Christmas Coupon I Full Latest Christmas Movie

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[Music] all right let's slow it down for this next stand all you seniors out there hold your partners just a little bit teacher's coming up [Music] wanna get out of here let's do it [Music] oh it's so sweet oh this is so sweet that's right may i have this dance you may [Music] [Music] forever [Music] i know you've been waiting for me now place your hands in mine please won't you take me back again back to the place i [Music] this is [Music] whatever the challenge is [Music] we'll find out for all of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] won't you take me back [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alison grant do you know how thin the ices you're on right now excuse me allison your skating class isn't bringing in enough revenue now you need to bring in more students or i'm going to have to cancel your class and use that time for an open skate instead so i'll try to get more students you see these bleachers allison they're empty you're not a champion anymore i'm sorry you feel that that's crepitus it's like sandpaper listen i don't know how you're walking much less plain professional hockey lauren let's try the knee immobilizer or the brace and see which one he's most comfortable for okay okay so when everyone comes in we're going to serve them some warm soup and then i figure we'll take them over to the church where we have a warming center set up and they can all stay there for the night all right i like that idea that'll work nice and long absolutely merry christmas thank you for helping your [Music] so welcome thank community for coming in merry christmas god bless you i got some tomato soup for you original recipe merry christmas my friend two days ago i haven't had a hot meal in a long time it's been nearly a week since i've had a meal god bless you this is the first that i've been able to digest let's pray religious thank you so much [Music] so not gonna lie my tomato soup was a hit tonight it was everyone really seemed to enjoy it you know i was just thinking i really wish mom and dad could have been here to see all this they would have been so proud i miss them so much i do too i think about them all the time but i'm glad that tonight we were able to bring people together create some happiness i really feel like we kept their legacy going with the diner tonight yeah absolutely i mean i'm not gonna lie i never realized i was gonna co-own a diner with this pretty little one right over here but i'm very happy i got into the business you guys are so sweet well thank [Music] if you know everybody i just want to say this guy played hard fought hard and he went out strong for the team to ivan and to new adventures to on iran thank you so much guys i appreciate it no no no no you don't have to do that i have a cleaner to do that in the morning i don't roll my sleeves up to anything like this i'm a professional hockey player i make a lot of money and i hire people to do this so what are you going to do next okay did we lose all the advertisement deals when i got caught from the team yes we lost them all and you can't negotiate with another advertiser you cannot play with the bad knee if you don't get me another deal i'm over i have nothing this is all that i know ivan don't worry i will take care [Music] [Music] hey welcome home thank you for your service excuse me yeah are you i've been paul i am would you mind taking a photo with my daughter absolutely hey what's your name my name is jennifer jennifer i like that name you want to take a picture okay your peace signs we've had a great christmas so far a lot of things happened in hope spring since you left but i'd love to hear about that of course i'll tell you all about it let's go yeah but with all the changes awesome good job thank you she's lucky to get a photo with you are you kidding me i'm the lucky one nice to meet you jennifer [Music] [Music] nick nick you'd never believe who i just saw at the bus station let me guess ivan hall how did you know that his sister victoria told me he's moving to hope springs to be near the family well does allison know yet i don't think so well should we tell her i mean with everything he did i feel like she probably deserves to know christopher we've got a lot of people to make christmas special for here's the list let's get back to work birdhouse bench wood toys i think this is stuff i can help you make good old saint nick merry christmas there he was packed this afternoon country singer drew williams opened the festival with his new single the second time we're looking forward to an amazing week with a fantastic lineup it's sunny here in nashville but that won't slow down the christmas spirit hey guys oh how are you guys i missed you so much what are you doing home i thought you had another week left in your tour well i talked to my manager we moved some things around you guys are going to spend christmas without you guys yes yes come here i miss you guys i love you so much [Music] hey sweetie hello it's about time for your ice skating lesson once you grab that hold on one second hello this is allison hey allison it's ken listen i'm afraid today's the day the ice breaks i've decided to cancel your class and use the time for open skate you just don't have enough no ken this is my job these kids they look forward to this please don't do this just give me a few more weeks i'm sorry allison i need the time for open skate did you see austin's drawing yeah hey girls you ready yeah all set okay so no point in getting ready today class was canceled what do you mean what's going on i'll tell you later i gotta call bobby all right