Threading on a manual lathe BEST TECHNIQUE EVER !!!!

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hey guys my name is Joe paczynski I'm with advanced innovations here in Austin Texas and I'm going to post the video it's going to change your life if you've ever had to single point thread on an engine late this is it engine late and I think if you've run this machine a few times you're familiar with the dials the screws the half nuts some of the controls naturally you have controls that you use for threading you have controls that you use for turning facing on/off reverse I'm going to show you some basics today I'm going to show you a trick that is probably going to change the way you think about single-point threading okay first and foremost 99% of the videos that I've watched online show the operator of this particular machine threading towards the headstock now when you do that you stand here with your nerves all on edge because it's a very narrow margin of okay disengage that 1/2 nut and stop the thread you can't use a stop when you thread because a 1/2 nut engagement is different than the engagement that you use for turning or facing sometimes you have a clutch you can adjust the tension and when your carriage bumps up against your stop the clutch kicks in and everything just stops and everything is fine but if you try that with 1/2 nut when you're threading and you set a positive stop your carriage runs into that stop you usually share the pin off on the lead screw potentially wreck the part break the tool and then you got to go and tell the boss that you just messed up his machine which doesn't usually end well so I'm going to show you how to avoid that this is sub trick I learned a long time ago and let's so let's get to it okay first and foremost I'm going to say that a lot so get used to it this little guy right here is the clock dial that that you use when you're threading now mine is engaged is this this unit here can pivot in and out so you don't have to have it consistently wearing on your lead screw but you can see as it turns the numbers the dash marks all come around you can use whatever index points you want provided it's in relation to the factory set there I have a little magic marker line up here that I use because it's just easier for me to see now if you're running an odd number thread an odd pitch thread you can use a numbered line only if you're using an even pitch thread you can use any of them but beware the nut will engage on the half so if you miss your line when you go for it that's not going to be very pretty you're going to have what's called a half thread and you're going to turn a 10 pitch thread into a 20 pitch thread and it's going to look pretty ugly anyway okay normally when you thread you thread into the into the headstock and I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this easily but I'm going to give it my best shot I'm going to use two threads today to two different tools first tool is going to give us the undercut and if you ever watch your video on a guy running an engine lathe and he's wearing jewelry rain watch long sleeves tie long hair or no glasses click on the thumbs down and turn them on okay safety first I like to start with the undercut in the park I know where everything is and I actually have a physical stop set that I'm going to thread with and if you guys have ever run a thread you're going to say man this is really not cool the window of opportunity to stop that carriage is really small and you're absolutely right doing this is not a good idea if you're doing it the old-fashioned way watch this trick going to go to zero on my digital it's just so that the undercut tool comes in it's down in the undercut just a nice little cleanup and back out this is insert tooling this is k68 inserts positive break you don't want to use a negative or a flat rake on aluminum brass plastic because although it's going to do is drag increase the to load and probably snap the tool alright now here comes the ankle-biter over the nail-biter my technique we're going to use the same kind of insert tool but only this tool as you can see is mounted upside down come on there you go upside down I guess you can imagine what's going to happen next if you've never set up an engine lathe to run a thread if the spindle is turning in the same direction as your lead screw you have a right hand thread it doesn't matter if it's running forward reverse or what if the spindle rotation is the same as the lead screw rotation it's a right hand thread if they're opposite if they're turning into each other like an old clothes dryer like a like a pinch press or a feeder mechanism of some Sun then you're running a left hand thread okay same direction right hand different directions left hand check this out I'm putting this machine in Reverse for this particular thread toler's on center upside-down running it in to the stop I always like to adjust my hand wheel so that it's on the down side of the wait so that if there is any slop in the carriage and it decides to move the weight of the hand wheel is going to keep it against the stop this is where you would normally be squinting and clamping your butt cheeks together as the tool is approaching the undercut because you have about a nanosecond that disengaged a half nut and stop the thread go check this out to crack my knuckles check the watch that's not on my hands he would oh yeah I think I'll shut the counter job there