Fat Perez Vs. Grant Horvat (Stroke Play)

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what is this guy doing G grinding out here it's a big match today you need the towel no we're good I'm just working hard right now on the game um bat Perez 1 V one 18 holes I've been preparing months for this he's not even going to even scare the range he's going to walk to the first tea and stripe it and meanwhile I'm over here grinding we have the big one today fat Perez One V one the one I've been waiting for we're going to be playing the same teas I can't wait for this we're in the hometown of Jupiter Florida which they recently just moved to but guys come on over here quick I just want to give a huge thank you to Wilson driveway delivery for sending me this Escalade here if you guys are in the market to buy a car click the link in the top of the description and they will drop off a car of your choice to your driveway they have been so amazing to me giving me this wonderful vehicle to drive so huge shout out to them let's head over to the course now like I said I don't think FP is warming up he's showing to that he's showing up to that first tea 10 minutes before the tea time how we old the best part about this vehicle is the startup listen the neighbors are going to not be a fan of that but we'll get out of here quick w p it's good to have you man thanks for having me on bro we played some pickup basketball the other day uhhuh and by that I mean we like shot the ball so you weren't like running no well no not really and um I'm sore dog yeah yeah it's not good my my Bice my right biceps I was like why am I like did I get hit and I'm like oh that was just you shoot shooting 12 basketball like right looks good we're in Florida shooting a golf video today it's like does it get much better than this doesn't no FP first hole here it almost looks like a drivable hole it's that way to you I think yeah no it's I don't think it's drivable I'm going to let you go first seie you lead us off here the man himself he needs no introduction oh left side couple bones crack yeah almost fell almost fell down man no that's fine I mean that's just pass had no idea yeah I never saw I hit that really solid I think it's fine I mean I think we have a little Chip Shot into this screen solid t- shot there on the first hole there I'll take that that I mean you're going to have a little wed shot in yeah I I almost fell but we're not going to read into was that the sore bicep or what I don't know what that was bicep there's a lot not good it's not a good move pharas are never bad I mean we just got told on the first hole that there's going to be some slopes oh yeah shout out Josh Allen let's go baby all right 125 oh yeah oh yeah a little thin but oh man that's going to work out the thing is with ufps you hit it so low it's like on a windy day like this yeah if you're having wedges in your hand yeah I don't worry about it too much I don't feel like I have to try to do much in the wind yeah um it's nice pros and cons to everything off taller stronger faster all that oh you're good man you got a you got a golfer's build and that's I've never heard that before I've got a I've got a fullbacks build all right oh oh we're right here short great shot no you got an uphill pot we're good I mean this is yeah this is a nice opening hole yeah this is a soft handshake 60 yards fp's in there he's got a decent look at birdie good chance here to go one under all right there weight's right yeah weird bounce very weird bounce I thought it was going to release but he could have used that slope behind it but all right very mediocre there but two birdie pots on the first hole birdie pot little bit longer than I wanted with a wedge in but uh let's try to steal one early killed it hit it hit it hit it hit it oh oh that was a roll that was a beautiful roll we're putting them all out today 18 hole stroke play all right right to left putt here for the birdie to go one under after one oh wow you're dead come on dude it hit that thing yeah I didn't like that and it snuck in the left wow all right FP for that's not how we want to start guys first hole unfortunate I knew after that first put he had a slider coming back down went let's keep going and the one thing for me putting with the wind it feels like your Strokes getting like pushed around seeing short Strokes short exactly the short putts the four-footers now turn into like the six yeah 309 y par [Music] 4 second hole of the day here one under to two over yeah can't hit it much better than that feels good shot really good little little fade I think that's going to be short of it fine here on the second hold par 4 straight into the breeze only 309 yards so FP and I should have a wedge into this screen how's your game been as of recent I know you said it's been up and down yeah I've played some really good golf had some of my better rounds in the last few years um in the last three weeks and I've played some of the worst golf that I played in the last few years yeah in the last three weeks so some good rounds across Florida in the 60s and then barely break 90 the other day I feel you man it it's just this game just blows your mind yeah it really does every day you wake up it's a new day and it's a new feeling with your hands and your body it's crazy how these guys perform like Scotty Sheffer and all them I can't believe they can perform week in and week out consistency is wild all right 90 yards dead into the wind I've got more Club than I comfortable to talk about quite frankly but uh not going to be short like I was in the last oh yeah good swing a little pull we'll take that that's what you learned playing in Florida it's like you take so much extra club and just swing easy can't be embarrassed down here no like when I'm hitting a seven iron from 140 I'm never embarrassed well fp's in there pretty close he's got a good birdie look to bounce back if we can hit this one close let's play a good round today swing feels good so so far come back yeah thank you like it yeah if Sky raises his hand like that yeah that's a good sign I love that cuz like it's hard to please the camera guys you know oh trust me I know dude ticket won't give you anything does jaet give you anything Jet's not up there so ticket's green ticket just stares at you gotcha you bet youan I mean it could be this so you're telling me it could be to hit you'd have to hit it in the hole for to get anything otherwise you yelled and you like he's it close he's like yeah 5T you're like it's a good shot dude give me a little something right that