THUNDERING PULSE MAXED! Is It Good? (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets today we'll be maxing thundering pulse i initially wanted to max thundering pulse and yoinia together however i still have not recovered from say you diona and yonya herself so we'll just have to focus on the bow first which also gives us an opportunity to really focus on it and the other characters which it could possibly benefit but first of all we gotta max it these things are finally open um i missed them on tuesday so let's go i think we'll get yula with us yeah i think that'll be a pretty solid team let's give it a try yeah it wasn't too bad i think nice 42 seconds i don't know what our record was here actually we got a purple so that's cool no wait this is weapon domain we want to try and get a gold that would be the jackpot oh this might be a good one hold on hold on hold on explode yeah 33 okay i don't think we're gonna be able to beat that that was just like perfect definitely take two purples as well yeah it wasn't too bad either but definitely no no record one purple still better than zero purple last one before we see how far we can get it another purple still no golds unfortunately going up to 40 here let's just auto add everything together already 37 crit damage at level 40. that seems like a lot second star let's go 43 create damage a little 50 here we can keep it going 48.7 crit damage oh and luckily we got those five purples so we can go ahead and ascend it again going up to the fourth star and now level 70 where we get 54.5 damage 457 base attack and that's where we gotta stop we're just gonna go ahead and do our three resin refreshes and uh then go get some condensed over here hopefully we don't have to fight any mirror maidens oh we need to go get some crystal flies also i would put saiyu in my team for this but unfortunately she doesn't help that much because uh as soon as you actually pick one up they'll start running away anyway that should be good i guess it had to happen at one point record no come on gold okay two purples one more run then we're going to just combine everything together and see what we got probably it's still not enough but we'll see last run all right whatever maybe you give me some bonuses ayaka at least one since we're doing tin here all right fair fair and uh we're doing 13 here so another one would be again fair you could do me a solid bonus all right that's still pretty far away from enough but here we are going up to 80 now we just got that last star or the second to last star 60 crit damage oh no the mirror maidens we haven't combined all the little mirror maiden stuff yet so we're gonna do that real quick too see how far away we are we have 220 of the small ones so actually you know we might have enough five bonus there okay let's just make a few more and we can make two golden here i don't expect you to give me two bonus sayaka although you could if you want to just saying so really we just got to run the domain a few more times man this was way easier than miss splitter but to be fair to miss splitter we've had access to inazuma now for a while so the main problem would have been the mirror maidens but you know we've had a lot of time to farm those oh that was a rough one yeah 49 there no perps one purple let's just do this last round although i think it still won't be enough unless we get like super lucky on this run well we got seven blues i guess that's kind of something so we can make four more blues how many purples seven come on bonus two bonus wow that was lucky oh i think we have enough yeah i think we need exactly four more no bonus there but i think that's okay i think we can max it yeah here we go it's base attack isn't uh the highest of any five star obvious oh well actually no it's it's about average actually 66 crate damage i mean you know all weapons follow a sort of formula either they have a lot of base attack and less of the you know secondary stat or vice versa there's nothing really to be surprised about when it comes to stats the thing with thundering pulses it's mainly going to be a yoimia bow the main draw of its passive is up to 40 normal attack damage which most bow users aren't really going to be able to take advantage of this is normal attack and that's it those are considered charged still i find that weird it does also increase attack by 20 query crit damage are my favorite stats for passive so it would be okay for ganyu it's most likely gonna be better than any four star bow like prototype crescent is a really really good bow for gone you however its passive is completely useless for some enemies and bosses so what kind of crate damage are we looking at over three hundred percent uh all right that's that that's a lot of crit damage so yeah i mean it's obviously just for the main stats alone and you know the 20 attack increase it's gonna be pretty pog for any damage dealer beau user i have a pretty good understanding about how my gun you was behaving although in the same summoning session we got thundering pulse we also got skyward harp which will probably be gun used beau once i get yo mia up to 90 and this will be herbo obviously skyward harp has a lot more bass attack it also has crit rate instead of crit damage which which for gun use case isn't as good but you do need some crit rate as you can see we have 31 which is actually enough in the right comp of course blizzard strayer has a similar problem that prototype does where not all enemies or bosses can be frozen so you sometimes can't get that extra 20 crit rate and honestly with 300 crit damage it's gonna really hurt to not crit so for the gun you team you definitely need a water with you zhang is always good for any bow users that need to charge their shots because you don't want to get interrupted and uh i always like to take bini as well because gun you can also take advantage of his bonus