Three Card Monte Scam (Tutorial)

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sweetie I appreciate it and this is a good one and I want to master this before I go beautiful okay are you guys here with David castle creator and owner of learn magic tricks org helping me out and he came over to play some ping pong he lives in the neighborhood wanted to visit me before we go to before I go to California and he was asking me to show him and teach him a trick that you can do with any pack of cards and so he told me he didn't know to card money so I went into it but what fascinated him was three-card Monte and so I want to show do a quick performance of it and then we're gonna learn together and David's got to learn it with you guys I know how hard it is sometimes to me finish a tutorial you guys still have questions so this one might beat into your brain a little bit but other than that here's three-card Monte so you guys this is a story that I tell before opening before doing two card monte I'll say oh you know that you know the scam in Las Vegas in New York will you take three cards and mix them around and sometimes if you have enough time you can do this before the trick you can actually give a quick demonstration of what three-card Monte is and so other than that I'm going to show you what it is so they take three cards we have three cards here and they say only follow the Spain follow the black card David's going to play our little stooge so he's watching on the sidelines and says watch the Spade right watch the spin they go very slow it's very fair so where's the spin right here right here in the middle perfect now you're still watching the game watch this page and other people around you where is it they're winning money they're losing money and you're just like man I could win tons of money on this watch this page and they never really go fast or go slower they may go a different pace that's right here now you're starting to feel really confident you could you can be up like four hundred dollars right now watch the spin as soon as you so where is it as soon as you start feeling confident you finally throw that twenty fifty one hundred dollars down watch this fed you got money on the table so where is it wrong about fifty bucks oh I'm sorry I'm sorry here let's I feel I feel bad for you here it was right there the whole time there's no switches or anything like that here double aren't double or nothing let's just be fair watch so where is it right here Oh hundred dollars and then they keep scamming you basically as soon as you think you have the answer they change the questions so we're going to go into how to perform three-card Monte don't be scamming people out there now so David when you first saw this what would you think he was blown away but but he does a really good job and so good I want to learn right now so basically what you do and like I said this isn't necessarily a trick I don't even play this off as it's a trick to my spectators what I'm going into car money I'll do this the whole how do you do that and I'll say yeah that's what people do they scam you and so I get pissed off when people do that to me and this is what I do back to them try win some my money and maybe win some of theirs but I only use two cards though so it makes it easier that's the approach I take when actually doing the trick and I explain to them - this isn't a part of the trick this is just a real-life thing because it's true story this is a real-life thing that happens in the streets of New York LA velocity agus and people scam you so never ever play it that's the moral of this one I'm showing to spectators so basically have three cards you can do this with any pack of cards I prefer bees or bicycles you need like something that can get a crimp in it and so basically we each have I've two black Queens in a red three you've got two red King's and a red three I want to show them how to do this I'm actually got to move the camera so you guys can see it from our angles and Dave will ask questions along the what because I mean so here's the tutorial what you always say and this is this is a good excuse for to carmine you say watch the diamond or watch the Spade you never go by the value of the cards so what you're doing is I'll show you real quick the gaff is you conditioned their brains to follow the three and they can follow it pretty easily right there right I wasn't paying attention man I'm sloppy today that you'll have to follow form it because I'm busy so you conditioned their brains to follow the diamond where's the diamond where's the diamond right there perfect and after three or four times doing this conditioning their brain this is where the sneaky move comes in and basically it just looks like this where's the diamond oh well maybe you at home we're following along and got screwed over or whatever face we're getting tired yeah but basically what you do is you're throwing this top card down as opposed to the actual three so when they see you throw down that card they think that's the three it's not so I follow that card gets screwed over K now Evans going to teach me how to do this yes okay so so we got three cards so what you're gonna do is you can show them cleanly or whatever you got to just hold and obviously you want to bend them and if you want to make it easier for yourself you can then then just don't put a crease in them but make it easier to pick up perfect so you want to put one of these two cards in your right hand and your hand placement for all the cards you want to be along the edge closest to your hand so if you're in your left hand like that during your right hand like that just like Dave is doing right now I'd hold it with your middle finger then just have this finger free for continuity so I feel comfortable mmm all right perfect so now what you can do is you can stack these cards on top of each other the three first turn these over together and now you know how to do a swing cut doesn't matter basically you want to have the same grip with your thumb holding the lower left portion of the cards and your middle finger just right that's about right I'd move your fingers over to the very left side okay to the very corners of the cards a little better a little better a little better now so you have this placement right and basically your left hand is going to come down first and when you're doing it you're showing the routine throw the three down will generally throw the Spade down and now your right hand is going to come over drop it there and now your left hands II I come over as you pick this card up so I want to show you the actual pickup portion because it should feel fluid it's gonna go boom and as this hand comes down to throw it down you pick this card up there's always one card in your hand while two others are moving mm-hmm all right so go ahead show your cards again and now you can just put them in this place you might want to do your left hand first just because it's easier so pick them up you can pick it up with your right hand and put it in the placement you want so that's uncomfortable there you go perfect so you show them watch the Spade watch the diamond whatever it is and then throw the actual three down throw that one