was a little bit of a jarring start on the green um love to make this putt and forget all about it you that feeling where you're like I I pretty much have to have a tap in now that's where I'm at it's not good it's too early for that oh what a pot nice but yeah if I can leave these all day I'll be okay birdie birdie I'm just play this right Edge I don't feel like there's a ton of break yeah you uhoh but I haven't played too much just me and FP together but every time I play with Bob and Joey even I have some of the best rounds of my life I play some of the best golf and I don't know what it is do much to impress those guys maybe that's it you know maybe that's it like they're they're happy if I like just got to hit like good shots make contact you know a lot of encouragement all right guys well after the first two holes you settled in there I mean first hole like you played it good it's just yeah it's some bad putts I mean you didn't do Josh was telling me Josh Allen was telling me you know on the short putts he just jams them it and I feel like you kind of I mean you hit those short ones hard which is good but if they miss if they miss then then that happens yeah yeah [Music] third hole 379 taking it just on the left edge of that bunker pretty straight away yeah yeah it might hurt the guy not me just down the right there I mean got a lot of room on the right to miss and you te That Thing Up High FP I do I do do you always do that yeah I don't really stay down on it like I should so it's kind of one or the other nice swing nice really good nice short of it that bunker I don't know can't tell might have jumped right in that' be a problem I mean that was that was rope yeah High draw yeah what's the lowest round of your life 64 couple of them few of them three or four of them wow that's a long time ago three years and you played in college couple years in college D3 three nothing too crazy in and out of starting mostly out I started playing better golf after that honestly right after college yeah like 2014 to 2016 was like my best golf when I was like I guess I was like 25 26 all right what do we got have about 122 yards found the bunker unfortunately but I don't have any lip issues here solid contact up on the green give me another birdie putt H it's a little short all right not bad just a hair fat but we'll take that 99 yards I'm going with a 56° FP is just short he probably putt that yeah good yeah smart yeah thank you all the start guys hey I was telling FP earlier I have this net they just got in the back of the house and I've just been hitting on that working on different swing Fe s something's clicking right now okay a little short on that bunker shot it's a little bit too much Fringe to putt it unfortunately um so to try to chip this one close it not very good yeah they don't react like Virginia I'll tell you that these things roll out these greens are actually really nice for course here in Florida huge thank you to North Palm Beach Country Club for having us out greens are rolling nice so far I mean made some putts on them pushed it oh my God yeah that's when you don't think about the next one all right let's try to save par ni let's go baby I'm going to say this to you sty I feel like you've hit three great putts today like even on the first hole your first putt on the like it scared it it almost went in sure did and the next two holes you rolled it really solid so it's kind of crazy just the just the first putts on each screen have been really solid n kind of did a little wiggle midd yep all right that's a three putt bogey man I'll be honest with you guys I was not thinking about the next pot after that you think three in a row and that's where you go wrong you got to treat every golf shot like it's the same and that right there drops me to one under par FP is two over onto the fourth hole Skyler right after I birdied the first two holes said man you're on 59 watch and that's the worst thing you can tell somebody but it happened can't take it back part five here 497 oh yeah that is going to roll like crazy run baby oh my God run baby dude she running probably went about equal on the ground as it did in the air well that Fe had a good one there hopefully you can reach it in two shots I need to keep up the left why what's on the right oh well where the heck's the water at can I is it is it cutting into the Fairway there little oh wow that's good to know okay top is that okay yeah good it's down the left side there man I did not want to go in that water but we got this driver working pretty good today yeah see I would have I would have thought to like hang as close to there as possible oh yeah I'm going to be all right's PL oh yeah and you you're going to be able to get after this one in Two Shots which is great oh boy I mean you probably hit that drive what' you hit that with the hard Fairways here she ran pretty good oh man you only have two 211 in yeah that's a pretty big drive just a lot of water I think about the water oh yeah oh wow oh my gosh you hit that hard hit that really hard all right not bad wow nice shot wow that thing came out hot I love this club isn't that like your favorite Club in your bag you're telling me it's a nuke man so much face it's got to look like the 60° of wood it looks like there's no way you could hit it bad right tiny little head yeah yeah oh yeah you pumped it oh right here good I guess that was actually a pretty good line to say exactly where you should have been I mean it does get narrow up in here more left of the better angle right I got you 193 193 92 9392 back keeps hitting that 93 92 I'm going to go okay we have 193 yards left into this par five let's bounce back here guys was a terrible three putt but Eagle on the mind it oh God that wind's legit dog that wind is real I took we're next I mean we're almost touching you shot 193 though I hit it it's 193 I mean said 186 2011 to the back right so it made sense if it's a back pin I think we're not actually far off from pin High pretty straightforward Chip Shot into the breeze it's going to break left to right off this hill let see what we got it yeah it's kind of spun on me oh yeah oh yeah great shot okay we're following each other yeah we really are let's both make these this would be big two really good birdie looks up the hill should move a little left to right good F yeah beautiful gosh that thing let's go FB that's a little baby girl that wasn't quite long enough for the full fledged but yeah I have yet to actually witness your full yeah Euro Step yeah you haven't not yet I would love to though