Three Weeks, Three Kids - Full Movie

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[Music] No [Music] hey Charlie hey Jennifer you know when planning a trip to Europe yeah my sister and her husband second honeymoon I'm actually a first when they first got married then saving it for it listen I got a call from my Kyler today do you like the design like absolutely said it was the best thing you'd seen in this 30-year career he's giving us all his design business and the subsidiaries Charlie that's awesome Congrats was your design Jennifer thorne mom have you thought about my outfit hello cuz there there is self-interest here no doubt about that I mean I spent my whole life building this business and I want to pass the torch on to somebody you can really grow it and I'm looking out for you too my sister's taking off for Europe tomorrow and I've got to get these books to her well just think about what I'm saying I will I promise [Music] Alice who is that Shawn who's Shawn boy Wow cool bike miles go finish your homework does he go to your school school wasn't his thing his uncle's crush I don't want you dating a dropout that B you need me right home and I don't want you riding on motorcycles Aunt Jenny rides a motorcycle it's a scooter and Aunt Jenny is a grown-up really since when because you and dad are always saying that Aunt Jenny you'll never grow up sorry ya know they're absolutely right he wants to grow up are you two arguing about the guy on the motorcycle that I just passed crazy yeah okay that is why you cannot date him no you can only date dorks guys we're not even dating I am packing kind of help you shouldn't encourage her I'm crushing on a guy come on Mandy she's 15 part of the job description he's older than she is isn't Brian older than you that is different you didn't think so when you were 15 how would you know you were like three I got you guidebooks for your trip oh I think we're covered yeah I know museums churches cemeteries you need to know where the romance in candle they are yeah I can get romance and candlelight in st. Louis like you ever do I can only get the Notre Dame in Paris oh no do not tell me you intend to wear these oh I can be sexy when I want to this is why I'll never go up and this is why I brought you of course you are after soccer it's an ASA regulation there's plenty if you'd like to join us wonder mom and dad coming in tomorrow yeah and you leave it one yep I'll come by wish you bon voyage are you shooting me girl say cheese I got a better idea racing the club hey well hey will this is my sister Jennifer Jennifer this is will will is John and Bunny's nephew they are retiring to Santa Fe and he's buying their house ah they're not going anywhere till we clear the house out it's a major liquidation there which is great I mean if you want to get your hands on a copy it's a red book from 1972 but listen there's gonna be a big dumpster on the street starting tomorrow so I'm just telling all the neighbors I've gotta go my number if you guys need anything and have a great trip oh there you are KITT you ran out of juice and shrimp oh that's a bummer Wade stop by my folks Peter got me something and I wanted them to see it I don't believe it they're engaged you don't well I didn't see that coming Sarah been exclusive for a long time they're totally into each other what couples do it was kind of inevitable so we've been exclusive for a long time we're told me to each other no absolutely not don't even think about going here you said it's inevitable when I've got something great going let's not blow it okay okay karaoke Friday hammers you're on yes sir I will own you okay kids it's time to go see you my three weeks okay I love you love you too mom um I'm gonna really miss you mom I'm gonna miss you my little prince take care of grandma grandpa for me okay okay [Music] [Music] hello Mandy sighs hey are you at the airport look honey I don't want you to worry he's gonna be fine who's gonna be fine fell is he okay well he bruised his right hip oh no he's in a lot of pain and of course we can't get him to see his doctor until tomorrow I'm I'm so sorry honey but we're not flying anywhere today so which one talk to me about dr. Sammy is my boss offered me a permanent job well more than that actually he wants to make me equity partner Jennifer that's fantastic but I don't think I should do it why not I'm only 25 equity partner it's too much of me commitment yes there's no dilemma I know you Jennifer yes you'll say no that's it done he'll quit and find a new job you're right is too big a commitment I didn't say that what is it with you and commitments anyway commitment is destiny what if I commit to the wrong thing wrong job wrong guy I'll be stuck forever like Mandy Mandy married a great guy Yeah right after college and they're only getting around to a honeymoon now and she wants to visit cemeteries hello can you be on a plane right now yes yes I know but it's an emergency I understand mom called this is a disaster I have called every babysitter I know but no one is available on such short notice I can stay with the kids I'm gonna lose the deposit for the hotels the airline is gonna dig us with a huge penalty I'll fill it in until home tank and come and I have non-refundable beater tickets for London and Opera tickets for Rome Hey look no we're gonna have to reschedule the trip oh just fine I got you cover it let's just call an agency an agency we are not letting a stranger watch our kids guys listen to me I talked to mom