you go no panic boom thread it's the first pass and with any kind of thread you can run a deep pass on the first pass because you're using the least amount of your tool at this point the tip is you want to keep it buried if you're using carbide so you don't snap it off okay most guys are going to say set this at fifteen thirty whatever if you're plunging with carbide go straight in it doesn't matter what this is set at I'm on 23 I'm going to back it out I'm going to go back to my stop back in the reverse tools going back in the undercut this is going to make some noise 65 look at that hands off still moving Oh okay now some love I could run the complete thread here and waste a whole bunch of YouTube time but you got to get the idea and if anything goes wrong with this tool if the tool load is excessive on this tool I'm going to loosen up on your lawyers post if anything gets excessive with the load on an inverted tool it lifts it doesn't snap off it lifts okay also a good way to run a huge form tool upside down it works really well okay let's see that one more time and you don't have to shut the Machine off in between I'm just doing that so you can hear the video take a look right now you can see the little chatter marks in there that's just because of the depth of the cut I'm going to go with a little bit less depth on this one from go 285 on this one you can use any of these lines remember because this is an even number thread this is and this is a ten thread you can see them coming around pick whatever one you watch kind of hard to do with one hand because I like to maintain a little bit of pressure on my hand wheel when I do this to take the slop out of the thread in case there's any where in your lead screw so I'm going to put the camera down one more time look that is the best trick there is for running a single point thread on an engine lathe if you need to go to an undercut invert the tool start at the undercut and pull out I could run this all the way down to the root diameter but that would serve no purpose all right just watch the video online where a guy used the nut as a gauge good idea if you're only going to use that thread with that nut but if that nut wears out and you go get another nut and it doesn't fit then what are you going to do so it's easier to have the correct size thread don't use a nut as a gauge these are called pitch wires inside this set a bunch of different size diameter wires they're all labeled there's three of them the pitch chart right here these are from a company called PD which is also an acronym for pitch diameter look for what thread you have what threads you're turning how many threads per inch it gives you the wire size to use the ad number is the number that you add to the nominal diameter of the thread so if we're running a one inch 10 so to speak the pitch diameter would be one inch Oh 13 and change if you're not looking for a gauge thread but if you're looking for an accurate accurate thread use the constant in conjunction with the pitch diameter from your machinist handbook and make sure you're looking at the right a or B Class thread best way to remember what an eighth class or a B Class thread is and a thread is exposed to the air so that's an external thread a B thread is down inside of a bore so it's an internal thread a be easy to remember a air B bore okay there's your ten back to the pitch chart says Oh 55 diameter wires I'm going to find the 55 diameter wires in there right here because it says so now if I had four hands I would actually mic these up and make sure that I'm using old 55 wires but since these are my wires I know they're Oh 55 when you use a pitch wire a three wire measurement for checking the thread you put two wires on one side of the thread and one wire on the other side and then you go over the top of it with the micrometer now this is going to be kind of hard to hold so let's see if I can pull this off for you okay now if you see the front wire the single wire is in the same track as the back wire and the double wire on the backside is just the next one over now all you would do is put a micrometer over the over the three sets and come up with a dimension and based on what the constant is in your chart you subtract that look at the value that you're supposed to have from your machinist handbook and make your adjustment accordingly you'll come out with a gauge perfect thread every time guaranteed so get yourself a set of these wires get one of these charts if you don't have a machinist handbook it's about three inches thick costs about sixty bucks and us old-timers we call it the Bible so get one of those too okay guys upside-down tool thread out machine and reverse you can increase the RPMs of the spindle because it's not a matter of coordination and timing to shut down your your carriage and disengage your half nut the tool ends up off the part it's a lot easier lot faster and if you try it you'll like it leave me a comment below I hope you like this good luck try it see ya
Channel: Joe Pieczynski
Views: 651,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Threading on an engine lathe, manual threading, single point threading, joe pie, Joe pieczynski, Advanced Innovations, thread tutorial, How to thread on a lathe, shop tricks, lathe thread lesson, threading a gun barrel, gun barrel threads
Id: Z-dqOi_z5bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2016
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