ULTIMATE 5★ Weapon Tier List for Patch 2.3! ALL WEAPONS Ranked!

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hello and welcome to my channel i want to lose gaming with the recent op weapon banners like homa and the elegy and the current freedom sworn sword and song of broken pines i think it's a great opportunity to talk about a five-star weapon to your list [Music] nowadays even some long time free to play players have been considering whether or not they should pull on the weapon banner it's high time we take a look at all the 5 star weapons in the game currently there are 24 5 star weapons to rank in today's tierless video now before continuing only pull on the weapon banner if you're aware of and comfortable with the risks involved while the pd counter carries over to the next weapon banner the epitomized path does not i've already made a video explaining this in detail and i'll have a link to that video in the description below for this video i'll be ranking weapons in two different tier lists that's right you guys are getting two tier lists for the price of one video what a great deal anyway the first tier list is a more free to play friendly focused tier list i'd say most free to play players even up to this point don't have very many non-standard 5 star weapons universality and the power gap between these 5 star weapons and their alternatives become much more important in this free-to-play tier list all weapons on this free-to-play tier list are considered only at refinement one the tiers for this tier list the free-to-play cheerlist are as follows the s-tier aka the cream of the crop is reserved for weapons that are often considered to be both universal and also provide a large power spike if you're thinking about pulling on the weapon banner and if that banner has something in the s tier and let's say another good weapon then that would be a highly recommended weapon banner to pull on the a-tier weapons are still great weapons but i either only recommend these weapons for very specific characters or these weapons are super universal but not necessarily too overpowered and next we have the b2 which are often considered good weapons but at this point i do not recommend pulling for them however if they happen to be the second weapon on a banner that you're interested in perhaps you can consider them afterwards we have the c tier these weapons are not considered completely useless but are weapons that i do not recommend pulling for and lastly we have the d-tier which can just be accurately summarized with this frowny emoji these weapons are either power crept or provide minuscule benefits to their alternatives another way to look at this list as a whole is is it worth a free to play players primo gems to pull on the weapon banner assuming you get the weapon in a reasonable amount of pulls now for the second tier list which i will be calling the dolphin plus tier list the dolphin plus tier list is for people that spend some money in gungeon impact and may have quite a few characters and even some 5 star weapons this list focuses more so on end game combat potential in particular this list is great for dolphins or whales or even some free to plays honestly looking for the best 5 star weapons to take their accounts to the next level refinements are also considered on this tier list the tiers for this list are s rank for essentially irreplaceable weapons in this category have no substitute for what they do and are often the best and slot weapon for some of the best characters in the game the second tier is the a-tier or situationally the best these weapons are amazing weapons but often have situations where another weapon is just as good or even a little better either that or the weapon is limited in usage to maybe just one top tier character the third tier is b tier which is what i will call the occasionally good tier weapons in this category are decent and usable and can even occasionally outperform weapons in the tier above but they are considered to be much more niche in general and the lowest tier for this list is the c tier which is the power crep tier the weapons in this tier are almost never the best option to use because there are simply better options so how will i be ranking an individual weapon i will be considering the characters that can effectively utilize this weapon the impact it will have on the overall power level of your account and whether or not this weapon has been power crept and how does it compare to its alternatives i'm going to try to go through each weapon quickly and with how many weapons there are obviously i won't be able to cover all the details and nuances for every single weapon if there's an important detail about a weapon that you feel like i missed be sure to let us know in the comments below without further ado let's finally get started we'll start off with the swords and gentian impact starting with the very first sword to be featured on a weapon banner we have the aquila favonia the aquila favonia has aged remarkably well as one of bennett's best and slot weapons we all know how broken bennett is and being the best in slot weapon for the most broken character in the game is quite something else but you might be surprised to see me place it in the b tier for the free to play tier list the reason for this is simple it's because as far as bennett is concerned the aquila fuvoni has been powercrafted by the missed splitters were forged which has the same base attack and provides much more pyro damage as such i don't necessarily recommend pulling for this weapon even for bennett but as i mentioned earlier i guess if it happens to be the second weapon on a banner you can still put this weapon to good use as for the dolphin plus tier list the aquila favonia goes into the a tier as situationally the best because you often don't care about bennett's damage you're better off just using the aquila favonia on bennett and slapping the miss splitter with forged on someone else here you can already see why i made two tier lists as the aquila favonia is a good weapon and in fact situationally tied for one of the best weapons for one of the best characters in the game aka bennett but at the same