I'll fill in until they can get here Oh Jennifer please be serious I am serious you can take this amount of time off from work perhaps a little tease just for a day or two no we are not leaving our children with Jennifer Brian Weiss I'm not qualified no can't be how hard can it be they go to three different schools they have three different lunches there are after-school activities there's soccer games and music lessons and orthodontist appointments their meals they need to be prepared their clothes need to be washed they need help with their homework and they need to do their homework well how are mom and dad gonna juggle all that well I wrote them instructions and I can't follow instructions no look sweetheart sweetheart we have been planning this trip for months for years actually I have had to move mountains at work to make this happen yeah listen listen if we don't go now I don't know what I'll be able to go mom thinks I can do it she suggested it yes and it'll only be for a few days just until your dad can travel okay [Music] it's not easy feeding a mom Jennifer in fact it's the hardest job in the world just why you deserve a three week break okay be fine it better be I'm gonna call you as soon as I get to London okay okay and if anything comes up you just call me I'm gonna have my cell phone with me like 24/7 and all the emergency numbers are in the information book but you know you can just call mom okay okay it's sure a good time sailor back to Oh [Music] [Music] Jamie school six this is out of control [Music] hi grandma hi grandpa buckle up I'll bring up to speed I got a separate word are you taking me to my lesson I got something to do wait you [Music] we shot yeah I just go home Wow my grandma remember coming my Aunt Jenny staying with us yeah the cute chick you saw on the wrestler yesterday yeah she's cool totally cool I'll work extra hard when I get back to catch up right what well ever since I made you the offer you and a half way out the door now you're all the way out only for a few days I don't know what it is with your generation hey I'm not my generation I'm just me yep you don't seem to want it what what responsibilities I'll be back in a few days charlie [Music] what took you so long once is exhausted for me to be alone in the car she never leaves me alone in the car why don't you tell me that you told me to stay in the car look miles you've been kid for seven years I've been a mom well mom and Jason for like an hour if I had help me out here okay you got my violin right right here what's a worry buddy I got wired it's on here I just had to follow the breadcrumbs [Music] ladies and gentlemen I know I'm not grandma and wait why am i sod the loop this is why I need a cell phone sorry you're late you're late Flossie oh wait doesn't matter if you're late hey quick yeah you heard my message right crazy it's like a reality show temporary mom it'll be cool the kids in there tight so see it happy hour well part of this temporary mom thing is making dinner so no mojitos for me you're cooking you wanna come over thanks but probably see if Peter wants to hang ass come on the world is getting married Jenny mom says no sodas before dinner hey what is you unlock it is the cutest dumpster I have ever seen I know right he was not normally what I look for in a dumpster but it was all they had so I found this in the garage and it made me think you judging a dust balls in plastic huh reminded you me sure yeah colorful exotic prising long lasting should have stopped it exotic yeah we got a whole lot of great stuff over there if you need empty cigar boxes or used wrapping paper and complete jigsaw puzzles no great and I'm gonna need two dumpsters just for the garage and you can take off time to be a job for this I don't have a job I did your parents get in from Florida okay actually they're delayed I'm watching the kids for a few days lucky kids were you downsized uh no I just I downsized myself I sold my business why'd you sell I just wanted to try something new it's still not really sure what that's gonna be but garages looks like yeah I could definitely turn out to be my life's work thanks for the flowers sure coming get out I'm starving what's for dinner maybe begin digging what is this pasta salad garlic bread it's in the Bible night one yeah but where's the sauce sauce I knew I forgot something let me say that it's mommy the sauce I know but her recipe was way complicated really kidding hey okay I suck as a cook [Music] [Music] homework yeah huge test world hated homework and tests still have nightmares about him yeah tell me about it he won't stay up too late I won't good night London Calling yeah yeah I've always wanted to say that huh Hey hi how are my kids they're great all tucked in okay everything go okay today like clockwork Garlan soccer homework but Phoenix are cooking okay well remember that Flo has have practice tomorrow because I don't want her to be late for her orthodontists appointment and please put the trash out tomorrow night they come first thing in the morning Hey how's London I just got to the hotel well get out there and find out because that's where you are and everything here is fine okay well anything comes up I you call me I have my cell with you 24/7 got it you should get off the phone now this is costing a fortune okay but it's goodbye Mandy so how is everything fine [Music] guys come on let's roll cheese sandwich no mustard expert here at six chicken salads double mayo apple slices skin on Ollie's come on