I'm kind of waiting for it I want you to heat up sure what does it take to hit the euro is it like four birdies in a row no it's got to be over like a 10t bird putt your your Euro Runway can't be longer than the putt you made right you can't hit it every time I'm two under FPS one over hanging around yeah you're hanging around I like uh that little forward press you got on your p i mean people would say on like a mallet like that I don't see too many people forward pressing yeah it's kind of interesting that thing rolled end over end and huged the ground there so I kind of deed it the the face so do you get a putter with more Loft and then you do no I like it I like I almost like negative Loft when I hit it like I almost want to hit it like what I feel might probably isn't the case but that to me feels like it's really getting like the B it just gets it hug in the ground quickly I don't want that like pop and you make a lot of putts on videos you make a lot of long ones I also get to usually see two putts that's true so I I I mean I kind of I like to think I'm a good putter I think I am a good putter but I'm a I'm very good when I can see the putt two times yeah Bob and Joey putting right before you yeah it helps it absolutely helps think how good these tour guys would be if they got to see the putt twice every single time yeah got a birdie under my belt like that let's try to get one more I love it even par and then I basically starting the round over and I feel I mean the front nine out here you can really make a lot of birdies too like so let's get playing the back first then the front yep oh yeah gosh that's good yeah y great shot roll is it low that wasow dude I mean I think you could give me a 100 shots if I te it up as high as your Tina I don't think physically don't think I could hit that shot that low like I I can't understand how that's coming in hurts my brain man imagine I strapped some potatoes onto the front of you how much further down you could stay on the ball you just got something hanging off the front so it's you're saying your head never could be yeah I think it could be that I don't know I'm not a scientist but it could be that you you could try that out it's going to take you some time dude that would be a great video idea I tried I'll just strap some potatoes I'll go they have those like pregnancy suits right right right to practice like yeah like see how it feel and you got to play around the golf with that I don't know how I would would simulate you but maybe if I put it on the back of me it would like even me out something to think about comment below what do you think is this ridiculous as it sounds out loud cuz it sounds crazy I might do a video I tried to swing I've played like FP for an entire like turns your face into me yeah right the whole video all right FP hit a good t- shot take it just on that line that's good little spinny right of it yeah oh wow good that so you're in a cube you were just saying yeah cubical life Cube 9 to5 QBE 9 to5 if I was lucky 95 isn't real that's 8 hours sure but you got to eat so it's really 8 to 5 or 9 to 6 is the real world no as an accountant as what I did I usually worked 10 to 12 hours a day all right found a fairway Buck 85 dead into the wind feels like I'm going to hit a 200 205 shot if I can get it back there ah stop failing that's going to be a problem oh it's coming off the hill H it's going to here it comes here it comes on the green going wow you can use that slow I know I wonder how much I'm going to have to deal with that all right came out of it just a hair but I hit it well 7477 win I'm going to play this like 90 a good Bree into us I'm going to go with a low six iron here that's got to go man all right see gosh that can see that just rode that rode straight up into the breeze and man does that wind just eat it up this has to be one of the tougher holes today with it being this windy but too birdy looks in a way you were almost like Built For This wind your ball flights just like so piercing at all times so it's like it's not going to like move it offline yeah it's it's more just like playing more Club I don't really have to worry about like changing your swing do anything different I mean this Joe Joey exactly I was just going to say that he hits it so high crazy how high he is ball man who's better right now Joey or Bob Joe's playing really well right now uh Joe's been playing some of the best golf I've seen sometime from him recently so you take Joe right now I think Joe by a hair but it's been close I think it's been Bob here and there b stretches um Joe I I think Joe's just playing good right now yeah I remember playing with Bob way back he had one of the best days he's playing good the further up I go the more it's going to break I just got to get it that far this is going to be uh a bit of a bit of a roller coaster oh my gosh what a putt oh she need a little more nice you had the line perfect line was right yeah H it harder all right well he had a perfect line there he's got that for par we're 200 under par we have a really solid round of golf going we don't have to go over that Ridge like FP we're lucky here hopefully you all are enjoying this let's get some likes for having fat pre on the channel this has been a 1 V one I've wanted to do for a while yeah I've kind of been switching back and forth between the claw I like the claw and the short putts the longer putts I'm doing the traditional grip nice pot snuck that thing in on the left we'll tell keep thinking back man that first one on the first hole goes in it's a whole different ball game right now but all good guys FP is one over I'm two under we got a three shot lead heading on to a par three kind of downwind now almost directly beautiful hole coming up here actually I love Ducks you love Ducks I love Ducks so you're just a duck guy I'm a huge duck guy well these are some beautiful Ducks yeah are they just like trained to like I think they just get fed a lot out here clearly I think they just are used to humans they have to be hi duckies that you're a duck I love Ducks dude downwind this feels good I mean we're head actually we're heading to I think a couple Hol is heading that way okay we are here on the the sixth hole of the day FP has the honors again 179 downwind what are you hitting here I have six if I if I hit it well it's right there's not much margin for error here but short doesn't look bad oh no turn it over just a little bit oh held on to it Go bunker when didn't really help it that much it feels like oh yeah I didn't hit it too good there