thoma being an amazing person for 13 minutes (Genshin Impact)

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haven't seen toma in a while who knows what that guy's working on these days probably something of the utmost importance as ever taking guests out for lavish meals cleaning up around the house the usual we have people like that to thank for the decline of the samurai spirit in this day and age what also i heard he's monstat born and bred just saying if a little private gossiping helps them let off some steam well good for them it does no harm to the kamisato clan it's almost too nice dude there are tons of stray cats and dogs here at the outskirts every time i come to komori tea house i bring some food for them it just sort of became a tradition over time at first it was a bit of a chore but the more time i spent with them the more i came to enjoy it it seems like they like you you think so well feed them enough times and i'm sure you'll win their affection too oh i wish i could but you know a certain company decided that it's not that important to feed the random dogs and cats here doggie good doggy you hungry my friend i brought you a nice little snack oh oh you're a vicious little thing aren't you he almost bit me again look at you wasting away you must want to eat a little something you're not worried it's poisoned are you but here i'll take the first bite see delicious and poison free you think he was attacked by monsters hmm it's possible people do tend to lose their appetite in dangerous situations maybe it's the same for dogs too let's clear out the area on behalf of our canine companion here how dare you hit the dog die here doggie look no more danger you've got to want to eat a little something now come on eat up then let's get you back to komori tea house whatever's on your mind you can tell me and tara maru all about it well to me this proves that it simply doesn't want to leave this place for now let's not force it time to head back to the ashrae commission headquarters i'll see if i can find its owner so they could come and collect it it's okay buddy we'll come back for you i promise hey in a show you're waiting for your master to come home aren't you mind if we wait with you don't worry we're not looking to suddenly whisk you away look at this do you know what it is as i thought you remember excellent it looks like what he needed wasn't for us to take him away but for us to accompany him you know i sometimes did this too when i first arrived in inazuma i just stood on the beach looking out at the horizon everyone has people and events from their past that they look back on fondly i guess we only grow when we realize that those things aren't coming back from today onward we will join you in honoring his memory i think that means deal right it's a deal maybe we could build a little kennel for him in the long term being out in the cold and wet like this could start to cause joint problems i could make some winter clothes for him too in fact i'd better get started oh my god back to our other animal friends now that the weather's getting colder i'm wondering whether i should knit some sweaters for these strays i decided to take shelter under a tree and found a stray dog sitting there who had the same idea as me it saw me and moved a little further in like it was trying to make room for me so we sat there together i shared my onigiri with it stone cold by this point but still edible and we ended up huddling together waiting for the rain to stop so sleepy did he did he stay up all night making those i had some things i needed to do so i ended up burning the midnight oil to get those sweaters knitted of course he did i wonder if they'll actually suit them though this one's for petal oh and uh this one's for darko he gave him a name one's for goldilocks he gave the names you know if you take one day at a time and be kind to the world good things will come your way eventually eventually that might sound a bit naive but i really do believe it at least it seems to have worked for me you know [Music] oh my god that's so cute oh welcome it must have been a while since you were last here since it's about time to eat i couldn't resist whipping up a little something for us so please help yourself i hope you enjoy it and i can't claim to compete with the likes of uyu restaurant chef but i think i did all right when you're out adventuring on your own you've got to maintain your quality of life take your cape for example i definitely see one or two loose threads there really if you ignore them sooner or later the whole seam is going to come undone and then you'll have a really tough time mending it let me sew it up for you later i'm pretty handy with the needle and thread okay speaking of housekeeping i can say with confidence that you won't find anyone as handy around the home as i am true cleaning cooking and mending are among my greatest strengths you can always feel free to hand me jobs like this i'm toma the housekeeper for the ashiro commission we're looking to start a housekeeping class at the commission headquarters i was just wondering whether that might be something that interests you housekeeping as a class that's right yes but we'll be teaching a whole bunch of handy housework tips and tricks sweeping mopping laundry cookery you know that sort of thing all based on my years of experience as a housekeeper basically everything you need to be an adult the class is free of course the only cost to you is the materials used during the class what do you think yes i think this is suspiciously coincidental but i have a question is this class restricted to women only oh not at all it's open to people of all genders and ages the way i see it housework comprises an essential set of skills that no one could afford to be without true you've got to know how to look after yourself life should come before work don't you think well said in that case i'll bring my husband along there we go sounds like he