well i will still do something fun today okay we'll figure it out it'll be a fun holiday break yeah all right go ahead and put your skates away real quick we'll uh we'll go through something okay all right that's weird it is really strange she'll tell us that it'll be fine yeah hey babe are you busy right now uh yeah sort of i got a big deal going down today it's kind of important can i come by and see you sure all right i'll see in a little bit ivan hey how are you oh i'm great how are you i'm good i'm good my knees are a little sore but as they say your joints are the first to go as you get older hey my knees haven't given out you you look great though thank you hey you wanna help me put up some signs for the charity event coming up we're raising money for the soup kitchen it's gonna be a great great time [Music] balloons for the kids and sack races and games and uh i'm sorry um you know what it's all right just give us some time you're a good man ivan thank you appreciate it this was wonderful seeing you good to see you too take care thank you bye-bye hey babe hi you okay you sounded upset on the phone not really had a rough morning that jerk can cancel my classes today i guess i'm not bringing in enough revenue and they're going to use it for open skate now i'm sorry baby give me one second did you say your classes are going good no i just told you that they got canceled i'm not bringing in enough revenue he claims okay mark yes send me the proposal i'll get back to you thanks bye i'm sorry babe i mean you'll figure something out right you always do or you can find another ice rink to work at or maybe it's time you every time you hung up the skates that's not a real job a real job bobby this is a real job one that i'm very passionate about you know that babe listen i got this huge deal going down today can i can we please talk about this later thomas my man tell me you sealed the deal oh i love you okay i'll see you in a little bit bye oh hey how did it go hey well you know same old same old he was super busy we didn't really get to talk so is everything okay with youtube i'm starting to get really worried excuse us i think we're okay i think it's just that time of year he's super busy and i don't know we'll work through it he did have an idea though what if i got the same job at just another ice rink hey guys what's up brad how are you bud good to see you hey my favorite knees how are you girl okay i think so that's right are you good i miss you sis you are not gonna believe who i saw on sound today oh alison grant did you talk no where she looked at me what kind of look was it like a surprised look or i never want to see you again type look well she walked the other way as soon as she saw me so that was and i never want to see you again type look like i mentioned before the nixon's pond is frozen this time of year you could teach your lessons there oh i don't know i just really don't understand why you're not buying into it it's the perfect idea for you it might be the perfect idea lauren i just don't think it's the perfect idea for me i mean maybe bobby's right maybe it is time for me to find a new job [Music] wow do you remember this ornament yeah that was the christmas that mom got us our very first ice skates it seriously looks the same as it did the day she gave it to us years ago i'll tell you what i'll do i'll give the nixons a call [Music] would you like to come to our aunt ally skating lessons yes you want to go skating yeah okay thank you ladies what do we have this should be fun okay good okay great thank you you're welcome i really want to learn how to ice skate that's dangerous and i don't want you doing that i'll personally supervise it make sure that it's safe don't get involved drew tell him i'm gonna let the siblings hash this one out you guys got this do you remember how fun skating was as kids it was a blast you know it please mom okay look it's just a few lessons there'll be other kids and it'll be fun all right fine thanks mom just be careful [Music] [Music] all right once you guys get to this side you're gonna turn around and skate back one foot in front of the other good job [Music] all right everybody good job on those glides keep up the good work hey you know if you lean forward when you push off you get better balance and distance well i'm not teaching them how to be hockey players i'm teaching them the art of figure skating i'm just trying to help him get better balance i'm not saying you're doing it wrong well it kind of seems like you are look i actually brought my skates today so if you want a demonstration i'll be happy to help you considering that these parents are paying me to teach their kids a lesson i'm gonna have to respectfully decline your offer oh it's chilly out here today wow the ice does work better when it's frozen why were you interrupting miss allison so much you weren't being very nice to her well miss allison and i have a history it's adult stuff stuff you don't need to worry about why did you keep telling him how to skate she does not know how to teach skate technique properly you know miss allison was a champion figure skater maybe her technique is just a little different than yours oh hers is definitely different to mine like i said she just cannot teach skate technique i overheard you talking to mom the other night you like miss allison don't you that is none of your business young lady okay fine but in case you're interested i know that miss allison practices at nixon's pond on monday evenings is that right well thank you i'll keep that in mind oh he drives me insane now we argued for a half an hour today that arguments are a normal part of life isn't that right true but half an hour