okay oh right at it I didn't hit it good man caught that one a little high on the face but do that uh downwind yeah when golf's going good it's usually going pretty good uhoh I got to do a cameo oh no I was about to expire it is you about to rip one right now knock it out I want to I want to watch this live go ahead what's going on it's your guy the D throwing heart stealing son of a gun fat Perez this message is for Dan I know how you're feeling right now you're gutted you're missing the bird Birds versus pups Bahamas trip this year you really hate to see it because honestly the birds down to Down 2 you might have had a chance but we'll never know uh the postmen Ben Leo and Dawson they deliver every year and that's why they they are where they are and you hate to see it um but all eyes are on Hank to step it up um I I see it coming I don't think there's any chance it doesn't um but some of you guys need to take a real good hard look at yourselves and figure out how much you really care and how much you really want this thing I mean you're down in the Bahamas what's what's not to love are you going to make that multi-million dollar indoor simulator finally pay off I don't know people are asking questions I'm not but people are um and the word on the street is the islands have started putting up warning signs awaiting the infamous shanky doodle um that's a tough nickname that is not where you want to be um in Cisco I know you're grinding out here but you got to leave some asmic for some other people here all right there's a shortage especially for myself I've been looking and I can't find it and all things are pointed at you are you going to be able to last seven rounds I don't know yet um and J Ray some people are saying um that you haven't been recovered yet from being left out in the cold from the birds Mexico training camp I don't know again this isn't me saying this stuff this is all just what I've heard um but probably is true at the end of the day boys all I have to say is have a day here we go pin High I mean it's not an easy shot but got a decent amount of green to work with oh my oh what a shot what a shot solid what's that sand like it's like it would dude I thought it was going to be really puffy but underneath it's got some firmness you know after that start for FP he's coming back and he's fighting right now love to see this out of him he's got a easy little par putt there ain't no shot I'm cleaning it up from that range there's big difference between me and FP I'm taking my time on that one he just gets up Nails it oh a little right good three thank you well guys that keeps the scores the same I'm two underpar FP is one over we have a three shot lead heading into our seventh pole of the day solid up and down there from FP got a lot of spin on that what's your practice schedule like with golf I mean are you out hitting the balls or n no just no I I very very rarely do I I mean I might hit more balls than normal like warming enough for a round yeah but I couldn't tell you the last time I just went to just hit golf balls really yeah no not even not even putting not really like I just uh I I practiced as a kid a lot right and the club that I grew up at didn't have a range so all I could do was short game that's why my short game is so good right [Music] 440s uh is everything you want all right need to hit a good drive here looks like we can carry that bunker maybe maybe not fine fine ni Fairway safe I like how these Fairways are rolling out too yeah telling me man soft is not good for for me I'm not fit for carry I'm fit for roll oh no I hit that terrible of it go yeah go left of it please oh dude you're so good I think that's money oh my gosh I towed it wow thanks for my Q I don't love this lie kind of side slope down slope over water be okay just need to put a good swing on it water's there go oh oh thank that actually almost worked out man it did better than the water stop talking about how bad the LIE is just think about the good stuff kind of talked yourself into that one think about your your hardships think about your blessings think about your blessings yeah you got to just take a moment I mean over the ball when you're thinking about water you could be I said all the bad thing like all the worst things I could have said you could be in a cubicle I did yeah that's what I should be thinking I'm in the Fairway not a cubicle right you know not like down slope Sid slope in the Fairway is better than a sunny day in the cube exactly you don't even know it's sunny no couldn't all right we had a solid Drive FP is going to have a long bunker shot downwind 56° 117 we're going to let it ride the wind oh God is that good oh man it's going to work though yeah nice away with it chunked it very Steep and chunky but swing I have to say right now I don't want to be saying this in front of FP but just want to tell you guys that it couldn't feel much better I feel really good I made some poor golf swing a couple poor ones but overall I feel super in control right now no I said this out loud and talk to the camera over there probably be the kiss of death but since I'm just talking to you guys right here I feel like got a chance I got away with that one that was a really bad swing carried the Water Into the Bunker this is a long bunker shot this is never never what you want but I'm going to take normally I'm like 58 I got like a little lob wedge around but this is a longer one take the 54 a little bit more bounce try to kind of run it up oh I C all ball oh my gosh if you guys are wondering where we're playing today we're at North Palm Beach Country Co it's actually a public course here in Florida all right well FP has a long one here for par it's down the hill right to left he doesn't waste any time oh gosh get that heart wow expecting a little bit more out of that wind all right Zone in oh my God those are just automatic I guess right all right well I got the read made that was that a bogey Boge that was a stressful bogey yeah does it wow stayed out there that felt like a good stroke there okay taping par we still gain one two under to two over onto a par three and that was a great bogey FP is making some bombs right now it's kind of crazy I guess it's just a speed control he's rolling them on his line and making putts [Music] it's been a while since we've had the honors so we're on to a par 3 here our eighth hole of the day 180 yards into the breeze I'm going to go with a five iron get out whoa that long wait where' that go spash it went that far over the green I think so it's too much clubp I'd