WHAT 1000 RESIN GETS YOU! (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets today we're going to be doing the artifact domain the new one see if we get any good artifacts should be a good time why i'm farming these well they just sound really nice this one sounds super interesting by itself for a main dps i was even thinking about hutau because i actually like her charge attacks more than her ult to be honest her ult is strong mine's not that strong though because i don't build her for that i built it for the charge attack so i could consider giving that to hutau and then this one i was thinking mainly for mona but i digress let's just farm see if we get anything good we are also joined by bones which is super pog she's saying hello hello so here we have the pyro cryo bonus i'm probably going to go with uh hutau and zhang lee good old combo bones maybe bennett it hurts so much i want to say his name right but i can't it just feels wrong i know it's how you say it but that sounds pretty good actually uh gun you can stay on the cryo tiles like her charge attack is crazy i know we have a bonus right now but look at that 34k from that charge there let's try the old now okay that was 248 okay harold is actually strong even though i'm not going for it that must have been some kind of melt or something i guess 102 i think we can beat that first condensed resin what do we got flour pretty meh i probably wouldn't raise it hydro damage goblet oh well i did say mona for this set uh it's not bad energy recharge and attack oh dang we already got a pretty decent uh winner here that's definitely not bad at all 54 we already beat our record pretty easily give us the goods we got a feather eh again i don't like starting three sub stats with a bad sub so another goblet here which is def so automatically kind of meh it's unfortunate the uh pyrotile always is in the back get off the pillar i mean i don't i don't really need the boost but if we're trying to speed run it then yeah let's see what we got oh a morning do haven't got one of those yet it's def sans okay unfortunate and another goblet which is hp which is also unfortunate oh pyrotile is back here this time cool uh and then he just jumps to the cryo like really well he's well he's almost dead so i'm gonna focus on where's the abyss mage all right dang the gun you just bones destroyed it 42 seconds not bad and we got two i think those are plumes flowers no and ooh all i need is some crit rate and then we're uh we're in business yes stay over here stay over here ooh that must have been pretty quick 42 final condensed resin before we gotta go make some more what do we got oh three this time okay got another f plume here uh no unfortunately not how about a flower no and here we have a sands a death sands sad because the sub stats are quite good we can also try ayaka because again there are cryo tiles and since she has gone you anyway you know we would get a nice little bonus there like 15 crit rate or whatever there we go five more condensed let's keep this party going actually i'm thinking maybe we do farm a little bit for ayaka get her skills a little higher i believe currently my kaching has the sword yeah i've been using her uh especially while in inazuma because there's also the sakura there i actually really really like electric caching with this sword let's do like two runs here i think i'm gonna go vinty actually for this one these samurais are so freaking tanky though it's crazy purples sad can go ahead and replenish that condensed the thing is i know we're also out of these so we're gonna have to create at least one for level eight on her alt ah the samurai stuff there we go everything at eight as it should be let's go ahead and give her this back we're gonna try her in the artifact domain excuse me bone says take your time picking up some shiny stuff in the meantime bones bones what are you doing where are you i can't oh god i can't find her what is she doing what is she picking up where are you bones were you stealing my crabs you can't protect yourself not even with a jungle shield all right let's go back to farming we do have one over here so let's just uh do her old straight away oh he moved he's right outside of the range oh man he probably would have just died straight away from that but she's doing 10k here outside of the the cryo bonus tile was that 30k from a basic though let's see what we got here looks like a goblet a death goblet okay and a plume with uh yeah okay i kind of want to try water dude and her uh here yeah let's try and stay over here a little bit [Music] okay yeah now now i'm gonna okay well he's over there in the not boost zone so whatever uh let's just try and uh he's just walking away from the old that's so annoying 13k 13k from her charge or 13 times three actually yeah we're we're not even in the cryo anymore boom how about an e 44k from the e this isn't really the showcase anymore but i mean may as well oh my lord pyro damage bonus crit rate crit damage elemental mastery that is a god mode goblet even as an off piece this is crazy good and we have an hp sans which obviously is less good let's try and stick over here for a bit actually as long as he's facing me ah there he goes again i need to learn to not do her ult until he does the dash you can do uh scene shows ult again looks like bones is working on the mage over there let's see what we got here first of all we have a hp sans it's always hp or death come on uh and then we have an element of mastery sans i like to hold on to the element of mastery ones because they're kind of rare i actually really want to try even though this is going to be kind of squishy but i really want to try hutao and ayaka ayaka in this case would kind of be the sub dps so i'd use ayaka's alt and then while it's hitting those 20 times i'm going to be doing a bunch of melts with hutao i think that'd be pretty sick oh and now we have cryo and pyro resonance which is really good all right see how this works again i'm just going to wait until he dashes there he goes wait oh no he dashed into the pyro i'm so dumb well let's just try this anyway oh what the hell is that don't don't don't don't push stop pushing me away ruined the whole thing whatever he's dead let's go help take care of the abyss mage 55 all right i think our first team was probably the best though what do we got here two goblets an electro wow look at that though could be solid again as an off piece but goblets are typically off pieces anyway quick damage electro energy recharge