what was he even doing there i thought he had a knee injury or something and he was forced into early retirement he was so his niece chloe she's going to be taking classes there and i think i'm kind of stuck with him for a while oh i see not to totally pry but did you guys ever sit down face to face and talk about what happened no and i i mean i don't really see the point you know what he did to me hey chief how are you listen are those my favorite christmas cookies they are thank you ellie you're welcome so are you and bobby still coming to the christmas party this friday yeah we'll be there wouldn't miss it good and um thomas tells me that ivan's back in town yeah about that what are the odds you could arrest him for me well only if he does something you know illegal i know there's a lot of things that he could end up in cuffs for but crimes of the heart it's not on the list i know maybe you could pepper spray him a little bit for me or something well maybe just a little bit okay well merry christmas to you it's good seeing you i'll see you friday you're welcome job guys keep gliding guys good job okay everyone today we are going to focus on our balance hey uh i'd be happy to show you how it's done okay hot shot if i let you show them one brief demonstration will you please promise to be quiet for the rest of class deal would you like hash browns potatoes just the omelette that'll be fine just the omelette okay thank you excellent okay okay how are you good good um i was wondering if you thought about that offer i gave you the other day i did but bobby this diner it's just not for sale lauren i give you an offer for toys that this place is worth i know but bobby this diner has been in my family for so long no amount of money can buy the memories or the value we have here well just keep it in mind because there's a lot of money in it for you guys i know i'll think about it again if need be okay is uh ally here no she just stepped out actually she's teaching today teaching where i thought her class got canceled at the drink at the rink they did but now she's teaching on her own out of the nixon's pond i think she'll be back in about an hour really okay thanks lauren yeah take care and what can i get for you today corned beef hash corned beef hash excellent would you like french fries with that okay we're gonna lean forward a little bit not too much got it understand [Music] well isn't that nice that's why you start a new class and teaching adult men now you can't even tell me what are you doing here well lauren said he'd be down here so i figured i'd come say hi to my girlfriend well i did start a new class but he's not really part of it yeah man it came out with my knees figured out help out with class a bit today i think ali does just fine by herself she doesn't need your help i've been home i'm bobby ellie's boyfriend okay all right everyone that's it for today [Music] so this ivan guy how do you know him he's chloe's uncle really alison how do you know this guy if you really want to know the details we pretty much know each other our whole lives we started dating in eighth grade and we plan to go to college together we planned our futures together and then he got drafted into the nhl and he didn't tell me about it and he just left this note for me at the diner and i haven't heard or seen him in 10 years you never thought to tell me about him does it really matter bobby i mean we're together now [Music] okay hey girls oh how are my favorite girls good guys hi girls girls i really don't like to do that they do there's a little device you gotta take this you gotta go see the party [Music] oh well we own about 15 of downtown right now but it could be doing a lot better if you ask me why we're overpaying for everything i mean people in this town they don't look at their companies as businesses they look at his legacies so i do it i mean i buy them up i need them if i buy all this property downtown i can tear it all down put up one big box store and a national chain would eat it right now if i can get him to come to town i'd make an absolute killing there you go cheers to that [Music] hello ivan this is home so good to see you oh thank you good to see you too i'm glad that you could join us tonight and you are still too skinny come on in and get something to eat thank you i will say i have this mom invited him what was she thinking bobby is going to flip when he sees some hair don't blame me i'm inviting him i mean you know we go way back thank you ivan's here [Music] may i have everyone's attention please now that we've finished dinner it's time for our white elephant get fixed [Music] i was was i supposed to bring a gift to this oh don't worry about it i gotta get for you underneath the tree you did yeah seriously thank you i appreciate that awesome they're cheap [Music] all right bobby it's your turn next are you going to steal one or you going to grab one from under the tree bobby how about a snow globe miss holmes the snow globe is very tempting thank you but i think that i'd rather have ivan's mini toolkit okay it's all yours ivan now you get to choose another gift since yours was taken [Music] that looks like a little bit more fitting gift for ivan don't you think [Music] actually i think my sister would love these i'm glad i could get them for [Music] i don't think we can afford to hire another waitress this christmas season with the expenses to fix this roof and everything else we're barely making it does that mean i cook and you serve that's what's gonna have to mean until we can up the revenue and hire more staff it's uh it's gonna be impossible for us to keep up with the christmas crowds should we uh should we consider selling this