be careful man I don't know how I had a five IR just blew it all right yeah it doesn't look very far no no no that's fine there so bad dude plenty of Club just Towing it man it's kind of the same direction as that last part three which was definitely downwind right but it felt into the wind like I grabbed a club as though it was in that's I think we both had way too much Club I mean you're it's almost good that you hit into that bank and roll into that bunker I mean I'm pin high and I couldn't hit it works you're like three for three on being in the sand it's not really it's not really the stat you're looking for unfortunately I mean I'm so long I'm going to have to go with like a long flop shot here to even have a chance of getting this to stop oh it's pretty darn good man another yard and it's really really good dang one more yard nuts wow I land it I mean you land it right here and if you land it here it rolls that's all I got oh yeah oh yeah what a shot I mean you couldn't do it much better man all right down the hill here right to left hit a great shot there you landed that just on the green yeah down the hill right to left for the par I dropped to one under FP drops to three over heading into our ninth hole we got a match on our hands all right we have made it to the ninth hole of the day we're halfway through this match FP how you feeling um I'm having fun I think we're having a good time out here feel like I can make a few more pars and birdies but that's okay golf's not about pars and birdies about laughs and memories true ninth hole Par Four Par Four right oh par five ooh okay sounded great yeah it's as good as I can hit it there that's all I got that was the best one of the day I will say that right now that was the best swing of the day nice swing all right there you go Thunder gosh that wind never touched that ball yeah it's just crazy how much wind can change a golf hole is that okay yeah 280 into the breeze seven wood is that your club or you have a three wood I don't have that um normally I'd lay up with seven wood from this yardage but it's windy so I'm going to hit four wood try to keep it low that those hit well too hit the car path get up there oh got past the tree oh man you're up on the let gu looking back my last thought was stay left and I uh I accomplished you're kind of talking yourself into these shots you're like no water and then it's tough don't go there it's crazy the brain's powerful it is second shot into this par five we have 245 yards going with the 3-wood there's a big slope behind it so if I carry this 250 it should come back oh I think he did what he wanted oh my God I think he did exactly what he wanted all right it's a little past yeah can't hit it much better those rarely come out like that oh it's on the green I see it it must have rolled back I see it sitting there on the center of the green I mean FP has a perfect shot I don't think he drew it up like this but he's got 70 yards to the pin in the Fairway on the other hole all right we are um on a different hole but that's okay we've got a good angle over here about 70 yard a little into the wind try to drive this 58 oh my Pure Strike set oh it's just long is that going to is there going to roll down a ridge I think you're good yeah no I think you're fine I mean unless there's a giant Ridge there not where you want to be but not bad I mean playing this whole interesting but it's working that was one of the best 3-woods of the year on camera could not have hit it much better a good drive and a good 3-wood we have an eagle look so this is right to left we got to go up the hill and the pin sitting up on this little Hill if we can drill it for eagle not bad from there man thank you it's hard to tell how fast that's going to be that was an actual really fast putt down the hill up this Ridge I can be pretty slow I need to give this a chance get back in it good putt thanks oh my gosh oh that hurts just shove that putt one under to three over heading on to the back nine hopefully youall are enjoying this when I was trying to set up courses for this match okay called two courses they're like who are you playing with mhm said fat Perez and they both thought I said Pat Perez sure and I'm like no no no fat press they both started laughing really hard over the phone and I just like only if they knew who the real FP was and and and naturally the answer was was no it was confusion sure um and then it was yeah we're bucked mhm so it hurts I bet papz could have gotten the tea time [Music] yeah made it to our 10th Pole today you need anything food no I'm golden you're good need some birdies same 100 to three over we both I feel like I'm playing some really good golf fp's made some good putts let's try and get hot on this back kn teed that one super low that's the shot nice swing that's going to roll too great shot a little wedging from there saw this guy like the other day this guy was like breaking down a bunch of golf swings I was looking at he's breaking down mine yours a couple other people he's breaking out hers and it was it's interesting how you make it work yeah you take it back a little over the top a little bit but you kind of reroute the but of the club on the plane though it kind of works out my hand like really out in front of me right he was saying yeah exactly it was like it's very shallow it's coming in on a super shallow PL I get in a really good spot up top it's just how I get there I I I bring it in so much so my momentum is moving like out right cuz I'm like in and out that's momentum I get into the right spot but if I could get up there more on the outside to get there my momentum would kind of go that way the opposite pattern yeah right I need to start giving myself putts for birdie cuz uh the putter feels pretty good let's try to hit it close great start thinking positive thoughts here we go 122 down Breeze down hill it's going to be playing probably 1 15 okay hold it another birdie luck another opportunity start cashing these in well we have a birdie pot sort of what we were going for longer than I would have liked let's give it a chance no down the hill left to right should be pretty fast check currently it is 1 under to 4 over heading to our 11th hole of the day up the hill par 4 very straightforward and then we're heading on to a very easy par five so hopefully we can get the birdies flowing again [Music] I mean the thing is like if you move into Florida now it's I mean you already knew about it but obviously grain is something probably didn't have to deal with a ton in Virginia not at all and