up but that spring boom there's nothing like that and if you can get past that then I feel like you're better off and if you can break up your garden in sections that's what I used to do when I was doing it all by myself um I would have zones in the garden and then I would assign that zone a day so that I knew it was like a manageable size chunk of ground to address so I'd have five zones so uh for the five work days of the week I'd have one zone that I knew I needed to address for weeds deadheading anything like that any kind of routine maintenance so it didn't take me very long because I would hit that spot every single week why are you smiling you used to do it on your lunch break yeah I did like you would hit all your zones I remember like when when I had lunch breaks cuz sometimes we would be home at the same time on lunch break and uh like I wanted to chill you know like this is my chill time and you're like nope out in the garden like in my zone yeah well you just get it done right and then that evening I knew I could come home and cook dinner and just relax and I didn't have to worry about any of the work part cuz I was in work mode and also is cooking relaxing for you yeah is it if I'm organized it's relaxing for sure it's a little less relaxing right now because Samantha wants to be involved in everything which is so awesome but you guys know how that is when you're trying to include a three-year-old in your projects you have a double-edged sword well and it involves Sharp Tools and hot things it's just like brings an extra level of stress so there's occasionally I'll just say no Samantha I just like I need a moment can you please go play or read a book or something like that um and but most of the time I try to involve her I'll set her up with a cutting board and then I'll just get some random thing out of the fridge like celery like here I need this cut this up I don't really need it but she has a good time being involved yeah Emma said I love the playing card uh sweet oh steps suit I don't know why I read that word sweet playing card suit steps are those handmade it looks very Alice and Wonderland yes those were handmade my mom got a hold of some molds they were like the Spade the Club the diamond and the heart I have to remember and um we mixed up concrete and made a whole bunch of those stepping stones and there are there's a stack of them somewhere because they took up most of that pathway down into the orchard um with steps and things like that um so there's just a small patch of them still left down there but we did our handprints and we did all kinds of like drawings on them and it led down to where their patio area is now down there that was a bunny Hutch and like I had duck down in there when I was growing up it was a very kind of magical Whimsical feel next video was laying out the dreamstream pond extension with Brian from Aquascape that was a really fun day yeah I mean we've been talking about the dreamstream expansion since the moment the pond was finished like the whole group all of us were it wasn't even finished it wasn't finished no we were like well they kind of knew that's true they planned yeah they were like you know what we could do and they they didn't have the time or you know resources to do it at the moment they were planning on it as they were kind of finishing up the build because the liner they left a bunch of extra liner on the side where they intended on possibly doing an expansion I remember feeling kind of overwhelmed at that moment because I mean we were just sitting down with our legs dangling in the water and they were just talking through all of these possibilities and my mind was already just like reeling from what I just watched happen like in 3 days this flat piece of ground was transformed into this beautiful Pond area and I was surprised too because I was not expecting to love it as much as I do and it was just such a it was a a moment for me like a growing moment for me like you need to trust the process trust the professionals anyway so we've been talking about it but I didn't know what kind of ideas Brian had in his brain and he gets here stands there for just a few minutes and then just starts painting like we could do this and this and this and this is the way we need to take it and to make it look natural which is myig biggest thing and right now it doesn't look as natural as it will once plants grow and you know we once we have plants growing over rocks and things like that and it's more mature and filled in it kind of looks like oh look at all this you know the rock right here um anyway he just has these great ideas on how to make it look like the water just cut out this part you know like this is where the water naturally flew as he was describing it you know I I could visualize it and I think you were able to visualize it but I wonder if people watching weren weren't able to visualize it as much cuz they didn't just go through the pond project like we did yeah you know we just watched them create BMS and move rocks around and create holes and divots and you know shelves and shelves uh and all those kinds of things and so I wonder if um as he's describing it if some people were just kind of like I did see one or two comments like I can't visualize it but it's G to be awesome you know and those types of things like I know you're always trying to encourage me to whenever we're painting lines in the grass or just chatting through a pro or not a problem but chatting through design ideas and all that sort of thing you're always like let's get a camera out you know let's explain what we're going to do here and I'm always like it's really hard to explain especially when you can barely see the paint lines on the ground and there's no changes actually being made to the landscape at that point so often times we don't film those sorts of things because I I can't I have a hard time describing what it's going to be like yeah especially when I have anything to show for it at the end of the video I'm like oh here's the paint lines you can barely see you know but Brian really has a a good way of making ideas come to life for me I think there was only one thing I said and all all I said was I would love to have line of sight from the doors of the heartly I would like another opening with something that draws you in that's it go to go to town you know like just go go for it so and he he really did and I'm excited and we also got to meet Colleen who's the uh CEO of Aquascape right president president president CEO president CEO I know anyway she's awesome really enjoyed the whole day and Chris Shriner was there from uh green Source Landscaping who is our like go-to local source for Aquascape he's an Aquascape contractor um so it's just a really fun day and then we got to hang out and have dinner and all that sort of stuff so we're looking forward to that project in October is when I think it's going to go down and the whole