shake a leg whoa oh hey did you stay up pretty late and something down that test plain yogurts five carat sticks apple slices skim off I am good hi Toby what's up give me your lunch miles hey I have something for you enjoy it's on your neck what it's a bruise I got in gym right like I never made out at your age it wasn't there last night yeah it was you just didn't see it Alice don't kid a kidder guy on the motorcycle yeah Sean look I have no problem with you seeing Sean as long as you're not doing stuff that you shouldn't be doing no no we're just kissing a lot sneaking out it's not cool sorry I don't play by the rules deal deal are you gonna tell mom and dad that's your mom would jump on the next plane home well you are good mom totally would have bought her brews I got in gym [Music] hey I've got a crazy idea why don't we stay inside Stan you know what some room service see what's on attack whatever we have tickets to the National Theater yeah I know but I'm knackered your sights well it's our first night here it's Judi Dench in the seagull yes and it would be a tragedy to miss that or is the seagull coming you should get dressed for dinner [Music] Quinn I have a good time crisis it sounds like a broken play the first thing you have to do is turn the water off in the house don't be a valve so much the basement up front can you come over and help me find it look babe I can call plumber to me too ah intake plates crack is that gonna be hard to fix no standard PVC I'll call him well I'm being a fortune no no look I can do it it'll just take a minute oh I couldn't ask you this I'm not doing it for free sure how much lunch I love the smell of the air in Missouri have you lived here your whole life I've never lived here just visiting from San Diego what exactly is wrong with st. Louis you live here keeping my options open well I'm ready for a change great what was your business I owned a locavore restaurant before everything on the menu was raised or grown within a 50-mile radius at the restaurant yeah it was great you know I built a business from scratch and you said modestly it was a rock and success built a business that sounds so grown-up and time-consuming 24/7 365 Bonnie I mean if you're gonna do something do it all the way right otherwise what's the point what if you get stuck doing it that's done I did you under restaurant and I just made you peanut butter saying I gotta tell you you nailed it well wish me luck tonight I'm roasting a chicken for the kids speaking of which I gotta go pick him up from school you know if you're not crazy about cooking I could make you guys dinner some night that's nice of you but we'll be fine and it's only for another night or two hey thank you again my pleasure Wow cool phone Thanks is that a candy girl bracelet yeah my aunt's company did some work for them and she got simples they're like impossible to get does she have any more I don't know what else I know awesome I still can't tell tragedy or comedy I don't know but it was wonderful hello Mimi lady are you thinking what I'm thinking absolutely almost dinnertime in st. Louis let's take the kids and taking the impossible a home-cooked meal perhaps we'll have fried food tonight hello Jenny mom dad on the computer Hey hi honey how's that oh not great well he's not bouncing back as quickly as the talk does it helped you wait he's still in a lot of pains bedridden but how are you doing honey I mean managing okay oh sure it's not astrophysics no I I don't suppose it is so you just think it'll be like another couple of days ma I gotta go uh Mandy and Brian are taping okay we'll say hi to them for me honey hey we'll talk soon looks like someone could use a refill [Music] I hope you know what you're doing [Music] Wow hey you have a vacuum cleaner I could borrow I managed to blow up Mandy's you know what I actually might have one that I can give you when I tell you my uncle's kept everything I mean everything oh yeah I think it's back here who's the artist Oh bunny it's pretty good you noticed yeah I work at a graphic arts company I was wondering what your passion was not passion it's a job it's too bad yeah just a job who are you trying to convince you or me here we go what yeah brilliant hmm this vacuum officially sucks in a good way fantastic listen I was wondering um since you're only real town for another day or two if maybe I could get your number you could go see a movie grab some meat a boyfriend you jealous type I don't know and I don't want to find out fair enough oh thank you I'll bring it back as soon as I'm done don't you dare hi Hey did you get anything good oh I found this great little shop they had a crazy European sale going on yeah I hope Alice likes it Wow who cares if Alice likes it well it's for her junior prom it was last one but I thought it could it could actually tailor it for her I think it'll look great on her well I think you'd look great in it actually you may be very 15 no really I think you'd look great in that right now my friend Erica invited I'm gonna hang out with her tomorrow can I of course you can with some of your other friends it's a boys - boys hi Quinn hey babe what time tonight tonight okay okay cameras oh I can't well thanks for telling me sorry that's my neck in the real world oh and what am i Fantasyland I have no idea no not cool Jennifer okay we have plans and you're breaking sorry so let's talk about boys I'm gonna need some pointers you and me both Shaun's here is their homework done it's Friday all right well don't