like those puts they just break and do funny things that you're not used to just you know when you have a right to left Putt and it's just left immediately the but and it just and it just Dives and you put yeah if you put a little bit of hook spin on it just left the 11th hole up the hill 318 I'm going to try and get after this one I don't think I can get it there but I can definitely get it just short where te box maybe no I think it's right up on that like Sandy stuff looks like we're okay all right I cannot reach the green uh I'm trying to find a fairway again go stay short oh carried it fine got these days sometimes where you don't things don't feel good but you just got to find a way to score got around 80 yards up the hill third shot we ended up just fine we're in the coina fp's in the Fairway let's try and do something thank you really solid birdie look I got these like rusted wedges now yeah like raw the raw ones I like that and I just feel like they spin more maybe it's like the placebo effect sure whatever it is man here we go FP shot on the 11th hole here up the hill it's basically a blind shot the wedge fler should be what I'm good at oh yeah oh yeah oh my I was this close to dunking oh it almost dunked oh good it's first good swing of the day I felt like like 10 10 ft away good swingp that thing was dude when you get a wedge in your hand there's just something about you where you just start getting a little Swag Like You the second you get that your waggle more like you're just feeling yeah it's a little more confident it's not now than when oh my gosh oh a little more Pace a little higher I cannot believe that did not go in all right this for the birdie dang what a birdie I feel like we've left a lot out there today now we're headed on to a par five straight down Breeze let's make Eagle she said the other day you played Metalist mhm and you shot a 30 30 on the front nine on the front nine at 6 under 30 and I played there and that's one of the toughest golf courses I've ever teated up on that's that's the best I mean I I didn't finish the best score I got shot 64s I was earlier right I ended with 67 so it's definitely not the best round but like that's the best nine holes of golf I think I've ever played everything felt is that six under six under six you know when I played metal I I think I shot a 40 and I was like dang I don't know how I just did that I thought I played well yeah I mean part of it's certainly like the golf course like it just you know I I didn't miss like I I was sticking irons I was making every putt just piping it right down the middle of the driveway hitting it hard drawing the ball like everything and the fairways are hard out there for your roll out it's great for me so like as long as you shape it right it just goes and goes and goes so it like can you are you guys let to film out there we never asked I mean people have been that would have been amazing one video Bob and Joey cheering you on [Music] yeah what you're getting cooked yeah she is getting absolutely like oh no that's going to hurt I know I can't even tell hey shout out s though yeah so shout out to my wife hey let's get some love for everybody behind the camera shout out to my wife stie for coming out here grinding but shout out to the man himself skyl mlan he's editing all I was just trying to give her love you give me enough love on Friday now this is a fun hole I mean this is straight downhill downwind par five 12th hole oh yeah that was correct should be pretty good hit it just a hair off the toe but man she went come on FB this is your hole oh my height they left that was so what did you do different I don't know that was perfect that was a lot better wasn't it I know what you felt that felt way better that's what I want to see yeah I mean I'm still try to get it up there I'm not going to hit driver though roll it 247 front a little tumbler yeah 247 front down wind possible okay we're going to try to get up there as close as we can maybe run it onto the front we got uh four wood let's just hit a good one oh my Frank oh if if it's going to get there that's the shot what a golf shot on the green stop coming back wow great Swing Man look at us that was like a 20 what 80 yard I don't know forward it's a totally different guy those last two golf swings last three really the wedge yeah I mean hey if you shot 600 of medalist it's in your I mean it's in your D start talking more about that round yeah I mean seems to I just feel like you were saying things over the ball that just was unlike you you're like talking about your lie and don't do this water yeah usually I don't hear that out of you I feel like you're getting a you know your mindsets coming back right now think too much oh yeah I'm not good spot bro oh you got Eagle pot I'm like pin High what is it 230 from here uh7 219 so it's just on the front 8 yards on or 10 yards on FP just inspired me to hit like a low Stinger draw I'm going to go with a five iron we got 219 see if we land it short it should bounce up a little bit yeah oh that be good y That's really good I mean that's like very very very good you guys come on baby we're heating up now we're thinking about shots now now we're talking to ourselves nicely we're not like saying bad things oh this is better this how golf should be yeah I've been done doing this from the beginning we're learning man we're new to this game oh wow you're actually see I thought you were like I know I thought so too the way it was rolling two Eagle PS let's let's one of these let's make one of these that would be awesome' be really great really really do wonders for my round to roll this one in right now FP gave it a run for the eagle I'd love to see that had an eagle on the channel in a wild Sky come on now come on oh that would happen oh I mean it it just would happen I mean that was turning in there man I didn't know if it like helped or hurt like yeah I couldn't tell I saw you like it hopped early and then hop there yeah oh my gosh that hurts so much good four thank you hot two birdies couple Birds hey that's how we bounce back good for us well after two birdies that takes me to three under FPS three over a lot of golf to play though as you guys know stroke play A lot can happen on every hole see what [Music] happens so this is a weird one okay yeah I remember the green when we were on 11t right that's the green over to the left so you got to like cut it over the corner here on 13 I'm just going to hit on that line over this tree I think that's the right line oh my gosh thre at that guy four oh yeah what