group that was here last time I I don't know if the whole group is going to be here but a large part of it sound like they were going to invite all the same back whether they can make it or not we'll see but yeah I'm looking big time forward to that project uh anyway Kayla said love seeing the new ideas for the pond about how many new koi will show up after the eggs hatch how many fish can your pond size hold a lot I think but I don't know how many will actually make it past egg stage they say that well they'll eat their own eggs and it's the ones that get like like kind of lodged in a plant or like tucked away those are the ones that make it past egg stage I got the sense that it will sort of manage itself you know like they eat the eggs and so if um if you have a lot of koi like they'll all the koi will probably eat basically all the eggs and you'll have times where when you have enough koi there just won't be any you won't see any new ones um so wouldn't that be fun though for the kids yeah I I hope so and those that parir ofu that I uh I did a real I think on Instagram and Facebook where there was a paradox they were back in the pond yesterday Paul and I were standing there we were discussing some drip things and they just flew in and just started swimming and like bathing in the pond and we were like oh I didn't have my phone with me though I was going to take a picture you had my phone with you I it was off on a I think I left it in your Gator and it was off somewhere else down sprig Lane said question what does Aaron think of the extension of the pond is he as excited as you and the kids yeah not more excited but like at least the same it just adds so much movement and so much life and there's so much uh so many more insects and birds and things like that around the space and I love it you know I um I'm really happy I'm excited about the extension of the pond I'm mostly happy about just buttoning up areas yeah like if there's dirt you know around it's like let's just throw something to me it's like let's just throw some trees if nothing else you know like get the trees growing but I'm super excited about the pond yeah or stream I guess are you more excited about the stream or your bub cat oh man the Bobcat is kind of awesome it when you get the machine that does what you need MH oh okay I feel like I should tell a quick little story about the whole Bobcat John Deere situation so in a recap a couple year uh weeks ago I had mentioned that John Deere kind of dropped the ball because I tried to get a John Deere wheel loader just like the Bobcat because they sell one and I just didn't I didn't get a good response from the guy I was working with well and this was from Coastline in Meridian not our local John Deere not the Ontario branch that I normally deal with because they told me they couldn't sell me one so anyway I got a call randomly from a number and then he left a message I didn't answer it he left a message and said hey this is the uh manager here at the store in on the John Deere store here in Ontario and um just you know want to chat with you if you can give me a call back so I called him back and he told me that his I think it's his grandparents maybe that live in a town couple hours away and they're like you know followers they watch the channel and they were like you need to call that guy and you need to make this right I love them yeah and um so I told him I was like well look it wasn't your branch like you guys were fine um it was just it was totally different so he was like okay well that's good he's like well we just wanted to make sure that you know if it sounds like you're taking care of and you're good and you're happy with what you you got but you know we try to like if we hear of something like that we want to try to make it right if we can that's amazing customer service even though you weren't dealing with him like you know trying to get the prices and all of that it was a different branch it's so awesome that it makes you want to go yeah well I told him I was like look it wasn't you guys um I like John Deere I'll be back you know next time I need a you know something John Deere like I'll probably try you guys first cuz you're local and I don't have any issue with you so it's I'm there's no like animosity or anything but I thought that was funny Sherry said Laura says she's she's loving Boulders and BMS Priceless I know I never thought I want to put some rocks out in the South Garden you're kind of like well not if there's not BMS if you're just like plunking a rock down in the middle of a flat Garden I think it looks good I like it because it looks like tucked in and like the rocks are buried part way into a BM they natural hidden by plants you you plant around them and they're they're there but they're not like beacons I think they would be more so out there not if you plant around them do the rocks and the planting at the same time K Karen said why October I think that's just when everybody we asked them we were like can you do it next month and they were they actually were like well actually that would help us out logistically and I was like uh we're good but I think it also would be a nightmare logistically because uh all the people that like fly in they it's go it's go time for you know this industry yeah in like May and so October is a great time because it's slowing down for everyone including us there's not as much going on and yeah I think it'll be good and it'll be so much cooler you guys last year I felt so bad for everyone it was like it was the only week of the year where it was over a 100 I don't think a lot of them really minded because they're used to humidity in the summer and so I think they were kind of like ah it's a different kind of heat nice you know it's true we did get a nice Windstorm remember that during during one of the parts of it oh and there was a our heat I mean if you can escape the sun which I guess they weren't really able to because they're yeah out but like if you can find some shade you know as a reprieve like it's not it's bearable it's pretty bearable yeah Chris R fan said this is so very interesting or exciting so when will you have to start moving plants and trees in preparation for October you know I could probably move the crab apple there's not that much that we're going to need to move um The Crab two trees the crab apple and what was the other one the everen oh yeah he said the Evergreen wasn't in the wrong spot it was just the wrong uh like height yeah he said we can use both of these trees in the you just got to like plunk them up put some dirt in create a BM and then like put them back down right so I don't I don't know I could move the crab apple though anytime Bobcat cells I know I know you don't even have to tell me wouldn't that be nice to be able to move our own stuff they have Spades it wouldn't make sense probably cuz I'll bet it's really expensive oh yeah like if you had a tree yard it