do anything I wouldn't do don't do anything I wouldn't do the mothers say that [Music] who is it what am I going to wear tomorrow finally seeing a nice Cosette [Music] and the guidebook says that the Eiffel Tower is only to metro stops away it's not great but I mom and dad aren't coming at all dad can't travel oh poor guy well we're going home what what we can't leave the kids with Jennifer for another two weeks sweetheart they'll be fine they are fine yeah we're going home Brian well you go home if you need to I'm staying you can't be serious I'm on vacation and I'd like to be on vacation with you but if I can't so be it fine I'll go and talk to the concierge about lights then Mandy go don't meet your new best friend this is gonna go a lot easier if you put that down okay but I still have to shoot this it's a flow first like totally historic [Music] okay [Music] you sure Timmy don't rub it in Sara yeah two more weeks could you just like a night I'm gonna need a mental health break things do the best friend ever okay let me know what night works for you okay bye and Jenny what's a mental health break recess for grown-ups so I couldn't get a flight out tonight but I i booked one for tomorrow morning Brian Brian come on we have to talk what start to talk about Mandy you want to go home I don't want to go I have to go no you don't you might not care about our kids our kids are fine it's us you should be worried about what's wrong with us I don't know you tell me here we are on our honeymoon we're not on a honeymoon and all you can pretty much think about is the kids I am NOT some blushing bride you are to me okay I know that you and when my sister for crying out loud think this is supposed to be some great romantic getaway but it what I don't know how to be romantic sweetheart we're in Paris the epicenter of romance well I just I don't not anymore well then one big trouble aren't we you know for 15 years it's been all about the kids much as Grif because I'm crazy about them but Mandy I'm crazy about you too and we have to remember how to be together just the two of us because if you're worried about the kids now when they're safe at home with their aunt who is not capable I've taken care of them she is taking care of the aah that's what this is about you hate the fact that your kids sister can do it that's ridiculous look look Mandy I know the kids are what you do and I honor you for that because it's the most it's the most beautiful thing to me but the kids are gonna grow up faster than we can possibly imagine and they're gonna need you less and less what if we've done our job right I gotta leave but I'm not going anywhere no no well no we have a dinner reservation you go I'm not hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here which was Dylan the boy in the red shirt cute guy everyone said hello to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I cancelled the morning flight and I am hungry [Music] mr. mineral madam civil death and a bottle of champagne [Music] you sure okay oh yeah the other beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow let me do that [Music] have a great day you know what I want my keep it up hey you know what I want no wait you're crazy what are you doing to me taking in me principal's office please he's stealing your lunch just go everybody erasing from anyone just making it worse crazy idea but we have tickets to the ballet a little room service see what's on the sounds good to me [Music] hey still here yeah two more weeks well I found this indeed thousands of boxes of books in the garage thought you could use it single help can't hurt yeah I'm the subject of cooking I don't want to give you the wrong idea I still have a boyfriend but if you would like to cook dinner for the kids that would be awesome you have a boyfriend right so I got to ask myself what exactly is in this for me kidding I'm kidding I'd love to cook the kids dinner what are they like at this point something edible oh well lucky for you I'm famous for the edibility of my food I'll laugh I'll check with John and bunny and see what's good night to step away great good okay there yeah take it off all right hey Jennifer how are you hi Charlie how's it going oh is it good yeah bottom it's not as good as you ain't really that good yes you are actually it's gonna be another two weeks my dad still can't travel oh I'm sorry to hear that well the kids are okay but it's a lot harder than I thought it would be no my wife and I used to go to bed some nights thinking can we really do this again tomorrow morning anyway good luck with everything and don't worry about us kid that's good work okay thanks charlie what's that on your head daddy he's been practicing that since we got here I didn't know you guys had leather jackets you guys hold it's almost midnight there how are things back there no I I wouldn't do that I'm on my honeymoon mom are you ain't black nail polish okay that was creepy totally creepy I guess they're having a good time it's no dress yeah guys your phone is broken no cuz I've been texting you I know so I haven't you text me back I don't know Flossie why I said she enormous pain in the butt I don't want anymore [Music] what's the matter yeah myself dude stupid you're not Erica thinks I am and her friends what do they know everything you're the coolest girl in school and they hate me Oh baby just babe go away I'll have my cell on me if you want to talk [Music] [Music] it's a rotating system with the DVR this is my last night so he