some wind right we're in the Fairway yeah and they never heard me that was two fails that was bad that's a tough look oh yeah dude you're getting the height yeah those are ropes It's the funniest thing with golf is like you can be feeling a certain feel in your golfing but you might not even be close to doing it if you look at it on video that will tell you the old F vers real oh it's tough to I mean it's tough to accept yeah we did it nice we all in the go now you're kind of drawling it with that feeling that was like a high that's what we want you're hting a high draw right now I know Tail of Two it's like two golf swings today let's see that's one I feel like I'm feeling like really good is when like I'm drawing it and I have to like hold off cuts 150 to the pin I'm going with I got to cut it up around this tree so I got to hit basically a cut off a hook L good that'll do it that look really good yeah it's a great shot wow thank you man you ever like just hit a shot and it does exactly what you're thinking no well it is a beautiful thing when it happens not close but we're giving ourselves greens and regulation birdie putts I haven't seen the sand in a while that's a good thing are those things out of stock what FP ball markers no I got a bunch right now keep yeah if you were interested um little place called fat bre.com also check out Breezy golf.com let me see it talking about this little thing that thing is special talk about that we got some Euro Step ball markers we've got some logo cutout hair shaped ones come on whatever you want come on baby come on oh just I'm giving him good putts but thanks I don't like thinking about those I really don't I would never we just we just don't putt those on our Channel dude we just never put those on our Channel those are good right yeah oh my God kidding me all right up the hill for the birdie left to right stay up missed opportunity there but that keeps me at three under par FP stays at three over par we got a great round going today I mean would have been nice to capitalize after that approach shot but we're on to a beautiful Par 3 along the water here so there's actually boats coming through here really cool part about North pal Beach Country [Music] Club this is our 14th hole par three now guys look right here we got a giant boat and this is pretty special it's hard to decide if I'd rather be playing golf or on the water okay oh here it comes yeah oh oh hello wow not my best strike there kind of toe pulled it but we're on the center of the green and just going to have a long putt for birdie all right try to cut it back there I got nothing to lose at this point nope little right yeah just towed it toes are a problem when you're cutting across it yeah the full experience I've hit some decent sand shot so see if we can do one more oh yeah oh wow nice shot man thanks really good there we go here we go I'm very happy with that getting used to this firm sand underneath that that's as good as I can do birdie look here left to right the whole way I don't know I got a feeling about this one oh stayed out to the left there a little short both have work now for a par for the sand save here convert it nice pot really good your rock solid on those today made a lot of them yeah first hole aside yeah that first hole one hurt I got to know would you guys rather be on that boat or would you rather be on the golf course let us know in the comments below [Music] four more holes to go in this 18 hole match between FP and I 340 yards on this hole water right good drive you're going to have a wedet oh out it hit the car path did it yeah over on the left there oh boy that could be down there a ways nice he's got this thing on a rope right now this is crazy nice shot right over almost hit a bird oh you set the birds off oh my gosh like a B drop though like that I mean if you hit a bird that' be a real bet these birds get hit so much by golf balls you got to think about it you got that many golf balls each day they're just chilling on The Fairway here hey you are way down here I mean that's a drive one of my better drives of the day here got about 60 yards sced a whole family Birds process so let's not do that in vain nice there we go thanks low Skipper this has to be one of my longest drives of the year I can't believe it stayed in this holds 340 yards I saw it hit the cart path off the teab back there it must have hit it multiple times cuz there's no way I hit a drive 340 we are downwind this drive went about 370 yard okay well I won't lie to you I did not try and use that slope I just pulled it worked out pretty good we got a good birdie look up the hill right to left FP is closer than me it's got a really good birdie look make this go to four under oh sure did couldn't find my ball for like a good five minutes but that's a birdie nice let's go still the mini not the full but that that helps the score a lot it does what does that get you back to two over two over on the day two different ways to make birdies there that is true that is true you played it the more conventional rout you hit the Fairway I hit the car pass seven times I mean let's take a look at this golf ball it's not too beat up a little bit guess that's a cart path mark right there but that gets us to four underpar FP is two [Music] over we are on to our 16th hle par three going with a seven iron 166 to the pen it's going to play a little cut over it sh though yeah birdie train going try to cut her in there give myself a putt oh that was pretty that was really pretty great swing it's hard to get close to that pen kept going that way swing I wanted to make to the yeah got landed over there on the left side with the cut straight down the hill for birdie to get to five under on the day this would get to say that too often oh it bounced on you might work out it did hopped early yeah it took a big bounce been scaring from this length I feel like all day time to drain one thing broke just at the end what a pure rolly put on that the parts are getting a lot easier on this back [Music] nine o pretty brutal thing to be known for the lip out you know if you if you're going to be known for something on the golf course you really wish it would be something else call the right lip drops me back to three under FP is two over two more holes to go two HS to go Lots happened today I mean when it's all said and done we both have pretty solid rounds going yeah not terrible golf no nothing to tell your kids but no no it's not going to be necessarily a golf story told but no really stroke wise but tough windy day out here