Squishy Makeover: Fixing Your Squishies #13

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[Music] hey it's me what was that noise so after my last two weeks of moving videos are you guys having fun which you guys actually seem to like surprisingly my hands they're ready to paint to create I've chosen three squishies to fix today in quotes fix based on your comments and which ones you guys wanted to see the most I saw lots of comments about these bear cakes I happen to open these back-to-back in the same video which was really weird I know you guys wanted me to decorate both of these together but I only have time for three square she's in a video so if I did them both that would only be one other spot and these are like pretty large so it's like I can just count them as one so for those reasons I'm only doing one of them please don't kill me similarly similarly what are you writing an essay these houses you guys wanted me to do all of them we've got an entire neighborhood here that's a little much for one video so one house it is and the final squishy is this one oh look it looks like a giant turd so let's get into some squishy roasting this squishy has been ripped into one two three four five six pieces and covered in some sort of splotchy brown paint gorgeous clearly it's been through a lot already so let's try to make some sense of this looks like a tail and then we have okay it's a narwhal let's try to help this poor fellow shall we the first step is to start gluing all the pieces back together I'm really great at puzzles there you go apply a thin layer of glue I'm making sure all the edges are lined up and then rubber-banding it until the glue dries and repeat that process with the rest of the body parts give its arms back or fins whatever and now that it's all back together there's still a lot of cracks and breaks so I'm gonna take some puffy paint and start sealing up every rip I can find which was a lot this thing is pretty messed up I have no clue how this happened or why why do bad things happen to good squishy okay now on to the bottom it's very important to do this step because I definitely don't want any of these cracks coming open when I start the actual paint job because that can get real tragic oh I'm finger-painting now okay now for the color I'm going purple with this not like the colour really matters because anything is better than what it was well finally we can start cleaning up this look with a couple fresh coats of paint and sorry if the lighting is doing some weird things I'm in a new room and I guess I haven't mastered the lighting in here yet so yeah I may need to to do that apparently that brown paint was very chunky maybe it was old maybe it was dried out I don't know but I didn't realize how much texture was in there until I put the fresh paint on and then boom lumpy chunky so it's purple and that's great but I'm gonna add a little design to this to make it a little more interesting I'm just sketching that out and here we go I'm adding a rainbow to this are you shocked yeah you must be new here the idea is to have the rainbow kind of swirling around its body like a really cool rainbow kind of scarf that's a terrible way to describe it this first coat is very messy which is okay with the second coat I'll actually go in and try to clean everything up and make it look presentable rainbow is a commitment okay getting each of those colors on there all the way around oh I thought it would never end of course it's totally worth it you know for the rainbow but I'm just saying it gets intense this is what intensity looks like now that that's done I decided to take this a step further and continue swirling the rainbow around the horn I think we could have done a solid color here and been just fine but you know I tend to get a little extra with this kind of thing so I did this instead yeah I like it now for the face very precise measuring here and I tried to add some little purple cheeks but I hated those so then I tried pink however plain cheeks it is now I'm gonna paint on the eyes I actually didn't film painting the details of the eyes and for that I am truly truly glad because it was hard enough to do that without worrying about the camera we all know the face is a struggle every time so let me finish that up and I added some stars to the side of the head because it was looking a little bald over there I was gonna do like you know one two maybe three I don't know what happened I just kept adding them that's enough that's enough this always happens and finally I added my little signature to the bottom so I know it's mine I wouldn't want to get it confused with somebody else's lumpy purple rainbow swirled Narwhal squishy and here it is I don't think anyone can say that this one looked better before even if you hate rainbow even if you hate this little derpy face just look where it came from I do think that this is kind of a strange design girl what are you wearing but I do like it actually that modeling the eyes do include the full rainbow which I thought was gonna be a little bit more eye catching but you honestly can't even tell oh it looked like Barney for a split second there no there does it moving on to the house squishy this was from the bill gates package from Bill Gates but obviously it was one of the squishies that didn't get painted well not intentionally I did get very excited to see these how because