would make sense to buy something like that but for us if we move you know two or three things a year it'd be cheaper just to have Nathan cuz he can come out just with his truck the small truck right it's like a regular size truck and it's got the Spade on the back right probably a lot cheaper just to have him come stuff Brian and Tammy olssen said what an oasis you will have in the shallow areas of the new Pond will the fish be okay in the winter do you think that area will be freezing or Frozen can't wait for this project I think most of the fish will end up in the larger area I think they kind of know and they'll go deep enough like this last winter it never froze over completely we did when we had that cold spell where it got6 we did put a like a St stock tank heater we just sunk that in just to make sure that if it was going to freeze over that there would be at least one spot thought out so that oxy oxygen could still exchange um but it never it never did and I think there's going to be enough movement in the water to where unless it stay like sustains a really low temperature for a long time I don't think we'll have it freeze over but it it completely depends on the weather um and I think the fish will all end up where they need to be during that but pray on crout said what will the area measure once the pond and stream are finished a full acre no I'm trying to get an idea how much land I would need to attempt a project like this the pond itself is about 50ish wide like from tip to tip like Wetlands to the the pump area and like 20 is it like 26 or 28 yeah deep you could do that you know I'm trying to think my parents live on a third of an acre uhhuh you could fit something like that in their backyard oh yeah so if you had a third of an acre like including your house and a front yard and everything you could fit that pond in there oh yeah for sure TV 7357 said uh hi Laura so exciting was wondering if you are planning to incorporate the original small waterfall that you disassembled a while back into into this design not into this one in particular but into another area in our South Garden that I kind of knew where I want it but we need to get a structure out there first and I haven't found the right structure yet or we could put that at my parents oh yeah they would love it if do they is that something they would want I think so your dad doesn't want a pond I think your mom would want think the p pondless is what they that's what I mean though your dad doesn't want like stand like water right he wants a disappearing yeah which is what this is yeah mhm yeah okay next video was refreshing past garden projects I just had a list of things I needed to tackle starting with the Leaning topiary that was all fluffy and Woolly and it was in a spot that was getting a it is getting a lot of sun right now because the birch tree above it isn't fully leafed out but once it is leafed out that spot has become too shaded it wasn't when we very first put the topiary there because the birch tree was a much smaller tree at that point but we did get it uh trimmed up and replanted out in the South Garden it looks so pretty where it ended up I do need to go check on it though because it was so windy last last night like I don't do you know what the wind gusts were last night it was moving furniture around on our balcony it was yeah it was a lot so I'm thinking it's probably leaning this morning I need to go check on it but love that and then we took the pot that the topi Ori was in and we put a final fire Maple that has been sitting on our back patio in the same wood box for the last two years we potted that into it which it has a lot more room now for root growth and then what do we do oh the SVA Bowl we got that all refreshed and cleaned up and repotted Erin's Garden geek said I think I heard you mentioned because one of the succulents was blooming it meant the mother plant would eventually die but baby plants had emerged did I hear that correctly yes I had never heard this before great information does this happen with most or all psychons I am not sure if it happens with most or all succulents this's my experience with simper voms once that mother plant blooms uh usually at that point it's got like a ring of babies around it and that one just kind of Fizzles out and goes away and the babies kind of take over um so I got that part taken out and got the babies taken off and replanted user zk2 MG said I love anything you do thank you I also love watching your helpful videos too my question is why don't you post your videos on Facebook just curious the short answer is that Facebook is the worst uh the long answer is that when we do Post it's just kind of like Facebook's a hassle yeah um we get copyright notices every video even though we pay for a license to use the music um um it takes it would take time to edit out the music but I have to go in and manually like um fight every single claim every single day and then a lot of times and it's these like faceless companies that I don't even know the names of that have claimed and said this is our music and I'm like no I I pay I paid money for a license for this but like I'm not going to hire a lawyer or go sue them yeah you know because I rightfully can use it and then the second thing thing is that Facebook just doesn't serve our videos to our audience they don't like the structure of our content it's not like what they're after yeah it's really funny though they're pushing vertical content pretty hard they're pushing short form content like short short we used to do we used to do short videos and get millions and millions of views on those yeah but we don't do those anymore no we kind of have gone to like more of a vlog is format just showing what we're doing and I like filming those so much better well I mean both are kind of fun in their own way but yeah so um you know I see it just endlessly whenever we have whenever we post something that like Facebook wants us to post I see so many people like oh wow glad to see you're making videos again and I'm like oh jeez like we make six seven videos a week but these people that followed and maybe would want to know they just don't if you didn't hit subscribe on YouTube you know and you were watching on Facebook it just will stop showing up in your feed and you'll never know why you'll just think that Laura quit making videos right I feel that way about Facebook and Instagram both like I'm not super interested in catering our content to the to what they want to what Facebook wants or yeah like catering your content to what the audience wants is is fine because you know you kind of like pick up on what people are saying and you know if they're like I don't like this kind of music or whatever you start to pick up on little things you're like okay that's not a big deal we can you know yeah try to make it uh for you know what people want but yeah I really hate catering to social media companies I know