could learn a thing or two from you if you can't look after yourself properly that burden ends up being shouldered by your partner this in turn will start to take a toll upon the relationship with um huh what are you doing here huh oh oh these dudes oh hey they actually came what huh i brought them didn't you say men can study housekeeping oh they're the off your face aren't you going to greet the teacher no it's i darling hello teacher hello teacher well hello and welcome now that you're here i expect you to pay attention and work hard to keep up with housework on an ongoing basis you either have to love everything about it or you need a few tricks up your sleeve to make things easier so for today's topic we're going to focus on how to make light work of housework so far so good um excuse me you over there focus please i like to see active engagement in my lessons that is unless some of you are looking to stay behind after class to catch up okay my back oh there we go why don't you do a big spring clean of the commission itself it would be a great way to showcase your methods i like furuta's suggestion and it's not like we have a better idea anyway in which case the heck why not let's showcase the appeal of housekeeping for all in the yoshiro commission to see all right we gotta do this fast we're going full house husband mode go go go go go over here though we should water the trees let's go let's go let's go pick up the base the whole yashiro commission looks as good as new i mentioned earlier about sewing up your clothes for you didn't i oh i also want to take this opportunity to teach you how to knit a sweater that way you'll be able to make yourself some warm clothes before the winter comes thank you once in a while someone takes issue with my background interests or the nature of my work and that's okay you can't expect everyone in life to see things the way you do people are always going to talk it's in their nature and you can't do much to stop them that's true i don't mind what they say about me what i care about is the well-being of the kamisato clan uh-huh now set yourself a small goal to start with for example knit a scarf by the time winter arrives scarves are always a great choice when it's finished you can either wear it yourself or gift it to a friend just imagining it warms my heart since you're here you should pick out a special something we've got some fantastic pieces in at the moment like this nocto lucas jade necklace or this core lapis bracelet they may not be top tier in terms of or quality but the craftsmanship is simply exquisite do either of them pique your interest hmm i think both suit you very nicely thank you tom to heck with it how often do we get to do this we'll take it yes let's go oh here it is some confectionary from you may know tenenon oh a fine purveyor of inazuma delicacies each one costs a small fortune oh boy i thought this would be the only fitting way to repay someone of your stature not to mention that the value of your assistance far outweighs the value of my gift do you like it i don't know how you did it but you managed to cater to my tastes perfectly cool i humbly accept your gift keep up the good work in your line of business and if you have any further problems feel free to come find me i will thanks again toma with the change of seasons retail gives me a different feeling each time i come hmm maybe it's not entirely to do with the seasons anyway the main point is i'm happy to be here with you this time oh wait that's so sweet i was looking at the commission and he and he says that i'm like wait what not ready to leave yet but come to think of it i do have a couple more places i could take you i have a gift let's give him a gift oh there's no need for that the whole reason i took you out was to thank you for all the help you gave us during the vision hunt decree as long as you enjoyed yourself that's all i could ask for you don't have to give me a gift i think you'll like it really okay well now i'm excited oh my it's uh a little something from monster this really oh i wasn't expecting this i'm a little lost for words this gift is invaluable it didn't really cost anything dude this is so sweet the traveler is actually so sweet too these two together are actually just like a case for diabetes oh i know but i don't mean it's material value i'm talking about its value to me specifically at least take this in return it's an omamori i always carry with me again nothing expensive but it can bring the bearer good luck seriously i'm not making that up my father told me he gave it to my mom and she gave it to me just before i came to inazuma who knows maybe this omamori was the only reason i survived the storm and made it to inazuma in the first place whatever the truth of it is i'd like you to have it thanks ah that's so sweet i'm just the housekeeper of the kami sato clan reputation isn't all that important to me on the contrary having too good of a reputation can be restrictive you feel indignant for my sake when you hear people spreading gossip about me don't you that says that in your mind i'm not the kind of person they say i am for me that's enough all i need is for the people i'm close with to know the real me thanks for your help in averting a potential crisis for the ashiro commission i owe you one i'll have to entertain you again sometime i didn't do much honestly plus i didn't get very far with entertaining you this time around so i guess i owe the both of you [Music] oh i i i scared away the dog oh i'm so sorry no i was just trying to get the sakura flower oh my god
Channel: bwaap
Views: 541,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, genshin, genshin impact, genshin impact thoma, thoma, genshin thoma, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact thoma hangout, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap
Id: 6IO5iL4UDjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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