I've never seen a house before well house squishy obviously I've seen a house okay the colors are interesting the yellow is oh it's screaming at me very bright and bold colors but then a pastel pink door interesting choice one thing that really bothers me is that this window is almost completely covered up does that bother you it just it bothers me also how the tree is barely touching the roof I'm just saying the back is a tiny bit too busy for me so I may want to simplify that a little bit but other than that it's all great so let's get to work I'm gonna rough it up a little bit with some sandpaper so that we don't have any issues with paint peeling off now about that window I'm actually just gonna cut it off and get rid of it so there's only one window symmetry is overrated and on the back I'm actually gonna cut the grass completely off milling along I'm also going to remove some of the leaves pruning the bushes then I noticed that the paint is peeling off the roof if I don't pull all of this off and Reece and it my paint could potentially peel off as well kind of fun but also kind of a complete mess so now I'm going in with some random paint to smooth out the rough areas from all of those cuts that I made and I'm running low on paint again well it's shopping time this video sponsored by huni huni is a free browser extension that automatically applies the best promo codes to save you money when you check out so if you're like me and you like to shop online because convenience you just gotta get it it works on so many different websites over 30,000 actually there's no work involved you just shop as usual here I go buying more paints this little guy will meet you at checkout and he dances twenty will then apply a bunch of promo codes to make sure that you get the best deal possible on what you're buying and just like that whoa I saved $39 wait that's actually a lot that's crazy okay there's no reason not to use honey for everything you buy online want to get it wait where are you going I already have it installed just just for them just ship to show them okay get honey for free at join honey calm slash Mariah that's join honey calm slash Mariah it's free to use and installs in just you clicks and thank you to honey for sponsoring this video okay let's go back home I'm painting the house a nice light gray because I'm going for a little bit more natural colors kind of like a cozy little cottage feel to Nana's cottage is just nice for the roof I'm going with a warm kind of brown I think that this is a fitting squishy to choose for this week since this is the first squishy makeover video I'm doing in the new house and it's a house squishy no one cares and now I'm gonna start oh never mind making a stone pattern no that ain't right it doesn't have to be perfect which is great because there's no way I was gonna get it perfect anyway it's a stone cottage it can be a little uneven and wobbly and still look pretty good so I'm just kind of plopping stones wherever the alignment isn't set in stone no I'll let it that one out now I'm going with pink for the front door which is interesting because I made fun of that pink front door before but I think that the pink makes a little bit more sense since the colors are a little toned down and I'm gonna be adding pink to other things around the house as well so that it doesn't look so random I went white for the windows because I wanted something that really pops on the gray and then I added this white heart on the roof for some reason I knew immediately that I wanted a heart on the roof but it's it's too much pop so I went over that in gray to tone it down and I like that better it's definitely crooked but it's still cute I think for some reason choosing the color for the inside of windows is always a stressful decision for me of course most cartoon windows are blue and reality windows usually look black in the daytime but it just never feels like the right color I made the door frame in brown to match with the roof and of course the tree trunk has to match also even though this is totally not a bark color ruff is bark and in goes the green also let me point out that this is a much more appropriate gap between two objects I just have a pet peeve of things that are like barely touching we're putting the fence in so that you know nobody touches my flowers what is that supposed to mean I added some dark pink details to the flowers and little hearts in the tree what you've never seen hearts growing on a tree well you need to get out more I added that yikes so I tried to fix it I mean that's not much better but okay yeah not a huge fan of how I did those flowers on the back but they're there I added a gray line hideous and then I decided to go over it with Brown less hideous then I added a little vine across the roof to bring a little more green I think I should have stopped here no don't do it but I added a stone texture to the heart I'm really not sure about it I have a heart of stone I just don't know if that was necessary or if it looks good but oh well it stayed here is the final house I think it's a big improvement I think it looks more balanced and more pleasant now I do really like most of the details that I added to it except maybe that stone texture in the heart I know that I don't hate it I just don't know if I like it I'm on the fence nobody's home maybe next squishy makeover I'll make someone to