I feel like YouTube is just so steady and I feel like the audience audience that you get on YouTube is the most true yeah I guess like you're watching this here because you want to watch it here and that's the kind of people that I want to have in our like Community you know are people that want who want to be there and there's so many you know numbers and things on the other platforms just like it's not an actual viewer you know it feels like number chasing like the content that we make is I don't feel like we're chasing after like big numbers we're just showing what we're doing and kind of living our life yeah but peaceful yeah when you make videos like what Facebook wants it does kind of start to feel like okay you're curating things to where you're trying to get big numbers and I don't know that has a place and it's fine and I'm not judging anybody who's doing it like you know Mr Beast is probably one of the people that like figured it out and he's like this is what the algorithm wants and this is what the demographic wants and good for him that's great more power to you yeah everybody wants to make different stuff that's cool for sure Mary Murphy said did I miss all the Tulips that were planted in the orchard um the welll I don't think we planted any tulips in the orchard we've got uh Fria Mascari which are blooming right now some daffodils are still blooming in there we had cro focus and uh uh winter aconite blooming early on so those are already done and gone but it's looking really pretty and like perfect it's exactly what I wanted in that space like it looks like you can still walk through it like it's not uncomfortably tall the grass isn't and you can see the all the colorful bulbs but they're sparse enough to where it doesn't look like too much sure if that makes sense so I'm really enjoying it and we will show you when we come to a tour it does not look the same on camera as it feels in person though and I hate that about that space I wish that the grass is a little Greener and maybe over some time like some of that dead looking grass will kind of like work its way out I don't know if I need to mow it shorter at the end of the season or like start getting it short by the end of the season to make sure that there's a lot of room for the bulbs sure well there's plenty of room yeah all I mean you can definitely distinguish the grass line from the bulb line but it's not as green as the rest of our grass no it's not so I need to work on that I don't know I don't know if that's like um a Fescue thing I don't know I I'll try to make it better I think it looks great Jake said that was a good siiz Maple you put in the new container is it okay to plant a young Maple in a large container to start yes or should I upssize the planter every few years as the maple grows you can start it in a large container when it's young or you can upssize I mean either way it's fine um the I think there was a comment I don't know if it made it in here someone's like I don't understand why you gave the topiary a nice spot out in the garden and then didn't give a nice spot out in the garden to that Maple I don't understand that well it's cuz I want the tree on the patio I want that also we have the sun yeah I want the height and I want that structure on the patio and they do just fine in containers I mean that one lived in that tiny wood box for two full years and is still completely fully leafing out um so it's totally the tree would die if you put that tree out in the South Garden it would fry it fry like in a second unless I had more maturity on some of our other trees and I could treat it as an understory sort of like protected tree and plant it on the Shaded side of something else then we might be able to get away with it but in this case it's not an appropriate tree to plant out in the landscape so there I don't know if that comments in here or not but next question is from cat caretaker wow that looks so much better I like it in that location it looks like a little Whimsical it does uh and I like a little Whimsy I'm wondering when are going to have the Drone release all those beneficial bugs would this be the ideal time to get ahead to start on any of those pests not really it's not quite warm enough uh we haven't noticed anything and I've been looking over my bulbs all the spring bulbs that we have been um cutting and harvesting out of that space are clean I don't know if the type of bugs like those kind of plants or not but they are clean plants and I'm just so thankful for that um we have been talking with the company in fact they've got some new stuff they're excited for us to try but we're going to do the same might release that we did last year plus some like slow slow release packets and we may even do some soil addressing um so I'm excited about it and we will bring you along for that as well but we have to wait for it to warm up a bit Shirley said I have a question about hardening off seedlings my plants are large enough to be put into the ground I know I need to set them out for a few hours or days can you tell me how much I need to set them out and how many days or weeks we are in the 70s and the day uh days and 50s at night oh it won't take you very long at all the hard those off um usually what I do is I'll set them outside in a protected spot even if they're full Sun I make sure that they are protected from the afternoon sun because they're not used to that yet so I put them in a kind of protected spot for a few hours the first day and then the next they go in at night and the next day I move them a little bit more out into the Sun and then move them back in for the night and then that third day I'll usually move them out into quite a lot of sun and then that night I will maybe put some Frost cloth over the top of them or not depends on the plant and then after that I can put them outside but it will depend you know on the exact type of plant you have um that sort of thing but it's it's usually like a 2 or 3 Day process typically for me and we have one night that's supposed to be 33 31 oh 31 is that tonight uh yes yeah I can tell it's so chilly outside yeah still 31 and then 33 okay yeah so we're not quite there yet we're have another freeze dang it I am so happy that I have covers over some of my stuff out there the next video is Planting onions and a load of big trees so we got our flat of onions out separated all of them I still haven't counted how many are out there but we ended up with a ton of onion plants way more than I had anticipated and I cannot bear to well I can usually I can find homes for my extra plants but I ended up with the few I had left over at the very end of planting them out in the cut flower garden I planted them in our raised bed in between my rows of cilantro figuring that the cilantro once it gets too hot it'll start to bolt and the onions can kind of take over um that area at that point we'll see how that how that goes but while we were