Three Card Monte

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you can probably tell I'm fascinated by all the various scams and cons and probably the best example is what's known as three-card Monte have you ever heard of three-card Monte it's a very old con game fascinating history uses just three playing cards now the whole point of the game is to keep track of one of the cards is the operator that's me mixes them around on the table if you follow the right card you win if you fall the wrong card you lose now in a little bit we're gonna be playing the three-card Monte program and I want to explain that this game is like a quiz show and I'll be playing it as if Angela's the contestant that means no one else can give her hints or help her out it but other words you'll be fending for yourself I'm so sorry this look of dread on your fence don't worry now by all accounts the best three-card Monte Hustler of all time was a man by the name of Canada Bill Jones live during the American Civil War in one calendar year he won a hundred and fifty thousand dollars playing this little game so no pressure now the cards he would use were the Queen of Hearts another perfectly identical Queen of Hearts and the three space they call this card the money card because you can follow it you win money now there were a few ways the Canada goal would mix those cards right on the table sometimes he would toss the money card down in the middle and other times he would toss it down on the end and then he'd mix the cards around a little okay so now we're gonna play for real I want you to try to keep track with a heart I'll toss the money card down now it can be confusing because I crossed my hands but you probably saw that the money card went over here right playing this little game well another great monty hustler and the sometime partner of Canada Villa Jones was a man by the name of George Devol there's a great story about George Devol he once won all of a wealthy man's money on a passenger train the wealthy men then pulled out a gun impressed his head demanding his money back mr. bulb took the guy over to corner in Compton County said look I'd be happy to give you your money back but I can't do it in front of all these people here because we bailed demand their money back - right so here's what we'll do I'll have you place one final bet I'll bet all the money you've lost and I'll let you win and the guy said oh but I don't have anything to bed so Duvall said hey that looks like an expensive lot about that so they handed the money in the guy into a stake holder for safekeeping and they went back to the table and of course George Duvall cheated him again snatched up the man's gun pressed it to his back and forced him to jump off the moving passenger train so now I'll show you how George Duvall would run this car really really pressure now he would toss the money card down now I'm not as good as George Duvall so you probably saw that the money card won over here right and that's how George Devol won that man's gun now I should explain that the game isn't played like this anymore it was too difficult to keep track of the two red queens and the black three people found it too confusing so these days they play a game with one red queen and two black nothing nothing tricky about them wow this is a thorough inspection it doesn't rub off right okay now I'll show you how the game is played on the streets of New York where it is still being used to separate suckers from the money now remember this is the money card I just had to follow these days the operator will toss the money card down and then he'll treat you the both of these cards are black so when you bet on this card and find out that it too is where some people theorize that in fact all three cards black which is true all three cards are black I need this lack and this card is black and this card is black all three cards black except for this one which I'll show you how the game works and I'll explain why it's so easy to lose okay then the operator tosses the money card down you have to keep your eye on the money card you cannot so much as glance at either of the two black cards over here because the moment you glanced at those cards they'll switch the money card for one of the black threes see they always keep the money card where you least expect it you know how the game works do you want to play for cash I've suddenly lost all interest thanks very much I'm just kidding at this time we are gonna play for real but it doesn't matter if you win or lose cuz I'm not giving anything away if you win this time I want to ask you a favor Angela which is I want you to try to keep track of the money card in other words I want you to follow the card with your eyes so when I ask you to point to where the money card is I don't want you to point to where you think the Queen of Hearts is or where you guess the Queen of Hearts is I want you to point to where you see it going other words Trust arrives okay okay now remember Angela don't bet on either of these red threes this is the card that you want to bet on I'll toss the money card down and remember Angela don't bet on this black three over here don't bet on this black three over here this is the card you want to follow in fact I won't even mix the cards until you say go tell me when to go yeah okay Angela point to where you saw that's why you should never play three-card but you know I want to give you an opportunity that neither Canada Bill Jones nor George Devol would have given you so this time I will take the paperclip and I will put the paperclip onto the money card so now there can be no doubt about which one the money card is because it has a paper clip on it now Angela you need to remember that the two black fries are really here to confuse remember how last time there's a little bend in the corner part I'm gonna take that to another level because this time I will tear a corner off the money card so now there can be no doubt about which one the money card is because it's got a corner torn out of it now tell me are you right or left-handed right would you hold out your right hand for me of a palm down like this just cover the corner up with your hand cover completely watch closely Angela and I have to tell you Angela it's amazing how many people would bet on what seems to be the surest would you lift your hand and show everyone that corner and you can see Angela I'm going to give you these cards as a little souvenir and there's a little reminder never ever to play three-card wasn't that fun oh yes there's no pressure no money on the table right but that's why I'm holding the poker game after and if anyone loses money in the poker game you're welcome to play me double or nothing in three-card Monte or any you
Channel: Daniel Roy
Views: 92,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 card monte, canada bill jones, card magic, sleight of hand, fooler, penn and teller fool us, daniel roy, magic, cards, gambling, card cheating, fool us, agt
Id: LiU-IBDryds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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