place i mean bobby didn't make us a good offer i don't trust him i don't like it lauren bobby could be your new brother-in-law if he marries allison we're all gonna be family i really really don't want to do business with him this diner is in our family sweetie it's not for sale okay then uh somehow we'll make it all work out [Music] hi evan what a surprise good to see you here today hey lauren how are you good how are you doing very well thank you i just want to say please tell your family thanks so much for the invitation i had so much fun and it was awesome seeing everyone again oh it was great to see you too i'm glad you could come now what can i get you here today well i heard on the street that this classic burger is very good so you know what i think i'm gonna have one of those rumor is correct i will have that right up for you thanks so much yeah that's a good choice well good afternoon sir good afternoon and merry christmas to you son yeah i don't really uh get into christmas too much but i do appreciate that thank you so you don't really care for christmas i don't i don't [Music] it's hard to believe ivan [Music] you know everybody in this town just loves christmas you know so tell me what do you do nowadays around here do a little bit of this and a little bit of that which is now a career profession right well actually i'm a master carpenter is that right you remember my dad right he was a builder i do remember him great guy wonderful man you know you could come by my shop today if you'd like well i don't really have too much going on nowadays so sure i think i can do that it's good today it is okay good well come on in this is the shop wow did you make this yeah sure did wait is this a purple heart yeah that's amazing you might have asked what happened i just happened to do the right thing at the right time come on nick i know there's more to the story you're a hero well it's a good old long story we'll talk about it sometime okay what is this what was some gifts for children wait a minute you're the secret santa aren't you it's a secret it's not an elected office i can ask you something why do you do it tell me ivan are you good at running of course nah i'm a skater i'm a hockey player i used to be good at running once running from difficult situations that is what do you mean the world has its share of challenges difficult or seemingly impossible situations confront people every day if they have hope then they can summon the courage to face their fears this is what i'm trying to give them the gift of hope [Music] hope [Music] now would you like to help me build this piano bench yeah good good i'll take your quote thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] that was amazing i can see why you were a champion figure skater and and what look if you came here to gloat just do it already i didn't come here to gloat you know you're actually a really good teacher al you've always been good with kids you got a big heart very helpful thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] what is this bobby this isn't what it looks like i was here practicing and ivan showed up and what you forget you have a boyfriend all of a sudden look man like she said totally innocent my fault dude mind your own business okay this is between ali and i i don't want to get in the middle of anything i'll take off i'll see you tomorrow no you're not going to see her tomorrow you're not going to see her anymore okay stay away from her look bobby that's enough ivan's just a friend you heard her man we're just friends that's it no you're not friends okay you're nothing anymore okay you understand me ivan you better leave yeah i think that's a good idea [Music] bobby what is your problem he was just here ice skating it's not a big deal yes that is a big deal allie it's a big deal to me okay stay away from him you know maybe we should just take a break take a break oh fine mark my words alison grant you're gonna regret this i'm the best thing that ever happened to you you broke up with him just like that yeah i mean he was being such a jerk i don't know who he is anymore so tell me what's going on with you and ivan i don't know i think i might be starting to have feelings for him again again i don't know or maybe they just never went away in the first place i mean i've seen you two together you have something special it's like magic yeah i mean but how do i know he's not going to hurt me again um well here's what i think you should do spend a little time with them that way you know for sure one way or the other [Music] yeah i think you're right [Music] [Music] well good morning i see you're still running your same old route sure am are you sure you should be running on that knee of yours [Music] i'm fine listening as a matter of fact i bet i could beat you in a race right now all right hot shot you think you're such a great athlete meet me tomorrow morning 10 am at the rec center what happens at the rec center 10 am don't be late what happens at 10 am [Music] relaxing [Music] relaxing your face finding your breath hey this isn't so bad [Music] moving right into tree our palms poses the floor step back how's it feeling it's sore here try this lay back seriously listen to me i know what i'm talking about all right well if you think it'll help doc it will you know what i'm fine i i need to leave see would you listen to me please way back you need to keep the ice on it right now tell you what twins and i are going to make some christmas cookies stick around and eat them with us by then you should be fine and good to go sound good fine thank you what's going on in here [Music] is [Music] okay now that we made them now we gotta eat them yeah [Music] oh