out Planting onions the load from jaker Nursery showed up Erin and I actually went out that morning we went drove over there we walked to the yard we picked out some things and then uh we asked if they could deliver and they said sure you want them today we're like oh yeah kind of Lucky yeah sure so while we were out there Planting onions Paul and uh Bethany and you all three of you were out there helping unload the trees getting them tied to the uh TST Paul and Bethany had prepared that they put a couple of tsts in the ground and then we have some like galvanized pipes we tied to the tea poost anyway and the trees get tied to those um just to keep them upright should we have windy days like this uh in case we don't have a chance to get implanted right away and then we use some of the wood chips that were in that great big pile from natural tree they drop off loads of wood chips here and there uh anyway so those H in all the root balls so that it keeps them moist Nancy said question about the Thorns with the Honey Locust trees around the kids play area we had a thorn grow through a tractor tire our locusts are thornless yeah I guess I should double check they're thornless double check yeah so shade Masters and Imperials are the only locusts that we have planted and both are thornless well we haven't planted any Imperials yet they're still sitting there well and we have the Sunburst do we have Sunburst those are also thornless Sunburst shade master and Imperial will'll be the only three varieties we have here Monica said do you need to wait until after your first frost date to plant onions no onions are a cold crop you can plant them out fairly early I want to go look at mine though today because they're pretty wimpy some of them I might roll out a piece of cloth over the top of them just for tonight since it's going to be 31 sure they've been out there though for a few days now need throw up one of those low cats real quick yeah that's true could do that but there's two rows of them and they're pretty like wimpy and floppy at the moment so I could just put the fabric right over the top of them and just put some bricks on it and then tomorrow take it off sure yeah I might do that Ross said did you crash YouTube I tried liking this video and got a message that said this resource has exceeded its limit I wish we crashed YouTube but no I don't know why you got that message that's weird Peter said by the time you planted all those onions even my back was aching for you do you have an exercise routine to keep your body flexible and strong enough through the daily contortions that the garden demands no I probably should you did do like a stretching routine for a while though yeah I should probably do that more it's just it's tough to keep on anything I know there's just so much to do thank goodness we have active jobs though right cuz it's I mean it's every single day even on weekends like you don't get a day away from that typee of activity yeah really Tanya said would an imperial honey locust tree live in in 9B zone is the honey Locus the tree you said low low maintenance tree yes it's a low maintenance tree let me see what zone 4 to8 so it would not like a Zone N9 and nen said that's a lot of onions I didn't get my onions started this year can I just plant the seeds in the garden uh you'll probably want to go find yourself some sets which are like little bulbs or little plant plant seedlings to transplant out into your garden I've never direct seed onions not to say that you couldn't but I just haven't done that Kelly said are you going to be trying the new Firefly petunia that glows in the dark no you're not no well so they asked us the the grower that grows our stuff all of our like proven winner stuff and they're kind of ugly they're not a pretty petunia to me I think it's just like that it's interesting the fact that it it glows in the dark they crossed it with like a worm or a fish or I just feel like it's a slippery slope and it's messing with natural order and it kind of makes me uncomfortable I don't like that well you know we all watch Jurassic Park and We Know How It Ends I would love to know your opinion um on this so if you guys want to chime in and let me know what you think about the Firefly petunia your mom's like super against it well yeah she is I mean they've always that always yeah and now all the signs at the garden centers that say no GMO seeds actually make sense because there is a GMO tomato available now uh but I I you're not consuming this petunia I mean it's like it just a plant that that you look at yeah it's still I feel like it I don't know I don't know enough about it yeah it just makes me feel like it's messing with I don't know enough about it either so yeah if people want to educate us on what it is it doesn't bother me personally but again I'm not educated so so it's funny isn't that interesting how like you and I are both uneducated about the same topic but like you're bothered by it and I'm not like what does that say about us you I don't know you just got to trust your gut sometimes on things you especially if you don't know about enough about it like for me I don't want to tread into that territory until I am educated but you're like I'll jump right in I'll grow it I you because that's what you said like I'll grow it somewhere no you will not because I will not I don't want to I don't know I don't want that on the property yeah I don't know until I know more about it SJ lamb said have you ever considered growing a living Willow structure it could be a fun project and bet the kids would enjoy it I love the way those look but what a nightmare to keep those pruned and trimmed and I mean might be saying the same exact thing about the grape trees that I'm growing in pots it might be a project that is really hard to keep under control it would be cool to have like a willow bench or something like that I saw what is the name of the place I saw it on Instagram they have an apple Globe a treat so it's a trunk and then they have all of these branches coming out of like one part of the trunk and they've trained it into a globe it's a round shaped Hollow in the center an apple tree wow oh that would be so cool you know that would be kind of fun we I should I'm GNA look into that yeah I'll try to find it on in my feet it was a couple of days ago I want to say the account starts with like a h Hol holes Gruden something that might get you close Okay Emily said can we meet Paul and Bethany or did I miss that one I asked them I try to be very respectful of people's like limit when it comes to having a camera in front of them and Paul and Bethany are awesome about putting a camera out in fact um I asked Paul to dig out the holly Hawks in front of the house we just planted a Japanese maple up there which I think you'll see that before this video comes out and Bethany took all the Holly Hawks home and planted them in her own garden um but Paul asked me do you