Most people MISS these items at the THRIFT STORE

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how's it going everybody so today we're gonna be hitting up some thrift stores looking for stuff to buy cheap and then flip back on ebay for profit uh first up we're at st vincent d paul we're in livermore california today hopefully we'll hit up a few thrift stores today don't really have a whole lot of time to be out today yeah let's go inside here and uh see what they have all right so i know you guys can't see it but for my view i can see it so there's some justin boots over here if they're like 15 or less i'm gonna pick them up because i usually get like 40 to 50 for justin boots uh so let's see how much they want this place here is notorious for over pricing and like pricing up shoes and boots and stuff so let's just see so here they are here they're in decent condition not too bad not perfect but uh yeah this one doesn't have a price let's see if this one does okay 14.99 so that's like the top of what i wanted to spend on these but i'll still get them because i know that they're going to sell quick and i know i'm going to get like 40 to 50 for them so we'll go ahead and put these in our little cart there all right so they got these boots right here so these are red wing boots and they're the picos style really nice condition looks like they're probably worn a couple times unfortunately in the mud but there's no price on them so actually here's the price forty dollars you kind of see it right there there you go you can see it so 40 bucks for these things and uh we can look them up real quick and see what they're going for red wing i gotta type in pico so how you spell that p e c o s okay so here we are here so this is all pre-owned ones so 220 219 215 209. so i'm gonna pick these things up 200 yeah i think these are a good pickup for 40 bucks we'll make a decent amount they're a little bit scuffed up but i don't really worry about that because people that buy these when they're buying them in use conditions sometimes they like them to have a little bit of character to him sounds weird but like even if it had more more wear it'd probably be better but these are in that like kind of gray area where they're just a little bit scuffed up but they still look brand new otherwise so i'm gonna pick them up for 40 bucks and uh hopefully we can do pretty good with them i assume that they're gonna sell pretty quick and i'll probably list them for like 170 ish all right so those two boats were the only things that we found in the saint vincent d ball today i talked with the manager there again and found out that he's watching the channel now so if you're watching right now what's up man nice talking to you again and uh yeah those boots are gonna do well should sell very fast i think it was like 53 out the door with tacks and everything and we should make that back with the justin boots or close to it and then those red wings that's gonna be really good that's gonna be like i don't know another 110 ish on top of that let's head over to the next spot unfortunately the goodwill just closed down the street and uh we lost like eight goodwills in the bay area recently but there's another small one over here let's go over there and then we'll just continue on and uh you know head back towards the east bay and hit a few more spots all right so we're out of savers now pretty big store let's go inside and uh hopefully find some more stuff today all right always always looking for cutco knives don't see any here today here's some ice cream scoops you guys would be surprised how much ice cream scoops can go for sometimes especially branded ones um i sold some baskin robbins ones for like fifty dollars a piece obviously these probably aren't that pricey these are kahlua this is like a liquor brand but they're branded so that's pretty cool let's see how much they want so three dollars so basically a dollar a piece on these i'm gonna pull them off the thing right now put them in the cart and we can look them up real quick see if there's any comps i'm guessing that these are probably like a promotional item probably not something that they actually sold yeah we could check them out real quick all right so here we are here uh so there's none listed and none sold so i went over to worth point and i didn't see anything on there either so i'm not taking that as a bad thing because there haven't been any on the market pretty much ever so i'll go ahead and pick these up at a dollar a piece i'll probably list them for 20 plus shipping is a piece and we have nine of them so that should be i think that's going to be really good they should sell fairly quickly as well so happy about that pickup all right so here's an item that there's mixed thoughts on these so this is like a cpap mask and technically from what i was told by ebay is you're allowed to sell them you're just not allowed to sell the machines or anything that's like a prescription uh prescription based things so if it's prescribed by a doctor you can't if you could just buy it like from a store then you can so i've sold these before and i've also had them taken off the ebay before because of my youtube channel people flag them but usually they're worth a fair amount of money so let me look this thing up and we'll see what it's going for all right so here it is here 92.89 78 78 so they want seven dollars here i'm gonna pick it up but i know if i put it on my ebay store someone that's watching this video is gonna flag it so um but do your own research don't trust me on that contact ebay yourself and get it straight from them so you have it i'd recommend going on like ebay for business so that way you have it on writing like i do that i can list that but uh i'm gonna pick it up anyways and should we do pretty good all right so they got a good amount of baseball bats today a good way to know the good ones if you click them if they sound like metal like this then it's probably aluminum they sound like this one this one kind of sounds metal too but not as much metal let's see what it is real quick i don't know i don't think that one's worth much but yeah this one can be pretty good so this is like a fat barrel like a youth model and it's made by demarini which is a good brand so here's a model number here let's look it up real quick and see if it's worth anything okay so we've got the same model number here selling for pre-owned 192. 