gets to watch his shows oh and flow might not come down for dinner she's upset about something happening at school it's okay if she doesn't but try to get him to eat if you can Ellis is allowed to go out with her boyfriend tonight his name is Shawn it's a Friday so she can stay out until 11:00 11:00 got it they have chores those change right tonight okay I have my cellphone not bad all right come on see what you got impressive all city in high school well that some one-on-one yeah rain check be prepared to lose famous last words I thought I had his back but he didn't see it that way I crossed some invisible line I broke the kids code come on the jerk was stealing his lunch flow she's sucked into this mean girl villain so painful to watch because it what am I supposed to be interested in this I don't know are you you've changed this whole temporary mom thing have you changed it's just been for two weeks Quentin the person doesn't change in two weeks you have I don't like it I'm sorry I know you sound like my sister you hate your sister which is why this is not interesting you're right it's not throw a hissy fit how about that is that interesting hey how was your night how are the kids miles and Flo are out for the count and Alice rode into the sunset with James Dean by the way that guy is crazy hot I know this is your fiancee even when he's snoring yeah he'll be the father of my children with benefit so you guys plan on having kids absolutely it's such a huge responsibility yeah when a billion people can't wait to take on when they want to stop having fun taking on responsibilities doesn't mean giving up joy Jen sometimes it's a great way to find it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah a tailless I know I'm so sorry one thing's for sure no more shot it wasn't his fault did the cops grab him to you you don't think so I think he got away he abandoned you it wasn't like that guys we sure know how to pick you're gonna tell mom and dad he really disappointed me that was big time he's so obviously I'm not mad because you never would have pulled a stunt like this with her hey it's Prodigal nice home safe and sound yeah I can't thank you enough for staying with flow and miles I didn't know who else to call oh it's fine they slept right through good excuse me of everything my house isn't speaking to me close an emotional freefall you're growing up that was a typical day in my house an older boy a motorcycle of course she was gonna get herself in trouble who's acting like her BFF and I should have been her aunt he can't do he said he will I'm gonna call Mandy she needs to come home so what you're just you're just gonna quit I'm not quitting I'm being realistic I've been way over my head yes you are on the upward arc of your learning curve I wouldn't get my hopes up for winning any temporary mother of the Year awards I wasn't kidding no me and my brother and my sister when we were kids we were always melting down and messing up and is what kids do well I bet you had a mom who didn't had a deal yeah but I think that's the operative word deal I really think that she just made it up as she went along you know relying on common sense and a good heart that's what parents do and maybe I am wrong I think you can do it too come on you got chops girl oh we're all City smells good oh I figured you'd be too tired to make breakfast or the kids so these kids know about that I just tell them it's a ham and cheese pie they'll love it I should go probably shouldn't be here when they wake up can when she explained she got some sleep I'm not a quitter will I help not a real bummer to interrupt Brian and Mandy's trip I'll tell you what though if you do stick around I can make dinner for you guys on Thursday thank you for tonight yeah anytime [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not a quitter you think you're ugly and stupid does that girl look ugly and stupid and uh kinda ko huh well she wasn't she's just growing up trying to figure out who she was and how she fit in I'm sure she found out she had friend yours that's me but you're like the coolest person I know I thought erica was coolest old person oh I don't know about that but I mean and once I figured out who me was then I figured out how I wanted to dress and talk and act I was growing into who you really are so and I'm telling you it's a very objective aunt you aren't amazing if we're always growing and how come you'll never grow up actually I think I am hey that's open back now yeah I can never ask Wow awesome ham cheese piety [Music] [Music] okay I shouldn't have grabbed what's-his-name told me I shouldn't have grabbed Toby and trying to take them to the principal I'm sorry but you're only a wimp if you let yourself be Toby's a bully and bullies seem tough but they're not and they have a pretty solid idea of how to deal with Toby if you're interested let me know here's my last Toby I made it special for you [Music] Neeb aroma is the best day ever yeah just about just about I miss the kids [Music] I'm not gonna tell your mom and dad about the other night thank you you are they need to know especially your mom she was right Sean is too old for you and you got into trouble because you were asking for it you should have listened to her she deserves to hear that from you hey sweetheart just checking in oh he's a little better and how about you hmm I'm eating okay still uh you've broken hearts and rules here and there but no broken bones well of course you are after all it's not astrophysics