time it's not a weapon i recommend a free-to-play player to pull for next is the skyward blade i'm throwing this thing straight into the sea tier the skyward blade provides some decent stats and some energy recharge however it is severely lacking in damage compared to other swords and if energy recharge is your only or main concern then fivonius and sacrificial sword are often better options however it's worth noting that the skyway blade is a nice middle ground between energy regeneration and damage and it also has good bass attack so it's a viable alternative for bennett instead of the aquila fuvonia or miss splitters were forged in the dolphin tier list i'm also keeping this in the second lowest tier which is the occasionally good tier for when you want your bennett to have 300 plus energy recharge while not losing too much damage on his damage buff now for the summit shaper one of the biggest traps in the game for free to plays i'm putting this weapon into the sea tier the summon shaper is a decent damage dealing sword especially compared to the free-to-play alternatives comparing this thing to say the festering desire or the harbinger of dawn or the ammonoma kagayuchi and you'll quickly notice that the summit shaper does significantly more damage than all those free to play weapons however the summit shaper is not the best in slot weapon for any sword character and thus i cannot put it any higher than c tier for free to place fortunately both aika and kaching usually don't mind building stacks so this weapon is a usable third best option for them while you have a shield as for the dolphin plus tier list the summon shaper is simply power crept by the next couple of swords on this list speaking of a sword that power creeps the summon shaper we have the jade cutter the jade cutter provides an outrageous 44.1 percent crit rate and a ton of attack thanks to its passive this is the ultimate stat stick for a free-to-play player and its buff is completely unconditional as such i'm throwing this thing into the s tier for free-to-play players literally every attack-based sword character will notice a huge spike to their performance in comparison to their free-to-play alternatives and as we go forward in this tier list you'll notice that weapons that provide a lot of crits will do well on this list well farming for amazing crit artifacts is very difficult even for whales so for free of plays it's a really tall order now as for the dolphin plus tier list i have to put the jade cutter into the a tier this is because while it's amazing on all the attack scaling sword characters it's not going to break your damage output for the most broken characters in the game however the jade cutter is still an amazing option for characters like jean ching cho kuching traveler and chichi next we have the freedom sword for free to place i'm going to place this sword into the a tier this weapon is actually more flexible than you'd expect with kazuha albedo gene and even traveler all able to consistently activate it at refinement 1 this weapons team buff is nice but nothing too incredible nonetheless this is the best weapon for literally one of the best characters in the game kazuha and any amount of additional buffs that kazuha can provide to your team will push his teams even further beyond on the dolphin plus tier list this thing goes straight into the s tier once you start adding some refinements onto it its buffs become extremely noticeable and you'll start to face full content way harder than before this weapon is simply irreplaceable for the power it provides on kazuha the last and most recently released 5 star sword is the miss splitter reforged if you want the ultimate dps sword in the game this is it the missed splitter goes straight into the s-tier for both free to plays and dolphins this dumb weapon provides up to forty percent elemental damage at refinement one and has crit damage as a sub-stat making this the absolute perfect weapon for aiko and we all know how busted aika is on top of this the mist splitter is the actual best weapon for bennett providing the same damage buff that the akilah favonia does and doing much more power damage than the aquila favonia it is also arguably better than the jade cutter on most of the other sword characters and finally if you have constellation 6 bennett any sword character can capitalize on all the stacks from this weapon alright so we finished our first category of weapons and now let's start with our second category the bows of genji impact starting with the very first bow to be featured on the very first weapon banner we have the amos bow i've got one word for the amos bow and that word is ganyu the amos bow is currently the best option for gany's ridiculously broken charged shots because gany is one of the best characters in the game kanye alone puts the amos bow in the a tier for both of the tier lists however it's worth noting that the amos bow kind of underperforms on most of the other characters but gonyu alone like i said justifies this bose placement next is the skyward harp the skyward harp is a crazy stat stick having the highest base attack having crit rate and having crit damage this thing alone can solve your crit ratio problems and because the skyward harp is overall much more universal than the amos bow i'm putting it in the a-tier right above the amos bow it also happens to be one of the best options for a maximum attack buff on sara and is a great option for all the dps bow characters and after the skyward harp we have the elegy for the end the elegy for the end is very similar to the freedom sworn sword providing amazing buffs and being usable on so many bow characters it goes into the a tier for free-to-play players and straight to the s-tier for dolphin pluses a refinement one the buff it provides a free-to-play player's account won't be as high as for example having the miss splitter before for your iaca and as such it's not quite at that level of best tier for a free-to-play player but for dolphin pluses and with some refinements the elegy for the end quickly becomes an irreplaceable asset for venti and occasionally sarah the lg is also great on amber cryo amber and can be viable on