want me to film it when those come out I was like sure that'd be great like he thinks of or if he's about ready to do something that I don't even know he's going to be working on he'll say like hey I'm going to be working on this this and this do you want any of it filmed so it's awesome that they think about that and he's comfortable with that level I think Bethany would do a Q&A but I don't know if Paul's quite there yet so I will let them decide when they want to when and if they want to it doesn't bother me if they don't ever want to okay Cynthia said love starting my day watching with my cup of tea you make me uh want a big Garden love all the information you share question why are the trees covered over with what looks like wood chips are you planting them soon so the wood chips just serve as a barrier from the wind and the sun it just keeps them shaded and cool and moist um and we will use all those wood chips in the lane that we're creating around the dirt lands it's kind of like faux bearing them just a little bit yeah it's just trying trying to keep them away from exposure in case you have one of those cold nights just a little insulation yeah okay next video is planting big trees with big equipment so some of the big trees that came in that load uh we placed them and Paul and Aaron planted them it was so awesome so awesome that we didn't have to manhandle those big root balls that and you know when we would plant them with the forks the forks were underneath the cage and we had such a hard time getting the cage that wire cage off and you have to kind of like bend the tree back and forth and you're kind of like rocking the root system inside and then the sometimes the root ball would fall apart and I've heard people talk about it like once you break the root ball a lot of people are like it might go it might die yeah you know really want to keep that intact yeah and we don't like to keep the cages on the trees because as you know the huge blue spruce tree that was I don't even know how many decades old fell over in a windstorm up by our pany garden and the cage was still there the cage and a bunch of bailing twine um like bailing twine that was a miss that should have be gone but I know a lot of people plant trees that are in B&B in those wire cages and the cages just rust out and eventually go away they don't do that here I just found one when I was digging the hole for that Japanese maple up by the house there was like there was a little bit of bailing twine I could see and then I kept digging and there was that little hook you know how they have like the hooks on yeah it was part of one of those cages still underneath the soil and there's no plant that exists there sure it died it died yeah so we try to remove as much of the cages as possible and now we can without wrecking the trees yeah plus you know not that physical toll like I don't know that I could manhandle those trees anymore there was a time when I would try and maybe get it done but it's not good for you we left the burlap on all of them that's fine burlap goes away dis we just uh like untied it from around the deal and kind of SPL it out but it's but um also like there were roots that were already growing through the burlap in in aot of those trees so you kind of already know it's like the roots are going to just do their thing yeah and that border is already coming along beautifully I'm so excited about it I love jumping spiders they're adorable Aaron was definitely in his element how long can you leave the trees packed with mulch like that probably until next year if you wanted yeah maybe if you keep them water keep them watered mhm Renee said Hey in the pasture horse barn area do you need to have some trailer parking for horse friends or campers like Greg the pong guys Greg the pong guys trailer camper camper oh camper just a thought there'll be space yeah there yeah I think there should be enough space mhm Gloria Hansen said so fun to see all that wonderful Greenery growing in question when you put fertilizer into the bottom of the hole when planting doesn't it just leech down away from the roots or does it uh not do that before the roots reach out to it would it benefit the plant to have fertilizer around the root ball instead it doesn't go away that quickly it doesn't leech out it probably would technically make sense to put the bio tone like in the dirt around the mix it into the dirt and then back F mhm that probably be but I don't know when you're just doing a lot you're kind of just going quick and but if you're trying to do it maybe correct it it might be better yeah I can't imagine taking the time to do everything like the proper way the proper way yeah I don't think I would like gardening yeah if I felt bound to do that uh Laura Hughes said I really like the white fence is it vinyl yes we want to fence like that around our proper property kind of gives it an estate feel beautiful day out there it really was a beautiful day and I like the white fence I know that if I had I like it too if I had my choice it would be a wood fence that was stained black my parents have one there is a a horse like breeding facility iads 20 mil away um yeah and they've got beautiful it's like three or four rail black fencing that's where my parents got the idea to do that around their property and I would love that I think it's so pretty but the maintenance one having to restain it all the time would be a nightmare and then also the cost yeah so much more and we already had white vinyl everywhere yeah so it's just a continuation of what we already have and I actually love it when we bought the South Garden I got a bid for black uh non-stained we would have to stain it ourselves non-stained to do just the South Garden area was like $330,000 the bid that I got and I was like ah I don't think so we're not going to do that yeah vinyl lasts kind of forever there's no maintenance and it was like a fraction of the price right Ontario said wait what less front lawn inquiring minds need to know we are going to take some saw out when toward the house front of the house uh in a couple years soonish when when you feel like it no that is my goal this year is to figure that space out because I cannot look another year at that skinny little flower bed along that brick sidewalk I don't I don't know the brick sidewalk I think that's my my uh hold my hangup MH I don't love it I don't love where it ends up and we the reason why we did it is that one the lawn is massive so we needed to create something that was big enough scale-wise to make sense and then also the house looks big from that side too so you need to make sure that everything fits the scale um so we did this like massively wide walkway and of of course has nothing around it right now so that's why it looks so perched and so wide but it also leads out to the parking area like employee parking area but nobody parks there except for you know people that are working