I've never seen this course before I like this course a lot it's fun it's not it's not like beat you in the face um but you got to hit good golf shots all right [Music] wow that was high no wind's crushing it Go gosh I'm going to take it a little left of his maybe at that bunker in the distance just a little oh perfect golden yeah golden riding the cart path I didn't want to flirt with that water on the right nice safe line to the left you'll still have a good angle in it was high too you still hit it high that's what I like what's up so Skyler just he's calling me right now he said if you fly it three past the pin and spin it back it'll go in the hole what there's a hill behind it you're saying the whole thing he's saying slopes little left to right FP just left of the pen about right of it past it oh oh dang that thing had some zip on it you you landed on that little slope back there yeah right but that's fun happy you called us I was like how am I get from it's cool I mean we haven't I don't remember this golf course too well I know I played it a couple years back but see where at oh boy I'm going to go for it here we go we have 103 to the pin if I fly this just past it should spin back I'm going to go with the 56° full swing come on got to trying to wants to oh here comes okay all right I almost just broke my wrist threw that clove head into the ground and it like caught right there yeah dug a trench yeah it's like probably oil's not coming out of there starting to dig for something other than a golf ball the water ball now leaves me hued for par really don't want to give that last birdie back the other way well this is to get back that bogey on the last hole I was up my knees yeah it's pretty loud yeah you'd think they'd stop popping you know after the fifth hole of bending down but they keep popping Struck it right off the toe of the Putter and when you do that on a left to wrer it's always going to miss to the right keeps me at three under par man we're close to really doing something special today we're that close but heading into the ninth hole here three under to three over try and end with a birdie I mean can't do it much better than that but this thing's shown I mean the Putter's been great today but it's also been not so great it's gone up and [Music] down final hole here FP it's finished strong Par Four into the breeze you got to hit a cut here money thank you wow that was r here we go we're that close to shooting 700 today nice really good really good low fade right down the middle shot a well if yall have made it this far in the video thank you so much for watching the videos and the content I really appreciate every single one of you if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe and also if you have not yet hit that little notification Bell be sure to hit that little Bell when you press subscribe and you guys will be notified when new videos drop the wind uphill i' be playing pretty long yeah all right 158 uphill into the wind one more birdie still a good strike little Scotty sheffler I was down there earlier shoes look good though yeah look I'm comfortable we got about 125 yards to the pen I'm gonna try and flight a pitching wedge it's into the breeze it's probably playing like 30 I might go nine iron and it's blowing that hard right now I almost think this is a nine iron from 125 I'm going to flight it in there stay stay think we're good just left thanks for coming on F that was fun today dude thanks for having me on bro there's a grind out here in the Wind a little bit you know it's some some hiccups along the way but overall I probably scored pretty well all things considered you did I made a good amount of putts I could be in a really really weird spot by now but it's golf man you don't have it every day you just got to hang in there and keep grinding I mean that goes for everybody watching it's like you're going to have terrible days especially if you're new to the game you're going to have some terrible days and it's just like got to stick with it cuz it's like golf is like this on a graph yeah you're playing good and you're playing bad and even tour Pros will talk about it it's like this it's never the stroke's a stroke like saving bogey versus a double you know it's same same stroke difference as a birdie and a par so you just got to hang in there and keep going and days like this I should easily be you know I I could e this could have been 80s round of golf for me easily but kind of hanging tough and you know hopefully finish here in the mid 70s and I could yeah I could have given up a long time ago yeah that's true you could give up at the first hole all right let's see what FP can do here up and down to save par and shoot a pretty solid round of golf in today's conditions and we have oursel a putt for 68 crazy to say that after missing all these short putts have a putt for 68 yeah it's been wildel y down the hill left to right it's for a 68 want to make sure the line is looking good no ball marks would feel really really good that hurts what a day I F game play enjoyed it thanks for having me on what an up and down roller coaster day I don't even know what to think felt like I could have shot 800 felt like FP could also had a really good day a lot of emotions this game is wild but guys make sure you check out Bobo Sports fat PR we'll we'll link all of his Instagram socials in the description hopefully you all enjoyed that video that is a final round of 200 under par for me four over honestly somewhere in the middle of that front nine yeah that that could have se you know that could have snowballed pretty quickly but we hung in there started hitting pretty good middle of the back n there for a little bit wish that could have come a little bit earlier the driver was really clicking today we'll see I just need that um i' like I say I've been playing some really good golf I just need to find those swings again and uh putter is always going to be hanging around for me till next time guys peace [Music] well a little bonus footage here the par is actually 71 at this golf course so ended the day with a 69 after a three putting it could have been a 64 thank you guys so much for watching 75 not 76 you shot 75 ah there we go 36 you shot 36 39 fun 75 69 all in all not too bad
Channel: Grant Horvat Golf
Views: 705,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, GoodGood, Grant Horvat, GM Golf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 1sec (4141 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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