The 3 Travelers (Card Magic) Elevator Portal !! ~ An In Depth Tutorial

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[Music] did you know that cards can be an elevator yeah neither did I but check this out this is the elevator these are the up and down buttons these are the three travelers have the three of hearts the two of hearts and the ace of hearts the ace goes on the bottom floor and you push the UP button and the ace travels to the top you put the two on the top and push the down button and the two travels to the bottom now elevators are pretty cool they're a little slow so what if we split it in two and made portals meaning you just put the three on this one and instantly it teleports to this one now that is a cool way to travel I hope you enjoyed that this is a very easy to learn card trick and I'm gonna show you how to do it and remember if you don't want to know the secrets then watch no further because once you do know you can't unknown we'll give a couple seconds for those who don't want to know okay here we go this routine is based on the elevator trick and there are several variations to the elevator including the original one called penetration I think this one is a lot better and I added a little twist to the end you can use a normal deck of cards no gimmicks no duplicates and you only have to learn one move so I'm gonna teach that move first and then go through the routine the first thing you want to do is remove the ace two and three of Hearts and you also want to locate the seven of spades these are the four cards we're going to use and this is the order you want to put them the 7 the 3 and the 2 and the ace just like this now there's two ways you can start out I started out with the ace the 2 and then I had the 3 as a double card sitting like that now you can do this long if somebody doesn't do that on you now if you start this way like I did in the routine you're going to pick up the ace first you're gonna pick up the two leave it out jogs a little when you come get the 8 the 3 you're gonna overlap a little bit so this way when you pick up that if that three separators you've got it hidden between these two cards so that's if you decide to do it that way also you have the option of having one two or three people sign these cards so they can actually be the travelers and I'll show you the way you can start with that you put these four cards on top and you just peel these cards out and pass them out let them sign them now as they're signing the cards catch a pinkie break on this seven all you have to do is push it over a little bit shove your pinky in there and catch a break and you can do this down here while they're signing the cards when they hand the cards back take the three first the two and then the ace and you have your pinkie break there and just take it off like that and you've stole that 7 right there now that's only if you want to do the sign card version you can start the way I did in the routine or you can just start right here and show I have an H 2 & 3 and before you pull them off just grab that 7:00 and you've still the 7 so that's how you start I'm going to show you the move that you need to learn with these 4 cards it's called Marlowe's diminishing lip sequence it allows you to do a double lift on a packet of 4 cards you're going to turn these over and turn them back like this you hold the packet in Dealers grip and you're gonna smear put your put this middle finger right on this corner just like that and you're going to smear three cards over and then this finger is going to touch the bottom right here soon as it slides out far enough get that middle finger right there and you're gonna slide again keep your finger here you can put your thumb here as you pull this out it jams into your palm here as you spin it around like this and flip it now you've done a double lift where the packet of four cards and like this and then you deal down and when you're dealing down you're dealing this seven this trick works on a1a head method so you're always one step ahead above everything you're doing it's called the one ahead method and then the next one you're going to do the same thing only now you have three cards you're going to do a double left remember this is only supposed to be three cards you're holding four do the same thing or at this point you can you can do just a double lift like this and turn it back so it's like this you did the first double lift and you show the three and you drop the seven do the second double lift you show the two and you drop the three and you have two cards left it's supposed to be one so grab it like this and come around and show the ace and place it there don't say you're putting it on the top you just put it there then grab a single card and say I'm putting the ace on the bottom and you press the UP button and there's your ace and you take the two which is actually the three you put it on there you push the down button and there is your two just waiting for you and what I do I turn it back over and I do a tap cut like this and this is your three over here that was the top like this I just do a swing cut swing it over tap drop this and drop that now you have your two portals so it's like this you like that and you take your three which is actually the seven you place it on top don't leave it there very long just place it there snap your fingers pull both of these cards but slightly show the seven before you show the three so it's like a double whammy when you show this it's like wait that the he's gone and guess what it's over there and that is how you do that you
Channel: Tom Matriq
Views: 2,921,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magician, magic, illusion, trick, tutorial, cards, magic trick, card trick, sleight of hand, magic tutorial, hidden, secret, secrets, reveal, revealed, knowledge, magical, intelligence, tricks, mind, mind magic, elevator, elevator trick, elevator card trick, 3 card monte, 3 card trick, travelers, 3 travelers, passengers, Tom Matriq, tommatriq
Id: L81vou18LAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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