well someone's trying to make it look like you made a mistake the evidence is going to be on your computer listen alex i really like you but i've only known you for a short time [Music] i really like you too [Music] this old town let you down [Music] it's christmas time it's christmas time again see the snow and hear the sleigh counting down [Music] is on his way it's christmas time again it's that time of year [Music] with mistletoe and celebrate while candles glow it's christmas time it's christmas time again it's christmas time it's christmas [Music] oh it looks like santa's here do you guys want to go see santa claus [Music] go see santa claus what is it with this town and christmas oh come on stop being the grinch everyone in hope spring celebrates christmas [Music] santa i just wanted to say that i'm thankful for everything i already own but if i could have horseback riding lessons i would like that too so you ride horses do you oh good i'll work on that and what would you like santa to bring um a truck a truck okay good good and girls what would you like for christmas we had like white ice skates with pink laces you would would you the both of you right good good [Music] yeah who wants santa claus get this one you want to help buddy is that okay having an ice skate aunt ellie's favorite [Music] you know decorating the christmas tree is one of my favorite parts of christmas it's mine too it is i love what it is whoa okay put it up there way up here there you go everybody [Music] so everyone if you could please hand out these invitations to the nixon's farm charity event next week that would be really helpful this is to keep the soup kitchen open all winter long please feel free to post the flyers anywhere you can find to post them and let's get to work bobby what are you doing here you're always doing this kind of stuff i kind of thought i might give it a try for once okay um well the bed sheets in the warming center need to be changed do you want to do that do you think maybe you and i could work together and show me the ropes a little bit sure um i'm passing out flyers right now if you want to help with that i can do that yeah thank you so [Music] so what do you think after we're done here let's grab some coffee coffee or like a real date we could call it a real date well we're gonna go on a real date i want to go out with the ivan hawk well i guess what you got okay you got it okay where are we a few more steps i'll take the blindfold off all right oh my goodness are we going on there follow me your food will be ready momentarily please enjoy some music thank you is that your brother-in-law the river's just [Music] it's not over yet [Music] [Music] cause i'll get it right yeah i'll get it right i'll get it right the second time [Music] forever has no shortcut to give each little moment is the life that we live even if our past may be gone our future could still be so strong yeah i've made mistakes so i know that you were mine i'll do what it takes won't you throw me a line cause i'll get it right yeah i'll get it right [Music] though you've been hurt i'm asking again please give me a chance to reset you know this fast pace i stepped out of line i'll get it right the second time [Music] um [Music] merry christmas [Music] hey i know this guy i see you guys on tv what about me i know you i know you listen i've known this guy since high school oh yeah we go way back that's awesome and i gotta head out all right hey nice seeing you man take care fellas my brother what is up dude hey it's great seeing you man you're up on your feet yeah yeah yeah that knee dude getting better you look great it's a little sore here and there but we're doing better actually happy about that all right [Music] thank you so much again for letting us use the facility this is going to be a great venue i know i feel like it's going really well guess who oh my goodness [Applause] it's christmas so we're back for breakfast it's right that's right let's do it thank you all right i think so have some fun hey man can you stop what's up how are you good how are you doing well thank you what's your name i'm caleb caleb so we play yeah those are some tough uh players right there yeah yes know it that's right man of course yeah of course uh he got kicked out of the uh league i got a knee injury how's it going hey bobby let me go over here you can help me with the potato sack race all right everybody so now we're gonna do a potato sack race please put your money in your name in the jar of the person that you think might win and when we're all done you guys can win some of mrs nixon's delicious christmas cookies on your mark get set go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys looks like we have a winner bobby and anybody that put their name and their money in bobby's jar can line up with mrs nixon over here and get some of her delicious christmas cookies so anybody put their tickets in my jar enjoy all the cookies you want and to this lovely lady uh guys all right well thanks everybody um uh continue on and have a great day bobby what was that ellie i've been i've been thinking about everything a lot especially everything you said to me at the pond that day and i realized you're right you're right about everything and that was kind of hoping you'd give me a second chance oh bobby i don't know with everything that's happened and ellie please look i should have done this so much sooner and it was really wrong on me to take this long but i want to ask you to be my wife bobby this is so unexpected i don't i don't know what to say listen you don't have to say anything look you don't have to make a decision right now just wear it think about it let me know