is it you're right it's a million times harder well a lot of women do such grace and humor you're really a great mom you know that well I love being a mom it's it's brought me a lot of joy well I gotta get flow to soccer oh thanks for calling mom thanks for everything you're welcome sweetheart okay who's your hip perhaps grace okay didn't have to fly I'm on it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes I knew there was a reason we had so many groceries you know why don't I'll take the stuff in the kitchen [Music] hello you can read those but if you commit them to memory I will have to kill you Jesco [Music] [Music] nobody wants seconds [Music] Harris it's like a romance is in its DNA that's exactly the same way when I was there Oh Jennifer your shoes you have to tell me where you got them a few days ago dad was bedridden and in too much pain to travel now he's playing football how is that possible okay mom let's hear it seriously what did you do okay there wasn't a phone in the bathroom his hip is fine just a little social engineering mom style hmm okay sit down sit both of you Jennifer you're my baby and probably because I've always treated you as such you've been a little slow in the growing up department oh well you have and nothing grows you up quicker than taking care of kids huh and you my dear you grew up too fast you needed a little time to just to be a young woman in love again wait you didn't have to socially engineer that I mean it would have happened on its own I still have some hormones wait I don't know you see you're lucky like me you married a terrific guy someone who'll do almost anything you ask but I knew that Brian wouldn't get the kind of honeymoon that he'd dreamed about the kind that you both needed unless I force the issue what's you talking about okay when you thought that Jennifer was gonna have to look after the kids for another two rich who wanted hop on a plane and fly right home didn't you well yeah yeah and then a Brian for one of the few times in his life but his weight down didn't you what are you Claire point when it comes to you - yes oh come on girls it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity are you gonna begrudge a great mom a little fun you know hair is not that great oh if only you knew you know life is not a practical joke mom did you have that honeymoon yes yes and did you like taking care of those kids yeah okay I'm sorry we're gonna jump on a plane wait just a sec that was the third reason just like she'll always be my baby she'll always be your little sister but but she's she's all grown up now and you need to see that [Music] no no there is such a thing as game to was dinner was unbelievable I think I'm gonna kill to get those recipes thanks that years of practice so now that Brian Amanda you're back I guess you'd be heading home if I want to sleep in a bed almost been great having you as a neighbor take care yourself [Music] [Music] tomorrow is a pretty typical Friday flow hence the ortho appointment so it's a pouch practice miles is in that context weekend so be sure that he brings the right music to his lesson right sorry and obviously so do you you know mom's right I think if he was a kid no I did he totally underestimated you and I apologize you didn't underestimate me at all and if I'm even a tenth as good a mom as you are I got there kicking and screaming yeah well whatever the process you really stepped up to the plate so anyways I'll see you tomorrow yeah mom can I talk to you yeah what's up baby [Music] hey Jennifer how are you good actually no I'm not good well say that have a seat you offered me something fantastic and I was afraid to take it so I don't blame you for replacing me with the temp but I just want you to know that I am not afraid anymore I am ready to take on that responsibility I took care of three kids for three weeks and no one thought I could do it not even I thought I could do it but I did it and it taught me that I can do anything especially when it's important to me and this job is important to me it fills me with so much joy so if things don't work out with the other guy I hate Jennifer really hope that you'll reconsider it Jennifer I didn't hire the tap you still just a temp oh well of course I want to have you as my partner I couldn't think of anything I'd like better Oh that's Wow welcome you know how when someone's humming a song and they stop it for the last note and it drives you crazy all night because it's like unfinished business hey when that happens I couldn't sleep at all last night yeah so maybe we could grab some dinner movie I thought you had a boyfriend did have a boyfriend in the quarter remember well I say yes but only before we start this I have a proposal date night just the two of you once a week and I can hang with the kids Oh about that proposal you don't like this okay let's see some travel pics oh no we got something better than that courtesy of flow yeah okay here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I will get all the people walking down the street and everybody sleeping with the same face they must be seven gonna be there anyway [Music] you
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 5,760,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG, veep, my girl, babysitter, kids, moms, parenting, romance
Id: 3npQMzow1EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 15sec (5295 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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