even at c6 i usually would like to have a second cryo as well for the resonance 15 extra crit rate but for now i don't know let's go find a ruin guard there i always like to fight those well let's see what we can do here i think we're gonna start with uh water dude trying to get his ult real quick all right go ahead and go to finney and then just stay here and start blasting him 44k i saw there he is not frozen yet 26k from the initial one and he's dead so it's like i can't even see really but i saw a 44k i've never seen that high from uh one shot let's do this without any boost and just pray we crit ah the first one crate for 13k but the splash one didn't there we go 22k no boost at all that's pretty insane we got to be gentle with this ruined guard so we can at least get one shot off so i'm not going to bother with water dude since he's wet already i'm just going to uh throw binny's buff down here and go straight to her okay that didn't crit there we go 34k 34 one more shot should do it 34 yeah would have been a bit more with uh jean-luc shield and being a little closer to him obviously but um that's still pretty insane if we were to just directly swap it with skyward harp she would be a lot weaker because now she has 53 crit rate 256 threat damage which is still you know great and this would actually probably be preferable for a lot of the bosses and enemies that cannot be frozen because she'll still have 73 crit rate just with them being applied with cryo almost 90 with a second cryo in your team but she does have this pretty amazing circle it on with almost 18 crit rate so that really helps and you know going with skyward harp i'd probably swap this out with something with other sub stats on it you know more attack or maybe even elma's mastery whatever but just for the sake of you know testing see now we now we get a 29 that was uh also a crit so we are dealing a little bit less damage in the same sort of scenario here but that was to be expected since we basically just lowered our crit damage what's actually pretty hilarious is that skyward harp has quite a bit more base tag as you can see 674 here to the 608 thundering pulse however our attack even goes down with skyward harp thundering pulse gives us a 20 attack boost on one of its passive abilities so here with uh skyward harp we have 1941 and with thundering pulse here 2026 it's not a big difference but you would expect her attack to go up with more base attack my official isn't really raised we can uh i bet it would look pretty nice on her yeah that definitely suits her visually oh wait child of course i mean he does do normal attacks a lot unfortunately my child is only 80 but i think we can still at least look at it he is also missing a couple artifacts here not the best create to create damage ratio he does have a lot of hydro damage bonus at least we currently have him in four piece heart of depth which i think is a pretty good set so let's go ahead and see how it works on child obviously he's not built as good as most of my other characters so i can't really expect much here um and that's just worth noting because um let's just go ahead and do a little bit of yoymia first and place that on him and now we're gonna go to ch i couldn't see anything i saw a couple like five seven k's in there which is actually quite a lot considering how fast he attacks actually let's go to the training dummy so i think we're pretty much all set up now let's go ahead and do uh his his old first so that you get all the stacks and yeah considering how fast child attacks that's actually crazy fat uh that's actually a lot of damage all right let's try this again so boom uh probably should have done that a little bit differently but whatever let's wow was that 18k just from the hold on let's go ahead and do this okay that unfortunately didn't crit which is really bad with this bow um let's just assume it would have been nice and strong an 18k though just from the transformation is pretty uh pretty awesome and if you're wondering why i have yoimia here she's like one of the only ones that can consistently apply pyro without being on the field shaun ling of course can do this as well with her pyronado and even uh guoba yoymia can apply pyro every two seconds after doing her ult all right one more time here so there we go oh 10k from a basic i mean look at how fast he is attacking i think that i think that was a vaporize but still stop blocking me yeah there was an 84k and i forgot to even go into melee mode so yeah so definitely a prime contender for child of course as well yoimia obviously just for the base stats as well as this 20 attack here it's going to be good for even ganyu even though she can't really take advantage of the normal attack damage boost here at least i don't know if anyone you know basic attacks with ganyu but um so yeah what i'm trying to say is it's actually a good bow for pretty much anyone that you want to do damage i mean just that 20 attack makes up for its slightly lower base attack as we've already seen but yeah it's a pretty crazy bow even before the thunder emblem buffs come into play it's a pretty crazy bow and yeah that pretty much concludes my thoughts i already knew it was going to be a strong bow i was still a bit surprised to see that we have more attack with less bass because bass is the strong stuff that's what all the other like artifacts and stuff base themselves on but yeah that will do it for today hopefully tomorrow we can have yomya and the bow we just raised together and do the god mode showcase thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 455,436
Rating: 4.9523025 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, thundering pulse, thundering pulse ganyu, thundering pulse childe, genshin impact graphics
Id: q3n6g8KwmCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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