beautiful i'll think about it ally i'm sorry about everything thank you that means a lot to me bobby thank you you're welcome [Music] what are you doing here i'm here to help she's really getting into the christmas spirit i guess you do know this is a christmas thing right i have a lot of christmas things to catch up on [Music] hello this is ivan ivan guess what yeah a coaching opportunity just opened up this position comes with many benefits [Music] hi even are you listening to me yeah i'm sorry what'd you say the team needs a coach this is serious really but i need an answer now all right well can i at least have a few days to think about it [Music] okay [Music] um yeah excuse me uh what are your vegan options oh you can find those on the back of the menu right there okay thank you so much ivan i'm serious i'm way too busy to deal with this right now i just got a new opportunity in the league i start tomorrow yeah i heard no note this time come on don't do this don't marry this guy you know it's not right you know it's always been you and me has it always been you and me or has always been you in hockey and as for bobby he's doing everything he can to save this town and he actually loves me does he really come on just please just come with me ivan i belong here in hope springs and obviously you're too good for us so i don't know maybe we're just not meant to be [Music] yeah what's up it's ivan i thought about your offer i want to let you know i'm in great i will see you tomorrow sounds good bye [Music] yes i gotta go please don't go uncle ivy you and miss allison still need to work things out alice is gonna marry someone else okay there's nothing i can do about it i gotta go but she doesn't even like him and he's not a very nice person chloe these are issues for adults okay [Music] don't worry about it but i'm gonna miss you so much uncle ivy i love you [Music] tell you what once i get moved in i'll bring you out to visit all right [Music] i love you kid it's gonna be all right i promise okay okay [Music] [Music] we didn't raise enough money to keep the soup kitchen open even with the charity event no we worked so hard to make it a success i just don't understand i thought for sure that we would have enough we did our best [Music] huh so [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] all right guys let's practice those slides one foot from the other good job [Music] [Music] good job [Music] i'd like to make a toast to this wonderful man and father sitting at the end of the table over here dad we are all so proud of you you kept this town safe here's to the best police chief hope springs has ever had honey we're so proud of you thank you thomas and thank all of you thank you everybody for coming out to join me tonight to celebrate with me on 30 years on the police department it's been frankly an amazing ride but it's time pass the baton to mike and he's going to do a great job keeping an eye on all of you guys and thomas i i wanted to share that you know i've missed a lot of birthday parties a lot of ball games but it was my job it was just what i had to do but now i get to be everywhere because it's what i always wanted to do and i uh i also have to admit that i couldn't have done any of this without the love and support of this amazing woman by my side thank you speaking of amazing women i'd like to say something about this amazing woman right here alison and i have decided to take our journey together a step further so cheers chief congratulations and cheers to the future miss bobby harrison [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think wow you look awesome do you like it or do you love it i mean i like it i just don't know if it's the one you know let's try in a ball gown okay what do you guys think i think it looks stunning yeah yeah so you're really going through with this looks like it so directs ivan hall's available yeah girl i'm engaged all right you probably don't need that story no well for someone who just got engaged i'm not too sure how happy you look about it i mean i'm i'm happy i'm excited just was really fast well congratulations then thank you oh that's beautiful what do we think i love that one i'm excited all right hey chloe where's your uncle ivan can you put your mom on the phone please uncle ivy you have to come back here things are going really bad what is bad news well miss allison is officially engaged and the soup kitchen is closing i am so sorry to hear that so you're not gonna do anything about it chloe we have already talked about this it's not gonna happen just please put your mom on the phone okay fine so the sanctuary can usually be decorated some couples like to put flowers over here and flowers over here but whatever you'd like to do we can accommodate okay that sounds really nice what do you think babe yeah that's fine it'll work now do you have a date set we're kind of working on that right now when we get one we'll let you know right okay let's go okay thank you have a nice day but that's what i wanted bobby is it yes okay well sorry i make enough money we can get whatever you want just hope springs church pastor chris speaking hey man it's ivan hey ivan buddy how's it going how's coaching well i haven't started yet but i'll definitely let you know when i do all right okay well when you do i will be watching for you on tv when i watch the games hey chris so i hear that you won't be able to keep the soup kitchen open for the winter is that right unfortunately that is correct we are just running low on funds for it and we're gonna have to shut it down how much money do you need i wish uncle ivan and miss allison was still dating me too maybe we could have santa at the christmas tree