fishel and diona as well overall this is an amazing weapon and is one of the best weapons in the entire game next we have the thundering pulse i'm putting the thundering pulse in a tier for both the tier lists this weapon is another incredible stat stick and is the clear best option for normal attack bow users however the main abuser of normal attacks for a bow character is yo mia and yomia while a great character is definitely not considered to be a broken character so she alone cannot bring this weapon up to the s tier child is also a great user of this weapon and the thundering pulse provides child with his largest possible damage per thumbnail nukes if of course you're willing to fish for them and that's the thing with the dps bows is we actually have quite a few options that are all pretty viable and that's the perfect segue into the next one which is the polar star we have another dps bow that goes into the a tier interestingly the polar star provides more average damage than the other dps bows for everything besides charge shots and normal attacks for example the polar star provides the highest average damage child damage for everything besides his normal attacks of which the thundering pulse is a bit better as for all the other bow characters if you're willing to spend the extra second to build two stacks with a normal attack and charge attack then the polar star outperforms everything else for average elemental skill and elemental burst damage this is why you see all the dps bows being ranked so close to each other because all of them have their niches where they are slightly better than the other with the exception being the amos bow which is hard carried by gone u and i figured i would just also clarify the polar star is not really recommended for yo mia [Music] alright now with the high quality selection of bows out of the way let's take a look at the much more sad collection of five star catalysts that we have available to us i'm going to make this section quick and painless for all of us and throw the skyward atlas lost prayer to the sacred winds and the memory of dust all into the second lowest tier for each tier list sadly not only are none of the dps catalyst users considered to be top tier today but they also have the witsith and the dodoco tails to choose from the width with refinements is situationally better than any of these five star weapons and the dodogood tails is about as good as a refinement 1 skyward atlas on top of all that support catalyst users all have the thrilling tales to abuse i put the lost prayer at the top of the catalyst because i believe it is just very slightly better than the others as it provides the very valuable crit rate subset to help balance your crit ratio but needing to be on field for 16 seconds to get its full buff is not very good that leaves us with the last five star catalyst the everlasting moon glow this weapon is only good for kokomi and increases her low damage output by just a little bit the impact it has on your account is very small and as such it goes straight into the lowest tier for a free-to-play account however for dolphins trying to min max their kokami and with a few refinements the donut is a solid choice for kokami and as such i am placing this for dolphins in the second to last tier [Music] with the tragic selection of catalysts out of the way it's time to talk about the claymores of genjen impact starting off with the skyward pride the skyward pride is a decent well-rounded claymore it's a solid weapon on physical damaged claymore characters like eula ryzer and xinyan in his energy recharge is useful for a burst dependent character like beto yula razor etc however it is not considered to be best in slot for any character and instead is simply just a decent choice this lands it in the b tier for both lists as for the dolphin plus list the skyward pride is a good option on eula if you really want to push that energy recharge for her and the vacuum blades can add a lot of extra damage next we have the wolf's gravestone the wolf's gravestone is both a solid dps weapon and an occasionally good support weapon it also happens to be universally good and even best in slot for many claymore characters now you might hear all that and wonder why it's only an a tier for both the lists and that's because while it is often the best and slot weapon for characters like de luke vado and sometimes xinyan and even yula claymores lack a powerful universal crit substat weapon the wolf's gravestone party buff while amazing is also very situational often activating when you no longer need it however because of the universality of this weapon it is an extremely valuable claymore to own on your account the unforged is surprisingly very similar to the wolf's gravestone sporting the same base attack and the same attack buff at 5 stacks without a shield however with the shield the unforged with five stacks becomes better than the wolf's gravestone without its buff with all that being said though needing to build stacks and needing a shield lowers this weapon's overall usefulness compared to the wolf's gravestone as such i'm putting this weapon in the b-tier on both tier lists however it's worth noting that there are some niche scenarios where this weapon is the best option for example the loop wits only after building 5 stacks against the targets and where most of the fight is against the target while it has 30 percent or more hp now this is pretty specific but it does happen on enemies like the mago kinky and the perpetual mechanical array now for the song of broken pines which is often considered to be eula's signature weapon the song of broken pines is an amazing weapon for giula and for a razer as well but as a dps weapon it's only really good for physical dps characters of which eula is considered to be the most meta-defining this weapon goes into the a-tier for both tier lists as well but behind the wolf's gravestone the reason for this is because the wolf's gravestone happens to be eula's best in slot in many scenarios as well in particular ones where eula can tag a less than 30 hp monster for her burst regardless you'll see a big power spike with the song of broken pines on eula