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- Alright, so the aim of the game here is to find the Joker between these three cards. There's one Joker, you gotta keep your eye on the Joker. Here we go. See if you can follow along. (upbeat music) Here right? (dinging) Good, let's try again. (dinging) This time let's put some big money down. You're gonna look for the Joker once again, here we go. Follow it. Where do you think it is? (buzzing) Yo, what it is guys, welcome back to my channel. Hope you guys are having a great day. Today I'm gonna teach you something. I'm gonna teach you something. I'm actually gonna show you something that I used to perform in the bars. This is one of the first actual bar tricks that I learned. The reason I love this so much is because it got me countless amounts of free drinks and it's something I still do today. I actually still perform this when I got Bora deck of cards, whatever, it's just really, really fun to do and this can be done with anything that's rectangular and paper-like so maybe even business cards. It's just a fun hustle and what's cool about this as well is that the people who you explain this to really get the concept, they really understand what street hustling is and I'm sure the way I start it off is like a lot of people go to New York or Spain and there's these street hustlers. They play the shell game, play with cards, and they also pick peoples pockets, you know what I'm talkin' about, right? And a lot of people say yeah, you know, I've seen that guy at Venice Beach or I know what you're talking about, I saw a documentary about it. It's a great way to get people into that and this is a legitimate hustle, this is an actual thing that people use. I don't know if they still use it, I don't know if it's still relevant, but they could because it actually is fooling and I still use it to fool a lot of my friends who don't know how it works and if they do know how it works, then I double fool them, but we'll get into that. So guys, thank you so much for tuning in. I really appreciate it and I hope you guys really like this. This is really simple, this could be like the first card trick you've ever learnt in the world and you can go out and perform it straight away so I'm really excited to show this to you. Let's get into how this is done, the three-card Monte hustle. Let's go. Let's try this again. (soft music) One more time. Let's learn this thing. For this three-card Monte, it's a classic three-card Monte plot, this is the, probably the classic handling that a lot of street hustlers use in the streets to get your money. So at first, what you're gonna do, first of all you're gonna put equal bend into all the cards and I mean equal. You take all three and you slightly bend them and the reason for that is that if one of them is different than the others, the spectator might catch onto that and they might just be following the actual condition of the card rather than looking for the face of it. So once you have that bend, your grips are basically gonna be with your thumb and middle finger as you pick it up and the only reason you have that bend is that you can pick it up on really flat surfaces, you don't need a close up mat or anything and you can just hold them just like that, right? I like to use two cards out of the same and one indifferent card. This can be anything. You can use two indifferent cards and a Queen, whatever you like. I just like doing it with a Joker 'cause it does look like a little bit of a wild card. Now at first when you do this to your friends, so I love doing this to my friends and I love saying okay, starting off by saying, let's see if you can see where the Joker is and I literally just simply do this and then maybe go this way and go this way and then ask them again and say, usually they'll be right because it's not that hard to follow, right? But that's where you get them. That's where they come into your world. So, after their in your world and they're ready and they feel confident, you say, okay, this time I'm gonna be a little quicker, so really keep your eye on the Joker. Again, this is all about flow, so instead of doing it like this, just practice picking it up and as you're dropping it here, so I'm picking it up, dropping it over here, I'm grabbing this one on the way back as that one comes in, so it's kind of like a flow, you kinda got this flow thing going. And the flow helps the audience lose track of where it is but honestly, somebody who's really paying attention won't lose sight of where it is, so it kinda works with you because they think, oh, he's pretty slick, but I'm way slicker and I'm gonna know where it is. Which will help, which will obviously give you an advantage. So, here's the move, here's the secret move, this is a really, really fooly move and I've used this for years and years and years when I started working at a bar. This was one of my go-to things because it was just like a natural hustle. Like, I'm gonna hustle you and if you lose you're gonna buy me a shot, my technique, right? So, you got this one here, you have to keep track of this one as the hustler. So, you go over, you can flash it, you can flash all these all you want as long as you know where the Joker is. Now, once you're in this position, where the Joker's in the middle, right? And you've picked up this card, so you've done this, right? And the Joker's now in the middle and you've picked up this card, what you're gonna do is one last time you're gonna display the Joker to them but here's how you're gonna do it. You've picked up this card with your middle finger and your thumb and all you're gonna do is use your ring finger and your thumb to display