down now and while you throw that one down pick that card up now you want to keep these low David's kind of going all out here but you just want to keep your hands close together even that's too wide you'll want to come too wide with it you just want better yep just get your hands you sorta don't know where anything is exactly which is fine but just get your okay because they can't find it just get your hands used to this kind of motion because that's all it is and you can go with the speed that David's doing it doesn't have to be fast you don't want it to like trick them legitimately because if you do some money playing you right now well you all right what I do okay yeah I do it on this okay where's your money um upstairs I got okay I got three cards okay we got heart black and diamond okay heart black and diamond like that not Spade it's just black this is the money card okay okay now watch this ready yeah I can't see the cards though in a moment you know what alpha okay over here make sure I get the three okay let me start over again okay so I show you the three cards right and then I'm going to do this do this this and then on this side we've got the diamond and on this side we've got safe place placement was wrong though I want the black one to be on let's try this so when when you do this because just don't worry about this card right now okay just get this placement down just this is the most important this is the only trick all right the whole routine so you want to have two Spade in front and just turn it over and put in your hands as plainly as possible now what I do it I even keep like a pretty big break in between the cards but some people do it where it's like you can't even there's no spacing but I just know that I can for sure just let go of my middle finger and this and this card will slip out so worry about that those two cards first so you could first just show me after you different cards right so I'm worried about these two cards firms don't even worry about that one okay so what we're using both hands you set that up the way you want it to now after practice this yeah you'll practice this and then you'll get used to just picking them up just like that just like how I did it yeah that's perfect that feels comfortable you if you feel that you could comfortably drop either one of these cards on the table and spiced wine and that will just flip it over and just pick it up with your right hand yeah okay so I show them like this so you want me to watch the Spade okay so I say watch the Spade Evan oh that really do throw that down first yep one two and now I just need to just keep pick up this pick up the pace okay you probably I think so I think I got how do you think this I think it's there it could be wrong god I'm so bad at this wait try that one more time all right all I want bet any money I feel that money I'm gonna watch the Spade for real this time should have bet money okay here we go one more time so what you're saying is focused on these two first yeah using both hands don't worry about picking up with one hand right away if you need if you need to practice putting your hand then do that I'll get this down perfectly so I'm watching the spin the key is show all three cards to you yeah you watch the Spade I'm watching it and then I keep this going where is it it's right there for sure okay very good so I do this would you say two to three times or twice you do them I would do it I would do it three times it minimum just a condition but you have to be quick you have to be able to be like oh you're right so there's the three cards and now now that you showed it once you could even have this you could have these cards like this just only like this and you could just turn it over and pick it up like that so that's a little shortcut that you can use okay and now you already have it and you can condition them again where is that all it's right there / I'm gonna try to do the move perfect pulls you right do it let's see yeah slow motion still practicing okay so I have to practice obviously doing all this but I show you all three yep and then I say follow the money card now the question is how am I going to drop the app 1 that's where I'm getting you need to that's why you need to be on the very corner tips you cannot be you can't be like this even though I mean your account board is the middle finger go over middle finger look like just look where my fingers are you just want them on the very corners of our app card the thumb in the middle finger or the front the thumb in the middle finger ah and then this finger these fingers free you got your index finger and your pinky completely four you're only holding on the cards with three fingers your thumb holding this the pips trying to find where this one is and then and then your ring finger just on the corner just like yeah just like that how you had it / got it like that that's it that's a perfect placement you want so remember that okay so I'm showing you guys but when you go to drop this you just throw the got really hold on to that one yeah not even that you just have to let go with your middle finger so does this look natural I say file this game and that looks ok yeah where's the sweet right there I want a million bucks I won really know I bought one mm I'm so much if I want doubles a good teacher Oh teacher so there you go I want double or nothing right now double or nothing million dollars okay now I'm not fast yet with this okay okay oh I'm like tying my shoe over here oh and see what's going on too much and really I guess you could just be telling them a story but the key is the key is your your to go to the top and then you're saying this one grab this corner grab that corner not not the top you don't want the top portion of the cards you only want the bare minimum of the corners that you can get I'm feeling much better with yeah absolutely all the space okay I'm watching this I see a million dollars on two million dollars they owe money right there hi Juan Wow he's a loser he's a good teacher he's a good teacher hi you guys hear of Davey canceled again go to his website learn magic tricks calm evans great what I said uh Dave's give me a lot of publicity which means I got a lot of people out there you guys asked me oh how do I get my videos made could you give me a plug first step go over to learn magic tricks org submit your videos get them seen boom start a revolution Thank You heaven I appreciate it thank you stuff good stuff take care you guys talk to you soon rise above if you guys want to contact me directly email me personally at how to disturb reality at with your name and where you're from and any questions or concerns you may have Thanks
Channel: Disturb Reality
Views: 1,981,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: three card monte scam, scam, three card monte, magic tricks, card, learn magic, magic, easy magic, magic tutorial, cards, learn easy magic trick, illusion, Criss Angel, Copperfield, David Blaine, tricks, street magic, revealed, how to do magic, social dynamics, disturb reality, Penn and Teller, Rise Above, Powerful Magic
Id: nvkIGyxD-W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2011
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