here during the day um so nobody uses the walkway as like a walkway to our front door occasional delivery people will door Dash yeah door Dash does um but it doesn't line up with the grass pathway in the South Garden when you look at it from like Windows upstairs I don't know why I didn't really think of it I did think of it I think it was going to come out too sharp like the curve I don't think it you could match it it wouldn't look good the brick guaca itself wouldn't look good good but I want I always want like Pathways to look like a continuous flow to a new area and this one kind of does this it's like a miss a little bit of a Miss but I think we can Rectify it if we do the flower bed lines in such a way to where it kind of meets up with the lines of the flower beds out there didn't you talk about it in a video like the part the grass you were going to take out or I thought you showed it I I um mentioned it in the Japanese maple video this last week I kind of showed what we were thinking that hasn't gone out yet has it no but it will by the time this one does okay anyway yeah the plan is to take out a bunch of sod toward the the house side of that lawn Hannah said would you consider signing up for one of those free wood mulch drop offs for the lane it's kind of what we're yeah signed up on I know there's like websites you can go to to sign up for free mulch drops but we just call Natural trees just dump if you need to over here we could use them and they do Welsh uh boy Ted said curious why not put water in the hole when plant is in the hoing cover with soil then water again after you cover with soil we did did you it just yeah it didn't show it uh sometimes what would happen is like the camera would get moved before we showed it um the other thing about that though is that it can get really muddy and you can't pack it in properly I just I don't like doing that I I do it sometimes if I feel like the root ball is extra dry or something or if it's like a transplant situation I'll do that um like you're digging something up and moving it somewhere else not already prepackaged in a nice you know yeah cage or pot or whatever the root balls were wet um you know cuz we got up close with them they were plenty moist we put them in the hole we did put water in some of the holes but also we put the drip tubing like immediately around the trees and we kind of like mulched them up a little bit as well and so if you've got drip you know it's just like that slow water I think it's fine I don't think we don't struggle with things you know most things we don't do that with and I just I hate packing in root balls like that cuz then you always it's inevitable you have to go back and finish it later because the water needs to you know go away so that you can properly pack the soil in and I don't want it to be a two-day job I wanted to get it done put the drip on and then just be done get to walk away to the next project Cammy said how much do they grow in in a year on average you could add that info also well sometimes I do I like that on the eely tags anything from eely nursery says the average am amount of inches that plant grows in a year I love that information and it won't do that the first year probably not the second year but after that once it's like firmly established in your yard you know it'll say like 10 to 12 plus inches a year or 15 plus inches a year or8 inches a year you know you know what I noticed is that um based on how much water something is getting as well is a huge indicator so here's a little like anecdotal evidence we planted the row of Maples it's kind of nice when you plant like the same thing like multiples of them well what happened was was a couple years ago one of the sprinklers got stuck and it was just shooting on one of the maples for like a while and but it was going off at night and I wasn't paying attention so we had kind of this brown spot in the yard and I was like why is this brown spot here and then finally I figured out that the sprinkler was stuck and it was shooting onto this for maybe like a week or two where it was just stuck shooting on this one tree well that one tree grew faster than all the other trees and it kind of made me realize like oh wow I didn't realize that the tree wanted that water and really liked it and grew like another foot or two beyond the other ones right so it it does make a difference how you're treating it how much sun it's getting how much water it's getting you can say how much something's going to grow but then also like you know our lyen trees out in the South Garden they're just they're just sitting there yeah like no grow Bas three branches that'll grow up like six feet above the canopy of the tree yeah so I don't know we could share it I don't even know how useful that information would be you could say something's kind of like a fast grower or a slow grower like almost all the evergreens are slow Growers except for maybe the uh Spring Grove orbitas I never like clock how much things are growing either usually but I like to read that information on a tag like the more information that a tag or like a seed packet can have Johnny Seed packets are the best they have the best information on the back no pictures that's the one thing they're missing but if they could add pictures like they would rule they would rule them all if they could do that um and real pictures I like seed packets with like real pictures of what that vegetable or that flower looks like um anyway I like that on icely tax that it says an average growth rate sure because it's just an average like if this tree is getting what it needs this is what it will grow average do Proven Winners tags have growth information not like mature size I haven't noticed that they do include a lot of information on their tag most of their stuff though grow fairly quickly like a lot of perennials sometimes will be like full size in a year um a lot of shrubs take just a couple years to get to full size so it's probably not as yes it's like Evergreens Evergreens it's like well it's going to take 20 years to get to full size or more Susan Marquette said Is there a time when you won't need to water the trees or is that a lifetime deal it's not lifetime no and they'll need less and less I mean like our neighbor has mature trees and I've noticed um he's on irrigation he just flood irrigates he does that like twice maybe three times a year where he flood irrigates the trees they look great yeah they do look great so yeah I'm so thankful that for that row of trees and they take good such good care of them yeah thankful for that duck mgee said love all the trees what a blessing to have the property to do some of these big planting projects it truly is question was Aaron wearing a mini clip on mic instead of a full mic pack I would love to know what kind that is the DJI microphone I don't know what it's called I do you prefer that one oh it's so much better yeah couple reasons