live in here because the house is not a home unless someone's home or something like that I don't know but it's a house and it's a nice one so for now let's just move on to the next squishy so this little sweetie it's a cake with a bear head on top of it yeah I love it although the paw prints mmm not crazy about those I keep thinking I'm seeing eyes with eyelashes lots of them and we do have some significant ripich and a hole but I do love the bear love the bows I knew I wanted to do some sort of theme but I got to work with a bear as I'm struggling with this bear I realized oh that kind of looks like a seal let's go with that so getting to work ouch I'll take those the bows are also going bye-bye which was really sad for me because I actually really loved the bows but it just wasn't gonna work with the theme that I picked out so but of course I will keep them for my parts box you know to use them later oh you can see my shirt with these rough areas let me go ahead and trim them up a bit to smooth it out a little just cleaning up the shape a little bit oops dang it Oh who's this this is a little Narwhal with a broken tail and he's here to generously donate his tail to our earless bear cake yeah thank you friend so I'm just going to attach the tail on there somehow to make this look like the seal is swimming through the cake so let me glue that on there and secure it so pong okay looking pretty good but plane so let's bring out that parts box Hey long time no see and look who I found you will be perfect and I'll take these as well I'm also gonna take a couple pineapples and chop off the tops that is so wasteful don't worry I have plenty of other complete pineapples I might as well make some use of these right and I'm gonna take this little donut and cut it into chunks why do they all have to die and now we have seashells so here are my little cake decorations and the glue gun I always use fabric glue when I can because it's better for squishies but with something like this that has a lot of little tiny pieces it's just too time-consuming to stick everything on one at a time secure them with rubber bands and then wait for each thing to dry but hot glue does dry stiff so I got to be careful not to make hard lumps in my squishy okay okay now that everything is stuck on there I'm gonna go in with some puffy paint and secure everything by filling in all the cracks and the gaps so that it all looks like one seamless kind of piece and going over the rough spots and rips here we are finally ready to paint so if you haven't put this together yet I'm going for like an ocean or under the sea kind of theme for this so I'm painting at a nice blue and adding gradients with different shades of blue it's a lots of blending of course I was really happy with how the sea decorations came together I much prefer using different parts of squishies and combining them instead of trying to cut in shape little pieces from scratch out of memory foam I like to avoid that if I can because that is super tedious and now painting the seal white kind of like a ping-pong ball but give him some time he's developing okay now I'm going in with all the little details and painting them white and some matte fabric paint I realized I had to cut off this little fin because this guy is gonna be a little baby seal so we need to get rid of that all right that's more like it okay back to this this is just for a base coat it works really well since the matte white paint is super opaque and then I just don't have to fight with the bright blue color when I paint those and there we go that looks unique and I'm choosing pearlescent fabric paint for the details but this pearlescent paint is just so transparent you can like barely tell that I'm even doing anything right now so I'm bringing back the old popsicle stick so that I can apply the paint in a thicker coat let me just pile that on real quick I think the pearlescent works really well for under the seats all shimmery kind of like how things look on water said um and now just doing some touch-ups around now I'm adding some little waves to kind of look like splashing water around the seal give it some action like it's actually swimming through the cake and now on to the little face as you can see well just barely because I'm out of the frame but anyway I can't forget about the little baby seal kind of like a little parasite No and final touch I'm adding some white pearl paint as little bubbles to tie everything together and here's the before and after I do still like the original design of course but I think it came out really well I love the underwater theme the pearl essence the parasite everything [Music] I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of squishy makeovers I'm really happy with how everything turned out I think thanks for watching and I will see you guys next Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 13,201,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: squishy makeover, painting squishies, how to make squishies, how to fix squishies, my squishy collection, where to buy squishies, huge squishy homemade, homemade squishies, best fracts for teens, painting projects, painting crafts, fun creative activities, thrifting for begginners, decorating activities, fun things to decorate
Id: d5kc0k9aIOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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