farm you could tell them that all we want for christmas is for uncle ivan and mrs alison to be back together again that's a good idea what are you three girls talking about over here it is nothing we're just talking about what we want for christmas okay oh have fun skating girls [Music] you girls are back again we all change our minds on what we want for christmas you have have you and what would you most wish for this christmas you want uncle ivan and alison to be happy you want them to fall in love do you think you can help make that happen well that's a very difficult wish you see that's a wish for those who choose to love each other only they can give that gift to each other i'll see what i can do but santa can't make any big promises okay 2000 years ago maybe even at this time of year angels were singing over bethlehem do not be afraid i bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior who is christ the lord that night hope for our world was born and that hope only continues to grow [Music] well next sunday is christmas eve we're gonna have a special treat we're gonna watch our youth perform the christmas pageant on ice at the nixon farm i hope to see you all there merry christmas go in peace you're dismissed [Music] merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas well i also have some good news a generous donor has decided to fund the soup kitchen through the end of the year really yeah generous donor huh well the donor was from out of town but the check cash and the funds transferred that's awesome let's go merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas all right got a flight to montreal tonight in the morning we start pre-season got to get those boys winning perfect you will do great yeah it'll work is everything okay yeah i'm fine what do you mean you were always missing something but when you went back home you found it so are you saying you want me to give up this huge coaching opportunity to move back to hope springs yes that's exactly what i'm saying you're crazy my ride's here there we go ivan you can still change your mind [Music] [Music] so going over at the offer again what do you think no we've decided against it guys come on this is a good deal bobby what is this i hear about you selling to a big box store hi ally yes i am okay hope springs is in desperate need of modernization and i'm gonna give it to him you told all those people that their businesses would stay open how could you do that to them well if i told everyone nobody would sell okay and this is this is gonna be good for everyone no this is gonna be good for you for us you know you never pay attention to me and your business is way more important than anything and you lie to everybody i just can't be with somebody like that there is no us ellie what are you doing ellie come on [Music] i think you should leave now bobby [Music] you guys are making a big mistake really don't think so ladies and gentlemen this is the final boarding call for flight 1772 to montreal all ticketed and confirmed passengers must be on board the flight at this time hey sis can i ask you a favor yeah oh you're gonna go see ivan aren't you you want to be my ride yeah let's do it so the bus leaves in about an hour so i could really use your help packing yeah we'll make time let's do it right [Music] now oh hey pastor chris what are you doing here [Music] oh i'm just here to pick someone up what brings you here well i just thought i'd take a quick trip clear my head a little bit so of course [Music] [Music] well ali you have a very merry christmas and have a good trip thanks you too by the way who are you picking up [Music] l i'm so sorry i [Music] i'm sorry [Music] i'm so sorry leaving you was the biggest mistake ever made this should have never happened ivan i'll be waiting in my truck around the corner whenever you're ready [Music] laughter [Music] are you here james so you can lift and drink at the same time right yes it's nice [Music] santa's awfully nice what do you think you got often what do you think oh my god alison grant will you be my wife oh my goodness okay [Music] yes oh no yes [Music] let's draw this thing up [Music] it's beautiful let's go tell the family really we have an announcement to make [Music] [Applause] [Music] love is patience love is kind it does not boast it is not proud it is not self-seeking it does not dishonor others keeps no record of wrong now for the vows do you promise you love to keep to hold each other until you're fast asleep to having to hold in sickness and health whether you're young or old and lack or in wealth do you promise to love each other with this wedding vow to commit to each other in this moment right now do you i do do you i do good and by the power vest in me for the rest of your life i pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you so uh how do you know ivan i'm his agent so you're responsible for taking him away from us yes i did i got him a good job but i also brought him back here yeah she did well cheers to that [Music] look how happy he is yes hey want to get out of here let's do it i know a place [Music] to ivan and ally have you seen him [Music] huh i think they're gone oh well [Music] oh my goodness [Music] wait oh you remember yes i remembered [Music] mrs hall may i have this dance you may mr hall [Music] i have a question for you will you be my girl forever [Music] you know i'll think of you each day this is a love story
Channel: Family Central
Views: 415,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gY_9Jl9H4T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 30sec (5130 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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