one there's no cord yeah cords are the worst it's got a clip so you can clip it to your lapel or it has a magnet so you can just stick the magnet behind if there's nothing to clip to like if you have a t-shirt on and it comes in like a charging case so you stick it back in the charging case that has a battery and it just starts charging it again so if you just put it back where it belongs M also it can record on itself so you can press a little button to where you don't need to connect anything to your to your camera it just records onto its own little hard drive the only thing that sucks is that you have to plug in a cord to get that data off there it does it's not a Micro SD card but yeah I I love it I think it's great the only reason I don't like I I don't like the cord mics that's what I usually wear but they're so lightweight on my shirts and I'm usually wearing something that's like more floppy yeah you know especially like my other button- Downs that I've got have like seven of the same button down um and that mic just like weighs it down a lot I don't like love that part of it could you put it on the other side since you don't like or down lower where you put your button I suppose is that too far away maybe I don't know I'd have to play around with that a little bit not having a cord go to a mic pack that is the worst sometimes that my that cord comes out and I don't realize it and I bend down and do something and when I stand up it catches on my knee and Yanks the whole thing like Yanks me down yeah that's a pain for sure and I go through batteries like crazy especially on the older mic packs like one video you have to swap the battery out hello connect said is there room for the branches to grow I'm not a fan of the branches clashing into each other stressful for the tree first tree setting down question mark first tree setting down oh like that one was maybe too close the Austrian oh maybe in the end we do want a pretty tight full border because we want to block you know we want to only seea trees and not really see anything beyond that so we're going to have some branches coming together because we want it to be hedge more than like individual trees which I like the look of that too Sharon said using the augur does Aaron still believe in planting trees High I noticed British gardening gurus are advising planting trees High I don't know if they are following Ain or whether Ain is following them who are you following Ain they are certainly following me I'm sure I'm sure yeah uh yeah I still believe I don't it again we've talked about this it's not really planting high it's knowing that you're going to be coming in with a couple inches of mulch and you got to plan for that couple inches of mulch that's going to come in MH so yeah you plant it high and then when you do your mulch later it's not really high anymore and those were high you guys I went out and looked afterward there was a couple of them like half the root ball was up above the ground not half the root ball it was half the root ball at least I disagree and I think that in the end especially our experience in the South Garden with some of those trees that like they were planted low too low I think you would agree we planted them too low I we've mulched like a bunch of times we'll mulch a bunch of times out there too right and I just I would rather heal them up a little bit knowing that we're going to be mulching in multiple years and they're not going to be they'll also sink as we water them because we we augur down quite a ways oh and so that's probably not what you want to do though like the whole thing about we kind of packed it down yeah that's the whole thing about like you want to dig your your whole the width like bigger widthwise but not bigger depthwise because that loose soil can settle quite a lot so you know planting half the root ball up high you'll probably end up with it down a little bit yeah right mhm so yeah I think all good I think there's a lot of reasons to definitely give yourself a couple inches above it's easier it is easier well I mean if you you're hand digging if you've got an augur it doesn't really matter but um but yeah last question is from Diane is the Bobcat an actual tractor my husband noticed the engine is in the back and wasn't sure if it's a tractor or a hybrid or something else yeah it's kind of a hybrid um they're fairly new uh pieces I don't like they're not they're not common but it's a it's a wheel loader or an articulating wheel loader but that's what they're called they uh like big construction equipment wheel loaders have been around for a while um you'll see them on like dirt Lots you know when they're moving like big uh piles of dirt around but they make these articulating load loaders smaller and smaller now to where you can get like lawn tractor looking articulating wheel loaders that can still lift like 1500 lb they're narrow they can go on city sidewalks and uh you can you know blow snow or whatever you need to do lots of different uses for it kind of want one but I don't think uh I don't think it would make any sense no but it'd be fun I'm sure you'll find a reason why we need one at some point also I just found out about the Bobcat tool cat it's like an uh ATV UTV kind of like a gator but it's a diesel engine that can it has like a skid steer front so you can lift you can put a bucket on it or an augur or a snowblower anything a skid steer can do um but you can also get them with a three-point hitch on the back like a like a long like a tractor like a small you know compact tractor so you can do like a tiller on the back or anything that a tractor would do MH it's really interesting that is but I've seen people people put like lawn mowers on the front of them um but you could also put like a Flail Mower on the back you could put like a mower on the front and the back which is bizarre so I don't know never know when you're going to need to do mowing in the front and the back yeah exactly how funny anyway you guys that is it for today's questions thank you so much for watching our videos this week we've got some fun projects coming up I think I might go by myself a teller today really like a little one that you walk behind that's more my speed I think I might might do that because I want to plant potatoes and I want a way to get into some of those smaller rows and loosen up the soil a bit sure it probably does make sense to have a tiller that is like 18 inches or yeah narrow 24 inches I don't know what sizes they come in but I'm going to go do some shopping I think so we can plant potatoes my potatoes are ready they're sitting on the counter so anyway thank you guys for watching this video we will see you in the next one have a great week bye
Channel: Garden Answer Highlights
Views: 149,993
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Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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