174. took a best offer less than a hundred 168 best stop for 274 119 179 so we know that this bat's pretty good one thing i was looking on this bat when i was looking it up it does have a little bit of a condition issue it's missing like a a piece right here but other than that it's in really nice condition no flaws or anything that i could see other than just normal wear and tear so this little piece of uh it's pretty loose too let me uh let me look at it a little more one second all right so we got a big issue here so this thing has some serious issues here fell apart so this could be because someone modified it or something so sometimes people were will um like core these things out and make them you know like a hot bat where it's like an illegal bat so i don't know if that's what happened here but uh yeah i'm not gonna pick this thing up it's unfortunate because it's a nice bad worth a lot of money um i could possibly go get it repaired but i don't really wanna do all that so i'm gonna leave it here and uh yeah it's just uh you always gotta look at your bats pretty closely alright so sometimes these can do pretty well this is a vintage clock made by teletime so i don't really recognize that but this thing apparently roars and makes sounds so what we can do here is we can look it up real quick this is from 1998 so let me uh check it out real quick they want ten dollars i'm assuming this is probably like a 40 to 50 clock so let me check it out real quick all right so i didn't see any comps on ebay no comps on worth point either but i did look up the brand so tell time they have some pretty high-end ones here so here's a pilot one sulfur 75 pre-owned uh some trane one sold for in the 50 range pre-owned so this brand has history of selling and high prices for things this one being a new condition a clock from 1998 that's like animal themed i think it's going to be at least 50 so i'll pick this thing up i'll spend ten dollars on it i'll i'll try it out and hopefully it does well all right these might do good so these look like racing boots never sold this brand but usually racing boots for me so very well so let me pull them down real quick actually let me see how much they want for them so they want 12 dollars for them let me see i think these would be worth it for 12 bucks looks like they're right around like the 80 to 100 range in used conditions so we'll pick these up so not too bad so we're walking out of savers with a lot of pretty good question pretty big question marks you know like a lot of these items don't have like a sell-through rate or a history but i've had a lot some of my better sales and fastest sales have been from items like that you'd be surprised how many items i found that had no listed or sold comps and they sold like as soon as i listed them so don't be scared to pick up stuff like that obviously you run the risk of you know having to hold on items sometimes as well you know not everything that you pick up that doesn't have a selfie rate is going to sell super quick um it's going to take certain people to be actively looking for this stuff for them to sell but yeah don't be scared of them but yeah not too bad in there i'm happy with items that we found even though there's you know there are big question marks but yeah let's head to another store real quick and hopefully we could keep on uh finding some more good stuff all right so i was gonna go to this goodwill but looks like this is one of them that was affected by the recent close down so this store is totally closed you can see the empty racks in there all the old price things so yeah that sucks i wonder if their donation center's still open no they're not even taking donations so pretty crazy let's head over to probably eco thrift unless i can find another thrift store around here all right we're at eco thrift don't have a ton of time to be here today but we'll do a quick run through hopefully find some good stuff all right so i just had to run through eco thrift real quick so i didn't record in there only found one item maybe was in there for five to seven minutes i found this really cool poncho so this thing here has like horses on it real thick like fleece style i sold one of these a few months ago so i've only ever found one other one before uh this is the second one i found the last one sold for 150 paid 15 for this thing so uh really happy about that find for sure that's gonna be it for me today i gotta get some stuff done i'm gonna give you guys a breakdown of everything that we picked up today we'll see how well we did i know i spent up a lot of these items uh but yeah let's see how we did some stuff so let's just see [Music] all right so they got these boots right here so these are [Music] red all right so sometimes on this really cool poncho so this thing [Music] here [Music] foreign
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 178,857
Rating: 4.9099727 out of 5
Keywords: thrifting, thrift shop, thrift store, resell on ebay, sell on ebay, ebay, ebay seller, thrift store haul, thrift shop haul, trip to the thrift, thrift store find
Id: iyH_7JLli_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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