just needs some crit rate and then we have an attack goblet which is generally not the best but whatever i'll take it over hp or death final condensed resin before we go make some more i think i'm just going to go ahead and start with who tau now that he's over in the nothing area we're going to do the alts just go ahead and do the e2 maybe uh oh who tau doesn't have our e i always mess it up that must have been pretty fast yeah 42 i think that's the same as our best so far and we've got another goblet hp of course and pyro oh wow another good pyro damage bonus what's up with that two good pyro damage bonus goblets on the same set what are the chances but dang i have two to play around with now you know if if one's fourth sub is bad then yeah we can do a different one but yeah i need to farm some crystal flies so we're going to head over here real quick this is where i use my portable teleporters pretty pog location for some crystal flies there's two three four come on five and if you happen to miss one just teleport back six seven bones also showed me a pretty nice location for more crystal flies over here in mount tianhing just got a teleport there there are some hila trails over there and you can see that little hole in the mountain there's like another five there pretty easy to get to don't need a teleporter yeah there we go oh there's like six here actually yeah you know pretty good hull use all my fragile resin that i have left uh we're at 199. do i gotta wait the full eight minutes yes i do so let's just use another frozen resin whatever i think we're going to stay like this team if i can get the whole hutau ayaka combo going right i think it'd be pretty powerful all right he just dashed into the fire which is fine so i'm going to go ahead and get hutau now and here we go got some i think we have melts going on there somewhere but and now hutao is dead which is very unfortunate because she had her alt and i was about to do it oh no is it get no get back up there now oh we got a mask this time the circlet def and flower meh bad subs let's attack him from this angle so he uh dashes into the cryo it worked he's so dumb oh look at that delicious damage all right got another mask here def come on and hp oh no bones climbed the zhongli pillar i know how much she hates that when it accidentally happens to her so i'm very sorry bones old time let's go please don't move big guy uh oh no he's dead dead as hell and this one too i soon okay animal damage unfortunately bad subs and a plume it's serviceable i guess if i just really want to finish the set oh she's going full support it looks like really helping my ayaka shine which is very nice no don't go that way whatever i'm gonna go and do her ult anyway i think it is hitting it's just unfortunately not criticaling a lot oh but dude he's almost dead 10k per charge there uh if it wasn't for this dumb abyss mage i think we could have beaten our time 46 yeah what do we got here hydro goblet uh wrong set but eh actually uh plume maybe if i was desperate and didn't have any others and then we have the flower here which is no all right let's try again so let's see what we got uh plume eh again and a flower it starts with four but only one good sub so yeah not the best whoops i used one fragile and too many yeah see now it's exciting because he's in the heat he's in the cryo tile ooh is that a 71k is he dead oh this this could potentially be our best oh dude we so got our best here 39 let's go oh i haven't seen this one yet this must be a circlet an attack circlet which is unfortunate and another circlet another attack circle which is also unfortunate let's continue 16k times three for her charge attack there and why can't i move whatever i'm already happy with a sub 40 to be honest goblet hp flower has a little promise i guess yeah going cryo and frozen oh he's so dead yes goblet death flower eh and this time we got another circlet def and flower you know with flowers there's only kind of one layer of rng when it comes to at least the first thing there's no main stat just sub stats so i definitely want those to be as good as possible at least and we're out of condensed again shaft of remembrance blah and another goblet death i'm trying to figure out how many we've done so we have 53 minus the 11 4 stars that's like 42 and then counting in a couple double drops i i think we've already used 20 condensed resin we're gonna do five more just so i can say a thousand resin total uh i i'm just stupid like that i guess just to make it nice and round 25 condensed i think i've had the best luck so far with just uh straight up ayaka and zhang li and her taking the supports is really nice too actually i've never tried just using ayaka's basic attack that's actually quite strong as well oh finally we got an ideal plume fourth sub i would like it to be something good like attack percent but i'm taking that already i'm super happy about that plume let's continue damn it wrong way ooh got a nice three drop this time plume eh element of mastery i'm gonna hold on to it it's actually not horrible either and a plume here with pretty bad subs all right three more to go circlit def and sans def should be used to that by now and now that he's in the ice square i don't have ayaka's old maybe now come on let's go yeah that was pretty good two goblets let's hope for the best the hydro maybe an hp and a cryo all right last run oh dang that abyss mage died so fast that time two feathers i don't think i have a good feather here yet sad sad all right let's do one more since we still have 20 resin final run and we get let's see oh damn all another potentially perfect one yeah one resin left i think that was over a thousand resin total if my math checks out but yeah that'll pretty much do it um if this ends abruptly that's because i'm doing this in post i could not get the final video under like 22 minutes which is just too long uh for my channel so i'm splitting up the farming from the raising the raising of the artifacts and like the secret hidden fourth sub will be posted tomorrow but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like on this video if you want to enjoy is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 288,492
Rating: 4.9634676 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact artifacts, genshin, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact gameplay, shimenawa reminiscence, emblem of severed fate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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