if you don't have the wolf's gravestone or the unforged on top of that it can occasionally be used as a support weapon which i sometimes use on my saiyu for fun the last claymore is the red horn stone thresher i'm going to tentatively place this thing in the a tier similarly to the amos bow the red horn stone thresher will be carried by the main dps that use it and in this case it's likely that both arataki ito and noel will be able to utilize it however as of making this tier list this weapon has not been released yet and his stats have not been confirmed so please keep that in mind [Music] and now for in my opinion the most power crept category of weapons the pull arms let's start off with one of the og pole arms the primordial jade wing spear this weapon has the much coveted crit rate substat and its passive is a solid one to boot however as we've seen with most weapons that have a time gated stack building mechanic i can't put it in the highest tier as such it lands itself in the a-tier while a very solid option even for xiao the primordial jade wing spear is only situationally the best weapon option for him for other characters like zhong li xiang ling and even for hutao's burst building stacks can be impractical and as such the primordial jade wing spear can often be considered to simply have zero to two stacks next we have arguably the saddest five star in the entire game the skyward spine in a vacuum the skyward spine is not a terrible weapon however all players will have access to the catch and the catch is basically this weapon what's doubly sad is that all the other five star pull arms do a lot more damage than this thing does and the free to play weapon the catch does about the same amount of damage for elemental bursts because this has been power cropped by other pole arms and is the same in performance as the free to play weapon to catch the skyward spine is a contender for one of the worst five-star weapons in the game arguably the only use for this thing is if you want to use both jungling and ryden at the same time and you only have one of the catch and now for another tragedy and perhaps the biggest scam weapon banner in gangshin impact history the vortex vanquisher this weapon was released before we knew any better and is another stack building shield weapon sadly this weapon is completely powercraft by the next weapon the staff of houma which unconditionally does around the same amount of damage without the shield requirement and because this is completely power craft and has literally no situation where this is your best weapon option except for making your shield more durable this is another five star pull poem that's going into the lowest tier on this list and that's the perfect segue to one of the most powerful weapons in the game the staff of homo from a raw damage perspective minus ryden the staff of houma is either always or often the best option for raw damage this thing unconditionally boosts all types of damage and skyrockets your damage when you're under fifty percent hp three of the best characters in the game chongli hutao and xiang ling all love having the staff of homa and other high tier characters like rosaria and xiao can utilize it well as well in fact even tomah loves having the staff of tomo as such because this weapon is the best option for so many characters and scenarios this thing is going straight into the s tier on both tier lists and last but not least we have the engulfing lightning for free to place i believe the engulfing lightning deserves an at replacement meanwhile for dolphin pluses i believe it deserves an st replacement for free to plays while this weapon is the best option for ryden and is a great option for xiang ling the power gain compared to the catch is relatively small for the primo gems spent you'd be better off going for constellation 2 or even constitution 3 on write-in before going for the engulfing lightning however assuming you have constellation 3 for dolphin pluses then this weapon will help bring your ride in above and beyond as any additional damage you stack on top of a constellation 3 ryden's damage will further skyrocket her damage into even more broken levels and finally the engulfing lightning is a great universal weapon especially when paired with the emblem of severed fates artifact set [Music] alright so that covers all the 5 star weapons up to this point as well as my speculative placement of the red horn stone thresher we can see that the two tier lists are similar but with the free to play tier list focusing more on universally good weapons while the dolphin plus tier list has a stronger emphasis on team buffing weapons we can also see the difference in placement for the shield series weapons between the weapon types mostly due to alternative options for the various characters and we can also see some discrepancies between whether or not a weapon is recommended to be pulled for free to plays as well as whether or not this weapon is best in specific scenarios and lastly i really hope to see some new meta catalyst users as well as new catalysts introduced because our current selection is nothing short of a tragedy also i regularly make engine impact videos ranging from caesar showcases dps showdowns guide videos and more so be sure to smash the subscribe button as it's the best and easiest way for you to support my work also don't forget to like the video and leave a comment for the youtube algorithm what do you think about my weapon placements and these tier lists let me know in the comments below as always i appreciate every single one of you this is i went to lose signing out
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 432,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact tier list, genshin impact tier list 2.3, genshin impact tier list 2.1, genshin impact tier list 2.2, genshin impact weapon banner, genshin impact weapons, genshin impact weapon tier list, genshin impact weapon guide, genshin impact 5 star characters, genshin impact 5 star artifacts, genshin impact 5 star weapons, genshin impact 5 star tier list
Id: LLAntxlGmFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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