the Joker. So in action it kinda looks like this. I show the Joker, boom. See how kinda like, it's almost like a double lift but it's not really, I'm just kinda casually displaying it and it looks really easy for me? Here's how I'm holding it. I've got my ring finger, middle finger, and thumb holding them both. Here's the slight. This is a really, really, really cool slight. As I go to set this one down, I'm actually tossing the top one over. Looks like that. So it doesn't look like much here but in action, let's say you have the Joker, Joker's in the middle, I grab this one and I keep flowing in action and they'll lose sight of where the Joker is literally 90% of the time. The idea is to really keep that flow going. You can flash them all until you're certain okay, that's in the middle, so I know I'm here, I know I'm getting my grip ready because I just threw it in the middle, boom, show it one last time, throw it under, over, over, right? So they think it's here, it's actually here. And from there you can do a couple weird moves if you like, you can do this and hop one over the other a few times or do this just to mix them up but they're still keeping their eye on what they think is the card so they are 100% sure that they're gonna win the money. Here's another little subtly, or another little tip, I've done this so many times and for a lot of people that are watching that aren't participating, they're a little bit more aware and they'll start guessing as well, it's over here, it's over here. Most of the times what'll happen when I do this two people will guess the indifferent cards which makes it even stronger 'cause then you're like no, it was over here. Also, I had two guesses to follow a simple card and they couldn't get it. But some people will start figuring it out. Some people are just smart, they just see the move, their looking where the spectator isn't looking, so it's fine. What you can do in that case, you can say, okay, I'm gonna try just with you but only with you, no one else. This way no one else is shouting out or giving them tips. Now they know your move. So, before you do it, just do the same move again, just to make sure that they catch it again. Boom, boom, boom, and they say yes, it's over here, I just fooled myself. Yes, it's over here, and they find it. So now you know that they know your move. Here's where you can double-con them. Boom. Let's try it again. Have a look, you got it. See now, if I were to con you, it would be one of these, but I didn't. I actually faked the con. Which, in this case, is very, very strong because they're aware of the con and you've just conned them out. And at that point, you pick up your cards, pick up the money, and run. Don't actually hustle people for money with this but just, you know, stop the game there, move onto something else because at this point you've fooled them, you've fooled the person who you couldn't fool basically using what they thought wasn't fooling them to fool them. Right? Rewind that, it might make sense. So, once again, three simple cards. You can display them all you want, just practice this, even this is just fun to practice. And it feels like, I don't know, it kinda feels like a lot of slight of hands going on but there's nothing, it just looks like there's a lot of slight of hand and skill but it's just really quite simple. And then once you find the Joker, oh, here it is, boom, boom, boom, boom, there it is. I lose it myself, that's how fooling this is to me. So that's the three-card Monte hustle, the classic three-card Monte hustle, I hope you guys enjoyed that and use it wisely, don't use it to make any money, don't use it to hustle people, 'cause I will find you and I will cut you. I won't cut you and I won't find you but behave. Alright guys, thanks so much for tuning in. Hope you enjoyed that, hope you enjoyed that little explanation. Using my sweet lens for this. Yeah, I mean, there's nothing really more to say about the move than that. It's like one quick slight but when done properly in succession it looks flawless and it can fool the pants off of virtually anyone and, like I said, if it doesn't, you still fool them because then you double fool them, so this is like fool-proof. Kay, I'll see myself out. Guys, thanks so much for tuning in. I always enjoy doing these videos for you guys and I hope you learned something today and I hope this is something you can actually use, which it is, just go and perform it, go to... I mean, don't set up on the corner of a street, you know, hustling people. Definitely try it at your local pub or on your parents or your friends at school. Maybe bet them, what do you guys bet at school? Cigarettes? Bet them something at school. Pencil cases? Maybe the girl you're trying to impress, if she gets this wrong, she's gotta french kiss you or something, I don't know what kids do these days. Do they still french kiss, is that still a thing? Getting too far ahead. Thanks guys, we'll see ya next time. Peace. (soft music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 605,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris, ramsay, chris ramsay, chrisramsay52, magic, magic trick, tricks, trick, tutorial, learn, how to, easy, beginner, street magic, magician, vlog, revealed, exposed, magic secret, secrets, street, hustle, hustled, hustler, cheat, cheater, cheated, cheating, poker, game, card cheat, card hustle, new york, park, spain, pick pocket, caught, shell game, 3 card monte, monte, 2 card monte, how to hustle, make money, money, bet, bar bets, easy bar bets, gambler, win money
Id: tGeshg3cLhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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